Sunday, August 10, 2014 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 - Email:[email protected] Page 1 No. 151 SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2008 Price $1.00 *STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR8*8TAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR* *STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR* STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR No. 409 Sunday, August 10, 2014 Price $1.00 SAN IGNACIO TOWN, Cayo, Wednesday, July 30, 2014: A man caught carrying a washing machine on his shoulder in the early hours of the morning on Monday, July 28, was arrested, charged and denied bail. Police on mobile patrol shortly after 3:00 am on Monday, July 28, in the Bradley’s Bank area of Santa Elena town reportedly came upon a male person of Hispanic decent carrying a washing machine on his shoulder. When questioned he was unable to provide a reasonable response for his action. He was detained Novelo Caught In The Act and transported to the police station in San Ignacio along with the PL Laundromat brand, 6 kilo washing machine. The detainee was identified as Armando Novelo, 24, Belizean mason residing in the Hill View Area of Santa Elena Town. The detainee was still in police custody when at around 5:00 am on Tuesday, July 29, Christine Codd , Belizean housewife residing in Bradley’s Bank, visited the police station and reported that her washing machine was missing from its usual spot on the verandah of her house. The machine held by the police was shown to her whereby she immediately and positively identified it as being her property resulting in the formal arresting and the issuance of a theft charge to Armando Novelo. Novelo appeared before magistrate Herbert Panton, in San Ignacio magistrate’s court on Wednesday, July 30 where, before pleading not guilty to the theft charge, said to magistrate Panton, “I neva thief it, I buy it”. He was advised to leave all statements for the trial. Magistrate Panton concurred with the prosecutor’s request for the denial of bail. Novelo was consequently remanded to prison with the next court date set for, Wednesday, September 3, 2014. Police Holds Public Meeting WELCOME CENTER, San Ignacio Town, Cayo, Wednesday, August 7, 2014: Over one hundred residents of San Ignacio, Santa Elena and surrounding villages gathered today at the Welcome Center in San Ignacio Town to listen to the police report on the local crime situation and citizen security plans. The meeting was called by the Officer Commanding the San Ignacio police formation, Superintendent of Police, Dinsdale Thompson. Sitting at the head table with Supt. Thompson and likewise addressing the gathering were Please Turn To Page 3 ACP, Aaron Guzman, OC Cayo (Police) District Supt. Dinsdale Thompson, OC San Ignacio Police

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No. 151 SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2008 Price $1.00






















No. 409 Sunday, August 10, 2014 Price $1.00

SAN IGNACIO TOWN, Cayo,Wednesday, July 30, 2014: A man caught carryinga washing machine on hisshoulder in the early hours ofthe morning on Monday, July 28,was arrested, charged and deniedbail. Police on mobile patrol shortlyafter 3:00 am on Monday, July28, in the Bradley’s Bank area ofSanta Elena town reportedlycame upon a male person ofHispanic decent carrying awashing machine on his shoulder.When questioned he was unableto provide a reasonable responsefor his action. He was detained

Novelo Caught In The Actand transported to the policestation in San Ignacio along withthe PL Laundromat brand, 6 kilowashing machine. The detaineewas identified as ArmandoNovelo, 24, Belizean masonresiding in the Hill View Area ofSanta Elena Town. The detainee was still in policecustody when at around 5:00 amon Tuesday, July 29, ChristineCodd, Belizean housewiferesiding in Bradley’s Bank,visited the police station andreported that her washingmachine was missing from itsusual spot on the verandah of herhouse. The machine held by the

police was shown to her wherebyshe immediately and positivelyidentified it as being her propertyresulting in the formal arrestingand the issuance of a theft chargeto Armando Novelo. Novelo appeared beforemagistrate Herbert Panton, inSan Ignacio magistrate’s court onWednesday, July 30 where,before pleading not guilty to the

theft charge, said to magistratePanton, “I neva thief it, I buy it”.He was advised to leave allstatements for the trial.Magistrate Panton concurredwith the prosecutor’s requestfor the denial of bail. Novelowas consequently remandedto prison with the next courtdate set for, Wednesday,September 3, 2014.

Police HoldsPublic Meeting

WELCOME CENTER, SanIgnacio Town, Cayo,Wednesday, August 7, 2014: Over one hundred residents ofSan Ignacio, Santa Elena andsurrounding villages gatheredtoday at the Welcome Center inSan Ignacio Town to listen to thepolice report on the local crimesituation and citizen securityplans.

The meeting was called bythe Officer Commanding theSan Ignacio police formation,Superintendent of Police,Dinsdale Thompson. Sitting at the head table withSupt. Thompson and likewiseaddressing the gathering were

Please Turn To Page 3ACP, Aaron Guzman,

OC Cayo (Police) District

Supt. Dinsdale Thompson,OC San Ignacio Police

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Who Is Lying? Who Is Telling The Truth? If there is any truth in the mostrecent allegation, against the PUPStandard Bearer in the BelizeRural North constituencyregarding impropriety involvinglarge sums of missing moneyfrom a client, then the accusedmight just be in for very roughtimes ahead. While we sit on opposite sides ofthe political divide, for the sake of hissanity, his political aspirations andindeed his entire well being, we wishhim no ill. The allegations againsthim however are extremelyserious in nature given that, inmonths just past, he portrayedhimself as the vanguard for allthat is right. Even more seriousis that at one juncture in his lifehe was aspiring to become theleader of the political party towhich he belongs, an aspirationthat, who knows, he might still beharboring in the back deeprecesses of his mind. The complainant in this matterwould be venturing into dangerousterritory in the advancement of falsecharges against this individual. Therevelations of the sequence of eventshowever presents diametricallyopposite versions of what

actually transpired; hence it canbe safe to draw the assumptionthat one party is telling the truthwhile the other is not beingtruthful. The million dollar (nopun intended) question hadtherefore got to be: Who is lyingand who is telling the truth? Leading the charge for theinstitution of possible criminalaction against the accused is asenior counsel cut from samepolitical stock as the accused, theproceedings, as it currentlystands, therefore cannot attractallegation of the involvementof the usual raw politicalmaneuvering as was the casewhen the very man who standsaccused today, was leading thecharge against his politicalopponent in the Belize RuralNorth constituency in a matterthat fades in comparison to theallegation now looking himdirectly in the face. It is written somewhere: “Towhom much is given, much isexpected”. In the past severalmonths the accused stood as thevanguard for all that is right. Howcould he therefore, if he truly has,have fallen from his perch on

high? The interview with the accused,aired on Channel 7’s Thursdayevening newscast, seems to havecome across as, if not an outrightdisplay of arrogance, bordering veryclose thereto. The unfolding of this matterwill be very interesting tofollow. One thing is for certainhowever: It has opened an interparty wound, cutting at the verycore of the opposition, a deep,deep wound that will never soonheal.

