Behind the Thai Crisis English

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  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    '" '

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    Be ind tne Thai CrisisiO


    ~l A'P t t i ' " b..,r-~sen iI: ,-on, ' 'Y '..Ii




    Junya, Y:im,:prasert

    lfi:kharldhlkatn Llbrary, Belslnld

    1 _ 1 .0 .A , p: rU ,2 ;0 11"

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    ... col 'II '!" b -"C r" ,. ,- .,~, .. ' " f . . . , 'I1 . , .f . , "1 .. -'] 1 ,I : , - . .d '. ' ~ . .f ." :'io " .'b 't " . ,~ . ' - , '.,- '.to CO, J,[VeaCil,oill,n.lng" rreecom or speer 1. anu rree on'! 0 ' assemruy IS our top

    o :~nThailand (In.os'tAS'EAN countries), our biggest struggle is fo r collective bargaining

    rights and demo cratic governanc e,

    'ill' T h ' i ~ ] 'I h 't. -.". _. ~!; .-. __ ~ '" " " - n .!!o \_ ;;; , , _", _:- ",' ~ __ I ... " . . _ , = ~ :1 ."~ _ ,. ... ~ ,_ _.. , ' i ,_ ... ", ~ ,_ ! , I !!" 1- ".. . . J ,r.;"_.n " "at an o at present n 1.3 not on.y ore In,alty cmzens n at cannot crU1C1,Serue power,

    , -- ,- , ', . ] , 'h ,.j " 1 1 . " ,.. '- " . ~ ... . . f i 'h , " M ':, . : . , -!i'j '-:: 'h,c'1' b i a ls . ,i 'I ,'," b , ' . . . . f- ' . .. -"p ' . . .r li . .... ,- .- ,"T - ' 'I 'weaitn ,211n,ClPi,ivueges 0. tne ",onarc.",):, autalso rne memoers 0 our. aruarnent, ,,:lIE

    power, wealth and privileges of the Mcnarclw are protected bv constitution, by the

    rriminal code and even b y Ia ws g ov er nin gconductof parliamentary debate,

    n Critical, open. discussion about the social economic and cultural aspects of the Thai

    Crisis is not: pos sible inside Thailand ,~ only curside Thailand.

    Deep thanks to all governments that

    hold Freedom of Speech sacred.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    ..= -

    SOL'UTION': IIthe M o narch y step sII_'. ~ [: II

    aside .... .I: outof 'ootitics~

    Movingtowardsegali tariansociety

    - -_. --- -

    P ' e o . p , l . e " sstru.ggleagainst abuse of labour

    .. - -. h. I . " '. - ::.: .: I ;.,. t o, ~& land ltg. ts,

    constru ctiau of darns. . L I .n ]i , L l. . ._,!!i,;J _ _ .. . .t o " " p o W . x ' p O Ia n ts .{.. ._. -__.., _~

    . .

    rnining etc '.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    1 0- ' - M . ' B " Y ' "2" ' : '0" '10 ' ("", ":: ,:.... -.:.: ,~, ".", . ' .protesters resisted th e advance ofthe Royal Thai Army with primitive weapons,

    -Ph"1- r .. - t " - ']I ;j i l !1 i ,! - i' -I!.. - __.tirILA '- ' . - -- .-II 't!J'- ...!lA' 'IUI - iirrIll!." C -I it '- -A - ._ - II' ~.;II .-" .. UilO; LcO[~n Uri..,_:I l ! I . ' t1 ,,C":nz.t:: '~l lUle.l"!l' Il1llLlnll.~ l '' fQ J' ~, U . L~ n: : : . .~~r ,u il ,C H O '.iM'iIl!3S 1E1"mS Lt~:U,o!i!IIm_

    The ..a :. .I -" ]' '"sn '],,. 'n"'-1 'i" '~ " ~ ~d ,- ,,~ d+iI..,.' ;'11""'" 'lin''~"T' ',' ,."" "'l~ ~A 'N " :', , " ~ ~" ,-"iese PI ( ; , o , l ?, 1 2 :,S :B , ,mgg .e ,,1jL ,u1:abR1.1I. .reacne .tne ,I,C ip ,,!i.J u '_ i . . _ , unes s wonu ,~WS ~dLQrt OJ;.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    e S I B 'e Q. E -- e -genc\r ., -

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    April-May 2011 Crackdown

    T he 'w h ',o leRoval Guard - the' elite ,o l f~", ' ; - ' , theRoval Thai,~ ~

    ,A "r",y "",30,JJO Osoldiers, '~fll:S , 'If ',o/J ' il jz,1!d toclear the ,Re:tlSh'iFtprotes: ca"~pin Ba";gk,o',k.

