XI. Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution o Pr ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman Class of ("Jose to T'' o Hundred. .\11 Parts of the State are Represented in lkgistration. I I I\<' h: . .md 1 d and twcuty tudl·nts .Smith, Rohl'rt, Elet:trkal Eng-in-1 n gi!'t<.·red Jn t·olk,....l' and the 1..rm . Great FaJI .... :ti bids fan· t b1c ont: of the be:-.t Ra<kliffc .. fa .... I!.. Chemical En., the hl"'torv ' thl• rn:--titution. One l!incering. Fairfid<l. l"('r'. and :--ix in·!'!hmen have Hollister, Bru1:e, ("hem it-al Eng-in-, \\ !'nroilt•cJ. Iarge:,t evt·r re· ccring, DeKalb, Ill •.(·fl·(J Tht'Y l·ome from part Griffith. Biology and th -.tut a numbt·r from far Chemistry. Bozeman t of th l mt.et. and Can- )loon•, Cyril. A,c;riculture, Polar. p idt·" tit e v tudcnb. a larg-e \\·ise, Homl'r A., Chemical En·\ r: tmbcr of lolleg-e m.,:n who han· heen Hardin. iilitary for the> pa!'l num- Hampton. Geonria, Home Econ- ot nwnths han l't<turneci and are omics. Dozeman. •l ting thl'h courses. Elect11cal En-, Jiint i" shown by the j?"ine('nnl!, Hardin. u11d •n their battle for P.C'<'k. ..\.rl'hiU.·t·tural EngmC'(·ring. '-mac) and th( campus a:-> wcJl a'l Hardi.n. n town has b<·t·n thL• of 3 .;\kCaum, Harry, En- 1 1b1 r of "tiff scrap:.. Cp until the ginel'ring-, Helena. •)onrl pul, lhcy \\ill c:ontlnue thi!'- \\"aih•, .Janice R, Secretarial, Boze. trst and the poml 1s sure ro be man. I t d ;i numbl'' Jf t1ml's. GctC'hl'll. "raynt", Eledrical En- ht foothall p1· 1spt:<.·ts for this faB ginccring, Bozeman. bl·tter lhan lht·Y have C'\'C'r beC'n Don. Agriculture, I A la1 nu 1lhe1· of llH'l1 ar,.. \\'orck•n fo1 prnct ice and a fiJw 1 b :-i;r to ht• pic-ked. \\'1th thL· 11l'W l'hcmistry buildini:r \\"illson, .Jot.• .. ct·rctarial. Bozeman. )lead. Gt"rald. Agriculture, Huntley. Alderson. \\.'m .. Chemical Engineer- •h hill. grournl broken for a new ing, Bozeman. huildin-. an<I a numbt."'r Brandenburg, :\larie, Home Econ· cmic:t', Bozeman. I ( ollcg-E.· 1s m lmt: for a bett r r.urges:s. Dorothy. Botany and Bact- t! mon• profitahlu year than it has 1 erology. B<ncmau. 1 had. . F'ord, Etham, AgTiculture, Boze. '"'he t'ollowm_g- an' the f1·eshmen en- man. J"d at colleg-e, thcir coun.e and \\·alker. \"indnia, Home Ec:onomics, · Jr home towns· En- Bozeman. . · 01·slun<l. Harold. Eledrical j Stacy, .Architectual En- Halr•s, Alfrf'<l, Ag-riculture. Cor- gineering , Bozeman. I Kellams, Loui Secretarial, Boze. Electrical En· man. .. , cring-. Bozeman. (Continued on Page Four.) SPECIAL ASSEMBLY I SENATE DIV IDES HELD FOR FROS H ACTI VITY FEE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919 l'RESIDE:-11' ALFRED ATKINSON WELCOME TO MONTANA STATE. The opening of the college year of 19 L9-L920 finds the Montaon State College "·ilh the largc•t enrollment of college students in its history. The freshman class is larger than in any previous year, and it is gratifying to note the large membersip in the senior, junior and sophomore cla sses . Many of the present juniors and seniors were obliged to drop out of college to ent.er war service and we are greatly pleased to sec them returning to finish up their work. The war clearly dC:monsb·ated that the world's important activ- ities are to he directed by trained people, and it is clearly ev ident that :\L\!BER Fine Athletic Record Back of Coach Powell ::'\e" Coach Ha s Em iablc Coaching and Playing Record. Starred for Thrl'e ); on "i.sconsin EleYcn and Co:lchcd Winning Football. Uashctball . \nd Baseball Teams. ''Have you seen the new coach'!" South Catolina. :\"avnl Station and it "Yea Boy,.isn't he a bear?" was to this plac.-t• that Coach \\·. D. "I'll say he's a bear and belil!\"C Powell was After eig-h· me that boy knows stuff." teen months work under the ::mpcr- "Does he," vi::;ion of \\'alte r <:ump, Coach Po, ... ·ell "1111 :my." :.;ecured his dischaTgc on July 1st of The above is an example of tht this year . He comt·s to .)1. S. C'. talk that has been g-oing the round• head o[ the Phy,ital Education De- among the students on the hill. The partment and holds a professorship in I coa<·h might well be the subject of the university. 1 1!lany conversations for he is a man The physital c<iul'ation dt'partmcnt I that has been talked of before and by this yl"ar i:- undertaking- a broader some of the biggest deans of athletics ,,;copt.' of work than ever beiorL•. ln- 1 in the United States. Coach W. D. 5h'ad of merely training a few tnen Powell entc.·rcd the t:niversity of \Yi mto organizl•d for the PUT· •,:on:;:in as a st udent. in 1910. lie held post> of upholding tht' honor of )I. I down the most diffic·ult job on the S. C. it. the training of team, that of center for thrcl' years, eYery man in school. Int er i '11. '12. an<l "13. He was on the great athletics will fonn an important "Wisconsin championship team of Hll2 feature mul the major and had been named A.11-\Vestern wre:;tlintt. boxing and foncing- will be 1 selection. Jn 191-1 after hi:; gradu- introduced and interclass tourna- i ation he went to We't )lissouri as ment" will be held in these also. If head coach and athletic director and promi:dng- material in the wrestling 'for the years '1-l , '15, and '16 he shows up thl:'re be a wl:""l.•st· I coached in football, basketball, and ling tournament held with )[i ::osoula baseball. Hi s team in 1915 won the as it is understood that they have I championsh ip of the Ohio conference. se\·e1·al who arc ambitious In Au!t'Ust cf 1917 Coach Powell Te- of pinning the shoulders of !'omt· of I signed in order to ac<:ept his biggest our men to the mat. There is at 1 job, that of coaching Uncle Sam1$ present a compul13ory physical train- ! . championship doughboy organization ing- and g-ymnasinm course fo1 under that pinned the crape on Kaiser Bill clasRmen with the C'ncl in view of '1 in the All -European conference. He makinJ? them physical sound as wa!' at Camp Sherman, possible and g-ivin.r them an appor- Ohio until the first of the Year. The tunity of trying' out for the \"arsity camp Sherman football team had .squads. I eight All.American stars in it::; line- I Coach Powell paid a lribute to the up. I men who are out for football \Val ter Ca.mp. Aml'ricas foremost I :-·hen he ··The spirit of the men football authority had charge of the ts splendid. They all show a athletic training of the Gobs, He had, deal of interest and this is his headquarters at the Cha rl es t on, I (Continued on Page COLLEGE WOM EN NEW COMMANDANT ORGANIZE LEAfiU E1 REPORTS FOR DUTY cl nut Sli"ht Change :Hade in Oispos the young rnen and wo1nen of )[ ontana have learned the lesson taught. "" meeting of the fre!:ihmcn · ass "' To all students in all of the cla sses and divis ons of the institution , ' Vomen•s League Organized at First \Vith a record enrollment in both Wo'"" l'allcd Tuesday afternoon at tion of ActiYity :\loney for C,,oll ege we extend a hearty welcome and exp ress the belief that the year is \Vumen's Assembly of the College 1 freshman and sophomore cla. •s '·nl' o'clock in the assembly by Presi - Year. Rand and Debate Will Have going to be one of the ,-ery highest sati s fa ction to everyone connected Year. Object to Raise Social and I :\lilitary Science is scheduled for " AtkinRon. The meeting was held / i\'lore. with the college co mmunity . Scholastic Standard of 'Vomen Stu· I banner at ::\{ . S. C. ti give the new students an idea of The Sta te of :'\l onta na wt•korncs you to its own State College. dents . Under an ".1, h .l\dt al mteeTting (Signed) ALFRED ATKIN President.. j -. -- t tween the l'OlJegt.\ alutho1<l·ities land he e as uesoay v.:rnoon ""' I Thursday Qlornmg- at eleven war department a 1 un t;?r c assmen t. and to them with the activity fee paid by each student the first women's assembly of this required to rcgistcd for nooi l'U t.r•m anrl ti:aditions. : upon registering was <livided up year was held in the assembly room. c:.·ourse. All unifonn. s, equi pment and Atkinson as the fir:::t ti · t" ·t·e l' t wa<.:. . h d b h among ic nutous ac "" 1 •· F ST P RA CT CE I MANY FROSH VISIT Dean Una B. Henick was m charg'e m•tTudon ar.c fum1s e y t. e gov- ... ak£'1· faid that the fees paid by the the.• rk•sire of Atkinson that IR I <l d tu tu<l t JrlL·nt paid for about five percent of this be done immediately in order that · I I a:;t .. :.: : .•• lhf> cast for the maintainam.•c.> of the f d · h b ·1 ble t •ta1·t tl1c h l U un s m1g t c ava1 a o .., I co L fi ROfifi R The mos t important feature of the to the stud,; o:t t mgs nu ltal). p- .. titution and that the stat<.' and ac:tiYities. In the ab:;en<:e of Zale>s r..AME TOMOR R OW LE E F E y, and one that wiJJ pro\·e of ??r elect t training- ! ..-Jt'ral j!ovcn1ment paid the El'lvn. pre::iident of the st udent U 1 ti , d ne vhereup 0 n they re The reason that this is cloni:: because I . . . I f I I great benefit to the women of the col- i lcy so . ' - Henry l\Iiche 1s actmg pre:ilC o ___ lege was the organization ot' a L·ei,·e ration pay of approximately tn·· ,c:-overnment bclic,·e that their tht.> associated students and the me(.>l-• . . I , . . . . nine dollar ... per• month. Any student b<: .. t investment in ed ucation men ing- was callt:d and presided on.?r by Fir:-.t and Second Teams \\. ill Stage Actn·e Sophomores Forcibly Immerse, \Vomc-n s L11ag·ue with an mncr cucle . . h h. & d women. the war HO per him. Game Tomorrow . Afternoon at :1;00 Number of Infant s in Abode of 1 to bt• called tht• \V omen's Council. military t ruout 19 of the l'Ollt·gc men Vi" l'.re com - I · O' dock on CoJleu·e F e ld. Rana Catesbiana. This league was proposed by ,\li,s 1 entire l'?ur:w may up?n his Only a slight chang-e was mnc e 111 e Oi)al Clinkenbeard of Great Falls and graduation. re<.:CI\"C a second lwuten- ... !'ioned showinu hat the vhc clispo :si tion of the $7.50 activity . . . I .. h h ·I , . 1 ant commission in the regular army. colll'ge men. fads should fee compared with the past few Thursday afternoon the college Acordmg to Darwm, :\Ian ts a. o:t t e sop omore ,, epon this sy5.tem the old ·h·lp the 8-tUdl nt to the y<..·ar;). Howe\·ei-, an examination of squad had their first scrimmage,when related to the ape, but modern d1scusmg t_hc befort:: t.ht: S . .-\. T. C has bl'en a<landoned and ,;Jul' of an l'<lu<.:ation. t.udies are the books showed an Un · Coach Chauncr brought his peppery make frequent use of the word, fish, sembly, .i\ltss ( ltnkenbeard all work in th{• future will be g-iven n(' must important feature of a col - balance from last year of over .roung-sters up from the High school. I in s peaking- of the human biped. I the necessity of :such an organizat10n in thl' Rt•!'iet\'l' . Offil'ers Training h !!l career. If any other people en- .;ix hundred dollar:, in the athletic Althouirh the. college little diff i- However. it must. be all and. Cor >:--. nO' "'Choo! plal'e other thin"S first r I I ti culty in making long garns they had I that environment puts heredity m the reg1stcr111g m \\Ottlcl thu::s 1 . t ,., "" ,., l'quipment unc an< consequen Y . . . . 11 b b ··tl Tlw course as outlined at a d a1-e abll' tll do so for four ft'!'t)• c"nt< of th" former appoition- to wo1·k hard to stop the plunging of I m th1s connect1on, (as a usual automat1ca Y ecome a mem ct \\ 1 1 1 h k ,.. .., '"' · Tl . . , f tl ·. ot t trl'l' ours per wee· or )t:tr:-; but the student that expects to ment for athletic equipment was th e nen·y Gallatin back field. TL looks The humnn worm, often out further fees. .'e o.,. 11: I 1t1 hour:: for the entire Yt>ars work. ake a success in coll ege that will di,·idcd between the band and as if Bozeman might have two state I' uned as a freshman at 15 I would be Ill 1 the , Ca 1t. Bubb, thl' iww l<ad to a sucet>ss in after life must tlcbatc. No other chanaes were made. championship teams this year if pep ptrhaps the best examp le of this case I s.otial and schol.nstu.: standat cl of the I . 1 1 . 1 1 to-- t I t l · , J to not at thl· tune fu ly < ecH t"< .->:nt•l't to devote most o( their eff0t·ts A.s rcromended by the senate the and fighting- spirit count for anything . _the form .of n women. s ucen :-- i_n iu J"lt the L·xad work to be co,·ered Collegt' intended to 'l<:tivity fee will be diddecl as fol- 1 A good sized crowd was on. to I flus conc?ct1 on. of 1gnor- all matt<'t:; to .the t·h ,. order infantrv drill will pr;marily develop the mental side but lows: 1 watch the fr_om the s1de lmes 1s not with the ntan:u- I of the women oi )lontam\ 1 fit t hl· takt:n u 1 later. followed by adh-iti('. «anot be ignored if Athletic!'> $:.LOO and much satisfaction was C'xpressed I prnl mamm als, neither has he, tatt:' College. 1 th i:-; to overcome social at the good showing made by both er it, (as the. case may be) _ what One of thC' point!': out ext-.ndt•d a'l\·kwardness: that will become em- .\ thletic E<iuipment. ' 2 .00 t eams. would be as embr1cated ,·arious college women durmg tht• as- .\[nntanu. ,·ery furtunutc later. Exponent Sl.OO Following is a list of the men by 1 jaw:). Be that a!'.' it. may . The ehar- .. emb ly was lhl' need for more organ- in a mun of Capt. .Mrs. iTcrrick, dt.>an of v.·omen and l._;and · 75 who we1'c out for the scrim- actel'istic swishy swashy splash of I ization in l'C'l?"arct to women stmlt•nt fo 1 l'ommandant and < 111ticlt-ntial advisor of <'OileJ?e llebatC' · 75 magc: th(' fish accompanies the immersion J employrnl'nt. This \1,.·ill no doubt be or t.•f )!ir•ary Capt. Bubb \. "11en. briefly adcfre:-.sed the fresh· 1 Se n iors-"'\Vakefie ld , Larse. Tayl01.·, lor eaeh specimen into the frog pond, onl' of the important functions of tlw t·i,nh:' batkt•d up by an en,·iable ser ... t"n dmq .. on "Knowino- what to do .' 7 .fiO B h J h \V r T b Ob I I 1' It td the clinQ'i t" moss s limy l f It ' d , .kl' l't:>l·t nl c-m·l!rin.L:" a period of fom·. Tl ·) · n at the meeting of us 0 Y ie.' 0 y, ere, .ac 1" 1 · '... · ' · .. 'I ea[.!'ue a s . e a more orp:anize t<..-<.·n in thL· army ineludinp;- two ,\e"<t ... and added thnt the thing- to rnse t . mer !\Iashrn. Chr istensen. and that clammy look all too evident svstem of fm<l111g employment and tlw senate were· Henry Mitchel, . . h f ti f h I · . .. 1 in th1..· .-\. E. The comman<l- tf next wa!' to Jo it. \V isdom in · . · d . . . f Jumors- II1bbert, Eaton, George on t e personage o ie poor ros stuclenb who were ttttc< ant is a t!Tathrntt• of \\"t.·st Point in what to ilo but the vir'iure is a('ting an com_mii:.sioner 0 . 1 l .:\lcFadin, Pinckney, Schneider. Pinch. as he slowly C'rawls out of the tool fu1· the \vork was ncNkcl. Thl' "i:-- the doing. A home is what every mterests muSll'al; Ruth !\.oble. eouncJ Sophomores-Pau l V\ry!ie, \Vinwood, g-reC'n depths, lead U!o; to believe that I school vocational will till· da .. ...: of 1 HO;). W'ltn3n and whatever her Russell Pi.ckcn!o;, com- 1 De Vore, J[orphcy, Ellis, Olson, Hu se·) the afore rnentioned modern au th ors doubtless be another matte1· whirh \ n• ·unw <if his :o:t•rvin· l• hns are for a ,·ocation the home is ':issioner of 1 meycr, \Vildnrnn, Str eet., Bright. arc in some ch.>){r1.•t• conccl. ,\·i1l be nutlC'r the direction of the, \\ , .... t Point l!lQ1.;;. h.1·lmcn of pubheatLOns, S . . . . '> I [ · t 1 <to- ;, which lwr cf- :"" wa< l'lech'<l ;' Profi:ssor J )1. Hamilton, presit'lent 1 , 11 u 11 ;, '. nior l'las!'' and ·R; . Pitb, ) Kadmg Stephenson, :.\[oore, Becker. haps there are tho:-ie among \\:)10 ,fl membtn·s ot the Capt. lUlti •r tlw for 1.=i years m1d at f t lC JU ' ·Asbury, Hu1-th Borton. i\kCurren, hiwe never heard of class sl'raps. I 1 or und Helen Rose ttppomt.ed .Jant.1ar:-o· Hlll-t p ""-t""llt, dean of men. spoke about immis:-;ionl'l' of athletics. 1 Gleason, Wise. 1 a ll $UCh this article has been rhninnan. She will ad l.i · l. t ul. Hll · 1 • nt'C'C'ssity for ha\'ing fairly ilefin. )lore men arc CX!'tt'l.'ted. out for the ' kat.hcrecl together in the of toi;:!ether with tho!':t' promoting- tht' :' 1 iillip1 k ... H 1 0l-l-lll rt.. plnns for thl.:' future. )linor dt.!- L. " 'i1:5on, the. county aj?ent ·rrimmage Saturday afternoon at the Poet. "From the total :;um, of hat!"U£' and will make <lefinik ptun... ( '.i<o not bl' dt"(: ide<l upon but it is on a leave of absence for a <l:OO and it will a good op· the scene of tht.· sc1· aps," Author fr.-r a Jll•rmanf'nt or;:?'nnization. i·rann• ·.,. imperative that Ol1t> look .car. .\ft er n brief visit in Cana da I portunity for thC' student body to see t bscu rc aml unknown. Since t he 1 The c:ouncil will bt" made of two ' 1. ·ti 1 t and 2Hth Division:- ll '-'fHI and plan accor<lh1 gly. Lack oi •nd :\Iinncsota \\"il son expects to ou r team in action. Rememher. ur .. arly yem·s of l'OllC'g-e, it been nwmber:-. from ('\"C'ry woman's org-Rn- 11; n • .- u1 .;.1 n:-. ::;t .lihit•l. Ch:un. pn..:.t' is the thing- a ... ttend the oi first game is only a little more than tht.• want of that sleuth.foot stutter· iznticn on the hill anrl they will ac:t ...... : 1 t ,, .\r:!ollllt' Forest . ilt·12:e fa .... ulty ha to of th .. · <'·'linty ag-ent work wed\ off and :t.nything that we c-an in:::-, scrap hound. the Rophomore, to for tlw !('a_!{ue so that woman \" · 1 ·+- ·d t,. gradt• .July :?R. Tht· nwmbci·s of this das:-. that will bL 1 taken of by .J. C. Taylor., do in the way ot' gi\'i nl? our ml'n sup- n•.,.t:nl the intrusion of the cradlt"· 1 in college will ha\·c a rle- \r, :•1lc f1::tt\11"(' thb will bf' !:" ... rh.111tt:i are- the On ("S that ha\ ' t.• de- ::is.o;iste<l by F'. E. Fuller and E. IL port may hel1> mutcl'ally to put :\l. S. into thf' dignified ranks of finite representative in all matters of .)0 r.·zinwntal band um.lt:>r thL• tC'ontinu<:".d OTI Page :!.} 1 Lott. C. on w inn ing e 11d of the s<·<ffe . 1 (Continued en Page 2.) I in1portance to her. 1C(1utinut•tl on Pag-e 1.)