Given that the allegation seemsto have all the elements requiredfor the levying of a theft chargeagainst the accused. Furthermore,given that it directly andindividually implicates one who isseeking an elected position on hisparty’s ticket for the next generalelection, the silence on the partof the leader of the opposition isdeafening. Is this how leaders act?Do they simply wait in the wingshoping that matters of thisserious nature just “blow awaylike a lee breeze?”

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Ernie Braun

SAN IGNACIO TOWN, Cayo,Thursday, August 7, 2014: The Cristo Rey village home ofJeffery Gonzalez was reportedlyburglarized between 8:00 am and

Garcia Accused of Burglarizing

His Sister’s House1:00 pm on Wednesday, August6. In making the report to thepolice, Gonzalez informed themof the prime suspect being hisbrother-in-law, Selvin Garcia,

also residing in Cristo Reyvillage. The police visited the scenewhere they observed that entrywas gained by breaking thelock on the front door. In hisstatement to the policerequesting court action, Gonzalezitemized the missing propertyas a gold engagement ringvalued at $900, a black Cannonbrand digital camera valued at$400, an Apple brand iPodvalued at $400 and a blackGucci brand wrist watch valued at$600, all for a total value of$2,300. While the police report ismute on the recovery of anyof the alleged stolen items,swift police action led to

the detention of the 19 yearold brother in law. He wastransported to the police stationin San Ignacio where he wasprocessed and issued with aburglary charge. The accused Belizeanlaborer appeared beforemagistrate Levi Moe, onThursday, August 7, where hepled not guilty to the burglarycharge and was offered bail. The offering of bail was shortlived as prosecutor GeorgeGomez rose in objection to thegranting of bail on the basis of theaccused having a prior aggravatedassault charge. Magistrate Moeconcurred with the prosecutions’request thereby proceeding toremand the accused to prison. Thematter was adjourned toWednesday, September 3, 2014.

Police Holds Public Meeting

Continued From Front Page

Supt. (r) Rudolph Orio

Thompson’s deputy, InspectorReymundo Reyes; AssistantCommissioner of Police, AaronGuzman in his capacity as theOfficer Commanding the Cayo(Police) District; JulianSherrard, Chair of the People’sCoalition of Cayo; neighborhoodwatch Chair, Ernie Braun andretired Superintendent of PoliceRudoplh Orio currently servingas the National Coordinatorfor Citizens On Patrol (COPS)program.

The primary purposethe meeting was to informthe community of thedrastic decrease in majorcrimes within the community.This success, informed the

Insp. Reymundo Reyes2nd In Command

San Ignacio Police

Julian Sherrard

police, was due primarily toeffective police patrols, rapidpolice response to reports andthe quick apprehension ofoffenders. While the police werecommended for the reported

UDP Mayoral Candidate,Councilor Earl Trapp

decrease in crimes, residentsrequested further decreases. Thepolice informed that the bestway to further decrease crimes isfor the community to continueworking in partnership with thepolice. For its part, the policeinformed of the close

collaboration with thecommunity, especially thebusiness community in theimportant crime reductioneffort. The police furtherencouraged communities toform neighborhood watch groupsoffering assistance in thisendeavor.

Don’t Be A LitterDon’t Be A LitterDon’t Be A LitterDon’t Be A LitterDon’t Be A LitterBug!!!Bug!!!Bug!!!Bug!!!Bug!!!

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Global health experts at theWorld Health Organization(WHO) are meeting to discussnew measures to tackle the Ebolaoutbreak. The meeting is expected to lasttwo days and will decide whetherto declare a global healthemergency. On Wednesday, a mansuspected to have contractedEbola died in Saudi Arabia. Ifconfirmed, this will be the firstEbola-related death outside ofAfrica. The virus has killed nearly 900people since February in WestAfrica. The outbreak began in Februaryin Guinea, and has since spreadto Liberia, Sierra Leone andNigeria. On Wednesday a nurse becamethe second person to die fromEbola in Nigeria. Nigeria's health minister said

Ebola: Global Experts BeginEmergency Talks At WHO

Airports in Nigeria are now screening passengers forEbola on arrival

Please Turn To Page 15

five other cases of Ebola werebeing treated in isolation inLagos, sub-Saharan Africa'slargest city. It comes as leading infectiousdisease experts have called forexperimental treatments to beoffered more widely. Two US aid workers whocontracted Ebola in Liberiaappear to be improving afterreceiving an unapprovedmedicine ahead of theirevacuation back to the US. But it is not clear if the ZMappdrug, which has only been testedon monkeys, can be credited withtheir improvement. Prof Peter Piot, who co-discovered Ebola in 1976, ProfDavid Heymann, the head ofthe Centre on Global HealthSecurity, and Wellcome Trustdirector Prof Jeremy Farrarsaid there were several drugs andvaccines being studied for

possible use against Ebola. "African governments shouldbe allowed to make informeddecisions about whether or notto use these products - forexample to protect and treathealthcare workers whorun especially high risks ofinfection," they wrote in a jointstatement. The WHO, "the onlybody with the necessary

international authority" toallow such experimentaltreatments, "must take on thisgreater leadership role", theysaid. The meeting of the WHO'semergency committee in Genevais focusing solely on how torespond to the Ebola outbreak. If a public health emergency isdeclared it could also involve

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AUGUST 1, 2014:How Do I Let It Go?

SUZIE ELLER "Do not remember the formerthings, Nor consider the thingsof old. Behold, I will do a newthing, Now it shall spring forth;Shall you not know it? I will evenmake a road in the wilderness,And rivers in the desert." Isaiah43:18-19 (NKJV) Three-year-old Elle arched herarm and pointed her fingers."You're frozen, Gaga!" I stopped in place, one armbehind me, the other in the air.She giggled, then quickly unfrozeme. If you are in the vicinity ofanyone under the age of 6, you'refamiliar with the movie, Frozen.In it, two sisters struggle in theirrelationship with each other andin finding acceptance. At one point Elsa, the oldersister, sings these words: "Let it go, let it go ... "And I'll rise like the break ofdawn ..."

Let it go. Those are words I sensed Godspeaking to me years ago.

How Do I Let It Go? Let go of the past that youcannot undo. Let go of the warped view youhave of yourself. It doesn't matchthe one I have as your HeavenlyFather. Let go of the hurts that holdyou too tightly. Just as I playfully stood frozenwhile my granddaughter giggled,there was another time when Ifelt frozen. I couldn't take a steptoward healing. "Let it go, sweet daughter,"was a whisper I heard from Godto discover the Suzie He sawme to be. Maybe you've sensed Godasking you to let something — orsomeone — go. Let go of the mistakes youonce made. I've forgiven you. Let go of the anger that'sconsuming your thoughts. Let go of condemnation, so youcan live free. You want that desperately, butit can be hard to let go when youdon't know what that means. MayI share the definition of letting gowith you? It was freeing for mewhen I finally understood it.