    I) 5 :9'7.-j',fjitJlbulle ts 'w,e ,r e,1iJi;flfJe:d D ' U I '~'f-,the , r o _ 1 J a lar'IHOlfF),i.;_ J ~,479~,S77'we'lle returned: 1,17",9:2',l,bllllets~'H , J ' e , re 'u ..e d ..

    ~ ,(J "'0 'JJ I "'''U ,iI!e"D~Ij[') ,1"; ; . . : .11 ' " ' i[!!Hiner :v;~;Ro'~ 'IL4I'laiI'!'D sien a ' ,d ' " , , 'ou t ,n(--IiI!'l., Q.J!,; . ' ""lI IU,"JI~'~I&e:-L~lJ f~"- ii~.- "~~;irl~' E-~'!f"&IL]i r. , . . . -~"-!~~'i-.~~~ U.. . ~:' I~R~~-Y,o)'tll ar'I"Q,EJ'.fp. 8,80'Wtu~:ereturned: 2 ' 1 , 2 ' 0' bullets w, e l " " , efired b , r y 'snipers.

    to I ( J~ ,OO '(}ubber bullets '~1'eYiesign ed ,o u't,,o f the ,~oytll,a'f:m,O'l'I~y~3',,3B!OWtUiI,e returned: ,(j,620rubber bulletsw,eJ"t! used:

    93, people were kllled. 2,0 1100 1 were wounded,- -

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English





    ,2.Penple's -struggle:

    against abuse of labour& land rights,

    eonstruction of darns& power plants,

    , .'ffilD1l1g etc.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    66 million people

    5~7 million farming households represent about 40% of the population, halfwithless than 1 1 0rai (1~6 hectares): people that engage in share-croppingand migrant labour;

    Not le ss th an 41'5.--1 of C iF, i '1-1ere dit in Th ailan d,;c h n - e. d-1 -e d b "Y- '"th - 1 3 , b 'I!li c' k - 'm arket' :_ ~ '" l, '~ " :' ~- : '~ , :. , .' ~: , , :,//0'-,1, G Ir" '_ ,:_: ,~i, Ji., " ,}(.lI!,,JfJil: ._!,Jlij !';jlt,I '~' __.. ~.~_.,.",,:':.': !~, _~.Jtt:l!,..,... :~l~:. ~..._:.,'with interest rates on a monthly basis.

    T b' " ' :. ',< .' ~ ;. .. ' " ," F~:.:---~_ c' ~ , ,c a D "r' ' b - - : t / ..c ,. .- -_ -- ,~. . ' - ~.": ,h .'- i' '- . ,eh-.'.~d .""- 3 '010 ' "0 0- '10- : 'B. Ip : 1 ,~t -'. -..-..., I,e lilvera,ge.annlll0 ,e _," JL,, .ouse. '0.1.." 15- '_i~ ..... , II ,all" a OU,I~jd " .. b -- :- 'l"'Th-~ : : - ' ' ! 'I.' c d "'- " .", .," -: c' - . . - . .. - -- ,'. :' t".- H ' '- 1- -" .( 'h ' ,"1 -Id ' ;D '" ., ' l4.t ' -~,QU, ~e . ,at~,an,,_,S average, , , ( U . : I s e ,,,0.. ,- eu .,

    Limited ~...-,~.1 '''''-''Itr tion r -:.., 'h~-':---about '2- ' . '7 '01ofthe 3"': 'Gmilli .."-,,"-,.:~..orcemr e.. 1ir1IIOClRl PIO ec Ion .re~lC. es a, O U ,IU . ." ."70 O. .. .6 o'""'.ml.l011. WOlKl.I' .ref',.

    The va st '2 ,1 4

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    Paop 1111 9~ave' p r()tast~d J F Q I f 'decad 98 8g18 ~nst ,8 p:Qtarshl Imi IfIli'lFrtgcanso n1 iOm '~trlUdon Thanl, a Fliold eentrs 'for OlUtW8 ~dlabou rnilrglf,aj~iQ[[ij.

    ThaUalndhas urgent ne,ed tO I s tud y -1 - 8'1-eg is . "I !butthe 2011 Bu,dget

    '~d I y 2 ' 5 '~II~ Th'~ '11 I I ' ~prolv~'es on '.','",/~,.. ' mil ro n euro . .'IIS iS JUS'4% 0" the 60 mllllon euro dir'ect'slatesupport ta l the IRDyaIIH'Dus'ehD~dlland this 6 ;0m UU o n d oe,s no t ~nlc lluld et i h l e'1 010& o fmi~nolnls1hat g l & tlo st ln d irec t s tateS;UIPPOtrtfD raro und 31D O OI,RoyaIIPr.ojecls ' ,fo r the.Privy

    C- "U - '- /1 1 _ . - . ' .I '.",' .,-,,1,- -;"' , ,I" R" '- y II G " - "uard ""1 - '" ,o . nc ., r'o yas ec relarlliIiS j'D ,a .-,a ec~

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    5 ' o n oprotesters from land rights ~ fisher folk, anti-dam'. . t . I.' tic r , . .:a l b ' . . .i.. . ... tw o .,.~l".... t,i f' ; .,c o n s ruC lo .n a l1 . I J JJu r an ,p oO ,r 1 1 .e" .Ul~K.S' pro est 1 1 1 . .

    solidarity near Government HrHJse,

    Worker and small farmer

    P-RO'TE-'STS Ii 201'):.... , .' ..... 10./ ..

