BellaDOG Magazine Holiday Marketplace 2011

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BellaDOG Magazine Holiday Marketplace 2011

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For the New Generation of Dog Lovers™BellaDOG

Premiere Resorts for DOGs!

sniff DOG HOTEL& Paradise 4 Paws



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Put Her Pain To Bed...

put his pain to bed...

visit us at drapercaninetherapy.comC 2008 Draper Knitting Company, Inc. 28 Draper Lane Canton, MA 02021 (781) 828.0029 drapercaninetherapy.com Draper Canine Therapy TM is a trademark of Draper Knitting Company, Inc.

...he’ll also feel the benefits from our Dog Jacket!

...with the Draper Therapeutic Dog Bed Our Plush Dog Bed delivers increased circulation and oxygenation to combat stiffness, soreness, and age related ailments, keeping him happy, healthy, and energetic. The removable, washable therapeutic cover has a heavy gauge nylon bottom for durability. The insert offers padding that can be rejuvenated with a few quick fluffs. It is available in charcoal gray. You can purchase this and see the entire line of therapeutic products at drapercaninetherapy.com or call toll free 1-800-808-7707 to place an order.

Use Code: BellaDOG for 20% off any purchases made through 1/31/2012

...she’ll also feel the benefits from our Dog Coat, Blanket and Wraps.

Our Plush Dog Bed delivers increased circulation and oxygenation to combat stiffness, soreness, and age related ailments, keeping him happy, healthy, and energetic. The removable, washable therapeutic cover has a heavy gauge nylon bottom for durability. The insert offers padding that can be rejuvenated with a few quick fluffs. It is available in charcoal gray. You can purchase this and see the entire line of therapeutic products at drapercaninetherapy.com or call toll free 1-800-808-7707 to place an order.

...with the Draper Therapeutic Dog Bed

put his pain to bed...

visit us at drapercaninetherapy.comC 2008 Draper Knitting Company, Inc. 28 Draper Lane Canton, MA 02021 (781) 828.0029 drapercaninetherapy.com Draper Canine Therapy TM is a trademark of Draper Knitting Company, Inc.

...he’ll also feel the benefits from our Dog Jacket!

...with the Draper Therapeutic Dog Bed Our Plush Dog Bed delivers increased circulation and oxygenation to combat stiffness, soreness, and age related ailments, keeping him happy, healthy, and energetic. The removable, washable therapeutic cover has a heavy gauge nylon bottom for durability. The insert offers padding that can be rejuvenated with a few quick fluffs. It is available in charcoal gray. You can purchase this and see the entire line of therapeutic products at drapercaninetherapy.com or call toll free 1-800-808-7707 to place an order.

Cover removes for washing and inner stuffing made from recycled bottles re-fluffs for extended life.

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& In-Home Euthanasia


It’s what all pets deserve.

Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice will assist you in providing end-of-life care for your pet at home. When you are ready, we will ease you into the next step with our in-home euthanasia service. This could be the single, most compassionate thing you’ll ever do for your pet.

www.LapofLove.comPlease explore our website for additional information on services we provide. We are available by phone or email to answer any questions you may have.

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•Holistic, All-Natural Food & Treats•Wide Veriety of Leashes & Collars

•Canine Couture •Hand-Painted Treat Jars & Bowls

•Puppia Harnesses•Paws Aboard Life Jackets

•Unique Gifts•One-of-a-Kind Treasures



Two ConvenientBeach Locat ions

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HouRS: Mon-Sat 9AM-5PM


w w w. G o n e To T h e D o g s B o u t i q u e . c o m


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You can help keep pets safe during the holiday season by following the tips below. For other important, timely tips for cold weather protection, traveling with pets and safety issues, as well as behavior guidance, go to www.paw-rescue.org and click the Dog Tips link.

MaNy HOLiDay PLaNTs CaN LEaD TO HEaLTH PrOBLEMs. Among the plants to keep out of reach are holly, mistletoe, poinsettias and lilies.


PiNE NEEDLEs, when ingested, can puncture holes in a pet’s intestine. So keep pet areas clear of pine needles.

The ExTra COrDs aND PLUGs of holiday lights and other fixtures can look like chew toys to pets. Tape down or cover cords to help avoid shocks, burns or other serious injuries. Unplug lights when you are not home.

aNCHOr CHrisTMas TrEEs to the ceiling with a string to keep it from falling on pets.

DO NOT LET PETs DriNk THE HOLiDay TrEE waTEr. Some may contain fertilizers, and stagnant tree water can harbor bacteria. Check labels for tree water preservatives and artificial snow, and buy only those that are nontoxic. Some folks use screens around trees to block access to electrical cords and gifts.

Very important: DO NOT PUT asPiriN iN THE waTEr (some folks do this thinking it will keep the tree or plant more vigorous). If a pet ingests the aspirin-laced water, his health or even life can be at risk.

PETs CaN BE TEMPTED TO EaT TiNsEL, which can block the intestines. Hang tinsel high and securely to keep it out of reach of pets.

kEEP OTHEr OrNaMENTs OUT OF rEaCH of pets. Ingestion of any ornament, which might look like toys to pets, can result in life-threatening emergencies. Even ornaments made from dried food can lead to ailments. And remember, shards from broken glass ornaments can

injure paws, mouths and other parts of the body.