Letting go is giving up what isbeyond your control to embracewhat you can change. In Isaiah 43:18-19, God spoketo His people through theprophet Isaiah saying: "Do notremember the former things,Nor consider the things of old.Behold, I will do a new thing,Now it shall spring forth; Shallyou not know it? I will even makea road in the wilderness, Andrivers in the desert." The people held so tightly tothe past that they missed the newthings God wanted to show them. God speaks the same warningand truth to us. We can't controlthe past, but we can focus on themiracles around us today. We can't control the words thatonce shaped our hearts, but wecan replace them with truth fromScripture. We can't control negativepeople, but we can choose joy forourselves. Letting go isn't easy in thebeginning, because holding on isour natural response. But there'sso much hope! Just as the prophetIsaiah describes new roads inthe desert and rivers in thewilderness, as we give up what wecan't control to embrace what wecan change, new ways ofthinking, relating and living arecarved into our very being. And the beautiful thing aboutletting go? It doesn't just change us. It has the power to alter the nextgeneration, and the next afterthat, like the cute little

blonde-haired, blue-eyeddarling chasing her Gaga throughthe house, singing, "Let it go!" Dear Jesus, I've wanted to let gofor a long time, but I didn't knowhow to do that. Now that I do, I'mready to take that leap of faith. Igive up what I cannot control toembrace what I can. Thank Youfor carving new roads in thedesert of my heart and newrivers in the wilderness of mylife. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

TRUTH FOR TODAY: Philippians 3:12-14, "Not thatI have already obtained this oram already perfect, but I presson to make it my own, becauseChrist Jesus has made me hisown. Brothers, I do not considerthat I have made it my own. Butone thing I do: forgetting whatlies behind and strainingforward to what lies ahead, Ipress on toward the goal for theprize of the upward call of Godin Christ Jesus." (ESV)

RELATED RESOURCES:Suzie's newest book, TheMended Heart: God's Healingfor Your Broken Places is apowerful resource to help youas you heal from pastheartaches. Would you like to bring SuzieEller to your church? Click hereto learn more about Suzie as yournext retreat or keynote speaker.You can also visit Suzie's blogtoday, where she takes this topicdeeper. You might also enjoy KarenEhman's book, Let. It. Go.Contributed BY: Janice Swift

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BY: Josh Code Belizean producer Rubio"Josh The Code" Tzib willbe Releasing a new CD underhis record label RVM recordson Saturday, 9 August 2014 atCosta Maya in San Pedro Town.The tittle of the CD is "K.O.BThe Gold Edition" highlightingJosh The Code as the producer,engineer and composer. The Album is a compilationof various talented artist fromthe beautiful country of Belize,artists such as Roni BT-Romeo del Sentimeinto,Osky la Ultima Pieza,Cholin el Pirate, El ToroFerros and Blondy D Melody.Also debuting in the album

Roni B Releases New CD

Rubio "Josh The Code" TzibRoni Banosare new artists such as Alexand Brian and Frequency 3. Also participating inthe launching of this CD areinvited guests, "Romantic Boys"from Guatemala, which is

a very popular group with theirhit Single "There is Love/hay Amor" which is playingnation wide and on most radiostations in Belize, alsointernationally. This album created andorganized by Josh, T-Romeoand Roni B is a fresh fusion ofmusical styles such as soca,

punta, and latin music which iscomposed and sang in Englishand Spanish. The music video forthis Album is in progress. The CD has a lot of energy andvarious musical styles likeElectro Pop, Punta, Merengueurbano, Hip hop and Reggaeton,of course. The Album has alreadybeen distributed across thecountry of Belize, and it is alsoavailable in itunes, amazon andother online digital stores. We would like to take this timeto thank the general publicincluding all our fans for theirnumerous support they have givento us and for also believing in us. We would like to incourage youto like us on Facebook at RONIB MUSIC or follow us onTwitter at RVMRECORDSBZ forpictures, free music, musicvideos and much more.Weencourage you to continuesupport us. We love you.

BY: Kar en SchenkAugust 10, 2014Submitted By Janice Swift“Now may God our Fatherhimself and our Lord Jesusdirect our way to you.”1 Thessalonians 3:11 I’ll never forget the momentwhen my husband held each ofour children in his arms the firsttime. The almost instant andcomplete adoration for eachchild was remarkable! As thechildren grew, I continued tomarvel at the evidence of myhusband’s love for each of them.His profound love for every childhas helped shape them to becomegodly young men and women. As I study Scripture and see themany references to God as beingour Father, I read time and timeagain where the Bible uses“Father” in a context where itstresses God’s loving care,provision, discipline, andsuggests the way we are toaddress God in prayer. God, asour Father, clears the way so thatwe can come to Him and have adeep and rich relationship withHim. He desires that! I have a loving father and myrelationship with him made itnatural for me to see God as aloving Dad who guided me,corrected me and wanted the bestfor me. For others, the word‘father’ brings many grimmemories. Others had fatherswho have caused much hurt intheir lives and have left them withdeep “father wounds”. Thesewounds make it difficult to seeGod the Father as a loving Dadwho desires the best for them. Itmay take years, professional help

or even a lifetime to forgive anddeal with the pain. If this is yourstory, I pray that God wouldreveal Himself in a brand newway today. Lord, I thank You so much thatYou love us deeply. I pray that ifthere is anything in my life thatinterferes with me experiencingYour love the way You intend, thatYou would reveal that to me sothat I can be free to love You andexperience You as God, the Fa-ther, the way You desire. ThankYou for loving me. Please wrapthose who face ‘father wounds’ inYour arms. Hold them close,Lord, and reveal to them thewarmth of Your love. In Jesus’Name. Amen

Action Step Take some time and write outsome examples of how God, asthe perfect Father, shows His loveto you. Embrace that love, andthen pray about how you couldshare that love with others. If yourown relationship with your fatherhas caused you pain and thatstrained relationship affects howyou see God, begin to pray aboutsteps you could take so that youcan truly experience God’s lovefor you the way He intends it tobe.



The Ultimate Father

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A young doctor had just openedoffice and felt really excited. Hissecretary told him a man was hereto see him. The young doctor toldher to send him in. Pretending to be a busy doctor,he picked up the phone just asthe man came in. "Yes, that's

The Busy Doctorright. The fee is $200. Yes,I'll expect you ten past two.Alright. No later. I'm a very busyman." He hung up and turned to theman waiting. "May I help you?" "No," said the man, "I justcame in to install the phone."

