Being Sian' - Living Day To Day

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  • 8/14/2019 'Being Sian' - Living Day To Day



  • 8/14/2019 'Being Sian' - Living Day To Day



    Being Sian

    Living Day To Day

    It was four o clock when my pager got a message. The Homeless Centre

    had rang and told me to give them a call back. Racing to the phone box in

    the street, I dialled the digits onto the metal squares with my fingertips. I

    hope this meant we got a place, I kept thinking as the ringing filled my


    Hello East London Homeless Service, how can I help. A bright voice


    Oh Hello Suddenly I didnt know where to start. I got a message

    today, you called me, about a place

    Whats your name? She interrupted, cutting to the chase.

    I gave it to her and she paused, typing into her computer.

    Oh yes. We rang to tell you there is a place on the night shelter service,

    have you got a pen with you?

    I didnt, but tried to remember the information. It was in a Church in

    Forest Gate tonight. I tried to repeat the road name in my head, over and

    over. Bradshaw Street, next to Ridleys Bar, you cant miss it.

    I opened the door of the phone box and repeated it out to James.

    Remember that. Well get a pen from somewhere. I said.

  • 8/14/2019 'Being Sian' - Living Day To Day


    3We spent the rest of the day doing nothing till eight o clock arrived. He

    had tried to send me home to my mother instead, to let him disappear on

    his own, but I had argued, pleading:

    I dowanna go back to her, she gets on my nerves. Cant I stay with you?

    I couldnt think of what he wanted to do so badly without me being there.

    When I asked him this, he muttered something about Needing space,

    were living in eachothers ear, as it is. This made no sense to me either.

    Thats what couples were supposed to do, didnt he love me?

    We took the bus from Poplar High Street towards East Ham. James had

    refused to sit next to me, in another of his huffy moods. They were

    frequent now, and sprang out of nowhere. I could never foresee them. Istared miserably out of the bus window, my right shoulder squashed up

    against it. Asian men gabbled quickly in their babbling language behind

    me, and once again, I envied the lives of strangers, somehow convinced

    that their lives were happier than mine right now. I didnt know what to

    look out for in the streets outside, the directions she gave me were

    probably invisible from the bus route, so I kept an eye on the hunched

    shoulders of James, for my cue to leave.

    This happened three stops later. He didnt look back at me to check I was

    following, as he grabbed his bag up from the floor. He joined the queue of

    passengers as they moved towards the stairwell of the bus directly ahead

    of where I sat, bodies climbing down in front of him a step at a time. He

    had to turn direction to face the back of the bus as he inched forward,

    glancing up at me reluctantly over the metal rail.

    I knew that if it faced the other way, he wouldnt have made the eye

    contact, using the location as his excuse. I met his bland, cold face warily,knowing what his thoughts were, but he cleverly managed to turn it on

    me, his sharp eyebrows raised to the ceiling in a sudden jerky motion.

    Come on, what are you waiting for, are you slow or something? is the

    message he shot out at me with this one simple move. I followed, feeling

    the last scraps of my energy disappear along with my spirit.

  • 8/14/2019 'Being Sian' - Living Day To Day


    4We turned into Bradshaw Avenue besides Ridleys Bar, just as the woman

    had said. I felt like a cockroach as I passed the loud cheerful office men as

    they got tipsy, jeering at each other playfully in mock brawls. The light in

    their eyes died as they looked at us in their cold, analytical way. I felt like

    a common scumbag, as I passed their patch. We didnt have enoughmoney to eat with that day, let alone call in pint after pint like they were.

    The towering grey Church was impressive, standing grandly over our pitiful

    lives. We were late, so there were no crowds pushing in through the doors

    when we arrived. I felt unsure of myself as I pushed open the heavy

    wooden door, as if we didnt have permission to be there. Inside, scrawny

    men stood around clutching cups of tea and soup, handed out from a small

    table with tiny narrow legs. It looked like it would topple over, sendinghot liquids flying, just waiting for a drunken fool to crash into it if he lost

    his balance, the warm air dizzying his cold face. It didnt happen; I was

    almost disappointed.

    A woman smiled at me from the next table, asking if I needed any clothes.

    I looked at the black bin bags stashed next to her, jumpers and tops

    spilling out. I looked through them curiously, repulsed at the lack of style

    and fashion in the grannyish patterns of the stiff, itchy woollen jumpers,

    and politely declined. A television was on, channels dancing out colours

    and images, the sound turned down very low. The glazed eyes of

    homeless men fixated on the screen, not caring whether it made no sense,

    hypnotized out of their plaguing thoughts and the cold.

    We were shown into the large hall inside. About forty single collapsible

    camper beds were stacked in rows. They told us to help ourselves to the

    sheets and bedding in a cupboard in a small hall, next to the Confession

    booths. The whole set up seemed surreal, as if being Catholic was not acondition to receiving this kind of help, as we were beyond it. After a

    while, we might come to our senses after our physical needs were

    attended to first. I felt like we were cheating, by tricking them into an

    expectation of converting in the future.

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  • 8/14/2019 'Being Sian' - Living Day To Day


    6After being informed of the next nights sleeping location, it was up to us

    to disappear into the street outside and find something to do till then. We

    were informed of the homeless day facilities in East London, so we

    returned to Whitechapel for the free food at the Day Centre there. I

    hadnt even known it existed before.

    It was like a community centre, with tired scruffy men grabbing cans in

    corners and trying to dodge the staff who shouted out their no drinking

    policy. Showers were available but most of them had no interest,

    preferring to huddle together in groups of communal misery, deft fingers

    rolling tobacco with ease, which contradicted their helpless, weak body

    language of inability.

