I CONFIDENTIAL LG/APR2010/BEL311 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME : ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES : BEL311 : APRIL 2010 : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two (2) parts : PART A : Section 1 (7 Questions) Section 2 (6 Questions) PART B : (1 Question) 2. Answer ALL questions from all parts in the Answer Booklet. 3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4. You are allowed to bring in your English-English dictionary. 5. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question Paper ii) an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 10 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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: BEL311

: APRIL 2010



1. This question paper consists of two (2) parts : PART A : Section 1 (7 Questions) Section 2 (6 Questions)

PART B : (1 Question)

2. Answer ALL questions from all parts in the Answer Booklet.

3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator.

4. You are allowed to bring in your English-English dictionary.

5. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of:

i) the Question Paper ii) an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty


This examination paper consists of 10 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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Read the following articles and answer all the questions in the answer booklet provided.

SECTION 1: Article 1

Using the Law on Suicide

I These days, an increasing number of people have resorted to ending their

lives when faced with problems. This is a cause for concern and the police are

considering enforcing the law on attempted suicide as a form of deterrence.

The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Ismail Omar, revealed that

while Section 309 of the Penal Code states that anyone guilty of attempted 5

suicide could face imprisonment of up to a year, or could be fined or both, the

police have yet to enforce it.

II Unlike other illicit acts, attempted suicide as a crime needs to be dealt with

delicately. According to Tan Sri Ismail Omar, the police are in the midst of

investigating two recent cases of attempted suicide in Terengganu, one 10

involving a woman with marital problems and the other, a teenager who

threatened to jump off a nine-storey hotel. As suicide is not a normal crime,

there is a need to look at this act from many angles. Such a consideration

would involve examining the root causes of the problem and the reasons that

prompted them to do it, and finding out if they have any mental disturbances. 15

Dealing with people who want to kill themselves requires the involvement of

many parties, including specialists and psychiatrists. Tan Sri Ismail Omar

expressed concern about the increasing suicide attempts and felt a need to

start pressing charges to deter people from doing so. The police have also

been working closely with relevant agencies to rehabilitate those who have 20

attempted suicide.

III According to The Director of Federal Territory Religious Department (JAWI),

Datuk Che Mat Che Ali, the organisation offers counselling to Muslims who

feel there are no other alternatives, but to end their lives. So far this year

JAWI has intervened in at least five cases in which people who were 25

burdened by family and financial problems, have contemplated suicide. It is a

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huge sin, where Islam is concerned, for one to take one's own life. Attempts

are being made to rehabilitate these individuals so that they do not repeat this

sinful act. Datuk Che Mat added that his door is open to Muslims at all times

if they need to share their problems with someone. JAWI, however, is not 30

empowered to take action against those who deliberately attempt to take their


IV Under the law, it is not a crime if a person is caught at the preparatory stage

of suicide (for example, if someone is caught after writing a suicide note or in

the midst of tying a noose to hang himself). However, if he is already hanging 35

on a noose but the rope snaps and he is caught alive, it is considered an

offence under Section 309. In addition, Section 306 of the Penal Code states

that abetting a suicide carries a maximum jail term of 10 years and a fine.

V Suicide rates in Malaysia have increased drastically by 60 per cent in the last

45 years, with an estimated seven people attempting suicide daily. The 40

National Suicide Registry has recorded 31 suicide attempts by Malaysians

and two non-Malaysians so far this year. Records also show that in the year

2000, 53 children under the age of 11 and 1,837 people above the age of 12

attempted suicide. The suicide rate among youths in Malaysia is estimated to

be three in every 100,000. The Health Ministry in its "Guidelines on the 45

Management of Psychiatric Disorders" suggests that between 10 and 15 per

cent of individuals who have attempted suicide eventually succeed in killing

themselves. Males are twice as likely to try again as females. The risk is

particularly high in the first year after a failed attempt.

VI It is also recorded that suicide rates increased with age. The highest rate is 50

among the elderly. Among men aged 65 and above, the suicide rate is 40 per

100,000. This is two to four times higher than the suicide rate for women.

Among women, the findings reveal that most of the attempted suicides are in

the 15 to 24 age group (283 per 100,000) while among men, most of them are

in the 25 to 34 age group (199 per 100,000). According to a 2006 estimate by 55

the Health Ministry, 13 out of 100,000 Malaysians killed themselves as

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opposed to eight in the 1980s.

VII Besides that, suicide rates also varied according to various races. The suicide

rate in the Indian community is the highest with 30 to 35 in every 100,000

attempting suicide, compared to 15 Chinese and 6 Malays. However, the 60

rates could be even higher as some cases have not been reported, due to

either the stigma attached to suicide or because the deceased's life insurance

would normally contain a clause denying payment on the grounds of self-

inflicted death.

Adapted from The New Straits Times, November 25, 2008

Answer the following questions in complete sentences where appropriate.

1) State whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) based on the article.

a) The authorities are considering enforcing a law on suicidal cases.

b) Handling attempted suicide cases is the same as handling any other criminal


c) A person will not be charged if caught having suicidal thoughts.

d) A person who is caught alive after a suicide attempt can be charged in court.

(2 marks)

2) What do the following words mean as used in the article?

a) 'dealt with delicately' (lines 8-9)

b) 'his door is open' (line 29)

(2 marks)

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3) Choose the correct answer for the question below.

The following statements are possible reasons for enforcing the law on attempted

suicide cases except

a) Suicide rates have escalated more than 60 percent in the last 45 years.

b) The government has a duty to deter people from committing suicide.

c) Suicide is becoming a major concern for the Malaysian society.

d) The enforcement of Section 309 is the only way to prevent suicide.