Put away toys after children open their gifts. sMaLL PLasTiC PiECEs aND rUBBEr BaLLs arE COMMON CaUsEs OF CHOkiNG aND iNTEsTiNaL BLOCkaGE in dogs. Ingested plastic or cloth toys must often be removed surgically.

avOiD TOxiC DECOraTiONs. Bubbling lights contain fluid that can be inhaled or ingested, snow sprays and snow flock can cause reactions when inhaled, styrofoam poses a choking hazard, tinsel can cause choking and intestinal obstruction, and water in snow scenes may contain toxic organisms such as Salmonella.

kEEP CaNDLEs ON HiGH sHELvEs. Use fireplace screens to avoid burns.

Hi-TECH sHOOiNG. The StayAway canister from

Holiday No No’s for Dogs and Tips To Help Keep Them Safe ~Robin Tierney, Volunteer

Partnership for Animal Welfare www.paw-rescue.org





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Contech Electronics uses a motion-detection device to sense when a pet approaches some off-limits areas and then activates a burst of compressed air and a one-second warning screech.

OTHEr LOw-TECH METHODs: place sticky mats, crunchy aluminum foil or bubblewrap on or around the area ... tie balloons around the area ... put some pennies in empty plastic drink bottles and balance the bottles on the bottom branches of the holiday tree or plant so that they ll noisily tip over if a cat or other pet jumps at or on the tree.

Holiday guests and other activity can be very stressful and even frightening to pets. It can also trigger illness and intestinal upset.

MakE sUrE PETs HavE a saFE PLaCE TO rETrEaT in your house. And make sure they are wearing current I.D. in case they escape out a door when guests come and go.

rEDUCE sTrEss by keeping feeding and exercise on a regular schedule.

Always MakE TiME TO CarE FOr yOUr PETs. Some folks get lax about walking their dogs, and a few resort to letting pets out on their own. This puts the animal in danger, while also leading to nuisance complaints and dog bite incidents. Remind pet owners not to take a holiday from responsibly caring for their pets.

When pets are stressed by holiday activity or during travel, THEy May rEqUirE MOrE waTEr. Dogs typically pant more when they feel stressed. Keep fresh water available for them to drink.

rEsCUE rEMEDy, a Bach flower essence available in most health food stores, is a natural stress reliever that many folks keep on hand at home and in travel kits. It can often help both people and animals recover from

injury, fright, illness, travel fatigue, chocolate ingestion and irritation. Put a few drops in the dog�s water bowl or portable water container. For stressed or injured animals, rub a drop on their ear or put a drop on the towel in their crate or carrier. Flower essences are free of harmful effects and can be used along with conventional medicines. Another safe, nontoxic Rescue Remedy-like product is Animal Emergency Trauma Solution, available from www.greenhopeessences.com, where you can also get Flee Free to combat fleas nontoxically. Other flower essence sources include anaflora.com and perelandra-ltd.com.


kEEP PETs away FrOM GiFT PaCkaGEs as well as your gift wrapping area. Ingested string, plastic, cloth and even wrapping paper can lead to intestinal blockage and require surgical removal. And pets have been severely injured by scissors and other items left on floors and tables.

kEEP PETs away FrOM THE GarBaGE.

DOUBLE-CHECk sMOkE DETECTOrs, CarBON MONOxiDE DETECTOrs aND OTHEr saFETy DEviCEs aND rEPLaCE BaTTEriEs. Safety, of course, is the key reason -- but here’s another good reason. When batteries run low, the devices often emit alert or alarm sounds at frequencies that can be painful and frightening to many pets. If you’re not home when the alert/alarm sounds, your animals will have to endure that sound until you return, which can be traumatic. So always keep fresh batteries in those devices.


* iF yOUr PET iNGEsTs GLass, BrOkEN PLasTiC, sTaPLEs OrOTHEr sMaLL, sHarP OBjECTs, CaLL yOUr vETEriNariaN. In the meantime, you can give your dog supplemental fiber in the form of whole wheat or other high-fiber bread, canned pumpkin or Metamucil, any of which can help bulk up the stools the help the foreigh material pass through the dog s digestive system. Dosages depend on the size of the dog. For Metamusil, try a teaspoon for a small dog, a tablespoon for a big dog. For pumpkin, feed one-quarter to two-thirds of a cup. Some folks recommend feeding the dog cotton balls to help pass the foreign objects, but others in the veterinary field caution against this since cotton balls can compound the problem.





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americas Top Dog Model 2012 ContestThe winning theme for america's Top Dog Model 2012 contest is: “Home sweet Home!”

The expression Home Sweet Home originated from the song "Home, Sweet Home that has remained popular for over 150 years. Adapted from American actor and dramatist John Howard Payne's 1823 opera, Clari, Maid of Milan and composed by Englishman Sir Henry Bishop. The famous opening lines are: “Mid pleasures and

palaces though we may roam”, Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home: Americas Top Dog Model 2012 contest wants you to send in photos of your “top dogs” in a hoMe sWeeT hoMe setting. In addition you’ll be required to share a story about home sweet home with your dog.

CONTEsT PrizEs FOr THE TOP DOG wiNNEr arE:• The cover of America's Top Dog Model Calendar• The cover of BellaDog Magazine • Coordinating hats for winner and dog owner from Joy Scott Millinery • A Linda Higgins designer "Lille" dress for female winner or "Dusty" vest for male winner • Crystal choker from Lolas for Pets • An autographed copy of Diva Dogs: a style Guide To Living the Fabulous Life

Eleven finalists will be featured in americas Top Dog Model Calendar.

More prizes will be announced in the jan-uary 2012 issue of Paw Prints magazine!

Contest rules will posted by the first of January on america's Top Dog Model website.

