BEHAVIOUR POLICYbrocklewoodprimaryschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Behaviour... · made aware of the situation. Supply Teachers If a member of school staff is with the supply

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Page 1: BEHAVIOUR POLICYbrocklewoodprimaryschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Behaviour... · made aware of the situation. Supply Teachers If a member of school staff is with the supply




Page 2: BEHAVIOUR POLICYbrocklewoodprimaryschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Behaviour... · made aware of the situation. Supply Teachers If a member of school staff is with the supply

At Brocklewood we “imagine, believe, achieve”. We are ambitious and encourage our children to dream big and have confidence in themselves. We are preparing our pupils to be 21st Century citizens who contribute positively to local, national and global communities.

The Brocklewood way is:

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe.

This behaviour policy is based on the following principles:

All children can behave.

Behaviour is everyone's responsibility.

Children, parents and staff working together to improve behaviour is

most effective.

You need good behaviour before you can achieve good learning.

Children should learn that behaviour has consequences — both positive

and negative.

Our Mantras:

Fight fire with water.

If we can predict it, we can prevent it.

The problem is the problem, not the child.

Our Learning Behaviours:






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Our Routines

Line up in register order

Meet and Greet

Hands up for silence

This is summarised in Appendix 1 Behaviour on a page.

All staff should have pre-planned routines and procedures to ensure children

are best-placed to behave and learn well, Staff should plan the following:

The Meet and Greet every time children enter a learning space.

How children move around school.

How children line up outside the classroom and on the playground in

register order (from Y 1).

Seating plans (mixed ability and grouped to enable collaboration)

Monitors to carry out jobs.

How resources are organised so pupils can easily access them.

How children will move around the classroom.

Our Recognition

• Postcards

• Marble in the Jar (to reward the whole class)

• Class DoJo

Remember to speak to parents face to face or by telephone as regularly as possible about positive behaviour

Roles and Responsibilities

The Brocklewood way is:

Right Tone

Right Time

Right Place

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The responsibility of all staff is to promote and role-model expected behaviour

and to challenge behaviour that does not meet our school expectations. This

applies at all times during the school day, including when in the corridors,

outdoor learning areas, open spaces and halls.

The role of our Brocklewood Mentors is to promote and support our mantras,

through running preventative interventions, offering support and advice and

co-ordinating the support team around the child.

Strategies for re-directing unwanted behaviours

1. Give a non-verbal cue — hand gestures, a look, a nod of the head,

2. Use a tactical pause.

3. Pose questions/statements to remind children of the expected


How can I help you?

I need you to...

Thank you for...

Well done for.... even better if...

4. Use "thankyou" before the child has complied. This shows you expect

they will comply.

5. Direct to the correct behaviour rather than describing the incorrect

behaviour: 'line up quietly, thank you'

6. Use conditional directions: "Yes, you can get a drink when you have

finished your sentence".

7. Use reminders: “ Remember we are safe/ready/respectful”

8, Allow take-up time: "James put your book in your tray thank you. I'll check

in 2 minutes." Walk away to allow the child to comply. Follow up in 2


9. Remove an audience: "Matt, come here, thank you." Look away, showing

you expect them to comply without being watched.

10, Ignore secondary behaviours, concentrate on the primary behaviour you

are dealing with.

Sometimes pupils will not respond to re-directing. Consequences will then

apply. For children in Years 1 to 6, the following procedure should be

followed when dealing with unwanted behaviours.

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1. Child receives a reminder.

2. Child receives one sad face.

3. Child receives two sad faces. 5 mins of next break missed for reflection

4. Child receives three sad faces. Brocklewood Mentors should be called at

this point- 15 mins of next break for reflection.

5. Child receives four sad faces. Removal from class for reflection with

Brocklewood Mentors who will ensure parents are spoken to about this.

Sad faces are recorded on SIMs.

At any point if it is possible to use an adult in the room to support the pupil to

respond appropriately and to avoid them getting additional sad faces for

secondary behaviour.

In some situations, consequences are applied immediately, without a reminder.

