Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    eside M y D o or

    EVA D W O O D W A R D

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    F O R E W R DTo my readers:Myfirstcollectionof verses carr iedthetitle, ThroughMyWindows. Becausethere have been severa l requests fo ranother booklet,out of my nearly threethousand poems, I have chosen morethana hundred fo r this bookletBesideMyDoor.Nodoubt m a n y of you have al read y readsome o f them on memory cards I ve sentyou on s pecial dates.I hope thislittlebook of verses mayproveto be a blessing to you for I real ize

    I m not a Helen Steiner RiceSogiftedwith her lovely verse,So comforting her many thoughtsThat ca n bring peace instead o f curse.But I canwritemy littlethoughtsAs somet imes I maychoose topray,A nd send goodw ishes o er th e milesTo try to share ahappy day .

    E D. W.


  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    I B E S I D E M Y OOR

    BESIDE MY DOORBeside my door, the sunshineIs br ight and warm today,And Ifee l very peacefulAnd happy, glad and gay.Beside my door the f lowersAre blue and pink an d red,They look up toward the sunshineWithin their narrow bed.Thebright blue morning gloriesClimb up thetight pul led wi reAnd give a special beautyThat many folk admire .I have thepinkof rosesAnd lantan a s gent le hue,Petunias flaunt their brightnessAs they arewont to do.The red geraniums give cheerAnd am ary l l i s red,It seems I hear aword of loveIn al l the f lowe rs have said.W ith lavend er of passion f lowers,Andyellowmixedwith greenIcount my f lowers a s ch i ld ren dearWith faces bright and c lean.The f lowe rs arethings totalk about,But the re is something more-A f r iend l iness to all whostopBeside my open door.



    Inwalk ing down the path todayI passed a cottage sma ll ,An open door was wai t ing whichIdidn t see at all.So deep engrossed I real ly missedThatopportunity,And fa i led to enter through that doorWhich I did not then see.I missed a blessing jus t to shareWith those behind that door,And now forgivenes s f o r that lackI most earnestly implore.It s not the house nor people greatThat have b lessing held in s tore.B ut just my w i l lingnes s to g oThrough some one s open door.

    JO YJoy is easi ly found, you knowIt s just outsideyour door,And itwill quickly come insideWhereit has not dwelt before.On hol idays i t g rows and grows,It s not a negative phase.Though it may come in a d isguiseYou can find it s p ix ie face.Joy is not good a t hide an d seek.For it real ly wants to be found,Andwhen it comes thegloom will go.For gloom won t stay around.Soopen your eyes and you will seeThat Joy is there near you,Grab it, hold it, don t let it goAnd keep it in all you do.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    T P THThere is a path well worn indeedFrom mydoor to myfriends.Just whatthat path nowmeans to usNo strange r comprehends.It s worn because twas used so muchWhen we our joys wouldshare;The days were good though we were notA multimillionaire.When sorrows came and sickness too,And we might need some aidThat path was shared by all of usAs we our help might trade.With children small long years agoAnd notmuch time towasteThat path was made when we were youngAs problems new were faced.Theyears went on tomiddlelife.The path wasstill inuse;Nohighway in theworldsuch aidOr new joys can produce.And now our hair isa lmost whiteAn d peace on us descendsAsthat smal l path now very wornConnects the lives of friends.


    I L E

    THE BOOK OF BOOKSWithin my hands Iholda book todayWithprintsolegible andclear,I close myeyes andsi lently IprayW ith than ks for promises so dear.The Book I hold isGod s own Holy Word,More precious than Iever knew;It is alive and strike s a waiting chordAnd guides as nothingelse can do.It isdivine-it comes fromGodabove,It tel ls me of salvation free,And how the Father in Hiswondrous loveGave of His best for you and me.And powerful too, this Word of God divineFor it canstrengthen all the weak.It l i f ts the fa l len ; sinful dregs refine,And of fers peace to all who seek.It searches out my sin and helps me seeHow b lack it is inGod sown sight,It sheds newlightonwhat I ought to beAnd strengthens me to do the right.This Book of Books isworth far more than (gold,As in my heart Iseek to storeThis sweetest story that has e er been toldAs years go on I ll love it more.Thoughts from a sermon by my husb andon Bible Sunday.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THE LONGEST D YIt w as a long dayFor Peter - a long long day;This man who walked witht he MasterOver many a dusty way.Hethought he had loved the MasterBut his fel low ship had denied.And so onthat very eveningPeter went out and cried.Then he knew th e Master w as torturedAnd put on thecross to die,Andthatw as ust another thingThat made th e f i sherman cry.Yes, i t was along long d ayBut a brighter one came onWhen he heard the Master had risenAt thecoming of the dawn.AndstillanotherbrighterdayWhen one of the messages sentWas for Peter himself from the Master dearThat caused Peter thent o repent.Then Peter,thefaithful fo l lowed HimAnd a rock he did become,He preached the love of the MasterTillthe Master tookhim home.

    SIDE TRACKEDTherewas a merchant on his wayTo thetownof Jer icho,H ismind a lert upon th e goodsHe planned so soon to show.But there beside the mountain pathAn injured man did lie,For thieves h ad just a ccosted h imAnd left him there to die.He could not leave the man alone,So using oil and wineHe bound th e wounds and took the manTo an inn a l ong the l ine.Heleft him there and gave a coinSo he wou ld ge t good care,And sa id when next he made th e tripMore expenses he would share.Withallthisside trackhewellfoundHe d lost an hour or two,And maybe then because of itH is business deal fel l thro.But he proved himself a neighbor goodAndthatwas in God s plan,For Godwould bless h im though he wasA despised Sa mari tan.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    C H R I S T M S

    THE ESTGIFTThe ange ls songthatwondrousnightW asheardby shepherdslowly,Andthen they leftthedarkenedfieldTo seek that Babe so holy.They traveled only a short wa yButfoundthegroupofthree-Joseph,Mary and the Child-That holyfamily.B utthere wereW i se M en later onW ho studied bookswithcare;They traveled milesfromout the EastWithsplendid giftsto share.That Babe wasworshipedby therich,And by theshepherdspoor,No line,nocaste,nowealth couldcountA lovethatwould endure.W ea re not shepherds,nor are we kingsWith wealthorcrownor sheep,But we can ever have a loveSopure, worthwhile and deep.Iwant to g ive thebestI haveTothisthe Kingof Kings,Andthatis my own poor humble self.And notjusta lot of things.


    CHRISTM SIt mattersnotwhereyou may beWh e n Christmastimedraws near,InNorthlandwithitsglistening snowOrSouthmidsunshine cheer.Wheresnow festoonsthe evergreensAsdiamondsoft have done,O rwherethewintry b lasts ofwindA re usuallyunknown.Thedecorationsin theNorthAredoneinsnowy hours.But in theSouthwealwaysseeA g a la x y of flowers.Sowhether Christmasmay bewhiteOr abrightlycolored day,It'sall the sametheworldaroundWher ewarm heartsca n holdsway.

    GIFTSWhatdid you get for Christmas?Is a question we may hearW h e n a l l the giftsa re openedThat camefrom far and near.Th equestion should be alteredAs longa s we may liveSowe'll notthink'ofwhatwegot,But instead, Whatdid wegive?W eaccepta ll giftsso easi lyAs though they wereourdue.But the joy ofgivingwill increase-You'llfindthatfact istrue.Notwhatwe get but whatweg iveWill makeour happiness grow,ForGod,the Father, sees the heartAnd new joy Hewill bestow.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    CHRISTMAS PLEASUREThe mystical,magical season is hereWith all the mysteriousdeedsof good cheer;All of theglamourandglitteroftrim;Shiversofjoythatfillup to thebrim.Plans for thecompany dinner that day,Visits by adults while children go play.All of the cookies andeachpumpkin pie.Giftsintowhich no oneevercan pry.All in bright paperwithmany a bowUnder the tree in the soft candle glow.Twinkling lights of nice colors onthatChristmas treeAll helpto makeChr is tmasfor you and for me.