Companies that wish to be considered for participation in Americas Top Dog Model 2012 Contest, either as an event host or prize con-tributor, should send a proposal to: [email protected]

Follow America's Top Dog Model on Facebook to receive contest updates.






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DoG BaRKeRyDelight in healthy baked goodies from the Bistro

JacUZZi sPaw GRoomiNGahhh, the experience in the five jet jacuzzi tub!

PawDicURes & Facialsindulge with a blueberry facial

thURsDay yaPPy hoUR! 5Pm-8PmPets & their people gather together every thursday!

~Fashion couture ~ sizes xxs - xxl~elegant & Functional leashes & collars

~organic, holistic & all Natural Dog & cat Foodhealthy treats & Nutritional supplements

~original art & Jewelry of your Beloved Fur Babies~Breed specific accessories

1425 4th stReet NoRthst. PeteRsBURG, FloRiDa 33704

(727) 892-9303

Actual photo of ChefK9’s Doggy Bistro & Bakery meal

We specialize in cooking breed-specific, gourmet meal plans for dogs. Our diets are freshly pre-pared, using only the finest farm-fresh ingredi-ents. All of our diets are prepared by hand, by Chef K9 and our staff.

EVERY nAtuRAl ingREDiEnt is 100% suitABlE fOR humAn COnsumptiOn

WhAt DOggYs WOulD EAt if thEY COulD COOK!

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Digestive troubles Degenerative DiseasesChronic Eye/Ear infections

9 5 4 . 2 7 0 . C h E fw w w . C h E f K 9 . c o m

3350 nW 22nd terrace #400pompano Beach , fl 33069

9 5 4 . 2 7 0 . C h E fw w w . C h E f K 9 . c o m

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A Christmas “Tail”

Shags yawned as he stretched and rolled over. The fire was crackling and his family was asleep upstairs. He liked watching the lights on the tree twinkle and reflect on all the shiny objects that hung from it. “Yes,” he thought to himself, “I am a very lucky sheepie.”

Normally, Shags slept next to Amelia. Her father would push her chair to the bottom of the stairs, then carry her to her room and tuck her in. Shags waited patiently until this process was completed before taking his “position” on the bed. Amelia’s father always gave Shags a quick butt scratch and reminded him to take care of “our girl” before leav-ing the room. This was the time of day Shags loved the most. Amelia would scratch his head and tell him her dreams, sometimes through tears--dreams of dancing, skating, playing or even just walking. Shags tried his best to comfort Amelia by softly licking her fingers or very quietly whimpering, just a little, to let her know he understood. He wished

he could tell her how much he loved her, as she told him, every night, just before they drifted off to sleep.

Tonight was different, though. After Amelia’s mom and dad went to bed, Shags quietly stole downstairs to wait. This was his fourth Christmas with Amelia and her family, but he only started remembering his arrival this past year. He remembered that before he was Amelia’s, there was no one to love him. He wandered the streets of the city with his buddies, looking for food and shelter. Neither of those things came easy. One day, while Shags was off sniffing around on his own, a man approached him. Shags was not afraid of humans like the others were, and so he allowed this man to get close. The next thing he knew, there was a cord around his neck and he was being put into a truck.

He was unloaded at a place where there were lines of cages, some of them held old friends and acquain-tances. He was placed in a cage with another dog





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of no particular lineage, who was very old and very tired. “What is this place?” asked Shags. The no par-ticular dog explained the place to him, which really didn’t sound all that bad until the last sentence was uttered: “They keep you until someone comes for you or your time is up, whichever comes first.” This did not sound good.

As days came and went, people would walk down the aisle to choose a pet. Shags always tried to look friendly and willing to learn. It was not easy, though, with so much matted and dirty fur. He did not even have a tail to wag! “oh, I’m doomed,” thought Shags. “This is not good” he thought to himself. Shags’ time was up two days later. As he walked down the aisle, listening to the others wish him well, something strange happened. A big man with a long white beard appeared before him and said, “This here big fellow is greatly needed, so I’ll be taking him with me.” He was fed, doctored and cleaned up, but the details of that are fuzzy. He also had a vague memory of the bearded man in a bright red suit flying him through the sky to Amelia’s home. This was the reason that Shags was waiting up tonight. He needed to see that man again to ask what happened that night and why he was brought here.

Just when he was about to give up on waiting, he heard something. It was in the distance, but it was getting closer. Then the sounds seemed to be all around and in the middle of the room the air started to twinkle and swirl. Shags sat up, and quite frankly, almost let out a nervous bark, but stopped himself just in time. Then, the swirling stopped, and in the middle of the twinkles stood the bearded man in the red suit. “shags, my boy, it’s wonderful to see you!” said the man, “how are you?” Much to Shags’ surprise, he was able to answer, “I have never been happier.” His look of shock and surprise at being able to say this caused the man to say, “It’s Christmas, and Christmas is a magical time, my boy!”

Then Santa introduced himself and asked why Shags was waiting for him. Shags said to him, “There was a time when I felt I was worthless. No one wanted me, no one loved me and because of that I was about to be removed from the earth. Now, I have a wonderful

home and family. But, most of all, I have the great-est love of a sweet little girl who is happy to have me by her side all the day long. I would have done this sooner, but you see, this only became clear to me recently, that I have you to thank for giving all of this to me. Before you brought me here, I never could have imagined I could be so happy. so, I thank you for giving me this family, but most of all, I thank you for Amelia. But, santa, why me?”

