Introduction to Systems Security Ben Livshits 10/16/2010 Some slides are borrowed from CS 155 at Stanford

Ben Livshits 10/16/2010 Some slides are borrowed from CS 155 at Stanford

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Page 1: Ben Livshits 10/16/2010 Some slides are borrowed from CS 155 at Stanford

Introduction to Systems Security

Ben Livshits10/16/2010

Some slides are borrowed from CS 155 at Stanford

Page 2: Ben Livshits 10/16/2010 Some slides are borrowed from CS 155 at Stanford

Organization• General introduction to security

• What is system security?• Threats• Trends• Approaches to finding vulnerabilities

• Security vulnerabilities• Memory-based exploits• Web application vulnerabilities

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What is Security?System correctness If user supplies expected input, system

generates desired output

Security If attacker supplies unexpected input,

system does not fail in certain ways Goal of the attacker is to make the system

fail in “interesting ways”

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What is security?System correctness Good input Good output Think “verification”

Security Bad input Bad output Think “not exploitable”

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What is security?System correctness More features: better

Security More features: can be worse

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Security propertiesConfidentiality

Information about system or its users cannot be learned by an attacker

Integrity The system continues to operate properly, only

reaching states that would occur if there were no attacker

Availability Actions by an attacker do not prevent users from

having access to use of the system

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General picture

Security is about Honest user (e.g., Alice, Bob, …) Dishonest Attacker How the Attacker

Disrupts honest user’s use of the system (Integrity, Availability)

Learns information intended for Alice only (Confidentiality)

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Network Attacker

Intercepts and controls network communication



Network security

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Web Attacker

Sets up malicious site

visited by victim; no control of network



Web security

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OS Attacker

Controls malicious files

and applications


Operating system security

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Confidentiality: Attacker does not learn Alice’s secrets

Integrity: Attacker does not undetectably corrupt system’s function for Alice

Availability: Attacker does not keep system from being useful to Alice

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Current Trends

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Historical hackers (prior to 2000)

Profile: Male Between 14 and 34 years of age Computer addicted No permanent girlfriend

No Commercial Interest !!!Source: Raimund Genes

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Typical Botherder: 0x80" (pronounced X-eighty)

High school dropout “…most of these people I infect are so stupid they really ain't got

no business being on the Internet in the first place.“

Working hours: approx. 2 minutes/day to manage Botnet

Monthly earnings: $6,800 on averageDaily Activities:

Chatting with people while his bots make him money Recently paid $800 for an hour alone in a VIP room with several


Job Description: Controls 13,000+ computers in more than 20 countries Infected Bot PCs download Adware then search for new victim

PCs Adware displays ads and mines data on victim's online browsing

habits. Bots collect password, e-mail address, SS#, credit and banking

data Gets paid by companies like TopConverting.com,

GammaCash.com, Loudcash, or 180Solutions.


Washington Post: Invasion of the Computer Snatchers

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Some things in the newsNigerian letter (419 Scams) still works: Michigan Treasurer Sends 1.2MUSD of State Funds !!!

Many zero-day attacks Google, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Office …

Criminal access to important devices Numerous lost, stolen laptops, storage media,

containing customer information Second-hand computers (hard drives) pose risk

Vint Cerf estimates ¼ of PCs on Internet are bots


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Trends for 2010Malware, worms, and Trojan horses

spread by email, instant messaging, malicious or infected websites

Botnets and zombies improving their encryption capabilities, more difficult to detect

Scareware – fake/rogue security software Attacks on client-side software

browsers, media players, PDF readers, etc.

Ransom attacks malware encrypts hard drives, or DDOS attack

Social network attacks Users’ trust in online friends makes these networks a prime target.

Cloud Computing - growing use will make this a prime target for attack.

Web Applications - developed with inadequate security controls

Budget cuts - problem for security personnel and a boon to cyber criminals.

Texas CISO, Feb 2010

Same list in Oklahoma Monthly Security Tips Newsletter

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Reported Web Vulnerabilities "In the Wild"

Data from aggregator and validator of  NVD-reported vulnerabilities

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Web vs System vulnerabilities

XSS peak

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Web attack toolkit: MPack


Basic setup Toolkit hosted on web

server Infects pages on that server Page visitors get infected

Features Customized: determines

exploit on the fly, based on user’s OS, browser, etc

Easy to use: management console provides stats on infection rates

Customer care toolkit can be purchased with one-year support contract!

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Finding Vulnerabilities

Static analysis Abstract

interpretation Dataflow Pointer analysis etc.