Staff should exercise their professional judgement in deciding when these

apply. Examples of situations include outbursts — physical or verbal and



As for all pupils, consequences should be immediate and related specifically to

the behaviour but we recognise this is more important for younger children.

Children will need bespoke time out reflection time following an incident.

Reflection for Adults

At the end of each day (3:10-3:30) each Brocklewood Mentor will chair a

behaviour and wellbeing meeting where all members of the team meet to

discuss any incidents, allowing us to implement our mantra:

“If you can predict it, you can prevent it”

Our Repair

Restorative Justice Approaches are used to support relationships.

We believe that by using a restorative process and bringing those harmed by

conflict, and those responsible for the harm, into communication, we can

enable everyone affected by a particular incident to play a part in repairing

the harm and finding a positive way forward.

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At Brocklewood everyone involved in an incident is taken through the

Restorative Approach supporting them to understand the harm that has been


• Tell me what happened

• What were you thinking?

• What do you think now?

• How will you put it right?

• What will you do next time?

The Nest

As well as a safe space to use during a handling incidents, the Nest should be

viewed as a safe space to prevent handling incidents.

The Nest is covered by CCTV recording devices, which run throughout the

school day. This is for the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff and children.

These images are managed by the Site Manager.

Individual Behaviour Plans

The vast majority of children will follow ‘The Brocklewood Way’ however,

there will be occasions where an individual behaviour plan is required. This

will be co-ordinated by the Brocklewood Mentors and class teacher. The

plan must be followed consistently by all members of staff. It should

therefore be up to date and available for all staff to access.

Some children may display behaviours that takes them immediately to

Reflection. In these situations, the Head, Deputy or Assistant Head should be

made aware of the situation.

Supply Teachers

If a member of school staff is with the supply teacher (i.e. Year Group TA) the

normal behaviour policy applies.

When supply teachers arrive at school, they will be given a supply folder

containing a behaviour chart with 5 Dojos next to each child's name. The

following procedure applies to Supply Teachers:

All children start the day with 5 Dojos

Dojos can be crossed off incrementally (1 at a time).

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If a child loses 3 Dojos, a Brocklewood Mentor should be contacted to


The amount of Dojos left on the chart at the end of the day will be

transferred over to Class Dojo.

Positive Playtimes

Incidents at playtime should be dealt with by the staff on duty. If a

consequence is necessary for an incident that occurs during playtime it should

be reflection time at playtime or lunchtime.

Any incident involving fighting or play-fighting will be referred to the

Brocklewood Mentors.

Positive Lunchtimes

Incidents at lunchtime will be dealt with by the MSAs and the Senior MSA, TAs,

the Brocklewood Mentors or the member of SLT on duty, if required. All of

whom with be on the playground or in the dinner hall for the full duration of

each lunchtime.

Usual consequences (i.e. sad faces) DO NOT APPLY AT LUNCHTIME. If a child is

involved in an incident, they should go for reflection time either that lunchtime

or the next lunchtime.

If a child is involved in play fighting or actual fighting, they will be referred to

the Brocklewood Mentors.

Any incidents happening at playtime or lunchtime should be recorded on a

Playtime/Lunchtime Incident Form. (Appendix 2)

Serious Incidents:

Any violent incident or fight must been recorded on a pink NON-HANDLING

INCIDENT REPORT FORM (see Appendix 3) and should be passed to the

Brocklewood Mentors.

If a pupil is violent towards a member of staff, this must be recorded on a

VIOLENCE TO STAFF FORM (see Appendix 4), This should be completed by the

member of staff, alongside their Line Manager. The completed form should

then be handed to the School Business Manager.

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Equality Incidents

It is unlawful to discriminate against a pupil or prospective pupil by treating

them less favourably because of their:




religion or belief

sexual orientation

gender reassignment

pregnancy or maternity

Any incidents which fall into any of the above categories should be recorded

on a white EQUALITY INCIDENT FORM (see Appendix 5) and passed to Head,

Deputy or Assistant Headteacher.

