Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not last. Athlete A came in after E. Athlete D was not first. How did athletes A, B, and D place in the race?

Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

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Page 1: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Bell Ringer: May 6th 2011

Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not last. Athlete A came in after E. Athlete D was not first.

How did athletes A, B, and D place in the race?

Page 2: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Since C was third and E was second, A could only be first or fourth. Since A was behind E, A could not be first; therefore A is fourth. D could not be first, second, third or fourth, so D is fifth.

D = 5th A = 4th C = 3rd

E = 2nd B = 1st

Page 3: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Please turn to page 7 in your Packets

1. No 2. Eliminate 3. Compromise 4. Perfection 5. Time 6. Manage 7. One

8. Exercise 9. Enjoy10. Caffeine 11. Cope 12. Breathing

13. Criticism

Page 5: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

It’s time to relieve some stress!!!

Here comes the fun part!!

Leave everything at your desk….

Make sure you are quiet walking through the halls…

We are going to the far side of the soccer field…

Page 6: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Bell Ringer: May 10th 2011Match the type of vegetarian to its definition:

____1. Vegan ____2. Ovo Vegetarian ____3. Pesco-Vegetarian____4. Lacto Vegetarian____5. Semi-Vegetarians

A: Includes dairy products as a protein source

B: Total vegetarian C: Eggs are included in

these diets D:Fish, eggs, and dairy

products are included E: Small amounts of

meat, fish and chicken are included

Page 7: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


Stress Management Unit

Page 8: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Lesson 4: Note Sheet

_______________- medical condition in which the sufferer feels extreme sadness and a lack of energy (symptoms usually last for at least six months).

Page 9: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Signs of Depression

1. _________________________2. Loss of interest in activites 3. _________________________4. Constant tiredness5. _________________________6. Suicidal thoughts

Page 10: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Breaking down the signs even further:

Emotional signs Sad or down most of the time The need to cry often An “unfillable” emptiness Feels the future holds no hope Worse in the morning, gets better as the day goes

on Feels useless Unable to think clearly or concentrate Thoughts of death or suicide

Page 11: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


Social signs Loss of affection or

feelings for others Problems in school and

at home A need to be alone A desire to stay away

from classes, hobbies, or activities

Page 12: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


Physical signs: Slowed down; no energy Restless Insomnia Racing heartbeat Uninterested in dating Headache and backache Unable to care about your appearance Digestive upsets A desire to drink or use drugs

Page 13: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Signs and Symptoms of Teenage Depression

Sadness or hopelessness

Irritability, anger, or hostility

Tearfulness or frequent crying

Withdrawal from friends and family

Loss of interest in activities

Changes in eating and sleeping habits

Restlessness and agitation

Feelings of worthlessness and guilt

Lack of enthusiasm and motivation

Fatigue or lack of energy

Difficulty concentrating Thoughts of death or


Page 14: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Depression in Teens vs. Depression in Adults

Depression in teens can look very different from depression in adults. The following symptoms of depression are more common in teenagers than in their adult counterparts:

Irritable or angry mood – As noted above, irritability, rather than sadness, is often the predominant mood in depressed teens. A depressed teenager may be grumpy, hostile, easily frustrated, or prone to angry outbursts.

Unexplained aches and pains - Depressed teens frequently complain about physical ailments such as headaches or stomachaches. If a thorough physical exam does not reveal a medical cause, these aches and pains may indicate depression.

Page 15: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Teens vs. Adults

Extreme sensitivity to criticism - Depressed teens are plagued by feelings of worthlessness, making them extremely vulnerable to criticism, rejection, and failure. This is a particular problem for “over-achievers.”

Withdrawing from some, but not all people - While adults tend to isolate themselves when depressed, teenagers usually keep up at least some friendships. However, teens with depression may socialize less than before, pull away from their parents, or start hanging out with a different crowd.

Page 16: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Some Causes of Depression:

1. _______________ Accident Death in family

2. __________________ Being diagnosed with an illness Learning you only have so long to live

Page 17: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Effects of teen depression

The negative effects of teenage depression go far beyond a melancholy mood. Many rebellious and unhealthy behaviors or attitudes in teenagers are actually indications of depression.

Page 18: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Untreated Depression can lead to…

Problems at school Depression can cause low energy and concentration difficulties.

At school, this may lead to poor attendance, a drop in grades, or frustration with schoolwork in a formerly good student.

Running away Many depressed teens run away from home or talk about

running away. Such attempts are usually a cry for help. Substance abuse

Teens may use alcohol or drugs in an attempt to “self-medicate” their depression. Unfortunately, substance abuse only makes things worse.

Low self-esteem Depression can trigger and intensify feelings of ugliness,

shame, failure, and unworthiness.

Page 19: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


Eating disorders Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and yo-yo dieting are

often signs of unrecognized depression.Internet addiction

Teens may go online to escape from their problems. But excessive computer use only increases their isolation and makes them more depressed.

Self-injury Cutting, burning, and other kinds of self-mutilation

are almost always associated with depression.

Page 20: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


Reckless behavior Depressed teens may engage in dangerous or high-risk

behaviors, such as reckless driving, out-of-control drinking, and unsafe sex.

Violence Some depressed teens (usually boys who are the victims of

bullying) become violent. As in the case of the Columbine school massacre, self-hatred and a wish to die can erupt into violence and homicidal rage.

Suicide Teens who are seriously depressed often think, speak, or

make "attention-getting" attempts at suicide. Suicidal thoughts or behaviors should always be taken very seriously.

Page 21: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


1. Stress coping skills 2. _____________ 3. __________________

Teacher Counselor Friend Parent Professional therapist Mental health agencies

Page 22: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Helping a depressed teenager…

If you suspect that a teenager in your life is suffering from depression, take action right away. Depression is very damaging when left untreated, so don’t wait and hope that the symptoms will go away. Even if you’re unsure that depression is the issue, the troublesome behaviors and emotions you’re seeing are signs of a problem. Whether or not that problem turns out to be depression, it still needs to be addressed - the sooner the better.

Page 23: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Lesson 5 note sheet

Suicide: the act of intentionally taking one’s life, is a by-product of mental illness that is TREATABLE!

Each day, 1500 Americans attempt it and 80 succeed.

Page 24: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not


Suicide Risk= Symptoms + Signal + Variables


Symptoms __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Page 25: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Signals (behaviors)






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Variables (factors)





Page 27: Bell Ringer: May 6 th 2011 Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race. Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. Athlete A was not

Sources of Help

Same as Depression Stress coping skills Talking Other resources

Hotline- 1800-273-TALK (8255) Suicide Prevention/Crisis Center

You need to: ______________ ______________ ______________