Santa sat down with Shags and said, “For years, from the first Christmas that Amelia could talk, she asked for one thing only. Each year, she would ask me for a friend who would love her even though she could not run and play with them; a friend who would be loyal to her and with whom she could be herself. She want-ed that friend to be able to comfort her when she was sad, and sometimes to be goofy to make her laugh. She said she needed a friend who would always be by her side and who would let her love them back with all her heart. I saw that friend in you, so I brought you here to be with Amelia. So, you see, Shags, I thank you for helping me to give this little girl the only thing she ever asked of me - “a true friend.”

Shags helped Santa place the presents around the tree. He also helped Santa out with the plate of cook-ies that Amelia left out for Santa. Then, Santa winked at Shags and was gone in a swirl of sparkles. Shags sat down for a moment to think about everything San-ta had said to him. Then he quietly went up the stairs and took his place next to Amelia. He fell asleep as she scratched his head.






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Happy HolidaysI Been Good!

L i t t l e P e t P r o j e c t . c o mPlease Give generously this year.....the precious pitties need you more than ever.

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Dr. shawna Green, DvMMon - Fri: 8aM - 6PM / sat: 9aM - 12PM

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Dressing her up like a Mexican wrestler won’t help her get home any faster.Her PetHub Smartlink™ tag will.Starting at only $12.95

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merry Ch r i s t m a s








Shona Dhuit

Joyeux Noël

Fröhliche Weihnachten

Buon Natale!





Holiday Marketplace!

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Dogs Make a House a Home Ornament

Remember your favorite canine pal with this de-lightful glass ornament with a heartfelt message on

one side and a colorful glitter bone on the other. Let us personalize it with your favorite pal’s name

on the bone detailed with paw print ribbon and festive holiday packaging. $21.95


Bone-a-fideStockingSuper-cute Bone-a-fied Dog Stocking features three plump felt bones topped with festive candy cane ribbon. A perfect keepsake to remember your special pal year after year. Personalization is available for an additional fee. $12.95


Double DeckerBitesize Treats

More than three dozen yummy treats of varied shapes and flavors are jam-packed into a double decker gift box. Yogurt-dipped bon bons, bite-size crunchies with sprinkles, and half-and-half frosted cookies—all stuffed

with flavors that no pooch could resist. $19.95


Poop Happens Tee!Just pick it up and move on is the humorous excla-mation featured on the back of our new graphic

tee. This simple yet thought-provoking statement is sure to encourage dialogue between you and fellow

dog walkers during your daily stroll. $25.00

www.humanesociety.orgNOTE: Every purchase from www.humanesociety.org provides support for The HsUs’s programs - and the animals.

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Peppermint TwistPeppermint Twist Dog Bow Tie and CollarHand Crochet playful Christmas Dog Bow Tie is the perfect addition to your dog’s collar! Collar and bow tie sold seperately. $15.00 each.


Starlight Peppermint Christmas Collar with Pointsettia FlowerTreat your furry friend to a beautiful holiday collar and flower set. Made with top quality fabric and heavy duty interfacing. Finished with contoured black hardware and a nickel D-ring.

hand cut and hand sewn fabric flowers are a removable, durable and super cute accessory and attaches with a velcro strap. $26.00www.etsy.com/shop/CreatureCollars

Peppermint Holiday Puppy Dress

Adorable Christmas dog dress- cotton

lined dog dress in peppermint print, with stripe waist, satin red bow, velcro clo-

sure. Very festive for the holidays, great dress for photos, Christmas party, or

just shopping during the holidays. This harness dress has a d-ring at-

tachment so you can attach a leash and walk your dog while looking

festive and fabulous! $46.99


Plush Peppermint With Chew Guard. 8” with 5 squeakers. Super-soft baby fleece. High quality plush. Double-seamed & extra durable. Machine washable.


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Orbee-Tuff Mint Toy

Retro candy meets nouveau drool in this new Orbee-Tuff Mint. Doggie-durable, buoyant, bouncy and minty canine confection. Makes an incredibly sweet gift for adventurous

buddies of all shapes and sizes. Made in the USA! $10.95


Peppermint BarkFor People!

Williams Sonoma Peppermint Bark. This confection is made with custom-blended Guittard premium

chocolate and natural oil of peppermint. Starts with melted semisweet chocolate then a layer of white

chocolate. Bark is finished with crisp handmade pep-permint candy bits. What I love about this is the great

reusable red tin with barking Dalmatians. $26.95


Pep-permint Swirl BedFilled with furniture-grade orthopedic foam, this sweet sleep-ing quarter brings an abundance of comfort and style for your companion to enjoy this winter season. High-loft fill for superior support and comfort Breathable microvelvet repels pet hair, dirt, and moisture Removable cover is machine washable. Made in the USA. was $129.50 - $199.00 - Now $89.50 - $139.00

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Holiday Marketplace!

ReversibleHoliday ScarfMade of comfortable cotton with a bit of lycra. Use it to fit your

pets mood! $12.00www.iseespot.com

Festive House BedsPamper your pet this holiday season with a

gorgeous and cozy dog bed! 100% polyester lining. 100% acrylic shell. Includes bone-

shaped toy! Tartan pattern.


Holiday Naughty and Nice Tennis Ball Rope Toy

Pets will have a blast all throughout the holiday season as they tug on and play with

these fun dog toys. Strong cotton rope is strung through two tennis balls. Each ball has

“naughty” and “nice” printed on it.