!BER€¦ · XI. Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution o Pr J· ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman C lass

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Page 1: !BER€¦ · XI. Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution o Pr J· ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman C lass


Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution

o Pr J· ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman Class of ("Jose to T'' o Hundred. .\11 Parts of the State are Represented in lkgistration.


I I\<' h: . .md1 d and twcuty tudl·nts .Smith, Rohl'rt, Elet:trkal Eng-in-1

n gi!'t<.·red Jn t·olk,....l' and the 1..rm . Great FaJI .... :ti bids fan· t b1c ont: of the be:-.t Ra<kliffc .. fa .... I!.. Chemical En., the hl"'torv ' thl• rn:--titution. One l!incering. Fairfid<l.

l"('r'. and ·t·ight~ :--ix in·!'!hmen have Hollister, Bru1:e, ("hem it-al Eng-in-, \\ !'nroilt•cJ. th~ Iarge:,t evt·r re· ccring, DeKalb, Ill •.(·fl·(J Tht'Y l·ome from c\·t~ry part Griffith. Cl~nwnl. Biology and th -.tut ~nd a numbt·r from far Chemistry. Bozeman t of th l mt.et. State~ and Can- )loon•, Cyril. A,c;riculture, Polar.

p idt·" tit e v tudcnb. a larg-e \\·ise, Homl'r A., Chemical En·\ r: tmbcr of lolleg-e m.,:n who han· heen ~i•:Prrin~. Hardin.

iilitary ~t.:rnn~ for the> pa!'l num- Hampton. Geonria, Home Econ-ot nwnths han l't<turneci and are omics. Dozeman. •l ting thl'h courses. Buc~ingham. Ea~·l, Elect11cal En-,

Jiint i" bC'in~ shown by the j?"ine('nnl!, Hardin. u11d ~oph •n their battle for P.C'<'k. ..\.rl'hiU.·t·tural EngmC'(·ring.

'-mac) and th( campus a:-> wcJl a'l Hardi.n. n town has b<·t·n thL• sccm~ of 3 .;\kCaum, Harry, ~lechanic:al En- 1

1b1 r of "tiff scrap:.. Cp until the ginel'ring-, Helena. •)onrl pul, lhcy \\ill c:ontlnue thi!'- \\"aih•, .Janice R, Secretarial, Boze.

trst and the poml 1s sure ro be man. I t d ;i numbl'' Jf t1ml's. GctC'hl'll. "raynt", Eledrical En-ht foothall p1· 1spt:<.·ts for this faB ginccring, Bozeman. bl·tter lhan lht·Y have C'\'C'r beC'n C'hl~~terman, Don. Agriculture, I

A la1 ~l' nu 1lhe1· of llH'l1 ar,.. \\'orck•n fo1 prnct ice and a fiJw "ar~it~·

1 b :-i;r to ht• pic-ked. \\'1th thL· 11l'W l'hcmistry buildini:r

\\"illson, .Jot.• .. ct·rctarial. Bozeman. )lead. Gt"rald. Agriculture, Huntley. Alderson. \\.'m .. Chemical Engineer-

•h hill. grournl broken for a new ing, Bozeman. _111<'erin~ huildin-. an<I a numbt."'r Brandenburg, :\larie, Home Econ·

1111!H"~"l'I~ent~. ~lontana cmic:t', Bozeman. I ~·,tr ( ollcg-E.· 1s m lmt: for a bett r r.urges:s. Dorothy. Botany and Bact-

t! mon• profitahlu year than it has


erology. B<ncmau. 1 had. . F'ord, Etham, AgTiculture, Boze.

'"'he t'ollowm_g- an' the f1·eshmen en- man.

J"d at colleg-e, thcir coun.e and \\·alker. \"indnia, Home Ec:onomics, · Jr home towns·

En- Bozeman. . · 01·slun<l. Harold. Eledrical j Stacy, Clarenc~, .Architectual En­

Halr•s, Alfrf'<l, Ag-riculture. Cor- gineering, Bozeman.

I Kellams, Loui ~, Secretarial, Boze.

Electrical En· man. ~· .. , cring-. Bozeman. (Continued on Page Four.)


~prxpnnrnt BOZE~IA:\. ~10:\TA:\A, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919



The opening of the college year of 19 L9-L920 finds the Montaon State College "·ilh the largc•t enrollment of college students in its history. The freshman class is larger than in any previous year, and it is gratifying to note the large membersip in the senior, junior and sophomore classes. Many of the present juniors and seniors were obliged to drop out of college to ent.er war service and we are greatly pleased to sec them returning to finish up their work.

The war clearly dC:monsb·ated that the world's important activ­ities are to he directed by trained people, and it is clearly evident that


Fine Athletic Record Back of Coach Powell

::'\e" Coach Has Em iablc Coaching and Playing Record. Starred for Thrl'e ); ~an. on "i.sconsin EleYcn and Co:lchcd Winning Football. Uashctball .\nd Baseball Teams.

''Have you seen the new coach'!" South Catolina. :\"avnl Station and it "Yea Boy,.isn't he a bear?" was to this plac.-t• that Coach \\·. D. "I'll say he's a bear and belil!\"C Powell was tran~f<'rrecl After eig-h·

me that boy knows stuff." teen months work under the ::mpcr-"Does he," vi::;ion of \\'alter <:ump, Coach Po, ... ·ell "1111 :my." :.;ecured his dischaTgc on July 1st of The above is an example of tht this year. He comt·s to .)1. S. C'. a~

talk that has been g-oing the round• head o[ the Phy,ital Education De­among the students on the hill. The partment and holds a professorship in

I coa<·h might well be the subject of the university. 11!lany conversations for he is a man The physital c<iul'ation dt'partmcnt

I that has been talked of before and by this yl"ar i:- undertaking- a broader some of the biggest deans of athletics ,,;copt.' of work than ever beiorL•. ln-

1 in the United States. Coach W. D. 5h'ad of merely training a few tnen Powell entc.·rcd the t:niversity of \Yis· mto organizl•d team~ for the PUT· •,:on:;:in as a student. in 1910. lie held post> of upholding tht' honor of )I.

