t THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 1905 J Story of London Stock in Trust Caused Mo- mentary Flurry LAWYERS NOT WORRIED Decisions in Northern Se curities and Fertilizer Trust Cases Precedents Financial New York even financial Iond n considerably exerctand over the glory Ftndlay Ohio that on of the Standard Oil concerns 1 owned by a London holding concern It has been intimated that this discovery has brought a tremendous shock to thoee of- ficer of the law who are intrusted with enforcing the antitrust statutes and that nerhap even the whole program of the antitruet campaign might require revision to prevent it craft going to piece on this rock All these stories it can be stated on the best authority are more interesting than accurate In two great eases the Department of Justice baa demonstrated that the foreign holding company is an Ineffectual mean to evading the law of this Country These two involved the Northern Securities Company and the Fertilizer trust There la nothing about newlydiscovered General Industrial Development Syndicate Limited of London that frightens the antitrust lawyers who know what was written Into the decree la the Northern Securi- ties case and what Mea done with the Fertilizer trust Northern Saenritiea Cage In the Northern Securities the Government charged that the securities company held the control of the North- ern Pacific and Great Northern rall road parallel and competing roads and that it was for the purpose of competition In its decree the court among other things ordered that neither the Northern Pacific nor the Great Northern should pay any more of their earning or profits to the North ern Securities Company And where your London holding company come in if we get an order of that sort affecting its held concerns r demanded officer of the Federal law service We cant dissolve a London concern but we can money be Ing to a concern any corporation within the juris- diction of this Government About time that happened there would be a- in companies So much for the civil side of the prob lem On the side of criminal proceed ings the Department of Justice experience with a foreign corporation in the matter of the trust This wag formed several years ago when the business a bad way eoenpetimr o that nobody made any promts The managers got together and tallied H ever at City and New York Finally a lawyer who was at the time pro- posed the plan that was Gavsramaat Got Busy A selling and agency concern was In Canada headquarters In Toronto Through it the output of all the associated concerns was handled prices were adjusted and equalhted and the trust became and profit- able The Government got buy however and the foreign company which really the essence of the trust and had much more to do with its management and practical success than any mere holding company would have did not In any way embarrass the government when it set about in the Tennessee Federal district to indict the oncerns that were parties to Piracy The indictments stand and ire tP come to trial soon and there hi no antitract now pending In which the Department of has greater ease ha this ORe In a civil proceeding if jifoessity should arise subsidiary torporatlons could be from making reports to or receiving directions from the foreign concern In short there no difficulty at according to th men of law who uve into It managing the foreign holding and preserving the Integrity the Federal Woman Allege She Assailed CeRe ipsmieat in Her Diwrce Suit But latter Denies It NEW YORK Oct U Who did William S Wetmore h rsi tiip question is puwttafj the aristocratic colony of Port Cheater Mrs Wetmore declares that the wo man whipped wan Frederick Hunt the handsome wife ef a well known resident oC Port Chester who lias been named a corespondent in the divorce brought Wetmore Mr denies that she i the wo man who was whipped and that Mrs Wetmore must have dreamed that she horaewhl her or else whipped some other woman she saw nor husband IS bad separated and caused on nonsupport Them she met wa Jaunt on the sidewalk and attacked her Y M C A WILL STUDY PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHY The Young Mens Christian Associa- tion wBl have a camera club A meet- Ing held last night to effect a temporary organization and in two weeks time a permanent organisation will have been completed Temporary officer weN elected last night when Frank M Boteler waa elected pr Men and W C Taber E L C W Shoemaker were named aa an executive committee Net Friday night a meeting wilt be held when It Is to give a demonstration in plate Thhtv three names are now enrolled on the of applications and it is the purpose of new to ar practical photography FOREIGN HOLDINGS IN OIL CANT HINDER LAW from I I proceedings the has j t en panic in the shares ot hold has rUUtler was t clever for was this con I lit HORSEWHIPPING CASE SHROUDED IN MYSTERY Mrs Mrs Jar Wetmore his a cure of says and 4 STANDARD is ease suppress- ing does