Runtime analysis Fuzzing Testing Simulation Symbolic

execution Model checking

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Memory safety attacks Buffer overruns Format string vulnerabilities

Web application vulnerabilities SQL injections Cross-site scripting attacks

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Buffer Overflows


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Buffer Overrun Example


Frame 1Frame 2

void lame (void) { char small[30]; gets(small); printf("%s\n", small);


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Input Validation Classifying vulnerabilities:

Buffer overflows can be viewed as an example of improper input validation Another related type of vulnerability is information leaks

Other notable examples: Format string vulnerabilities SQL injection attacks Cross-site scripting attacks

Mechanisms to prevent attacks Better input validation Safe programming techniques Techniques for detecting potential buffer overflows in code

Static analysis Runtime analysis Fuzzing/penetration testing Write-box fuzzing etc.

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Secure Programming Techniques

Validate all input Easier said than done Why is that?

Avoid buffer overflows Use safe string manipulation functions Careful length checking Avoid statically declared arrays etc.

Or use a memory-safe language Java or C# JavaScript (not type-safe)

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Validating Input

Determine acceptable input, check for match --- don’t just check against list of “non-matches” Limit maximum length Watch out for special characters, escape chars.

Check bounds on integer values Check for negative inputs Check for large inputs that might cause overflow!

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Avoid strcpy, …

We have seen that strcpy is unsafe strcpy(buf, str) simply copies memory contents into

buf starting from *str until “\0” is encountered, ignoring the size of buf

Avoid strcpy(), strcat(), gets(), etc. Use strncpy(), strncat(), instead Still, computing proper bounds is difficult in practice Easy to mess up, off-by-one errors are common

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Static and Dynamic Analysis

Static analysis: run on the source code prior to deployment; check for known flaws e.g., flawfinder, cqual Or Prefix/Prefast Or Coverity or Fortify tools Will look at some more recent work in this course as well as older stuff

Dynamic analysis: try to catch (potential) buffer overflows during program execution Soundness Precision

Comparison? Static analysis very useful, but not perfect

False positives False negatives

Dynamic analysis can be better (in tandem with static analysis), but can slow down execution Historically of great importance, drove adoption of type-safe languages such as Java and C#

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Dynamic analysis: Libsafe

Very simple example of what can be done at runtime

Intercepts all calls to, e.g., strcpy(dest, src) Validates sufficient space in current stack frame:

|frame-pointer – dest| > strlen(src) If so, executes strcpy; otherwise, terminates


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Preventing Buffer Overflows

Operating system support: Can mark stack segment as non-executable Randomize stack location

Problems: Does not defend against `return-to-libc’ exploit

Overflow sets ret-addr to address of libc function Does not prevent general buffer overflow flaws, or

heap overflow

Basic heap overflows can be helped with ALSR

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Heap-based Buffer Overruns and Heap Spraying

Buffer overruns consist of two steps Introduce the payload Cause the program to jump to it

Can put the payload/shellcode in the heap Arbitrary amounts of code Doesn’t work with heap randomization Location of the payload changes every time

Heap spraying: Allocate multiple copies of the payload When the jump happens, it hits the payload with a high probability

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Embed random “canaries” in stack frames and verify their integrity prior to function return

This is actually used!

Helpful, but not foolproof…

strretsfplocal canarystrretsfplocal canary

Frame 1Frame 2

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More Methods …

Address obfuscation Encrypt return address on stack by XORing with

random string. Decrypt just before returning from function

Attacker needs decryption key to set return address to desired value

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More Input Validation Flaws


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Format String Vulnerabilities

What is the difference between printf(buf);and printf(“%s”, buf);?

What if buf holds %x ? Look at memory, and what printf expects…

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Format String Exploits Technique:

Declare a variable of type int in line 4 and call it bytes_formatted

Line 6 the format string specifies that 20 characters should be formatted in hexadecimal (“%.20x”) using buffer

When this is done, due to the “%n” specifier write the value 20 to bytes_formatted

Result: This means that we have written a

value to another memory location Very definition of violating memory

safety May be possible to gain control over a

program’s execution

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int bytes_formatted=0;




“\nThe number of bytes formatted in the previous printf statement

was %d\n”,bytes_formatted); return 0;


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Other Input Validation Bugs

Integer overflow…

Consider the code: strncpy(msg+offset, str, slen);

where the adversary may control offset

By setting the value high enough, it will wrap around and be treated as a negative integer!

