Benzon vs. SBRC

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  • 8/13/2019 Benzon vs. SBRC


    Title: Jose F.S. BENZON vs. Senate Blue Ribbon


    Date of Promulgation:20 November 1991

    Nature: Petition for prohibition to review the

    decision of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee

    Ponente:Padilla, J.


    A petition for prohibition with prayer forissuance of Temporary Restraining Orderand/or injunctive relief to enjoin

    respondent (Senate Blue Ribbon

    Committee) from requiring petitioners to

    testify and produce evidence at its

    inquiry into the alleged sale of equity of

    Benjamin Kokoy Romualdez to the

    Lopa Group in 36/39 corporations

    30 July 1987: PCGG vs. Romualdez [CivilCase 35] for reconveyance, reversion,

    accounting, restitution, and damages.

    Case involves Benjamin KokoyRomualdez and Juliette Romualdez,acting by themselves and/or in unlawful

    concert with the Marcoses, engaged in

    devices and schemes to unjustly enrich

    themselves at the expense of plaintiff

    and Filipino peoplea. [acquire assets without minimal cash-outs]

    obtained control of some of biggest business

    enterprise in the Philippines such as MERALCO,

    BENGUET (Mining company), Pilipinas Shell

    Corporation, and PCI Bank by employing

    devious financial schemes and techniques

    calculated to require massive infusion and

    hemorrhage of government funds with

    minimum/negligible cash-out from BenjaminRomualdez.

    b. [tactic to get more capital] manipulated theformation of Erectors Holdings, Inc. without

    infusing additional capital with insufficient

    securities/ collateral to make Erectors Inc.

    appear viable and to borrow more capital

    c. [concealment of ill-gotten wealth]At onset ofAquino government, manipulated and

    schemed intended to conceal and place, forthe purpose of concealing and placing

    beyond inquiry and jurisdiction of PCGG

    defendants individual and collective funds,

    properties and assets subject of and/or suited

    in complaint.

    d. [fake divestments to fool PCGG]maneuveredpurported sale of Romualdez interests invarious companies (36/39 companies) for 5M,3 days after formation of PCGG. This is for sole

    purpose of deceiving and pre-empting Govt.

    particularly PCGG and making it appear thatBenjamin Romualdez had already divested

    himself of ownership of aforementioned

    companies. In fact, his interest are intact and

    being protected by Atty. Bengzon. To further

    entice PCGG to fictitious sale, defendants

    offered 20M as donation to Govt.

    e. [Invest 25M to PCI Bank, shares>30% @ 36.8%,dismantle/cancellation of funds]Misused 25M

    by causing it to be invested in PCI Bank and

    through Banks TSG to unlawfuldismantling/cancelation of funds, 10 M shares

    for allegedly exceeding 30% ceiling

    prescribed by Sec. 12-B of General BankingAct (due to investment shares increased to

    11,470,555 voting shares/ 36.8%)

    f. [hid behind veil of corporate entity of ill-gottenwealth] Cleverly hid behind veil of corporate

    entity the ill-gotten wealth of Benjamin

    Romualdez including the 6,229,177 shares of

    PCI Bank registered in names of Trans Middle

    East Philippines Equities Inc. refused to

    surrender to PCGG despite disclosure as they

    tried and continue to exert efforts in gettinghold of shares of sever companies. All theseowned by Benjamin Romualdez.

    13 September 1988: Senator Enriledelivered a privilege speech re: take-

    over of SOLOIL Inc. flagship of First

    Manila Management Companies(FMMC) by Ricardo Lopa called

    upon Senate to look into possible

    violation of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and

    Corrupt Practices Act)

    Senate Blue Ribbon Committee startedinvestigation after motion of Sen.