    WITHIN AND WITHOUTIt's ChristmasEve by thehearthathome,The tree is trimmed andbright,Wh ile alloutside is so beautifulBathedin themoon's lustrouslight.Within is atime fo r sharinggiftsWith those whoselove is near,But God had Histime of shar ingAbeautiful BabydearWithin is holly o f green and redInwindowsand on the door;Outsidethesnow more sparklingwhiteThan yo u have seenbefore.Within is afamily fellowshipSowarmandc loselyknit,It reachesfar beyond the wa l lsWhere dear ones now al l sit.It reachesto atiredold worldSofullof v iceand sin,To let thepeopleoutthere knowA new life they can begin.

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    MARY HADMaryhad no Christmas tree,Nor did she ever careIf friendswerecomingin todine.Orif snow was in the air.She neverheardo f a WhiteChristmasFor there'd beennone before,And noexcitementonthat mornWith gifts from her great store.Nobaking i she obefore,No programs on her TV,But she recal led th estrangest factWhen an angel she didsee.She had no mother near herbed,Nor even amid-wifeWhenbirth pangs came to herthat nightAt thecomingof newlife.Hert reasures were n o tearthly things,Hervisitors werem enW ho camefromfields outside thetownAs angelsdirected then.The story that they broughtto herOf asong o f peace and joyShe treasured in her heartas sheLooked at this Son, herlittleBoy.I feel that Marywouln'ttradeHermemoryof that nightBecause shetrusted in her GodAnd walked in His greatlight.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    TH T WONDROUS NIGHTAround acampfire upon anightSomeshepherdstalkedvery low,Perhapsabout the price ofwool,Orhowfastthelambswouldgrow.They cared for al l the sleeping sheepSoharm would stay away,Some o f them slept while others watchedUntilbreakingof theday.But suddenly the dark night skyGrewvery, verylight;The menwere startledas they gazedUpon th e strangestsight.For therebesidethem was aform,An angel, who then spokeAnd by hismessageto the menTheother shepherdsthen awoke.Hetoldthemnot to beafraid,For in nearby BethlehemA Child was born who would bring peaceTo all the world of men.Then hostsof angels in the skyTook up asong o f praiseMuch more than a ll these men had heardIn alltheirshepherd days.Whenall the angelswent awayThe sky wasdarkagainBut leaving someto watch the sheep,Somewentto Bethlehem.Andthere they found theBabydearThe angels sangabout;That this wastrulythe Prince of PeaceThe shepherdshad nodoubt.Rejo ic ing in the messagesweetThat camedownfromthesky,Their liveswerechangedintheirbeliefThey well could testify.

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    I V C H U R C H

    BIDINGThemorningchurchwasoverAnd thebenediction said,Iturnedto leavethatworship placeFormyspirithad been fed.And then alittlelassieWith eyesof brightest blueSaid, Is thisalltillnext SundayWith thingswehaveto do?That question struckmeboldly,Isthat al l our faith m ay mean?Two hours on Sunday morningAndnothinginbetween?Do we have o ur faithappearingSoit works onspecialdays,And weforget it other timesAnddon'tuse God's daily grace?Wea re bound to Christ forever,AndwithHim weshould abideAsthebranchesto thestrong vineWeshould stayc lose to Hisside.Heis thevine,we the branchesAndfruitshouldbe ourgoal.Not only on a Sunday fairShould therebe joy withinoursoul.That fruitof nine varietiesMustdevelop day by dayAnd that comesby closeabidingAs welistena n d w epray.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    CAN THE CHURCH WIN?OnSunday when the day isfairWithsunshine warmandbright,D ad says, We havetoday al lf reeFrommornt lllatetonight.Let's pack our dinner and our polesAnd Iwillbuysomebait,Thegoodtimewewill have todayJust try to speculate.And Mom ispartly willing, too,Butconscience veryfaintSpeaksup and makeshe rthink of churchInsort of a complaint."Wereal ly oughtto go to church,I'msure it'stimeagain."But DadrepliesthatwewillgoSome day whenwehave rain.Theweekswentby astimewilldo,The summerquickly passedAnd thenasteady fa llof rainOne Sunday comesat last.Th e patter causedalullingsleepTo come upon poor Dad;He said,"WecannotgotodayTheweather is too bad.So if it'shot or if it'scold.Or if the daysarefair;If rain should fallor if thewindBlows leavesjust everywhere.Thechurch isleft to getalongWhilepeople make excuse; And how the churchcould be sodead "They'lllet thepreacher muse.

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    GOD'S HOUSEUpon a busycity streetOne day there roseapileOfgranitewithim posing arch-A churchof modernstyle.Its doors stand openat all hoursInvitingthosewho careTo spendamoment of eachda yInearnest silent prayer.Withina quiet littletownTherestooda church of stone,Its very lovely iviedwa l lsHad charm its very own.Within,at chancel those who cameInsorrowordespair.Found peacea ndcomfort when they spentAn hourwithGod inprayer.Beyond thecity'sbusy life.Besidethe dusty way,A smal lwhitechurchwith slenderspireHelped peoplenightandday.For many busy rural folkEnjoyed God's tender care,

    And sought Hisguidance in their churchBy meetingGod inprayer.And so we see hemighty churchMay be of modest frame,Or it may be of brick orstoneWherepeople praise God's name.The ones so hungry for God 's loveAre sureto findHim there,Ifwithanearnest seeking heartThey meetthe Lord in prayer.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THE SPECI L SERMONThe pastor's sermonwaslovelyAshetoldof the needof thepoor.And of thedutyof thosewhowererichTo sharestill moreandmore.Heplacedthe emphasison the needAnd thedutyonthosewho had;How sharingwouldbe ablessingAnd made many peo ple glad.As on hepreached,he was inspiredAnd the congregation was all ears,Twasa sermonwithagoal inmindAs he'd not preachedinyears.Iaskedhim how it was receivedAnd if itwouldendure;And herepliedheknewhe hadConvinced thosethatwerepoor.

    LEAD ME LORDLord,helpmefindachurchtodayWherethe Word of God ispreached,Where He ishonored, H is love proclaimedAnd the lostarethiswayreached.Lord,helpmefindachurchtodayWherethefellowship is good,Wherefriendlysm iles or handshake warmMay be givenlikesharedfood.Lord,helpmefindachurch todayWherethechoir,thoughit may besmall,Singsfromthe heartthetruthfromGodAs they giveto Himtheir all.So many churchesseemto playA gamewithaperson'ssoul,So IwouldfindachurchtodayWhereGod's presencemakesme whole.



    Let me befaithfulinsowingtheseed,Let meshow otherstheirpersonal need.May Iprayoftenfor eachof my class,May they se eJesuswhose lovewill surpass.Helpme to tellthem of Christand Hislove,Point themto heaven,thehomeupabove.Then whenth sowingof seediscomplete.Someone the sheavesmay lay at His feetMay Ire joice over soulsthatare won,Knowingmy part inGod'sworkwaswell done,

    THE CHURCH ISG R E TThe Church isgreat, I've heardfolk state,Justhow canthatbetrue?It reaches lands whe re human handsGreat tenderness pursue. The Church isgreat, andwillcreateAn understanding heart;Its Founder taught by deedandthoughtThisgreatnessto impart. The Church isgreat, wededicateOur livesanewtogiveThe best we havetowardfree or slaveAs longas we shall live.The Church isgreat, through love,not hateIt reachesevery place,Andmanifold,this lovewillholdAll men in itsemb race.


  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    V C O M M U N I O N


    Humbly before thechance lrailI kneeland bow myheadAnd, thinkingof my Master 's death,I takethe bread.Hisbloodw as shed to save my soul ;Before I supIthinkof Hisgreat suffering ,Then takethe cup.My heart istenderand Ipray,Lord,makemeThine,And thencommunionmeansfar moreThan breadand wine.It meansal iving , loving LordIs at my sideTo keep and strengthen every dayWhate'er betide.

    N R E M E M B R N C EThe table of the Lord isspreadWithemblems plainandtender.The gracious wine and simple breadTo helpus to remember.We recal lwithsolemnthoughtSuffer ing in our stead;Pardonthatwasdeeply bought.Life,whenwewere dead.Loveimmortalw as agiftPutwithinour heart,Not to g iveourselvesalift,But to shareapart.As the emblems we partakeToucheach heartand life.Blessus all for Jesus'ssake,Giveus peace for strife.