I down the most diffic·ult job on the S. C. it. c·ontemplate~ the training of team, that of center for thrcl' years, eYery man in school. Inter clas~

i '11. '12. an<l "13. He was on the great athletics will fonn an important "Wisconsin championship team of Hll2 feature mul be~ide the major ~porb and had been named A.11-\Vestern wre:;tlintt. boxing and foncing- will be

1 selection. Jn 191-1 after hi:; gradu- introduced and interclass tourna­i ation he went to We't )lissouri as ment" will be held in these also. If head coach and athletic director and promi:dng- material in the wrestling

'for the years '1-l , '15, and '16 he clas~ shows up thl:'re ma~· be a wl:""l.•st·

I coached in football, basketball, and ling tournament held with )[i::osoula baseball. His team in 1915 won the as it is understood that they have I championsh ip of the Ohio conference. se\·e1·al huskie~ who arc ambitious In Au!t'Ust cf 1917 Coach Powell Te- of pinning the shoulders of !'omt· of

I signed in order to ac<:ept his biggest our men to the mat. There is at 1 job, that of coaching Uncle Sam1$ present a compul13ory physical train-

!. championship doughboy organization ing- and g-ymnasinm course fo1 under that pinned the crape on Kaiser Bill clasRmen with the C'ncl in view of

'1 in the All -European conference. He makinJ? them a~ physical sound as wa!' ~tationc<l at Camp Sherman, possible and g-ivin.r them an appor­Ohio until the first of the Year. The tunity of trying' out for the \"arsity camp Sherman football team had .squads.

I eight All.American stars in it::; line- I Coach Powell paid a lribute to the up. I men who are tryin~ out for football

\Val ter Ca.mp. Aml'ricas foremost I :-·hen he ~aid: ··The spirit of the men football authority had charge of the ts splendid. They all show a g'r~at athletic training of the Gobs, He had, deal of interest a nd this is especial~ his headquarters at the Charles ton, I (Continued on Page ~.)


cl nut Sli"ht Change :Hade in Oisposi· the young rnen and wo1nen of )[ontana have learned the lesson taught. "" meeting of the fre!:ihmcn · ass "' To all students in all of the classes and divisons of the institution, ' Vomen•s League Organized at First \Vith a record enrollment in both Wo'"" l'allcd Tuesday afternoon at tion of ActiYity :\loney for C,,ollege we extend a hearty welcome and express the belief that the year is \Vumen's Assembly of the College 1 freshman and sophomore cla. •s '·nl' o'clock in the assembly by Presi - Year. Rand and Debate Will Have going to be one of the ,-ery highest satis faction to everyone connected Year. Object to Raise Social and I :\lilitary Science is scheduled for " <i~·~t AtkinRon. The meeting was held / i\'lore. with the college community . Scholastic Standard of 'Vomen Stu· I banner j'l~ar at ::\{ . S. C. ti give the new students an idea of The State of :'\lontana wt•korncs you to its own State College. dents. Under an agrc~mcnt exi~ting b~ ".1, ~at at1~de\\~o:tl<lt:l~Ype~!w~ ~:p~t{co:~ h .l\dt al mteeTting ~f th~afi:;~~dent sentaht~ (Signed) ALFRED ATKIN SO~. President.. j -. -- t tween the l'OlJegt.\ alutho1<l·ities land he e as uesoay v.:rnoon ""' I Thursday Qlornmg- at eleven o\~lock war department a 1 un t;?r c assmen t. and to t'amilia.ri~e them with the activity fee paid by each student the first women's assembly of this ar~ required to rcgistcd for thi~

nooi l'U t.r•m anrl ti:aditions. : upon registering was <livided up year was held in the assembly room. c:.·ourse. All unifonn. s, equi pment and Pre~idcnt Atkinson as the fir:::t ti · t" ·t·e l' t wa<.:. . h d b h among ic nutous ac "" 1

•· '· F ST PRACT CE I MANY FROSH VISIT Dean Una B. Henick was m charg'e m•tTudon ar.c fum1s e y t. e gov-... ak£'1· faid that the fees paid by the the.• rk•sire of Pr~~ ident Atkinson that IR I <l d tu tu<l t s· JrlL·nt paid for about five percent of this be done immediately in order that · I ~:as t~~e ~~~!:; i:t~d n:::,~e:t~~ny:::s~ I ~::~::ntt.o a:;t .. \.~:_::h.r:~ ~ou. :.: : .•• ~r:.:~ lhf> cast for the maintainam.•c.> of the f d · h b ·1 ble t •ta1·t tl1c h l U un s m1g t c ava1 a o .., I co L fi ROfifi R The most important feature of the to the stud,; o:t t mgs nu ltal). p-j~ .. titution and that the stat<.' and ac:tiYities. In the ab:;en<:e of Zale>s r..AME TOMORROW L E E F E y, me~ting and one that wiJJ pro\·e of ??r clas~m~n ~lrny elect t ~ training-! ..-Jt'ral j!ovcn1ment paid the rC'~t. El'lvn. pre::iident of the student ~l~natt.' U

1 ti , d ne vhereup0 n they re The reason that this is cloni:: i~ because I . . . I f I I great benefit to the women of the col- i lcy so e~ . ' -Henry l\Iiche 1s actmg pre:ilC ~nt o ___ lege was the organization ot' a L·ei,·e ration pay of approximately tn·· ,c:-overnment bclic,·e that their tht.> associated students and the me(.>l-• . . I , . . . . nine dollar ... per• month. Any student b<: .. t investment j~ in education men ing- was callt:d and presided on.?r by Fir:-.t and Second Teams \\.ill Stage Actn·e Sophomores Forcibly Immerse, \Vomc-n s L11ag·ue with an mncr cucle . ~. . h h. & d women. Durin~ the war HO per him. Game Tomorrow .Afternoon at :1;00 Number of Infants in Abode of 1 to bt• called tht• \V omen's Council. de~tmg- military ~l'll~nce t ruout 19

h~,~t of the l'Ollt·gc men Vi" l'.re com - I · O'dock on CoJleu·e F eld. Rana Catesbiana. This league was proposed by ,\li,s 1 entire l~ollt:i:re l'?ur:w may up?n his Only a slight chang-e was mnc e 111 e Oi)al Clinkenbeard of Great Falls and graduation. re<.:CI\"C a second lwuten-n· ... !'ioned showinu hat the leader~ vhc clispo:si tion of the $7.50 activity . . . I .. h h ·I , . 1

ant commission in the regular army. v.t.n~ colll'ge men. The~~ fads should fee a~ compared with the past few Thursday afternoon the college Acordmg to Darwm, :\Ian ts cl~sely a. men~bt'r o:t t e sop omore ~t: al';~. ,, epon in~tituting- this sy5.tem the old ·h·lp the 8-tUdl nt to apprcciat~ the y<..·ar;). Howe\·ei-, an examination of squad had their first scrimmage,when related to the ape, but modern wr1~ers d1scusmg t_hc l~~gue befort:: t.ht: a~· S . .-\. T. C has bl'en a<landoned and ,;Jul' of an l'<lu<.:ation. t.udies are the Recretary·~ books showed an Un· Coach Chauncr brought his peppery make frequent use of the word, fish, sembly, .i\ltss ( ltnkenbeard ~h°'~l'd all work in th{• future will be g-iven n(' must important feature of a col - U~l·rl balance from last year of over .roung-sters up from the High school. I in s peaking- of the human biped. I the necessity of :such an organizat10n in thl' Rt•!'iet\'l' . Offil'ers Training h !!l career. If any other people en- .;ix hundred dollar:, in the athletic Althouirh the. college hac~ little diff i- However. it must. be conced~d ~Y all and. sta~d ~hat e,·cr~· w~mun upot~ Cor >:--. nO' "'Choo! plal'e other thin"S first r I I ti culty in making long garns they had I that environment puts heredity m the reg1stcr111g m colleg-~ \\Ottlcl thu::s 1 . t ,., "" ,., l'quipment unc an< consequen Y . . . .

11 b b ~. ··tl Tlw course as outlined at pt't~~en a d ~ome a1-e abll' tll do so for four ft'!'t)• c"nt< of th" former appoition- to wo1·k hard to stop the plunging of I ~hacle m th1s connect1on, (as a usual automat1ca Y ecome a mem ct \\ 1 1• • •

1 h k ,.. .., '"' · Tl . . , f tl ·. l'On:-01~ts ot t trl'l' ours per wee· or )t:tr:-; but the student that expects to ment for athletic equipment was the nen·y Gallatin back field. TL looks ~~ung). The humnn worm, often d~- out further fees. .'e ~u11~o~c. o.,. 11: I 1t1 hour:: for the entire Yt>ars work. ake a success in college that will t~q l1ally di,·idcd between the band and as if Bozeman might have two state I' uned as a freshman at toll~ge, 15 I lea~ue woul d be ~1cl Ill 1 i:\1.~mg. the , Ca 1t. Bubb, thl' iww C'Oltrn~andant ha~ l<ad to a sucet>ss in after life must tlcbatc. No other chanaes were made. championship teams this year if pep ptrhaps the best example of this case I s.otial and schol.nstu.: standat cl of the I .

1 1 .

1 1 to-- • • • • t I t l · , J to not at thl· pre~cmt tune fu ly < ecH t"< .->:nt•l't to devote most o( their eff0t·ts A.s rcromended by the senate the and fighting- spirit count for anything. ~n _the form .of n hvm~ org~n1sm. women. s ucen :-- a~~- i_n .ft~~1~e;ra' iu J"lt the L·xad work to be co,·ered ~tudie~ Collegt' i~ intended to 'l<:tivity fee will be diddecl as fol- 1 A good sized crowd was on. han~ to I flus ~attlcbramed conc?ct1on. of 1gnor- ~uperv1se all matt<'t:; tel<tt.n~ to .the b~•t t·h ,. order infantrv drill will pr;marily develop the mental side but lows: 1 watch the pl~ys fr_om the s1de lmes la~1ce 1s not clas!-\~~I with the ntan:u- I 1~terests of the women oi )lontam\ 1 fit t hl· takt:n u

1 later. followed by ~roi·ial adh-iti('. «anot be ignored if Athletic!'> $:.LOO a nd much satisfaction was C'xpressed I prnl mamm a ls, neither has he, ~he, tatt:' College. 1 th ~tudent i:-; to overcome social at the good showing made by both er it, (as the. case may be) _what One of thC' point!': broug.~ht out b~' ext-.ndt•d onl~l" a'l\·kwardness: that will become em- .\ thletic E<iuipment. '

2.00 teams. would be des1gnat~d as embr1cated ,·arious college women durmg tht• as- .\[nntanu. ~tak i~ ,·ery furtunutc ri:.,nassin~ later. Exponent Sl.OO Following is a list of the men by


jaw:). Be that a!'.' it. may . The ehar- .. embly was lhl' need for more organ- in ~t·curin~ a mun of Capt. Bubb'~ .Mrs. iTcrrick, dt.>an of v.·omen and l._;and ·

75 cla~ses who we1'c out for the scrim- actel'istic swishy swashy splash of I ization in l'C'l?"arct to women stmlt•nt cnlib~r fo 1 l'ommandant and instruct~ < 111ticlt-ntial advisor of <'OileJ?e llebatC' ~ ·75

magc: th(' fish accompanies the immersion J employrnl'nt. This \1,.·ill no doubt be or t.•f )!ir•ary St·it.~nc·p. Capt. Bubb \. "11en. briefly adcfre:-.sed the fresh·

1 Se niors-"'\Vakefield , Larse. Tayl01.·, lor eaeh specimen into the frog pond, onl' of the important functions of tlw t·i,nh:' batkt•d up by an en,·iable ser ... t"n dmq .. on "Knowino- what to do .'