    .2 ~OO Oworkers:m a rc h .ed .I 0 0 km

    from ..Ea stern

    Seaboard toBan ..gkok

    demanding thatcorporationsrespect their


    rlghts ~~ , '~ 1 4 " F "' i. .. . ~t'lil] '1. ~_ . = .IL . " _ _eu .l:.U, .

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English



    ,In zen,D ',OUGBIr

    1 IN ' In ''&!_'IL:!.Ii.,jJWUUm.,~

    --'I,IJUS'-, 1 1 , . ,

    . '...... I

    --.-:____[-~'~ ,


    ""wstrf*rqI.;- - ( 210. lib' -_1.. - iGl~It 21

    bfIIp' '.-'J '

    - .~-


    F L 1 0 I I O I D I Scovered

    39 prov inc es,.'6~"26 villages,

    . . .. . ']'- 1' 1 'b - Id s_ " - - " 1 . I," 1 '."_.- JTIJ,.J(1[1 ,louse" .0 " . "7 78-A I ']I 6'0 '1~"lI~of, . . "1i ".]I1 I(~ I tlliiL .armland. placed

    17 0,:)8,'48 people incrisis and k il led 180.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    ...I I l

    J ~ I ~l I ~

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    1 2 1 2 ''Democracy Coup'1 Q yPeop le s 'Panty(eli te in Ten,ecll!~a~s.

    , & _ :m iJi ar v {1 :[fi~j,e~;s,.~. ~

    194dICingAnanda (Ramavnn Assassinated

    1,N11I.L__ 'b a - . .Iitmy ...I;YIIIIIIIB~ ..... O u p .Abrupt end to 1 S years of

    People's Party.

    tElP rin ce sRebell ion.About .~00 rovali $Y S.!ex i led [0 the island

    of Tanaao 1: [1the[11d.i3:11Ocean

    1 _First elected P'M

    sinee 1.976.Economic boom

    Soeial 'Welfar@ Act

    und:MonaDb.. miltIMyC'OI"

    crack dow n en s: ltu dlets41_W


    M Dnu c_ m DiJ tu r rQBacl~edby U's.Return malUILOS:t

    Absolum rvkJlWU't hy .

    1 : I 9 1 '.ICDTlUDICc ._I I \ . r : rFloan

    P:F. ' ~Vatisation

    2I!m' 1DJ I l i I t "1"-- .. I( _' .- .

    tbiliI _'.m.~to kick ou t


    117]PI .ple~1up~king

    211]1,~"""an autheritar~an-populist

    whe inrrodueled.Thailand "sfirst public healtheare

    scheme, alsofunds & .~ ~ , o a : n l .schemes fOE the poor etc.

    l O U ]}.1mB ~~ . . II ~ . m . I l - ! . :....:_.

    rlDDlildJ_!Q;J I i O P IdiId,

    C I ! t a P I I h . ,G f:'D'"d~'''\II_-~-'.


    R.d -SDid.I .- -'-- -- t h o rIbdsmt,IYIJvIDIdt

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    The King "has,been famously quoted. as saying ._! ' Hedoesn't like dictatorship, but if he . 11 3 . 5to make 3 choicebetween milita r~r I!!UVernmen t an d stud ents he '\1'OllJ.d e ho ese


    tile 'military. Although students have ideology they lackexperience, responsibility and are very much under theinfluence of the outside; 'whereas the military are disciplined,responsible and concerned for the well-being ofthe country,and have experience in running the Government",

    , I iOctoh el"Crackdown 0.0 students

    41 died.

    1D~S ' r n j l 1 L r e d "311.54 arrested.


