-? a BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOM A APPLICANT : LANCE RUFFEL OIL & GAS CORPORATION RELIEF SOUGHT : POOL ING LEGAL DESCRIPTION : E/2 NE/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO . 20100419 5 ORDER NO . 5803 4 2 ORDER OF THE COMMISSIO N This cause came on for hearing before Michael Norris, Administrative Law Judge for the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma, on the 2nd day of November, 2010, at 8 :30 a.m. in the Commission Courtroom, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for the purpose of hearing, taking testimony and reporting findings and recommendations to the Commission . James M . Peters, attorney, appeared for Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation ; Robert D . Stewart, Jr., attorney, appeared for pro se and for Patricia Ann Stewart . The Administrative Law Judge heard the cause and filed his Report recommending that the Application be granted, which Report and Recommendation are adopted by the Commission . The Commission, therefore, finds as follows : FINDING S 1 . That this is the Application of Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation for an order pooling the oil and gas interests, designating Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation as operator and adjudicating the rights and equities of oil and gas owners, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, in the Senora, Earlsboro, Bartlesville, Booch, Gilcrease, Upper Cromwell, Lower Cromwell, Misener-Hunton and Viola separate common sources of supply underlying the drilling and spacing units within the E/2 NE/4 of Section 30, Township 8 North, Range 8 East, Seminole County, Oklahoma . 2 . That the Administrative Law Judge conducted an adjudicative inquiry into the sufficiency of Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation's search for the identity and whereabouts ofthose respondents whose addresses are unknown (if any) for service of process and could not be ascer- tained with due diligence . Upon an examination of the record and proof of publication, the Administrative Law Judge found the process to be proper . The Commission finds that Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation conducted a meaningful search of all reasonably available sources at hand

BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE ...imaging.occeweb.com/AP/Orders/02FDD848.pdfThis cause came on for hearing before Michael Norris, Administrative Law Judge for the Corporation

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CAUSE CD NO. 201004195




This cause came on for hearing before Michael Norris, Administrative Law Judge for theCorporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma, on the 2nd day of November, 2010, at 8 :30 a.m.in the Commission Courtroom, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for the purposeof hearing, taking testimony and reporting findings and recommendations to the Commission .

James M. Peters, attorney, appeared for Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation ; Robert D .Stewart, Jr., attorney, appeared for pro se and for Patricia Ann Stewart .

The Administrative Law Judge heard the cause and filed his Report recommending that theApplication be granted, which Report and Recommendation are adopted by the Commission .

The Commission, therefore, finds as follows :


1 . That this is the Application of Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation for an orderpooling the oil and gas interests, designating Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation as operator andadjudicating the rights and equities of oil and gas owners, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto,in the Senora, Earlsboro, Bartlesville, Booch, Gilcrease, Upper Cromwell, Lower Cromwell,Misener-Hunton and Viola separate common sources of supply underlying the drilling and spacingunits within the E/2 NE/4 of Section 30, Township 8 North, Range 8 East, Seminole County,Oklahoma .

2. That the Administrative Law Judge conducted an adjudicative inquiry into thesufficiency of Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation's search for the identity and whereabouts ofthoserespondents whose addresses are unknown (if any) for service of process and could not be ascer-tained with due diligence. Upon an examination of the record and proof of publication, theAdministrative Law Judge found the process to be proper . The Commission finds that Lance RuffelOil & Gas Corporation conducted a meaningful search of all reasonably available sources at hand


to ascertain the whereabouts of those entitled to notice but who were served solely by publication .Notice has been given as required, and the Commission has jurisdiction of the subject matter and theparties .

(a) Further, the Applicant was allowed to amend the Application to dismiss fromthe Application the following Respondents : Averex, Inc . ; Ragan Petroleum, Inc. Sinclair Oil& Gas Company and Oklahoma Oil & Gas Management, Inc .

3 . The Corporation Commission has heretofore by Order Nos . 496505 established theE/2 NE/4 of Section 30, Township 8 North, Range 8 East, Seminole County, Oklahoma, as a 80-acredrilling and spacing unit for the production of oil and gas from the Senora, Earlsboro, Bartlesville,Booch, Gilcrease, Upper Cromwell, Lower Cromwell, Misener-Hunton and Viola separate commonsources of supply.