(1 mark)

4) What will happen to a person who is arrested at the early stages of suicide as

compared to a person who is caught in the act and survives?

(2 marks)

5) According to Tan Sri Ismail Omar, why are the police considering using the law to curb

suicide attempts?

(1 mark)

6) "Among women, the findings reveal that most of the attempted suicides are in the

15 to 24 age group (283 per 100,000)..." (lines 53 - 54)

Why do you think that this particular age group of women are more prone to suicide?

(1 mark)

7) "...the deceased's life insurance would normally contain a clause denying payments

on the grounds of self-inflicted death" (lines 62 - 64)

What does the above statement mean?

(2 marks)

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SECTION 2: Article 2

Let Them Get Counselling First

I Religious bodies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have stated that

when it comes to dealing with attempted suicide cases, it must be counselling

first and the use of the law last. While all religious bodies agree that suicide is a

crime from the religious point of view, they frown on the suggestion to enforce

the law on people who have attempted to end their lives, emphasising that 5

empathy is the key.

II NGOs, too, claim that it is unrealistic to charge someone who has attempted

suicide as a deterrent to them and others. The groups were commenting on a

newspaper report in which the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri

Ismail Omar had said that the police would consider enforcing the law on anyone 10

caught attempting suicide which is punishable by imprisonment of up to a year or

being fined, or both, under Section 309 of the Penal Code.

III The Malaysian Hindu Sangam president, Datuk A. Vaithilingam stated that

suicide is not condoned in Hinduism and that it is imperative for the authorities

and society to focus more on awareness programmes and risk areas. He 15

questioned the law's ability to save lives when people have gone to the extent of

trying to end their lives. He also questioned the law's ability to serve as a

deterrent. He is of the opinion that there is no law for self-inflicted death

sentences as the punishment they give to themselves is already a lot to bear.

IV According to the Federal Territory Religious Department (JAWI) director, Datuk 20

Che Mat Che Ali, the department is not empowered to take action against those

who attempt suicide. Instead, the department chooses to use counselling for

Muslims even though suicide is an immoral act in Islam.

V NGOs such as the Befrienders think that prosecution should be the last resort for

this problem which requires more consideration and care than punishment. The 25

Befrienders Kuala Lumpur chairman, S. Gangadara Vadivel, suggested that

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NGOs should cooperate with the police to provide emotional support and

counselling. Instead of giving advice or solutions, the Befrienders lends an ear to

people who feel they have no one to talk to. The Befienders listens to their

problems and feelings without passing judgements and gives them emotional 30

support so that they can find their own solutions.

VI In case individuals need further help, the Befrienders would make them aware of

other agencies that may be able to help. Instead of directing them there, the

individuals are informed of other organizations that would help them, but they

need to decide on their own course of action. Vadivel started as a Befrienders' 35

volunteer after he lost a close friend to suicide more than 30 years ago. This

friend had a spinal injury and could not bear the pain, so he took his life. Those

who call Befrienders are probably experiencing a low in their lives or are in pain,

whether physically or emotionally. Individuals who are suicidal, depressed or in

despair feel that no one cares about them, and if the problem is left unresolved, 40

it can lead to mental sickness or suicide. The Befrienders offers an avenue

where they can vent their problems without having to reveal who they are and

everything is strictly confidential.

VII Using the law is not a good strategy for deterrence as this will only add to the

problem rather than solve it. According to a research conducted by the 45

Malaysian Mental Health Association, suicidal individuals are crying out for help.

They could be in trouble, depressed or have serious psychiatric disorders. They

do not know how to get help, and it is, therefore, not a good idea to use law

enforcement in such cases.

VIII Prof. See Ching Mey of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) stated that three million 50

Malaysians have mental health problems and 130,000 of them are children.

This shows that despite the technology and medical advancements that have

improved our living standards, many are actually feeling worse.

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IX Companies should have at least a counsellor or psychologist. In this way, all

companies can provide counselling services for their employees under the 55

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) or Health Services. Recently, there has

been a slight shift from total medication dependence towards psycho-medical

treatment in the approach taken by the mental health services. While medication

is still a must for some of the mental health patients, a better approach is to

provide them with proper counselling. 60

Adapted from The Star, November 12, 2008

Answer the following questions in complete sentences where appropriate.

1) How do religious bodies and non-governmental organisations view the law on

suicidal acts?

2) What prompted Vadivel to become a member of the Befrienders?

3) What does Vadivel mean by "Those who call Befrienders are probably

experiencing a low in their lives..."? (lines 37 - 38)

(2 marks)

(1 mark)

(1 mark)

4) Befrienders plays a crucial role in reducing suicide problems. List two (2) services

that it provides.

(2 marks)

5) "...despite the technology and medical advancements that have improved our living

Standards, many are actually feeling worse" (lines 52 - 53). Why do you think Prof.

See said this?

(2 marks)

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6) According to the article, all companies should provide counselling services for their

employees under the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) or Health Service.

Give your own reason for this suggestion.

(1 mark)

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You are a concerned member of society and have come across the two articles "Using

the Law on Suicide" and "Let Them Get Counselling First". Based on your reading of

these two articles, write an article of about 300 - 400 words for your college newsletter


"The enforcement of the law is not the answer to the suicide problem"

Include three main ideas with supporting details for your article. (You must use information

that you have gathered from reading the two articles but marks will be deducted if you copy

sentences from the articles). In-text citations and proper acknowledgement of references must

also be included.


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