Ben Shakelton Architecture Portfolio

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Page 1: Ben Shakelton Architecture Portfolio

Architecture PortfolioBenjamin Shakelton

Page 2: Ben Shakelton Architecture Portfolio

Charcoal RenderingNew Orleans Home

Pencil Rendering

Work Experience

Fire Station


Sacred Space



BENJAMIN SHAKELTONBachelor of Science in ArchitectureThe Catholic University of America 3




Page 3: Ben Shakelton Architecture Portfolio

4 5WestEast South North

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6 7WestEast South North

The proposed site for this fire station was Tenley Town which is a diverse mixture of people and buildings. The function of this fire station was to both provide a living museum as well as a means to bring the community together. The East Ele-vation is all glass to provide a view into the building’s daily functions. The first floor is intended for public use while the upper floors are the private zones. The various material of the building is meant to reflect the diverse building materials around the site.

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THe proposed project was to design a library that was to be a focal point in Adams Morgan in Washington DC. THe main challenges for this project was to create a building that could balance the nostalgia of a library but also give the puplic access to the technologies of our modern time. My concept was to have a central core that was a large water fall to symbolize purity and knowledge. From this core one can gain access to the different areas of the library. Main inspiration for this building was James Turrell.

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W A S H I N G T O N D. C.


W A S H I N G T O N D. C.



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The design objectve behind this project was to create a sacred space for the Congressional cemetery in Washington DC. This space is intended to hold all the barial services before the casket is put in its final resting place.

The concept behind my design was to convey the heavy burden of death. This concrete box is meant to look as if it is floating over the cemetery. The wood interior is meant to provide comfort. One is meant to feel a scence of descention into this space.

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W A S H I N G T O N D. C.


W A S H I N G T O N D. C.



The site of the sacred space is located on the southern end of Congressional Cemetery. It is at the end of the entrance path and forms a strong axis with a chapel located at the second intersection. The site is at the bottom of a steep hill.

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20 X 30This is a two-point perspective done in pencil with shade and shadowing of a family living room

20 X 30This is a charcoal still life drawing with emphasis on texture, shade, and shadow.

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These are prime examples of the type of work I do for the U.S. Park Service Historic American Engi-neering Record. A team would go out into the field and use a laser scanner to scan the image of the structure. Once the scan is completed, it is put together in a program called Cyclone. This results in millions of points that resemble the structure. FFrom that data, we can create models of the struc-ture in Auto Cad. This example is the Powder Works Bridge located in Paradise Park, California and for this project, I made the 3D model and completed the entire nine page sheet set that wAassubmitted to the Library of Congress as the official record for the bridge.

This is a float bridge located at Locust Point, Baltimore. The sheet set for this project has been submitted to the Library of Congress.

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Components1 Bridge2 Hinge3 Dual eyebars4 Block with dual, offset sheaves5 Cable anchor to structure66 Sheave7 Bearing (anchored to structure)8 Equalizer assembly10 BLock with a single sheave11 Pickup counterweight assembly12 Drum (motor & brake not shown)


Bridge-dead load counterweight

Dead load counterweight-block

Pickup counterweight-drum

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