4. That Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation is the owner of the right to drill into thecommon sources of supply named hereinabove and has exercised due diligence to locate each of therespondents subject to this application ; that a bona fide effort was made to reach an agreement witheach respondent and that Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation has not agreed with all suchrespondents in such drilling and spacing unit to pool their interest and to develop the drilling andspacing unit and common sources of supply as a unit .

5 . Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation proposes to develop said common sources ofsupply as a unit and has proposed the drilling of an initial well hereon and, to avoid the drilling ofunnecessary wells and to protect correlative rights, all owners should be required to pool and developthe common sources of supply named herein, upon the terms and conditions set forth below, withinthe "Order" portion hereof, all of which are found hereby, after consideration of the substantialevidence presented in this cause, to be just and reasonable and will afford each owner in the unit theopportunity to recover or receive without unnecessary expense its just and fair share of allhydrocarbon substances produced therefrom . Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation offered testimonywhich established that the terms offered in lieu of participation were indicative of values associatedwith the acquisition of rights to drill not only the proposed well, but also any well or wells drilledsubsequent thereto on the described unit.

6 . That in the interest of the prevention of waste and the protection of correlative rights,this application should be granted and the rights of all owners pooled and adjudicated .

7. That Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation is the owner of the right to drill into thecommon sources of supply named hereinabove and have furnished the Oklahoma CorporationCommission with a Plugging Agreement and an appropriate financial statement, surety bond,


irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or negotiable instrument as required by law and the rules ofthe Commission .


IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED by the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahomaas follows :

8 . Relief Granted and Elections : The requested relief is granted in accordance with theprovisions hereinafter set forth, and the rights and equities of all oil and gas owners named in Exhibit"A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby pooled, adjudicated and determined as tothe unit and not as to the wellbore, in the E/2 NE/4 of Section 30, Township 8 North, Range 8 East,Seminole County, Oklahoma, for and as to the common sources of supply set forth as follows :

Common Sourceof Supply

SenoraEarlsboroBartlesvilleBoochGilcreaseUpper CromwellLower CromwellMisener-HuntonViola

Sizeof Uni t




SpacingOrder No.





9 . Estimated Costs of Initial Well : That the estimated well costs for the initial wellproposed hereunder are :

Completed as a dry hole . . . $698,500.00Completed for production . . . $1,199,950.00

a. Cash Consideration in Lieu of Participating.

"Cash Bonus of $300 .00 Per Acre and a 1/8 Total Royalty, as More Fully SetForth Below:"

In lieu of participating in the working interest in and the development of the separatecommon sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this cause and the


land covered hereby, to elect to receive a cash bonus of $300 .00 per net mineral acreowned by each such owner or per net mineral acre covered by an oil and gas lease held byeach such owner, which is a fair, reasonable and equitable bonus to be paid unto each ownerwho elects not to participate in said development of the unit and common sources of supplyby paying such owner's proportionate part of the costs thereof ; such cash bonus, when paidas set out in this order, is satisfaction in full for all rights and interest of such owner in theinitial well proposed hereunder, in any subsequent well, and in the unit and common sourcesof supply covered hereby, except for any normal 1/8 royalty interest as defined in Okla . Stat .tit . 52, §87 .1(e) (1985) . If any owner owns a less interest in the land covered by the PoolingOrder than the entire and undivided fee simple estate therein, then the royalties provided forin this Order shall be paid to the owner only in the proportion which the owner's interes tbears to the whole an undivided fee .

b. "Cash Bonus of $200.00 Per Acre and a 3/16 Total Royalty, as MoreFully Set Forth Below :"

In lieu of participating in the working interest in and the development of the separatecommon sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this cause and theland covered hereby, to elect to receive a cash bonus of $200 .00 per net mineral acreowned by each such owner or per net mineral acre covered by an oil and gas lease held byeach such owner, as the case may be, plus an excess royalty or overriding royalty of 1/16 of8/8 on oil and gas produced from any well covered by this Order, same to be delivered intothe lease tank or into the pipe line to which the well(s) is connected, free and clear of allcosts, expenses and risks incurred in or in connection with the drilling, testing, completing,equipping, operating and producing of any such well(s) covered hereby, which is a fair,reasonable and equitable bonus to be paid unto each owner who elects not to participate insaid development of the unit and common sources of supply by paying such owner'sproportionate part of the costs thereof; such cash bonus plus overriding or excess royalty,when paid as set out in this order, is satisfaction in full for all rights and interest of suchowner in the initial well proposed hereunder, in any subsequent well, and in the unit andcommon sources of supply covered hereby, except for any normal 1/8 royalty interest asdefined in Okla. Stat . tit . 52, §87.1(e) (1985) . The excess or overriding royalty shall bereduced by any excess royalty or other burdens on any respondent's or owner's interest overand above the statutory 1/8 royalty. If any owner owns a less interest in the land covered bythe Pooling Order than the entire and undivided fee simple estate therein, then the royaltiesprovided for in this Order shall be paid to the owner only in the proportion which the owner'sinterest bears to the whole an undivided fee . To elect this option, a respondent/owner mustbe capable of delivering at least an 81 .25% net revenue to the Operator, at the time theelections are due under this Order .