London a sus oaks his adopt In- corporated t all about r o- ft Jobs This she says End c bars was o t li t U ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Bertha Krupp Guarded of Anarchists Ira ar MISS BERTHA KRUPP Worlds Richest Girl Whose Mansion Is Guarded like Csars Palace for Employes May Seek Her Life OB WedotiEj Day Feat- Her Mansion Bristling With Sentriefs as Her Day Approaches E88KN Germany Oct HYears that an attempt may be made to assassinate Bertha Krupe by anarchistic workmen employed m some of the Krwnp enterprise on the occasion of her wed- ding on Monday to Lieut Qustav Von Bohten Und Ilalbach have caused the greatest precautions to be taken to pre- vent anyone from gaining admission to lULU DOCTORS Physician Haft Said Out and FUdWitk- ABOthars Lfcbl M i Wife HAMILTON Ohio Oct IX Nine empty milk bottles with a note inform- ing the milkman to deliver ne more milk pweed on the hack doorstep of the residence of Dr C H Sater 7 South Second street disclosed the story of the departure of the doctor and the simultaneous disappearance of Mrs Snow the wife ot W H Snow man- ager of the New York Racket store Dr Sater had sold his horses and rigs and his wife had returned to her parents home at New Haven Butler county Mr Snow said that his wife had packed all her personal belongings several days ago and shipped them to Michigan She had also taken SLOW worth of diamonds A note saying Goodby I love another man and have gone for good had been left her on the parlor table Snow say that Dr Sater gained the affections of his wife while treating her for rHeumatism He will Institute a search for the missing couple PARSON AS DETECTIVE RENDERS BILL TO FAIR TRENTON N J Oct U One of the most interesting bills ever rendered against the officers of the Interstate Fair Association was paid when Secre- tary Mahlon Margerum drew a check of the association for 115 in favor of the Rev Joseph Howell of the Hamilton Presbyterian Church for services In detecting and fake robbers of the people Mr Howell has been ror many in clearing the fair of evils such as gambling and selling liquor on Sun- days EVERY LITTLE NOISE Caffae Nerves Easily Irritated Ever notice how irritable- a coffee drinker Is when he has not had his usual dram Trifling noises that a naturally healthy person would never notion sound like a bonier factory or a brass band to a nervepoioaed coffee slave But there a big difference when such a one finally learns the of hi trouble coffee and uses well made Potum For li I was afflicted with stomach trouble lev of appetite my food distressed me and heart burn Every little noise disturbed me None of my physicians relieved me but all advised me to drinking coffee About two ago my brought home a package of Pos tum and we It a fol- lowed direction about boiling It fifteen minutes and it Very oon I noticed a change in my condition Now with Postum M my beverage I sleep better oat without and enjoy life since every lit- tle disturbance or noise my entire nervous system well woman and member of my family has been benefited it A fr while dinner with whOe ago remarked on he delicious coffee I served When I told er It was Postum she was surprised saying had tried It but did not It When I told her drat balling t IS or 20 minutes save it that she followed directions then knew for herself In addition to the great relief I have experienced from stomach and Irritated nerves ilnee ualnfc Po tum I rind I am more levelheaded and every little noire n t tifcturb me as it used to given by Pr turn Co Battle Read the fiURHis little The Road to In pk a reason Frau NOTE TO MilKMAN SHAME crop years caused dl eu does not bat- ter to PotNm I am a she nd tai II Wed- ding 1 y eats and cause quits hus- band thanks us- a Ike distress does Names book Z ell title i e y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + << + the grounds of the young pala- tial residence The Krupp mansion is guarded a carefully as the palace of Cur Nicholas entrance to many royal palace of than to her home Guards are everywhere and the mansion has been transformed Into a miniature fortress Members of the Krupp brigade are acting a guards and they really con- stitute a tried bodyguard There is another reason for having these Men on the watch and la to head off beggars who are anxious to lrt to anyone who might reach her APPRAISERS VERDICT RATIFIED BY COURT Justice Barnard on moticn of Assist ant Corporation Counsel James Francis smith lea signed an order ratifying the verdict of the Jury of appraisers 1 the natter of the opteatas of an alley lot square H hounded by New York avenue H Twentythird and Twenty foarth streets northwest The Jury awarded the owners e the land taken damages amounting to H54A1 and benefits property to the amount of atl8 HER BODY AS XMAS GIFT WIFES ALLEGED THREAT LAPORTE Jnd Oct Uln an action for divorce hem Ella Bell Andrew of this city P Andrew of Ore mU the his wife had threatened to kin herself and have her body sent to