    MY RESPONSEI kneel beforethealtar,Lord,Onthis Communion Day,Ibringmyoffer ing of mysel f,And veryhumbly pray.I askfor greatforgiveness.Lord,I ask for lovelikeThine,Thatthroughmy lifemy fr iendsmay seeYour lovingspirit shine.I feelaoneness now, dear Lord,Yo u saidw eshould be one;Soas I nowcommunion takeIpray, Thy willbe done.Your sacrificewasmade in love;Your death was for my sake;So Irenewmypledge to youAs Icommunion take.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    V E S T E R

    E STERTherewas a crossBut onEaster it was bare,Though onlya few hours beforeThe Christ was hanging there.Therewas a tomb-But it was empty too,And only angelsstoodonguardAnd seenby very few.But to those fewTheytold the wondrous newsThat Christ had leftthat new-made tombThatwas no Roman ruse.Then Christ was seenByone, then two, in all His powers,So EasterDaywith all its joyIs ours, oh yes, it s ours.

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    RESURRECTION BE UTYI havewondered were there robinsIn theGarden of the Tomb?Didthey sing before the daybreak?Were there lilies sweet in bloom?Were thethings that makeourEasterBeautiful andbright andsweetPresentwhen,the loving SaviourMadeHisgift of death complete?Wel lweknowthat Life waspresentIn theGarden that fair morn.Surelybirds were singing sweetlyIntheir happy unconcern.Surely liliesin their sweetnessGrew besidethat empty tomb,Therewas life onthat bright morning,With nosign of Friday s doom.Lifein all abundance flourished,Gonewere fear and sad dismay,For theresurrected MasterLived anewthat Easter Day.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THEEASTER ALTAREaster liliesa nd hyacinths,Stately cal la lilies too,Blend together theirperfume sweetAnd spring-like scenesrenew.Yearafter year at EastertimeThisdelicate beauty rareInspires our hearts,giveshappinessAnd sweet peacebeyond compare.FlowersofwhiteandpinkandblueYourbeauty can'tbedeniedOh,giveme aflower-banked altarAt thesacred Eastertide.

    PERFUMEEaster is atimeof grace,PerfumesweetwesoftlytraceFrom eachlilyblossomfairPlaceduponthe altar there.Hyacinthsof pinkandwhiteAdd theirfragranceday andnight,Likean incenserichand rareAll around thealtar there.Prayercan be an incense tooRising up for God to view;Showing Him how much wecareAll about thealtar there.

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    HE LIVESW ecan'tgo to thetombon EastermornAstheMarysdid of old,"Their spiceswere fragrantwhich theybrought,"Is the tale we have beentold.Thetaleistrue,but theemptytombGavethema big surprise,Forthe LordHimself stoodby the pathBeforetheirvery eyes.Hebadethem go a messagetakeTothosewho did not know;Andquicklythey obeyed His voiceRejoic ing it was so."An emptytomb,but arisenLord,"That messagemust betold,Yes He expectsH is followersTo evermore bebold.No, wecan'tsee theemptytombUpon this Easter Day,But werejoicebecause the LordLivesin our hearts alway.

    RESURRECTION JOYEastermeans the resurrection.Forthroughall thewinterdaysPlants a nd thingswe see insummerNeededspringtime's sunny rays.Monthstheyhadbeen under coverAnd theyseemed so dead andcold.But thesunshineof the springtimeHelpedtheir beauty to unfold.Jesus too, cameforth in beautyOnthat resurrection morn,And because He l ivesforeverIn our lives hope isreborn.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    V G E N E R L

    THEBESTOFLIFEThe bestof life is in the song you singThedeeds you do, the prayersyou prayThedreams you carry in your heartThe strength you offer in your work and play.Thebestof life is in the company you keepAnd in the path you all havetred.Butbetter still the joythat comesto youWhen you re constantly atpeacewith God.

    TH T LOVEJesus loved all kind of folk,Not just the wisestseers;He loved the quarrelsome fishermenAnd thegreedy profiteers.He loved the folk, all scarred by sinHe loved the Phariseesnd those.Hisfiercest enemiesW ho nevertried to please.

    His love reached even to the crossWithforgiveness to aman;Andthat great love continues stillThese many years to span.His love endured the deepest painThateverman did see.And I am thankfulthat HisloveShows deepest constancy.

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    THEBIRTHD Y C K EA bride was planning a birthdayForher husband to enjoy;Sh ewanted acake with candles-Thisbride who was cute and coy.Sh ebought a box of cake mixtureButit fai led to meet herneedThen sheused still one and anotherTillshe hadused sixindeed.H ertrouble waswith the candles.Thattrouble she sadlyfelt,Eachcake she put in the ovenJust causedthe candles to melt.

    C LE N IN G THE TTICTwasspringhouse cleaning timeAnd on a rainy dayIwent up to the atticTosort things to throw away.Thehours sped by, I did my part.ButI did not succeedOne thing I learned no one should cleanTheattic, who can t read.

    MYSTINTI may not be apreacherNorknow just how to teachAnd I may not havethe talentThe needyfolk to reach.But I m sure theworld needs sunshineWhichtoday I knowis mine.So I can sing acheery songAnd that s better than towhine.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    SWINGINGSwinging in thetwilighton asummer night;Talking verysoftlyasnight birds take theirflight;Quietlyabiding withsometimes aconfidingCreak ing are the cha in hooks as the swin g isriding.Glowing are the stars sobrightin the fading lightCompanionship is tender on a quiet summer night.

    W H A T IS NECESSARYI yearned for satisfaction deep,I triedexoticfoodsI mingled in thec rowds at martsAndbought bright colored goods.Istudiedart inga l ler ies,Ibought expensive paints,I wandered incathedrals fineNamed for the Bible saints.Itookacruise around theworldSa w mountains thatwere there.But all ofthatdid not suffice-My soul felt poorandbare.AndthenwithinmyquietroomMy Bible opened wideTo promises I oft hadheardThatoftenhadbeen tried.Yes, there thatday Imade themmineI knelt in honest prayer,My soul wasfilledwith joy andpeaceFor God surely met methere.Theworldmay offer beauties greatThat seem to satisfy.But peace with God is what we needIfjoywouldmultiply.

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    INFLUENCEOur paths ha ve crossed, perh aps a dozen timesAs I have walked l i fe s weary mileBut every timeyour path crossed mineYou gave a cheery smile.Our paths ha ve crossed,your pathandmineAnd my sadness was deferredAs everytimeinsome kindwayYou said a cheeringword.Our paths crossed sometimes in thecrowdThatm ake l i fe s busy throngBut there amidtheworkandplayI heard your cheerful song.Our paths have crossed and I am gladTolet youknow Icare,Fo r in mytimeof greatest needI heard your earnest prayer.So often people come and go,Our lives butbrieflytouchBut you reached out andtouchedmy heartAnd mean to me somuch.

    DARK HOURSA rose was crushed at eventideAnd dewmade it repleteWithsuch a f ragrance on the air,So delicate and sweet.A lifeseemed crushed a t eventideAndfaith grew very dim,Untilthe Father touchedandgaveA vision new to him.Thedarkest hours are oft requiredTobringthe blessing out,So through each trialwe must learnTotrustandnever doubt.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    DRO P THEHABITI held a glass of value rareOwned by some wea l thy folk,Butfrom my trembling hands it slippedAnd, of course, it broke.A habit fi l led myvery life,And Iknew it was no joke,I knew its burden and I feltThat habit should be broke. It troubled me day a f ter day,Eachweek, each month,each year,Iwanted to be rid of it-Inthat I wass incere.Remembering the glass that brokeAnd how I let itdrop,I did thesame andfoundit workedAnd that habit I could stop.

    JO YJoy is som ething to be sha redAs you ta lk witha nother,It mayhelp you so to winSome one as a brother.The message of the Sa vior s birthBrot joy to shepherd men.And they gave praise for that good newsAga in and yet aga in.The fol lowers of the LordrejoiceIn that fe l lowship so sweet.For joy is theirs year a f ter yearWhich makes ou r lives complete.Weca n look ahead to future jo yWhen sor rows flee aw ay,Nothingto bring sadness thenInthatfutureday.It s hard to have joy al l a loneSo fe l lowship we need,And as we share i t eve ry dayItwillbe ours indeed.