c . "No Cash and a 1 /5 Total Royalty, as More Fully Set Forth Below :"

In lieu of participating in the working interest in and the development of the separatecommon sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this case and the landcovered hereby, an owner may elect to receive a no cash and an excess royalty or overridingroyalty of 7 .5% on oil and gas produced from any well covered by this Order, same to bedelivered into the lease tank or into the pipe line to which the well(s) is connected, free andclear of all costs, expenses and risks incurred in or in connection with the drilling, testing,completing, equipping, operating and producing of any such well(s) covered hereby, whichis a fair, reasonable, equitable consideration to be paid unto each owner who elects not toparticipate in said development of the unit and common sources of supply by paying suchowner's proportionate part of the costs thereof; such overriding or excess royalty, when paidas set out in this order, is satisfaction in full for all rights and interest of such owner in theinitial well proposed hereunder, in any subsequent well, and in the unit and common sourcesof supply covered hereby, except for any normal 1/8 royalty interest as defined in Okla . Stat .tit. 52, §87 .1(e) (1985) . The excess or overriding royalty shall be reduced by any excessroyalty or other burdens on any respondent's or owner's interest over and above the statutory1/8 royalty . If any owner owns a less interest in the land covered by the Pooling Order thanthe entire and undivided fee simple estate therein, then the royalties provided for in thisOrder shall be paid to the owner only in the proportion which the owner's interest bears tothe whole an undivided fee .

10. Available Elections : That any owner of the right to drill on said drilling and spacingunit who has not agreed with Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation to develop said unit and commonsources of supply is accorded the following elections :

a. To participate in the development of the unit and common sources of supplyby agreeing to pay such owner's proportionate part of the actual cost of the development ofthe unit and common sources of supply covered hereby and, as to the initial well proposedhereunder, by paying, as set out herein, to Operator such owner's proportionate part of theestimated completed for production cost thereof, as set out in paragraph 9 above, or bysecuring or furnishing security for such payment satisfactory to the Operator; in all events,such owner's cost shall not exceed its proportionate part of the actual or the reasonable costthereof which shall be determined by the Commission in the event there is a dispute as tosuch costs ; the payment of such owner's proportionate part of the estimate completed forproduction cost, or the securing of such costs or the furnishing of security therefor, asaforesaid, shall be accomplished within twenty-five (25) days from the date of this Order,such owner's proportionate part of the costs of, and of the production from, any wells drilledhereunder to be in proportion to the number of acres such owners have in the unit ; further,as to such participating owner and the oil and gas interest owned by such owner, the


Commission retains continuing jurisdiction hereunder for the purpose of issuance of ordersnecessaryto facilitate further development of the unit and common sources of supply coveredhereby.

PROVIDED, however, that in the event an owner elects to participate in the initialwell proposed to be drilled hereunder by paying his proportionate part of the costs thereofand fails or refuses to pay or to secure the payment of such owner's proportionate part of thecompleted for production cost including the wellbore cost as set forth in paragraph 9 above,or fails or refuses to pay or make an arrangement with the Operator for the payment thereof,all within the periods of time as prescribed in this Order, then such owner shall be deemedto have elected to accept the alternative with the highest cash bonus set out in paragraph 9above which the owner is capable of delivering.

b. Cash Consideration in Lieu of Participation: To receive the cash bonus asset out in paragraph 9(a) above . Any owner electing this alternative shall be deemed to haverelinquished all of such owner's working interest and right to drilling the unit and commonsources of supply covered hereby as to the initial well proposed to be drilled hereunder andas to any wells drilled subsequent thereto . The relinquished interest is to be owned by LanceRuffel Oil & Gas Corporation unless a specific paragraph is included in this Order providingfor a proportionate sharing among the participating parties of such interest .