Write into the msg buffer instead of after it

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Web Application Vulnerabilities

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SQL Injection Attacks

Affect applications that use untrusted input as part of an SQL query to a back-end database

Specific case of a more general problem: using untrusted input in commands

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SQL Injection: Example

Consider a browser form, e.g.:

When the user enters a number and clicks the button, this generates an http request like https://www.pizza.com/show_orders?month=10

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Example Continued…

Upon receiving the request, a Java program might produce an SQL query as follows:

A normal query would look like:

sql_query = "SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day " + "FROM orders " + "WHERE userid=" + session.getCurrentUserId() + " AND order_month= " + request.getParameter("month");

SELECT pizza, quantity, order_dayFROM ordersWHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=10

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Example Continued…

What if the user makes a modified http request:https://www.pizza.com/show_orders?month=0%20OR%201%3D1

(Parameters transferred in URL-encoded form, where meta-characters are encoded in ASCII)

This has the effect of setting request.getParameter(“month”) equal to the string 0 OR 1=1

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Example Continued

So the script generates the following SQL query:

Since AND takes precedence over OR, the above always evaluates to TRUE The attacker gets every entry in the database!

SELECT pizza, quantity, order_dayFROM ordersWHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 OR 1=1


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Even Worse…

Craft an http request that generates an SQL query like the following:

Attacker gets the entire credit card database as well!

SELECT pizza, quantity, order_dayFROM ordersWHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 OR 1=0UNION SELECT cardholder, number, exp_dateFROM creditcards

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More Damage…

SQL queries can encode multiple commands, separated by ‘;’

Craft an http request that generates an SQL query like the following:

Credit card table deleted! DoS attack

SELECT pizza, quantity, order_dayFROM ordersWHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 ;DROP TABLE creditcards

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More Damage…

Craft an http request that generates an SQL query like the following:

User (with chosen password) entered as an administrator! Database owned!

SELECT pizza, quantity, order_dayFROM ordersWHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 ;INSERT INTO admin VALUES (‘hacker’, ...)

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May Need to be More Clever…

Consider the following script for text queries:

Previous attacks will not work directly, since the commands will be quoted

But easy to deal with this…

sql_query = "SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day " + "FROM orders " + "WHERE userid=" + session.getCurrentUserId() + " AND topping= ‘ " + request.getParameter(“topping") + “’”

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Example Continued…

Craft an http request where request.getParameter(“topping”)is set to abc’; DROP TABLE creditcards; --

The effect is to generate the SQL query:

(‘--’ represents an SQL comment)

SELECT pizza, quantity, order_dayFROM ordersWHERE userid=4123 AND toppings=‘abc’;DROP TABLE creditcards ; --’

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Source: http://xkcd.com/327/

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Blacklisting Whitelisting Encoding routines Prepared statements/bind variables Mitigate the impact of SQL injection

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I.e., searching for/preventing ‘bad’ inputs E.g., for previous example:

…where kill_chars() deletes, e.g., quotes and semicolons

sql_query = "SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day " + "FROM orders " + "WHERE userid=" + session.getCurrentUserId() + " AND topping= ‘ " + kill_chars(request.getParameter(“topping")) + “’”

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Drawbacks of Blacklisting

How do you know if/when you’ve eliminated all possible ‘bad’ strings? If you miss one, could allow successful attack

Does not prevent first set of attacks (numeric values) Although similar approach could be used, starts to get


May conflict with functionality of the database E.g., user with name O’Brien

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Check that user-provided input is in some set of values known to be safe E.g., check that month is an integer in the right range

If invalid input detected, better to reject it than to try to fix it Fixes may introduce vulnerabilities Principle of fail-safe defaults

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Prepared Statements/bind Variables

Prepared statements: static queries with bind variables Variables not involved in query parsing

Bind variables: placeholders guaranteed to be data in correct format

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A SQL Injection Example in Java

PreparedStatement ps = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day " + "FROM orders WHERE userid=? AND order_month=?");

ps.setInt(1, session.getCurrentUserId());ps.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")));ResultSet res = ps.executeQuery();

Bind variables

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There’s Even More

Practical SQL Injection: Bit by Bit

Overall, SQL injection is easy to fix by banning certain APIs Prevent queryExecute-type calls with non-constant

arguments Very easy to automate See a tool like LAPSE that does it for Java

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Cross-site Scripting

If the application is not careful to encode its output data, an attacker can inject script into the output


name: <script>…; xhr.send(document.cookie);</script>

Simplest version called reflected or type-1 XSS

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Memory Exploits and Web App Vulnerabilities Compared

Buffer overruns Stack-based Return-to-libc, etc. Heap-based Heap spraying attacks Requires careful programming or

memory-safe languages Don’t always help as in the case of

JavaScript-based spraying Static analysis tools

Format string vulnerabilies Generally, better, more restrictive

APIs are enough Simple static tools help

Cross-site scripting XSS-0, -1, -2, -3 Requires careful

programming Static analysis tools

SQL injection Generally, better, more

restrictive APIs are enough

Simple static tools help