Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils could a president get?

Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

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Page 1: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Bell RingerThe caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”.

What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson?

What kind of spoils could a president get?

Page 2: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Growth and Reform1800-1850

Chapter 2

Page 3: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism

0 Andrew Jackson was a beloved war hero from the War of 18120 Afterwards he forcefully took control of Florida and after the

Adams-Onís Treaty he became FL’s first governor0 Touted as the “common man” he quickly rose through the political

ranks0 In 1824 he ran against John Quincy Adams for the presidency

0 The election was a tie, meaning the House of Reps got to decided0Henry Clay made a “corrupt bargain” with Adams that if he, as

Speaker of the House, helped Adams win, Adams would make Clay Sec. of State

0Adams won and Clay became Sec. of State

Page 4: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism

0 Jackson, who had won the popular vote, screamed about the corrupt bargain0 He would spend the next four years preparing for a

rematch against Adams0The election of 1828 led to a decisive win for Jackson

0 This election was truly the first modern election in which the politics of mudslinging was in

0 Jackson removed many people from their positions so he could give government jobs to his supporters/friends

0 This was the spoils system as indicated in the cartoon

Page 5: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism

0 Jackson had three main concerns: Natives, nullification, and the Bank of the U.S.

0 While many Natives lived in areas like GA and were becoming Americanized, Jackson wanted them removed0 Some tribes left willingly, some ran to the Everglades

(Seminoles) and waged war from there, while another group (Cherokee) used the white man’s tool—lawsuit

0 In Worchester v. Georgia the Supreme Court sided with the Natives saying they could not be forcefully relocated0 Jackson responded, “John Marshall has made his decision.

Now let him enforce it.”

Page 6: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism

0The Indian Removal Act was passed in 18300 15000 Cherokees were forced to move from GA to OK in

what became known as the Trail of Tears0 4000 died during the move

0Nullification crisis was next on Jackson’s plate0 Several states were arguing that they should be allowed

to ignore (nullify) federal laws they didn’t agree with0 When the Tariff of Abominations was passed many called

for nullification including V.P. John C. Calhoun in an anonymous essay called the “South Carolina Exposition and Protest”

Page 7: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism

0 Jackson responded to nullification and refusal to pay taxes with the Force Bill, saying that Federal troops would take the tax by force if need be0 Jackson, at a state dinner toasted “To the Federal Union:

it must be preserved…”0 Calhoun responded, “The Union: next to our Liberty the

most dear: may we all remember that it can only be preserved by respecting the rights of the States, and distributing equally the benefit and burden of the Union!“

0Calhoun resigned as V.P. and returned to SC to be a Senator once more

Page 8: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism

0 Jackson viewed the bank as the source of all evil0 Those who ran the bank were abusing those who depended on it in his

opinion0 Nicholas Biddle thought he could push the bank’s re-charter through just

before the election, forcing Jackson to say yes since he didn’t want to “kill” the bank right before the people voted0 Jackson vetoed the charter despite the election’s upcoming date0 When the bank expired, Jackson was pleased that he had destroyed the evil

institution0 In 1836 Martin Van Buren (Van Ruin) took office on the heals of the Panic of

18370 The destruction of the bank lead to unstable money, etc. creating economic panic

0 Van Buren tried for a second term but the people went with William Henry Harrison, a Whig—New party that developed solely as an anti-Jackson group

Page 9: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Religion and Reform

0The Second Great Awakening truly brought people back to the church0 They held revivals and told people to reform their lives

by reforming society0 Many new causes like temperance, prison reform, and

abolitionism were pushed0The SGA birthed several new churches including the

Unitarian Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Mormon Church

Page 10: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Religion and Reform

0 The Mormons were chased out of their communities and sent westward0 They stopped in

Nauvoo, IL but Joseph Smith was killed

0 Brigham Young moved the group out to Salt Lake City, UT where the Mormons have thrived ever since

Page 11: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Religion and Reform

0 With the revival of religion came the desire to reform society and do good deeds0 Dorothea Dix worked with prisoners teaching Bible studies as

well as visiting asylums and poorhouses0 She wrote this to the MA legislature:

0 “I come as the advocate of helpless, forgotten, insane men and women held in cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens! Chained, naked, beaten with rods, and lashed into obedience!...Men of Massachusetts…raise up the fallen, succor the desolate, restore the outkast, defend the helpless.”

