Being Guided by the Holy Spirit

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  • 7/28/2019 Being Guided by the Holy Spirit



    Being Guided by the Holy Spirit: Life in the Spirit

    As Christians, we live to please God, to seek His will and to fulfill HIspurpose for our lives. We must trust and rely upon God's Spirit to lead and

    to guide us in our everyday life and decisions.'', ,,

    . ,



    1. A life in the Spirit is a God-Centered life (Romans 8:5,6)


    Salvation narrative- when we come to faith in Christ, we move from a self-centered life to a God-centered life.



    We move from living according to the passions and desires of our hearts and

    we come to God seeking healing for the havoc that trails our paths.



    We come to God and we surrender-- we yield to God-- we crucify our old self,

    and we ask God to be the Lord of our lives.



    In that moment, we are essentially inviting the God of the universe, the

    creator, to come be the center of our lives.



    This process is what sanctification is all about-- living life God-centered.

    . .

    1. a. Thus, we move from doing whatever we want to do-- to really living

    according to the will of God.

  • 7/28/2019 Being Guided by the Holy Spirit




    We move from insisting on our own will and instead ask for God's guidance.

    (Romans 8:5 minds set on what the Spirit desires),.


    1. b. Our lives are truly fulfilled and satisfied when we fulfill our Creator's

    intent and purpose.



    2. A life in the Spirit seeks to please God (Romans 8:5,8)


    If our desire is to be God-centered, we must seek what it is that the Spirit

    desires. God cares deeply about our lives and how we live our lives.


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    A life that is God-centered, seeks to understand what it is that the Spirit

    desires and how we may please God.



    We must seek God. "You will search for me and will find me when you seek

    me with your whole heart" Jer 29:13.


    29 13.

    God will reveal His will and purposes to us..

    See John 10: 1-15, the relationship between the Shepherd and in the sheep

    is about intimate knowledge.



  • 7/28/2019 Being Guided by the Holy Spirit



    "They hear my voice", "calls them by name", "leads them". The sheep follows

    because they know the voice of the shepherd.


    ., .

    2. a. This is test of the resonance.

    We hear many many voices in our day-- they might counsel you one way,

    they'll tell you that you need this new product, but in the sheep does not

    listen to all of those voices-- they listen and respond to the voice of the

    shepherd.. ,.



    The shepherd calls them by name-- and leads them out into the pasture.

    . .

    Jesus says, I am the good shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep.

    When the Spirit speaks, it will resonate with your heart.


    . ,,,


    2. b. We are all familiar with seeking God--especially when it comes to

    relationships. Sometimes we wonder: Is there someone called "the one" for



    .. ?

    The One that we must marry.

    So, we try to find that One-- we say, O is she the One? Or could he be the


  • 7/28/2019 Being Guided by the Holy Spirit





    So we pray and fast, and pray and fast, and ask God, "God, who is the One

    you've prepared for me?". .


    We figure out that she/he is the One and then we try to make it work. We

    say things like "God told me, she is the one"..

    What we are trying to do is backward- we want to reach into the future and

    figure the One, and then we craft ways to reach that future.


    , ,


    We want God to reveal the future to us-- and then, we're gonna find our way




    But, all along what God is calling us to do is to trust him, to walk with him, in

    the present and trust Him to lead us into the future that He has prepared

    for us.

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    God is inviting us to journey with him.


    3. A life in the Spirit is guided by the Spirit (Romans 8:14).

    God is leading and guiding us. He leads us by His Spirit every step of the way.



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    He is inviting us to journey with him-- its not just the future that matters,

    your every step and your every decision along the way is as important as your


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    3. a. John 14: 16, "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate

    to help you and be with you forever-the Spirit of truth.

    14 16, ,


    The Spirit is our advocate, our counselor, our guide. Paraclete.

    . .



    See Daniel 5:14 the king says, "i have heard that the spirit of the gods is in

    you and that you have insight, intelligence, and outstanding wisdom."

    5 14, ,


    In the OT, the Spirit would come upon people anointed to a special office

    and calling. But, now in the NT, the Spirit is poured out on all flesh-- on the

    Day of Pentecost.



    3.b. How does the Spirit guide? How do we discern?


    -Spirit wears witness with out hearts (resonance), prayer, scripture, and


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    Letting go of our stubbornness, Letting go of our impatience, Letting go of

    our impulsiveness, we are called to live as one yielded to God-- for God's

    purposes, live as one called by God, live as one surrendered to God's will.

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    We live as people in the moment -- trusting that whatever God has for us is

    good for us.



    He knows what is best for us. We seek God and His Spirit guides us into the

    glorious future He has for us.

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