Tmn JXaw-Yor- tr- Herald has wnta Johw Nj Otmmr, nephew and reside. renewel of gas and water contracts by respectable and wealthy families of ment of District Court, according to CATARRH! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mandate of the Court. correspondent tb rough New England ury legatee of tbe late Thos. H. Genin, municipal corporations. Harrison county, and witn a Messing the 1st Nat'i Bank, Bellaire, vs. W J Diamond, gtar.Egg, Roea, and Floral to look into the condition of the man died at his residence, 115 East 6th St., mils passed: Authorizing courts to she goes forth in his keeping with tbe Kellv. Trees., et al. Ordered that ex Kfi Mv Lie. with name. beecotnbe. Co, appoint stenographers: extending tbe best wishes of inetr many jrxenas. Wnnld willingly have given one Klnderhook. M Y. HT. CLAIRSV1UJS. OHIO ... u fact a dog interest. lie reports that New York, on Tuesday of last week; operations of mechanic's liens te two ecution be bad of the judgment in the hundred dollars for the relief r the cotton mills handsome the funeral services took place on Fri- day, The Tab Test. Upon a certain District Court, according to the man DCUfll UCD COrC Seven shot Ki'Tnlv- - are making remains Interred in years. and hardware - obtained frein tbe first dose. llbiuuii.ll rnLb,. with box'c-art- - goods a and his were day a dry store, date of said Court. - which cannot be said of the A resolution was adopted to adjourn ridges. Aderess, J Bow a a Son Son. 130 Wood TUUOSWAY'MAY 187K profits, ft, Green Wood Cemetery. Among the from May 13 to the first Monday in and a notion store in this place, were Wm H Hays vs.i Enoch Burns. From the veil known maker of Yale's St, Pittsburgh, Pa. mills of Great Britain, and that onr divines who were present and took January, 1879. presided over by a couple of ladles Cause settled. Judgment by agree Mammoth Tent. Republican State Convention, cotton trade is larger than be' part in tbe funeral services, were Revs. A communication was received from custom wae good and all went well ment of parties in favor of plaintiff for Gentlemen I have suffered ten yean from nPCANC UnUMIlO Exhibitions. Highest Hocora Latent at all CatHlounes World's the war. In tbe leather trade, one E. 11. Cbapin and ueo. Hepwortn; tne the Attorney General to tbe effect that Without a single Incident to vex tneir $500, and that piainun pay costs. the wonit forms ut Acute Catarrh, or Cold la and Circulars, with New Htyles, K educed Pri- ces Wednesday, June 12. 1878. pall-bearer- s were Mr. Edward Bills, the lessees having abandoned the canals hearts, they bad sold the salty mack Wm H Hays vs. lunocn .auras. Bee- tled M.Mjf ih.t ,r aflUcted mortal man. and much information, rni free. HAHUX Massachusetts' chief industries, the the Whenever I took a free a eolU It would MtUe HAMLIN OHUAK CU. ISosloU, iew York Mr. K. winans, Air. frans uesne, the State may resume possession with erel, the restraining bog riuger, and dismissed at costs of plaintiff. la my head.emnelng the moat violent sneeslng, encouraging condition is report Mr. Edward Phelan. Mr. King. Mr. out releasing the lessees from account gay and festive colored calico, tbe em- - John Wlsener vs. Hiram Bishop et aeoompenled by excessive discharges from my or Chicago. Amidon and Dun- - and lot oi s. affirmed and deed eye and nose. Foi days and days my saOer-i-n. STATE REPUBLICAN CENTR'L AND Seeley, and Messrs. ability. bracing'corset, a al. Sale by Master wftnlri haintanie. and flnailr settling In COMPOUND OXYGEN Th rrw cure for COMMITTE ROOMS, Columbus, O., May 1. Mils. BO lculC3CUW..icau. u javiwv.o May 4. Senate Bills but when a small boy came in with a ordered. mvlnlnsand bowels, would render my lile CbnmtwoHem. AstK- - Diplomatic negotiations in regard Association. Beautiful floral tributes passed : glass bottle for A quart or tar tney Annie Parker et ai.vs. Wm Findley miserable for a month. Never, daring all my t'iLKKl Brocliur 3u pp.1 tieod were sent by many friends. In tbe New Authorizing appointment of assistant kejiutea. uoy Mia as it was summer Slander. To jury; verdict In favor of suOertnirs, was I able to obtain even tempo r it. AiLlrMha k P OJiard by direction of the Central Committee, will to the Eastern question continue, but rw Mil fmm ur medicine I ever tried. ta. HxaMEXX axjcx. U13 St.71uJsV be held in the city CinctDnoli, Wednesday, York 'rime, of Saturday, we nnd tne prosecuting attorneys; authorizing time father thought tbe tar would plaintiff for $78. Both parties gave no- tice ThrM M,,um.vhilfl sarferlna from the no news of - definite accomplishment? transfer of lands by any city, eounty, its in. Then held worst attack I ever had. I procured a boUle of tbe 18Ui day of Jane. 1878. ' following sketch of bis life: work way they a that they would move the Court The convention will Dominate candidate for are forthcoming. Russia continues Mr. Genin was born m james-siip.t- n township or school district when the council a hardened reprobate or i to set aside the verdict and grant a SAN FORD The 8 relief BAU1CAU from tune, the A at ryja. dosa va-tark- h. was Secretary of State, ; : ?! firm in her refusal to submit, the San this city. 1819. He bad but few oppor object for been which such funds were rais sewing machine agent waa interview new trial. so gratifying that I would willingly have A fHifi-in- ir LsTmoWpnj. ed bas obtain IV. accomplished; authorizing aouarw u to tunities for early education, w nen ne ed, who informed them that it was Adam Faupel vs. Titus, Simmons A given one nunarea - Stefano without to bead Jvuiffe of the Supreme Court, treaty reserve trustees to sell real estate and reinvest few I bottles completely cured me. My ; "rr was but 13 years old be entered the customary to bring bottles for tar; tbat Titus. Ordered that execution be had . . inee been twrffleLlv free from mucous Awrdd kisjkrwi pritt at Centennial Exposition 6r Member the Board Public Wert. European Congress. General Todleben in real estate under order jm gssaiauiar waMiLacs stua wmv a dhv of ef proceeds oi iattg and not a emDlovment of Orlando Fish, who he bad poured molasses through a gim of judgment in Common Pleas affirm accumulations, my breathing easy, cter of HcetUnmg enwi &avorvg. The hrt loKiwro We recommend that effort be made to se is taking the llhodope insurrecion court; authorizing tbe city of Bellaire bole, that it if only symptom of trooDie aoout my nacs. auu w- - var made. At out blue uip ixatto-mar-k w c!o-l- r let was easy one according to etore in Chatham District Court, bat ed a square. by effect In kept eia has n resented itself. Its my imitated on inferior go.!. tl.al Jaebtim't Bt is in hand. The London rigorously to obligation assumed an for tbe cure a large attendance at the meetings to ap Two or three years later he became a pay knew bow. supposing this liar to oe mandate of said Court. has been truly remarkable. . on plug. Sold hx al Meatier. Sand fr auiil. Times regards tbe talk of Russian State tobacco House bill free. t C. A. JacKsoa t Co., Mfra Wwraburj;, Ta. point delegates, so that the people snail be warehouse; clerk for Mr. Geo. B. Alvord. at No. 12 an honest man, they began to wrestle Criawell A Rider vs. Thomas McCaf fairly represented In the State Convention, vateers in our waters without alarm providing tbat in assignment for the Sail and Awuing Maker, 2 South Market St. Bowery. When be was but 22 years with tbe tar, wblcb was of such a con frey. Ordered that execution be bad PIANOS & ORGANS and that the delegates be appointed on or be because of tbe strict obligations impos benefit of claims for creditors, to wages otnlains Dr San ford's Impro- - old Mr. Genin entered into business for sistency that a South Carolina negro of iudgment in Common Pleas affirm Each package Redaction to fore Saturday. Mar 25. ed ash in,.ii..a Tutw with fnli directions for close present stock of 500 New our Uovcrnment by the n the amount or 1300 shall be The basis of representation in the conven- tion upon himself. He was active and energet paid first; had broken down bis constitution ed by District Court according to man use in all eases. Price, $1 00 per package. For and Second band Instruinenls,o( nvettrslclasa will be one delegate for every 500 votes ington treaty. ic and was shrewd enough to appreci' to bring tbe Zanesville; associations to authorize within struggling to get it into tbe barrel with date of said Court. sale by all wholesale and retail Wfcfc.K.S Druggists Defy maaers, Competition iniiy warranted for this and class at prices of Instru- ments. that cast for Gen. R. B. Hayes for President in ate the value of advertising. Within private cemetery the top off. At sundown they accom John C Able vs. David Long. Or-- throughout the United states. ana wuu Agents Wanted for WATER , iinm. 1878, and one additional delegate for any As a precautionary measure tbe 10 years he had built up a profitable tbe limits of Incorporated villages to plished the task by one lady going dered that execution be had ot judg POTTEK. Druggiata, Oeneral Boston. Agents rior Bell Organs and Pianos. Illustrated Cata fraction of 250 vote and upward in each British Government has determined business. At tne close ot mat pe. oa become incorporated; a large number down into tbe bottle and the other ment in District Court according to logues Manufacturers Matieo. aUKAUB and Dealers. WATER- - 40 Kavt 14th SONS, oonnty. i . upon tbe immediate fortification of he, by a shrewd stroke of policy, made of bills of no general interest were also handing the tar Into ber. Then they mandate of said Court. New York. Also Oeneral Agents for St, the island of Helgoland, the little himself famous throughout the coun parsed. began to make a bill as follows: 'Mr. Wm Smith et al. vs. Samuel G Mc- - iawawatfHaasBjniar Collins' Celebrated Premium Organs. Belmont 4970 vote for Hayes. 10 Del- egates. speck of land about forty miles from try. He was then occupying a store House joint resolution to adjourn Dam Mr. Dam Mr. Damara, to ene Bride. Ordered that execution be had tbe mouth or trie jane wnicn was oi ay id to January 2 was disagreed to, For a Case of Catarrh that Barnum's Museum, wnere tbe $1,000,000,10; Cr. by in Common Pleas affirm- ed under qt tab, per son, of judgment SAN KURD'S RADICAL CURE captured in 1807 from tbe Danes, and House Bills passed: To require tbe diam.' Moral Don' I take VOLTAIC PLASTERS. 850 for Catarrh will rder of tbe committee, Park Bank now stands. Mr. Barnum cash, one a by the District Court, according to not Instantly J. S. ROBINSON. retained lor naval station in tne commissioners of Hamilton county to don't tar in relieve and speedily cure. Ref- erences, brought Jenny Lind to this city, and. bottle for tan put a bottle; tbe mandate or said District court. Chairman Rep. State Executive Com. North Sea. Tbe island, with its twin. as the public desire to hear ber sing rem no certain iunus to Cincinnati: don't believe sewing machine agents State of Ohio vs. Hoover Durnell. n Vlvtrn.r,alvanic Battery combined with Fargo A Henry Co, Aurora, Wells, Esq, N V; Wells, Wm J. C. Sec'y. Sandy Island, is lees than three miles was very great, ne anrnonpo tne seats authorizing the commissioners of they may lie. Indictment for selliog liquor to be tbe Celebrated Medicated Porous Strengthen tsowen, tsq , MeUalinn, (iranl dt circumference, and bas snout two Tuscarawas county to levy an ad Plaster, forming the Deal riasier ior paina Bowen, 8t Louis. Testimonials for ber first concert in Oiistle Garden. drank where sold. Plea of guilty en ing and treatise by mall. thousand inhabitants, who get their ditional tax. "Gigging" Is now a crime. The in the World ef Medicine. Price, first choice fine ol 2o and aches with Improved Inhaler, tl Congressional Conventional. Mr. Genin t.iil $ for the tered. Sentenced to pay a $50 Uk. living by fishing and letting lodgings the amount The Ceneral Appropriation bill was gentlemen referred to in former locals committed to the ELECTRICITY Sold everywhere. WEEKS a and of a seat for bimbelf,and, as and costs, stand "POTTEB, in tbe bathing season, but It bas received irom tbe senate, with amend are still at large. When we wrote last Proprietors, Boston, was the largest ever paid in in is conn jail of tbe county until fine and costs As a grand curative and restorative agt ,ta Mala. The Republicans of (he 18th Congressional Governor and Council, tbe Governor trv dd to that time, every journal ments, and referred to the eomotittee the whale bad Jonah now Jonab bas are - not equalled by any element or medicine in District of Ohio will meet ra Convention at receiving (2.500 a year and his Secre on Finance. the whale. paid. the historv ol the healing art. Unless the vital Dublished tbe fact. On the night of The state or unio vs Ana rew uoiy. spark has fled tbe body, restoration by means PIANO tbe city of Bellaire. on tary 600. thecoteert, Sept. 11, 1850, Mr. Genin May 6. Senate There was a small Farmers have turned the world Hp- - Forgery Verdict of 'Not Guilty.' oielectriclty Is posit ble. It Is the last resort WwftrmoORGAN attendance. and has res otlsta renewed. See Beatiy's latest June 27, 1878. - VB - all and surgeons, Newspa Thursday, was tbe centre of observation whenev side down, and there are "footsteps en Alien J Alexander vs. J as l woore. of physicians u lor full reply tent free. Before per baying PI- ANO moil thousands, anoarentiy aeau. V) nominate a candidate for Congress for said The Cincinnati Times argues that er the Swedish Nightingale was off the Tbe tax revision bill was considered. the other side." These footsteps are Judgment in favor of plaintiff for iimalcram wneu no oiuer u,iu.u agency or ORCAN read my latest circular, District. The basis of representation as fixed tbe fate of Republicans in Ohio for stage. A year later Mr. uemn did an and several matters of difference be necessary to get in the corn crop be S119. 