Mrs. Smith, an elderly woman,went into the doctor's office.When the doctor asked why shewas there, she replied, "I'd liketo have some birth controlpills." Quite surprised, the doctorthought for a minute and thensaid, "Excuse me, Mrs. Smith,but you're 75 years old. Whatpossible use could you have for

Birth Control Pillsbirth control pills?" The woman responded, "Theyhelp me sleep better." The doctor thought some moreand continued, "How in theworld do birth control pillshelp you to sleep?" The woman said, "I put themin my granddaughter's orangejuice and I sleep better atnight."

Once there was a woman whohad a baby at the age of 85. Theneighbor lady across the streetwas thrilled to see the baby.When the old woman returnhome from the hospital she wasin perfect health, so the lady ven-tured across the street to ask tosee the newborn babe. Sheknocked on the door and heardthe new mama call out, "Comeon in. It's open." So she went on in. She askedthe older lady if she could seethe baby and the older woman re-plied, "You can see the baby ina minute. He is sleeping." Sothey proceeded to have some teaand cookies. Later, the younger lady looked

at her watch and realized that thetime had gotten away from them.So, she asked again if she couldsee the baby. This time the olderwoman seemed to be a littleannoyed. Finally the youngerwoman said, "I really don'tunderstand why you will notlet me see the baby. It has beenthree hours and I am stillwaiting to see him." With that the older womanreplied, "I know you havebeen here for quite sometime and have showedremarkable patience with me.The truth is I keep hoping thebaby will wake up and start tocry so I can remember where Iput him!"

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After being away on business,Tim thought it would be nice tobring his wife a little gift. "Howabout some perfume?" he askedthe cosmetics clerk. She showed him a bottlecosting $50.00. "That's a bit much," said Tim,so she returned with a smaller

bottle for $30.00. "That's still quite a bit," Timcomplained. Growing annoyed, the clerkbrought out a tiny $15.00 bottle. "What I mean," said Tim, "isI'd like to see something reallycheap." The clerk handed him a mirror.

Perfume Purchase

Mildred, the church gossipand self-appointed arbiter ofthe church's morals, keptsticking her nose in the othermembers' private lives. Churchmembers were unappreciativeof her activities, but fearedher enough to maintain theirsilence. She made a mistake, however,when she accused George, a newmember, of being an alcoholicafter she saw his pickup truckparked in front of the town's only

bar one afternoon. She commented to George andothers that everyone seeing itthere would know what he wasdoing. George, a man of few words,stared at her for a moment andjust walked away. He didn'texplain, defend, or deny; he saidnothing. Later that evening, Georgequietly parked his pickup in frontof Mildred's house... and left itthere all night!

Church Gossip

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A data privacy campaigner hassigned up 25,000 people to a"class action lawsuit" beingtaken against Facebook. Max Schrems alleges that theway the social network monitorsits members' activity on and offthe site puts it in breach of EUlaws. As part of the claim, he alsoalleges that the companyco-operated with Prism, a USsurveillance scheme. Facebook has previouslydenied knowing about Prismbefore it was mentioned in leakedUS government documents. The company has, however,acknowledged complying withnational security requests fromUS government agencies. Facebook has not commentedon the wider case being broughtagainst it. The BBC understands it doesnot plan to respond until it hasbeen served the relevant papers.

Facebook search Mr Schrems asked Facebookusers based outside the US andCanada who wished to take partin the case to sign up via an app.

Facebook Sued By 25,000 Members

The case is targeted against thecompany's Irish subsidiary, whichis responsible for all accountsbelonging to users outside ofNorth America. It has been filedwith the Commercial Court forVienna, the 26 year old's homecity. Among the allegations are thatFacebook broke EU privacy lawsby introducing: Graph Search - a facilityallowing users to find out aboutother members' activities on thesocial network

External website tracking -monitoring members through theLike buttons embedded intothird-party webpages Big data analysis - the abilityto gain insights into Facebookmembers' by data-crunching thebillions of interactions peoplehave with the site every year

Model case Mr Schrems is demanding 500euros ($667, £396) in damagesfor each of the first 25,000people who signed up to the case. While the Austrian legal

system does not make provisionfor US-style class actions, MrSchrems is working round this bygetting the other participants totransfer their financial claims tohim, which is permitted. If he wins he intends to sharethe money after delivering a 20%cut to a German firm that isfunding the case. While the promised payoutmight have helped him attractsupport, Mr Schrems says themoney is a side-issue. Instead, he explains, the disputewith Facebook is intended tobe a "model case" that sets aprecedent addressing the widerproblem of tech firm developingproducts that comply with USlaws, but are not adapted for othercountries' rules. "It is not an epic fight withFacebook but more of a generalquestion of where we aregoing and if we respect ourfundamental rights in Europe,"he told the BBC. "Right now I have the feelingthat we love to point the fingerat the US in Europe, and saythey are not respecting ourprivacy. But the reality is thatwe don't really do anything

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Chikungunya is an infectioncaused by the Chikungunya virus.It causes an illness with an acutefebrile phase lasting two to fivedays, followed by a longer periodof joint pains in the extremities;this pain may persist for years insome cases. The disease is transmittedsimilarly to dengue fever. Itis transmitted to humansby virus-carrying Aedesmosquitoes. Specifically, thereare two species of mosquitoes,A. albopictus and A. aegypti, thatare extrinsic hosts (vectors) ofchikungunya virus. The strain ofchikungunya spreading to theUS from the Caribbean is mosteasily spread by A. aegypti. Thereis concern that this strain ofchikungunya could mutate tomake the A. albopictus vectormore efficient. If this mutationwere to occur, chikungunyawould be more of a public healthconcern to the US. The A.albopictus or "Asian Tiger"mosquito is more widespread inthe US and is more aggressivethan the A. aegypti. It is knownthat monkeys, apes, and rodentsact as a reservoir for the virus.Having rodents as a viralreservoir for chikungunya differsfrom that of dengue which hasonly humans and nonhumanprimates as hosts.

Signs and symptoms The incubation period ofchikungunya disease ranges fromone to twelve days, typically two

ChikungunyaChikungunyaChikungunyaChikungunyaChikungunyato three. The majority of thoseinfected will develop symptoms.Symptoms include a fever up to40 °C (104 °F), a petechial ormaculopapular rash of the trunkand occasionally the limbs, andarthralgia or arthritis affectingmultiple joints. Other nonspecific symptomscan include headache, nausea,vomiting, conjunctivitis, slightphotophobia and partial loss oftaste. Ocular inflammation fromchikungunya may present asiridocyclitis. Retinal lesionsmay also occur. Pedal edema(swelling of legs) is observed inmany people, the cause of whichremains obscure as it is notrelated to any cardiovascular,renal or hepatic abnormalities. Typically, the fever lasts for twodays and then ends abruptly. How-ever, other symptoms—namelyjoint pain, intense headache, in-somnia and an extreme degree ofprostration—last for a variableperiod; usually for about five toseven days. People have com-plained of joint pains for muchlonger time periods; some as longas two years, depending on theirage. Recovery from the diseasevaries by age. Younger peoplerecover within 5 to 15 days;middle-aged people recover in 1to 2.5 months. Recovery islonger for the elderly. The sever-ity of the disease as well as itsduration is less in younger peopleand pregnant women. In pregnantwomen, no untoward effects are

noticed after the infection.Prevention

The most effective means ofprevention are protection againstcontact with the disease-carryingmosquitoes and mosquito con-trol. These include using insectrepellents with substances suchas DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide; also known asN , N ' - d i e t h y l - 3 -methylbenzamide or NNDB),icaridin (also known aspicaridin and KBR3023), PMD( p -men thane -3 ,8 -d io l , asubstance derived from thelemon eucalyptus tree), orIR3535. Wearing bite-proof longsleeves and trousers also offersprotection. In addition, garments can betreated with pyrethroids, a class

