Benefits From Use of Panchanga1

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  • 7/27/2019 Benefits From Use of Panchanga1


    Benefits from use of PanchangamThithyeshcha Shreeyamapnothi Vaaraath AayushyavardhanamNakshathraath Harathepaapam Yogaath RoganivaranamKaranaath Karyasiddhishchaath Panchangam dashamephalamKnowledge of Thithi bestows Wealth, Knowledge of Vaara increasesLongevity, Knowledge of Nakshatra erases Sins, Knowledge of Yoga curesDiseases and Knowledge of Karana ensures Success in workPanchangamAll instances of time have five characteristics viz. Vaara, Thithi, Nakshatra,Yoga and Karana. These five characteristics are detailed for all the days ofthe year in an almanac which is called Panchangam. (Pancha + anga). Thesecharacteristics are derived from the positions of Sun and Moon. Panchangamis used for knowing these five basic characteristics of time for sankalpa,locating dates of vratas, locating dates of shraddhas and for finding suitabledates for auspicious functions.Positions Sun, Moon and other planets are also given in thePanchangams. These are used for fixing Muhurthas and preparation of horoscopesand predictions by Astrologers.Planets (Grahas)Panchangams consider 7 planets and 2 shadowy planets.They are:Sl. Planets / Shadowy Planets Antharyami Roopa1. Surya or Ravi Sun Rama2. Soma or Chandra - Moon Krishna3. Kuja or Mangala - Mars Narasimha4. Budha or Soumya Mercury Bouddha5. Guru or Brihaspati - Jupiter Vamana6. Shukra or Bhargava Venus Parashurama7. Shani or Manda -Saturn Kurma1. Shadowy Planet: Rahu or Thama - Dragons head Varaha2. Shadowy Planet: Kethu or Sikhi - Dragons Tail. MathsyaThus, from Sun to Saturn are planets and Rahu and Kethu are imaginary plan-ets. They are actually the nodes (points) of intersection of the imaginary paths ofSun and Moon (as visualised by an observer on Earth), located at diametricallyopposite points. Rahu and Kethu (Dragons head and tail) are also known as shadowyplanets.In the Indian system of Astronomy, Sun is considered a planet eventhough it isthe source of light and heat unlike in the western system, where by definition, planetsare not the source of light and heat.