    Military CoupMax penalty for

    lese maj este

    Increased tors years,

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    1 1 9 4 7195]

    I991] 9 7 6 1977

    197]1957 1959

    1 .6!:I'1.9 15-7,I. II "Because the Prime Minister P. Pibulsongkram is nottrusted by the people and could not keep peace in the country the:military led.b y Field Marshai Sarit Thanarat bas. taken over th e administration and. theposition of the Military Defender ofthe Capital, J .therefore appoint F ieldMarshal Sarit Tbanarat [0 be the Military Defender of rb e Capital from U(]>'\Von ...'

    c 25 November 1.971 ii, .After the coup th e King requested Field Marshal'T h " " . .. .." . "'. .. .. .. .. .. .";1;.'- . - .... u= p . .. .. . , . , ." . .,k " ' , ' . . ' . ,_ .. 'b - . ' . . "" .- , . . . ;1 ./d '." -r .' .t th ' . ...M l' ....~i ,. C O I I J I J . IL . m . u . eas . _re m_~ .e .r,.. e ~p ....S WO.[u. Rll P.~.OILe-c , .. :e .' .DntU'C,~1.y.,

    o 9 ' Oet m 9 1 0 1 ~III In. a dispatch, to London from the British Embassy in Bangkok.3 d a y s: a ft erthe ~~.76 1 massacre, the King to ld . a 'U ,K .guest 'th at h eprefersmilitary government to students,

    ,1 0 S ep 'fe 'm 'b e r ,2 0 '06 , I' , ", a reported conversation between the 1J S Amhass ador'~ , . 'B ': " .~ e , , 'k - . . ,..;;I IFl'" , , \, '~ S '1 f~'". . ." ,. . ,. .. . " ' O 'th "1f'Ii("l. ote ' I ! . . . . I ' C ' "I ' "ulallg~;[), ane uf!11e,ralL .. onmi, comman U 1 l J . ,~, W J ] J ,e .'7 D e I ' .emeer r oup,reveals that General S orntbi and oth er military chi efs 'were le d to the Palaceb . '0 '" '. ' .'t' .p " ,', . .T " , ' ." '''J " '" '. ,;aJ.. f ~ ' "th ,,;:r.,',. 0 t ' . ' .,-LJ." , tl ,;,. 'ii',~,' . ,,-...:iiI,.:,Y, 'e n .e r a .r ,e m , " .,~lll[~q.a nOD.uua '= o .r . .!I e,D.;.. l n .~ D !l. J ~ ,e s s: " tT h e J J .a :cl~nJ,nsanu.

    th \t . "" 'ii 'h - . .U"..~, --. rel ,,,.;aJ .. d' h '. , .... , " -1"0"11"'.1, I ]-"If"IL a, ~ " m e .rung, w as, r e ..axea ani ....p py ..S:,.ml.ln~ 11 . L I r O U . grou - ~

    I ' IL . 70 '~~ 93"; Th '.'~ . . . . J I.n . tne '7 ye t ITS Slnc e 1 -""" ahanlJlJ.and ~Til ai democracy ~has 'been runmainly by generals and the high elite,Only after 1 995 w ere s OJ]],e p o l it ic i au

    \ 111ith e iv iJ .J .all.and rural backgroundsable t~, enter th e leadership,

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English



    F~rqr 'e~d:e,~ , 'Hugs -0,[ It'he nation'

    G'ei[ler~l Pappa Prem,~h~,i.:rm all. D f the P ' r. i 'V \ J Cou:n(lil~

    M,ast1er'Manipula.'t.alrjGrm1d Mast1er of CCfUPS",

    The Molulr('ll~r's ~'gnod.In,en.~,for~R.e',1:die Natiors'

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    i200 000 p o l i c e

    D O D 0 00 , 'i U8 _'

    -,rnolcr'j'p _ _rty

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    I P ro l ec ti n ,gI S I J J I P P O r t : ~ l n g lplromolin,QIpatlri ,1rcf i laII Dinali\ch~em lR.ouglh S iU._IMIAA'Y1 0 ":5iTAT E, IEXI:IIE,NDllrTUR:El e n '2011-I,em,ac,;edi' [ ' r10mthe Thai lanyuagtJI I/lemiDnc f' Th:aJ~aJfIdIE h .u : l 'Q , e l~ iml lB ~~f'~IBl l I l ' \ f . ; ! J~lUJiQ i f 'the' IB'i!Jdale~~f ~ U ' 0 9ID r 'iI'ie'PmmB' . .[ 1 l11s t~ r.~



    8 u r 1 e a u o 'fthe R o y a I DHOUSiinoid

    J Ol.mrU9)JS'iV w s i t s "W i e ! le l e ! i v lr n ~ 1H e a d l s0 1 'S1a les ek:!.

    R o yall A [[h~lHje~amI 0 ~ , l la J n 1 m e ' fl l~ :OflG8of Hiils MajI9Sty,I:8 Principii Privti.te,Set~ezary

    01"iol of the R o y a l l lOeve~Qlpmeffl~I P F o , [ l e c ~ :BDIlid

    1 M _ni st.ryI O i rDel,efn:~eIjOonls~;antlv' rem l [ nfl'iingP S l D , pe o 'rthe i-. p o r 1a n C l B I o fna:~~ollaI1fh3n't[ty'and lay,al'ly'~O[',9 ~. ~QI1a.rch~