30. could have succeeded. This is the leading Beatty's celebrated Pianos and Orgaus, beau-- , by tbe committee will be one delegate for ev- ery tween tbe two houses of conference. curative element In this Plaster, tlful Instrumental Challenge Comnarisonl tbe many years to come depends upon other clever duoi advertising. una fore Prof. Tlce's next freeze. Bryan Corcoran vs. Isaac al Kiiey Rivals are Jealous of mv success! Most suc 125 votes cast for President Hayes at House Bills introduced: Fixing and Pine. Balsam cessful bouse in America! CowmeBned New York is entitled lew a the steamer that brought to Adm'r. Found that plaintiff Ohio election in 1876, and one additional del- egate harmonious convention in June, and a the salary of the Superintendent of the Mb. Charlie Voobhies is teacher The healing properties of onr own fragrant years ago without a dollar, sales now nearly or the con Kossuth and bis Dartv of Hungarian te the snecifie performance for every fraction of 63 and over, to wit: united reform and Dine and the gums ot tbe feast S2.0iO.0u6 annually. Lowest Drires are elveu. and energetic party in October. School for Boys at $1200 a of tbe Public School in this town, and h lum Belmont 40 votes, Guernsey 25, Harrison 21, fellow refugees was . telegraphed as off year; tract described in the petition and sre too well known to require description, elegant Rosewood Pianos f 13a. It) Stop Church Jefferson 33, Noble 18. - Whole number del- egates Declaring that there Is but one way in Sandy Hook, be went down tne Bay in providing for the punishment of those the session is several weeks under way, ordered that defendants be required to vk.i..ni.fn 1 Iltn hAAiintf w. arvkLmnv. anu . , iuvuiw . Organs. $115, tremendous bargains now wno stone railroad trains by fine of 5 to Mr. Voorbies' reputation as a teacher nin, nronerties are known to tuouaauus. WAR redv. Address DANIEL K fj A C? which these be good and sufficient deed to the ' . . . , Mil 137. two requisites can se a tug. and. boarding tne ocean vessel. give a : i with lot. anil BEATTY. Wakhlnotnn V T 1 each one of the a new $500, and imprisonment; prescribing Is of the highest order, and his efforts described in tne ana tuou t 11 IV. Belmont party Alexis Copb, co., -- W. cured, the Times says : "We must let presented premises pennon uiporlaot discoveries m puiromcj, for recovery of real or personal oron- - in his profession have only to be known have i ... .irunvihttnliitf nrooerties are in default that this judgement M. Fa&bab, Guernsey co., sort leu nat witn a leatner siuca upon in the President take care of himself, aDd erty belonging to tbe State; in relation to be appreciated creased lenioia. in mis ioi - D. A. Hollingswobth, Harrison co, onoofits sides. The refugees wore the effect of said deed. the best In use without the aid of electricity. Johw O. McGowast, Jefferson co., train our guns exclusively upon the this head gear upon landing and to tne Cincinnati Southern railway, A laborer on the T. V. R. R. found Nathan Yearsley et al. vs. E B Ken TWO IN ONt. W. H. Cooley, Noble co., Democratic party, and upon its tllegit while thev remained in New ork. providing.for the submission of another a atone very much resembling tbe foot nedy et al. Heard on petition in error Tkn. MmMn.il we have two grand medical ' Committee. imate offspring; if an occasional idiot Mr. Genin lost no time in dubbing the two million bill to the people, when and ankle of tbe professional tramp. from Justices docket. Error round and agents lc one, each or which penorms its gets up and vociferates that we must hats "Kossuth hats," and within a few ever bids for leasing shall have been Mr. Jos. Bell left tbe same at our of judgement of Justice reversed. function and unitedly produce more cares set ourselves to pulling each other' rejected by the trustees ef the sinking T .1 1 . . . X" . . I , 1 T.1. than any liniment, lotion, wash, or plaster A word tetbe Legislature Protect months he sold thousands of them. In fice, and tbe resemblance to tbe foot of I as. ricaering va. int. nnuunsi du ver liefore eomDOUnded In the history- ol the Forrest and crack tbe railroad Bell. hair again, by giving the President 'a anticipation of his profits he gave $1000 of fund the of the city, and when a majority a human being is very striking, n Bridgeport et al. Sales by special Mas medicine. Tiy one. noe, a character' in our platform, then the to oeiray me expenses oi tne reception trustees of tbe railway shaH have may be a piece of tbe Cardiff Giant ter Kinney of 1st. and 3d. tracts dis- Said bv all druggists, and sen! on receipt of 3E0RDBlASK0rr$S I SltH but aforesaid idiot should be very prompt and entertainment of tbe Hungarian resigned or been removed; to fix the little boy. cribed in Detition approved and con' 25 cents for one, f 1 & lor six, or S2 2o lor twelve. Let the proceed, investigations rate of for ' ly and vigorously Knocked down. patriots. In tbe spring of 18o4 Mr. levy State taxes. firmed and deed ordered, sale or zaa. oarefally wrappeo, anu warrauu. make them pass all around. , , ., Genin applied bis energy to the per several local bills were passed: also. Solomon Is dead and his mantle did track set aside noon bond being filled 6-- 2 lm Dr. Redfield, the Cincinnati Com formance of a lass lor wnicn negligent Senate bill prescribing penaliies of im not fall upon os nevertheless we an by Jos. Morris to bid 20 per cent more Come home, Senator Wegener, come mercial's veteran Southern correspon city officials were paid, but which they prisonment in tbe Penitentiary against swer as best we may: than the amount for which tbe prop C.,T. V. & W. Hallway home! It's time ' for you to ; come dent, reviewing the evidence taken in did not execute. This was the clean any school teacher convicted of de L. R. S. Halves and quarters of dol erty was heretofore sold. Order of sale USE THE Wel,s Kfc1""1"" & te'. borne. the contested election case of Finley ing of Broadway. That thoroughfare bauching any female pupil. lars are not legal tenders. Trade ooi for said tract and balance oi property Cleveland, Tuscarawas Valley 4 Wheeling) pRPgf Perfected Butter Color lars are not legal tenders. was allowed to become horribly dirty, remaining unsold. itauwatr tympany, r The Ohio Legislature is In a quan vs. Bisbee, which sheds a flood ef light and the clouds of dust that arose from NEWS ITEMS. R. G. Oleomargarine is butter man Cleveland, June 12, 18TT. RIITTPR I I 1.1 1 ! tural recommended press, and used by the by agrlcul-O- U thou-Pf- l! dary whether to adjourn or give one on the Florida election, says: it irritated wayfarers and ruined goods Tbe Louisiana Legislature bas adopt u fact u red from fatty tissue of animals. Wool for Market. ralHE a Subscribers mill tta te the DOLicd Capital that Meek thei of sub- - said flf? sandnof tbe very best Dalry-"a-- "" fraud and in the store. Genin procured subscrip- tions About 25,000 pounds manufactured miKiinni harniiibn nude for the purpose ol men. It gives a perfect June Force, coercion were em are mote bull fight. '. , ed tbe Moffett bell punch. A quarter The Harrison county wool growers. railroad of said Com, color, and is harmless as salt. A 25 cent bottle ployed by the Democrats to only from his fellow merchants, and oi a cent a onus: is the larianxed in New York city daily. State laws aiding ... in extending Itn nnuant the tdvlfllBIU tO the Ohio colors 3U0 pounds, and adds 5 cents per pound limited extent in Florida, compared to hired men to clean the streets nightly upon. regulate the sale. who, by the way, are among tbe best heretofore been accepted by te Its value. Ask your Druggist or Merchant himself and it is expected to yield a revenue of 'ver. haiBg for It, send for avail of or Tildes descriptive ought to circulars. its wholesale tn .Louisiana and from Union square to the Battery. By informed people in the State en that i i.V.,n.n ih. Rn&rd of Directors of said sway WELLS, RICHARDSON a nan a million dollars annnally. O. N. L. You ask too many ques L -- t . motinv thereof, held on the CO, Proprietors. the opportunity; the confession mill is oursuing this course be hnally shamed Burlington, Vermont. other Southern States; yet in the and kindred at the last meet resolution, ordered- - subjects, by a of June. 1877, In tbe Ohio Senate last week an as tions. Do not bite off more than you 5th dsy running smoothly. Second Florida District alone there was the Street Commissioner into doing his that the first Installment oi nve ioiiara iwwi sault was made by Railroad Commis can chaw." ing of their association, passed the fol dollars (oO.UU) so sub- scribed Use LEAMON'S enough of it, as developed in the sworn duty. In October, 1854, Mr. Genin was on each share ol fifty LADIES DYES of said Company, Cincinnati refused to endorse by a testimony, to wake a difference of from nominated for Mayor by a party oi in sioner Bell upon Senator Forrest for 8. B. The combined press power of lowiner resolutions, which may be of now due to from the capital subscribers, stock appearing on the dependent Democrats, but refused to words spoken in debate. The combat- ants the Tribune is some service to wool erowers in this k . nH tntii virinai nhseriDtiona so aocept- - I F YOU Warranted the best and ehean. vote tbe 12,000,000. bond bill and 1,200 to 1,500 votes in favor of the Dem 45,000 copies per hour, ponlar in time be or before July 1st, 1K77, to PCI! flf? t Dys for all family and faucy were separated to prevent ted shall paid on Uncle Dick Bishop's White Elephant. orotic ticket. Leaving tbe First run for tne otnee. lie continued in nis as we understand It. You were right. county: p. A. HeuKitt, Treaturer of Ktid Company, at the "Wll dyeing. Dresses, Cloaks, Coals. District out of the question, this con business under Barnum's Museum and oiocdsned. of this general office thereof, or toe same may ua iu Ribbons, Ties, Fearners, anytnlng can be col- ored in the the St. Nicholas Hotel until 1868, Extensive Tom We do not understand your Resolved, That opinion n A I uo &L HrldireDOTt. Ohio. Ot to SOCh any shade. --Any one can use them. The in preparations are being tested in the Second District tells that case Association tbe reputation and conse- - and said Treasurer expense la trifling. We especially recommend The Cincinnati Enquirer says questions lully. "Never talk with person as beniay diiecl; enough who carried the State, when he was compelled by sickness to maae at uettysourg to observe Decora anentlv the price of wool, has been and said Raggs. and also SHCh person as the the Black as much better than logwood. Sold Mr S. J. Tilden la going te remove to Flainly t counted for Haves, and in law. retire. From that period until ne died tlon Day. Tbe oration will be dellvsr H. our aid Haees may duly authoriae to receive everywhere. Large size 25e, .siuall size loc. seriously injured by tbe careless in either Get a Leamon's Book way are Dye at the Washington and will run (he White justice, and equity it belonged to bim. he was an Invalid, suffering irom spr ed Gen. Benj. F. Butler. President which it bas been washed and prepa -- f money ,t,Am due hv hi. t pou id rtomnanv said subscriptions empowered and aa- - tree. WELLS, RICHARDSON a CO, Druggists, Proprt-toa-a, House from the outside. ' " nal oaralvsis. He was unable to move. Hayes and Postmaster Key will be FLUSHING. red for market, and we believe tbat thorlxed to receive and receipt lor the same Burlington, Vt. Let all the frauds in and was constantly attended by a male present. for and on Its behalf: ana ten per wsiui wu alleged connec our financial interests would be en subscription shall be due, (and la hereby Great rash for Delaware ClDun J.F.SI As a shoulder hitter tbe Democratic tion with the last Presidential election nurse. His death, however, was unex & There are reports that the Commu hanced by washing it well. t. k. naift anirl iVtiaaurer. eU IM I1 Catalogues A Maps Free. ' nn in eha, Dos be fairly and thoroughly investigated. pected. On Monday last he rode nists in Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chi- cago Married. Our tinner, Mr. Henry eral office of eaid Company, am afore id, or th ver, xei. Bailroad Commissioner bully Bill Bell, Resolved, That we recommend ty and the result will show that Hayes through Central Park, and appeared are arming. Dr. Hanna, bath taken Into bimseir an same may be paid to A. J. baggs. he at isriage- - design OK P A DnO Noiallke. Snow flak e, Orieu- - Walser, a prom- inent in? wool