PenguinSqueaker Mat

Kyjen Plush Puppies Penguin with Santa Hat Squeaker Mega Mat dog toy has 16 loud

squeakers inside. It squeaks almost anywhere your dog touches it. $8.00


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Loopies Holiday ToysFantastic Holiday Toys. Reinforced stitching, extra squeakers and nothing but the best materials available, Loopies are without a

doubt made with the highest standards of quality in mind.


Christmas Loofah ToysThis funky style Christmas pet toy can be used as a retriever

and a Stocking Stuffer. Each Christmas Loofa Dog has a squeaker for additional interest and all have a fun Santa hat

and little boots! Comes in 18”, 12”and 6”.


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Holiday Fun Wear!Woofwear CollarsMade from Italian Leather that will last and remain beautiful. The Crystal S is loaded with nail head studs and rows of crystals. Perfect for all our dogs. Truly a classic, well made, durable collars. $Call 813.448.6744


Fido Fleece CoatSignature collar to tail back, velcro closure ensures easy on and off for removing, even on squirm-ing dog. Each dog coat is made of non pile and top-quality fleece. Fido Fleece dog coat repels dirt, sheds water and is easy to clean. Do not settle for imitation – there is only one Fido Fleece dog coat that can make your dog look stylish!www.premier.com

I Woof U TeeFurever and ever! White cotton dog

tee with red flock print. Big Dog sizes too! $20.00


The Puffer CoatWarm and cozy for the winter

Coated nylon puffer coat with snap close on belly. Stow away hood and side sinching

included for an extra touch. $40.00


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Wooflink Wear“My Little Buddy” cool padded winter vest with faux fur on the hood, “Animal Story” Comfort-

able cotton pants, and “Joy” necklace.


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Holiday Event Wear

Tartan Skirt and Matching Bow

Tartan kilts of unspecified clan’s plaid. Choose from red or blue tartan.

Suitable for males or females. Waist is adjustable for size.

Matching bow or tie will fit most necks.Comes in Red or Blue.


Santa Step In HarnessBy Puppia. Has an adjustable chest belt. Choose from red plaid

or solid red. Matching Leads also Available.


Fleece Lined Plaid Coat with Hat and Leash

Warm and Snuggly Red Plaid Winter Coat is a wonder-ful combination of warmth and style. It is fully lined with thick warm fleece and comes complete with a matching

hat and leash. $25.00


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Valentino Swirl Tuxedo Vest

Scarlet Ballerina Tutu Dress

100% polyester. Sleeveless. Comes with interchangeable velvet sash with circle rhinestone buckle or a black daisy buckle. D ring attached for

leash attachment $46.99www.pawpalaceonline.com

Christmas Plaid Tuxedo Vest


Christmas Plaid Dog Dress

Sleeveless with floral sequined body and is fully lined in satin. Features a

satin ribbon at waist with a oval rhine-stone buckle, and a D-ring for easy

leash attachment. $79.99www.rockstar-puppy.com


Country Christmas Dress

With a beautiful fine red corduroy and a Christmas Green corduroy

bow has a little snowman button in the center of this cute as a button

holiday dress.www.pawsitivelyposppooch.com

Holiday Taffeta and Plaid Dress

Individually designed and hand sewn Holiday Dog Dress from re-purposed

people clothing.


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Crystal Santa Dog Collar Clip

Beautiful clear crystals in various sizes and cuts form the cute doggie while a tiny pink marquis crystal forms its tongue. The red

and clear Santa hat has a larger tiffany cut crystal to form Santa’s pom-pom on his hat.

Sturdy lobster claw clasp.$18.00www.glitter4yourcritter.com



Foxy Metallic Christmas Collars

Dazzle your pet this holiday season with a gift of this sparkly collar from Cha-Cha Couture! •Adorned with red and whitewhite crystals •Green/red collar with silver buckle detail •Christmas tree/candy cane collar charm

included and hangs from collar.


Hol iday Bl ing

3 Bell Cluster Lobster Claw

CharmExcellent for our small four legged friends

that can get under foot. Available in a variety of colors. 2” in length including

clasp. Really great quality!


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Triple Red RhinestoneSilver Mesh Collar

The mesh is lightweight but substantial, flexible, comfort-

able and very high quality. A two-inch extender ensures the proper fit and makes adjustment easy. A silver paw and rhinestone at the end of the extender dangle at your furbuddy’s neck for extra charm. Also available in pink,

blue or crsytal rhinestone bones. $30.00


Jingle Bell Bone Crystal Dog Collar Clip

This is a very classic look which could also be worn year round. Sturdy lobster claw clasp enables you to

interchange this cute charm with vari-ous collars. $12.00 - $14.00


Glitter CollarsThese festive little collars feature a glit-

tery ribbon and is backed with a double layer of matching, tightly woven red

webbing. Despite its strength, this collar is still very flexible making it quite comfy for your baby. It has a strong nickel buckle

and a D-ring for attaching tags and leads. $18.00


Crystal OrnamentAustrian Crystal Shitzu ornament is 3¼” and comes with a red satin ribbon for hanging. Each Breed is a

different size so prices vary. $40.00


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Holiday at Salty Paws!all products shown are available at www.saltyPaws.com



Pet TuxedoThis groom tuxedo for dogs or cats makes it easy to include pets in the wedding day fun. White satin shirt is paired with a double-breasted

tux coat with tails. $19.99

Ruffle Dress Chiffon dress with rows of ruffles & flowered lace hem. $14.99

FrEE sHiPPiNG ON aLL OrDErs OvEr $30.00

www.sal typaws.com

Puppia Step inSoft Harness

Made of soft, lightweight, breathable air mesh, inner filler promotes superior

comfort. Velcro adjusts girth while single buckle provides added security. $23.99

Buffalo Plaid Fleece Vest

Pets will love the comfort and warmth of this Fleece Dog Vest.

