Belgium Belgium is a country that is well known for many foods. Belgium is in Europe by France and Germany. Belgium is well known for french fries, Belgian chocolate, a cookie and Belgian waffles. The French fries in Belgium are called frites. There are restaurants all over Belgium that are strictly just there to sell french fries. The french fries are very good and they have many different sauces that you can dip them in. The french fries in America can’t even compare to the ones in Belgium. Here they are sometimes soggy and they have all these different shapes to them. In Belgium, they are mainly just the long skinny ones. Another Belgian legend claims that the term "French" was introduced during World War I when Allied soldiers enjoyed the delicacy, but because french was the official language of the Belgian army, they called them 'French fries'. Belgian chocolate is known all over the world. There are many different kinds that you can have including dark,


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Belgium is a country that is well known for many foods. Belgium is in Europe by France and Germany. Belgium is well known for french fries, Belgian chocolate, a cookie and Belgian waffles.

The French fries in Belgium are called frites. There are restaurants all over Belgium that are strictly just there to sell french fries. The french fries are very good and they have many different sauces that you can dip them in. The french fries in America cant even compare to the ones in Belgium. Here they are sometimes soggy and they have all these different shapes to them. In Belgium, they are mainly just the long skinny ones. Another Belgian legend claims that the term "French" was introduced during World War I when Allied soldiers enjoyed the delicacy, but because french was the official language of the Belgian army, they called them 'French fries'.

Belgian chocolate is known all over the world. There are many different kinds that you can have including dark, milk, white, and even some with peanuts in them. Pralines and truffles are also very popular throughout the United States. There are museums all over Belgium of chocolate. They show you the history of the chocolate and how to make it. During the 17th century, Belgium was ruled by Spain and thereby introduced to chocolate. Many royalties, artists and others of nobility experienced their first chocolate drink in the beautiful Grand Place. In fact, in 1697, Henri Escher, mayor of Zurich, Switzerland was so enthusiastic about the chocolate drink he experienced in Brussels that he introduced the idea to Switzerland. Ironically, today, Swiss chocolate is a primary competitor of Belgian chocolate. If you have never tried Belgian chocolate you should go buy some and eat it because it doesnt even compare with the chocolate we eat in America.

The cookies in Belgium arent like the cookies here. They are more like a cookies and cracker mixed. They are served plain, with chocolate on them, and you can have them with what ever you would like. If Belgium has a national cookie (or biscuit as the English say) it is the Speculoos. Originally created for children to celebrate Saint Nicholas day (December 6), the treat is now so popular it is served with coffee in bars and restaurants, used as a flavor in specialty ice creams, and has even inspired a rich butter or paste.

Now Belgian waffles are served in America, but if you would go to Belgium and compare them, you would realize that the ones here are nothing like the ones over there. The waffles in Belgium are served all over, even in little trailers off the streets. The waffles are about the same but in the middle of Belgian waffles, there is sugar and it is just delicious. Enjoying mouth-watering Belgian waffles is just one of the pleasures of visiting Belgium. If you've never had one of these authentic Belgian delicacies, then you're in for a treat. Prepared from a yeast-leavened batter, these waffles are lighter and crisper than other waffle varieties. Served warm by vendors on the street or from small kiosks in stores, these Belgian treats are often enjoyed fresh from the iron or covered in whipped cream, fresh fruit or chocolate.

Now that we have talked about the most popular foods in Belgium, you can see that they have many things that you should try. And next time that you go into a restaurant and want to order Belgian waffles just remember that they really arent true Belgian waffles.