7.fiO B h J h \V r T b Ob I I 1' It td the clinQ'i t" moss slimy frog~ l f It ' d ,.kl' l't:>l·t nl c-m·l!rin.L:" a period of fom·. ~ Tl ·) · ~.· n at the meeting of us '· 0 ~ Y ie.' 0 y, ere, .ac I· 1"

1 · '... · ' · .. ' I ea[.!'ue a s m~~Y . e a more orp:anize t<..-<.·n y1.•ar~ in thL· army ineludinp;- two ,\e"<t ... and added thnt the thing- to rnse pa~c t . mer !\Iashrn. Christensen. and that clammy look all too evident svstem of fm<l111g employment and tlw senate were· Henry Mitchel, . . h f ti f h I · . .. 1 yl'ar~ in th1..· .-\. E. J+~. The comman<l-tf next wa!' to Jo it. \V isdom i~ in · . · d . . . f Jumors- II1bbert, Eaton, George on t e personage o ie poor ros stuclenb who were c~pecially ttttc< ant is a t!Tathrntt• of \\"t.·st Point in }..~·<•wing what to ilo but the vir'iure is a('ting pn'Std~nt an com_mii:.sioner 0.1 l .:\lcFadin, Pinckney, Schneider. Pinch. as he slowly C'rawls out of the tool fu1· the \vork was ncNkcl. Thl' hh~h

"i:-- the doing. A home is what every mterests muSll'al; Ruth !\.oble. eouncJ Sophomores-Paul V\ry!ie, \Vinwood, g-reC'n depths, lead U!o; to believe that I school g-irl~ vocational con~Tc~s will till· da .. ...: of 1 HO;). W'ltn3n de~irC'.:-0 and whatever her ·ll~a~-at-lal·ge.: Russell Pi.ckcn!o;, com- 1 De Vore, J[orphcy, Ellis, Olson, Huse·) the afore rnentioned modern authors doubtless be another matte1· whirh \ n• ·unw <if his :o:t•rvin· 1 ~· l• hns are for a ,·ocation the home is ':issioner of u~te~·1.•st~ s~cia l; ~oh~ 1~· 1 meycr, \Vildnrnn, Street., Bright. arc in some ch.>){r1.•t• conccl. ,\·i1l be nutlC'r the direction of the, \\ , .... t Point l!lQ1.;;. h.1·lmcn comm1-:;~101H·r of pubheatLOns, • S . . . . '> I [ · t 1 <to-;, ~~y at;~e ~~,:~~=~·into which lwr cf- :"" i:c~l~:.~~:~ · ~~:~~:~~'sio:1~~·ide~~ e~·:s;:~h~~~;;;/~:~~ ~~~~~~:\~~~: du~\ :c;:l~: =~:cl l~et~11~~. ~~r~~:~lb~~r;;'. ' \\'~:=~ 'u~:a~uei l enick_ wa< l'lech'<l ~:: L-i~;~t l~l ;'

Profi:ssor J )1. Hamilton, presit'lent 1,

11u11;, '. nior l'las!'' and ·R; . Pitb, ) Kadmg Stephenson, :.\[oore, Becker. haps there are tho:-ie among u~ \\:)10 ,fl l'X-o~f1c·1u membtn·s ot the Lt·~g+Ul' Capt. lUlti •r tlw ~l'hool for 1.=i years m1d at f t lC JU ' • ~ · Asbury, Hu1-th Borton. i\kCurren, hiwe never heard of class sl'raps. I1 or und ~ltss. Helen Rose wa~ ttppomt.ed ~l:ijnr .Jant.1ar:-o· Hlll-t p ""-t""llt, dean of men. spoke about immis:-;ionl'l' of athletics.

1 Gleason, Wise.

1 a ll $UCh per~On!", this article has been tl~mporary rhninnan. She will ad l.i · l. t ul. ~cpt Hll ·

1 • nt'C'C'ssity for ha\'ing fairly ilefin. )lore men arc CX!'tt'l.'ted. out for the ' kat.hcrecl together in the worcl~ of toi;:!ether with tho!':t' promoting- tht' :' 1iillip1 k ... 1~ 1 0:-l·'i H10l-l-lll rt.. plnns for thl.:' future. )linor dt.!- ~[. L. " 'i1:5on, the. county aj?ent ·rrimmage Saturday afternoon at the Poet. "From the total :;um, of hat!"U£' and will make <lefinik ptun... ( '.i<o l~+lii·li' ~.:-.~"may not bl' dt"(: ide<l upon but it 't~ader , is on a leave of absence for a <l:OO o\~lock, and it will a good op· the scene of tht.· sc1·aps," Author fr.-r a Jll•rmanf'nt or;:?'nnization. i·rann• 1:•17-l~I. ·.,. imperative that ev~ry Ol1t> look .car. .\fter n brief visit in Canada I portunity for thC' student body to see t bscu rc aml unknown. Since t he 1 The c:ouncil will bt" made of two ' 1. ·ti '· .~h 1 t and 2Hth Division:-ll '-'fHI and plan accor<lh1gly. Lack oi •nd :\Iinncsota ~Ir, \\"ilson expects to ou r team in action. Rememher. ur .. arly yem·s of l'OllC'g-e, it ha~ been nwmber:-. from ('\"C'ry woman's org-Rn- 11; n • .- u1 .;.1 n:-. ::;t .lihit•l. Ch:un. pn..:.t' is the ha.rclc~t thing- th~t a ... ttend the l;ni,·er~ity oi \\"i~com~in . first game is only a little more than tht.• want of that sleuth.foot stutter· iznticn on the hill anrl they will ac:t • ...... : 1 t ,, .\r:!ollllt' Forest. It~· ilt·12:e fa .... ulty ha to ror~r..... ~·.1prn·sion of th .. · <'·'linty ag-ent work wed\ off and :t.nything that we c-an in:::-, scrap hound. the Rophomore, to for tlw !('a_!{ue so that cn~ry woman \" ·1·+- ·d t,. r·n·~t·nt gradt• .July :?R.

Tht· nwmbci·s of this das:-. that will bL1 taken can~ of by .J. C. Taylor., do in the way ot' gi\'i nl? our ml'n sup- n•.,.t:nl the intrusion of the cradlt"· 1 rt·g-i~tc>rcd in college will ha\·c a rle- \r, :•1lc f1::tt\11"(' thb y~ar will bf' !:" ... rh.111tt:i are- the On ("S that ha\' t.• de- ::is.o;iste<l by F'. E. Fuller and E . IL port may hel1> mutcl'ally to put :\l. S. 1 w:•r.ner~ into thf' dignified ranks of finite representative in all matters of ~a .)0 pi1.~:f· r.·zinwntal band um.lt:>r thL•

tC'ontinu<:".d OTI Page :!.} 1 Lott. C. on th~ w inn ing e11d of the s<·<ffe. 1 (Continued en Page 2.) I in1portance to her. 1C(1utinut•tl on Pag-e 1.)

Page 2: !BER€¦ · XI. Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution o Pr J· ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman C lass

THE WEEKLY EXPOXEXT, FRIDAY. OCTOBER:;. l~l~·----------------===:--==::::--::::------I" I I I I I I I I 111I111t111II1t111111111II1111 THE WEEHL Y EXPONENT

I I I I I If I It I If It I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If I I I I I I I I I I It I It f It r

lieo. H. Willson Co. QLJ.\LITY ~T_\TIO~ERS.


EST.\BLl>\llED J.\Xl'ARY I. 1910. tOut~rc..1\\'th or ::\lonthly Expont>nt. E~tablishC'd .Janua1·y 1, l~H5.)

OFF ICE-HO())! 1. HEPt:B I.I C\ . -COUl l EH Bl ILDI. -G.

The \\"c.•ekly Exponent i~ ::-;.trictly a ~tudent entt.•rpri~e. It.'::; chief pur- -- po!4l" is to prPsenl to it~ n·ndcr!", l:'al'h WC'L~k. an accurate and complctl.? n•cord ..

of lhc den•lopmentr-: in colleg-e affair:!: tlurin~ that pt.•rio<l and to exert its full -.. influem:e for th.._· upbuildinK of )lontana :;:\tate College. The paper i~ the -: [result. of Yoluntary effort put forth hy thl' student~ who compo::.;L' the staff.

: GEORGE. PlN"K .JOE. :I Published e\c1~· Fndny of thC' College ~t!nr by a staff chosl•n from the : .. : ~t.mknts of the .\1ontana ~tate Colleg-e of At:"nculture and .\Iec:hnnic .-\rt~, I· "'''''' ''''''' '' ''''''' '''''' ''''' '' '''''''''' '''''''I ot the llni\01sity of Montana. Bozeman Montana . :





WALK-OYER HOES. NOBBY CLOTHING. \I \ '\ y FHOS ll VIS JT SPECI.\ J. .\ SSE)I BLY I Acrl'ptance for ..\lailmg- at Special Rate of Po!"tag-e provided for m Se('tion -COi LEGE FHO(.GERY ll E LD FOR FROSH uo:L Act of Oi.:tober a. 1917, a.utho11zcd Feb1uary 17, 1919. ~.I I I 'I I I I I I. I • I I I I I I I I I I I I' I' ••• I I I. I I I I I. t I I I I I I I It:

s IJ 'CR II 'TION HATE. I Two Dolla1·s Per Yea1· - - - - - Ten Cents Pei· Copy. ~- ,_, _.~~ .... ~~~....,~~~~~

[~~'.~~:~::;;,;~;~;i~~~~} ;;;~:~;;:~~;::·'"" ":·:;:·;·:::;::;,·:;~;~~~~.·;: I I Gallatin Grocery Co. It.

t Continut.•d From Psi:;1..• l ) (C'ont inuM From Pagt~ }.)

th(.· leanwd. B('tau~e of t.hi~ re~cnt.­ml·nt, whid1 al·con.ling to I Io~tle il't (ii1lv natural. aml lhe ign.:>rnnt ob­l"tit;acy oi th1..• infants 111 tht.•ir degire to follow oth('-1· than thl' ruh .. •R of the ingtitution, fair :\I. 8. C. wl' haYe whnt has be-en ch·gi~n:Hccl as "Clns~ Sl·ru.ps.·•

:\ow the~c an.~ 1wt unn~ccssary, but natural to the supcrlatin• dci:rrcc and tlw martyrs who carry the ~iJrn of the "blnck ~Yl"" and the hairlt.•ss ht·Rd" hel·Ollll' .staund1 upholders of t·ollegc n1stom.

d('vdopinJ,!' if h1..• is to ke(>p up with ADVERT IS IX G )1.-\::\'AGER LORREN BRADFORD '9 1 t G I G Ph G I G the .lim<''1· hThbo qufick


1 way th> AC'TING MANAGIXG E DITOH ALFHED ·E. McFARLIN: 'Zl j t one ! acquire lll' a tt o lcc~copmen b;' ACTING SPORTS \\'RITER GREGOR ~ldlILLAl\, '21 ' 5 55· 5 to go lo toll<'!!<' A cue. tan tum c SOC'IETY EDITOR . l!ELEX HILL, '211 t 5 5 fro.111 the shell mto the wat er and ASSISTA T ADVERTIS ING MANAGER .. EARL DAWE, '21 sVo'"" away but it wtll never be any- ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER DEWEY STREET, ·22 • • thmg more than a cluck. A.ltttlejC'IRCULATIOl\ ~IANAGER GEORGE JACOBY, ·20 1--- - - ------------ - --child is the moRt hclple~s thmg- rn the 1-------------------------------worl<l but 1t i. continually cle,cloptng GEXERAL HEPORTl.\I. STAFF and :-.hould continue to do ~o thrm)gh I The first ~pnsm o~· .. l·n~ppini.; i·;

ovt.•r. und thinj!~ hav1..• as:-;un.•rl a morr quil't aspl•d. Hostilit.iel:' ar..:i in order, nC'n•1"thl)lt'ss, until th1..• froj!-pond pull. a few Wl'C'ks ht•m·l· Till then, dear frosh the sophomorl's ach·ige that yllu wear your jtrt.•cn t.'aps. or your bathing suits.

out life. REPORTER ' BEING SELECTED B\O ('OM PETITION. Prot'c~~or Conkling. pre~idl•nt of I

the t·ommit~t· on si:holarship and at­t~nclancl'. outlin<•d the 11H?1..·hanic-nl


frature-s of that t·ommittt.~("s' work and To the many ~tudents who han:- for the first time registered at :\lontana told what would br t.~xpN'Wd ot the ~tatc 1 The E:\pon<'nt extend!' hcal'tiest g-reeting-s. The fact that you are I for the da!':-o to bl· pn·~l·ntt•d to th\' here dcnot<.•::. youl' appreciation of the value of edul'ation, and we want to ===============- I· tuth-nt in these line~. t·onj.!'ratulat~ you. Oppoitunities are awaiting you that have never before l About 150 member~ of thL" da~:o:. l'Xi~ted for young men and women. Jn l·oming to college you al'c preparing \Ye extend a welcon1e I were present and a comrnitlec was to better "gl'asp that opportunity" and, again. we want to cong-ratulate you. greeting to both old and new 1 to be submitted to the the assoeiate<l You arc here to get an education. Do not wa,·er from that definite

year either in the repair line '1ANY Ol"T FOR EXf'O:-iE:-iT what is given you. your \ery prt•5ence is an insult to the Blue and Gold and

Pecina Piano Co. ~ FOR ALL THE


23-1 West :Main . Phone 395. sturlent!i', and will be at your I students for approval. I purpose. Your studies should in all cases recch•e first consideration. 1I ser\·ice through the school I - --- you are here only for pleasure, if you expect to g-ive nothing in return for

or pleased to show you the we sug-,1?esl that you immedintely s1..•ve1· your ronnedion with the institution .n...,.~~~~~~~,~~~~~'-'"'~"-'-~ Jate~t in Jewelery. " 'ate hes before it is necessary to a k you to do so. 'I ...... bl "1.' ~o les!'; than twent.y.fi\l' :--tndl~nb ' B • y; ~ th . "'. ., or Clocks. I Collcg-e activities keep up the morale of the college. They alone pro- ,, ring our 00 1 rou es ~,, have signifil•d th<'ir intl'ntion of g:oing- ' E E GAGE I duct' i:ollcgc spirit. You are 1.'Xpeeted to do your part in maintaining this $; LESLI in for newspaper work on tht" Expon- c- -; " About one third of tht.•s.<• al'<'

'- to r 00 .,_ .