    FAITHAND W O R K SYes, Peter walked uponthe waterBut hisfaithsoon failed.And when he was about to s inkHis arms about him flailed.Then Jesus who wa s quite near byHis hand outreached in careHeld the s inking, doubtingPeter upHis strength a nd faith to share.And Peter took that hand s o strong.But his feet in wa ter deepWere s inking t llhefelt thepowerThat union withtheLord wouldkeep.United withtheLord d ivineMeans hands a nd heart a nd life entireAs we reach out He holds us closeAnd keeps us in our grea t desire.

    R E A L JOYYou may speak of love a nd tenderness.Youmaythinkof allyour weal th.You may brag of years of pleasureAnd the decades of good health.All the youthful years o f passionM ay be gone beyond reca ll,But real ecstasy is when you didn tLose your car keys after a l l .

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    FOODSIwonderwhy the foods I likeAnd consider quite a treatAre foods my fr iends al l seemto sayAre things I shouldn t eat.Now I like eggsf ixed any wayInsummer,winter, fall,Bu t they' re no t good to eatbecauseOftheir cholesterol.And breakfast bacon too is goodWhi lewe may sit and chat;But it is out and you know why?It hassome streaksof fat.A lovely birthday cake was mineWith icing whitea ssnow,But nix onthat; its mixture f ineContained sugar,as you know.I m nodrug addict, I'll con tendAnd so Ihes itateWhencof fee with i ts own caff ineIs pu t besidem y plate.Breadand potatoes too are out.And macaroni too,For they contain far too much starchAnd mydietthey undo.But carrots now, are quitea treatWhen cooked, or maybe raw,We're told the vitamins they holdAre the best you eversaw.Long yearsago the people a teJust what they had on hand.But now somany things I likeIfind are contraband.

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    GOD S HOUSECLEANINGTIMELastnightGodmoved the furnitureIn Hisplace beyond the skies,It rum bled as the angelspushedTo suit it as tosize.The throne was very heavythen.And other seatswere moved;I heard the noise it made lastnightAs though God disapproved.Bright l ights we re flashing off and onn,Ithought I heard Godscold,Hou could anydirt accumulateUpon thestreets of goldButwith the task comp letedThe rainand noise were gone,And earth much fre she r sm ellingWhenGod's cleaning taskwas done.

    THE SEED CATALO GUETwasAugusta nd the catalogI studied hard lastSpringAnd had been stored these many monthsW ith trash and everythingJustnowfel lout upon thefloorWith pagesopened wide;Icouldn t close my eyesand soI saw what was inside.Andthat wasgood,for soon I sawMy p lants we reno good proofOf what that book had guaranteedAnd emphasized as truth.Some of my seedshad nevergrown.But evenwhatdid growWere small and runty-full of holes-Just why, I do notknow.I guess it doesn't hurt to dream,But oh, those planting daysMake meannoyed for I hadhopedFormany wordsof praise.

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  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    MY HALOPlace a ha lo round my life,Lord,Not just above my head;M ay it g low whi le I am livingAndnot wa i t t ll I am dead.May my halo be at tract iveSothat other folkwill knowThat it represents Your presenceIn itsbeautiful c lear glow.May my halo be a witnessThat yourSpirit dwel ls within,So my inf luence may help othersLeave their darkened paths of sin.Yes, dear Lord, please p lace a haloRoundmy body, o e r my head,May I glowwhile I am ivingAndnot wa i t t ll I am dead.

    NERVESome people have a lot of nerve,Most l ike a prince orking,They neverseem to hesitateTo ask for anything.And so Iwonder if there areFolk who arequite we l l bornWho d driveup to thegate of heavenAnd loudly blow their horn.

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    W O R R YDid you hear that dripping f auce tAs you lay awake last night?And it soon beca me more maddeningAsthehour approached day light.Worry is a homely lessonOn some unimportant thing,Somet imesout of all proportionWithan old fami l iar ring.Leaky faucets cause erosionIn the metal, washer too.So the drip becomes a dribbleAs thewater runs on through.So it a lso iswith worry,It erodes the mind each hour;Fix the faucet and theworryWith your f ine correct ive power.

    PATIENCESomet imes when I m in ahurryWhi le the t ra f f ic light is green,It ishard to keep my pat ienceWhen the amber light is seen.That, I know, means I must slow downTo astop w here I must wait.And Igrowl way down inside me -Thismeans I must hesitate.Why do I have that great impatience?Why do I scold some unseen one?Justamoment of that waitingHas soon passed and it is gone.I would askyou. Lord,for patienceIn all of my activit ies;Give me gentle understandingSo I ll try my God to please.

    Thirty ive

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THE UNKNOW N PATHOn an unfami l iar pathwayW efindv ines and t ree s and f lowe rs,Every s tep br ings on new myster iesThat can bless our travel ing hours.Life is l ike th e unknow n pathway.Every day shows a new turn,And the lessons al l are thrillingThat we so begrudging learn.If our days were mapped and scheduledLife might be a dreary boreBut surpr ises come on dai lyThat we never knew before.Knowledgeof what lies before usCould perhaps quiteterrify.Let us share the joys and blessingsThat a long our pathway l ie.

    A R E N E W E D B R A I NH as your bra in- room been remodeled,For its wa l l are old and gray,And a littletoucho f colorMight jus t make it brighta nd gay.Youmight change your o ld ideas,Change the decor to this time,Make it just a bit more modernUsing prose, bu t also rhyme.So your cranium is stuffyW ith ideasthat a re old,Like a c lu t tere d old, o ld par lorW it h ideas o ft retoldYoumight s team o ff s ta ined wal l paper.Slap on coats o f brightgood will,Take down d rapes of apathy so qu ick lyAnd see sunshine on the sill.Oh,it may bequited is turbingAndyour methods you must find.But how spacious is the livingIn a renovated mind.

    Thirty ix

    V G O J E S U S


    Wh e n God once set the sky in p lace,And hor izon reached fromse a o sea,H e set the hills and mountains highAnd all wasgiven for you and me.H e p laced th e c louds up in the sky,The f lee cy ones and those dark b lue,H e put the soil to make th e f ie ldsTo open tasks for ma n to d o.God is the greatest ArchitectOf seas a nd earth an d sk ies ,But man was made and thenGod feltThat was His highest pr ize.And God has said i f man ab idesAnd seeks t he Father s willGreat peace will a lw ays be his shareLiket he hills so s trong and still.

    GOD SH NDGod s guiding hand is on m eTho I may not understandThe shadowed paths before m e,I f ee l thatguiding hand.God s he lping hand is on meTo s top what I mightsayThat mighthurt tender feel ingsToday and ev ery day.God s loving hand upon m eProvides when I ve not p lannedW i th foodand f r iend s and com for t-I f ee l that lov ing hand.God s tender hand is on m eTo help me rise and standW h e n weakness made me fa lte r ,Oh,I love that tender hand.

    Thirty even

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    GOD'S FAVORITE COLORSTherearefourcolorsGodlikes bestW e se e yearafter year;Thefirstone is the azure blueOf skies when daysarec lear.And green Hemust have likedsomuchFound in the corn and trees,And grassupon the velvet lawnsWhichmakes manfeelat ease.The gray of trunks of trees sotallIn parks or wooded dellBecomea part of God's good planTo us He loves sowell.The yellowof the ripened grain,The flowers beside the way,Thesunshinefloodingall ourpathHelp makeabrighter day.Theyellow, grayandgreen andblueAretintsfromGod'sownhand.And He, the Master Painter, knowsThe beauty He hasplanned.

    JESUS' DOGIthinkthatJesus must have had a dogWhenHe was but a boy inGalilee,IthinkHemust have likedto playandrompOr restwithsucha palbesideHisknee.Ithink Heknewthe joy of such apet,For any dog can be aboy'sbestfriend,And a lways fromthose steady, deep brown eyesCameconfidence on which He could depend.AndwhenHedaily finished work inschoolAndhurried home alongthenarrow way,Ithinkthatgaily wagginglittle tailBrought pleasure to the boy atclose of day.

    Thirty ight

    METGODI met God in themorningWhenthebirdsongs filledtheair.And Heseemed to be about meIn joy just everywhere.And He said, Wouldyou have musicInyour heart through everyday?Then readmyWord; IwillguideyouEverystep along life's way.I met God atmiddayOncewithintheburning heatWhenthe pathway seemed too ruggedFor myweary, toil-worn feet.But the peace Hegave at noontimeFilledmethenwithardor new,Gavemestrengthand f resh newcourageForthetasks I had to do.I met God oneeveningWhenthe sun wassettingred.W h e n itsflaming scarlet beautyFilled the sky above my head.And Hesaid, Wouldyou like beautyInyour life each day to see?Choosemy way and IwillshowyouBeautyas you walkwith Me.