c. Cash Consideration in Lieu of Particivation : To receive the cash bonus plussuch owner's proportionate share of the overriding royalty as set out in paragraph 9(b) above .Any owner electing this alternative shall be deemed to have relinquished all of such owner'sworking interest and right to drilling the unit and common sources of supply covered herebyas to the initial well proposed to be drilled hereunder and as to any wells drilled subsequentthereto . The relinquished interest is to be owned by Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporationunless a specific paragraph is included in this Order providing for a proportionate sharingamong the participating parties of such interest .

d. Consideration in Lieu of Participation: To receive such owner'sproportionate share of the overriding royalty as out in paragraph 9(c) above . Any ownerelecting this alternative shall be deemed to have relinquished all of such owner's workinginterest and right to drilling the unit and common sources of supply covered hereby as to theinitial well proposed to be drilled hereunder and as to any wells drilled subsequent thereto .The relinquished interest is to be owned by Lance Ruffel unless a specific paragraph isincluded in this Order providing for a proportionate sharing among the participating partiesof such interest .


11 . Time and Manner of Election : That each owner of the right to drill in said drillingand spacing unit to said common sources of supply covered hereby who has not agreed to developthe said unit and said common sources of supply, other than Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation,shall elect which of the alternatives set out in paragraph 10 above such owner accepts, as to all orany part of the interest of such owner in the unit, said election to be made in writing within twentv(20) days from the date of this Order to the party and at the address set forth in paragraph 16 below.Any bonus which may become due and payable shall be paid within thi ,-five (35) da,~ from thedate of this Order .

12 . Failure to Elect or Pgy Timely: Should any owner or respondent fail to elect withintwenty (20) days from the date of this Order, or, if having made an election to participate underparagraph 10 above, fails or refuses to pay or to secure the payment of such owner's proportionatepart of the completed for production costs, as set forth herein, or fails or refuses to make anyarrangement with the Operator for the payment thereof within the time period prescribed in thisOrder to the satisfaction of the Operator, then such owner shall be deemed to have elected to acceptthe alternative with the highest cash bonus set out in paragraph 9 hereinabove which the owner iscapable of delivering

13 . Subsequent Wells :

a. If subsequent to the initial to the unit well involved herein, another well isproposed in the drilling and spacing units covered hereby under the plan of developmentestablished in this Order, written notice of such proposed subsequent well shall be sent(certified mail, return receipt requested) to each party who timely and properly elected toparticipate under paragraph 10 above, and who perfected such election to so participate, inthe working interest in and the development of the separate common sources of supply in thedrilling and spacing units involved in this cause under such plan of development . Suchwritten notice shall contain a brief description of such proposed subsequent well and shallinclude the estimated costs of such well as a dry hole and as a producing well . Each partyentitled to the above-described written notice of such subsequent well shall have twen (20)davs after receipt of such written notice to make a written election to continue to participatein the working interest in and the development of the separate common sources of supply inthe drilling and spacing units involved in this cause under the plan of developmentestablished in this Order as to such proposed subsequent well or in lieu thereof to elect thehighest cash option set forth in paragraph 9 above which the owner is capable of delivering .The only parties whose interests are pooled herein entitled to make any elections as to suchproposed subsequent well shall be the parties who timely and properly elected to participateas working interest owners under paragraph 10 above, and who perfected such elections toso participate, in the working interest in and the development of the separate commonsources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this cause under the plan of


development established in this Order. Any owner who did not elect to participate as aworking interest owner in the plan of development established in this Order under paragraph10 above, or who failed to properly perfect an election to so participate as such workinginterest owner and who elected or was deemed to have elected an option under paragraph 9above, shall have no right to make any further election as to such subsequent well or anyfurther subsequent well or wells under such plan of development .