Asian Tiger Mosquito - Attacking

of insecticides that often hasrepellent properties. Vaporizedpyrethroids (for example inmosquito coils) are also insectrepellents. Securing screens onwindows and doors will help tokeep mosquitoes out of thehouse. In the case of the day-active Aedes aegypti and Aedesalbopictus, however, this willhave only a limited effect, sincemany contacts between themosquitoes and humans occuroutside.

Tr eatment Currently there is no specifictreatment. Attempts to relieve thesymptoms include the use ofNSAIDs such as naproxen,paracetamol (acetaminophen)and fluids. Aspirin is notrecommended.

The Arm Of An Infected Patient

We AMS To Please

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SAN IGNACIO TOWN, Cayo,Thursday, August 7, 2014: Friends of Conservationand Development (FCD), anon-profit organization chargedwith the responsibility to protectthe Chiquibul Reserve in theMountain Pine Area of the CayoDistrict, today held closingceremonies for European Union’sECP-FLEGT project 2013-2014at the Rumors Resort on thewestern outskirts of San IgnacioTown. During the ceremony RafaelManzanero, FCD’s ExecutiveDirector and his team receivedspecial commendation for thewonderful work they do in thenational reserve. In his presentation Manzaneroinformed that the majorchallenges confronting FCD inthe Chiquibul are illegal logging,the illegal panning for gold and theextraction of the exotic Xateplant.

Protecting The ChiquibulProtecting The ChiquibulProtecting The ChiquibulProtecting The ChiquibulProtecting The Chiquibul

In order to enhance itscapacity the FCD plans toundertake the following: a) The creation of a jointenforcement task force to bet-ter patrol the area, b) the upgrading of key posts inorder to recruit qualified staff c) the search for additionalfunding to cover recurrentoperational costs such as ve-hicle, vehicle maintenance, fuel,supplies, equipment and salaries,and d) legal training and legislativechange in order to increase therate of convictions. Recent successes of the FCDin the execution of its dutiesinclude the arrest and success-ful conviction of several offend-ers, all Guatemalans, on chargesranging from illegal entry, ille-gal logging and the illegal pos-session of arms and ammunition.The FCD has also confiscatedone hundred and sixteen fitcheswhich were later burnt due to theinability to transport them out ofthe reserve given the terrain androad conditions to Caracol andLas Quevas. They have alsotaken possession of six horsesabandoned by those engaged inillegal activities as they fleepossible detention and

Manzanero additionallyinformed of the complexitiesinvolved, given that Guatemalansresiding in neighboringcommunities are majoroffenders who operate primarilyduring nighttime hours therebyposing extreme difficulties forenforcement as the FCD lacks thecapacity to conduct patrols aftersunset. In terms of staffing the FCDcurrently operates with a managerand eight rangers. In furtherstrengthening its enforcementcapabilities, Manzanero informedof the planned creation of a JointEnforcement Unit comprisingelements from the BelizeDefence Force, the Belize PoliceDepartment and of course FCDRangers. Notwithstandingcurrent challenges the FCDcontinues to protect the reservewhilst instituting mechanisms toreduce the loss of biodiversity inthe area under its charge.

subsequent arrests. With Guatemalans as primaryoffenders, the FCD isaggressively seeking theconsolidation of bi-nationalcollaboration and thedevelopment of strategies withGuatemalan authorities toaddress incidents of incursionsinto the national territoryof Belize as well as to minimizethe detention and possibleincarceration of Guatemalans. Manzanero informed that theChiquibul Forest Reservecomprises 7.7 percent of Belize’sland mass. It comprises plushforests with an abundance offlora and fauna and a wide arrayof exotic woods. Manzanero additionallyinformed of the recording of 439illegally logged cedar andmahogany trees with a combinedvalue of almost 10 million USdollars (4.2M in cedar andalmost 5.2 M in mahogany).Given this statistics, thequestions being asked are: Howmuch do you value theChiquibul? What is it worth toyou? Do you think we canstop illegal activities espe-cially logging in the reserve?Who is brave enough to work andprotect what is ours?

“This is yourUDP

Governmentat work in


Hon. DeanBarrow,Prime

Minister ofBelize

VVVVVeneeneeneeneenezuela To Closezuela To Closezuela To Closezuela To Closezuela To CloseColombia BorColombia BorColombia BorColombia BorColombia Border Eacder Eacder Eacder Eacder Each Nih Nih Nih Nih Nightghtghtghtght

You never

know how strong

you are until

being strong

is the only choice

you have.Bob MarleyBob MarleyBob MarleyBob MarleyBob Marley

Venezuela says it will close itsborder with Colombia at night fromMonday, to try to stop large-scalesmuggling of petrol and food. The government says that tonnes ofgoods - produced in Venezuela andheavily subsidised - are sold inColombia at much higher prices. The shortage of many staples inVenezuela's western border area thisyear led to anti-government protests. The border closure was agreed withthe Colombian government. President Nicolas Madurodiscussed the measures with hisColombian counterpart, JuanManuel Santos, at a summit on 1August. The 2,200km-long (1,360 miles)border will be closed between 22:00local time and 05:00 every night. Cargo vehicles, including vans andlorries, will be banned from crossingfrom Venezuela to Colombia between18:00 and 05:00. The cross-border smuggling is alsoa problem for Colombia, with a bigloss in taxes and complaints of unfaircompetition by local businessmen. The profits are often used to financedrug gangs and left-wing guerrillas,says the BBC's Ar tur o Wallace inBogota. More than 40 million litres of petroland 21,000 tonnes of food have beenseized so far this year. "They were ready to besmuggled across the border," saidthe head of the Venezuelan ArmedForces Strategic Operational

Command, Vladimir PadrinoLopez. "That amount of food is enoughto feed 700,000 people for amonth," he added. Mr Maduro's left-wing governmentsubsidises petrol and many foodstaples, such as milk, rice and pasta,which are sold at controlled prices. But it says that up to 40% of thegoods produced in Venezuela end upon the other side of the border. Dissatisfaction with the shortage ofmany staples, as well as rampantcrime and high inflation, led thousandsof people in the western Venezuelanstates of Tachira and Merida to taketo the streets in January. The protests quickly spread to therest of Venezuela, which facedsimilar problems. The opposition blames failedleft-wing policies of the past 15 years- initiated with the late president,Hugo Chavez - for the country'seconomic crisis.