    WHATTHEMASTER LOVEDThe Master loved thebeautiful,Thelilies, whiteassnow,The Sea of Ga l i lee reflectingThee vening s sunset glow.Helovedthe hillsandvalleys,The birds in woodland green,The fields so white to harvest,Th e rain-washed eaves so clean.The Master often went a loneIntoamountto pray,The Master loved the simple thingsSurrounding folk each day.

    Thirty Nine

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    LIFTED UPShe wasbowed downWith visiononlyon theground below;Sh ecould not see themoonandstarsAnd allthatbeauty know.Sh ecouldnot seeThe facesof thefolkaround-Just heartheir voicestellHow new sight could be found.The MastertouchedherAndwithher back made straightAgainshe was anew-made womanAnd could human joys relate.Shedidn't needTo lookatdust thatdayaround herfeetForChristhadtouchedherbackAnd healing wascomplete.Herbonds unsnappedAnd thenshe wasforeverfree,New everlastingjoy thenfilledhersoulWhenshe the Lord could see.Are we bowed downSoall the beauties of the world and all the joySurroundingus are never seen asthingsLessniceour visionmayemploy?The dear LordsaysHere,let mestraightenyou so I can useYour talents, time and vision too eachdayAsI maychoose.

    r ty

    THE MASTER'S VOICEDidChrist singahymnwiththe men HelovedAsaroundthetablethat nightHe satwiththegroup whose hearts weresadAnd all joy had taken flight?Wasthehymn they sangapsalmof praiseOrhadpeacefrom theirhearts fledaway?Didthey knowthegriefthatwassoontocomeFrom the wordsthey'dheard Him say?Did the Christ haveabeautiful tenor vo iceOr abassthatwas deep andstrong?CouldHejoin thosemen in thehymnthat nightWheneverythingseemedso wrong?Wemay neverknow if Hesangthat songInthe yearssolong ago,But Heprayedfor peaceandstrengththatnightThat God'swillHewould surely know.Iwishwecould heartheLord Christ sing,But if thatis not ourpart.Westillcanhear Histender voiceWhenHespeaksHispeaceto our heart.

    STRENGTHAtaskiscomingupnext weekForwhich Ifeelunfit,Andso Iworryand IfussHowI cancare for it.Whensuddenly IhearavoiceThat showsto me theway,You havethestrength,mychild,to doThe taskthat comestoday.

    orty One

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    GRANDMA'S PUMPKIN PIESNovemberwith itscrisp, cool daysGivesenergyand zest.Thanksgiving comeswith joy andpraise-Of holidays the best.I liketothinkofbygoneyearsAndwithmyheartfelt sighsMymemorywilltakemebackTo grandma's pumpkin pies.They a lwayswerean artist's dreamSosmooth and shiny brown;The scalloped flaky crust supremeSurrounded likeacrown.And, oh, thefragrant, spicy smellWould a lwaystantalizeThey made Thanksgiving perfect-My grandma'spumpkinpies.They stood upon the shel fso wideTo greetus as we came,And every year thereside by sideThey a lwayslookedthe same.Theturkey,with itsstuffing, madeUsopen wide our eyes.But a lwaysw e reservedsomespaceFor grandma'spumpkinpies.W echildren in reunions meet,Butgrandma's taskisdone,W eoften wish we could repeatThosedaysso long timegone.So now wemeetatmother's houseAnd hopeswithinus rise,Formother has therecipeOf grandma'spumpkin pies.

    orty our

    MA SAIDMa saidwhenshe wasjust achildThekids knewhow to act;They never"sassed"their folks at all-Masaidit was afact.Masaid they hurried homefromschoolAt fouro'clock eachday,Andchanged their clothesandwent towork,And never stoppedto play.Ma saidthey a lwayscombed their hair,And washed their faceandhands;They kepttheir shoesallshinedandc leanWithouttheirma's commands.They a lwaysate thehearty foods,And neverpicked and fussed,So thatwas how they grew sobig,Byeating whole wheat crust.My ma would make me often thinkThe yearsof longagoWere better,happierdaysby farThan daysthatnow I know.These things ma tells Ia lwaysletG olightlyo'er myhead;I stillwould choosemy life inspiteOf what my ma has said.

    MEDITATIONTIMEThe mealwasoverand thefolkAll went their severalways,An Mom wasleftthere all a loneIna sort of lonely daze.For neverone of thosewho ateTook hisdishesto thesink,So Mother had her quiet timeTo wash dishesand to think.

    orty ive

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    HARMONYLike an orchestra rehearingI d compare a family groupWith no member and his own skillStarring honorstry to scoop.Theremust be a gentle blendingOf each player in his place,So again the family livingWil l emerge in strength and grace.

    KEEN SIGHTMy Grandma wore her spectaclesAnd she could a lways se eWhen some one had a problemOr were sad asthey could be .I asked her how she a lways sawAs sh e could a lways doThose things to help somebody thenTolift their burdens too.And she replied with a small smileThat it w as a way she hadTo seethro all her busy lifeWhichthings are good o r bad.And so I d like some spectaclesSo I ll have a better viewWhen I can help some other folkTo choose the right way too.

    or ty Six

    MOM S EXAMPLEMyMom is full of lots of fun,Withgames and jokes and laughter;But me-l never think of good jokesUntila long time after.My Mom is a lways doing thingsTo bring a joy to others;Butme-l never getaroundto help,They seem a lot of bothers.My Mom is thinking of her friendsAlongwith money spending;But me-if I can buy just for myself,That gives m e joy unending.Why am Iself ish as I am,Whi le Mom isa lways sharing:For Mom-she a lwaygets the joyBecause she s a lways caring.I d like to learn just how to doUnselfish acts quite gaily,Butoh, I know twill only comeB y practicing it daily.

    orty Seven

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THE SECONDW E E K IN M YW e turn pages of our ca le n d arEach w e e k o r month or d ay ,Untilwe reach this spec ia l time-These con d we e k in M ay.And why do wereg ard th is timePerhaps above th e o thers?Because upon this spec ia l da yW e honor al l our mothers.W ho a re the mothers we revereThis secon d wee k in May?They are the ones who stand by usInan understand ing way.They understand each mood a n d thoughtAnd give us lov ing ca re ;The y lift us to the throne of GodW h e n e e r they voice a prayer .Through chi ldhood d ays she made us gamesW e dea r ly loved to p l a y ;And noww e r e g l a d to honor herThis se cond week in M ay.Ouryouth was b lest with loving homeW h e r e f riends cou ld o f ten meet,And in perp lexing problems, too,H er w isdom wa s com ple t e .All through our l ife we cou ld dependOn her understand ing hear t ,And though we may have fa i led her oftAnd l ived our l i fe apar t ,One thing we kn e w; he r love s taye d onA n d never turned a wayA nd that is why we honor he rThis second week in May.

    Forty ight

    N T U R E

    SPRING EXPLODEDS pr in g e xp lod e d one morning,One wonderful morning in M ay;Popcorn a ll over t he plum t rees .And pe ach b lossom s dainty a nd gay .Li lacs so f r agran t and l acyA re filling the ya rd with pe r fum e ,The birds so busy house huntingSing g ai lywith notime for g loom.The iris wave purp le banners,Thetu l ips of c r imson and gold.The internat ional colorsDisp lay so all ca n behold.A little brook s w e e t and s i n g in gW e n t dancing its own merry way,Yes,sp r in g e xp lod e d one morning,One wonde r ful morn ing in M ay.

    THE UTUMNM PLEIt did not know it was a showOf beauty in the g l ad e ,It did not g low so folk wou ld knowI t was a beauteous shade.That map le t ree, we can agree,In its dress of au tumn redStoodou t a lone as on a throneW h e r e peop le se ldom t read.It did not p l an to coax the manWithits artistry so bright,But every day in nature s wayIt wa s a g re a t delight.Ofall the t rees ina u tumn s breezeThat map le was best dressed,So s t raight and trim, sotall ands l imIt waskind nature s best.