looselv. nrt Ohio, or such Derson as may is a success, especially , when bis be in his usual condition. He did helpmate. Mr. Hanna is an Athenian receive the same Vlllw tal, etc.nlcest assortment out. to to entitled to votes than authorized was fifty more member of the organization, ad Resolved. Tbat the stuffing of wool hate, who are with name, 10c. FP DUNGAN, Chariton, antagonist is down. . - was counted for bim. Tbe Republican not complain during the night. At mits mat. nave and returned to his native town for frr and nn behalf of said Company.) on the Iowa. mey purchased aims. the his "better half." We are informed with the intention to deceive buy day following the expiration of every thirty members of Congress will join the 5 o'clock on Tuesday morning his and aredrilling at St. Louis. He also is act of personel dishonesty. days from and after July 1st, 1877, until the The vot3 in Cincinnati on Friday on Democrats in favor of such an invest! nurse found him lying dead, having says they have increased in numbers tbe bride's name was Sarah A. Wojrley er which an we condemn as we would false whole subscription shall be ilue and required IF YOU Want 1th independence a FARM or and HOME. Dlen- - tbe 2,000,000 loan for tbe completion gation. Now we shall see whether apparently, breathed his last about 10 within two years from 5,000 to 60,(00. prior to May 1st. "Hank" has shown representation in any other transac to By be order paid, at of above the Board speclfled. of Directors. v - ty In your old age. of the Southern Bailroad was a vote of tbe Democrats want real minutes himself a gentleman since be came HEW ITT, Secretary, a investiga previously. President Vanderbilt of such P. A. The Best Thing in tbe West R. & says of the here and we all wish him a happy and tion. Any person guilty prac a lack of confidence in M. Bishop tion. That would be the way, too, to killed Jul 5. lS77-1- 0m. IS THE ninety-tw- o by tbe Ashtabula tice should receive tne condemnation Co. Trustee . v dispose of Tilden. Under tbe develop' Redistricting Ohio. disaster, eighty-thre- e have been set successful life. of all honest men, and should be pros Atchison.Topcka & Santa Fe I tit. ments or a full and impartial invest! Columbus. May 7 The Democratic tied for; of the 64 wounded, 56 have Tunnel. There was quite a rejoic ecu ted at law. Silver, dollars of the new coinage gation Tilden and his managers would members of tbe Assembly held a c&u oeen settled tor. This absorbed $453. ing among the J tail road men a few Resolved. That we regard the wool have the brand of infamy plastered all to consider the question of when Mr. Baggs made his Circulars with Map, giving full are now exchanged for greenbacks at cus 800 of tbe earnings, yet the road earned days ago, buyers as mainly responsible for tbe information, the United States so over them. Let tbe facts come out, redistncting the state ior uongression 3 per cent on its capital stock, of appearance as paymaster. He was ex bad condition in which wool is gener OLD, Topeka, free. Address Ka. A S Johnson, Aet'g LandCom'r not only with reference to Louisiana al purposes. After three hours' dis which the stockholders received two oected the middle of last month, but for ally prepared, on account of tbe fact that the dollar of the dads will soon be and Florida, but Mississippi, Alabama, cussion, a resolution declaring it the per cent. some reason, was detained. We hear that tbey do not generally make prop- er ft! UUIIO IMC and Revolvers. Illustrated price Lis in general circulation.- ' : Georgia, North Carolina.Indiant.Ohio, eense of the caucus that the State shall Gov. Dennison, Commissioner of the that be left with Mr. Darragh $9000.00 discrimination in price. Plttsbargn, free. Pa. Great Western Gun Worka New Jersey, New York, and Connec be redis4ricted was defeated, under a District of to be paid out here, for work done last Resolved, That in the opinion of this Bkmington & Sons, the great rifle ticut also. The truth, the whole truth ruling from the chairman that although Columbia, has tendered his month. On tbe eastern side, tbey are Association buyers should discriminate TRIED, LARGE MIXED CAP.DS with name, manufactures, permitted their ambi and notnmg out tne truta, is what is 89 votes were given for the resolution 1st. iormai He resignation, will return to to take Columbus effect July and iaishing up the first and second lifts, in paying such prices as would encour- age 50 in fan case. cards 13c, 10c. 25 witboutcase, Outfits lUc. P 9c; WASH- BURN 30 new wanted. Cin. Gazette. - and but 9 in opposition to it, that tbe The third one is yet to take out and it tlon to shoot to high and are forced to and resume bis law practice. His growers to put their wool in good a CO, Mlddleboro. U.ass. - resolution lost, inasmucb as a ser and than AID was quo' is 20 ft deep more one-fourt- h make a compromise with their credi vice has been of the most satisfactory condition. Redfield on Louisiana. rum of the Democratic Senators had mile long. St. Louis A San Erancisco Railway tors. i , . ,; . f- . . ' i Mr. Redfield, writing from Wash not voted. character. The interests committed to FOR his bands have been very great, and Lecture. Rev. John Williams D. The explosion in the Washburn Mill TRUE; LANDS The Tribune says 'tbe trouble with ington to the Cincinnati Commercial OHIO LEGISLATURE. the ability with which be discharged D., Presiding Elder of the Cambridge at Mlnneappoiis, Minnesota, on xnars- - SALE. about the Florida scandal, says : all duties gained him general and District will lecture in the M. K. Church day waa so tern He that It was leit at bt 1,000,000 Acres In Southwest Missouri the 'fraud' , brand is the 'persistency "I have often wished that I had gone From O. S. Journal Summary. marked commendation. on Friday evening May 17tb. He bas Paul, nine miles a is tan t. rne nen tkn whs from 98.50 te $8.0O an acre. First class with which it leaves its mark on the to Florida and posted myself as thor April SO. The was spent A been invited by the Sunday School from the fire tbat followed was also are People not ought are getting to b with aequaurted-a- d thcwistilstrst asllia slock and agricultural lands. Tbe best to- bacco Democratic manipulator instead of the ougbly as in Louisiana, that I might In committee of tbe Whole on tbe evening grand at reception Paris by was Mr. given Noyes, Friday the and the proceeds of the lecture will go visible, and cinders fell in the streets that great Amsrlcaa VetmAr. the grasshoppers, region in abundance the West. of good Fine water, fruit, ahcrt no other fellow." . !.;..: have, tbe sati-factio- n of knowing tbe General Appriation bill, and during American Minister to John towards buying an organ for the use of there, creating great excitement, and winters, convenient markeia, good schools, exact truth ol the matter, eveu n which time Mr. Bell, i&ilroad Com France, to tne school' lectares nave never been hundreds hurried to the scene, employ low lazes, healthful country.. and good socie- ty. Welsh and the ciedit. Free Bayard Ameri- can Seven transportation years' and Senator Forrest bad a Taylor, great financial success in Flush vehicles that could be obtain MEXICAN missloner, a very incr all.the The following bead lines to a couldn't convince anybody else. Of Ministers to England and from St. Louis to those who purchase land. press the Loaisina cae there is not a doubt difficulty, whereupon a resolution was Germany. ing but we hope this may be successful ed. The Washburn Mill, in which the Send for circular and other information. About ' thousand invitations one dispatch announcing an election riot adoDted to investigate tne same. were it la for a cause. the Address. W. H. Coftiu, Land Commissioner, in my mind not a shadow of a doubt issued, chiefly to American residents as good explosion cccured, was largest Temple Building. St Louis. Mo. 4w. at Weldon North Carolina on Monday, Bills Introduced : Abolishing the flourine nflll in the country, end ran but what Hayes was as fairly entitled or visitors to the Exposition. Tbe as- semblage Schools. Davis Cecil has been Mnstang Iiiniment, : are suggestive: "One Negro killed and la the electoral vote of that State as to office of Railroad Commissioner; to was very brilliant. teaching, in the iKirk Dist. for a few forty-tw- o runs of stones. The mills - lO.OOO Agents Wanted to Sell another wounded Tbe - Democrats the vote of Ohio. I reached that con emolov a solicitor. weeks. Mattle Hollingsworth bas been destroyed, six in number, stood on carry tbe day." --- i elusion after patient and thorough in Resolutions: Making inquiry in re The gout has attacked both feet of teaching, in No 1 Dist. for more than what was called the platform, and FOX MATT AND KEAST. vestigatlon, and no amount of 'cocfes ference to the employment of guards Prince Gotshakoff. His sleeplessness three weeks. Anna Bethel commenc were driven by the water power of the WThe Curse .and The Cure. One hundred and twenty ,to days lions' from Wells and Anderson, lor at the Penitentiary tabled; to adjourn is increased by pain, and his physicians ed a summer term, in the Pickering St. Anthony fans uompany com By the Veteran Author, T 8 ARTHUR. The most Intense Story, with Powerful arguments have passed of tbe session of the Dem instance, could drive me from the con from May 13 to December 3 adopted. have ordered that he abstain from the Dist. on last Monday. At a meeting munlcatiner with the river by a canal ca, TawllalinaMtvMBatatallMislaMsilmAaarl where Nature provides laser laboratory sack and Startling prools, ever combined In one elusion, lor my belief is founded on House Bills passed: Applying the transaction of any business. ef tbe Hoard or in this town The Washburn Planing Mill and the surprlstBC antidotes for the of her call, volume. Tbe work of Murphy, Key uolds, In- ebriate ocratic reform, O'Connor two days' labor under the road law to Education Mill Company's elevator also in Asylums. Crusades, etc A Marvelous facts and figures that out of thei are are dran. Its fame has been spreading for 9 shin, about it de years, one year ago, was endorsed all Temperance The two million additional bond bill book, grandly by Legislature. It is the economical body power, to cloud or to alter at this late repairing free turnpikes; requiring termined, to abandon the colored ruins. The number of dead is now antil now tt encircles the hsMtsble globe. Authorities. Sale Is ropuf. A Great Chxnce which advertised itself to conclude its day, even if they were disposed." private bankers to publish semi-annu- for the completion of tbe Southern school. At called last swelled to eighteen. Eight of tbe The Mexican Xostang Liniment Is a wsirhlMS to Coin Money. For extra terms, address labors in forty days. ' statements; prohibiting the lormation Railroad was voted on in Cincinati on a meeting on bodies have been recovered and ten te awdy for all external ailments of misa sad tisaV HUBBARD BROM, 219 W dtb St. Cincinnati. of mutual insurance companies with Saturday, and was defeated by a ma Saturday it was again reinstated. The To stock owaeis and fsi mm tt is mvalsabla. . : Ohio. Oi; at BIBLE.-- , Just reduced 83 per ct, buried in the ruins. Danford on the Tariff. tower story of the Desciple Church has more are A bottle often human HfserrW are selilag Fast. 4w. single saves of 219 in total of a jority a vote The Enquirer ot Saturday hints lass than two: hundred applicants; to 22,000. The latest revised list of losses and school the nsarolness of excellent A of been ronted for a room until a stores aa sons, ox, - this Washington special Thursday to settle differences between employers total Retail price SOoe only tifie. oroadly at Governor Bishop In insurance makes the loss $824,160, eow,orsbeen The New York Tribune is moved to building could be erected. The board PIANOS Parlor Orun, price i37. onlv wise; A man can not get the people of the Cincinnati Gazette, says that Mr. and employes: reorganizing the Uirls remark about the distinguished Pri- vate passed a resolution requiring all color and total insurance SOia.oOU. It cures foot-ro- hoof all, hollow bora, gnh, screw-worm, (1U5. D F Bbatty. Washing-Io- n, Ohio, particularly Southern Ohio, to Danford, ef Ohio, addressed the House Industrial Home; converting abandon from this ed children in the to attend Speculation continues to be rife as to slioulder-ro- t, mange, tb bites and N J. Congressional District, township vote him twosalaries. . R. M. B. ought at the evening session the tariff. ed turnpike roads into free roads in the origin of the explosion.' The theory stings of poisonous reptues sad Insects, and every - . in upon the words: following Greatly to school. this sneh drawback to stock hresillng sad bush Ufa. 1 - to resign one place and give, the cluding among the studies in which of the fire originating in the iriction of "WOTI;.E. up mating the point that tbe industries ' the amazement of a good many people. Tbe town school expects, to spend It cures every external trouble of hones, sack other. to be mainly affected by tbe bill pro States teachers history are to and be the examined, metric system. United Private Dalzell has done well in