PRESS KIT 2016 Photo : © Septentrion www.sup-transatlantic.fr Being the first man to cross the Atlantic in Stand Up Paddle

Being the first - jarossay · During their race, an observation protocol of physalia had been set up. It is that same protocol that will be used by Nicolas Jarossay during his crossing

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Page 1: Being the first - jarossay · During their race, an observation protocol of physalia had been set up. It is that same protocol that will be used by Nicolas Jarossay during his crossing

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Photo : © Septentrion


Being the first man to cross the Atlantic

in Stand Up Paddle

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Page 3: Being the first - jarossay · During their race, an observation protocol of physalia had been set up. It is that same protocol that will be used by Nicolas Jarossay during his crossing

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History of the transatlantic crossings

1492Christophe Colomb showed this way by veil.

1952Alain Bombard was a voluntary shipwrecked.

1980Gérard d’Aboville was the first to cross it by row…

1995Guy Delage was swimming and adrift.

Nicolas JAROSSAY’s crossing in Stand Up Paddle


Cap VertMartinique

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The man who rowed on his feet

1.90 m for 90 kg of muscles, Nicolas Jarossay 38 years old, is determinate. He wants to be the first man to cross the Atlantic in Stand Up Paddle.A strong personnality and a will out of commun run push it to carry out his project.Since he was young, Nicolas impassions himself for sport and water. A childhood which however takes place far from the coastline. This child of Seine-et-Marne (France) feels very early attracted by the sea. Its childhood dream : to engage in the Navy.Engaged at 13 years old as young sapper fireman, then at 16 years old as volunteer in Seine-et-Marne, he engages himself at 19 years old during 2 years in Marseille (France), then at 21 years old he becomes a professional fireman (in 1998) within the GRIMP (Group of Recognition and Intervention in Perilous area). He is also a running water rescuer and a swimmer rescuer on the SNSM’s lifeboat (National company of Rescue at sea) of Carro (France).It is in 2009 that Nicolas discovers the Stand Up Paddle (or SUP) which then becomes a true passion, a balance of life.He discovered the windsurf at the age of 13 years old, and now the Stand Up Paddle brings him the effort of endurance which is appropriate to him.

It is a less intense effort, but which can make you go far and for a long time.Since he was a child its sporting practice concentrated around sports of endurance : the mountain bike, the windsurf, the SUP, running, swimming, and recently the stretching.He likes big spaces, and it is at sea, in open sea in particular, where he feels best. Nicolas has for it a visceral attraction which prevent him from being far from the water too long.As a child, Nicolas was fascinated by these adventurers of the Eighties who carried out solitary crossings. He has read a lot of books by Florence Arthaud, Maud Fontenoy, Gerard d’Aboville. For Nicolas, the Stand Up Paddle lends itself to this kind of exploit, to this kind of adventure. The germs of the adventurer are present since a long time inside him. He belongs to this minority of people who has the audacity, the will and the capacity to make spectacular feats to exceed itself.He prepares his project of crossing the Atlantic in Stand Up Paddle since more than 2 years, to think about every issues, to prepare everything in order to have the maximum of chances to succeed.

Portrait of Nicolas JAROSSAY

«I can spend hours on water, it is a kind of meditation, I realize that I do not think about anything anymore, even of the movements that I must make to row.»

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His goal, his project

To become the first man to cross the Atlantic in SUP*

*Stand Up Paddle

In the steps of Christophe Colomb, he will cross from Africa to America (from Cape Verde to Martinique).

To carry out these more than 5 000 km which separate Africa from America, a paddle board is especially designed and built for this crossing.

To realize his project and have the best preparation he can Nicolas had a ride on the Mediterranean sea in July 2015.After a trip from harbour to harbour in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Nicolas made the crossing from Nice to Corsica. A round trip of 4 nights and 5 days in the sea with, for this one, an escort boat.


The Stand Up Paddle, ancestor of the modern Surfing, formerly praticed by the polynesian kings on huge boards cut in tree trunks, was taken over in the 40’s by the famous hawaiian swimming champion Kahanamoku.More recently, Laird Hamilton, Dave Kalama… and others who started again this practise where the board is propelled upright, by the arms’s strength provided with a long paddle.Currently sport in full rise, you have the Stand Up Paddle made for waves (large board) and the one made for strolls and races known as long distance race.

It’s on that kind of board that Nicolas wants to etablish this new record. This crossing realised by the famous Bouvet-Guyane oar race is also the way that many sailing ships wanting to reach the american continent must take.