    Forty Nine

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THEBEAUTIFUL MANATEE CLOUD DREAMSFromthe Green Bridge I gazetoward the westAnd as far as I now can seeA scene of great beauty isthere at its best-Thebeautiful Manatee.A mile in itswidth at most times it s sereneAgain it is rough as it can be,As wavesroll anddash when the wind is keenOn thebeautiful Manatee.And then in the hours as the tides ebb and flowThefish are so lively andfree,And thebirds that lovewater will come and goOnthe beautiful Manatee.The Green Bridge that spansthis watersoc learHastraffic of interest to me,And now that I m hereand it all is sonearOnthebeautiful Manatee.Itflowsto the Bay and theGulf just beyondWithno curb to its liberty,And artists andfishermen, each one has foundGreat joy on the Manatee.

    Pretty littje fluffy cloudsLike frostingon a cakeMakemethink it really isSomethingyoucould bake.Sometimes they look like little lambsIn the field at play,Thensuddenly they look like snowOn awinter day.I think ofmountains high and tallIn a far-off sky;Or aship with sailsall spreadThat goessailing by.Whata lot of fun I haveIn asummer dreamWatchingclouds pile up to beLike other things they seem.

    MARCH WINDSScraps of paper, lots of dustYour watchful eyedoth meet.Sticks andweeds and flying grasses-Marchwinds blowing downthestreet.Branchesfalling from the treesAt evening or at dawn,Bushesswaying, birds nestsbreaking-Marchwinds blowing o er the lawn.Marchw jn d s you may blow your hardestAtmorning, night or noon,Spring isjust around the corner,ForApril s coming soon.A CAMPING TRIP

    Stand arounda camp fireWith baconfragrance in theair.Watchthebread a-toasting,Breakfastsoon you ll share.What canbring more pleasureAsyou run and skipThan breakfastby a campfireOn avacation trip?

    ifty i f ty One

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    MARCHDid you saythat March is horridWith its high winds and itssnow?Well, it has somethings to offerInthose winds thatwhir l andblow.They canmake akite fly higher,Blow the birds about the sky,They ca nrepresentthewindso f lifeTesting us asthey pass by .Marchcan be a timeo f hopeIn thethoughts within our mind,Thenwith cleansing, planting, planningGreat ne wpictureswe canfind.Lift your chin a little higherSo your vis ion ismore clear;March ha smany thingsto of ferWhen it greetsus everyyear.

    ASUMMER DAYLazy summerdays.Loafingby astream ,Closeyour eyesan d listenAs tho in adream.Handsbehind your head,Look up toward the skyWatcha trainof c loudletsAs they travel by.Try to readastory,Nothing very deep,But before youknow itYou arefastasleep.There is nothing nicerOn your quiet wayThan at im e o f loafingOn asummer day.

    ifty Two

    MYT R E EOh, did you see my treetoday,It's down the road a-piece,It is not mine by titleOr someone's kind release.But it is m ine to see eachd ayInspring when leavesunfold;All through the summerand thefal lWhen leavesturn red and gold.And then when winter comes againAnd it is stark and bare,Its arms reachout to hold the birdsThat come fromeverywhere.Soal l year round that tree is m ineAnd joy it givesto me,Whoeverthought I d love it so-That beautiful big tree.

    RAINI like thesmel lof rain.Th e flying dustand heavyheatUpon thecity s ne arby streetCaused personsto complain.But then came rainThe f lowers in their narrow bedRaised upeachwa it ing thirsty headAnd looked freshagain.I l ike the rainTwassomething like a little game-First drops, andthen the deluge cameOnstreetsand window pane.I like towatch the rain.The rivulets like rivers smallOn cottage or on buildings tallRush toward the drain.Soal l that rainJoins in alarger, swifte r stream-A creekor riverin their dreamTheir destination thus to gain.Yes, I like the rain.

    ifty Three

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THE SEASONSWhat season would you say is best -Spring, summer,winter, fall.For special beauty comeswith eachFor God has made them all.The trees,the flowers, the birds that sing,The winter snow sowhite -Each season is a lovely timeForGod made nature right.

    SPRINGThea l l amandas on the vine,Thetulips brightest red,And all thepinkgeraniumsMake up the springtime bed.The pansiesand the marigoldsTheir colors madlyfling,And other flowers anda lso birdsCompletethe lovely Spring.

    SPRING REUNIONThetulips peeked from out the groundW h e n the birds began to sing,Theythought about the daffodilsAnd thefamily gathering.Thebluebells and narcissusHadcome the day before,They liked to welcome all the restAnd see he clothes they wore.The narcissus dressedin paper whiteArrivedwith smiling face.Andviolets, with much green trimFilled their allotted space.These friends 59 dearandvery brightArrive when it is Spring,Wear ing blue and white and yellowAt this family gathering.

    SEEDSI gazein awe at all the powerWithinmy hands I hold,Icannot tell what mysteryThosetiny seedsenfold.Forsome are brown and very small,And some are black, I see,Whileothers scarlet as the beadsOf aBuddhist rosary.Butwith a l ikene ss of itselfEach seed in days to come.Will do its part as God intendsTo beautify its home.

    SUMMER SUNSETOn aquiet summer eveningI stood facing toward thewest,And the scenethat lay before meArouseda rev rence in my breast.The air was calm andtranquil,The sun was setting low,The clouds were blue and fleecyAndetched with golden glow.I scarce ly felt like breathing,Thepicture was so grand,For it was surely paintedByGod, the Master hand.

    ifty our ifty ive

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THE S YWouldyou liketoattendadrama todayWith never asinglerepeat?Tis perfectwithbackdropprovided and yetThedramaisnevercomplete.It may be aflockof lambs you may seeCavorting infieldorwideplain;It may be some mountains or castlessofine,Ormaybeaboator atrain.And where do you see this picture for f ree?Wel lif you willjust liftyour eyesIt isvisiblea lwayswhereveryou lookToward heavenandtheresee the skies.Walkwestwarddownany street in atownToward asunset,sobrilliantandred-Willyou seemany peoplewho giveit athought.Or ever havelifteda head?Willapersonathome,on ashipor atrainLaydownabookin his handTolookat theflamingbeautyoutthere?Theyallfail toquiteunderstand.The sky is thedaily breadto the eyes,Apoetoncequietlysaid,So if lifeseemsto be at itsworst todayThere is splendor and glory o'erhead.

    ifty Six

    WINTER BEAUTYJust yesterday the meadowWasstubbled, rough and brownAnd edgedwith sedgebewhiskeredWorsethanacircus clown.Then eveningbroughtthe snowfall,All nightittooktomakeWhat we saw in themorning-A mammoth white-iced cake.Then thewind,a master-bakerTurned stumpsto rosebuds gay,WhiletheHill inwhite mustachioCalledchildrenout to play.The summer house stood silentLikeastiff and agingman,Whowas looking for his partnerFrom the dayswhentimebegan.Weemergedto see the beautyQuite likeawedding bookAnd gazeduponallnatureWith astrangeinquiring look.ThatHillwhite-skirted, shining,Likeabridewithcostly gemsTheripplingfabric edgedwith laceAnd stitched in split rail hems.ForhoursitseemedthatnothingmovedExceptbirdsin ribbonflight,Thecardinalsandbluej ays cameAnd wereapleasant sight.Andthentwo col l iesventuredoutTo romp andplay infun.They marked the icing onthat cakeEre day hadwell begun.Butoutsidethekitchen windowOnebirdinSantaredAsksto be rememberedWhenwinter joyshave sped.

    ifty Seven

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    AWINTER DAYAwinterday isbeautifulWhentrees all bare andwhiteAre coveredwithconfettiAndshining in thelight.Thesunshine brings thesparkle'Gainsta stern marshmallowsky.But life isstillwithinthemForNature doesnot die.

    INDIAN SUMMERThe sunarises in amistof gray.The grassholds sequined dew,The rivermirrorstrees sotallBeneath a sky of blue.Thegypsywindslike vagabondsw p overhillandplainLikedreamers seeking lovely spotsAcrossawide domain.OctobershowersaremuffledLikemoccasinson grassSo gently it is fallingLikeghoststhatdaily pass.The insectsstillarepresentWith littlegossamer wings,And maybe in the distanceA lonely robinsings.Soonall thegreenwillvanishThescarlet,amber,gold,Thesplendor of theseasonIs wonderfullytold.Thispattern of the seasonsThisautumnmagic freeIs God'spatternof greatbeautyIn alovelysymphony.