Features a convenient ripstop chest and Velcro® from neck to hem. Machine washable. $16.99

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Merry Moppies Dog Toys

Merry Moppies Dog Toys are great for playing toss with Fido These holiday pals will entertain dogs for hours,

includes a squeaker. $7.99

Winter WaddlersWinter Waddlers are plush and berber dog toys in embroidered designs for Christmas and Hanukkah. Each Holiday Penguin con-tains a fun squeaker. $7.99 Unstuffies Chipmunk

For the doggies that love to tear toys up! These fes-tive, stuffing-free toys are decked out for the holidays in

Santa hats. They’re still virtually mess-free. $9.99

Huggable Crinkle ToysDogs will love the chunky moppy fabric exterior and the crinkle paper and grunter inside will provide hours of fun. Stock-ing measures 13 1/2”L; Tree 15”L. $12.99

Moppy BonesA soft, moppy texture and a classic,

timeless design makes these bone toys perfect for any occasion. Each

toy measures 6 1/2” and includes a squeaker, $4.99

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Natural Pet Food CookbookHealthful Recipes to supplement your pet’s primary diet with nutritious meals that you prepare. More than 50 vet-approved, pet-tested recipes, ranging from basic kibble to casseroles to stews. Tips on cooking techniques, food selection, and more. Warnings about potentially harmful foods. $14.99

Holiday at Salty Paws!all products shown are available at www.saltyPaws.com



Breed-opolyBoard Game

Breed-opoly games are the perfect gift for yourself or for another dog lover! Who knows! You may soon be Best in Show or going in for

vaccinations! Whatever happens,keep your wag on! Available in most breeds. $24.99

FrEE sHiPPiNG ON aLL OrDErs OvEr $30.00

www.sal typaws.com

Breed DoorbellsFine crafted pewter dogs mounted on a 4” square stone with an illuminated doorbell button. Backing is natural stone which varies slightly in texture and color, making each doorbell unique. Comes with instructions (chime not included; not for use in wire-less systems). Many color options to chose from. $39.99

Dog Treat CookbooksTreats: Great cookbook with all the recalls on pet foods! With 50 canine-tested, veterinar-ian-approved recipes. $14.99

Organic: This beautiful 6.5” x 9” hardcover book is 224 pages and features rounded cor-ners, a canvas cover and sewn in ribbon book-mark. It truly is a top-notch gift item. $14.95

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Lazy Bone Dog Sleepshirt/ Beach

Cover All Our Lazy Bone Dog adult sleep shirt or coverall for the beach is made of super soft 100% jersey cotton fabric! Features a front silkscreen print design with contrast neck tape and trim. One

size fits most. $25.99

Silly Doggie Tees

Doggie Tees to show off what your pet ust may be thinking!


Lifesize Stuffed DogRuff-Ruff!” This lovable and loyal golden retriever features lifelike details, right down to its furry ruff! With bright eyes and a pink tongue, attention to detail and excellent quality construction this dog is made of super-soft fabrics. Already housebroken, this doggy will be a devoted companion. Most Breeds Available. Dimensions:

36” x 12” x 31”. $59.99



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Big Dog Hol iday !

Christmas Bow TiesNo one will doubt that you mean Christmas this year, once they see your dog is sporting these fun festive

bows, crocheted by hand from easy to clean, high qual-ity acrylic yarn. Fitted with elastic fasteners to allow for a

flexible fit on most standard collars. $12.00


West Paw Design Organic Bumper BedEco-Friendly dog bed made with a removable organic cotton cover, helping our Earth by reducing the amount of chemicals we put into the ground. The cushion used onthe inside of the bed is made from 100% recycled IntelliLoft®, which was previously plastic soda bottles. www.groovycatsndogs.com

Humunga StacheGiant black toy is a ball on one end, and a gi-ant cartoon mustache on the other. Dogs love to hold the ball in their mouth and shake the mustache back and forth like it’s prey. Con-

structed from all natural solid rubber. Great for playing a game of toss and fetch . $10.50


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MuttLuks Belted CoatTough coats for tough winters with three layers of warmth and versatile fit. Nylon exterior with lofty inner core & faux sherpa

interior. 3 layers of warmth. Versatile fit. Machine wash & dry. For accurate sizing, measure in inches from the back of the

collar, along the dog’s back, to the base of the tail. The length is the appropriate size. Available in 14 different sizes ranging

from size 8 to 38. $90.00


Good Big Dog Bucket!Big dogs need pampering too! includes: Canine Earth Natural Vanilla

Citrus Shampoo, Canine Earth Furry and Fresh Natural Deodorizing Spray, Milkbone or other large toy with Squeaker, Cotton Rope Bone,

Bark Bar Natural Treat and the Good Dog Bucket. $64.95


Orbee-Tuff Bulb with Treat Spot whimsically-shaped all-purpose toy is

doggie-durable, buoyant and minty. The Bulb has a Treat Spot for stuffing, well, stuffing and other great leftovers. Burp!

Made in the U.S.A. Recyclable, non-toxic and rinses clean. 6.5” long. $10.95


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Happy Hanakkah!Handmade Yarmulke Your little furry friend will look extra lovely this Hanak-kah with their very own yarmulke.