All of the above incidents should also be recorded on the Equality Log on the

server. See the Equality incident flowchart for how to respond to incidents.

(Appendix 6)

Bullying Incidents

Any incidents which may be classed as bullying, should be recorded on a white

BULLYING INCIDENT FORM (see Appendix 7) and passed to Head, Deputy or

Assistant Headteacher.

All of the above incidents should also be recorded on the Bullying Log on the

server. See the Bullying incident flowchart for how to respond to incidents.

(Appendix 8)


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Exclusions are used as a last resort and the decision to exclude lies with the

Headteacher. However, there may be occasions when an exclusion is used as a

sanction. A “seclusion” (exclusion at an alternative Trust School) will be

considered before a Fixed Term Exclusion. A Fixed Term Exclusion (FTE) may

be given as a sanction when:

1, A pupils swears directly at a member of staff.

2. Pupils are fighting and both are committing acts of violence

3. A pupil is continually non-


4. When the health and safety of the child, other pupils or staff is


All pupils who have a Fixed Term Exclusion will be subject to a CAF, if

parents/carers agree unless the incident can genuinely be classed as a one-off


Before the child can return to school after a Fixed Term Exclusion, the

parents/carers must attend a re-integration meeting with a member of the SLT

(usually the Headteacher) or in exceptional circumstances, the Pastoral Team.

Permanent exclusions are avoided through identifying appropriate support for

the child from outside agencies. However, a permanent exclusion may be

necessary if:

1. The total number of days of previous Fixed Term Exclusions culminate in

the maximum of 45 days within an academic year.

2. It is the result of a serious isolated incident for which there was little or

no prior warning, these would include:

a. Extreme violence

b. Sexual assault

c. Bringing weapons into school

Searching pupils

School staff can search a pupil for any item if the pupil agree or not.

Headteachers and staff authorised by them have a statutory power to search

pupils or their possessions, without consent, where they have reasonable

grounds for suspecting that the pupil may have a prohibited item.

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Prohibited items are: knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs,

stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic

images, any article that the member of staff reasonably suspects has

been, or is likely to be, used: to commit an offence, or to cause

personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person

Headteachers and authorised staff can also search for any item

banned by the school rules which has been identified in the rules as

an item which may be searched for.


School staff can seize any prohibited item found as a result of a search, They

can also seize any item, they consider harmful or detrimental to school


Further information on how to conduct screening or searching activities can be

found in the DfE Guidance:

Searching, screening and confiscation: Advice for headteachers, school staff

and governing bodies. (January 2018)

Malicious Allegations Against Staff

If a pupil makes an allegation against a member of staff, this will be thoroughly

investigated and, where appropriate, referred to the LADO.

If the allegation is found to be malicious, support for the pupil will be put in

place through the Pastoral Team and, if appropriate, a sanction may be given.

Support for the member of staff will be given through the Care Team.

Parent and Carer Behaviour

First and foremost, school is a safe place where children come to learn. With

this in mind, parents and carers are expected to behave in a way that support

these aims.

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Parents and carers are welcome in school and are encouraged to discuss any

concerns they may have with staff.

Specifically, we expect that parents and carers:

Speak to staff in a calm, non-aggressive manner, without raising their

voice or swearing.

If possible, speak to staff in a private environment, away from other

parents or pupils.

Never approach another child's parents or confront them about their


Never threaten other parents, staff or children.

If a parent or carer or any other adult does behave in a way that is deemed

inappropriate, the school will take further action. Initially this will be a

warning to the adult concerned. If the behaviour persists, the Trust, LA and

Police will be informed and legal proceeding will be initiated, which may

result in a ban from school promises or a fine,

Any member of staff deeming an adult's behaviour to be inappropriate should

inform a member of SLT immediately who will assist with the situation.

Legal Duties

The school has a legal duty under the Equality Act (2010) and those in respect

of safeguarding and supporting all children, particularly those with SEND.

This policy should be supplemented with guidance from the SEND Code of

Practice (2015) and other documents which promote the safeguarding of

children, such as Keeping Children Safe in Education (2019)

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