    .~Unif;y~; ~eo~,I~e~o I l l l n o t e m ,'~ h9 I'.0 naJ~C ~ 'an e ll

    ( . ; r e a Uri g nai~lDnt)Jn~l~on i l lf i i IJM ign

    G ' D \ i e ! n n i m ' e r r u ~ :

    1 ~ l m p l l e m e n ~ ' . n 9 1'the Kling"s! ,Swr"'e a n e y E'conollm')f'

    Ki~nf:f,sb,ifthdayIR 1 0 y a i IP \ o llic eBlu,eau

    C Un ifyi'ng peoPr~eto1 ( J ( f ! ' lO l t e c '~h m o n a . J l ( fI~~' an d

    craaUngrUI~~iDnaJm S Q D n C U r i8 i. i o n 1 (: 80 ~ /. oo f:p et I b u C 1 l g e O53 ,1896,

    2 SO Q i8,l 165 ,. i"""'11 '.,"', ..1

    , 2 ~ l l e O S i rl' , 6 8 ,

    I S D f J l , 2 0 1 15,

    5 !O I 1'9 114,

    4 , ' 1 4 , 1 1 0 '1 2

    225; B 6

    , ~ l 3 4 1

    '1 ,01

    1 , ) 0 11 ,:5 i1


    z so,B

    1i191 1,,34'7

    'm1 1G!I" Im l1! iJ !1.!!!1J!II~ "IiI JIA~'~I~'I!!iJ!!IiJ!~

    'n C : 0 " ",S T ~ I S ':lIe ........... ~ . .. .V__u.

    The Palace can. call for donatio 18,charge what it wants andpocket what it wants

    without , au lYkind o f monitoring,

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    : :) A -~~I "n-111,~I, -,p~-. ...'I~L,I

    U:Muptil e ,IJoHJe"O f tl i e dust on' th,e soles alJ:d'the dU~fJtunder the soles ~f ,,(J'U;'f royalfeetprotect ,m y , /1ead a 1 :1,d'the , t op 'of my head'

    'I, The country' burning last year ' b rough tgreat sorrow to ' the King and Queen,"

    '~~I- W T U 1 . tHM to receive the justice he deserves, and, also IllvI the Queen. They've W O : W. k, fH ] ]so hard,'

    '~1'd like to ask for 1 .0 minutes of TV time after the Jle:,VS each day, to show short films about the royal duties to show'what ElM the King and the Queen have been doing."

    "Plea se pity them, When they "work wholeheartedly for the Thai p eo ple , 'b o thof them are very attentive. ~

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    '" "-, ~ ': - . -dlJ n fUnJ ~ 1J,~Jl\ 'i~L~!Jd "'~1.. . ~

    ~,,", ," ' l l" '9 ,. . . . ~ .

    ,O~~..1March 20 W. D r Somsak J e am th ir as ak n l ~a leading historyprofessor.published an 'Openletter to Princess Chulabhorn onJus ti ce ' ,

    In "second..lerte ~A :- ' . ' -."[-] 'e foi sd Iib. ,; ' ,; . . . . lf'aski ,. " ~ ' I 'fl'~1 A" 'd ' - I ' A",n. a .seCfHill L _ "e - e. r OJ l ,J -.. ' ,prJ.,U~ , oun. ,uLlIDS ,L .as., . l1g. "~ '7,.!t. u u :e it1 : - .a.l:lu.over .2 ~000 l:r.ffiJured. less sorrewfu 1 .than. burning buildings?',('l:J1i..,.,. 'H" , ' , - -"1[) ."..... 'i 'U":.: ' t. _, ., .. _ " :, '-- 1 ' :',1 -.r it . ; ' , . .ofth - P:'!AT''\?''~'V V.lW.y .. ,,e:r&~ya~ ,n.lg.WJ.ess , n .oen ..1,Cls\~no, U_le . ,1""l..L1.,

    Questioning andcriticising the

    Monarchy is strictlyf b iddrmuc,en.

    0',0, ,S.April :!OI.l~ although mostlysupportative, after 2 ~-oOO,~o:ll1JDJeJ1~~to bi sown comments O : r J I J .the princes s 'sstaremenrs,Dr, S omsak, : : l m I i C D ! U U . Ced hew o uld . c lo se h is. F ac e b oo k , te mp or ar ily,beeaus e of so many threats frorn royalists ~

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    ;I, Queen~'sGuard G,ene'fall.,ccmmander OIf 'the2 1 0 ' ~ O , A p f U L M a . J 'Masisacrres" nowCo mm a l n ' d l 8 r ~ , l l n , C h ief 'I!ll '; 'theR[)ya~T hai A r med ]F c r c ' e : s :1G ' , e n e r a , 1Pra,yuthCh:ano,ci1l,s . a r Y- .is ..,

    "Don'! meke the crisis',gets worse. ,Media ties to 11 e J pin this metier; on the M,anarc::hy~

    I dn -1:J t -' ' ' 'no' '-W "tnose W 'bo w t " , j : + - e ' t\,' '/ If: -".,' ".' 'LI' .., ~ ,'. ,j"w eb .s lte s ,a nd talk In the publ'fc'~~

    whether t/1ey are crazy orm,entaJJy IIl,academlcs.

