Bellwether Research poll on IN GOV 6.17.15

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Bellwether Research (R) conducted a new poll released Wednesday, and the results bear bad news for Gov. Mike Pence (R). The survey shows his approval rating at 46%, while an equal number disapprove which is unchanged from Bellwether's last survey in April. The poll also shows Pence tied against two potential Democratic opponents. Pence is tied with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz (D) at 42%, and earns 40% against former state House Speaker John Gregg (D), at 41%. The poll was commissioned by former Angie's List CEO Bill Oesterle (R), who stepped down from that position this spring to return to politics. (May 29-Jun. 3; 1,000 RVs; +/- 3.5%)

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Results of an Indiana Statewide Survey of 800 Registered VotersMay 29 - June 3Margin of Error = + 3.5% * Rounding may result in >100%


48%Male52%Female2.Id like to confirm you are currently registered to vote in Indiana?


3. In politics today, do you usually consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent? 35%Republican

With leans28%Democrat

42% Republican 32% Democrat25%Independent

7%Independent, lean Republican 4%Independent, lean Democrat

4.Indiana will hold primary elections for President, U.S. Senate and other offices in May of next year. Do you think you will vote in the

__Republican primary election__Democratic primary election

or will you probably not vote in either?

42%Republican primary election 32%Democratic primary election 10%Not vote in either 15%Dont Know

To ensure we have a representative sample of voters in our survey

5. Please tell me which of the following categories contains your age?

16%18-29 11%30-34 11%35-44 14%45-54 25%55-64 23%65+

6. And is your racial or ethnic background88%White 7%African American *Asian3%Something else1%Refused

7. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino? 3%Yes


Now Id like to ask you about some people active in politics in Indiana and, for each, please tell me if you have heard of them and, if so, whether you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of them.

Heard/No Never

Fav Unfav Opin/neutral Heard

Mike Pence

34% 43%

19% 4%

Glenda Ritz



28% 30%

John Gregg



31% 41%

11. How satisfied are you with the way things in Indiana are going? Very satisfied,

somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied?

10%Very satisfied44%Somewhat satisfied26%Somewhat dissatisfied 54% Satisfied- 44% Dissatisfied 18%Very dissatisfied

2%Dont Know/unsure12.Do you approve or disapprove of the job Mike Pence is doing as governor? 13%Strongly approve33%Somewhat approve15%Somewhat disapprove 46% Approve- 46% Disapprove31%Strongly disapprove

9% Dont Know/unsure13.If the 2016 election for President were being held today, would you vote for__the Republican candidate

or__the Democratic candidate

43%The Republican candidate

31%The Democratic candidate

26%Dont know

14.And do you think Mike Pence has performed well enough as governor to deserve re-election next year, or do you think its time to give a new person a chance to do a better job?32%Re-elect54%New person

15%Not sure/dont know

14A.What is the main reason youd like to see a new person as governor? N=428, who think it is time for a new governor.

17%Disagree on education issues

15%Disagree on Religious Freedom Act and gay rights/marriage11%Not doing a good job as governor

11%Need change/time for change/need new ideas

11%Want a Democrat. Dont like Republicans 5%Disagree with Pences views in general

4%Not good for the state

3%Not for the people

3%Cant get along with Glenda Ritz

2%Been in office too long12%Dont Know

15. If the election for governor were held today and the candidates were__Mike Pence, Republican __Glenda Ritz, Democrat

for whom would you vote? 38%Pence 4%Und, lean Pence

with leans 16%Undecided/Dont Know - no lean42% Pence- 42% Ritz 6%Und, lean Ritz


16. If the election for governor were held today and the candidates were __Mike Pence, Republican __John Gregg, Democrat

for whom would you vote?

36%Pence 4%Und, lean Pence

with leans 19%Undecided/not sure, no lean

40% Pence- 41% Gregg 5%Und, lean Gregg

36%GreggNow Id like to ask you a little more about Mike Pence and the job he is doing as governor. Do you approve or disapprove of how Mike Pence has handled

Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Dont

Approve Approve Disapprove Disapprove KnowIndianas economy 18%


19% 19% 11% K through 12 Educ 11% 25% 16% 30% 19% Health Care 12% 30% 13% 23% 22% Taxes and spending 14% 33% 17% 20% 16% RFRA 14% 18% 13% 39% 17% 22. Looking ahead, do you think the Religious Freedom Restoration Act will have37%no real impact on Indianas economy40%a negative impact on Indianas economy 9%a positive impact on Indianas economy14%Dont know/unsure23. Some people say that Governor Pences handling of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was an embarrassment to the state and that he doesnt deserve another term as governor.

Other people say that Governor Pence may not have handled the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as well as he should have but, on balance, he has done a good job and deserves another term as governor.

Which is closer to how you feel?46%Embarrassment, doesnt deserve another term41%On balance, deserves another term13%Dont KnowThinking about something else24. Indianas civil rights law makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion or disability. Do you support or oppose adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the law?37%Strongly support17%Somewhat support 9%Somewhat oppose

54% Support- 32% Oppose23%Strongly oppose

14%Dont know/unsure

25. Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate for Governor who supports adding sexual orientation and gender identity to Indiana civil rights law?27%Much more likely18%Somewhat more likely12%Somewhat less likely

45% More likely- 32% Less likely20%Much less likely

24%Dont Know

26. As you may know, the Supreme Court is deciding whether same sex marriage is protected under the U.S. Constitution and if they decide it is, it would be legal in every state. Do you support or oppose a Supreme Court action making same sex marriage legal in every state? 33%strongly support14%somewhat support 6%somewhat oppose

47% Support- 41% Oppose35%strongly oppose

12%Dont know/unsure

Now, as we finish up I just need to ask some statistical questions27.On the political spectrum, would you say you are conservative, liberal or moderate?

22%Very conservative24%Somewhat conservative34%Moderate17%Liberal 4%Dont Know/ref.28.What is your level of formal education to date?

*Less than high school

21%High school Degree 6%Vocational, technical or professional training

18%Some college courses 9%An Associate Degree26%A Bachelors Degree

18%A post-graduate Degree 2%Dont know/refused29.What is your religious preference?

51%Protestant Christian 20%Roman Catholic *Jewish 11%Another religion14%No religious affiliation 4%Dont know/refused

30.Would you consider yourself to be an evangelical or born again Christian?

N=408, who consider themselves Protestant Christians.

54%Yes40%No 6%Dont know/refused

28% of the sample are Evangelical Christians (54% of the Protestants)31.How often do you attend church, synagogue or another religious service?

43%weekly13%a few times a month19%occasionally22%rarely or never 3%Dont know/refused