0 Her campaign led to our modern mental facilities

Page 12: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Religion and Reform

0 Alcohol was blamed for a lot of society’s problems0 Crime, sickness, poverty,

abuse of women and children

0 People called for temperance, or banishment of alcohol0 They would not get much

passed before the Civil War other than stricter laws within states

Page 13: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Religion and Reform

0Education was also a goal for reformers0 Wanted free, tax-supported education to make a

stronger workforce 0Horace Mann was successful in getting MA to adopt:

0 Standardized calendars, state oversight for schools, a Board of Education, adequate funding, end corporal punishment, and require that teachers have adequate training/certificates

0 The North embraced these ideas, the South would eventually

Page 14: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils


0Finish reading Ch. 2 and start on 30Your first test will be next Friday, Sept. 7th covering

chapters 1-20 It will combine multiple choice and essay, please make

sure you’ve finished reading and are well studied by then

Page 15: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

Bell Ringer

0 “Fellow citizens, pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I or those I represent to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? What, do the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.”

0Write a response to Frederick Douglass’ comment.

Page 16: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0 Slavery was becoming an “outdated notion” in the North as America entered the 1800s0 Many states had passed laws banning it, the slave trade was

made illegal in 1807 (pre the Constitution)0 Many slaves were in the South

0 They did backbreaking labor like cotton farming0 They barely had basic necessities (food, clothes, etc.)0 They were treated brutally

0 Despite all this, many remained hopeful0 Church helped including singing spirituals0 Named children after relatives and passed down oral stories

Page 17: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0Many slaves fought back through sabotage or revolts0 Nat Turner led the most successful revolt in the US

killing 60 slave owners before he was captured and executed (as well as his followers)

0Fearful of more slave revolts Southerners passed laws called slave codes0 These laws prevented slaves from learning how to read,

assembling in groups, or testify against white people

Page 18: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0The Underground Railroad was instituted to smuggle slaves from the South to Canada where they would not have to fear being recaptured and sent back to their owners0 Harriett Tubman, or “Black Moses,” was a conductor

who helped sneak people north0 She helped 100s leading to Southerners putting a large

bounty on her

Page 19: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0 Those who spoke out against slavery were called abolitionists 0 William Lloyd Garrison published antislavery articles in The

Liberator0 Frederick Douglass, despite being a slave, had been taught to

read/write0He became one of the more eloquent speakers/writers of the

abolitionist movement0 Angelina and Sarah Grimké were two Southerners who were

so angered by slavery that they broke from their family and moved north—even marrying into Northern abolitionist families

Page 20: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0One of the more notable abolitionists was Henry David Thoreau—a writer and philosopher0 He refused to pay taxes since the taxes supposedly

supported slavery0 He advocated “civil disobedience”0 His ideas were later adopted by Mohandas Gandhi and

Martin Luther King, Jr.0How did Garrison and Douglass attempt to end


Page 21: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0 So why did so many people support slavery if it was being considered morally wrong?

0 Southerners argued that slavery was necessary0 The basis of their ability to produce so many crops was the fact

that they had cheap labor0 The North benefited from the crops since they were largely

responsible for shipping and banking0 The big argument was wage versus slave labor

0 Would you rather have no freedom but basic needs met (food, shelter, clothing)

0 Or, have freedom but have to struggle to find food, clothing, and shelter?

Page 22: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Antislavery Movement

0Many Northerners did not support abolitionism0 They drug William Lloyd Garrison with a rope by the

neck through the streets of Boston0 They interrupted the Grimké wedding to burn down the

antislavery meeting hall0The issue divided America deeply

0 Congress instituted a Gag Rule to keep the topic from coming up

0 The issue became a major sticking point in the states’ rights battle

Page 23: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Women’s Movement

0 In the early 1800s, women could not own property, hold office, or vote

0Women did not have formal education, and in the rare case of divorce, the husband got the children

0Women did lead reform movements, such as temperance, prison reform, and asylum reform

0One noted leader was Sojourner Truth, a former slave who spoke on abolitionist issues

Page 24: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Women’s Movement

0Some women did chose to join the industrialized work force0 They typically lived near the factories0 They sent their wages back to their husbands and

fathers0 They even had a labor union

Page 25: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Women’s Movement

0Because many middle class women were able to afford house keepers, they spent much of their day discussing ways to improve society

0Women felt that if they could get rights for slaves, then perhaps their rights would also follow

0Angelina Grimké argued that men and women were equal in God’s eyes

Page 26: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Women’s Movement

0Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton started the Anti Slavery Society0 They would later organize the women’s rights

convention held at Seneca Falls (aka the Seneca Falls Convention)

0 Even Fredrick Douglass attended, and the delegates adopted the Declaration of Sentiments

Page 27: Bell Ringer The caption reads “To the Victor belong the Spoils”. What do you think this cartoon is trying to say about Andrew Jackson? What kind of spoils

The Women’s Movement

0Seneca Falls birthed the beginning of the Women’s Rights Movement

0 It inspired leaders such as Susan B. Anthony to push forward in their efforts