    T't, . ; .ere ere C' i 'O"1m-a '-n ' '- 'Yo t -t h e 'iml,'.. .f .', ~ . ' . ~ . ' .. , 'I [I,' . '.:" U' '",,:', i,Don 't kno'w wnetw r o 1 n , gwiththem. I~

    7' A ~'I 20-11prh "~'.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English



  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    'L " ''\ M ' ' '" " 'L ' ., ': . ',.". ( ... , ...' . . ".."'. ;,,I .... '; I ,"- : .... ....I 1,.",~ . : . .... .... _. .. ':;: : :.: = :..ese rv ajcstc Law

    U'ii,ld,er'Absolute M O ll,a r cl1 : Y ,LM law s 'w erefirst , d , e f i l r J t ed l ,as a,- ")- - , , , ';,- . l '9 ' :"0" '1101 , ,~ , t 'm ... _ - .- I'M }"f"" - . ,- - -", , , , , , ' j - . . , , - - . 'f~3 ' , .- . . " .cr 1111em :,' ~witn at pen:a~i ,0"_ a m,:aX1InllIT1, 0 .. ,_-:years:l "mpr ' 1: ~f) ' nm" g:'1;' '; t "e" '":1 rrren ' I t - Jy und e r 0 -' ' l' lH r-'S o'I' 'I P " . .. .pos ed p,:."'It ' ' ' l:l~! !11rn QIi'llo tarvI . 1 L ,1 [ ,1 , ' .' _ , lL lJ i, I" _.1" I" , " 1 1 1 ,, , . 1 ,1 ._" , '- ' . .1 Il. , . . ,'L Ii, I 1:" ,IL..I!., ,~, ,,_.' _ 1 1 ." ,'~ : ""- - ., 'l ~, -. I, ,- I\ ,; ,. -: :. . . . _!i; . . - "IL" ".m" , , \;""l"l.l!-,!o)';IL.

    ,= - .....! _~ ,

    democracy, tile maximum LM. penaltv is . IIp at15: years,

    'B 'ycomparison, Idefa,m,ar:iol1. of:8 ,civil servants or deiamatioucausing loss i.. business carries 1 ~ Zyear, Insulting a ju .dge is 7'tlie~ !Ji 'y-- 'cs. 1 . . ._ . .0.. ,,' ~'

    B et\vie.en 210101,5 '...210 0 9 about 547 LM cases weresent to trial,A much greater number IOl fcases are waiting for the police 811.d

    d 'i how i d (. , h" h 1p- : :" r" -Qc, ~Q;C - : -" ; -Uto lr"i;:'1' "to Q C - : :i1( Q .iow ro 'P "ro C -:.G 1!;~ .to Q ~r",1!;, 'W " c: ' 1111 " " - : ' 'W"8 , "Y ' . '.1 tne,.' .. h..JiG' .... c~ ,Ib,,"" c~ " " _ ' !! i. .. , c c , l. ': _ \ ; ,. ..".L')"\{V c ~ " " ,~_ 1. ' I , _, 'b\ ._. i_, c . -- c~ l. ,~iL,'\;,.. :,"_ ,',IL \...-_ .~_ " .. i IOl . '_ , c __ c 1. '. c_cookie crumbles) .. B,et'\\"'e,e:n1 9,4 , 6 .. .:20 05 the conviction rate fo rLMcases brought t,O, trial was 9 4 , 1 % , .

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    ...............sum,m,ary II !II

    'Vel), many ofThe People 's leaders have been assassinated, or 'been, sent or forced into exile,His Maj esty has ma nage d ,to approve at least 9 military C(JUJH).

    During th e 1950ies the 'U'SA let it be. kn 0 W J I] ,'very' clearly that it did not want Pridi Banomyeng,-il-.i.... f tt 'L.. ,. f 'T I 'h - . , .;.d - .. '..'I " . .... . ,. ., '. . . . . ', ''1 " .;1 h',.,,."'".,. , .4 1 1 . . .... . ~r t d '. e .. ' :1 . ," d ' . . ',. .nti ..,.' . '[".,.me ramer 0._ ... sat , movement, ana .. as since nemons 1~1Le .. C..ear y an. COlli .L.11.110UK Ythat the '''' ' alitic ~:', ,' st . if th e ' U ' I S " A :fl '"rat high ibove tl . ',.+",...,,,,., t af th , , 11 f - 'r l~ ,i'ji-md1,.I;ntn e geo-po .mcar L I 1 .erests 01, I. e ,-:~::. _oa11,:,,:1.aeovetne uneresrs 01 me peopie or inauano,