Cute little curls are attached to the hat so your little one has their very own payot.

Perfect for Bark Mitzvahs or other Jewish holidays.

Hat ties onto dog’s head with strings. Hat fits almost all dogs. If you have an extra large dog leave a note when

checking out and I’ll make hat a bit larger. $15.00


Talking Gefilte Fish ToyThis Hanukkah toy will make your pet a real happy mentsh!

$11.95 www.lovadog.comHanakkah Bone ToyPerfect for Hanukkah &

New Years. $8.95


Hanakkah Cape100% cotton with velcro neckclosure. $34.00


HanakkahVelvet Tank

Luxurious velvet tank withribbon trim. $28.00


How To Raise A Jewish Dog!An in depth look at techniques for dog rearing within the Tribe. These techniques are effective when used on goyum members of Canis lupus familiaris as well. ;) www.oyvelo.com

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Loews Hotels Hanukkah Recipe: Lassie Latkes

This recipe, courtesy Loews Hotels, was pro-vided as part of the “Houndly Holidays”

package. The recipe is courtesy Loews Hotels Executive Chef Mark Ehrler.

PLEasE NOTE: This recipe is for treats and not

intended for daily consumption. Additionally, this should not be fed to pets with special dietary



9 sweet potatoes (peeled and grated)

1/2 cup honey

3 tablespoons grated fresh ginger

2 tablespoons walnut oil

1 teaspoon ground cardamom

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

iNsTrUCTiONs: Preheat oven to 400F de-

grees. In a large bowl, toss together the sweet

potatoes, honey, ginger, walnut oil, cardamom, and pepper. Transfer to a large cast iron frying pan.

Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Stir the potatoes to expose the pieces from the bottom of

the pan. Bake for another 20 minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are tender and caramelized on the

outside. (Photo courtesy Loews hotels)

Hanakkah Velvet ScarfLuxurious Stretch Velvet Scarf with metallic silver fringe.

Metallic silver embroidered star of davidMachine Washable & Made In USA! $18.99


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Uncommon Goods!all products shown are available at www.UnCommonGoods.com

Hello Fido! Greeting Sign! Doggone hilarious, this welcome sign will provide visitors with a laugh and a sigh of relief that humans don’t greet each other like the rest of the ani-

mal kingdom does. Handmade by Stacey Lamothe from powder-coated steel, these two friendly dogs are a wonderful and

humorous way to welcome guests, including four-legged ones. Made in California. $65.00

Dog Door Knockers Guests will get a lift in their spirits when they lift Wilson or Scrappy’s leg to announce their arrival at your home. Handmade by Stacey Lamothe of powder-coated steel, these humorous dog knockers (named after the artist’s dog, Wilson, and her friend’s dog, scrappy) catch two pups in the act of marking their territory. Perfect for own-ers of big and small dogs, these door knockers will be a lighthearted addition to your front porch. Available in Wilson the Retriever (left) or Scrappy the Terrier (right). Made in California. Sold individually. $65.00

Buster BowlArtists Jo-Ann and Gerald Warren show off

their puppy love by hand crafting these stone-ware dishes, which can serve up either food or

water. Handmade in Canada. $45.00

Cork TrivetsThe fetching surface protectors come as three sepa-rate pieces that can be arranged to accommodate

dishes of any size or shape. They’re made from solid cork, a sustainably harvested, renewable material.

Set of Three. Made in Canada. $30.00

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Personalized PillowInspired by Charlie, her two-year old Labradoodle, artist Lori

Blum designed these customizable pillows as the ultimate creature comfort. Warm yet modern, each design is handmade from eco-friendly cotton-linen canvas and water-based ink. Its

personalized collar lets you curl up with your pal anyplace, anytime. Spot clean. Handmade in New York. $150.00

Pet ScoopsThese hand finished creations, though, are carved with

whimsy and spark out of completely lead-free pew-ter - a perfect gift for anyone with a pet to call their

own. Designed by Jim and Deborah Chapman. Hand finished in Oregon. Dishwasher safe.

Mounting hardware included. $38.00

Dog and Cat Salt and Pepper Shakers

A playful must-have for the pet lover or the hostess look-ing to shake it up. Handmade in Iowa. $50.00

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Holiday Biscuits For Doggieswww.kingarthurflour.com

Preheat the oven to 300°F. Lightly grease a couple of baking sheets, or line them with parchment.

Put the following in a mixing bowl:

2 cups King Arthur White Whole Wheat Flour or Pre-mium Whole Wheat Flour

1 cup rolled oats, regular or quick

1 tblsp dried parsley or 2 tblsp chopped fresh parsley

1/2 cup Baker’s Special Dry Milk or nonfat dry milk

1/2 teaspoon salt

Stir to combine.

Add 2 large eggs and 1 cup peanut butter - crunchy or plain.

Stir to combine; the mixture will be crumbly.

Add 1/2 cup + 1 tblsp cold water for dough.

Drop in walnut-sized balls onto a lightly greased or parchment-lined baking sheet. Flatten to about 1/4” thick.

Roll the dough about 1/4” thick. No, it’s not pretty; it’ll develop cracks all over, and very ragged edges. No worries; trust me, your dog won’t care about looks.

Cut with a 3 1/2” cutter (or the size of your choice). Gather and re-roll the scraps, and continue to cut bis-cuits until you’ve used all the dough.

Lay the biscuits close together on the prepared baking sheets. Since the biscuits don’t include any leavening (baking powder, yeast, etc.), they won’t spread much.