1 eiit. n1lll'ge spirit. .--..l;')cct the a1.:tivity or activities in which you wish to take


,, D c k · Jeweler and Optician n<w in the work :~~~~i~11~'~fg~~~llits;~,~cr l~t~1:\h~:~~\:t~:'.i::t::i~i:: ;~;~:~: ~~I s~~~;· nt~~::it; ~ • ~ ! Thl' present plan i> to ha,·c Prof. Athletics, Exponent, Glee club, debatmg, band and orchestra a r e all open ~ AT BOZE:\IA. ·s :\I ODER, DENTAL OFFICE. ~ --------------- Rrl'w('r of the Eng-Ji:..;h d('pal'ttrnmt to the student who will put forth a little effort and devote some of his time I' ~ .._..._.._._....,,,,,............,........._._.._._.._......,,....,,._._, give " lt•«ture on journalism to all to them. ' PRICES THAT FIT YOUR POCKET BOOK. ' ~ THE \ I staff canchdates 111 tht:' 'en· ne~111· You will make friend::; m collep:e "ho are unlike any you havt.• ever made j ~ ~

~~ ~ I future It " expede<l t.ha~ tins wt befor<' Be "'re that you make those friends. Cultivate acquaintances. ~ Owenhouse Building. Telephone 1-1-1. :, • -. t.•lunmnte much of the chffiC'ulty Pl<'-, Kno" vour c:Jnssmate~ and \"OU will find them tht: best friends \OU ha\e

1~ -;; ~ nou-ly expe1 ienct«I by the <'<hlor• in evet h~d. · • ~~~'-~~~'-'-'-'-~~~~~'-'-'-'"'-'-,..''~'-'-~'-'"

~ rENTRAL STUDIO ~ l<o;(lUl'UHr satJ!'faclory ('OPY Thc tllHC Lastly, be a booster. \\\~ lin~ 10 an age of progress and he who IS not lJ •, j for U~i.;:; }()l'ture will b(_) po::-.ted on the progressi~·e i~ as mut:h out of date as the 'Vashington printing press. Get Corner l\lain and Tracy ~ I bulletm board withm :i fr\\ dn...-~ anrl behind any movement that promises to better any past conditions. You j ~ ~ I all Htnff l'Rn<hdales will be expccted are in colleg<· now. Think and talk ~1. S. C.

t:, \VE DO Al\L\ TEUR • to attend. J Again Wl' eongrutuhlte You and we wish you every success . ~ ~ Other stud('nts wi~hlng. to sro in for . \ FINISHING / new~paper work should 111fon11 John ============================== t. . ........,._._.._._._....._.._.._._._..._._._._~~ I H. Kohnen of their intention at onl'C OLV HAL])Y and assignnients will be gh·en thc.>m - I !or early issues of the paper. I Baldy, you arc my brothl·I'.

• • f ' I I ' I I I I I I I I I •• I • I I I I • I :\ly broth("r so near, so far. : Bear Creek Coal : '1ANY Ol'T FOH \SS ISTAl\T So g-reat an<l so massiw yet tender,

Block Wood for Heat Slab Wood for Kindling

FOOTD.\LL !\IAN' \ GERSHIP Your splendcr no orl' tan mar.

. . . I Day romes up nnd 1t holds you, • There u:. ke()n cor11pel1t.1on for th<:> The sun kiss£>s bloom to vour chel•k, : I pos.ition of assistant football manager A cloud sheds a l(•ar as it.I 8 ,.l'S you,

PHONE No. -1 : I next y:ar. Ten men ha.\'e r~portc-1l Tht.• brook!5 of your ~p!C'nck•r ~peak. : KENYON-NOBLE LUMBER: to A"1stant ~Juna)'cr :IIeFarhn . . a'."'. •

1 -1 ·'Par~y" kC'ep~ them busy ~v~ry ru~r.t I The :-.un opes the blanket about you. : COMPA Y : packmg water buckets. hml<lmg fire,. That mndo hy old Winter <ublime, : 320 \Vest Main : I carrying the t~rkling dummy to tlw Jack Frost at ~nm-tide tucks you - .. field and runnlllf! errand~ for lb~ I Into vour bNl ~1t bedtime. '• •

1 1 • •

1 1 1 •

1 • • • ' • • ' •

1 •

1 • ' '

1 coach. This is the right spirit. There> ·


\Yhen ya journey off to college, I An' yer ru:-h'd to join n frat . Y c:r kind a undecided

Till y:i find out where yer at . .\ dozen c1·azy Rah.Rah scabs

\\'ill meet va at the ~tation, :\n' thm·k ya into taxicabs

To rouse ycr fascination They take ya to their fuss~· home,

An· brng with all their might. Then about the place ya roam

An' drink in even• sight. An, when yl1u\·~ killed the evcnini.!

meal At the sPLlin' o' th' sun,

I ~:wuld be a dozen men out for cver:• 1 The 1110011 will scicm l:Otnl' --------------- job on the hill. Thc> po~itions of bas- \"OU.

to walth Yn !-\tart to "rite yer dad n speal.

\\'HO'S YOUR I ketball. track "'"I haseball managers The st.~1» through the clarkncS' ~uoE oorTOR 1 I has to he fil'cd and the mor£> 111('~ I Pl'l'P· tJ lJ I I that try out t~.(' kt>c11e1 the compel•· I Th<' wind through the pine tn'l'S t tion and cnnst''1lll.:.'ntly a highl•r qual-1 :-.lll.g ynu l Don't throw away rour old ity of work wil; h.• <lt ~l(.. • ~\\' 'l't :-(Jll~S till ~·ou fall aslel•p.

I ghoes until you give us a I .Benny. Chestnut. }red Kreuzc11, chance to examine them. A ~alter K"nnedy, Eddie Ila<!'.en. A~ IL ,,ncl like unto you; Old 13alcly, little fixing here and there Kruirer, Tom Bosrey. L. D. :llmk. Em- This soul nnd this bo<h· of mint .. I may double their days of wear. nwtt. ~lathC'\\~s. Hollis !\latthews. an·I Lift"'s !"Un in n101·ning ~ri-.:l·~ CHAMPION SHOE SHOP I ).Jcrnll Alqmst arc the com1wt1to!'., I Ancl ewntide '<'CS its dl'clim .. I ~ E :II · B 'I t Ill the rac1t for the 1.:ovC'tecl mann(!en 1 1 !.. .. a1n ozen1an ..1.\ on . 1 ·r

-------------- ta posi ton. Ayt·. Life tome:-. up anti it holds 11H', Brhrht Youth k is:o:.t•s hloo,11 to my

An· the lint~ will thu$ly run:

Dear Pop:

1 :o.trm·k this town at noon today, It's half-pa~t Sl'\'en now,

I\·t- got a million word~ to ~ay, But J can't quite figure how.

:\t Olli! o"dock th~y burnt my b1!t:k: By two l thouitht l'd thoke;

\l thn•t• tlwy hit my h~ad kcr-whaC'k I thotwht I'd ~urdy t•roak;

.\t fom· o\·lm·k they prnt'h'd my ~ar:--

For the Latest in Dress and School Shoes


Exclusive Shoe Store 22 West ~Iain Street.

J.E. LANG, Proprietor.

Page 3: !BER€¦ · XI. Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution o Pr J· ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman C lass

,,,,~~~''''~'~~~~~~~~~ ' . I ll 111 llftlll l lll fl If I fl I Ill I I 111111 II II ~II I I Ill II JI

• f,. -~ q·..\R,\J\"TEED ~ A

~ Fountain L~ ... , ... ~~~i~~.~ .. . : .. . ~ ... , ,~ Pens ~ ., :~:·:r:: •.• , .... ; .... ;. -· ,;;~:.:.; · ,, ,'":::. ::::'""..:·:; ::; ~- ;: home in L 1 Gran1...1 avenue in hon()t

,, ~ "Pink" \\.illson was a dinner guest of tht! we. n of the college.

'- at the Sig-ma Chi hou~e Friday eve-

~ From 89G ~ nm)! , , ~ U ' Floyd Crittenden '17 is ~ P ~ che Kappa :'\u fratemity

Fl'ed .Kitnc·r. f 1rmt:rly of Cornell an<l ~ c l · oi Penn. i a p:ue~t of

a g-ue~t at "'Tige" Tylc1' and Clyde Roney at the hou~e this/ Kappa ~u , u.·e on South Black.

'o lJ > int ·rdre with your coll~.• ~"-'" ~'-~"-S.~ '-'---.."-""'''"'-''-"-'-'~''"-'-'-"" 'u..,·r.ticn. r

fj r.~ ~p=:'e &"follow: ~ ? Wh w • "Poy>. )'OU both •Ir ence<·dindy in ~ • 0 Ins

r nt-f itud LOW8""l a <:ollC' T • e ~

1.. 'i\'hilc it is tru~ that ,:ic ~ A~ usi;al. "e :i.re first with the Styles young men , ·ant. ~

car h 'f knuwlcd 'e should be our r lt will p~,y you to get here early and make your selec- ~ t:vo, w. >hould n .. t under. ~ lion of !"all and \\'inter apparel. Clothes. the kind vou ~

·r.t t e rnluc of n»ociation with ·r ~ want. will get no cheaper. but every future ~hipment , w Jl<" Personally. I fc«I thut ~ will be higher. You will saYe money by aking adnmt- ~

I have caine<l murh from tht.> da5<:. , age oi our early anticipations. ~

t~ ~~~~~:rel s;~~~. n~l:t~:tt,'.~ ~~~~: ~ HOLLOWAY'S ~ learninir. ;: ;,

"So. tht' three neophites took the ,. ~

hi~ jump and started do""' th« rocky ~ "Home of Hart Schaffner & :\Iarx Clothes:· :.

p~th of midnig-ht oil and Rah-Rnh< in ''"~"""'-....,_,'-'-'-~~~'-'"-'-'-'-'-'-'""'''-'....,..~''-'"'''-~~'-'-~;( sean-h of edification. ~ ~ Wt•t•k .

~ R 0 s E ~ Sunday aften.von the Phi

Prvf .12 .ldng- 1:-; expected to leave Gamma the latc1 par:. cf the week for Smith­fire~ide 1 sonian Institute and Johns-Hopkins

where he will do some advan<'ed work

"At the end of s-ix month~ riotiou~ kt of ~ood knowledg-e, But they'rl:' 1 --------------~ living, perch;lle boarded the Local, :

~ ~ S<>l">l'ity will enkl'tain at a

~ ., ... 1larty

~ Drug Co. ~ ~Ii» Ruth :'\orton and r.;.. #' Dorothy Hagen werf! dinner g-uN;ts :it

~ ~ th<' Alpha 0 house Sunday. l The Rexall Store. ~ ~ ~

and lC'ft Bozeman the Beautiful at the only pan <.:.f your lift.> here et c-oUcgc

r~quest of the faculty. His la!'t ..\nh;tiei:;; will al!'o hl·lp you a.long-.

glimpse of the fair city ~howcd him But don't. be a S'lHxe to wine,

that SC\" .... 1':11 of his angry ('reditor .... wo 1-an and soi~;::.. So, if real ~ut·c:t·~;-; in thi~ lift. you l

Thl~ Phi Gamma girls will enter-. all a:·ml . to the teeth, had come to ,.,..ould find.

tain at open hcrnsl! Saturday after- 1 the ~ta.tion to g-ive him a rou!Sing Tht•n ~tu(ly, for that will be g-ood

::\Iiss during the coming yea1·. FASHION INSISTS ON PEARLS

Pearl ncd:lan·, will ht: worn t

,...,.,.,,,.,,,.,.,,"'""""~~~""' \\-t!cln1:sday cvt:ninJ! Phi Gamma noon from .a to G at their new home s~·11d-of1, and lo hr:ipe .that he ~vou~d f<JJ· ,·our mi~d.

Kirls entertained .:\Ii~~ :\loody and -IOl South Grand. A cordial in\"j- f(.'l.H'mbt. r thl'm. cthfff\\·1~e than m h~s I .-'•.;1<l also t..-::ike part in the lift> of thi:-; wint....-r with ~trl'\!t suits and

:\Ji's t\·ona Sack1.:tt at <linner. tation is extended to all the faculty •ll"'"Y(:t's. Jn th1i;; manner he took h1 ... \·1iur schcol i.>\t'ning- }.::own~. I n th~ cH•ninS?'

l'l!ESH \l E:\ GJHLS EXTER· TAL,ED IH ). \\. C. A.

--- I and students. dqilail·ture h~orf thte co,unttrly "1'ld1en~ l~e . And \"ou·i mak(' of yous<...' If a r<a] .... e:nPt"1_cn·i,alflye·at'un1·lel opfeatrhles <boestt',',n''''·es ~[is:; :\lariC' Gt-l'irgcaml, :\Ii~s ~larie ___ cou c put u; PC- mu cr 1e o man~ ~ ......... .

d · table, and the thoug-hts of books and Jl'an. not a fool.