    Fifty ight

    X I N E W Y E A R S

    IT S NEWGood morning,littlesmiling face,I see you arequite new,I'd like to makeyouwelcome hereAndsay, "How do you do."I see you have a traveling caseAnd soyou'vecometo stay,We'll try to makeyou welcome hereUponthis brightnewday.We'llget to knoweachotherAs daysandmonthsappear,But now weonly know youAs a very brandnew year.

    CLOSETHE BOOKThe ledgerfor another year isclosedWithall itsgolden dreams.Somany ended infutility-Sofew brought joy itseems.Why is it whenayearis newAnd wemake planssofineWefail to make deedsfit sothatSuccessand joy combine.And thentheyear comesto itsclose.Wemaylookbackwith dread;Whydid wefail to do our bestSonow we're sad instead

    i f t y N ine

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    A NEW YEARThe stage was set and I was thereWith just abit-of fright and scare,The curtain just behind me fellAstho there was no more to tell.It was the ending of a yearWith all its problems and its cheer;The calendar was faded,tornBeforethe brand new year was born.Mymem ry tookme down the roadWhere many months their use now showed,I felt embarrassed as I sawWh er e I had failed and made each flaw.And Ifelt sad or then I knewThese errors camebecause m y viewWas too self-centered; I must look nowTohelp some one.. . .but how, just how. . .Icould nottell.And then so silentlyAcurtain rose in front of me.The way was strange bu t very c learAnd Icould walkwithout a fear.And onthis day of a new yearWhere some may fee l life is austere,I ll walk in confidence, wide-eyedAnd be afriend whate er betide.And Imust find new tasks to doIf Iwould work the whole yea r through.


    UNFAMILIAR WAYSI looked down that long, long pathAt thebeginningof the year;The path had many curves in itSo twas not entirely clear.Iwondered if I dared to startWhen the way I could not see.But Iremembered in the pastThatGod wasgoodto me.O f course the way was sometimes rough,Istumbled oft and fell.But Hisstrong hand had lifted meAndvictory I could tell.So now I know if in the pastI found His strength was mine,So in this new year I can trustHis guiding strong and fine.

    N EW YEARSEverythingseems to have a beginning.Theworld, mankind and time,And the new year is a lso celebratedIn every land and each clime.New Years Days a re un iversa l ,Though perhaps on a different date;Some nations observed it at Christmas,Or used March to celebrate.Some have gay celebrationsAnd some have no parties at all;We like open house get-togethersWhen our friends will plan to ca l l .And so we begin the new yea rWhere improvement may be the rule,A cha l lenge around us is waiting,For new service we may be the tool.Just how do we meet everychal lenge?Each day is a block we can use,So when this year will behistoryW e l lrejoice any way we might choose.

    Sixty ne

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    XII P R A Y E R S W I S H E S

    OUR GODLongprayersorshort prayers,All prayersthatcallfor aidDon't fallto theground unnoticedWhento our God they're made.They are gathered in a goldenbowlAnd as anincenserareThey reachour God and so HeknowsAnd answersevery prayer.SometimesHesays It is notbestTogiveyouwhat youask,For itwouldn'tbe the wayTohelpyou in yourtask.Sometimes Hesays Now waita bit,Iwantyou toknowIcare,Sowe canknow,though it takeslong,Our God hearsand answersprayer.

    GOOD WISHShould Iwishfor you arose-rimmedpathFor your feetto tread eachday?Or for silken sailso n astormless se aWithnevera sky of g ray?Should I nowwish for neverastoneUponthe roadyoutread?No, I'll wish for you acourage strongAnd a valient heart instead.

    ixty Two

    QUIET HOURIt is avery helpful wayTo setasideanhoureach dayTothinkof holy things.You may not needagoldenpenOr anything but listening whenArobin sings.Whendawn peersthroughthewindowpaneOrnoontidein the sun or rainOrin thetwilighthour-Wethen can get our hearts in tuneAnd itwillbe anextraboonTo feel God's power.With the soul a sanctuary whereA feel of angelwings to shareWefind thatneeded rest;Andbirdswith joyous melodyInsuchapleasant coterieOur soulsa re blest.

    TOW RD THE SUNRISEKeepmy faceturnedtoward the sunrise,Toward a new andbetterdayWith desiresand new thoughts plantedInagoodanduseful way.May I never be retreatingFrom a goal,bothgood and wise;Givemecourageto gowalkingTowardthe sun as it may rise.

    ixty Three

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    X S H O R T I S

    CLEAR EYESEyeswashedin tearsc anbetters eeThe needso f many others;God helpthat I may know concernFo r lostan d needy brothers.

    THE COLDHis cold, he said,w asvery bad,Hecould not en joy hisfood.Andthat mademeponder si lentlyIf acold isever good.

    DAY A T T I R E What dress shall I put on todayTowe ar about the place?Besure no matter what youchooseTo include a happy face.

    DOGGI E W A Y SIt isn t the sizeof the dog in the fight,But the sizeof the fight in the dogThatde te rm ineshowFido or Spotwill winIntheir owncan ine dialog.

    DON T W O R R YWorry won t empty tomorrow,(This, I know, you ll discoverat length)Of all its careand its sorrow,Butwill empty today of its strength.

    Sixty our

    GA R DEN GR OWTHHeplanted radishseedon eday-The kind? Round, ruby red,Hisdreams were good, but all he gre wWasverytired instead.

    GOD S HANDWeary I was anddiscouragedFor roughwas he pathway I trod,But I reachedout to helpa neighborAnd touched the handof God.

    HARD BOILEDMan isl ikean eggsomet imesIf he'sin hot water long,The more hard boiled he will becomeAnd not l ikedbyweakor strong.

    AN OPTIMISTThere are optimistandpessimists,Butthis d i f ferenceI will shout:An optimist bel ievesahouse flyIs real lytrying to get out.

    HE WA TC HEDA father,boastingof his sonWho l iked each hour to sit, You givethe nameof any spor tHea lways watches it.

    Sixty ive

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    THAT PATHWouldyou l ike the wo rld to make a pathTo your door today l ike a trap?Wellall you need to do, Isay,Ist ry takingalittlenap.

    THE R A I N B O W S POTA modern Am er icanseesin the skyA bow held in high regard,For the po t at the end of that rainbowbrightHolds manyacredit card.

    TH E RIGHT MOMENTThe speaker said, In conclusionSo the optimistic oneKnew it wastime to findhershoesAn dq uickly sl ip themon .THE R IGHT TRE E

    Therea refamily treesthat f lourish,There aresome in deepest ruts,Sobecarefu l whenyou check yoursForyou just mightfindsome nuts.THAT TOUCH

    It was thehour of morning prayerFor those in sanctuary fair,And handclaspedhandof someon e nearAnd God touched mine,firmand sincere.I know that touch, Iunderstand-Thereis no touch quite like God's hand.

    ixty ix


    MY THANKSGIV INGMy pursemay n ot be fi l ledwithgoldAnd beburst ingforthwithwealth,But oh, I'm thankfu l everydayFor mycontinued health.I may not eatof priclessfood,Nor tasteo f caviar,ButI'mthankfu lthatsuff ic ientO n my tabledoth appear.Mycloset hooks may not befil ledWithgownssorichan drare,But I 'm thankful that warm garmentsHavebeen mineeach day to wear.I may never be a speakerO n whosewordsasouldepends,But I'm thankfu l for themanyFolks Iknow each day as f r iends .I may never havethe ta lentOf the songbird's sweetestart,Butagain I 'm very thank fu lThat there's music in my heart.Iam thankfu l for ou r country,To itsbasic laws I'm true;Iamthankfu lfor oldgloryPreciousred andwhite andblue.Home andf r iendsan d lovely coun try,Healthan d food and clothes to wear,All these makemevery thankfu lFor my Father's lovingcare.Iam than kfu l for the fu tureGlorious homethat Ishall have,For my Savior ,who sogladlyGave H islifemy own to save.I can't count th emanyblessingsO f each year nor of eachday,But my heartsays, Thankyou,Father,'As Idaily kneelto pray.

    ixty even

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    SHALLI GIVE THANKS?Shall I give thanks to God aboveEach day and every hour?ShallI say hanks for summer days,And every lovelyflower?Shall I say thanks for daily bread,Forhealth and strength each day?Shall I be thankful for all goodEachtime I kneel to pray?Shall I thank God for problems greatThatoft beset my path?And also thank Him for the thingsThatmake me smile and laugh?Shall I say hanks for clothes I needBefore theneed is great.Orjust accept them when they come.Mythanks to stimulate?Can I be thankful for my friendsWho patiently can seeMymany faults, yet are so trueThoughwe may not agree?Isay, can I so thankful beBeforethe blessingsgo,Ordo Iwait t llI havelostThese things I daily know?Oh, may I have a thankful heartAs I may make request,ForGod in all Hisloving powerWill give to me the best.