the next Saturday bunting flowers in the dry stones, communicating dust, as Ismrnon, snatches, awtttay, sprains, founder, State of Ohio, Belmont county, ss: Court of teneraiiy receivea. wind-gal- ring-bon- ete etc. posed aa in isu produced, more than Ohio Legislature, and is uow announc .f Pleas. John M. Bin;kley: Attorney Gen- eral four thousand millions of wealth: that Bills introduced. To redistrict the ed as a C4ndidate for Congress. W. Another theory is that tbe building f The Wertcan Kostang Llnhaeat Is the aalekest ' ' Common insurance tat the world for accidents la tas t John Andrews the of cure oecarrJac State; regulating names with became under President Johnson, who has in tbe great and rapid development of super charged electricity family, ia the absence of a physteiaa, saca ss - " " va. street railroad companies; authorizing thrown off from the shafts and not neu Andrews. and Kindred ' Alice been acting" strangely for a or manufacturing, tnintag, boras, scalds, sprains, cats, ste sad for r asnsns year industries, since 1862, they were carry companies to eondemn private prop UNIONTOWN. COURT REPORT. tralized by conductors. Hence the tun. and stiafeem engendered by exposals. Pa.. THE defendant, Alice Andrews, who re more, bas mysteriously disappeared ing an enormous burden of indebted erty;Tequiring county auditors to pro- vide other charge which caused the destruc FfcularrvabaUito toMlmeia, somewhere naar New Martinsville potlce that from bis home, in Milwaukee, and it i ness; that it was extremely unwise to poll books and tally sheets of Mb. Wm. Gillespie was kicked to Judge WM. OKEY. Clerk A. C. DARRAH tion and communicated nre. t It Is tbe cheapest remedy m the world, for a the Mate nlalntifr.John of West Virginia, Andrewdioon will lake the Sd day elections. - . ' day on the breast and side by a horse, penetrates the muscle to the bona, and a single of April,W78.nle in the Court of Common Pleas that has these supposed he committed sui threaten already prostrated and Sheriff W. G. KINNEY, May 1. Senate The select com causing fracture of the ribs, and other application Is generally safllcVat to cure, of Belmont county, Ohio, bis petition against - cide. ' : ' '' dustries that give work to the most present. Gen. Thos. E. Powell, who has been tt1 Vw.tiTjwh1ii bi pot ap la three her praying lorm aivoroe. ou ma gruuuu i, m it tee submitted a report censuring severe lujures. tie narrowly escaped Said cause will needy of our people, with adverse leg and sixes of three years willful absence. prominent as a lawyer politiciunln bottles, tae Urgvr onss being proportion William Bell for assault Sena the next term of said Court. the at upon' fatal injury, but with bis characteristic be lor hearing It is said thaf the 'Republicans Con islation that would . work ruin to these Jas Kelsey vs. A M F Boyd et al this state ior many years, aiea very awbr stack the eheapest. Si JOHN ANDREWS. tor Forrest the day previous. pluck and insists on being already burdened industries, and throw1 energy, up afternoon at his late 4--1. 7 U By Tallman A tiro, his ally's. the river Is 57 suddenly Friday gressional fight over nar Bills passed: Authorizing the Gov and about, seeing to bis business. Found due plaintiff Kelsey. $618 rowed down .tsiOr. . Updegraff, of out ol employment thousand of fami- lies ernor on petition to restare convicts to defendant Wm Sinram $1326 13. In residence, near Hrancn mil, in Cler Jefferson county, and lawyer Taylor, and add greatly to the distress in citizenship; to survey and settle tbe CRABAPFLE CONGREGATION baS a default of payment Master J W Shan mont county. Gen. Powell was of Guernesey county, with tbe chances the line between Trumbull county and flourishing Sabbath School one of the non ordered to sen tnorigageu prem brother of Powell the artist, who paint la favor of tbe Doctor. We bear that Pennsylvania. best in this locality superintended by isea. ed the "Battle or Lake Erie," and was That SANFORD8 RADICAL Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Jefferson county is likely to be solid for No Time for Sentimentalism. Bills introduced: : Prescribing penal Mr. Henderson Hays and Mr. David Jos A. Thompson vs. James JN quite a clever lawyer. He was a can $50 CURB for Catarrh will not In- stantly Each number eon tains Thirty two Pages 01 mm in tne convention,, and from all t There can be nothing gained by de- manding, ties for resisting an officer; regulating Lyle, assisted by a corps of earnest and A Son. To Jury. Verdict in favor of didate once for Attorney General and cure. References,Henry relieve and speedily Wella, ladtnc. many fine wood cot iliastratlons,and that we can learn., Belmont will come at this time, either an en- dorsement tbe fees for county engineers. efficient teachers. In addition to tbe nlalntiff for $348 56. several times forjudge of the Supreme Wells. Fargo Co, Aurora, M Yj ene i colored nr nted PUte. on eleesnt A beautiful paper and Garden full of Maga- - in op to his supportt quite: handsomely, or repudiation of the Presi- dent. Resolution - adopted: Distributing usual classes there Is an "Old Folks 1st Nat'l Bank Bellaire vs. ML Court before Democratic state uonven Wm Grant Bowen. Boweo, Esc. St Louis. McUattan. Teas formation. t In English and German. Price, We trust that this is true, Dr confession but never fortuuate enough For a Case 25 five copies, to (0. news as the remaining copies or tbe late Von Bible Class," and much interest is Austin etai. Judgment by tions, was lliuoniaia ana i tsii imm "7 wum. tl a .yean Updegraff will make an active and in- - On the one hand he has not for- feited stitutional Convention. . manifested. Tbey have a good organ In favor of n aintlff lor $215 75. to receive the nominations he desired Price, with Improved Inhaler. Tick's covers; Flewer in elegant and Vegetable cloth covers Kardra, tl Oil. We tn telligent member of Congress. - Mr, his right to a place in tbe ranks, The report of the committee to in and the best of vocal music Mr. Jos. I at Nat'i Bank uarnesviiie vs. n ni Of Catarrh L rut Sold everywhere. WEEKS paper Vlck's Calalecae 300 Illustrations, only 2 ir.it, Dan ford positively declines .to be in the by any defection, and on the other be vestigate D- - L. June was taken up and Conlcy acted as Choir Master and 'lead' Kickok et al. On motion to tbe Court Practical Wisdom. Mass. noprers,Duen, eenu. Address JAMES VICK. neia as a competitor jor tbe nomina has not carried out Republican princi- ples adopted. i in sintring, and Miss Anna Lyle presi hv the nlalntiff. Jonathan T Schofield Collins' Voltaic Plasters are the beat. tion. Intelligencer, in tbe manner and by the methods . House Bills passed: Requiring ded at the organ during Sabbath School and Q H KemD were appointed receiv An ancient adage says, "In time of for war." is it " . that please a great many Republicans. exercises and divine service Sab with full to peace prepare not ! K county auditors to provide pool books on ers in this case, powers Hi' The New .York . Times His overzealous friends who desire to for equally wle to prepare fur sickness in publishes a and tally sheets; denning as public bath last. Rev. T. J. Mil ford preached take charge of the property, care page of crop reports telegraphed from force down the throats of those who water courses certain ditches, drains, an able sermon from the text. "How and rent the same, and report their time of health? guide books When and anticipating a WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS! ourney. maps are differ with hitn a flat-foote- d endorse- ment shall if from term to term. sixty pointi in twenty-nin- e States and etc. we escape we neglect so great proceedings examined, and all studiously possible of everything he has done and Peter Welty Billsintroduced: salvation?" . . Edward S Burke vs. Admitting women one Territory. 'They are of a highly be information of the route ana country everything proposes to do,inciuding District Court at the Mandate from to the practice of law, for the relief of encouraging nature. Of these report" Mr. Joseph Dunlap and Miss 'Caa-- obtained. .Yet many make the 'jour his means and methods, are as tar out April in which it is ordered that of Brown ' George M. Woodward, term, tbe Times say fs; of the way as those who have jumped sie' Allen were united in marriage, by Dlalntirr . - recover oi aeienuani i j a arr boui ox r i ney of life' and throughout the entire JOHN FRIEDEL, "With the solitary exception of Col to the conclusion, because his method county itev. jviuiora, at tbe residence of tne Ordered that execution be bad accord trip remain almost strangers to them Resolutions: To distribute the orado, every estate hoard from and selves, in profound Ignorance of their have not pleased them, that be has bride, on Friday evening last, at the Inor th mandate. debates of the Const its tional Conven n they extend fro'u Maine to California Johnsonizvd, and is not worthy of the tlon referred; directing the Board of hour of 5 o'clock. The wedding waa a Harah Jane West et al. va. James A abilities, and have no knowledge of Xo. 1130 Main' Street; lyiieeiitig, IV. Tn., reports the most bnlli.int that - prospects the physiological laws govern support of the Republican party. The very quiet one many of Miss Allen's Orav. Fir. Ordered tbat execution for the yield of every product of the situation is altogether too grave to jus' Public Works to take possession of all friends not hearing of it until (hey met hA htri nf the iudgment found in the mind and matter. . To such, life is like the works of the state lost sou. mere is a cautious avoidance ol lily tbe introduction or disturbing ele' adoption. public on at Church on Sabbath, when the happy District Court, according to the man a boy handling an engine, he- - may fin Inst received his Sprine Stock of Plain' gad Fancy Wall IHtpcrs. The stock is complets confident predictions ataut the jiojtl luents iuto Republican councils this . 8. - Senate Bills pair were surrounded by acquaintances date of the Court - have aicertained now to start ana stop in every department, embracing all the new patterns ta maKes. May.. passed: oi cotton, out rrom toimwo to timothy, it, but he knows not how to keep it in remoter. Unless we are very much wishing to lender their congratula Making for- - the next Bellaire 4 8. W. B. rv. co. vs. wm from peaches lo ptiropklrH, there is a mistaken the President h!melf would ; appropriations tions. 'TU useless to "gild refined gold that execution be running order. The ru.pie's uommon Ordered Timoux. fiscal defining tbe territory to be AGorby. sTooKlsr nearly unaniinonp verdict t hat through year; illustrated cjimrEss eounsel against it. We have got so 'ne- ttling or to paint the lily," and we can only found in Common Sense Medlc&l Adviser, an taxed had of for the construction of judgment out tbe length and breadth of the land practical to do. tMsfall. tbure are turnpikes; say that the bride is a lady esteemed District work of over 900 pages, la designed by iia;iUra- - '.. this will be rrquirin? county auditors to furnish Pleas and affirmed by Court, iTil, ?.t-- ' i . a .veritable year pf plenty. before the and ull and its author, as a popular hand-boo- k of ': ' ' The iucreW, fungible people, poll-book- and tally sheets.,- '. by for her christian deportment according to the mandate or said uis Alsa Large Slack IV...- - enormous of 'the acreage this is no time for 'sentimental ism. or kindly social qualities.- - When she was anatomy, physiology, nygiene, meai-cln- e n.irt- - I'T?' or land under wheat, arid the truly ' .lit solution: Proposing an amend and the most diseases to Queensware, Glsa.rc. and.. Willow ware, u" anything, .approaching it. Toledo about as bit as a little girl she was Judklns. common . tJJ - Burcher vs. Jesse AUa fln Vaf.C,nU-r- : - - - Constitution in reference Rebecca and Toileti, magnificent yield of that grain prom ment to Uio which all and with which and Umn Fixtures. Fine Vaaoa Blade (Kep.): . promised to ber had of are liable, , ...... to tbe fees of county olliceis ordered your correspondent by OrdAMd that execution be ised irom and states hkb iowa7T4.ansaa, printed.'. v: ' r ' kind mother, (who we trust is now Judgment found in Common Pleas.and many are afflicted. Tbe work is re- plete CAIX AND EXAMINE OCU PltltVlv LlSf. . 11. Nebraska, Minnesota,' furnish A State with sound, .practical sugges- tions. temperance camp meeting singing tbe of the redeemed in . Housk Bills introduced. Authoris- ing songs amrmed mainc ajui, kwiuiuj some ol the mosti strikier. indications by of tbe at -- which) agricaltutal de wlU.'be held at the ,'Old Jb'ort,' ot-a- the redemption within three yean Heaven), but a hnndso-ne- r and better to the mandate of said District Court. Price. $1.60. Address the au pace thor, R. ,V. Pierce. M. D,. Buffalo, velopment m proceeaiBg.uutue. United Newark, i. commencing May 80, and ol KiuUs sold in execution to pay man baa won bet bMitr and oar lows Chaa T Gilham vs. Sarah J Glllham I .1 ' BWttt iii w illinf i08 ivi :t continuing until June i4 It : assessors f 2.50 per day; concerning the is his gain. Mr. Dunlap la of the most et ftl. Execution ordered oi - u juog- - -

Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ... · 1st Nat'i Bank, Bellaire, vs. W J Diamond, gtar.Egg, Roea, and Floral to look into the condition of the man died at

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Page 1: Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ... · 1st Nat'i Bank, Bellaire, vs. W J Diamond, gtar.Egg, Roea, and Floral to look into the condition of the man died at

Tmn JXaw-Yor- tr- Herald has wnta Johw Nj Otmmr, nephew and reside. renewel of gas and water contracts by respectable and wealthy families of ment of District Court, according to CATARRH! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.mandate of the Court.correspondent tb rough New England ury legatee of tbe late Thos. H. Genin, municipal corporations. Harrison county, and witn a Messing the

1st Nat'i Bank, Bellaire, vs. W J Diamond, gtar.Egg, Roea, and Floralto look into the condition of the man died at his residence, 115 East 6th St., mils passed: Authorizing courts to she goes forth in his keeping with tbe

Kellv. Trees., et al. Ordered that ex KfiMv Lie. with name. beecotnbe. Co,appoint stenographers: extending tbe best wishes of inetr manyjrxenas. Wnnld willingly have given one Klnderhook. M Y.HT. CLAIRSV1UJS. OHIO ... u fact adog interest. lie reports that New York, on Tuesday of last week; operations of mechanic's liens te two ecution be bad of the judgment in the hundred dollars for the reliefr the cotton mills handsome the funeral services took place on Fri-

day,The Tab Test. Upon a certain District Court, according to the man DCUfll UCD COrC Seven shot Ki'Tnlv--are making remains Interred in

years. and hardware - obtained frein tbe first dose. llbiuuii.ll rnLb,. with box'c-art- -goods aand his were day a dry store, date of said Court.- which cannot be said of the A resolution was adopted to adjourn ridges. Aderess, J Bow a a Son Son. 130 WoodTUUOSWAY'MAY 187K profits,ft, Green Wood Cemetery. Among the from May 13 to the first Monday in and a notion store in this place, were Wm H Hays vs.i Enoch Burns. From the veil known maker of Yale's St, Pittsburgh, Pa.mills of Great Britain, and that onr divines who were present and took January, 1879. presided over by a couple of ladles Cause settled. Judgment by agree Mammoth Tent.Republican State Convention, cotton trade is larger than be' part in tbe funeral services, were Revs. A communication was received from custom wae good and all went well ment of parties in favor of plaintiff for Gentlemen I have suffered ten yean from nPCANCUnUMIlO Exhibitions.

Highest HocoraLatent

at allCatHlounes


the war. In tbe leather trade, one E. 11. Cbapin and ueo. Hepwortn; tne the Attorney General to tbe effect that Without a single Incident to vex tneir $500, and that piainun pay costs. the wonit forms ut Acute Catarrh, or Cold la and Circulars, with New Htyles, K educed Pri-cesWednesday, June 12. 1878. pall-bearer- s were Mr. Edward Bills, the lessees having abandoned the canals hearts, they bad sold the salty mack Wm H Hays vs. lunocn .auras. Bee-

tledM.Mjf ih.t ,r aflUcted mortal man. and much information, rni free. HAHUXMassachusetts' chief industries, the the Whenever I took a free a eolU It would MtUe HAMLIN OHUAK CU. ISosloU, iew YorkMr. K. winans, Air. frans uesne, the State may resume possession with erel, the restraining bog riuger, and dismissed at costs of plaintiff. la my head.emnelng the moat violent sneeslng,encouraging condition is report Mr. Edward Phelan. Mr. King. Mr. out releasing the lessees from account gay and festive colored calico, tbe em- - John Wlsener vs. Hiram Bishop et aeoompenled by excessive discharges from my or Chicago.

Amidon and Dun- - and lot oi s. affirmed and deed eye and nose. Foi days and days my saOer-i-n.

STATE REPUBLICAN CENTR'L AND Seeley, and Messrs. ability. bracing'corset, a al. Sale by Master wftnlri haintanie. and flnailr settling In COMPOUND OXYGEN Th rrw cure forCOMMITTE ROOMS, Columbus, O., May 1. Mils. BO lculC3CUW..icau. u javiwv.o May 4. Senate Bills but when a small boy came in with a ordered. mvlnlnsand bowels, would render my lile CbnmtwoHem. AstK- -

Diplomatic negotiations in regard Association. Beautiful floral tributes passed : glass bottle for A quart or tar tney Annie Parker et ai.vs. Wm Findley miserable for a month. Never, daring all my t'iLKKl Brocliur 3u pp.1 tieodwere sent by many friends. In tbe New Authorizing appointment of assistant kejiutea. uoy Mia as it was summer Slander. To jury; verdict In favor of suOertnirs, was I able to obtain even tempo r it. AiLlrMha

k P OJiardby direction of the Central Committee, will to the Eastern question continue, but rw Mil fmm ur medicine I ever tried. ta. HxaMEXX axjcx. U13 St.71uJsV

be held in the city CinctDnoli, Wednesday, York 'rime, of Saturday, we nnd tne prosecuting attorneys; authorizing time father thought tbe tar would plaintiff for $78. Both parties gave no-

ticeThrM M,,um.vhilfl sarferlna from theno news of - definite accomplishment? transfer of lands by any city, eounty, its in. Then held worst attack I ever had. I procured a boUle oftbe 18Ui day of Jane. 1878. ' following sketch of bis life: work way they a that they would move the Court

The convention will Dominate candidate for are forthcoming. Russia continues Mr. Genin was born m james-siip.t- n township or school district when the council a hardened reprobate or i to set aside the verdict and grant a SAN FORDThe8


fromtune,the A at


va-tark- h.

wasSecretary of State, ; : ? ! firm in her refusal to submit, the San this city. 1819. He bad but few oppor object for

beenwhich such funds were rais sewing machine agent waa interview new trial. so gratifying that I would willingly have

A fHifi-in-ir LsTmoWpnj.ed bas obtain IV.accomplished; authorizing aouarw u totunities for early education, w nen ne ed, who informed them that it was Adam Faupel vs. Titus, Simmons A given one nunarea -Stefano without to beadJvuiffe of the Supreme Court, treaty reserve trustees to sell real estate and reinvest few Ibottles completely cured me. My ; "rrwas but 13 years old be entered the customary to bring bottles for tar; tbat Titus. Ordered that execution be had .. inee been twrffleLlv free from mucous Awrdd kisjkrwi pritt at Centennial Exposition 6r

Member the Board Public Wert. European Congress. General Todleben in real estate under order jm gssaiauiar waMiLacs stua wmv a dhvof ef proceeds oi iattgand not aemDlovment of Orlando Fish, who he bad poured molasses through a gim of judgment in Common Pleas affirm accumulations, my breathing easy, cter of HcetUnmg enwi &avorvg. The hrt loKiwroWe recommend that effort be made to se is taking the llhodope insurrecion court; authorizing tbe city of Bellaire bole, that it if only symptom of trooDie aoout my nacs. auu w- - var made. At out blue uip ixatto-mar-k w c!o-l- rlet was easy one according toetore in Chatham District Court,bat eda square. by effect Inkept eia has nresented itself. Its my imitated on inferior go.!. tl.al Jaebtim't Bt isin hand. The Londonrigorously to obligation assumedan for tbecure a large attendance at the meetings to ap Two or three years later he became a pay knew bow. supposing this liar to oe mandate of said Court. has been truly remarkable. . on plug. Sold hx al Meatier. Sand fr auiil.Times regards tbe talk of Russian State tobacco House bill free. t C. A. JacKsoa t Co., Mfra Wwraburj;, Ta.point delegates, so that the people snail be warehouse;clerk for Mr. Geo. B. Alvord. at No. 12 an honest man, they began to wrestle Criawell A Rider vs. Thomas McCaffairly represented In the State Convention, vateers in our waters without alarm providing tbat in assignment for the Sail and Awuing Maker, 2 South Market St.

Bowery. When be was but 22 years with tbe tar, wblcb was of such a con frey. Ordered that execution be bad PIANOS & ORGANSand that the delegates be appointed on or be because of tbe strict obligations impos benefit of claims forcreditors, towages otnlains Dr San ford's Impro- -old Mr. Genin entered into business for sistency that a South Carolina negro of iudgment in Common Pleas affirm Each package Redaction tofore Saturday. Mar 25. ed ash in,.ii..a Tutw with fnli directions for close present stock of 500 Newour Uovcrnment by the n the amount or 1300 shall beThe basis of representation in the conven-


upon himself. He was active and energet paid first; had broken down bis constitution ed by District Court according to man use in all eases. Price, $1 00 per package. For and Second band Instruinenls,o( nvettrslclasawill be one delegate for every 500 votes

ington treaty. ic and was shrewd enough to appreci' to bring tbe Zanesville;associations

to authorizewithin

struggling to get it into tbe barrel with date of said Court. sale by all wholesale and retailWfcfc.K.S


Competitioniniiy warranted

for thisand

classat prices

of Instru-ments.

thatcast for Gen. R. B. Hayes for President in ate the value of advertising. Within private cemetery the top off. At sundown they accom John C Able vs. David Long. Or-- throughout the United states.

ana wuu Agents Wanted for WATER , iinm.1878, and one additional delegate for any As a precautionary measure tbe 10 years he had built up a profitable tbe limits of Incorporated villages to plished the task by one lady going dered that execution be had ot judg POTTEK.


Agents rior Bell Organs and Pianos. Illustrated Catafraction of 250 vote and upward in each British Government has determined business. At tne close ot mat pe. oa become incorporated; a large number down into tbe bottle and the other ment in District Court according to logues

ManufacturersMatieo. aUKAUB

and Dealers.WATER- -

40 Kavt 14thSONS,

oonnty. i .upon tbe immediate fortification of

he, by a shrewd stroke of policy, made of bills of no general interest were also handing the tar Into ber. Then they mandate of said Court. New York. Also Oeneral Agents forSt,

the island of Helgoland, the little himself famous throughout the coun parsed. began to make a bill as follows: 'Mr. Wm Smith et al. vs. Samuel G Mc- - iawawatfHaasBjniar Collins' Celebrated Premium Organs.Belmont 4970 vote for Hayes. 10 Del-egates.

speck of land about forty miles from try. He was then occupying a store House joint resolution to adjourn Dam Mr. Dam Mr. Damara, to ene Bride. Ordered that execution be hadtbe mouth or trie jane wnicn was oiay id to January 2 was disagreed to, For a Case of Catarrh thatBarnum's Museum, wnere tbe $1,000,000,10; Cr. by in Common Pleas affirm-

edunder qt tab, per son, of judgment SAN KURD'S RADICAL CUREcaptured in 1807 from tbe Danes, and House Bills passed: To require tbe diam.' Moral Don' I take VOLTAIC PLASTERS. 850 for Catarrh willrder of tbe committee, Park Bank now stands. Mr. Barnum cash, one a by the District Court, according to not Instantly

J. S. ROBINSON. retained lor naval station in tne commissioners of Hamilton county to don't tar in relieve and speedily cure. Ref-erences,brought Jenny Lind to this city, and. bottle for tan put a bottle; tbe mandate or said District court.

Chairman Rep. State Executive Com. North Sea. Tbe island, with its twin. as the public desire to hear ber sing rem no certain iunus to Cincinnati: don't believe sewing machine agents State of Ohio vs. Hoover Durnell. n Vlvtrn.r,alvanic Battery combined with Fargo AHenryCo, Aurora,

Wells, Esq,N V;


J. C. Sec'y. Sandy Island, is lees than three miles was very great, ne anrnonpo tne seats authorizing the commissioners of they may lie. Indictment for selliog liquor to be tbe Celebrated Medicated Porous Strengthen tsowen, tsq , MeUalinn, (iranl dtcircumference, and bas snout two Tuscarawas county to levy an ad Plaster, forming the Deal riasier ior paina Bowen, 8t Louis. Testimonials

for ber first concert in Oiistle Garden. drank where sold. Plea of guilty en ing and treatise by mall.thousand inhabitants, who get their ditional tax. "Gigging" Is now a crime. The in the World ef Medicine. Price,first choice fine ol 2o and aches with Improved Inhaler, tlCongressional Conventional. Mr. Genin t.iil $ for the tered. Sentenced to pay a $50 Uk.

living by fishing and letting lodgings the amount The Ceneral Appropriation bill was gentlemen referred to in former locals committed to the ELECTRICITY Sold everywhere. WEEKS aandof a seat for bimbelf,and, as and costs, stand "POTTEB,in tbe bathing season, but It bas received irom tbe senate, with amend are still at large. When we wrote last Proprietors, Boston,was the largest ever paid in in is conn jail of tbe county until fine and costs As a grand curative and restorative agt ,ta Mala.