a pre eat He also charged her with personal violence It is for a person to obtain fire reach the C woman that at thlll periOd in life will liberal Christmas heiress and easier Eu- rope believing happy she r ant Charles Port- land ¬ ¬ ¬ < MIL Unusual Outcome of Rivals Quarrel in Apartments of Woman INJURED MAN PARALYZED Unable t Articulate an AntcMortemS- tatftaMMtf Ma- NBW YOBJC Oot JAOwtn to roost cords failure at tended an effort to obtain an ante mortem statement from Herbert Part- ridge a young accountant who shot it alleged by Charles Johns of New Rochelle in a fight growing out of Jealousy over Mrs Jennie Smith Physicians say Partrtdg will never fully recover his power of speech The antemortem statement wa sought by Coroner Harburger Part- ridge was Just able to frame Ye and No but wa unable to utter another word The man asked if Jahns shot him and the coroner said he re- plied in the bare affirmative This simple assertion however being legally insufficient the coroner forded to abandon the attempt to a regular statement An affidavit was mule by Dr Max Bernstein that the mar could not talk The doctor said that probably Partridge would recover from hi wounds but that not only would ids tongue remain in almost com plete but his right arm would be paralysed a well Partridge went to board with the woman sad known her brother Johns began to call cr Mrs Smith and Partridge objected to the visits Ten days ago the men had a violent quarrel and Sraith askjad Part- ridge to leave Duet la Apartment At 1 oclock in the morning Mrs Smith said Partridge entered the apart meat with his latchkey rushed into the kitchen grabbed a butcher knife and attacked The knife was broken in the fight and Partridge assailed rival with a chair After Jahns gave warning to Partridge several to struck Partridge bat only one wound was serious A bullet struck him in the throat his vocal cords and his shoulder nd arm The effect of the wound wa so unusual that It has aroused a great interest In medical and stores of physicians have ex- amined the patient TRIPS TO TIDEWATER DOWN POTOMAC RIVER Spanish War Veterans and others in the city who desire to make a side trip to the many historic places In the Vir- ginia tidewater district will find It con ve bat and Interesting to make the Journet via the Norfolk and Washing boats These steamers sail dally at p m completing the trip down the historic Potomsc in a night Easily reached from Fortress Monroe and Nor folk are all the historically tractive places on the shore of Hampton Roads These boats make railroad connections at Norfolk fcr all Soutlvra points and also steamer connections for New York and Boston City offices are located at Seventh street wharf and at TDK Four teenth street A SURE WIWHBR are of arguments tor atd against the waist but the will win out Hon do you know1 Because It 1 keeping eool Houston Post WOUNDED Cannot Be ot his net CouI rId LlPl para was as Yrs Jam his keep oer he fired three shots Each lots peeka boo a CAN NEVE I SPEAK pa- ralysis was was was was got times bul- let cir- cle t4a i a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ When Miss Lucille Sherdowne Married Dr Lee De For- est Inventor of the Telegraph System That Bears His Name She Became Known as The Wireless Bride Be- cause Her Future Husband Taught Her Telegraphy In- stalled a Set of Instruments in Her Own Particular Den and Did Most of His Courting by Wireless Will They Get Their Divorce by Wireless ¬ ¬ The Ending of Last Winters Greatest Romance Win Ba told la To- morrows Sunday Times t Sad v Elopers Leave by Boat Intended Runaway Voyage on Machine But Plan for Extra Seat to Accommodate Bride Proved Futile So Ferry Was Used When Motorcycle Fails NBW YORK Oct UThat lowe will Said a way has been again demonstrated and Joseph B Gavin of New York dad bride who ward XO Caroline Irwin of Beabrlght N J despite parental opposition are enjoying their honeymoon alter an eventful elopement Had there not been mechanical dif flcttltle in the way the elopement would have been decldaly romantic since Mr Gavin planned to have an extra built on his motorcycle and ride away with bride In that manner But the mechanics found they couldnt get the seat In place o the slopes were com- pelled to employ the boat Oavin 1 a manager ofa company selling form products and makes his home and business in Seabrisjht dur- ing the summer He lives with his mother in 109 Wet Biffbtyfounb during the rest of the Irwin Is the daughter of Mrs Sarah Irwin and a graduate of Institute She is years old and her husband is eight years her senior News of the marriage brought to Seabrlght In the form of a sent by Mr Gavin to his motherinlaw his his llandy Book L Peen was treat his Miss from New York It and I were married at the Church of All Strangers We are stopping at the Na vane Hotel As entertained by the mother of bride were no mean Insurmountable will ac corded the usual upon their return to SARGENT PREDICTS DROP IN CANNONS