    Orlando Mercado Petitioners and Ricardo Lopa

    subpoenaed re: knowledge re sale of 36

    (or 39) corporations belonging to

    Benjamin Romualdez Ricardo Lopa

    declined to testify on ground his

    testimony may unjuly prejudice

    defendants on Civil Case #35 (which are

    petitioners in this case). Benzon refused

    to testify invoking his right to due process

    Senate BRC (Blue Ribbon Committee)

    suspended inquiry and directed

    petitioner to file memorandum onconstitutional issues raised.

    Assail jurisdictional question SBRCrequiring attendance and testimony in

    excess of jurisdiction and legislative


    Issues: (1) WON Court has jurisdiction over issues

    raised by petitioners

    (2) WON Senate BRCs inquiry has no valid

    legislative purpose

    (3) WON the sale or disposition of the

    Romualdez corporations is a purely private

    transaction which is beyond the power of theSBRC to inquire into

    (4) WON the inquiry violates the right to due

    process of the petitioners

    Held:(1) YES. Court has jurisdiction over present

    controversy for the purpose of determining the

    scope and extent of the power of SBRC to

    conduct inquiries into private affairs in

    purported aid of legislation

    (2) YES. SBRC was only to find our WON relative

    of Pres. Aquino, Mr. Ricardo Lopa, had violated

    the law in alleged sale of Romualdezcorporations to Lopa Group thereby possibly

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    violating RA 3019 Sec. 5 (Anti-Graft & Corrupt

    Practices Act; Prohibition on certain relatives)

    Enriles speech contained no suggestion of

    contemplated legislation; he merely called

    upon the Senate to look into aforementioned

    violation questioned inquiry is NOT IN AID OF

    LEGISLATION and if pursued would violate

    principle of separation od powers between

    legislative and judicial departments.(3) YES. Case at hand concerns merely private

    matter which does not further any legitimate

    task of Congress OR without justification in terms

    of the functions of Congress. There are limits to

    power to probe and inquire by Congress.

    (4) YES. Sec. 21, Art VI allows for inquiries in aid

    of legislation wherein rights of individuals shall

    be respected. Right against self-incrimination:

    Petitioners may not be compelled by

    respondents SBRC to appear, testify and

    produce evidence before it because

    questioned inquiry is not in aid of legislation.

    Ratio: (1) SEPARATION OF POWERS: Constitution

    allotted powers to the three branches of

    government. However, judicial department is

    the ONLY one who can determine the proper

    allocation of powers; JUDICIAL SUPREMACY:

    power of judicial review (limited to actual cases

    and controversies to be exercised after full

    opportunity of argument by parties limited to

    questions raised/ lis motapresented)

    (2) Art VI, Sec. 21: power of both houses of

    Congress to conduct inquiries in aid oflegislation not absolute or unlimited, must

    satisfy 2 conditions: (1)in aid of legislation in

    accordance with its duly published rules of

    procedure; (2)rights of persons appearing

    in/affected by such inquiries shall be respected

    (subject to rights under Art. III/ Bill of Rights such

    as right to due process/ right against self-


    Inquiries are within the jurisdiction of

    legislative body when they are material or

    necessary to the exercise of a power in it vested

    by Constitution such as to legislate or to expel amember.

    not in aid of legislation: (a) Enrile did not

    indict PCGG and (b) neither Lopa nor

    petitioners are connected with the government


    (3) there is no general authority to expose

    private affairs of individuals without justification

    in terms of functions of Congress. Nor is

    Congress a law enforcement/ trial agency. No

    inquiry is an end itself; it must be related to and

    in furtherance of a legitimate task of Congress

    Investigations conducted solely for personal

    aggrandizement of investigators or to punish

    those investigated are indefensible.

    Civil Case to begin with = jurisdiction of Court

    (4) Right of accused = may altogether refuse to

    take witness stand and refuse to answer any

    and all questions extended to administrative

    investigations not limited to criminal cases; not

    character of suit involved but NATURE of

    PROCEEDINGS that controls.

    RULING: Granted. SBRC enjoined fromcompelling petitioners and intervenors to testify

    before it and produce evidence at said inquiry.