• a board of 100 kg• 80 kg of ration of food• 40 kg of technical equipement• 2 manual pumps to de-salt sea

water• + 4691 km ->2915 Miles• + 55 to 75 days• + 2,5 millions of oar blows

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The means to make this project successfulEverything has been thought and planned. from embarked navigation and security equipement (GPS – beacons, survival suit… ), to water, food, clothing.On board, Nicolas will exclusively eat freeze-dried food. He made the choice to take on board manual desalinators to produce his drinkable fresh water. With 3.5 L of water dessalinized per hour, times of pumping will be arranged the morning, midday and the evening.

The router, will be daily linked with Nicolas. He will be his guide, his eyes, indicating the weather and the course to be followed to him.

The medical team of the Dr Coulange, from the hospital Ste Marguerite of Marseille, specialized in subaqueous and hyperbaric medicine and physiology, and in the preparation and survival at sea, carries out the preparation and the medical monitoring of Nicolas.


• A board of 7 m lenght on 0.9 m wide• 3 survival beacons• A survival suit• A comfort suit• 2 manual pumps to desalinise sea

water• 80 kg of rations of food• … more informations in the appendix


The Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is the principal partner of this tour.

Budget for the crossing :• specialized vestimentary equipement :

7 000 ۥ transport of the board and the

material at the starting point and arrival : 12 000 €

• equipment (GPS, satellite phone…) : 21 000 €

• food : 3 000 €• construction of the Stand Up Paddle

board + paddles : 63 000 €• travels : 4 000 €• total : 110 000 €

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Original diagram of the paddleboard, made in july 2015 before the last modifications.

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Pedagogy & sporting achievementWith this project Nicolas have also the aim to share this adventure with schools, and citizens of the world and of the marine areas.

The subjects that can be talked about are : marine ecosystems and biodiversity, renewable energies, geography, weather phenomenas and climate changes, physics and chemistry of water, history of the continents and the explorers, or the challenge of durable management of the coastline, the sea and the oceans…The association « Écoute ta planète » (=listen to your planet), approved by the ministry of the National Education and member of the Réseau Mer (=sea network) of the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, will be at work for these operations which could last for several months.

Pupils of 10-11years old, 12-13 years old and 15-18 years old will be able to follow the crossing at school

The teachers are the project managers, following the programs and directives from the ministry of the National Education. Thus, they will favorise the questioning and exchanges, and even lead an approach of investigation.

« Écoute ta planète » brings its know-how and its competences to the service of the teatcher’s project. It mobilizes specific contents adapted to the project.

The purpose of this experiment is to sensitize the future citizens with often complex realities of this interface which is the coastline : object of competitions between the multiple actors implied in the management of its resources, and the ocean where all can be diluted or out of sight.

Schools which takes part in this project :

• Elementary school Robert Daugey Boulevard du groupe Manouchian – 13500 Martigues Teacher : Mme Figueira Sonia Class level : CM2 (10-11 years old)

• Collège Henri Wallon Boulevard Léo Lagrange – 13500 Martigues Teacher : M. Million Frédéric Class level : 5e (12-13 years old)

• Lycée Latécoère Avenue des Bolles - 13800 Istres Teacher : M. Sahel Class level : 2de BAC PRO PCEPC (processes of chemistry, water and papers-carboards) (15-18 years old)

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Science, sporting achievement & environnement

Curious about nature, Nicolas takes in the wake of his project several actions important for his values, giving to this a social and environnemental dimension beside the technical and physical aspects.Thus it is on the scientific aspect that he met with Septentrion Environnement. The association had already been partner of the oar solitary crossing of two competitors of the Bouvet-Guyane race in 2011. During their race, an observation protocol of physalia had been set up. It is that same protocol that will be used by Nicolas Jarossay during his crossing. Standing, on his paddle, this one will be even more adapted.

August 2015 was the occasion for Nicolas to test the prototype of the next liveable-paddle which will accompany him in the Atlantic in the sea. For Septentrion Environnement, which accompanied him by setting a sailing ship-router for technical assistance, it was the occasion to watch out the constraints and technical assets met by the oarsman and to be able to be connected to the observation protocol.Beyond these few notes, these few days at sea allowed a real and more global technical exchange on questions around the sea and the way it is possible to approach it...The SUP transatlantic will also be the occasion to take part in a series of observations of fauna and human behaviours met in open sea.