MAJORITY Frank P Sargent Commissioner Gen eral of Immigration returned from Rock Island 111 where he an address to the Farmers Na tional Congress on the value and im- portance of immigration to the farming Interests of the country Commissioner General Sargent rays the farmers were too bvy to tales much Interest In the CoafcTceslotMa elections When asked if he heard any talk about the political situation In Speaker Cannons district he said that he we told by those in touch with the conditions that Cannon would be reelected but by a reduced majority In some parts of the dis labor probably would vote against the b yesterday as l forgiveness 9e tbright de- livered ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Children Caught Stealing Say They Are Members- of Band N W TOltK Oct Atcordlng to Limb polio Mw Josephine Palata who wa Arraigned Jefferson Market po lice court of the Ant female Fagira ever known In city has been cap tured The woman wet ajr aftcr two littfe girls who had been arrested for shoplifting had confessed that had received Instruction in stealing from the Palacia woman When a de toctlve arrested the woman In her a conelderable quantity Of goods which It IE alleged have been stolen from pertinent stores throughout t city were found two arrested in a de- partment tore Sn Sixth avrnu by a detective They gave their names Lena Pamela twelve years od and Teele Lunxe The detective watched the and after be saw them several articles he said he took them to the office of the store wn e they made a full confession They said they had been taking goods from stores for last two weeks and that they knew of fifteen or twenty other who went to school and after being dismissed for the day went around the stores and picked up anything they could WOMAN IS FAQIN TO LITTLE GIRLS I f In l r J they r home de s f The r ta- M Ir t I a cuff this f girls were bourne take ¬ ¬ < Published from fourteen cities simultaneously- this morning Each issue the same everywhere except the local sections and brimful of the weeks happenings flashed by wire from all parts of the country The big events of the week featured in national editorials What Does HearSt Stand For Mr Edward W Townsend a member of our answers this in this issue Mr Townsend writes from an acquaintanceship of twenty years during some of which he was one Mr chief aides his first newspaper venture The article will include an interesting word picture of Mr Hearses personal characteristics f Four Months After We have said that above everything else Ridgways will be fair With this we sent Mr Chris Healy to Chicago to get the facts following recent exposure at Packingtown Mr Healy got them and has written an interesting account for this number It will be wholly unbiased because Mr Healy comes here fresh from England without any prejudices He is well known as author of The Confessions a Journalist V v The Week at Washington Mr Roosevelt and Mr Root have returned to Washington and Mr Taft will be back in a week or more Departments news will be brisk from now on Ridgways will give you news and information of national interest and importance that you cannot find elsewhere Martin Egan with his department editors con tribute interesting reports and comments in our Washington Bureau this week Humor Illusfarations GELETT Buxoiss in his Department of Humor contributes a lively sketch entitled The UltraPeach which he has illustrated himself Other contributors are Wallace Irwin C A Seldcn Carolyn Wells and Justin Sturgis T JENKINS HAINS has written an excellent sea story entitled cc The Edge of the Ron cador There is lots of to this tale the plot doesnt interest the most jaded reader the illustration will JOSEPH CONRAD contributes the second installment of his stirring serial The Agent Those who read the first article of the series Little Tragedies of the Trusts by Ralph D Paine in the first number of Ridgways will be ready for the second installment entitled The of A Hertz Butcher These informing articles will cause a lot of comment There is an excellent political car- toon by WH Walker This weeks number will please the most exacting There are 4 pages on national topics of the week 4 pages of national editorials 8 pages of local happenings in your district 16 pages illustrating current events 8 pages from the Washington Bureau 4 of humor 2 The Week at a Glance with additional pages of general articles and pages in all Buy Get It Early Ten Gents Union Square New York City Publishers of Everybodys Magazine i in tt l i Fi ti and J I I sketches64 t T Ridgway COmpany I r r L ti YpP a tttlr Op s pN r r ATP H I lilt staff I 101 loll 11111 10111 I Oil IIIJ JIll a own tit r u T v iiiinuoi 11111 111111 111111 111111 i 11111 111111 11111 lllll 11111 IH Jififi 11111 im 11111 111111 ifi III 111111 k III 111111 I on I t V Ncada i 111111 111111 I 11111 Secret 111111 flu 111111 111111 I 11111 112fL 194 l a a N E4 Rid va ss o tit 111 d q t 11 14G q td Zi Y R DAUM NtEAO AT- Ts + ° ° =