The Republicans of (he 18th Congressional Governor and Council, tbe Governor trv dd to that time, every journal ments, and referred to the eomotittee the whale bad Jonah now Jonab bas are - not equalled by any element or medicine inDistrict of Ohio will meet ra Convention at receiving (2.500 a year and his Secre on Finance. the whale. paid. the historv ol the healing art. Unless the vital

Dublished tbe fact. On the night of The state or unio vs Ana rew uoiy. spark has fled tbe body, restoration by means PIANOtbe city of Bellaire. on tary 600. thecoteert, Sept. 11, 1850, Mr. Genin May 6. Senate There was a small Farmers have turned the world Hp-- Forgery Verdict of 'Not Guilty.' oielectriclty Is posit ble. It Is the last resort WwftrmoORGANattendance. and has res otlsta renewed. See Beatiy's latestJune 27, 1878. - VB - all and surgeons, NewspaThursday, was tbe centre of observation whenev side down, and there are "footsteps en Alien J Alexander vs. J as l woore. of physicians u lor full reply tent free. Beforeper baying PI-

ANOmoil thousands, anoarentiy aeau.V) nominate a candidate for Congress for said The Cincinnati Times argues that er the Swedish Nightingale was off the Tbe tax revision bill was considered. the other side." These footsteps are Judgment in favor of plaintiff for iimalcram wneu no oiuer u,iu.u agency or ORCAN read my latest circular,

District. The basis of representation as fixed tbe fate of Republicans in Ohio for stage. A year later Mr. uemn did an and several matters of difference be necessary to get in the corn crop be S119. 30. could have succeeded. This is the leading Beatty's celebrated Pianos and Orgaus, beau-- ,

by tbe committee will be one delegate for ev-

erytween tbe two houses of conference. curative element In this Plaster, tlful Instrumental Challenge Comnarisonl

tbe many years to come depends upon other clever duoi advertising. una fore Prof. Tlce's next freeze. Bryan Corcoran vs. Isaac al Kiiey Rivals are Jealous of mv success! Most suc125 votes cast for President Hayes at House Bills introduced: Fixing and Pine.Balsam cessful bouse in America! CowmeBnedNew York is entitled lewathe steamer that brought to Adm'r. Found that plaintiffOhio election in 1876, and one additional del-

egateharmonious convention in June, and a the salary of the Superintendent of the Mb. Charlie Voobhies is teacher The healing properties of onr own fragrant years ago without a dollar, sales now nearlyor the conKossuth and bis Dartv of Hungarian te the snecifie performancefor every fraction of 63 and over, to wit: united reform and Dine and the gums ot tbe feast S2.0iO.0u6 annually. Lowest Drires are elveu.and energetic party in October. School for Boys at $1200 a of tbe Public School in this town, and h lum

Belmont 40 votes, Guernsey 25, Harrison 21, fellow refugees was . telegraphed as off year; tract described in the petition and sre too well known to require description, elegant Rosewood Pianos f 13a. It) Stop ChurchJefferson 33, Noble 18. - Whole number del-egates

Declaring that there Is but one way in Sandy Hook, be went down tne Bay in providing for the punishment of those the session is several weeks under way, ordered that defendants be required to vk.i..ni.fn1 Iltn hAAiintfw. arvkLmnv. anu. ,iuvuiw.Organs. $115, tremendous bargains now

wno stone railroad trains by fine of 5 to Mr. Voorbies' reputation as a teacher nin, nronerties are known to tuouaauus. WAR redv. Address DANIEL K fj A C?which these be good and sufficient deed to the ' . . . , Mil137. two requisites can se a tug. and. boarding tne ocean vessel. give a : i with lot. anil BEATTY. Wakhlnotnn V T 1

each one of the a new $500, and imprisonment; prescribing Is of the highest order, and his efforts described in tne ana tuou t 11 IV.Belmont partyAlexis Copb, co., --

W.cured, the Times says : "We must let presented premises pennon uiporlaot discoveries m puiromcj,for recovery of real or personal oron-- in his profession have only to be known have i ... .irunvihttnliitf nrooerties are indefault that this judgementM. Fa&bab, Guernsey co., sort leu nat witn a leatner siuca upon inthe President take care of himself, aDd erty belonging to tbe State; in relation to be appreciated creased lenioia. in mis ioi -

D. A. Hollingswobth, Harrison co, onoofits sides. The refugees wore the effect of said deed. the best In use without the aid of electricity.Johw O. McGowast, Jefferson co., train our guns exclusively upon the this head gear upon landing and to tne Cincinnati Southern railway, A laborer on the T. V. R. R. found Nathan Yearsley et al. vs. E B Ken TWO IN ONt.W. H. Cooley, Noble co., Democratic party, and upon its tllegit while thev remained in New ork. providing.for the submission of another a atone very much resembling tbe foot nedy et al. Heard on petition in error Tkn. MmMn.il we have two grand medical

' Committee. imate offspring; if an occasional idiot Mr. Genin lost no time in dubbing the two million bill to the people, when and ankle of tbe professional tramp. from Justices docket. Error round and agents lc one, each or which penorms itsgets up and vociferates that we must hats "Kossuth hats," and within a few ever bids for leasing shall have been Mr. Jos. Bell left tbe same at our of judgement of Justice reversed. function and unitedly produce more caresset ourselves to pulling each other' rejected by the trustees ef the sinking T .1 1 . . . X" . . I , 1 T.1. than any liniment, lotion, wash, or plaster

A word tetbe Legislature Protect months he sold thousands of them. In fice, and tbe resemblance to tbe foot of I as. ricaering va. int. nnuunsi du ver liefore eomDOUnded In the history- ol

the Forrest and crack tbe railroad Bell. hair again, by giving the President 'a anticipation of his profits he gave $1000offund

theof the city, and when a majority a human being is very striking, n Bridgeport et al. Sales by special Mas medicine. Tiy one. noe, a

character' in our platform, then the to oeiray me expenses oi tne reception trustees of tbe railway shaH have may be a piece of tbe Cardiff Giant ter Kinney of 1st. and 3d. tracts dis- Said bv all druggists, and sen! on receipt of 3E0RDBlASK0rr$S I SltHbut aforesaid idiot should be very prompt and entertainment of tbe Hungarian resigned or been removed; to fix the little boy. cribed in Detition approved and con' 25 cents for one, f 1 & lor six, or S2 2o lor twelve.Let the proceed,investigations rate of for' ly and vigorously Knocked down. patriots. In tbe spring of 18o4 Mr. levy State taxes. firmed and deed ordered, sale or zaa. oarefally wrappeo, anu warrauu.

make them pass all around. , , ., Genin applied bis energy to the per several local bills were passed: also. Solomon Is dead and his mantle did track set aside noon bond being filled 6--2 lmDr. Redfield, the Cincinnati Com formance of a lass lor wnicn negligent Senate bill prescribing penaliies of im not fall upon os nevertheless we an by Jos. Morris to bid 20 per cent moreCome home, Senator Wegener, come mercial's veteran Southern correspon city officials were paid, but which they prisonment in tbe Penitentiary against swer as best we may: than the amount for which tbe prop C.,T. V. & W. Hallway

home! It's time ' for you to ; come dent, reviewing the evidence taken in did not execute. This was the clean any school teacher convicted of de L. R. S. Halves and quarters of dol erty was heretofore sold. Order of sale USE THE Wel,s Kfc1""1"" & te'.borne. the contested election case of Finley ing of Broadway. That thoroughfare bauching any female pupil. lars are not legal tenders. Trade ooi for said tract and balance oi property Cleveland, Tuscarawas Valley 4 Wheeling) pRPgf Perfected Butter Colorlars are not legal tenders.was allowed to become horribly dirty, remaining unsold. itauwatr tympany, r

The Ohio Legislature is In a quan vs. Bisbee, which sheds a flood ef light and the clouds of dust that arose from NEWS ITEMS. R. G. Oleomargarine is butter man Cleveland, June 12, 18TT. RIITTPRI I 1.1 1!


press, and usedby the

byagrlcul-O- U

thou-Pf- l!dary whether to adjourn or give one on the Florida election, says: it irritated wayfarers and ruined goods Tbe Louisiana Legislature bas adopt u factu red from fatty tissue of animals. Wool for Market. ralHEa Subscribers

mill ttate theDOLicd



ofsub- -said

flf? sandnof tbe very best Dalry-"a-- ""

fraud and in the store. Genin procured subscrip-tions

About 25,000 pounds manufactured miKiinni harniiibn nude for the purpose ol men. It gives a perfect JuneForce, coercion were em aremote bull fight. '. , ed tbe Moffett bell punch. A quarter The Harrison county wool growers. railroad of said Com, color, and is harmless as salt. A 25 cent bottleployed by the Democrats to only from his fellow merchants, and oi a cent a onus: is the larianxed in New York city daily. State laws aiding... in extendingItn nnuant

thetdvlfllBIU tO the Ohio colors 3U0 pounds, and adds 5 cents per pound

limited extent in Florida, compared to hired men to clean the streets nightly upon.regulate the sale. who, by the way, are among tbe best heretofore been accepted by te Its value. Ask your Druggist or Merchant

himself and it is expected to yield a revenue of 'ver. haiBg for It, send foravail of orTildes descriptiveought to circulars.its wholesale tn .Louisiana and from Union square to the Battery. By informed people in the State en that i i.V.,n.n ih. Rn&rd of Directors of saidsway WELLS, RICHARDSON anan a million dollars annnally. O. N. L. You ask too many ques L -- t . motinv thereof, held on the CO, Proprietors.the opportunity; the confession mill is oursuing this course be hnally shamed Burlington, Vermont.other Southern States; yet in the and kindred at the last meet resolution, ordered- -subjects, by aof June. 1877,In tbe Ohio Senate last week an as tions. Do not bite off more than you 5th dsyrunning smoothly. Second Florida District alone there was the Street Commissioner into doing his that the first Installment oi nve ioiiara iwwisault was made by Railroad Commis can chaw." ing of their association, passed the fol dollars (oO.UU) so sub-

scribedUse LEAMON'Senough of it, as developed in the sworn duty. In October, 1854, Mr. Genin was on each share ol fifty LADIES DYESof said Company,

Cincinnati refused to endorse by a testimony, to wake a difference of from nominated for Mayor by a party oi in sioner Bell upon Senator Forrest for 8. B. The combined press power of lowiner resolutions, which may be ofnow due

tofromthe capital


appearing on thedependent Democrats, but refused to words spoken in debate. The combat-

ants the Tribune is some service to wool erowers in this k . nH tntii virinai nhseriDtiona so aocept- - I F YOU Warranted the best and ehean.vote tbe 12,000,000. bond bill and 1,200 to 1,500 votes in favor of the Dem 45,000 copies per hour,ponlar in time be or before July 1st, 1K77, to PCI! flf? t Dys for all family and faucywere separated to prevent ted shall paid onUncle Dick Bishop's White Elephant. orotic ticket. Leaving tbe First run for tne otnee. lie continued in nis as we understand It. You were right. county: p. A. HeuKitt, Treaturer of Ktid Company, at the "Wll dyeing. Dresses, Cloaks, Coals.

District out of the question, this con business under Barnum's Museum and oiocdsned.of this general office thereof, or toe same may ua iu Ribbons, Ties, Fearners, anytnlng can be col-

oredin thethe St. Nicholas Hotel until 1868, Extensive Tom We do not understand your Resolved, That opinion n A I uo &L HrldireDOTt. Ohio. Ot to SOCh any shade. --Any one can use them. Thein preparations are beingtested in the Second District tellsthat case Association tbe reputation and conse- - and said Treasurer expense la trifling. We especially recommendThe Cincinnati Enquirer says questions lully. "Never talk with person as beniay diiecl;enough who carried the State, when he was compelled by sickness to maae at uettysourg to observe Decora anentlv the price of wool, has been and said Raggs. and also SHCh person as the the Black as much better than logwood. SoldMr S. J. Tilden la going te remove to Flainly

t counted for Haves, and in law. retire. From that period until ne died tlon Day. Tbe oration will be dellvsr H. ouraid Haees may duly authoriae to receive everywhere. Large size 25e, .siuall size loc.seriously injured by tbe careless in either Get a Leamon's Bookway are Dye at theWashington and will run (he White justice, and equity it belonged to bim. he was an Invalid, suffering irom spr ed Gen. Benj. F. Butler. President which it bas been washed and prepa -- f


duehv hi.

t pouid rtomnanv

said subscriptionsempowered and aa- - tree. WELLS, RICHARDSON a CO,


House from the outside. ' " nal oaralvsis. He was unable to move. Hayes and Postmaster Key will be FLUSHING. red for market, and we believe tbat thorlxed to receive and receipt lor the same Burlington, Vt.Let all the frauds in and was constantly attended by a male present. for and on Its behalf: ana ten per wsiui wualleged connec our financial interests would be en subscription shall be due, (and la hereby Great rash for Delaware ClDun J.F.SI

As a shoulder hitter tbe Democratic tion with the last Presidential election nurse. His death, however, was unex &There are reports that the Commu hanced by washing it well. t. k. naift anirl iVtiaaurer. eU IM I1 Catalogues A Maps Free. ' nn in eha, Dosbe fairly and thoroughly investigated. pected. On Monday last he rode nists in Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chi-

cagoMarried. Our tinner, Mr. Henry eral office of eaid Company, am afore id, or th ver, xei.