b. In the event a party who is entitled to make a written election as to asubsequent well, as described in paragraph 13(a) above, shall fail timely and properly to electin writing under such as to all or any portion of such owner's interest in the drilling andspacing units involved herein, such owner as to such interest or the portion thereof notcovered by a timely and proper written election shall be deemed to have elected the optionin paragraph 9(a) . However, in the event such owner has burdened its interest and is unableto deliver the interest required under paragraph 9(a) such owner shall be deemed to haveelected the option with the highest cash bonus in paragraph 9 above which the owner iscapable of delivering. In the event a party who is entitled to make a written election, as toa subsequent well as described in paragraph 13 above, elects or is deemed to have elected notto continue to participate in the working interest in and the development of the separatecommon sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this cause under theplan of development established in this Order, such owner shall be deemed to haverelinquished under this Order all of such owner's right, title, interest or claim in and to theseparate common sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved herein as tosuch proposed subsequent well and any further subsequent well or wells under such plan ofdevelopment, except for the normal 1/8 royalty as provided for in Okla . Stat . tit . 52, § 87 .1(e)and any other share in production to which such owner may be entitled by virtue of anyelection or constructive election hereunder. A party's election or constructive election notto continue to participate in the working interest in and the development of the separatecommon sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved herein under the planof development established in this Order as to a subsequent well (and any further subsequentwell or wells) shall not divest or otherwise affect in any manner the rights and workinginterest of such party in any prior well or wells drilled under such plan of development inwhich such party elected, and perfected such election, to participate or to continue to partici-pate as a working interest owner. Any party entitled to make a written election as to aproposed subsequent well as described herein, who elects as to the proposed subsequent wellto continue to participate, and who perfects such election under this paragraph 13 to continueto so participate, in the working interest in and the development of the separate commonsources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this cause under the plan ofdevelopment established in this Order shall participate as a working interest owner in suchproposed subsequent well and shall retain the right to participate as a working interest ownerin any further subsequent well or wells drilled under such plan of development . Each well


subsequent to the initial unit well involved herein shall be handled in a manner similar to thefirst subsequent well, all as described in this paragraph 13 .

c. Any party entitled to make a written election as to a subsequent well whoelects as to the proposed subsequent well to continue to participate in the working interestin and the development of the separate common sources of supply in the drilling and spacingunits involved in this cause under the plan of development established in this Order shallthereby agree to pay such pariy's proportionate part of the actual cost of such proposedsubsequent well and shall pay such owner's proportionate part of the estimated cost of suchproposed subsequent well as a producing well, or in lieu of such payment, furnishing securitysatisfactory for the payment thereof, within iwenty-five (25 ) days from the date of receipt ofthe written notice of such proposed subsequent well as described in this paragraph 13, andupon such timely payment or furnishing of such satisfactory security, such party's electionto continue to participate as to such subsequent well shall be perfected . In the event anowner entitled to make a written election as to a subsequent well elects as to the proposedsubsequent well to continue to participate in the working interest in and the development ofthe separate common sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in thiscause under the plan of development established in this Order, but thereafter fails or refusesto pay or secure the payment of such owner's proportionate part of the estimated cost of suchproposed subsequent well within the time period and in the manner described above, suchowner shall be deemed to have withdrawn such owner's election to continue to so participateand such owner shall be deemed to have elected the option with the highest cash bonus inparagraph 9 above which the owner is capable of delivering, as to such proposed subsequentwell and any further subsequent well or wells under such plan of development. In the eventthere is a dispute as to the well costs incurred in connection with or as to the work performedon any subsequent well under the plan of development established in this Order after thework has been done on such well, the Commission retains jurisdiction for the purpose ofdetermining whether the costs (including any charge for supervision) incurred in connectionwith such subsequent well and the work performed on such well were both necessary andreasonable .

d. As to any subsequent well proposed under this paragraph 13 operations onsuch subsequent well shall be commenced or caused to be commenced within one hundredeighty (180Lvs from the date of the written notice proposing such subsequent well andsuch operations on such subsequent well shall be continued or caused to be continued withdue diligence . If such operations on such proposed subsequent well are not commencedwithin the above-described 180-day period, then the elections of the parties as to suchproposed subsequent well shall expire and such parties shall be in the same position theywere in immediately prior to the written notice of such subsequent well being sent ; and insuch event, the rights acquired from the parties electing as to the proposed subsequent well


not to continue to participate in the working interest in and the development of the separatecommon sources of supply in the drilling and spacing units involved in this cause under theplan of development established in this Order shall be relinquished by the party or partiesacquiring such rights and such relinquished rights shall revest in such parties who elected notto continue to so participate . Failure to timely commence any subsequent well under thisparagraph 13 shall not divest or otherwise affect in any manner the rights and interests of thevarious parties in any well or wells drilled prior thereto under the plan of developmentestablished in this Order and shall not terminate such plan of development .

e . A "subsequent well" for the purposes of this paragraph 13 shall not includeor cover any wellbore that is drilled as a replacement or substitute wellbore for the initial unitwell or any subsequent well covered hereby because of any mechanical or other problemsarising directly in connection with the drilling, completing or equipping of such initial unitwell or any such subsequent well and no parties shall have the right to make any subsequentelections as to any such replacement or substitute wellbore .