    Sixty ight

    THANKFULNESSWhatam I thankful for this year.Onthis Thanksgiving Day?So many people take their shareOf blessingson life s way;And not aword of thanks they giveFordaily loving care;Never improve the way they live.Nevertheir blessings share.And I? Am Imuch better nowThan carelessfolk today?Can I my head so humbly bowWhen thanks to God I say?Lord,may I have a thankful heartForfamily blessingsdear;Foropportunities apartTooffer help and cheer.May I recal lYour presence, too,Intimes of deep distress,Whenoften You have brought me throughTo days of happinessMyhuman mind may oft forget,Butthankfulness todayMy heartin joy wilt oft begetWhene er I kneel to pray.

    Sixty Nine

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    T T H NKS G IV ING S P IR ITWo uld you be a giverfromyour treasurechest today?Wouldyou sharewithothers th ings you vegained a long the way?Wouldyouknowthe joy andpleasureyou'llreceive when you can share.Maybefoodo r clothingo r a ride or perhapsth e hour o f prayer?There is joy when you're receiving of thelove o f your dear friendsFor thegift o f fr iendship is so lastingthat it nevertrulyends.There s an understanding spiritthatdevelopsyear by yearAnd theunderstanding spirit willfor youbecome more dear.But percha nce the need isnoted in apersonyoudon'tknow,Thenthis spiritof good sharing you canreal ly try to show.It s theThanksgiving spirit in the autumnof theyearWhen the giver and receiver share the joythatG od makes dear.

    T H NKS G IV INGShouldThanksgiving come but once a yearWhen we reflect on blessings dear?Ah no, it should come every dayWith every morninga s we pray.With everynoontideas we goAboutthe tasks that ar e ours to do.Andthenagain at eventideAs hours of labor past us glide.We bow our heads and knees in prayerFor blessings round us everywhere.Not just one daywithinthe year,But everyday give thanks sincere.


    X V W E D D I N G S

    W E DDING V O W SBefore an altar deckedwith f lowersThey stood there sideby side;He,the loving husbandAnd she,the tender bride.The vo ws had just been spokenWhichtheywouldnot forgetAs yearswoulddraw themcloserWi th no sigh o f regret.To love andcherish ever,A promise old, but new,Through years a ll othercouplesHad pledged that they'dbetrue.But onthissummer eveningAgain the vows were said-These young folk now were kneel ingAnd bowed each heart and head.To love andcherish ever,Till lifefor each shal l end;Tomold their l ives togetherAsboththeir l ives willblend.Such promises rememberedAs yearwillfollowyearWil l bring to bothgrea t happinessAsfuturejoys appear.

    Seventy ne

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    OUR HOMEOurweddingday wasnearing,W eplanned our homewith care,The table and the hat rack here,And there the easy chair.The rug asolid color,Thewoodworkpainted white-W eknowour littlelove nestWill be our great delight.Thespacefor ourpianoMust bevery nearathand,Formusicin our happy l ivesWould be in great demand.The kitchen brightand cheery,With gadgets shiningbright.Would makeitjustthefinestTo work in, day or night.The living room all cheeryWith sunshine streaminginWould givetherightincentiveEachday'swork to begin.Perhaps a brightcanary,A fern,abook,avaseWould helptomakeittrulyOur own especial place.Now many years of pleasureHaveflownby on wings.And still each heart inmaesureWithgladsome music rings.We v etraveledEast ndjourneyed West,But wherever we may roam,W e r e a lways glad to hurry backAndenjoyourhappy home.

    eventy Two


    Courtship days should never end,Brokenjoys must quickly mend;Courteous bewhenyou arewed;Loving words muststillbe said.Special datesdo not forget,Vexing problems bravely met.Good times shouldbeshared together,Smilein sun or stormy weather.Learnto study everymood.Likes anddislikes understood.Humor in aliberal doseHelpsto bring the other c lose.Give a parting goodbye kiss,Thisbesure to never miss.Donotargue, quarrelorflirtFor these canbringalastinghurt.Don'tspend more than income fairAsfor thefuture youprepare.In-laws often trouble bringWhe nthey direct ineverything.Rulesmaycomeandrulesmay go,But the bestthingeach should knowTo have alasting, happylifeFreefromjealousy and strife.AsktheChristto be theGuide,Keep Him ever nearyour side.Courtesy, kindwordsandloveWill makeahome like heaven above.

    eventy Three

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    WEDDING JOYDainty dresses lovely flowers.P a lmsandfernsgalore.Beautyin thecandlelight,Happinessinstore.Nervous?Yes, 'tis a l w a y s so .Butthere'sjoywithin;There they promise to betrue,And neww a y sbegin.What ahappy wedding dayTremulous they smile,But the joywithintheir heartsWillwithstand eachtrial.Weddingdaysbring happinessTo a man andmaid,But God's blessingwillbe theirsWhenfor itthey've prayed.

    MYWEDDINGDAYPRAYERAglorious blue sky,the air sosweetandwarm,Byopen window now Ikneelto pray;Themonthis lovely June-there's oy withinmy heart.At lasthas come our happy wedding day.The music of the birds finds echo in my heart,My lipsandheart towardGod Ilift inprayer,I ask Hisblessingon the yearswhich lieaheadI seek Hiskindprotection and Hiscare .I ask for courage as life's trials come along.And prayI mayhave wisdomfor each test,0 may Ia l ways haveasympathetic heart,And giveourmarried life its ve rybest.I'm ask ingthat I'll a lw aysbe a loving pal,A gay andunderstandingkindoffriend,And learn the art of sharing laughter everyday,And thusthebrokendreamsof lifeto mend.But f irst and most of all, God guide our pathAnd makeour homeablessed place tostay,O may we be ashappy in the yearstocomeAswe are nowuponourwedding day.

    Seventy our

    STARDUSTThere isStardust in her eyestodayPerhapsa tear drop too,But happiness glowsin hersmileAs d r e a m sofyouthcometrue.The satinof theweddinggown.The veil and neck lace white,From head down to the slippered feetAredreamsof great delight.The flowers, the candlesand aring,The songsproclaiming ove,Theblessingsof the man of GodFor peacefrom heavenabove.Yes there'sStardust in her eyestodayAs a newlife she'll start,Foron this happy wedding dayThere's love withinher heart.

    AT THE WEDDINGTheshiningcand lesby each seatthat nightBeside t he canvascovereda is leDirectthefootstepsof thebride inwhiteDownto herloverwithasmile.Theorgan music,pa l msand dressesprimAdd to the sacredholy hour,Whenjoy andhappinessfillto the brimTheir hearts,as dewuponaflower.Thevowsaregivenand the prayer issaid.They r ise-'twas neverthus like this-Herveil arranged,andthensheliftsherhead,And therereceivesherwedding kiss.

    Seventy ive

  • 8/13/2019 Beside My Door, by Eva Woodward


    WOODL ND WEDDINGIwent to a wedding in Woodland,Miss Dogwood a charming bride made,And GayWild Peach as maid of honorIn daintiest pink a r rayed.Th e bridesmaids were Golden Forsythia,Lacy Lilac stood a t her side,Their perfumewas almost o erwhelmingAs they stoodby thebeautiful bride.Quite near the bride was the bridegroom,In fashion most worn in thespringThe re M r. Re d Oak in h is splendorRejo iced when he heard May be l ls ring.A chorus of birds sangso sweetlyUpon that fair morning in May,And al l of the Woodland w as happyOnthat beautiful spring wedding day.

    eventy ix