Bailroad Commissioner bully Bill Bell, Resolved, That we recommend tyand the result will show that Hayes through Central Park, and appeared are arming. Dr. Hanna, bath taken Into bimseir an same may be paid to A. J. baggs.

heat isriage- -

design OK P A DnO Noiallke. Snow flak e, Orieu- -Walser, a prom-inent

in? wool looselv. nrt Ohio, or such Derson as mayis a success, especially , when bis be in his usual condition. He did helpmate. Mr. Hanna is an Athenian receive the same Vlllw tal, etc.nlcest assortment out.to toentitled to votes than authorizedwas fifty more member of the organization, ad Resolved. Tbat the stuffing of wool hate, who are with name, 10c. F P DUNGAN, Chariton,antagonist is down. . - was counted for bim. Tbe Republican not complain during the night. At mits mat. nave and returned to his native town for frr and nn behalf of said Company.) on the Iowa.mey purchased aims. thehis "better half." We are informed with the intention to deceive buy day following the expiration of every thirty

members of Congress will join the 5 o'clock on Tuesday morning his and aredrilling at St. Louis. He also is act of personel dishonesty. days from and after July 1st, 1877, until theThe vot3 in Cincinnati on Friday on Democrats in favor of such an invest! nurse found him lying dead, having says they have increased in numbers tbe bride's name was Sarah A. Wojrley er


we condemn as we would false whole subscription shall be ilue and required IF YOU Want1th independence

a FARM orand

HOME.Dlen- -

tbe 2,000,000 loan for tbe completion gation. Now we shall see whether apparently, breathed his last about 10 within two years from 5,000 to 60,(00. prior to May 1st. "Hank" has shownrepresentation in any other transac to


orderpaid, at

ofabovethe Board

speclfled.of Directors. v -

ty In your old age.of the Southern Bailroad was a vote of tbe Democrats want real minutes himself a gentleman since be came HEW ITT, Secretary,a investiga previously. President Vanderbilt of such P. A. The Best Thing in tbe WestR. & says of the here and we all wish him a happy and tion. Any person guilty praca lack of confidence in M. Bishop tion. That would be the way, too, to killed Jul 5. lS77-1- 0m.

IS THEninety-tw- o by tbe Ashtabula tice should receive tne condemnationCo. Trustee . v dispose of Tilden. Under tbe develop' Redistricting Ohio. disaster, eighty-thre- e have been setsuccessful life.

of all honest men, and should be pros Atchison.Topcka & Santa Fe Itit.ments or a full and impartial invest! Columbus. May 7 The Democratic tied for; of the 64 wounded, 56 have Tunnel. There was quite a rejoic ecu ted at law.Silver, dollars of the new coinage gation Tilden and his managers would members of tbe Assembly held a c&u oeen settled tor. This absorbed $453. ing among the J tail road men a few Resolved. That we regard the wool

have the brand of infamy plastered all to consider the question of when Mr. Baggs made his Circulars with Map, giving fullare now exchanged for greenbacks at cus 800 of tbe earnings, yet the road earned days ago, buyers as mainly responsible for tbe information,

the United States so over them. Let tbe facts come out, redistncting the state ior uongression 3 per cent on its capital stock, of appearance as paymaster. He was ex bad condition in which wool is gener OLD, Topeka,free. Address

Ka.A S Johnson, Aet'g LandCom'r

not only with reference to Louisiana al purposes. After three hours' dis which the stockholders received two oected the middle of last month, but for ally prepared, on account of tbe factthat the dollar of the dads will soon be and Florida, but Mississippi, Alabama, cussion, a resolution declaring it the per cent. some reason, was detained. We hear that tbey do not generally make prop-er

ft!UUIIOIMC and Revolvers. Illustrated price Lisin general circulation.- ' : Georgia, North Carolina.Indiant.Ohio, eense of the caucus that the State shall Gov. Dennison, Commissioner of the that be left with Mr. Darragh $9000.00 discrimination in price. Plttsbargn,


Great Western Gun WorkaNew Jersey, New York, and Connec be redis4ricted was defeated, under a District of to be paid out here, for work done last Resolved, That in the opinion of thisBkmington & Sons, the great rifle ticut also. The truth, the whole truth ruling from the chairman that although Columbia, has tendered his month. On tbe eastern side, tbey are Association buyers should discriminate TRIED, LARGE MIXED CAP.DS with name,

manufactures, permitted their ambi and notnmg out tne truta, is what is 89 votes were given for the resolution 1st.iormai


will returnto


Columbuseffect July

and iaishing up the first and second lifts, in paying such prices as would encour-age 50 in



25 witboutcase,Outfits lUc. P



30 newwanted. Cin. Gazette. - and but 9 in opposition to it, that tbe The third one is yet to take out and ittlon to shoot to high and are forced to and resume bis law practice. His growers to put their wool in good a CO, Mlddleboro. U.ass. -

resolution lost, inasmucb as a ser and than AIDwas quo' is 20 ft deep more one-fourt- hmake a compromise with their credi vice has been of the most satisfactory condition.Redfield on Louisiana. rum of the Democratic Senators had mile long. St. Louis A San Erancisco Railwaytors. i , . ,; . f- . . ' i Mr. Redfield, writing from Wash not voted. character. The interests committed to FORhis bands have been very great, and Lecture. Rev. John Williams D. The explosion in the Washburn Mill TRUE; LANDSThe Tribune says 'tbe trouble with

ington to the Cincinnati Commercial OHIO LEGISLATURE. the ability with which be discharged D., Presiding Elder of the Cambridge at Mlnneappoiis, Minnesota, on xnars- - SALE.about the Florida scandal, says : all duties gained him general and District will lecture in the M. K. Church day waa so tern He that It was leit at bt 1,000,000 Acres In Southwest Missourithe 'fraud' , brand is the 'persistency "I have often wished that I had gone From O. S. Journal Summary. marked commendation. on Friday evening May 17tb. He bas Paul, nine miles a is tan t. rne nen tkn whs from 98.50 te $8.0O an acre. First classwith which it leaves its mark on the to Florida and posted myself as thor April SO. The was spent

A been invited by the Sunday School from the fire tbat followed was also arePeople

not oughtare getting

to b withaequaurted-a- d

thcwistilstrst asllia slock and agricultural lands. Tbe best to-baccoDemocratic manipulator instead of the ougbly as in Louisiana, that I might In committee of tbe Whole on tbe evening


receptionParis by



Fridaythe and the proceeds of the lecture will go visible, and cinders fell in the streets that great Amsrlcaa VetmAr. the grasshoppers,

region inabundance

the West.of good




other fellow." . !.;..: have, tbe sati-factio- n of knowing tbe General Appriation bill, and during American Minister to John towards buying an organ for the use of there, creating great excitement, and winters, convenient markeia, good schools,exact truth ol the matter, eveu n which time Mr. Bell, i&ilroad Com France, to tne school' lectares nave never been hundreds hurried to the scene, employ low lazes, healthful country.. and good socie-

ty.Welsh and the ciedit. FreeBayard Ameri-can

Seven transportationyears'and Senator Forrest bad a Taylor, great financial success in Flush vehicles that could be obtain MEXICANmissloner, a very incr all.theThe following bead lines to a couldn't convince anybody else. Of Ministers to England and from St. Louis to those who purchase land.pressthe Loaisina cae there is not a doubt difficulty, whereupon a resolution was Germany. ing but we hope this may be successful ed. The Washburn Mill, in which the Send for circular and other information.About' thousand invitationsonedispatch announcing an election riot adoDted to investigate tne same. were it la for a cause. the Address. W. H. Coftiu, Land Commissioner,in my mind not a shadow of a doubt issued, chiefly to American residents as good explosion cccured, was largest Temple Building. St Louis. Mo. 4w.at Weldon North Carolina on Monday, Bills Introduced : Abolishing the flourine nflll in the country, end ranbut what Hayes was as fairly entitled or visitors to the Exposition. Tbe as-

semblageSchools. Davis Cecil has been Mnstang Iiiniment, :

are suggestive: "One Negro killed and la the electoral vote of that State as to office of Railroad Commissioner; to was very brilliant. teaching, in the iKirk Dist. for a few forty-tw- o runs of stones. The mills - lO.OOO Agents Wanted to Sellanother wounded Tbe - Democrats the vote of Ohio. I reached that con emolov a solicitor. weeks. Mattle Hollingsworth bas been destroyed, six in number, stood oncarry tbe day." --- i elusion after patient and thorough in Resolutions: Making inquiry in re The gout has attacked both feet of teaching, in No 1 Dist. for more than what was called the platform, and FOX MATT AND KEAST.

vestigatlon, and no amount of 'cocfes ference to the employment of guards Prince Gotshakoff. His sleeplessness three weeks. Anna Bethel commenc were driven by the water power of the WThe Curse .and The Cure.One hundred and twenty ,to days lions' from Wells and Anderson, lor at the Penitentiary tabled; to adjourn is increased by pain, and his physicians ed a summer term, in the Pickering St. Anthony fans uompany com By the Veteran Author, T 8 ARTHUR. The

most Intense Story, with Powerful argumentshave passed of tbe session of the Dem instance, could drive me from the con from May 13 to December 3 adopted. have ordered that he abstain from the Dist. on last Monday. At a meeting munlcatiner with the river by a canal


where Nature provides laser laboratory sack and Startling prools, ever combined In oneelusion, lor my belief is founded on House Bills passed: Applying the transaction of any business. ef tbe Hoard or in this town The Washburn Planing Mill and the surprlstBC antidotes for the of her call, volume. Tbe work of Murphy, Key uolds, In-

ebriateocratic reform, O'Connor two days' labor under the road law to Education Mill Company's elevator also in Asylums. Crusades, etc A Marvelousfacts and figures that out of thei areare dran. Its fame has been spreading for 9shin, about it de years,one year ago, was endorsed all TemperanceThe two million additional bond bill book, grandly byLegislature. It is the economical body power, to cloud or to alter at this late repairing free turnpikes; requiring termined, to abandon the colored ruins. The number of dead is now antil now tt encircles the hsMtsble globe. Authorities. Sale Is ropuf. A Great Chxncewhich advertised itself to conclude its day, even if they were disposed." private bankers to publish semi-annu- for the completion of tbe Southern

school. At called last swelled to eighteen. Eight of tbe The Mexican Xostang Liniment Is a wsirhlMS to Coin Money. For extra terms, addresslabors in forty days. ' statements; prohibiting the lormation Railroad was voted on in Cincinati on a meeting on

bodies have been recovered and ten teawdy for all external ailments of misa sad tisaV HUBBARD BROM, 219 W dtb St. Cincinnati.of mutual insurance companies with Saturday, and was defeated by a ma Saturday it was again reinstated. The To stock owaeis and fsi mm tt is mvalsabla. . : Ohio. Oi; at BIBLE.-- , Just reduced 83 per ct,

buried in the ruins.Danford on the Tariff. tower story of the Desciple Church has more are A bottle often human HfserrW are selilag Fast. 4w.single savesof 219 in total of ajority a voteThe Enquirer ot Saturday hints lass than two: hundred applicants; to 22,000. The latest revised list of losses andschool the nsarolness of excellentA of been ronted for a room until a stores aa sons, ox,- this Washington special Thursday to settle differences between employers total Retail price SOoe only tifie.oroadly at Governor Bishop In insurance makes the loss $824,160, eow,orsbeenThe New York Tribune is moved to building could be erected. The board PIANOS Parlor Orun, price i37. onlvwise; A man can not get the people of the Cincinnati Gazette, says that Mr. and employes: reorganizing the Uirls remark about the distinguished Pri-

vatepassed a resolution requiring all color and total insurance SOia.oOU. It cures foot-ro- hoof all, hollow bora, gnh,


(1U5. D F Bbatty. Washing-Io- n,

Ohio, particularly Southern Ohio, to Danford, ef Ohio, addressed the House Industrial Home; converting abandon from this ed children in the to attend Speculation continues to be rife as to slioulder-ro-t, mange, tb bites and N J.Congressional District, townshipvote him twosalaries. . R. M. B. ought at the evening session the tariff. ed turnpike roads into free roads in the origin of the explosion.' The theory stings of poisonous reptues sad Insects, and every-.

inupon the words:following Greatly to school.this sneh drawback to stock hresillng sad bush Ufa. 1 -to resign one place and give, the cluding among the studies in which of the fire originating in the iriction of "WOTI;.E.up mating the point that tbe industries 'the amazement of a good many people. Tbe town school expects, to spend It cures every external trouble of hones, sackother. to be mainly affected by tbe bill pro


historyare to



metric system.United Private Dalzell has done well in the next Saturday bunting flowers in the dry stones, communicating dust, as Ismrnon, snatches, awtttay, sprains, founder,

State of Ohio, Belmont county, ss: Court ofteneraiiy receivea. wind-gal- ring-bon- ete etc.posed aa in isu produced, more than Ohio Legislature, and is uow announc .f Pleas.John M. Bin;kley: Attorney Gen-

eralfour thousand millions of wealth: that Bills introduced. To redistrict the ed as a C4ndidate for Congress. W. Another theory is that tbe building f The Wertcan Kostang Llnhaeat Is the aalekest

' 'Common

insurance tat the world for accidents la tas t John Andrewsthe of cure oecarrJacState; regulating names withbecameunder President Johnson, who has in tbe great and rapid development of super charged electricityfamily, ia the absence of a physteiaa, saca ss

- " " va.street railroadcompanies; authorizing thrown off from the shafts and not neu Andrews.and Kindred ' Alicebeen acting" strangely for a or manufacturing, tnintag, boras, scalds, sprains, cats, ste sad for rasnsnsyearindustries, since 1862, they were carry companies to eondemn private prop UNIONTOWN. COURT REPORT. tralized by conductors. Hence the tun. and stiafeem engendered by exposals. Pa.. THE defendant, Alice Andrews, who re

more, bas mysteriously disappeared ing an enormous burden of indebted erty;Tequiring county auditors to pro-vide

other charge which caused the destruc FfcularrvabaUito toMlmeia, somewhere naar New Martinsvillepotlce that

from bis home, in Milwaukee, and it i ness; that it was extremely unwise to poll books and tally sheets of Mb. Wm. Gillespie was kicked to Judge WM. OKEY. Clerk A. C. DARRAH tion and communicated nre. t It Is tbe cheapest remedy m the world, for a theMate

nlalntifr.Johnof West Virginia,

Andrewdioonwill lake

the Sd dayelections. - .