14. Escrowing ofFunds : If any payment ofbonus due and owing under this Order cannotbe made because the person entitled thereto cannot be located or is unknown, then said bonus shallbe paid into an escrow account within ninety (90) days after this Order and shall not be commingledwith any funds of Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation or Operator . Provided, however, that theCommission shall retain jurisdiction to grant to financially solid and stable holders an exception tothe requirement that funds be paid into an escrow account with a financial institution and permit suchholder to escrow such funds within such holder's organization . Responsibility for filing reports withthe Commission as required by law and Commission rules as to bonus, royalty or other paymentdeposited into escrow accounts shall be with the applicable holder . Such funds deposited in saidescrow accounts shall be held for the exclusive use of, and sole benefit of, the person entitled thereto .It shall be the responsibility of the Operator to notify all other holders of this provision and theCommission rules regarding unclaimed monies under pooling orders .

15 . Operator Lien: That Operator, in addition to any other rights provided herein, shallhave a lien, as set out in Okla . Stat . tit . 52, §87 .1(e) 1985, on the interest of any owner, subject tothis Order, who has elected to participate in the initial well proposed hereunder or any subsequentwell drilled hereunder by paying such owner's proportionate part of the costs thereof; such liens shallbe separable as to each separate owner within such unit and shall remain liens until the owner orowners drilling or operating said well have been paid the amount due under the terms of this poolingOrder; furthermore, the owner or owners drilling, or paying for the drilling, or the operation of saidwell for the benefit of all shall be entitled to production from such well which will be received bythe owner or owners for whose benefit the well was drilled or operated, after payment of royalty,until the owner or owners drilling or operating the well have been paid the amount due under theterms of this Pooling Order or Order settling such dispute .


16. O e~: That Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation, an owner of the right to drillin said drilling and spacing unit, is designated Operator of the unit and common sources of supplycovered hereby and the well, or wells, drilled hereunder . All elections required in paragraph 10hereof must be communicated to :

James TrepagnierLance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation

210 Park Avenue, Suite 2150Oklahoma City, OK 73102

in writing at the address above as required in this Order . That said Operator is required to pay allbonuses which may become due and payable under the terms of this Order .

17. Commencement of erations : That Operator shall commence operations to drill awell within 180 days from the date of this Order and shall diligently prosecute the same to completionin a reasonably prudent manner, or this Order shall be of no force and effect, except as to the paymentof bonus hereunder .

18. Filing of Affidavit : That Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corporation . or its attorney shallfile with the Secretary of the Commission, within ten (10) days from the date of this Order, anAffidavit stating that a copy of said Order was mailed within three (3) days from the date of thisOrder to all parties pooled by this Order, whose addresses are known .


, VifLe

DONE AND PERFORMED this ~ day of 2010 .


PEGGY I LL, Commission Se6etary



The foregoing Order of the Commission is the report and recommendations of theAdministrative Law Judge .


AEL N RRISAdministrative Law J dge


/ /--9/0- _Date

t/- to -ADDate

1 . A . C. Collier1124 South EufaulaWewoka, OK 7 488 4

2 . Al fr ed D . Campbell and Parthenia Campbell,Husband an d Wife, as Joint Ten ants1409 South Ocheese Avenue, Apt . 5Wewoka, OK 74884

3 . _ Angela R. VonRentzell1805 Seran DriveWewoka, OK 74884

4. Ann Katzer59885 East 333rd RoadGrove, OK 74344

5 . Audrey Brumage1802 Saddleback BoulevardNorman, OK 73072

6. Dismissed

7. Barbara Wilson Goan107 Ivy LaneJohnson City, IN 3761 5

8. Bettie Jo Haning Perkins11944 State Highway 5 6Wewoka, OK 74884

9. Billy J. Brock and Billie Ruth Brock,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenant s2809 SW 109th StreetOklahoma City, OK 7317 0