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ARIES:Mar ch 22 to April 20

Though there's a fun element tothe week, you'll also be aware of adifficult issue that needs attention. Forinstance, the heady enjoyment ofromance might contrast withproblems around finances, which takethe edge off of a date night or specialoccasion. Things might be made allthe more difficult as your motivationcould limp along on Thursday andFriday. You'll need to summon yourenergy and make a determined effortto face up to whatever is botheringyou. It's party time over theweekend! Lucky numbers: 02, 20,35.

TAURUS: April 21 to May 21

There may be a power strugglegoing on, so be careful what you sayif you want to come out of it lookinggood. Words can sting, especially atthis time when Mars in Scorpio canencourage heated disagreements. Yetwith a little diplomacy you'll be ableto talk through matters and sootheruffled feathers. Over the weekendthe Full Moon in Aquarius suggestsyou may be in the spotlight for onereason or another. You'll also get achance to reflect upon your goals andpriorities. Lucky numbers: 72, 88,92.

GEMINI: May 22 to June 21

There's a lively social undertonethis week encouraging you to pursuecontacts, friendships, andmemberships. Yet you may need towork hard at communicating with asignificant other, particularly if you'renot seeing eye-to-eye. Stubbornnesscould be a major stumbling blockif neither of you is willing tocompromise. Perhaps you both wantthe same thing in the end, which you'llfind out by keeping the conversationgoing. Meanwhile, there's a chanceof romance over the weekend.Lucky numbers: 46, 54, 69.

CANCERJune 21 to July 21

Directing your energy into the rightchannels brings opportunities forsuccess. In this case, brainstormingmoneymaking ideas and coming up withcreative outlets for your talents couldsubstantially increase your income.When it comes to romance, though, alove interest could be irritable and hardto please. Persuading the person to joinyou for a social outing or date nightcould be an uphill struggle. But theweekend Full Moon could be yoursaving grace in this regard,encouraging positive interaction. Luckynumbers: 09, 19, 29.

LEO:July 24 to August 21

You're vibrating to the social buzz ofsummer and eager to mix and mingle

Your Weekly Horoscope and Lucky Numberswith pals and associates. And you'retruly in your element with yourastrological ruler, the Sun, in your sign.But you could be treading a fine linewhen it comes to home and familymatters. Your upbeat mood could beoffset by someone's darker and moremanipulative energy. However, the FullMoon on Sunday may push you intosaying things you've been holding back- to good effect. Lucky numbers: 32,43, 57.

VIRGO:August 22 to September 21

Though you may be busy this week,the current lineup hints that this is a goodtime to relax and recharge. With afocus on your spiritual sector, yourinner world and inner life may seemmore appealing and even moreimportant than your day-to-daycircumstances. Meditating andreflecting on your goals and dreamscould be particularly rewarding,especially if you've been feelinguncertain about a course of action. Timeout can bring valuable insights andclarity concerning decisions that needto be made. Lucky numbers: 61, 77,83.

LIBRA:September 22 to October 23

With partnership activitystimulated, there may be a few kinksand disagreements to work throughbefore you can make progress thisweek. At times you could hit up againstcommunication problems that mightnot yield easily to discussion orcompromise. However, with afabulous social scene showing up, timespent with friends can help ease anyheartache. The result will be that you'llbegin to see things from a healthierand more relaxed perspective.However, aim for sensitivity whendealing with loved ones. Luckynumbers: 65, 76, 98.

SCORPIO:October 24 to November 21

A fortunate trend provides freedomof action and the chance to showcaseyour skills and abilities to good effect.With a sizzling focus on career,opportunities abound for enhancingwork and business success. However,you may need to clear up unfinishedbusiness first in order to be ready fornew and exciting projects. Therecould be a conflict of interest that you'llneed to resolve before you can takeadvantage of the smorgasbord offavorable circumstances on offer. TheFull Moon is excellent for partyingover the weekend. Lucky numbers:13, 26, 39.

SAGITTARIUS:November 22 to December 21

The urge to get away is strong,which could mean getting lost in adaydream, fantasy, good book, ormovie. Equally, you'll be eager totravel to new places and explore new

horizons. Whether or not you can takea trip now, contemplating one for thefuture may give you something to lookforward to. Watch out for the FullMoon on Sunday, as feelings couldbe intense. Try not to do or sayanything that you might regret at alater date - but do have fun! Luckynumbers: 07, 52, 95.

CAPRICORN:December 22 to January 20

An opulent lineup in your zoneof shared resources hints at a windfallor increase in business and income.However, there could be atemptation to indulge. It could be alltoo easy to max out your credit cardand come unstuck later. Budgeting maybe a way to go in order to guardagainst this. In addition, your sociallife looks livelier than has been in sometime. Use this opportunity to networkwith folks who pull the strings andmake the decisions. Luckynumbers: 10, 23, 60.

AQUARIUS:January 20 to February 18

While it won't all be clear sailing inyour career, a more focused and

incisive frame of mind can makesolid headway possible. Whentalking to others, you might need toignore their words and instead gowith your gut feelings, particularlywhen sussing out deals or jobopportunities. However, relationshipsof all kinds continue to flourish.Whether you're in a long-termpartnership or looking for love, theweek ahead brings all the ingredientstogether for you to have as much funas possible. Lucky numbers: 16,21, 49.

PISCES:February 20 to March 21

Where your job and lifestyleare concerned, whether you feel arestless stirring within orcircumstances beyond your controlprovide the motivation, it's to youradvantage to embrace the notion ofchange. Passions are strong when itcomes to expanding your horizons ingeneral, giving you the courage tomake a bold move. The presence ofMars in Scorpio can push you toexplore new options. You may belooking for something that speaks toyour need for intense experiences thatcan transform your life. Luckynumbers: 66, 80, 94.