Thlll·-. da)· aft<·rnoon th .... ) \\" ('. )1obu~ were Sun a)· e\·enmg supper The Sig-ma Chi fraL.ernity an noun- 1n·o!'s shuuld not interfere with hi~ ., '""

1 ~uc:-.ts at thl· Alpha 0 house. ce:-; .Jim :\loriarity, Great Falls; Joe rrc;.d-o-i\·en right to drink Bino and Fl~E .\Tii i.ETH " HECORD

A. girl.-. of :"if. ~- C g-an.! a non~ .---. . k \Vilh;on, Bozeman; JoC' Sweeney. ~lny ~!JOOI to his hearts c:ont<.>nt. 11.\CI\ OF COACH PO WELL

11arty fur the young wo11H:n of th'-! " Tue:;~~a.y en·~tnl!" ,;\11~s ~on~ Sae ~ctt j Chicag-o; BluC'e Hollister, Li,·ing-ston; -

c:nll<.•Ut'. A lar~c numbt.>r of both new ... ml :\lt. s :\Ia1 H: George we1 e g:uests Don Anderson Bozeman. Lrmis Er- So George and :\larcus ramb1Nl 0:1 1 ( ·ontimH·LI ,~n.m Paz-e Onf>)

"n" 0 1,1 -. tu<l .. nts ,, .. ,,.e pr~"l'llt and a the 'I ha 0"11·c1·on p·, g1·1·ls I · · ' · thru the old l'stholll without thc·ir 1 "" u ~ ... ... .. .., ut -~ P ·· win. Bozeman; and Le,·i :\lachemer. ----

good timi.- was rt'porte<l by all. . Bozl·man. as pled~~s. little playmate. )Jarcu.s was one o ttue of the fre~hman candidates. ·with,

Th~ l'Xitement wa~ ~tarkd by the .)fr.,s Alecia Ten Haaf and Mtss ___ ·es(' f!'\lj's who runs up the Ii •ht proper support from the student body

~tnji!"ing of a favorittc- college song- Jh·il-n "·alsh wt-re dinner g-ut·~ts at J . bill, and keeps the librarian busy. llr· ou1· team ou::rht to make- a good show-1

. .\ pas~ing foot..1.mll star would not thl· Phi Gamm:1 n(Ju~e 'fuc~day. Art lluen l:O:: e:xp!.!ct.ed to return th':.' wa!'> simply oul of si;?ht. That is. inc:.''

havt> re<·oJ.!nizt•<l th<: ~trains of ''l'm latt<•l' pnrt of the wec:k to rt?sume his I he was never seen because no on<' Saturday afternoon at :3:00 o"C'lock

a Jazz Baby"' The lak:-.t 111odl1 S in Thl· Kappa _ ·u frat~rnity announce :5.tud~es "on. the ~ill.'' . , ,,,.l'r took the tro~ble to intcrftfrc the first squad will have its first

ha1rdn•ssing- ~tnd )?"owns wt:re rep1·es- Paul Campbell r..nd D~wel Cashmore Shcker Rt<'e w~IJ be ~ere this we_ek I with his studies. His name ~ot in sc1 immag-e with the scrubs. Every

l·ntecl m a11 of tht:'it backward glory as ~·i2ma ..\.lph;i Epsilon plPclges. end to resu~l~. hi~ ~tudies. .l\[r. Rice j the colle;:n• paper jusl one<'. whC'n he· j man and won~an in the school who

St it k candy proH~d a n~ry enjoyable f ha~ b~·ei~ n~itmg In Han·C' for the : rnduated with honors. Everybody I c:an possibly do so must be on the

rtfn:shnll'nt for tht> baekward girl~ Thl· Phi Gamma g-irls entertam~~ I past \\C'e · '1 ut tht! faculty thought he was a sidelines. It will be a good oppor-

as the)- playt:<l bat:kward l!Hllles to )liss E:vl•lyn ~m1th and )Liss Xc11a I --- flCW stlldC'nt when he walk('(! out to tunity for the freshman to learn the

the Lime of bal:kwanJ m~sic. Rmith at dinner Thursday evenin.i:r. The Kappa ~u .fraten1ity hav~ ac- -·et hig shee~skin, ?('l'ause thr•y hacl t·ollC'c.:!.e yells. to get into the spirit of

The fun la:-.h·<l from f1..,·~ to three-, --- <·epted the following men as Sig-ma 1 nc,·er .:;ecn him before. :\l. S. C. and to show their classmates

thirty and opt.•n<.·d the t.·ampaign for Saturday eHming the Alpha 0 1 Alpha Epsilon pledg-es. Harold F. 1 Gecrg-e wa~ t·lccted pre:-:idl'nt of l on the field that they st.and back of

You <:an 1·cly on :"<ltisfat:tory wear from the peai-1 n(•1:kfn1'l'S Wl' arc showing-. They will not t·rac.:k 01· peel, and :ire ~afely c:IC'nned with soap anti \"·arm water.

\olor, slwcn and iridesl'C'nl't' 1

oi' oriental pearb are faithfully reproduced in the~t· net:ldacc:-.

\V e show lfi, 1~. 22 inch and I long. l'J' necklaces in all sizeg of un- . iform anti g-radunted pearb. Each nec·klat·e jg fitted with a ::;olid gold clasp.

Sh.OO to s.;o.oo

H. A. PEASE ~ co8 J e'\ elers a nd Optometrists

206 \\'. Main St.

THE HALL~IARK STORE llll mLC'"rship for the c:ollcgc y "". C. / g-irls <.•ntertaincd Amy Loui.se Bur- Ea tun, formerly a .;;tu dent of Alfred hi~ das:-; in hi~ freshman year. and I them. 1

..\ Jt is expeded that c•\'t:'ry youn~ hng":-mw and Elt•anor ::Harston at din- uni\'ersit:y, New York State; J ffe C. 1 kept the job thru most of his colll•ge The big- game of the season, ,...-hen ---------------·

woman in thl• colleg-t:' will bdong to m·i Black formerly _a student of the Colo- c;aret•r. lle got a reasonable nmn- the Bruins and the Bob Cats fight it -. ---------------

this \"t.'f1.' worthy on.:anization during rado State Aggies; George Van Fleet ber of "A~" on his little yellow paper 1

out to a finish is to be held in Boze- I tl1l' t·oming st:hool :.·ear The motto "Babe" Raymond Kuhns, ''Christy .. .Tr., Cyril l\Ioorc, Frank Knight and at lhe encl of Cal'h semester. and he man. Following is the tentati\"e ---------------..

of the organization n our !'t:hool is Anker C'hristen~en, Homer Taylor. Ted Cogswell. 1 also kept t.he fair co-eds sunpplied I Sl'hedu le, which in('ludes a two weeks,

"E\"t:ry college girl a member." "Pat"' :\lurphy. " 'horty" Ed Preston, with ":\1." ~weaters, the trophy of trip to Utah:


and .Jack Sweet are the older men of The Omega Beta fraternity an- many a bloody 5Crap over the elusive Od. 11-Univer:-;ity of \Vyoming:,

Oml>g-a Beta fratcmity who are back nounl:e John l'rowlt>y. Hugh Barton, pi~skin. He occassionally sounded Laramie; at Casper, \Vyoming-. 1

"on the hill., afte» an absence of a Glen Succtti. Royal Coffee. .John 1 off for the benefit of the honorable, Oct. 18-School of :\lines, Butte;

year or two in th~ ser\'ice. Hastings 1 and John i\1ashin as pledg. JUclgl'8, and scnbled a little stuff for j at Bozeman.

Freshmen, Xow is the time for es the \Yeekly Exrm;c. In short, he was l Ott. 25-Ulah Agg-ies, Logan; at

you to come out and goet acquainted Thur~day the Phi Gamma 1tirls I Roy !\lal:::.or and Prof Spaulding a t'cg-ular gc-gcttum kid, as to grades, I Lo~"an, Utah.

with the upper dasses as well RS with gan! a surprise birthday dinner fo r were dinner g-uest.s at the Sigma Chi g-irl:-1, and medals. \Vhen he left the ~ov. 1-UniYer5;ity of Utah, ~alt 1

your own mernbers. All ho~tilities Pep: Lindgley. fraternity house Saturday ."Choo! with his. handsomly inscribed Lake; at Salt Lake.

are rnlled off for the night of the I Thursday Dean Herrick, :'llrs. The Kappa 1u fraternity enter- mutton's overcoat. hi~ _p:ood right l\·oY. 1-i-Vnh-C'rsitr of )lontana, I

dan<'e, so ther eis no dang·er and no Thal'ker, the new house director at I tainecl at a :--mokl-'r for a number of hand was sore from bidding amen to I .\li~~otda; at Bozeman.

l~:xcus.e for not coming. H,amilton Hall, and :\Irs. McCrea the fre:;hmen men ~lon<lay c\·ening his larg-E.' g-roup of friends and ad- --- ------

:;\h. n.nd ::Hrs. R. ?· \Vilson and :\Ir. t were hostesses at a ·'kid party" for I Mis:) Baldw_in was a luncheon guest mirer::;. He was a ~oml man, a good Pat )lorphy. who was formerly a

anc:I )h·:;;. Sloan will act as chaper-, all the women of Hamilton Hall. The 1. of Dean Hen-1cks Wedn.esday at Ham- student, a good fellow, a good l ~tudent at the i\lontana . tate college

ons. young- ladies came down to dinner 1lton Hall . athlete, but mo:.t of all, he was :i ilas returned and will resume bis

Those Good Michigan


The flavor is fine. There are many kinds of grapes, but the Concords are in a class by themselves.

Price per Basket 60c.

H. ROHRER The Cash Grocer

Don't miss the first big dance of dre~~ed as little kiddies carrying their I Wt-dnesclay Dean Herrii:k moved good boo . ..;tc1', <llH.l he understood hi::; 1 studies in the engineering department 1

the season. ~here wi11 be g-oocl music I dt llic~ . Between courses :.\I other into hl'l' ve::ry artistic a.oart•1ient that fellow n1cn. For the past year he has been in the Cor. ~1.ain and Tra~y. Tel. 153

and a good time for all. Remember Goose :;ongs were sung by the guests. has rctently bt!en r ·d ·corat-.d unde1 So )farcus and Georg-e started out I army stationed at Presidio, Cal. I the date,-Saturday, October the .Jth. Later in the evening- the girls danced. the direction of _\Ii~: Baldwin \•n the cold , l:olcl world in search of ----------------'----------------

1 The proceeds e:o to pay off the debt I a job. But it wasn't such a darned , · - --- ---

f G b I ~~~~~-49>~~~~~~~~~~~·

I on last year's anual. ! THE T.\LE OF THE in the battle against ignorance1 and C'Old .world ot'. corire . _ecau~e ·e Ii ' TH REE FROSH i gr~~~:t~.::~~:~:'~~!~:·~l~·ie~h a~~~,~~:: ';:·i:< ~'.:.:h~i;~~:t l~J'.d::.aJl(~l~g ,.~·t~U;~~ I ! T h B UN fi A LO w· I

I wearing that a1ur.1ni expression and !:>tances. ' e lBY Gauche) their native Stetsons, got together Ten years later .. the firm. of ~eorge I ' t

for th(· distinct purpose of hearing and Co .. Consul.t:mg Engmeet:s was I a Once, when all th~ gang gut to- the r~presentative of M. S. C. elocute I rloing- bu:->ine:;s on a big scale. George I '

'gether to her the techmgs of the Guy I en the virtues of a higher education. was the boss, and Marcus was the I t WELCOMES THE OLD AND THE NEW 5' : who knew, one guy sounded off in "The next day theRe boys got a "& Co.'' G:orgc got ~o work at 9:30

this fashion; •'Sir, all of us fellows copy of the \Veekly Exponent from l.:\'tTY morning, and went ~ut for a t STUDENTS

'have come to this joint to learn some- a guy at college who had his picture J fcow rounds on the golf hnk~ a~ 21 t th . I t • - k th. qu~ in that. issue, then they went to the e\'ery afternoon. In the meant11ne A Our canclies a1·e alwavs f1·esh and our· fountain i's al,vays

mg, so wan ~ as you is 'S· lligh School library and looked at he sat behind n glass.topped desk ' J

tion ." the ::\lontannn. After this formality, with a few papers on it, and talked' A 1·eady. And the \Vise Guy $houte<l. "Fire their minds were fully made up. They


m_illion- dollar contracts with a few ' "

I awuy son,'' would go to .Montana Stat. ot those fellows who haYe scads of t '

. · 1 '·S th J f I the filthy lucre I WE ALSO HAVE A GOOD CAFE And the yollngster propounded this o en t 1ey set't 'Jl" a t ltd ogue, · · A

. to find out what"°'''-'"""·'-' given I Marcus sits in a httle room, JU't ~ GIYE US .A TRIAL quer~. "Sir, All us kids want to know and dt:cide wh1t.1 one thc.· shouhi the other side of the door to the left. t

I how to proceed in making a big sue- take. · and w1tlds a 11ttll> pec1l. He sure l,.~~~~~~----~~~~~~-... .-.. - -~~

cess such as you have did." "The next fall. these three birds was an expert with that little instru-


1 ThC'n the wise gazbo tort:' loose and 1:.tndcd in Bez.man, and told the Bag- I m~nt, but he didn't know men and ~f-1 :__·----------------------------~poke thb na~·ablP: I ::rage rnc.;.. tu take their trunks and fa11-s well enoug-h to trade pl~c:es with I

Made from the finest kid; the new eovered heels; in bronze, gray, field mouse, etc., $15.00 .