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Prefiguration of the Mediterranean crossing

Back on the Sup Med event

During july 2015, Nicolas Jarossay travelled in some french Mediterranean harbours for the Sup Med event.

The goal was to present his project to the general public and to the journalists who were there, and also to test his equipement at sea in real conditions. Indeed Nicolas realised a crossing test, from Antibes to Corsica.A first trip which lasted 4 nights and 5 days and during which he could adapt himself to the marine environnement and which also enable him to bring the last adjustements to its equipement before the great departure for the Transatlantic.

During july, Nicolas and his team were present in various Mediterranean harbours : • Saint Gervais’ harbour in Fos sur Mer the 9 july• la Ciotat’s harbour the 10 july• Embiez’s harbour in Six Fours les Plages the 15 july• Bormes les Mimosas’ harbour the 16 july• Cavalaire’s harbour the 17 july• Vauban’s harbour in Antibes the 24 july

Several animations were organized and animated by the various associations present during the event.

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How to help Nicolas ?

Possible partnership & sponsoring

major and structural sponsoring – ponctual sponsoring – technical and service sponsoring – advertisement – pedagogical partnership – internal communication – external communication.

To set your sponsoring project, you can contact us :Jérôme Jarmasson : 06 07 35 01 92


To complete the financing of his Atlantic crossing, Nicolas proposes a Crowd Funding operation, with the buying of all the 5000 kilometers of his crossing. With 5 euros, everybody can finance a kilometer of his achievement. 10% of the collected funds will be donated to the association Rêves.At the end of his crossing, all the people who bought kilometers will participate in a lottery to try to win Nicolas Jarossay’s paddle.

Official websitewww.sup-transatlantic.fr


Official Facebook pagewww.facebook.com/


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Financial partners

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Other partners

Partners of the reception in Martinique

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Appendix 1 : Embarked equipement

• Binoculars with waterproof compass : 1 kg• «Offshore» travelling compass : 200 g• 2 Safelink Pro beacons = 1 kg• Portable GPS Garmin Map 78 S : 500 g• Portable VHF IC-M91D : 600 g• Fixed 25W VHF/AIS (Navicom) + external

antenna : 1 kg• Rope 2x50 m braids flashline : 3 kg• 1 « umbrella» hooks : 2 kg • 4 sea soaps• 1 scoop• 2 whistles • 2 signal mirrors • Foghorn • 3 head lights Petzl• Deep-sea box : 3 kg• Spot 3 localization beacon : 400 g• Survival suit : 3 kg• 1 flash-light• Extensible longe • Dry back pack waterproof bag + waterproof

cans : 500 g• 2 straps leash-glasses• 2 pairs of sunglasses Julbo• 1 pair of Boarding ring® glasses against

seasickness• 2 pairs of impermeables mid-high socks• Buoyancy assistance waistcoat : 400 g• 2 Compressor daggers : 200 g• Helmet : 200 g• Diving mask + snorkel• 5 extensibles jerry cans 10 L• Optimized stove eta power express : 1,2 kg• 2 cartridges 500 Coleman : 1,2 kg• Solar charger Explorer : 400 g

• 2 satellite telephones Extreme 9575 : 1,5 kg • Freeze-dried food / 90 days (breakfast, lunch,

collation, dinner) + canned sardines and tuna fish Ferrigno + dried fruits + cooked meats : 100 kg

• 1 kettle 12 V : 500 g• 1 national flag• 3 drift anchors : 600 g• 3 cameras «Go-pro» like : 1,2 kg• 2 lighters for all type of weather• 6 sunscreens + 3 sun care sticks for lips• 2 pairs of recovery muffs• Solar panels : 500 g• Water-resistant lithium battery : 3 kg• Electric charger + charge controller : 600 g• 2 manual dessalinisators : 6,4 kg• Toolkit : 400 g• First-aid kit : 2 kg• 6 paddles : 1,8 kg • Drinking water sachets for survival 1 L : 1 kg• 10 L of fruits juice : 10 kg• MP3 player + Bluetooth speaker• 3 books• Radar detector Mer-veille : 400 g• Radar reflector : 200 g• Floating offshore sailing jacket• Sleeping bag• mattress• 1 pair of trainers• 3 caps Sahara type• 3 UV-proof long-sleeved T-shirts• 3 boardshorts• 1 logbook

Total estimated for departure : 152 kg (-100 kg on arrival)

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Nicolas Jarossay [email protected]

Corinne Roux 04 42 46 95 63 - 06 79 82 26 31

[email protected]

Jérôme Jarmasson [email protected]