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Cyber-security experts havedramatically called into question thesafety and security of using USB toconnect devices to computers. Berlin-based researchers KarstenNohl and Jakob Lell demonstratedhow any USB device could be usedto infect a computer without the user'sknowledge. The duo said there is no practical wayto defend against the vulnerability. The body responsible for the USBstandard said manufacturers could build inextra security. But Mr Nohl and Mr Lell said thetechnology was "critically flawed" . It is not uncommon for USB sticksto be used as a way of getting virusesand other malicious code onto targetcomputers. Most famously, the Stuxnet attackon Iranian nuclear centrifuges wasbelieved to have been caused by aninfected USB stick. However, this latest researchdemonstrated a new level of threat -where a USB device that appearscompletely empty can still containmalware, even when formatted. The vulnerability can be used tohide attacks in any kind of USB-connected device - such as a

USB 'Critically Flawed' AfterUSB 'Critically Flawed' AfterUSB 'Critically Flawed' AfterUSB 'Critically Flawed' AfterUSB 'Critically Flawed' AfterBug Discovery, Researchers SayBug Discovery, Researchers SayBug Discovery, Researchers SayBug Discovery, Researchers SayBug Discovery, Researchers Say

smartphone. " It may not be the end of the worldtoday," Mr Nohl told journalists, "but itwill affect us, a little bit, every day, forthe next 10 years". "Basically, you can never trustanything anymore after pluggingin a USB stick." USB - which stands for UniversalSerial Bus - has become the standardmethod of connecting devices tocomputers due to its small size, speedand ability to charge devices. USB memory sticks quicklyreplaced floppy disks as a simple wayto share large files between twocomputers. The connector is popular due to thefact that it makes it easy to plug inand install a wide variety of devices.Devices that use USB contain a smallchip that "tells" the computer exactlywhat it is, be it a phone, tablet or anyother piece of hardware. It is this function that has beenexposed by the threat. In one demo, shown off at theBlack Hat hackers conference in LasVegas, a standard USB drive wasinserted into a normal computer. Malicious code implanted on thestick tricked the machine into

thinking a keyboard had been pluggedin. After just a few moments,the"keyboard" began typing incommands - and instructed the computerto download a malicious program from theinternet. Another demo, shown in detail to theBBC, involved a Samsung smartphone. When plugged in to charge, thephone would trick the computer intothinking it was in fact a network card.It meant when the user accessed theinternet, their browsing was secretlyhijacked. Mr Nohl demonstrated to the BBChow they were able to create a fakecopy of PayPal's website, and stealuser log-in details as a result. Unlike other similar attacks, wheresimply looking at the web address cangive away a scam website, there wereno visible clues that a user was underthreat. The same demo could have beencarried out on any website, Mr Nohlstressed. Mike McLaughlin , a securityresearcher from First BaseTechnologies, said the threat shouldbe taken seriously. "USB is ubiquitous across all

devices," he told the BBC. "It comes down to the same oldsaying - don't plug things in thatyou don't trust. "Any business should alwayshave policies in place regardingUSB devices and USB drives.Businesses should stop usingthem if needed." The group responsible for the USBstandard, the USB Working Party, refusedto comment on the seriousness of the flaw. But in more general terms, it said:"The USB specifications supportadditional capabilities forsecurity, but original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs) decidewhether or not to implement thesecapabilities in their products. "Greater capabilities of anyproduct likely results in higherprices, and consumers choose ona daily basis what they arewilling to pay to receive certainbenefits. "If consumer demand forUSB products with additionalcapabilities for security grows, wewould expect OEMs to meet thatdemand." Mr Nohl said the only protectionhe could advise was to simply beultra-cautious when allowing USBdevices to be connected to yourmachines. "Our approach to using USBwill have to change," he told theBBC.

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about it - we complain, then gohome and drink beer."

Risk to reputation This is not the first action MrSchrems has taken against thesocial network. In 2011 he forced the firm toreveal all the information it washolding on him. When he discovered the 1,222pages of information includeddetails he thought he had deletedor had not consented to beingshared, he lodged a complaintwith the Irish data protectioncommissioner. The case has since beenreferred to the European Courtof Justice, but has alreadyresulted in the firm restricting itsuse of facial recognitionsoftware and making it easier formembers to find out more aboutthe data held on them. One of the UK's leading dataprotection lawyers, who is notinvolved in the case, suggestedthe latest action could deliver alandmark ruling.

"The current climate of dataprotection enforcement in theEU in the courts and by thedata protection regulators,coupled with an increasingawareness by consumers oftheir rights means thatthis case could well runits course in the Court inVienna and achieve a result forMax Schrems and Facebookusers," said Robert Bond, apartner at the law firm SpeechlyBircham. "Of course it remains to beseen whether or not Facebookwill try to settle asreputational damage may beworse than a financialpenalty." Mr Schrems has limited thenumber of people involved in thecase to 25,000 because eachparticipant's submissions must bevetted. However, he says otherFacebook users wishing totake part can still register theirinterest in case he later decidesto expand the legal action.

Facebook Sued By

25,000 MembersContinued From Page 14

Attorney Ar thur Saldivar ismaking national headlines - after hisformer client Melonie Coyeaccused him of making off with ninehundred thousand dollars of hermoney that was recovered from theCentral Bank. Saldivar said he did nosuch thing, but her new attorneyEamon Courtenay is filing suit againstSaldivar to get the money back. Saldivar says that he did not takeher money, but that he is owed 1.6million dollars in fees. He explains thatthe allegation came as a shock, andwhere he speculates as to what maybe behind it:.. Ar thur Saldivar. FormerAttorney - Melonie Coye "In terms of the latest round ofcases I have not been paid not adime. So when I heard of this newsit came as a shock, a real shockto me. The allegation itself issomewhat to me some justificationor rationale that perhaps myformer client is using to justify notreturning funds that may not behers. I don't know. That's the onlything I can conjure up at thistime. That's the only thing I canfathom at this time. I wish herwell but I don't understand whyit was that she would want to drag

“The Newspaperthat cares and dares

to bring out thetruth”

#42 George Price Highway,Santa Elena, Cayo

Belize, CA For furtherinformationplease call

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Publisher:Nyani Azueta-August

Editor: Sherlene Dawson

Attorney Authur Makes MoneyAllegations Agianst Melonie

my name through the mud like shehas done here in this particularmatter." Coye's new attorney EamonCourtenay told 7News, quote, "Mr .Saldivar will have an opportunityvery shortly to give an account tothe Supreme Court for his actions.In the meantime, he should ensurethat the monies are not spent." Surely, the Arthur Saldivarinterview is one of the mostmemorable sit-down's we've had in awhile - and that's because, despite theallegations against him, Saldivaralways entertains. He certainly did when we asked himabout the court order he went toenforce on Don Blunt in Placencia.But, that's not the first time he's facedcomplaints enforcing eviction orderson the peninsula. We know of at leastone other time that came to our

attention and almost made the news.We asked him about it:..Jules Vasquez"This is the second time thatwe have been alerted to youractivities as an enforcer of courtorders on the Peninsula. You willremember the other case that thepeople captured you on camerawhich we never aired because Ireceived a satisfactory explanationfrom you."Ar thur Saldivar, attorney"You are going to go there?"Jules Vasquez"No sir."Ar thur Saldivar, attorney"Who is paying you? I have to ask

you Jules. Every once in a while Ineed to ask you."Jules Vasquez"Really?"Ar thur Saldivar, attorney"Really, who is paying you?"Jules Vasquez"I am doing this longer than youdoing that."Ar thur Saldivar, attorney"Cert ainly, you've beenassassinating characters for a longtime. You have become adept at it.But I love you still."Jules Vasquez"You do in deed, but sir I amsaying, is this something becauseof the vagaries and vicissitudesone encounters when having toenforced these lawful courtorders? Is is something thatperhaps you might rethink involv-ing yourself in because its a messybusiness?"Ar thur Saldivar, attorney "Jules, again, I do what I dowithin the parameters of law. Iserve my clients interests withinthe parameters of law. I have noregrets. I will fight for everyclient as if they were the onlyclient I have. My clients are likefamily to me, I do my best to takecare of them."

