Being Patient ii

Being Patient

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http://www.babywheelsorlando.com/blog/being-patient.html So you’re probably heading up to the most famous theme park of the world, The Walt Disney Orlando! I bet you’re not coming with baby strollers with you as you read some parts of our blogs and give your trust and confidence to Babywheelsorlando.com Stroller rentals. While waiting for your stroller rental keep your baby busy as they push their attention with something.. Want to know what it is and more? Kepp reading and check us!

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Page 1: Being Patient

Being Pat ient i i

Page 2: Being Patient

What happens i f you don’t help your chi ldren wait patiently in a

queue? Quite a lot. At worst , your chi ld wil l start to scream,

whine, grizz le and throw a tantrum.

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This is miserable for the chi ld, irr itat ing for those around you,

and miserable, irr itat ing and embarrass ing for you. If your

chi ld is more compliant,

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he or she might try gett ing up to tr icks while you’re not looking

(and the City Mini baby strol lers in our Disney rental strol ler f leet

have a handy see-through panel so you can keep an eye on your chi ld

while they’re in the strol ler.

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Tricks might include t inkering with the safety harness to see if they can get it undone (rather tr icky in the City Mini , thank

goodness) or pul l ing off removable bits of clothing and

chucking them into obscure corners,

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leaving your chi ld barefoot and minus that hat you had counted on to keep them safe from the

strong Orlando sunshine.

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The tr ick to helping your chi ld be patient is to give them something

to do while they’re wait ing. Ideal ly, these past imes (derived

from “pass-t imes” so a good word to use in this context) should be of the sort that a chi ld can do

solo so you can take photos and upload them to your Facebook

page as you wish.

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Nursery rhymes and f inger games are often popular, even if this

does mean you have to abandon a l i tt le bit of grown-up dignity and squat down beside your Disney rental strol ler to s ing with your chi ld and teach him/her how the

actions toIncy Wincy Spider.

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Not that you wil l be losing much dignity – most people who notice

wil l probably think that you’re being a great parent and admire

you rather than otherwise.

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Food is another great way to help your chi ld while away the t ime in

the queue, and this doesn’t require too much of your input,

apart from providing the snack or drink.

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Having a chi l ler pack as an accessory with your Disney rental strol ler helps here, as it makes a

good place to put the drinks when they’re not needed so they stay cool, especial ly i f you put an

icepack in the chi l ler pack.

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For your chi ld’s sake, i t’s best to make sure that these snacks and

drinks are lower in sugar content, as a glucose high wil l probably

make your chi ld even more prone to being impatient.

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Water is a good drink (and won’t go al l st icky if spi lt ) , and dried

fruit , crackers, cr isps, cookies and fresh fruit are good snacks that

(sneaky thought) can take a bit of t ime to eat

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A small box of rais ins is quite good, as l i tt le f ingers take some

t ime to f ish al l those rais ins out of the box and the empty box can be

played with later.And remember – the queue wil l get shorter and eventual ly you wil l be able to get on that r ide!

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