Bertha Krupp Guarded MIL Ira ar Anarchists When Motorcyclein companies So much for thecivil side of the prob lem On the side of criminal proceed ... London a sus oaks his adopt In-corporated

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Page 1: Bertha Krupp Guarded MIL Ira ar Anarchists When Motorcyclein companies So much for thecivil side of the prob lem On the side of criminal proceed ... London a sus oaks his adopt In-corporated



Story of London Stockin Trust Caused Mo-

mentary Flurry


Decisions in Northern Securities and Fertilizer Trust

Cases Precedents

Financial New York even financialIond n considerably exerctand overthe glory Ftndlay Ohio that onof the Standard Oil concerns 1 ownedby a London holding concern It hasbeen intimated that this discovery hasbrought a tremendous shock to thoee of-

ficer of the law who are intrusted withenforcing the antitrust statutes andthat nerhap even the whole programof the antitruet campaign might requirerevision to prevent it craft going topiece on this rock

All these stories it can be stated onthe best authority are more interestingthan accurate In two great eases theDepartment of Justice baa demonstratedthat the foreign holding company is anIneffectual mean to evading the law ofthis Country

These two involved theNorthern Securities Company and theFertilizer trust There la nothing about

newlydiscovered General IndustrialDevelopment Syndicate Limited ofLondon that frightens the antitrustlawyers who know what was writtenInto the decree la the Northern Securi-ties case and what Mea done withthe Fertilizer trust

Northern Saenritiea CageIn the Northern Securities the

Government charged that the securitiescompany held the control of the North-ern Pacific and Great Northern rallroad parallel and competing roads andthat it was for the purpose of

competition In its decree thecourt among other things ordered thatneither the Northern Pacific nor theGreat Northern should pay any more oftheir earning or profits to the Northern Securities Company

And where your London holdingcompany come in if we get an orderof that sort affecting its held concerns rdemanded officer of the Federal lawservice We cant dissolve a Londonconcern but we can money beIng to a concern anycorporation within the juris-diction of this Government Abouttime that happened there would be a-

in companiesSo much for the civil side of the prob

lem On the side of criminal proceedings the Department of Justiceexperience with a foreign corporationin the matter of the trust Thiswag formed several years ago when the

business a bad wayeoenpetimr o

that nobody made any promts Themanagers got together and tallied Hever at City and New YorkFinally a lawyer who was at the timepro-

posed the plan that wasGavsramaat Got Busy

A selling and agency concern wasIn Canada headquarters In

Toronto Through it the output of allthe associated concerns was handledprices were adjusted and equalhted andthe trust became and profit-able The Government got buyhowever and the foreign companywhich really the essence of thetrust and had much more to do withits management and practical successthan any mere holding company wouldhave did not In any way embarrass thegovernment when it set about in theTennessee Federal district to indict the

oncerns that were parties toPiracy The indictments stand and

ire tP come to trial soon and there hino antitract now pending Inwhich the Department of hasgreater ease hathis ORe In a civil proceeding ifjifoessity should arise subsidiarytorporatlons could be frommaking reports to or receiving directionsfrom the foreign concern In shortthere no difficulty at according toth men of law who uve into It

managing the foreign holdingand preserving the Integrity

the Federal

Woman Allege She Assailed CeReipsmieat in Her Diwrce Suit But

latter Denies It

NEW YORK Oct U Who didWilliam S Wetmore h rsi tiipquestion is puwttafj the aristocraticcolony of Port Cheater

Mrs Wetmore declares that the woman whipped wan FrederickHunt the handsome wife ef a wellknown resident oC Port Chester wholias been named a corespondent in thedivorce brought Wetmore

Mr denies that she i the woman who was whipped and thatMrs Wetmore must have dreamed thatshe horaewhl her or else whippedsome other woman she saw norhusband

IS bad separatedand caused onnonsupport Them she metwa Jaunt onthe sidewalk and attacked her