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BELMOPAN, Cayo, Thursday,August 7, 2014: The Embassy of the UnitedStates of America in Belizetoday informed of the visit of USDeputy Assistant Secretary ofState for the Bureau of Interna-tional Narcotics and Law En-forcement Affairs (INL) . The release informed that onMonday, August 4, 2014, the

US Deputy AssistantUS Deputy AssistantUS Deputy AssistantUS Deputy AssistantUS Deputy AssistantSecretary of State Visits BelizeSecretary of State Visits BelizeSecretary of State Visits BelizeSecretary of State Visits BelizeSecretary of State Visits Belize

embassy hosted Luis Arr eaga,Deputy Assistant Secretary ofState for the Bureau of Interna-tional Narcotics and Law En-forcement Af fairs (INL) whospent two days in Belize, visit-ing key locations in Belize Cityon the first day and travelling towestern towns of San Ignacio andBenque Viejo on the second dayprior to crossing the border into

Guatemala in continuance of thetour. On arrival the US officialwas greeted on the airside ofPhillip S.W. Goldson Interna-tional Airport by staff of the em-bassy after which he was usheredinto the main terminal buildingwhere he was afforded the oppor-tunity to observe immigrationand customs equipment funded bythe US government, in operation. From the airport he was trans-ported to Belize City, where hewas afforded a short tour of“gang areas” and then on to St.John’s Vianney Primary Schoolwhere the Gang Resistance Edu-cation and Training (GREAT)program was in full session. Thisafforded the US official theopportunity to visit each class-room where he interacted withinstructors and students engagedin the program. The two weeksummer program, funded byCARSI (Central America Re-gional Security Initiative) ,involves lengthy educationalexperience, encompassing class-room instructions, athletics, artexpression and two field trips. Itseeks to educate young Belizeansabout the dangers of gang asso-ciation and gang violence. Hitting the ground running, theUS official was whisked from St.John’s Vianney to the QueenStreet Police Station where hewas afforded an upfront view ofimproved methods being imple-mented by the police to electroni-cally log arrests and other crimeinformation using the CrimeInformation Management Sys-tem (CIMS) a project alsofunded by CARSI. At the QueenStreet police precinct the US of-ficial was hosted by the OfficerCommanding Eastern (Police)Division, Assistant Commis-sioner of Police, DezeriePhillips and other high rankingpolice officers who highlightedimprovements resulting fromCARSI funded projects particu-larly in the areas of technology,scenes of crime processing,forensics and ballistics analysis. On the second day of the visitthe Deputy Assistant Secretary ofState visited the Ministry ofNational Security at the CurlThompson building in Belmopanwhere he was met by NationalSecurity Chief Executive Officer,Retired Colonel of the BelizeDefence Force, George Lovell.From Belmopan he was trans-ported further west to SanIgnacio where he met the senior

Deputy Assistant Secretary,Luis Arr eaga

command as well as members ofthe Cayo Neighborhood WatchAssociation and People’sCoalition. Heading even deeper west hewas afforded the opportunity tosee the Mobile Interdiction Team(MIT) in action at a check pointon the George Price Highwayleading into Benque Viejo Town.Prior to departing Belize forGuatemala, the US official metwith Customs, Immigration, andBorder Management Agencyofficials at the Western BorderStation in Benque Viejo Town. The embassy release informsthat the government of the UnitedStates of America, throughCARSI, is engaged in assistingCentral American governmentsin their efforts to combat violentcrimes while simultaneouslyimproving citizen security. CARSI programs, says therelease, enable Central Americangovernments to weaken the influ-ence and violence of gangs,organized crime, and narcotics.The United States of America,through CARSI, is committedto implementing sustainable,high-impact programs in lawenforcement training andprofessionalization, anti-gangactivities, equipping police andother security forces, sharinginformation within the region forthe investigation and disruptionof criminal activities, and assist-ing in the interdiction of narcot-ics, firearms, bulk cash, andsmuggling. The release ends by informingthat the government of the UnitedStates of America through INLaims to continue funding gangprevention programs usingCARSI as the vehicle to supplyup–to-date training and equip-ment to the police in the effortto prevent violent crime and thedistribution of narcotics therebyenhancing citizens’ security andthe rule of law.

detailed plans and efforts toidentify, isolate and treat cases. It could involve imposing travelrestrictions on affected areas. A WHO spokesman said: "W ecan't speculate in advance whatthe committee members aregoing to decide in advance." Meanwhile, the World Bank isallocating $200m (£120m) inemergency assistance forcountries battling to containEbola. It is the world's deadliestoutbreak to date and hascentred on Guinea, Liberiaand Sierra Leone. Eight peopleare currently in quarantine inNigeria, Africa's most populouscountry, and two have diedthere. The Saudi man died aftershowing Ebola symptoms whenhe returned from a business tripto Sierra Leone, the Saudi healthministry said. He died in an isolation ward ata hospital in Jeddah, it added. Officials in Liberia said aSpanish priest and two Spanishnuns had been infected in thecapital, Monrovia. The Spanish government said itwould send a plane to repatriateits citizens. British Airways has temporarily

suspended flights to and fromLiberia and Sierra Leone until 31August because of the health cri-sis, the airline said in a statement.It follows a similar suspensionby two regional airlines lastweek. The virus spreads by contactwith infected blood and bodilyfluids. The current outbreak iskilling between 50% and 60% ofpeople infected. There is no cure or vaccine forEbola - but patients have a betterchance of survival if they receiveearly treatment. Ebola has initial flu-likesymptoms that can lead toexternal haemorrhaging fromareas like eyes and gums, andinternal bleeding which can leadto organ failure. * Symptoms include high fe-ver, bleeding and central nervoussystem damage * Fatality rate can reach 90% -but the current outbreak is about55% * Incubation period is two to21 days * There is no vaccine or cure * Supportive care such asrehydrating patients who havediarrhoea and vomiting can helprecovery * Fruit bats are considered tobe virus' natural host

Ebola: Global Experts BeginEmergency Talks At WHO

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