Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts

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  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


    lsratl Ofiict tt:T| UNIVERSITY;*"* ofDERBYDLabtD!221(,8

    lc l l )0- l+l l2:91 l l lria\ (10'1.1]32 61272:l

    Weiss, enyamin10July2009ToWhom t MayConcern:

    WEISS, ENYAMIN lDi 302144449 DerbyCode: 058001711I write n responseo your equestegardingheprovisionf an average rade ortheBA (Hons)BusinessManagementrogramme.In hisprogrammehestudent chievedn:Overall erformanceLevel & 6): 18.60Average rade f degreeLevel & 6): A-Thestudents inal evel Level )characteristicsere:AverageGradeof best90 credits t Level6: A-GradeProfile: 75 credits@ B or aboveWhich ed o hestudent chievingheClassification:pperSecondPiease ind altached document ontainingnfofmationegardinghe gradingsystemhat senforcedt heUniversityf Derbyncalculatingrades.Please ontactmeagainfany urthernformations required.

    EMMA ISTERSeniorAdministrative ssisiantPartnershipOffice(DerbyUK)

    vi.e Chince!0rr " f t . s \ t r l ( ) t ( t \ n .rrlrPo,,n|!] n Lisl,, in tr5.' h..n.'lnr

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  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


    DegreeClass Characteristics f overallperformanceFIRSTCLASS Outstandingerformancehowing commandof thesubject. nequivocalvidencef he

    abilityo think ndependentlyndapplyconcepts,rinciples,ndknowledge.leardisplay f heabilityo criticallynalyse ndevaluate.ccuratehrouqhout.UPPERSECONDCLASSVery ound erformance.lear videncef asound rasp f he acts, onceptsndprinciplesogether ith heabilityo applythem.Clear videncef heabilityo criticallyanalyse ndevaluate. relativelyrror reeperformance.LOWER

    SECONDCLASSA generallyound erformance.videncef agoodunderstandingf he acts, onceptsndprinciplesnd heabilityo apply hem.Fvidencef a moderatebilityo criticallyanalyse ndevaluate.erformanceontainsminor trors.THIRD LASS A mostly atisfactoryerformanceutwithweaknesses.videncef an understandingfthe acts, oncepts,ndprinciples,utalimited bilityo applyhem.A performancewhichmavcontainnaccuracies.

    The Universityopes hat hese otes rehelpfulo Admissionsutorsn comingodecisionsbout ntry o second egreesorgraduatesf he Univefsityf Derby.

    lsraelOfficeUniversity f Derby

  • 8/14/2019 Benjamin Weiss Academic Transcripts


    Final evelcharacteristics:An average f thehighest raded90 credlfs t level6 which s indicative ftheappropriateonours lass nda grade roiile t evel indicativef heappfopriateonourslass(Thisaverage, nd hegradesachievedn more hanhalf heminimumnumber f creditsequied at the inal evel,mustmatchor exceed he classof degreeawarded)The indicatorsare translatedas follows:


    60 credits radedB- or above F rst ClassUpper econO' . - . - ' l4,L11.75 60qgql!!jrq!!9!ll:q? b.ov9 LowerSecondAchievementf hecreditequirementsorhonours ThirdClassComparisons ith othergrading ystems

    TheUniversityoesnotpublish omparisonsf tsgrading calewith hose fUniversitiesn othercountriesor examplen the UnitedStates.Rather tsuggestshatAdmissionsutors hould onsiderhe descriptionf overalldegree performance nd match this to their own University's ntryrequirements.heoverall escriptorsreshown npage :