The Young Mens Christian Associa-tion wBl have a camera club A meet-Ing held last night to effect atemporary organization and in twoweeks time a permanent organisationwill have been completed Temporaryofficer weN elected last night whenFrank M Boteler waa elected pr Menand W C Taber E LC W Shoemaker were named aa anexecutive committee

Net Friday night a meeting wilt beheld when It Is to give ademonstration in plateThhtv three names are now enrolled onthe of applications and it is thepurpose of new to arpractical photography













panic in the shares ot hold


rUUtler wast

clever for


this conI






Jar Wetmorehisa cure of










a sus oaks





allaboutr o-








o t

li t

















Bertha Krupp Guardedof AnarchistsIra ar

MISS BERTHA KRUPPWorlds Richest Girl Whose Mansion Is Guarded like Csars Palace for

Employes May Seek Her Life OB WedotiEj DayFeat-


Mansion Bristling WithSentriefs as Her

Day Approaches

E88KN Germany Oct HYears thatan attempt may be made to assassinate

Bertha Krupe by anarchisticworkmen employed m some of the Krwnpenterprise on the occasion of her wed-ding on Monday to Lieut Qustav VonBohten Und Ilalbach have caused thegreatest precautions to be taken to pre-vent anyone from gaining admission to


Physician Haft Said Out and FUdWitk-ABOthars Lfcbl M i


HAMILTON Ohio Oct IX Nineempty milk bottles with a note inform-ing the milkman to deliver ne moremilk pweed on the hack doorstep ofthe residence of Dr C H Sater 7

South Second street disclosed the storyof the departure of the doctor and thesimultaneous disappearance of MrsSnow the wife ot W H Snow man-ager of the New York Racket store

Dr Sater had sold his horses andrigs and his wife had returned to herparents home at New Haven Butlercounty Mr Snow said that his wifehad packed all her personal belongingsseveral days ago and shipped them toMichigan She had also taken SLOWworth of diamonds A note sayingGoodby I love another man

and have gone for good had been lefther on the parlor table

Snow say that Dr Sater gained theaffections of his wife while treating herfor rHeumatism He will Institute asearch for the missing couple


TRENTON N J Oct U One of themost interesting bills ever renderedagainst the officers of the InterstateFair Association was paid when Secre-tary Mahlon Margerum drew a checkof the association for 115 in favor ofthe Rev Joseph Howell of theHamilton Presbyterian Churchfor services In detecting andfake robbers of the people

Mr Howell has been ror manyin clearing the fair of evils such

as gambling and selling liquor on Sun-days

EVERY LITTLE NOISECaffae Nerves Easily Irritated

Ever notice how irritable-a coffee drinker Is when he has nothad his usual dram

Trifling noises that a naturally healthyperson would never notion sound likea bonier factory or a brass band to anervepoioaed coffee slave

But there a big difference whensuch a one finally learns the ofhi trouble coffee and uses wellmade Potum

For li I was afflicted withstomach trouble lev of appetite myfood distressed me and heartburn Every little noise disturbed me

None of my physicians relieved mebut all advised me to drinkingcoffee About two ago my

brought home a package of Postum and we It a fol-

lowed direction about boiling It fifteenminutes and it

Very oon I noticed a change in mycondition Now with Postum M mybeverage I sleep better oat without

and enjoy life since every lit-

tle disturbance or noisemy entire nervous system

well woman and member of myfamily has been benefited it Afr while dinner with

whOe ago remarked on he deliciouscoffee I served When I told er It wasPostum she was surprised sayinghad tried It but did not It

When I told her drat balling t ISor 20 minutes save it thatshe followed directions then knewfor herself

In addition to the great relief I haveexperienced from stomachand Irritated nerves ilnee ualnfc Potum I rind I am more levelheadedand every little noire n t tifcturbme as it used to given by Prturn Co Battle

Read the fiURHis little TheRoad to In pk areason







dl eu does not bat-ter

to PotNm I am a


















bookZ ell title i e y














the grounds of the young pala-tial residence

The Krupp mansion is guarded acarefully as the palace of Cur Nicholas

entrance to many royal palace ofthan to her home Guards are

everywhere and the mansion has beentransformed Into a miniature fortress

Members of the Krupp brigade areacting a guards and they really con-stitute a tried bodyguard

There is another reason for havingthese Men on the watch and la tohead off beggars who are anxious to

lrt to anyone whomight reach her



Justice Barnard on moticn of Assistant Corporation Counsel James Francissmith lea signed an order ratifyingthe verdict of the Jury of appraisers1 the natter of the opteatas of an alleylot square H hounded by New Yorkavenue H Twentythird and Twentyfoarth streets northwest