    James had no interest either in a shower. I didnt bother either, dreading

    the cold, and the prospect of there being no towels. Anyway I felt drained

    and lazy. I was hungry now though, so we went to the canteen to staff

    who stared at the queue suspiciously, the thought clearly in their heads

    that we were all trying to scam them somehow. They shoved stale rolls

    and lukewarm soup at us without manners or care. I laughed to myself,

    imagining these mousey smelly men trying to sell extra rolls in the local

    market for a pound or two.

    It was as we were leaving the Day Centre that James attacked me. I was

    saying how lucky we were that the Day Centre was there to pass the time,

    and that it was cold.

    Just shut up! I dowanna hear it. He flung at me, spinning round to glare

    at me with sharp eyes of rage.

    What?! Id asked, shocked and confused.

    Stop fucking complaining! Im not in the mood for your whinging right


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    7But. Itried to defend myself. I couldnt figure out what Id said wrong,

    or why it made him so livid.

    Look, if you dont like it, maybe were better off splitting up Sian. Im

    warning you. Its up to you.

    Suddenly he moved from attack to control, making it seem as though he

    was being reasonable to a girl who was clearly a problem. I panicked,

    wondering what he meant by us breaking up. I would do anything to stay

    with him. So I stayed silent, whispering a small timid sorry to pacify him.

    He ignored my peace plea now, storming away from me in long cold angry

    strides. I followed behind, heavy with dread. Part of me, the alive bit

    deep inside the back of my chest, fought back with the thought:

    Maybe Ill just leave him here, and be the one to dump him. Thatll show

    him, maybe hell be sorry then.

    Of course I didnt do that. I stayed behind him following submissively, like

    an Asian wife who steps behind her husband. My chest hammered now as

    I hoped things like this wouldnt keep happening, that Id seen the last of

    James unpredictable temper.

    We didnt have to wait very long to be allocated a shelter; less than a

    fortnight later, we were given a double room in Poplar House, near Mile

    End. Despite the doubts I had about James, I was relieved at getting a

    place to stay. I was getting tired of changing churched every night and

    wandering every day by myself, when James left me to it.

    Poplar House was formerly an Old Peoples Home, converted into a shelter

    for the Winter. Of course, my mother was happier with me being there, as

    it was closer to where she lived in East London than Victoria Place was.

    She insisted on visiting me there, To see where it is, so I know where you

    are, if you ever go missing.

    Events moved very quickly; we were soon offered a flat together. Myself

    and James barely had time to unpack and settle in our room before we

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    8were called upstairs to the Managers office. My heart was pounding; I

    thought we were in trouble about something. Instead, a busy, firm looking

    man sat with his arms across his chest, barking threats across the table

    about behaving ourselves in our new flat or wed end up back here again.

    He was a no-nonsense type- straight away he told us the offer was non-

    negotiable, Take it or leave it. We had to accept it as a joint tenancy, he

    said, since we were a couple. We were not entitled to separate

    accommodation. He shoved forms across the short table in a swift move,

    demanding signatures, without a smile. His face was the hardest I had

    ever seen, I was surprised.

    It was time to tell my mother about it. She arrived at our room, as I stoodalone in front of the mirror cabinet. James had gone on another mystery

    tour an hour before.

    Im moving in with him, mum. I told her firmly as we walked along the

    street from Poplar House. I was becoming braver by the month. I tried to

    stand up for myself now.

    I mean it. Were moving in together. The hostel gave us a flat.

    Oh no, youre not. She said, with dark vicious hatred. You aint living in

    sin. Get married or leave him!

    Unwilling to be a part of her as we walked together in unison, I fell silent

    and edged away from her. Stubbornness was rising inside me, but I didnt

    know what to say back to her.

    Well, weve got the flat now, and Im not turning it down. I saideventually, the cold rift between us like the view from a cliff edge, huge

    and unforgiving.

    Silence filled the next few minutes. We went into the local pub, her face

    set in anger. The pints sat in front of us as Robbie Williams played in the

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    9background, the happy atmosphere clashing with our argument, bitterness

    cutting our table off from the rest of the people around us. After a

    miserable hour and a half, I told her I wanted to go back to the hostel.

    Ill bring you back. She told me, gruff and unrelenting.

    Back inside, I went to the small stuffy room I shared with James, and

    collapsed onto the double bed that consumed it. I peeled off my socks,

    and one rolled over the edge of the bed. As I retrieved it, I noticed a small

    mouse, dead in a trap by the side of the dressing table. I felt sorry for him,

    he reflected my own deadness inside. Alcohol did nothing to lighten my

    mood after being crushed again by the presence of my mother. Despite

    needing to oppose her domineering control, I knew that James was not

    everything I needed.

    It wouldnt be long before we moved into our flat, but small little ice cubes

    of doubt melted away inside my chest. I resisted them, they were not

    going to be helpful now; it was too late. They had already noticed that we

    were a couple, and had refused to house us separately. Besides, I knew I

    didnt want to go it alone now at this stage; Id lived in hostels too long to

    wait for my own place. Also, it would sicken me to give up on James, that

    would be admitting I had made a mistake.

    Nothing to delight my mother more than for me to come crawling home to

    her hostile black piercing eyes, with her taunts of; See, you wont succeed

    in this world because you shouldnt be out there, you should be at home

    with me! When will you learn? Why dyou have to do things the hard way

    all the time? I was lonely and needed to be part of someone else right

    now other than her. Years of her abuse had to be diluted now with

    normality and a life, with friends. So far James was the only person I had.