    H M ' . 't " 'I /l .. - '. , . f' , tioi ]. - L 9 ' "e:s: F " " 'ld 'M t, H ~ " i f - ' lft[5.. J.3JCS Y's genera s arways .p ass a wa y' In ..a . sea o r corrupttortru _ Uu. ieio .. ' arsnau earn .':e.!il, ., .' .. ' ... 'i"" tha . ~ O ' .0 . ' h nd ., t'",.. ."... 'f' 2 'L " '1-1 ".. n... t .n d '" 2 "0 ':"'0 :"0 ""0 . . , ': . .'f ''1 ' . , '. d 'u..l.S . l1::1.or'. Wl.ves ~l.n;,.m18.J. ess ovel., .IIJJ'~.l. l:On.,a . ~U l'" ',,: ~,' .. , 'ral 0.1. . .a n . '.

    20 '1 0 0 0 0 . , . , ' I L . , d d " .. f ] - ' ,. . , 'T "" , "1 -d ' ~ d i " j- ~"1 ' " . 194'7zu _ ,~" ; ,~ .."cinzens nave mec m cont Jet in I ..nai all l's n ever emmg, silentC1Vl.,.w ar since ."J'

    In a country-wide survey in January . 2 0 ..1 ~8,0%ofadnlts polled said they had personallywitnessed government corruption ..

    I 1,- . 2 '" O ' 0 '"10 K . . . : B ':iJ I I . ib . '1 " '. ' ~ . '. , .,_,'t... . d -+ 1 ' : , - ,. , . '.'1.. t " ~."" th .......,..;: m b'..,. ' . ',~ ' J ( ! . . .. n , . . .'. . "Q, . :; lug..tll]!,u,m.l. '.0... wa:s l a:i1.U:l~e...1[, ],e l.l,C.I],es. :tTI.ollarC.u.ln ..:.,e wor,I,u'. , Y 'Olll1Jes

    is '. '' " '" .2:0 0 10 t....'.' . "f" 't~ .. .. '",~ . ~ . . nt' ,,".'.. "'-'" ' 2 "0"0 1/ b . d " . - t ' d '": f l .it the A -'L..~.;' , , ' t1:." :: ..',',' .. th..Ulce -......o,~~o covel .. L11S gove.~run.en.'a S Oll-,gOlLlg .' .. 70: .." U ,_ge :e .le1 ',., .. e .'.:.IU'.J]..L81., v'fU8;lIlva~... e'ilit . ,.. ,",~s ta ll '. ' ' " " " , '. ', " .., " " " h .. b".! bo "' ,.,".'. r2 'c b.. ' l' " !' , " , .U S D ;" /" .. . , '~ ,T 'h ' : ' . . : ' .th -+ f '.IDll ~lt;:ll.I1.sal..e:, .pt.1J11.e lnm1SLel".1 ,.as;ee.n,Olrl.owln .. g I. J .. LI.O.n.,; . '. y,eal,. .J.s. lS Il,:.e cos ..0 ..

    n -.. 1 ' ': d "~ :

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    The Thai Crisis in 2011 ..At the core of the crisis is -Joss of all trust in the judiciary.

    This loss of essential trust has, several components ,~~, Absence ofhonest investigation into the cause ofincidents and death"

    The impossibility of investigating the (gross) misconduct of the Royal Household.

    The lack:of universal, regional, local or any' standards: for investigating crime 311.dc o rn : _ w, pti o n . , a n ddue compensation,

    The meaningle ssness o f what measures exist that are supposed to protect humanrights defenders311d those required to give. or wishing to give, testimeny,

    P b'I~ hib ~,~ di ion of 1.,''U,-"lC pro u utton on mscusston 0,- monarcny '0 ; in public,

    in government offices,

    in the Parliament 'to '' 1"1' y : , ' , ,O.;~lIl'I'" m i ; 'TIA,...l..., ._:. Ib;lIj...l.. .ll ,UJI .

    W H Y-".:-.~,-I the ' _ 't '= " '.', - ,:: ,- ,- ,attn ':-"I " ', ',- ,: -:-''(I ,- , . ty-""-d"'- the A ' S , " ', 'E " 'A N - ',i" "I .: ,, IS r , e ' In, e,rn,a lo,o,a C O lm"m U"DI.,< a,n, , ,.,e,,, " ,.,:""' ' -Ull!!li '', , 't " " ,, ', ''- ,'th e B " "" " ;- -, ',_"k"" :"ik ,-','",-" ","'"e:,','," , : -?S ..em on I" e ",ang-o,-, massacres II

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English





  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    Agenda for change'1''1 T_ d N'D'-I,.V'! IllLe--e,I . . " ', , -, ' .. . '~ 1! !' . .,~to .. "',