10. Billy J. Chadickc/o Charles A. Chadick, Jr .211 West Wrangler BoulevardSeminole, OK 7486 8

11 . Billye Lackey3515 Jefferson StreetMuskogee, OK 74403

12 . Bobby Lackeyc/o Billye Lacke y3515 Jefferson StreetMuskogee, OK 74403



13 . Brenda Jean Lang, f/k/aBrenda Jean Presley, as Surviving Joint Tenant102 East Larry RoadShawnee, OK 74804-1080

14 . Carole Ann Grodin1126 23st, Apt. 4Santa Monica, CA 9040 3

15 . Catherine A . Forslund, SuccessorTrustee of the Elizabeth J . KunkelLiving Revocable Trust dated 9/30/9 1P . O. Box 120006Grand Rapids, MI 49528

16 . Cecil Moore and Veta F . Moore ,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants5 Ridgelin eWewoka, OK'7488 4

17 . Central Maintenance, Inc .P . O. Box 151 3Wewoka, OK 7488 4

18 . Charles Kenneth Glover13703 NE 9th StreetChoctaw, OK 7302 0

19 . Charlotte Francis Weldon ,a/k/a Charlotte Frances Weldonc/o Michael V . Weldon7758 Eagle TRLDallas, TX 7523 8

20. Chelsea C. Cook and Carol Sue Cook ,as Joint Tenant s4520 West Greeley StreetBroken Arrow, OK 7401 2

21 . Chelsea Murray1505 South Seminole AvenueWewoka, OK 74884

22. Cheryl Rose Patten Barnes,a/k/a Cheryl Rosa Patten Smith376 Jack Coleman RoadFields, LA 7065 3

23. Connie Butle r1511 South OkfuskeeWewoka, OK 74884


24. Danny Cheatham13886 South 90th East AvenueBixby, OK 74008

36 . Deborah Sin gc/o Helen Jones12901 NS 361 0Wewoka, OK 7488 4

25 Darline Hyden4611 East 93rd Court, Unit CTulsa, OK 7413 7

26 . David Bruce Dodd and Margie J . Dodd,Husband and Wife ; and David BruceDodd, Jr., as Joint Tenant s12864 NS 3590Wewoka, OK 74884-5402

27 . David E. Romberg and Lori R. Romberg,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants112 Teal DriveShawnee, OK 74804-102 4

28 . David E. Romberg and Lori R. Romberg,Husband and Wife, as Joint TenantsP . O. Box 1812Shawnee, OK 74802-181 2

29 . Additional Unknown Address

30 . David Ray Spradlingc!o Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-516 1

31 . David Talley1825 Saint Roman D riveVienna, VA 22182-343 3

32 . David Wayne Wadkins and Honee LeannWadkins, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants1207 South Okfuskee AvenueWewoka, Ok 74884

33 . David Wayne Wadkins and Honee LeannWadkins, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants36401 Old Highway 27 0Wewoka, OK 74884-5022

34 . DeAnn Stout KesslerP . O . Box 12 2Lincoln, NM 88338-012 2

35 . Deborah K . Chadick Landersc/o Charles A. Chadick, Jr.211 West Wrangler BoulevardSeminole , OK 74868

37. Debra Erickso nc/ o David Talley1725 Saint Roman DriveVienna, VA 22182-343 3

38 . Dennis Franklin and Sheila Franklin,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenant s1704 South OkfuskeeWewoka, OK 7488 4

39 . Dennis L. Joslin and Nancy M . Joslin ,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants36450 Old Highway 270 # 270Wewoka, OK 74884-5022

40. Diana L. Bleeker1801 South Okfuskee AvenueWewoka, OK 74884-4123

41 . Donald H . Can field, as Trustee of th eDonald H . Can field Revocable Trustc/o William Calvert C anfield627 N . Skyline DriveFayetteville, AR 7270 1

42. Donna Churchc/o Helen Jone s12901 NS 361 0Wewoka, OK 7488 4

43. Donna Hardin, f/k/a Donna Smithc/o Jim Pettis322 North Broadway Avenu eShawnee, OK 7480 1

44. Doris A. Chadick KhouryP . O. Box 11 6Konawa, OK 74849

45. Doyle K. Presley and Brenda Jean Presley, nowknown as Brenda Jean Lang, Husband and Wife ,as Joint Tenant s102 East Larry RoadShawnee, OK 74804-108 0

46. Dyton Clay Coffman and Debra Lynn Coffman,Husband and Wife ; as Joint Tenants1015 South Mekusukey AvenueWewoka, OK 74884-3636