Bake about 40 to 60 minutes, baking the smaller cook-ies for the shorter amount of time, the larger biscuits for the longer amount of time.

The biscuits will be dark golden brown, and will be dry and crisp all the way through.

And yes, it’s OK to break one open and taste it. If it’s good enough for Man’s Best Friend, it’s good enough for you!




Hol iday Goodies !

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2 3/4 cups Whole Wheat Flour 2 3/4 cups All-Purpose Flour

2 Tsp Brown Sugar 1 tblsp Sea Salt

3 eggs 1cup Peanut Butter

1/3 cup Vegetable Oil1cup Water

1. Combine flours, brown sugar, and salt in a mix-ing bowl. Add eggs and peanut butter and mix until


2. Mix in oil, then add enough water until dough is smooth and workable.

3. Cover the dough and set aside for 15-20 min. to relax.

preheat oven to 375º & line a couple sheet pans with baking paper

4. Roll out dough to about 3/8”-1/2” thick. Cut to desired shaped then put on sheet pans.

5. Bake for approx. 40 min. or until biscuits are slightly browned and fairly hard (they will harden a touch more

when cool.) Set aside to cool then treat the pups liberally.www.whiteonricecouple.com

Dante and Sierra’s Peanut Butter Biscuits




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Buddy BiscuitsNo salt, sugar, corn, preservatives, artificial flavors,

or byproducts are added. Buddy Biscuits contain only healthy and wholesome ingredients. They only use

ingredients that you would find in your own kitchen!


Don’t Feel Like Baking?Buddy Biscuits are the BOMB!



yUMsBellaDOG Magazine 43

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me tag


The new, hip and unique pet tags that make a statement!

tag your pet! or tag your stuff! with a me·tag

Retired K9 Heroes is a non-profit organization that provides food, funds for veterinary services, and supplies for

retired K9 dogs

w w w . r e t i r e d k 9 h e r o e s . o r g

www.PetFoodStPete .com


So much more than just food!We are a department store for your pet!

Make it a destination!Come and see the

l a r g e S t independent pet store in St. Petersburg, Florida!

62nd Avenue & 18th Street N.St. Petersburg, FL 33714

Open 7






NOw OfferingviP Boarding

services! Pick Up/Drop off Shuttle Service.

NO Kennels & NO Crates.24/7 Care!

44 BellaDOG Magazine

Page 47: BellaDOG Magazine Holiday Marketplace 2011

VCA Carrollwood Cat Hospital 13305 Orange Grove DriveTampa, FL 33618(813) 915-6181VCAcarrollwood.com

VCA Gulf Bay Animal Hospital125 South Belcher RoadClearwater. FL 33765(727) 475-2785VCAgulfbay.com

VCA Little Animal Hospital11014 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654(727) 279-5970VCAlittle.com

VCA Noah’s Place Animal Medical Center2050 62nd Avenue NorthSt. Petersburg, FL 33702(727) 362-6376VCAnoahsplace.com

VCA Oldsmar Animal Hospital3898 Tampa Rd.Oldsmar, FL 34677(813) 343-2793VCAoldsmar.com

VCA Riviera Bay Animal Hospital2228 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. St. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33704(727) 362-6382VCArivierabay.com

VCA Tampa Bay Animal Hospital8501 La Due LaneTampa, FL 33614(813) 639-8666VCAtampabay.com




Exam* Wellness and early disease detection & prevention Extended evening and weekend hours State of the art medical, dentistry and surgical equipment Climate controlled boarding

Count on us to care for your pet. Providing a friendly environment with dedicated caring

professionals. Your pet’s health is our priority.

All backed by the nation’s largest and most trusted animal healthcare network, giving you access to over 275 board certified specialists for complex cases.



*FREE First Exam is for new clients only. Not to be combined with any other offer. Up to 2 pets per household. (FFE Cashier code: 700.500) Expires 06-30-12. (Florida residents only):The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursedfor payment for any other service, examination, or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee service, or reduced service, examination or treatment.

7 Days A Week 365 Days A Year

Emergency Care

E12_Ad_092911.indd 1 9/30/11 3:26 PM

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Happy Holidays!

Ruff! Ruff!Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

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9.5” w x 11.875 hConsumerAugust 2011

Filename: Location:Created: Artist:Revised: Artist: Collected: Artist:

5-16-2011 4:56 PM Anthony C5-16-2011 5:05 PM Anthony C


Bleed: Trim: Safety: Mech Scale:

9.5” x 11.875”

7.75” x 10.5”6.75” x 9.5”

1 : 1

PGN_ID_P2E785_A.inddStudio_Files:Volumes:Studio_Files:375_HUDSON:Procter & Gamble:Iams:MECHANICALS:PGN_ID_P2E785_A:COLLECT:PGN_ID_P2E785_A:PGN_

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I am more than just a dog.I am an Iams dog.

Introducing Iams Sensitive Naturals.™Works inside for healthy skin and coat. Itching and scratching could be a food problem. That’s why Iams Sensitive Naturals has protein-rich ocean fi sh as its fi rst ingredient and limits other ingredients that may cause problems with sensitive dogs. You’ll like what’s in it, and love what’s not.


011 P


I’m a rock star inside and out.

(Itching and scratching just isn’t good for my image.)

104558_03.pgs 05.16.2011 21:23 PDFX1a_T SAA_104558_03.pgs 05.16.2011 21:28 Saatchi_150DPI

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w w w. Te r r a P a w s . c o m

All Natural Freeze Dried Pet Treats