'day on the breast and side by a horse, penetrates the muscle to the bona, and a single of April,W78.nle in the Court of Common Pleasthat has thesesupposed he committed sui threaten already prostrated and Sheriff W. G. KINNEY,May 1. Senate The select com causing fracture of the ribs, and other application Is generally safllcVat to cure, of Belmont county, Ohio, bis petition against

- cide. ' : ' '' dustries that give work to the most present. Gen. Thos. E. Powell, who has been tt1 Vw.tiTjwh1ii bi pot ap la three her praying lorm aivoroe. ou ma gruuuu i,m it tee submitted a report censuring severe lujures. tie narrowly escaped Said cause willneedy of our people, with adverse leg and sixes of three years willful absence.prominent as a lawyer politiciunln bottles, tae Urgvr onss being proportionWilliam Bell for assault Sena the next term of said Court.the atupon' fatal injury, but with bis characteristic be lor hearingIt is said thaf the 'Republicans Con islation that would . work ruin to these Jas Kelsey vs. A M F Boyd et al this state ior many years, aiea very awbr stack the eheapest. Si JOHN ANDREWS.tor Forrest the day previous. pluck and insists on beingalready burdened industries, and throw1 energy, up afternoon at his late 4--1. 7 U By Tallman A tiro, his ally's.the river Is 57 suddenly Fridaygressional fight over nar Bills passed: Authorizing the Gov and about, seeing to bis business. Found due plaintiff Kelsey. $618rowed down .tsiOr. . Updegraff, of out ol employment thousand of fami-

lies ernor on petition to restare convicts to defendant Wm Sinram $1326 13. In residence, near Hrancn mil, in ClerJefferson county, and lawyer Taylor, and add greatly to the distress in citizenship; to survey and settle tbe CRABAPFLE CONGREGATION baS a default of payment Master J W Shan mont county. Gen. Powell wasof Guernesey county, with tbe chances the line between Trumbull county and flourishing Sabbath School one of the non ordered to sen tnorigageu prem brother of Powell the artist, who paintla favor of tbe Doctor. We bear that Pennsylvania. best in this locality superintended by isea. ed the "Battle or Lake Erie," and was That SANFORD8 RADICAL Illustrated Monthly Magazine.Jefferson county is likely to be solid for No Time for Sentimentalism. Bills introduced: : Prescribing penal Mr. Henderson Hays and Mr. David Jos A. Thompson vs. James JN quite a clever lawyer. He was a can $50 CURB for Catarrh will not In-

stantly Each number eontains Thirty two Pages 01mm in tne convention,, and from all t There can be nothing gained by de-

manding,ties for resisting an officer; regulating Lyle, assisted by a corps of earnest and A Son. To Jury. Verdict in favor of didate once for Attorney General and cure. References,Henry

relieve and speedilyWella, ladtnc. many fine wood cot iliastratlons,and

that we can learn., Belmont will come at this time, either an en-

dorsementtbe fees for county engineers. efficient teachers. In addition to tbe nlalntiff for $348 56. several times forjudge of the Supreme Wells. Fargo Co, Aurora, M Yj ene

icolorednr nted

PUte.on eleesnt

A beautifulpaper and

Gardenfull of

Maga- -inop to his supportt quite: handsomely, or repudiation of the Presi-

dent.Resolution - adopted: Distributing usual classes there Is an "Old Folks 1st Nat'l Bank Bellaire vs. ML Court before Democratic state uonven Wm



St Louis.McUattan.

Teas formation. t In English and German. Price,We trust that this is true, Dr confession but never fortuuate enough For a Case 25 five copies, to (0.news as the remaining copies or tbe late Von Bible Class," and much interest is Austin etai. Judgment by tions, was lliuoniaia ana i tsii imm "7 wum. tl a .yeanUpdegraff will make an active and in- - On the one hand he has not for-

feited stitutional Convention. . manifested. Tbey have a good organ In favor of n aintlff lor $215 75. to receive the nominations he desired Price, with Improved Inhaler. Tick'scovers;

Flewerin elegant

and Vegetablecloth covers

Kardra,tl Oil.

We tntelligent member of Congress. - Mr, his right to a place in tbe ranks, The report of the committee to in and the best of vocal music Mr. Jos. I at Nat'i Bank uarnesviiie vs. n ni Of Catarrh L

rutSold everywhere. WEEKS paper

Vlck's Calalecae 300 Illustrations, only 2ir.it,Dan ford positively declines .to be in the by any defection, and on the other be vestigate D- - L. June was taken up and Conlcy acted as Choir Master and 'lead' Kickok et al. On motion to tbe Court Practical Wisdom. Mass.noprers,Duen, eenu. Address JAMES VICK.

neia as a competitor jor tbe nomina has not carried out Republican princi-ples adopted. i in sintring, and Miss Anna Lyle presi hv the nlalntiff. Jonathan T Schofield Collins' Voltaic Plasters are the beat.

tion. Intelligencer, in tbe manner and by the methods. House Bills passed: Requiring ded at the organ during Sabbath School and Q H KemD were appointed receiv An ancient adage says, "In time of

for war." is it" . that please a great many Republicans. exercises and divine service Sab with full to peace prepare not! K county auditors to provide pool books on ers in this case, powers Hi'The New .York . Times His overzealous friends who desire to for equally wle to prepare fur sickness inpublishes a and tally sheets; denning as public bath last. Rev. T. J. Mil ford preached take charge of the property, care

page of crop reports telegraphed from force down the throats of those who water courses certain ditches, drains, an able sermon from the text. "How and rent the same, and report their time of health?guide books

Whenandanticipating a WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS!ourney. maps arediffer with hitn a flat-foote- d endorse-

mentshall if from term to term.sixty pointi in twenty-nin-e States and etc. we escape we neglect so great proceedings examined, and allstudiously possibleof everything he has done and Peter WeltyBillsintroduced: salvation?" . . Edward S Burke vs.Admitting womenone Territory. 'They are of a highly be information of the route ana countryeverything proposes to do,inciuding District Court at theMandate fromto the practice of law, for the relief ofencouraging nature. Of these report" Mr. Joseph Dunlap and Miss 'Caa-- obtained. .Yet many make the 'jourhis means and methods, are as tar out April in which it is ordered thatof Brown' George M. Woodward, term,tbe Times say fs; of the way as those who have jumped sie' Allen were united in marriage, by Dlalntirr

. - recover oi aeienuanii j a arrboui oxr i ney of life' and throughout the entire JOHN FRIEDEL,"With the solitary exception of Col to the conclusion, because his method countyitev. jviuiora, at tbe residence of tne Ordered that execution be bad accord trip remain almost strangers to them

Resolutions: To distribute theorado, every estate hoard from and selves, in profound Ignorance of theirhave not pleased them, that be has bride, on Friday evening last, at the Inor th mandate.debates of the Const its tional Conven nthey extend fro'u Maine to California Johnsonizvd, and is not worthy of the tlon referred; directing the Board of hour of 5 o'clock. The wedding waa a Harah Jane West et al. va. James A abilities, and have no knowledge of Xo. 1130 Main' Street; lyiieeiitig, IV. Tn.,reports the most bnlli.int that -prospects the physiological laws governsupport of the Republican party. The very quiet one many of Miss Allen's Orav. Fir. Ordered tbat executionfor the yield of every product of the situation is altogether too grave to jus' Public Works to take possession of all friends not hearing of it until (hey met hA htri nf the iudgment found in the mind and matter. . To such, life is likethe works of the state lostsou. mere is a cautious avoidance ol lily tbe introduction or disturbing ele' adoption.

public on at Church on Sabbath, when the happy District Court, according to the man a boy handling an engine, he- - may fin Inst received his Sprine Stock of Plain' gad Fancy Wall IHtpcrs. The stock is completsconfident predictions ataut the jiojtl luents iuto Republican councils this . 8.


Senate Bills pair were surrounded by acquaintances date of the Court - have aicertained now to start ana stop in every department, embracing all the new patterns ta maKes.May.. passed:oi cotton, out rrom toimwo to timothy, it, but he knows not how to keep it inremoter. Unless we are very much wishing to lender their congratulaMaking for- - the next Bellaire 4 8. W. B. rv. co. vs. wmfrom peaches lo ptiropklrH, there is a mistaken the President h!melf would; appropriations tions. 'TU useless to "gild refined gold that execution be running order. The ru.pie's uommonOrdered Timoux.fiscal defining tbe territory to be AGorby. sTooKlsrnearly unaniinonp verdict t hat through year; illustrated cjimrEsseounsel against it. We have got so 'ne-

ttlingor to paint the lily," and we can only found in Common Sense Medlc&l Adviser, an

taxed had offor the construction of judgmentout tbe length and breadth of the land practical to do. tMsfall. tbure are turnpikes; say that the bride is a lady esteemed District work of over 900 pages, la designed by iia;iUra- - '..this will be rrquirin? county auditors to furnish Pleas and affirmed by Court, iTil, ?.t-- ' i .a .veritable year pf plenty. before the and ull and its author, as a popular hand-boo- k of ': ' '

The iucreW, fungible people,poll-book- and tally sheets.,- '. by for her christian deportment according to the mandate or said uis Alsa Large Slack IV...- -

enormous of 'the acreage this is no time for 'sentimental ism. or kindly social qualities.- - When she was anatomy, physiology, nygiene, meai-cln- en.irt- - I'T?'or land under wheat, arid the truly ' .lit solution: Proposing an amend and the most diseases to Queensware, Glsa.rc. and.. Willow ware,u"anything, .approaching it. Toledo about as bit as a little girl she was Judklns. common. tJJ -Burcher vs. Jesse AUa fln Vaf.C,nU-r- : - - -Constitution in reference Rebecca and Toileti,magnificent yield of that grain prom ment to Uio which all and with which and Umn Fixtures. Fine Vaaoa

Blade (Kep.): . promised to ber had of are liable,, ...... to tbe fees of county olliceis ordered your correspondent by OrdAMd that execution beised iromandstates hkb iowa7T4.ansaa,

printed.'. v: ' r ' kind mother, (who we trust is now Judgment found in Common Pleas.and many are afflicted. Tbe work is re-plete CAIX AND EXAMINE OCU PltltVlv LlSf. .

11.Nebraska, Minnesota,' furnish A State with sound, .practical sugges-

tions.temperance camp meeting singing tbe of the redeemed in. Housk Bills introduced. Authoris-

ingsongs amrmed mainc ajui, kwiuiujsome ol the mosti strikier. indications by

of tbe at -- which) agricaltutal de wlU.'be held at the ,'Old Jb'ort,' ot-a- the redemption within three yean Heaven), but a hnndso-ne- r and better to the mandate of said District Court. Price. $1.60. Address the aupace thor, R. ,V. Pierce. M. D,. Buffalo,

velopment m proceeaiBg.uutue. United Newark, i.commencing May 80, and ol KiuUs sold in execution to pay man baa won bet bMitr and oar lows Chaa T Gilham vs. Sarah J Glllham I .1 'BWttt iii w illinf i08 ivi :tcontinuing until June i4It : assessors f2.50 per day; concerning the is his gain. Mr. Dunlap la of the most et ftl. Execution ordered oi - u juog-- -