· . · · . I tarpet-bag!"i U[l to the l\lontana State the bosg. He wa~ on the Job from "ThL're were onte. m the cit). of Colll>g-e of Al!r, & ~leeh . Arts. ::lo until 5 ::JO eYery fiscal day. new

Terry . three kids. These preeoutions i.The~t.:' birds then rgstrd in the timl'. 11 youths had ~urvi\'ed seventeen wint-


Engrig. coursC', and went down to How .about :ercivil~e '? Oh, G~or~e

c.L.;. am.I had fi:;hed thru an equal Lou llowards, (This ad. not yet paid gave h1111 a Job takmg cart'.' ot lns j

I numbzer of hot ~ummer~. just as you for) and negotiated the purchase of ' lawn, be<.:ause thl.' state had g-one I

" a trio of ven· :,nanny and bccomminQ' .'ry and Percy had g-one broke play- 1'

S I b g-azaboc:s han• clone. I · · · · · · k ame Sty es as a 0,·e in black . head-J!ear. with H yellow button UP ll;! po ·er.

and brown Sl2.00 "Then_ there came n tnnc when all the top. · ~!oral: I Rubbers in all Sizes.


these J:!mks sat on the Opre House "That nio-ht was one of horror and I Your books will all teach you a/ 1 stage, and listened to some long rniRery, ye;, there was weeping and I whiskl:rcd gink from out-of-town tell nashing of teeth. The poor benight­

what a pleasure it was for him to ed innocents had fallen into the hands !

I ' k' h i of the tenible Soph5. I

hand out the sheep-~ ·ms to sue a I "\Vhen the smoke had cleared away,

noble gang of Am~ncan Y_ou~h, and j and the poor sons of the Green Dome

----------------• how hi.:' admired them for winning out ·gathered once again ingether, with The Golden Rule. HOEFLERS

Centen Mals Chocolates their faces painted with iodine and I

I I • I I I • I I • I I I I I I I I I • I •• II I •• I I I I I I I I I • I l I I I I I I •• 1111 •• I l _I there clothes dripping with the slime of the frog- pond. thcly spake their

The individual candy


TEA ROOM 21 SoutJt Black A venue opposite Commercia l Bank


Call Some Afternoon. Evenit!g or After the Dance.

minds freely, and held a conservation which foretold tlwir careers in col­lege and in the world.

'')farcus :-;pake a:; follow!-i: ~ 1 ' 'Such performant·es excitt• mv in­~

1 dig-nation. My cog:itat.ions have been


~ disturbed, my 11.'nrning Lampered with . .,,,..... ......... _..._. ......... _,._ •• ._._._._,.,,,._._...,.._._.._,,._._.

; and mr earnest study intcrupted :: BOZEMAN ~ ~ !Henceforth l shall not participate in ~ >.

I, FARM ERS' CREAMERY \ I ~ acti\·itics which tend to detract Olll'~ •: ~

1 ~ ('ner£!y from th~ more serious and :• Uses Pa turized Cream in ! ~ worthy study of :\lathmamaties anrl J :: their ~ t

~ Literature. \ Galla tin Gold Ice Cream. \ I ~ "Per c1\·i11e spake a:- follow~: ~ < ~ I "Such actintws meet my unqua! '• All Orders Promptly ~ I

~ fied approval I came to colleg•· !•1 I:• Taken care of. ~ I TABLE RESERVED, PHONE 109 ~ raise neci and not to grow a brnn. ~ ~ I

~ / Why should Cnlculu' \\0rr'' " <'hap r ~ Phone 143. Bozeman. ~ I • I I •••• I I • I I I I ••• I I • I •• I I • I •• I I I I . I •• I I I I I • I ' I • • I I I I 11 I lik(' me? ::\ly mott.o is, never let )'"Jilt I ~ ....... _ .. .,,,._._._._._._.~---~J"-.1"..-..•J"'w•

While style in writing paper may change. good quality is permanent. Highland Linen established itself on good quality many years ago.

The new Highland Linen, while presenting the same fine texture and good writing qualities, has all the newest shades and latest styles of envelopes. There is a , ari~ty from which to choose, but all are in goo<l ta~t, ..

Replenish you r tock of stationery now. Do 111 t put off writing letters for lack of an apprnpriate pap• , . Re­mind us to show the new styles to you when you art> ,,J_

If you are in need of a Fountain Pen or ot~.cr writing desk necessities. we ha'e these. tuo.



i • ' i ' '. , I.

Page 4: !BER€¦ · XI. Freshman Class is Largest In If istory of Institution o Pr J· ne JJuncln'iJ .·tudent:-. HaYe Registered. In1.:iuding a Freshman C lass

_·1_·A_G_E_ F_o_ u_n_. ____ ________________________ THE WEEKLY EXPOXE:\T, FRID AY. OCTOB:::E'.'..R~3:::_· __ 1'..:9~1~9~. - --=----=::-::--:::--------::--::=:=::-:-:-I


E. 11. fl.IL·~· hi!.:-. mon:'d the tin.• tot:k marhctin~ offip• from Billim.rs

t( Bozl·man.

~\liss :\lar1 ..\. GrnH•s, fo(ld spc4.:ial­·~t, h•tunu·<l f1nm a six WL· ... it:-> \al·~­

fl(•n in Ohio \\' cdn1..•:->da;r.

I. l'anqihdl. as:;i"t~ml d, •·1..· ·t ir 1

tht.• C'Xten~inn dl•part111ent , h<.,. mo 1' i nto his new ht1U:i(' of "outh Si 'th.

LT m: le Sam l 1:.un pt(1n h. It \Y 1..•dn.-,.., by for a 11•11nths' ll'l·turc tou r tl rougJi

On·;:on , wi'1..•1·0 h1..• \~ill a ... sist in till~

<H!.!an1·.:1ti1•n ,1r farm bun·au~.;.


)liss Lul'illt> R1..•y1wlds. tot m<..·1 l t.t•ml' ;l.J.:'t..•11t of Le\\ i:-; and Clar \ l'Ollll­

ts, ani\t•d in Uozl·n~a~. 0. t1Jl1"I' l. t 1

•akt· up th'-' wor!< o; a-•'"i3itant hon~e J'=·flll)J1st1atiun lt'.'ader. 01is ..... P.~ynald

hac,;: lakt-•n l'!)tHns at t!w hvnit• of ,J. r._ (.'am pla•ll on south .'.'i '<th.

I ! J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t

l'RO~'. ,;1• \ l ' LDl:\G 01\ I.E.\ VE OF AHSE:X( f ,

• Prof ~l . H. .Snauldinl.{ will lN\VC j..; Wt~d\ f111• thl' ('It.St \\"hl'l"l' ht' VX ·

l~'f'l s to slttdy 'or one y1..•itr. A 11..'aVt.> of abst'nt't' ha .... been granh•d him for

Felt, llt.•1·b!!rt. Eh•ctric:~I Eng-ineer. lll~, .-\mll'Olld<.t.

C'at.c-s. Edw ., E1L•dr1ti.d E11gin1..'t: r i n ~.t \ "ictor.

t.hat tinw pa1 t l)f. •Nhich ~~''".ill spt•ml 1 Hubb1..•r. G ... ·o-, Ag-rit.•1tllurc, Belt • lt ,h1hns -Hopkins ttmvers1ty Hl'

1 .al::o t•xpet·t.-; to do considl'rab le w ork 1

Johnson. Dwig-hL . ...\~ril'ultu1·c, Chan· at the Smithsonian lnstit.ut~ in \Vash- t·ey ir.irton. Pt .-if Spalu<ling ha-.; spent .Jack~on. Clan.·nl:c. Chemical En-

t'lw past fow wet"ks paek ing- his many g-im.•1~ring-, .J effor~.

Hunt. IT i


.;a, 807.C-

\Yalt .>l'. .h1111t_.., \ ~ rkulture. Hnut.-

•ntj. ~-. Cha .. . \~rkultun.'. •.ell.

L)ndon . Clu~, .\.g-rkult.urc, n C:rnadn.

Kali.;;; •

F'uh 11nan. A~bury. Agricu ltm·e. ~trom\t·h. Mary. Secretar ial. Lail'd. Xorton. Ruth. Secretarial, Helena, I · :'.\lachemt·r. L{'\·i. Secretarial, Boze. -

Phillips. B1.~gs-it.?, Secn.:-tarial, Glas-, -,(1\\,

S\\'a11son, Frank. Elcl'trical Eng-fo -(~raham . L .. ·d, .\~rit.·ultur.· . Kali~- f•t-•1·ing- 1 Bozeman.


Gonklin's Self·Fillin~ Fountain Pens





Gox·Poetter Dru~ Go. SERVICE THE BEST.


:.ipt>:t'inwns c1Jllt•cted hel'e clurl11g- the Ellis, Ycrnon. Ek•drk~1l F.n;.!"ill('er-11. Gilbert. Le~ li l-. .\Iec.-hanical Engin-Ra:sk. H:in 1 .\ g-l'ic.:ul tu rt:'. Kalis-· 1.:crinz. Pt•rmn . I tt. • 1 • • • • • • • • • ~ • ' • • • • • • • 1 • • • • 1 1 , 1 • , 1 , , • , , , 1 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 i

>,II. :-;cIRon. )!arion, ll urne Economics . I-_------- -----------------------ing', Ahsar0kn-.

Oberll!, :\1it'hcl, Clwmkal En.~mCPl'· F crtin, i-L· r .. " :\lc,:!1anfra1 En~dn- 1 Ll•wistt.wn. , incr. Bozemr.11. u·in,...,. Fo:t::. Da\ is. Claudius, :\Jcchanical En!Zin- i

Rutlt·dge . Lt'nora . :·H .. '("l\.•tarml. Bizl'- i\:ohkr, CL tll'. )i11 ne E1..·onomic~, t•u·m~. Dillon . 1 ThC' skPptical bon~ i::: in tlw h~a tl. man . ! '1ekna . ~uthrie. \"in t~n, El ectri<'al Endn- I ThC' heart. is in the diagram, ju:-;t Rou:;;c, .la1~-: .-.., Ch ii Em.!.in1..~ering-, 1..•c1· 111 ,:c Recd Point.


helow the shoulfler. illoody. Aliel", Home.· El'onomil'-". ·1 b Ri c. hards, Albt•rt , ElC'ctrka l EnO'in- 111

Butte. 1 y. ~ The spinal t'Ot'd kc~ps us frum fa.II· (.' t Howa rd. :\.gri .. ultt11'\.'. Gia~-, 8ilinl11ll , \·ir ii. Elt:drical En<..,in. l1..·~-~~:~r~~~~o~~llald. S('crctarial. Lake J

in~, tot"ether. . I ·ro v.~>r. un , -rin_g-. :'\Ii,-s1 u!a . 1


j1 up ti~ht. 0 on . L' Dolan. \\'111. Elec:trkal En!!ilH.:cring, ..:.:,\·et·n~)-. Ja;;;_, ~c1.:rctarial, Chica1ro.

College Stu.dents Our Shop is always open for a good, clean sha\•e or a

haircut. We are for you-are you for us?

A. B. Williams Jo cult.' a burn, start:h 1t an<l wrap I,.., C ·tt Robert . . -\!.!TH"lliLlro:tl. <;las. En,-in, Ge ... ,., . .\.znl:ulturc, Dl>Z<>m:..m . Har:ilton, Florida. I! \Vhen a pt·rson has fainted, make ).!ll\"\•. Libby Pa ~ha .. John. .Ag:ri<-ultural. Boze-

him walk around until the blood \\'1..· .;tlakt•, il!yr iP . .\.;.:t ituJtun:, Th•)l\l})~on . . \ nita. Chcmistr:;, l".an. 28 \\"est l\Iain St. lt>aves the head. Boz1..~man. h..111 ~ht , Fran:.. . .:)l'l l'l'tari:1l, Boze- 1 1\litchcll, F'c r,:;u s . Agriculture Great :..1 ---------- - --

Bozeman. l\Ion t.