The Jury awarded the owners e theland taken damages amounting toH54A1 and benefitsproperty to the amount of atl8



LAPORTE Jnd Oct Uln an actionfor divorce hem Ella Bell Andrew ofthis city P Andrew of

Ore mU the his wife hadthreatened to kin herself and have herbody sent to a preeat He also charged her with personalviolence

It is for a person to obtain


reach the C woman thatat thlll periOd in lifewill liberal



and easierEu-


believinghappy she



Charles Port-land






Unusual Outcome of RivalsQuarrel in Apartments

of Woman


Unable t Articulate an AntcMortemS-tatftaMMtf


NBW YOBJC Oot JAOwtn toroost cords failure at

tended an effort to obtain an antemortem statement from Herbert Part-ridge a young accountant whoshot it alleged by Charles Johnsof New Rochelle in a fight growing outof Jealousy over Mrs Jennie SmithPhysicians say Partrtdg will neverfully recover his power of speech

The antemortem statement wasought by Coroner Harburger Part-ridge was Just able to frame Ye and

No but wa unable to utter anotherword The man asked if Jahnsshot him and the coroner said he re-

plied in the bare affirmative

This simple assertion however beinglegally insufficient the coronerforded to abandon the attempt to aregular statement An affidavit wasmule by Dr Max Bernstein that themar could not talk The doctor saidthat probably Partridge would recoverfrom hi wounds but that not onlywould ids tongue remain in almost complete but his right armwould be paralysed a well

Partridge went to board with thewoman sad known her brotherJohns began to call cr Mrs Smith andPartridge objected to the visits

Ten days ago the men had a violentquarrel and Sraith askjad Part-ridge to leave

Duet la ApartmentAt 1 oclock in the morning Mrs

Smith said Partridge entered the apartmeat with his latchkey rushed into thekitchen grabbed a butcher knife andattacked The knife was brokenin the fight and Partridge assailedrival with a chair After Jahns gavewarning to Partridge several to

struck Partridge bat only one woundwas serious A bullet struck him in thethroat his vocal cords andhis shoulder nd arm The effectof the wound wa so unusual that It hasaroused a great interest In medical

and stores of physicians have ex-amined the patient



Spanish War Veterans and others inthe city who desire to make a side tripto the many historic places In the Vir-

ginia tidewater district will find It conve bat and Interesting to make theJournet via the Norfolk and Washing

boats These steamers sail dally atp m completing the trip down the

historic Potomsc in a night Easilyreached from Fortress Monroe and Norfolk are all the historically tractiveplaces on the shore of Hampton RoadsThese boats make railroad connectionsat Norfolk fcr all Soutlvra points andalso steamer connections for New Yorkand Boston City offices are located atSeventh street wharf and at TDK Fourteenth street

A SURE WIWHBRare of arguments tor atd

against the waistbut the will win out

Hon do you know1Because It 1 keeping eool Houston



Cannot Be

ot his

net CouI rId LlPl


was as



keep oer he fired three shots Each


peeka boo











t4ai a












When Miss Lucille Sherdowne Married Dr Lee De For-

est Inventor of the Telegraph System That Bears HisName She Became Known as The Wireless Bride Be-

cause Her Future Husband Taught Her Telegraphy In-

stalled a Set of Instruments in Her Own Particular Den

and Did Most of His Courting by Wireless

Will They Get TheirDivorce by Wireless



The Ending of Last Winters Greatest Romance Win Ba told la To-

morrows Sunday Times



Elopers Leave by Boat

Intended Runaway Voyage on Machine ButPlan for Extra Seat to Accommodate Bride

Proved Futile So Ferry Was Used

When Motorcycle Fails

NBW YORK Oct UThat lowewill Said a way has been againdemonstrated and Joseph B Gavin ofNew York dad bride who wardXO Caroline Irwin of BeabrlghtN J despite parental opposition areenjoying their honeymoon alter aneventful elopement

Had there not been mechanical difflcttltle in the way the elopement wouldhave been decldaly romantic since MrGavin planned to have an extrabuilt on his motorcycle and ride awaywith bride In that manner But themechanics found they couldnt get theseat In place o the slopes were com-pelled to employ the boat