    01,0 bllise : f or th ei,11,~,']"llJlti onal monitoring of a fr~e 3J),d fa i : r. ,~gen ~'l\'&1~,t: le etion;

    -ig'btelectoral corrttption, on th~ principle democracy 'belongs tothe people- 'to ~Uwomen ase W E l l

    as'Duell, ~

    and must b e ~ ' e " giti mate ~,yre P resen rarional;

    organis e p u b l : ~ , G 11acad ern ic and par[ ,u~. -m,e 'n lE l rydebate on the ro le an d purp ose of th e milltar y and D10'n. : !ucby:;

    remove ~U obs tac les,r like, "ti.l,eh~,w.\iof les ,en~,aj,eJre'-tb,~,tpv.~v~:n.tpe'npl~ ' : f .rQm,expressing their true fe'~'[,~,]lg.s3.n,d,o p in io ns without fe3.'r~:

    ,1 , , "~ [- ,, , , , " 'I ' - .,~ ~ 'l-.i ~, "'- 1 . , ', -" J , ~- ,, ,.i-- :-, , ' 1 ~ , :, , ", 1~ ,', II "'" , ", ' " ' ,,'d - ~ ', , ', ' " , ' , , I" ~ '" ' . . . , " , ',:1 ' , " 'L,.:L " I ,;''y ,d , ; ''I '= - ,,'"re ease au p'O"I,t~,ILa." prisoner s ann nuuare a tnorougu ciean-up an , compte ],en;8~,veOV,~]" )au o,~ t l~ ju 1,C.~.a, system -in the name of equal. : r i g J1 . tS , ;

    -- 'I -~ ~ r "I C ' ._.' n - , ' , ( - ~ , d 'Il'l II _] " d b ~. I T~I "request t , ) iElJ . tthe rntemanonai ,,'ommunus rakes proper nonce 0, tfU~, ,00Une""stan.C~,:EHUS practice , ,'y n,!g,.1 ,1 rUU,authorities, 3l1,d takes appropriate steps to help the people open. new democratic space sn that tih,ey can..ensure,

    together '\.vith,the International Community and 'd1J~people of the 'world'i' tJl.~Lupholding of human righlts;

    eusnre that the Thai m , H i 1 : 1 . :U : Ycan never again be: t u r n e d ,agai,nst civilian populations, Thai or ntherwise,

    b I' 1. ," d d 'i 'l 'l 'b l"""" 'I!. l c l f . il i 1 ~esta ,.LS[1 an. mt , e ' pen " '~'l!l'ti ,(0 m.p, ete '~7'ope n Pli, "I J , e mvesngatron tnto 't,] e ~1,00 -ymassacre C),', CKVI. rans ~1V tne,Ahl:~js]_tGovernment ,ar~.d Royal Thai A J ' m y in ,,AJp:ril.May: Z O l O he' monitored b Vthe ,ASEAN and or the e r N . ,

    p :~ i i l l J , r. et h u : ~well~b~i:ugand. interests af rural p~opl,e", and respect for their skills and kn.o\1{J_I,edg~l'at' the centre of the,susrta:i.n.~h~,e:evclopmertt pHradlllg~11.,

    For. t.l.l~sake' of sustainable d.e-v~i.opnl.,e-nt~our whole system of edUCiihd.onmust orient to tllJ,~'s'!,and '[;-0muchbetter u riders tand i:r~,g0 f~ ihe impacts crf the 'p 0 1itical s traregies that have been ]m,pased on TI1~, land :s]nee th,e Cold. W~Jr"by the u.s"' and other rnajor powers, in,(1.udj ng the imposition O if'Gr'ee:n RevnlutiOIl/ ea 1!.1!.omi[~~ xport-ortented[n~nuhctll[in.g1' uu,m~a[d,labour migra:tio,l1L':andse~, tourism, The ~vhnle COt~Jl.tl17 needs u,rgen,dy tp'kmere h D . n . e s d . v

    d f 'll 'I :L 'I . I . 1" " ic d 'ln more caretui 'Vat tne roars o .vtL1.~' enrrupnon tnat are causing-our c la.Qt:~,'(~ U11lUS,'[ S'[)'Clo;..eJCfHl011ll,C. eee Grpnl.enr.

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    -Healthca e system

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English



    lTV GENDER QUALITY Q 1 < 9 TPro-Poor pol"cies Land refor msF reed o m c JI 'A s s em b ll'y Subsidies for orqarnc 'f,arming,Salc:i,a~wB:lfritf'e

    , A S E A NA S E A NCrnss-Cu ~tJJ~ L l IInstit ute

    lnternational Women's Day2 0 11

    G ndar

  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


  • 8/7/2019 Behind the Thai Crisis English


    'K " ,11,:'11t08

    T akThank y ou

    ~1'EJUfl(ufl~qj -

    For more informationV VW W ..timeup tha il and , net