The lar_g<· bont's protect the gmall Builn, . .\ubrio*y, Jlc1..·ha;1ic:ai Eng-in i:::i.n. Falls. t:===-- -=======--=:-----------------:--eei-: .• 1g-. :Shelby .

ont-s. Rou~t' Ra bl1..•y, 1i<·t hani t·a l Emdn- " Tood, Rosalit·. Applied .-\rt. , The hospital and sr-pulehral honr-$ :\lur.t•dy . _.\• -·~ '.\I · ~ ll''LHiaJ. ?ite,·c.•n.;;, 11le ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _, _,~~

Ekala a 'i.: "·'-· Libby. I i- t' ar~~~e:h~c~;a~he body together. Whik. Harold .. \kohanical Eng-in- :n~u~~ocl;~~;\.Dunal I, \ 'h·i l En;('inNr- i ~~~~;~r~~~;~/"' '~~~~~~:~.'ia~oze~~,i~~~ WELCOME &

Sk in is two kinds, the true and un- i.?t'iin,l.. Bozeman. ~i!\\'l1Hm . Leonard. ElN·riL·al Entdn- City. t C' sk· .S ·a1~ T~1,) -- '.\I• '-;'ni :d J..:n:!.·in.·1..•1 I t

ru ·m. ~·rm'.!' , Libby. . Cru.wl•ly, .Jn o .. Ell•L'trir::i.1 Entrineer-1 t

The liver i:-; an infe1·11al Ql'fran. ing, r oz1...anan . L ' 1· h ' I' L' • ( d e- Dilg' IS !llHl',Y. lVllH:! 1.:.co110 m1L'S, m_g, a.:5ca e. t

Gross irrnoram:c is 1-14 times as bad Tann~y, Howard, :'\.k!.:hankal En- I' " : -ll"' just-tordinarv ig1i<n·nnce. j gineering, Bozeman.. . I L '"ilf ct El t . I E . . B It •

' '.II cary, '' re . , "' nca ngm- eenng. c . \VE .'RE GL.'D TO SEE yo·u \"ITH e- ,upuyer. attser, .n.ichacl , E:le<:triC'i:tl Engin- 1

I man. ·· - .Pi-·omulgated by a Zoologist. ~ ycrs, l\1C'rll', SCL'I'l'tanal. Boze- I t•rinrr. Butte . Danitl::<, Man1uC'rite, .... C'<'relarial :"1 ~ . , t

G ·rr J ,1 S . 1 B CampbC'll, GraCl', Home Econ- Bozeman I US AGAIN ~\~' D GRO\\'fN'G BIGGER rt rn, uani a ... ecrl't<tr;a · OZt'-

1 '1m i<:$. Dup)-l' r . Campbell. John Paul, Chemistry. · t

... ,\'h:r <lo they call the bab:.r 'Bill'?" I nrn~I~rlt!rgamc., Amy Appli ed Art. :JkC'ay, Harold. Sl•cr~tu1·ia l , Boze-· t Johnc:on, Jatob, Ele<'triral En~m- 1 "He was born on t:ie first of the I G F II - . 'man. ecr111g INTRODUCE YOUR F RIENDS TO OUR t

month"-Awgw:\n . tW·eat a ;:-, . ! ,Jack:--011 . 1.a, ... -rc1we. • 8ccrctnrial, ;-...-ame~, Beulah Secretarial, Big t t I ersten . Ek anol', Appl ieJ Arts, Ti'iiib" t·. Jwtl·au. ....

n·1 . . Gt-eat Fall,. ~ c• I . \ . I I' ' L INE OF HOME MAD E CANDIES. ' J 1 f:'l'llll~ 11E:VC L' k1:s:-.erl the pope '~ GI Tl . . 1

T Pauben, Edward. :'\ lechan ical c..11· l ._-,te,·erb, rnng-.. ,.:ncu ture, -iar- I

.,;·;t htehcl:ll~~;~:lc~ a ..... cros1-; emb r oidert•d .--)e t1d~ason. 10}-:., St:c retana ' own-11 g-inPeae:·I::~.~.· ~. [a1.',',:acnl1, 110111" Ec1J1101111·"s.' . 1 0~~~~~~ .. Howard, A•rriculture. Boze- t t ~ -" ipp..t'. Bryan. t'lar~·nn• , A~ricu l tun..'. Bil - .. ...... '" - .. ~

------- .\liks City. man. : '.II b <l Jin~s. ' II S I B · an may e ma e of dust. but ht! R·<l M d S .

1 B 1 PC'tt· r~on, ~lillar<l. Bot<m\· amt Biol- .:\a mg-er. 7\.Iary. e\:. retaria. oze. t

tio<::m't alway~ .settle. t I <'I'. au ('. e<.: r e tar1a, ozcman. ,,u y Culbt~ rtso n. . I 111an . Th s B I Green. John . Agriculture, F ort &•n- I ...... .\~1d<:r:->011, . Ruth, Hume Economks , B 1 E t <\. . It I 6 e ugar ow t

i\E" ' COi\t.\1 A~DANT ton. Belfry. • I ~:~~~: -~~1~~~1 .- ~:1

,~~ l;:o;10mics, , , l< E PORTS FOR Ol'TY l s"~anson, Ruby. Home Economic"., , Lyaclon. \Y m. Elcl·tt"'ical En~inct>r· 'V hite Sulphur Spring-s. . & • • •

Troy. ' in,::, Alberta. Canada. I ~lahan. John, Se<>retanal. Harper. I ' The Home of Home Made Cand1eg. •

Duraran, Dadd. Agrieu!turc.• , Crkk- Jacque::;, llcnl'y. EJcct.ri<·al E ng-in- Kansas. l t '• ton, <'anada. •

~Contluuect from Page 1.)

kadership of Lvu H oward Th is will afford an opportunity for much more ·aried and in t.cresting WOl'k than in

'.\1oors Carr:-ion, F:lt•dricaT Engin- ,•crini::- . Butte.'. ~m~th. "'.\' ella, 8c:'crctarial . _ I ~~~~~ .......... ~~~...,~,_._~~.-. .__. o.orw huc, Carrt.>I. Ch0mi-al Eng-in - _s~rnth Barbara, Home E("ononn cs , I

~l· 1-ing-, Billfng~. l'l'nrfg-, \\'hilt'hall. J B1llmgs. Cox, Chi()('. Hom(' Economic~, Bai- llrltun , Ralph, Elcdrkal' En;rinel:'r- J lloh:.tead. Beebe. :.\ lechanical Eng-in- ••••••••••••••~lll•••••••••.._••••••11111

rrr~:il~~-s s:~a~·si.s quot<•<l as ~aying . ' 'l la1;.,)t~Jill~·iµs, Ht•f'iwd.. Eledrh.-al Eng-in- in!! Denton. I ncrii_e:. Ashlan<l. 6 A L L A r' .. , N hope to be able to make the work' ._• ring-, Billln:;rs~ \\'il liams. llallam. Elcdi·foal Eng-in-' . Lecklitt.~ r, i.\lanila, Applied Art,

more interesting than heretofore, '.\loriarity, ,fas .. Elt•t·tril-al En_g·in- .•t• ring-, .\.nanrnda. Bozt:'man. and intend making- Military Science l't> rinJ.r, Gi~cat l?alh_ Del\:ay~ Gurrett, Agricu ltu1·~, H y.

1 Clark. Opal. Se«1-Ctarial, harleston,

r 'a~l'l' . Doi·nthi·, ~~·r'"'"1··1al, G1·n-·•• sha1n. I 11 issou ri. I 1l course that will be a lasting benefit • ,.., ,, ~~~ ..:-v.c.a .. ;u.

to those laking- it. I hope tu be at !"alls. Towne. Kathryn ( ' lwmi,try. Llving- l L u m b e r c 0 l\l. S. C. for my entire detail of four :\Jann, Howard, C'h·il Em.dnel·ring , stno. ~.·:. J

S<·hr1..~ i111l"t"T Olivt-, Chcmistry, T t:i \\'D· .Y~·a rs ~ J lik t.• it here very 111uth." nozema n- send . j M H: ~z1NES ~ I •

Crowley, Chas .. :\kt.·hanic:al Eng-in- Buckin~diam . \\" m.. Ag-riculturt", , f\Uf\ r

1-'RESIHl.\N CLASS JS LAIWEST I ec· i·ing- . L<.>Wist.own. I:\' HISTOl<Y OF INST IT UTIO:\' Burle)-, Arthur, l'ivil l':ng-ineel'ing, '-'"' ina. i ~

I i'n rk City. Poomian . ~ril<ll'cd. ('hem"try, CAND IES and CIG.\ RETTES ~ I (C'unti nueo Crom Page one.) Ka,lirg- , Lee, Chemical Fn •rint•1.:rin•,. Li,·ing-~ton.. )


Det-• r Lod~e. :) ... .... . ..... (o.l!'SWt'll. r:clwanl. Elt-•t•lricc.\I En--1 ) M. H. WHITE ) TJutchinsoo, Roy, Agriculture. For~ Elmt·J', Roma, Cht'llll~try, Bo1.t•11urn. ~inl;'ering, Helena.

.... ;-. t.hc. Drouk .. Jno .. ll.cc.· hanical Engint'PI'- Dahbt.l'om. L.aui-a. Homt' Economics

1 B Ck "1 I JI E . I P'...ridg't'I' ) " ·er, " e. a. onie cunomies. im,; .Judith Gap. ~ 23 \\-. Main St.

Rnzemnn. j Jh·ai::rney. ('has. .\g:ri.culture, Boze- Pau~h, Locla. Set·rC'tarial, J effers. .,.. J Owl &re·ek &oal Dean, l.Jorothy, Hom'-:' Economics, man. );or<l:-;trom. llan·it·t. SC'l'retarial I ~O-O<Hl-O

Rozeman :\lot"bus . :Vlal'il'. 1101114· F:t·onomic~, Big Timbl'r \ 1onlc•n. G{·org-~. Agril'ulture. Ana- Butte-. \\"c> ischclh~m . La ,\J onte. Elt•c tricaJ

·om.la Hutton. Dorothy, Sc1..rclai-ial, .Jcf- l{nl!i necring. Hamilton. Tt'n Haaf, Alt'<la, Applied Art, fi:r8 . S~hm1d, Flora, Sctrf'LHrial, Whitt'

Ilozmua.n. Kl•d( •r, )Jarion. St·1·1·ctarial, ('row S ulphui· Spring-~. Tay lor, Chas., C'ht:mfral Engmct> i'. \J,!" tt ncy Roth. Lilli.an, Sel'n·l.n rial. Gn.•:tt 1

111 .!.!". Forsyt.h. "'l'lls, Dana. Scvl'l'tarial~ Park City . Fal.h-.. . ' F unera l Direc tor ~wanson, Ernt"st, El t•drical En- r:walt . ..\nit.a, Il om,• Ec·onumics. . l10lh.nn, Tho:-., F:lec:tri<:al Eng-ineer- '

H. F. WEST •

------·--------------------------GIVE ll~ YOUR ORDER TODAY .


1:.----------------------"!.!"incering, Gt't'at Fall s. i·~kalaka. f R\!", fkl en:a.. . . a nd

Albt•<>cht., Arnt.!, Civil Engi111..·t~rinjt, I Y11m1g-, Elizabl'lh. flume i'.:l'OT10lllk~. ·": ::;bu r~·· Ra lph. ElectrH:al Eng-111- 1 ·==· .1.t t !Mtt 1110, "n'' ''t"a'"nlll .a. "s't. 'a' ·t·e· .c .. 0 •• I.le. 'g" e. ' .0. 'f' 1 ' I •• r r .. ~ f ' I • f ·== ,;,.,at Falls. ;~ye:wtc. ·•.·ring. C.1uw Agency . E mba lm er _

Revcmcs. AlCn·d, Ell'ctt·kal En~m- Oh.on, .-\aron .. \ \!'t--i«Hltu 1·L· . .luclith ,_G_('org-l' fr;.tn<·i~, Jl ome E<" l!lnoniics, 1 P h o n e 690-R·2 ··ring, Glendive. Gap. i .Dtllrng-s . - } d M h • A

Jorclun, Howard, Mcchanic:al En!!in- ~iwpht'nl, \\'m., .\rt' hitut ll'HI J.:11 , l1< il'ton . fTw .. ::h, ('idl Endncerin'!"". 1 .. --------------1 · Agricu ture an ec an1c rts e. ring-, Bridger. «in<·i·nn,.. ~Janhu ttan r ''"''""· :_:

~lcplwn'o", .lno., Agrieulturo. Chi- \nd, ·rsiin. ' lar.·ncL El .. 1·lr1e"I En- Practical courses in Architedural, Civil, Electrical anrl <·ag\). ..,·int•crin.!4'.

:\kC'an ..... 11, Ra:,' •'it)nd, Elt·rtrit-al En- Conid~ntx ~')( '( tariul. 'f:'.lO('C'J-inJ?. Anaconda '\it Uank.

'laslin .. Jo-fm .. \ g-ritu lture, Cl.1icag-o., Hoffnum , C~rl. C'lwmit·~il l·~n~i tH'i."'1"­Bnlwn, AJva, El l't"t r l<·al En).finc-t•l'· .n)..!.'. 1I cl£·nu.

i:i ~. MOctasm . Fl'ig-en . T'L'Ll r, Eh 1.:lriu1l En!!ineer- 1

\Vise. Lla1·old, l~ lt-t:lrit·al En~i11 ee 1·- i11,!.!. Tt•rgt•1r. ITI!!, Crc·1t l•'alls. 1"loflk, w~altcr, Elt•d rir al f-:ng-inl' L;'r-

Zud.:, Marlin. Eleetl'ii·ul En1,t"inl'l.'I' - ng-, Lt•wi:-;to\\'ll

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Rkh:inJ. Tho· Elt•ttrit-al En2"::-- •. ".d s tc1wn. ! : : ·Mne:, Gibson. !-"L>ok, Bt·rnln'. Si•t·r.·ta t'ial. i:..------------------------------1 1 LIJllt. • • • • , , , , , ' ' • • • 1 • ,., 11 • • • • • • •~t<c•• •• ....... • • ••• • • • •·•• ••• ...