Oavin 1 a manager ofa companyselling form products and makes hishome and business in Seabrisjht dur-ing the summer He lives with hismother in 109 Wet Biffbtyfounbduring the rest of the IrwinIs the daughter of Mrs Sarah Irwinand a graduate of Institute

She is yearsold and her husband is eight years hersenior

News of the marriage brought toSeabrlght In the form of asent by Mr Gavin to his motherinlaw



llandy Book






from New York It andI were married at the Church of AllStrangers We are stopping at the Navane Hotel

As entertained by themother of bride were no meanInsurmountable will accorded the usual upon theirreturn to


Frank P Sargent Commissioner General of Immigration returnedfrom Rock Island 111 where he

an address to the Farmers National Congress on the value and im-portance of immigration to the farmingInterests of the country CommissionerGeneral Sargent rays the farmers weretoo bvy to tales much Interest In theCoafcTceslotMa elections When askedif he heard any talk about the politicalsituation In Speaker Cannons districthe said that he we told by those intouch with the conditions that Cannonwould be reelected but by a reducedmajority In some parts of the dis

labor probably would vote againstthe





forgiveness9e tbright








Children Caught StealingSay They Are Members-

of Band

N W TOltK Oct Atcordlng toLimb polio Mw Josephine Palata whowa Arraigned Jefferson Market police court of the Ant female Fagiraever known In city has been captured The woman wet ajr aftcrtwo littfe girls who had been arrestedfor shoplifting had confessed thathad received Instruction in stealingfrom the Palacia woman When a detoctlve arrested the woman In hera conelderable quantity Of goods whichIt IE alleged have been stolen frompertinent stores throughout t citywere found

two arrested in a de-partment tore Sn Sixth avrnu by a

detective They gave their namesLena Pamela twelve years od and

Teele Lunxe The detective watchedthe and after be saw themseveral articles he said he took themto the office of the store wn e theymade a full confession

They said they had been taking goodsfrom stores for last two weeks andthat they knew of fifteen or twentyother who went to school andafter being dismissed for the day wentaround the stores and picked upanything they could









de s










girls were






Published from fourteen cities simultaneously-this morning Each issue the same everywhereexcept the local sections and brimful of theweeks happenings flashed by wire from all partsof the country The big events of the weekfeatured in national editorials

What Does HearSt Stand ForMr Edward W Townsend a member of our answers

this in this issue Mr Townsend writes from anacquaintanceship of twenty years during some of which he wasone Mr chief aides his first newspaperventure The article will include an interesting word picture ofMr Hearses personal characteristics

fFour Months After

We have said that above everything else Ridgways will befair With this we sent Mr Chris Healy to Chicago toget the facts following recent exposure at PackingtownMr Healy got them and has written an interesting account forthis number It will be wholly unbiased because Mr Healycomes here fresh from England without any prejudices Heis well known as author of The Confessions a Journalist

V v

The Week at WashingtonMr Roosevelt and Mr Root have returned to Washington

and Mr Taft will be back in a week or more Departments newswill be brisk from now on Ridgways will give you news andinformation of national interest and importance that you cannotfind elsewhere Martin Egan with his department editors contribute interesting reports and comments in our Washington Bureauthis week

Humor IllusfarationsGELETT Buxoiss in his Department of Humor contributes

a lively sketch entitled The UltraPeach which he has illustratedhimself Other contributors are Wallace Irwin C A SeldcnCarolyn Wells and Justin Sturgis T JENKINS HAINS haswritten an excellent sea story entitled cc The Edge of the Roncador There is lots of to this tale the plot doesntinterest the most jaded reader the illustration will JOSEPH CONRAD

contributes the second installment of his stirring serial TheAgent Those who read the first article of the series LittleTragedies of the Trusts by Ralph D Paine in the first numberof Ridgways will be ready for the second installment entitled

The of A Hertz Butcher These informing articleswill cause a lot of comment There is an excellent political car-

toon by W H WalkerThis weeks number will please the most exacting There

are 4 pages on national topics of the week 4 pages of nationaleditorials 8 pages of local happenings in your district 16 pagesillustrating current events 8 pages from the WashingtonBureau 4 of humor 2 The Week at a Glancewith additional pages of general articles and pagesin all

Buy Get It Early Ten Gents

Union Square New York CityPublishers of Everybodys Magazine






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