47. Dyton Clay Coffman and Debra Lynn Coffman ,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenant s1608 South Seminol eWewoka, OK 74884

48 . Additional Unknown Addres s

49. Edith Lackey Sturm1686 Deerhaven TrailDacula, GA 3001 9

50 . Edna Esther Mendenhal lRoute 1Wewoka, OK 74884

51 . Edwin J. Lippmann, Jr ., as Trustee of the EdwinJ . Lippmann, Jr., Trust dated November 08 ,19932203 Irving StreetMuskogee, OK 74403

52 . Edwin J. Lippmann, Jr., as Trustee of the EdwinJ . Lippmann, Jr., Trust dated November 08 ,1993P .O . Box 764Muskogee, OK 74402-0764

53 . Elizabeth Harris210 Suttle DriveSpringdale, AR 72764

54. Elizabeth Talley, a/ka Elizabeth Ann Talley ,decease dc/o David Talley1825 Saint Roman DriveVienna, VA 22182-343 3

55 . Elva Burris, a/k/a Elva John Burri s24 Elk StreetEureka Springs, AR 72632-3304

56 . Erick B. Brumley18332 NPVT 3136 DriveMaysville, OK 73057

57. Eudell C. Good and Jean L. Good, Husband an dWife, as Joint Tenants36069 Highway 9- ESeminole, OK 74868-663 8

58 . Evelyn Mae Ohls, a/k/a Evelyn Mae Ohs1829 East CedarEnid, OK 73701

59. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ,a/k/a FDIC1601 Bryan StreetDallas, TX 75201-343 0

60. Frank Edward Brown104 Bellingrath DriveMadison, AL 3575 8

61 . Gary Dan Davis, Jr ., and Naoma Fay Davis,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants401 West 14th Stree tWewoka, OK 74884-3534

62 . Gearold Thomas Collierc/o Raymond Arnold Collie r1513 Kudu StreetOklahoma City, OK 7311 0

63 . George Ray Alford7901 Cabin CourtArlington, TX 76002-419 8

64. Georgia A . Talleyc/o David Talley1825 Saint Roman DriveVienna, VA 22182-343 3

65 . Harry W. Thurstonc/o Thomas W. Thurston900 North Porter, # 10 8Norman, OK 7307 1

66 . Helen Jones12901 NS 361 0Wewoka, OK 7488 4

67. Helen Steffee324 George L Cross DriveNorman, OK 73069-5124

68 . Henry M. Noel l2446 Berea Church RoadLebanon, TN 3708 7

69. Additional Unknown Address

70. Hilltop Free Will Baptist Church, Inc .P . O . Box 77 6Wewoka, OK 74884

71 . Ila Jean Jackson13886 South 90th East AvenueBixby, OK 74008


72. Ina Lynn Henley and Nancy A . Kirk,as Joint Tenants9009 South 28th StreetFort Smith, AR 7290 8

73 . Jack D. Davis and Anna Lee Davis ,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants1001 East Independence Street, Apt. 12 0Shawnee, OK 74804-416 7

74. Jack Davis and Marcy Davis, Husband and Wife ,as Joint Tenants100 West 18th StreetWewoka, OK 7488 4

75. Jack Davis and Marcy Davis, Husband and Wife ,as Joint Tenants202 Rondel DriveWewoka, OK 74884-4129

83 .

84 .

85 .

86 .

87 .

88 .

89 .

Jeffrey D . Logan and Tanna M . Logan,Husband and Wife3834 D 3733 RoadHoldenville, OK 74848

Jennie Sue Brown1618 Lakeview Boulevard EastSeattle, WA 98102

Jenny Gary11711 South BradenTulsa, OK 74137

Jenny Garyc/o Ora Mae Piester2701 Michael RoadMuskogee, OK 74403

Jenny Gary, a/k/a Genevieve Gary11711 South Brade nTulsa, OK 7413 7

Additional Unknown Address

Jeune Lackey Tresch1718 North ShawneeOklahoma City, OK

76. James Kevin Jonesc/o Helen Jones12901 NS 361 0Wewoka, OK 7488 4

77. James M. Talley4044 Old Washington RoadWaldorf, MD 2060 2

78 . James R. Lunsford and Linda S . Lunsford,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants36719 EW 1310Wewoka, OK 74884-8814

79. Janice M. Talle y3645 Spring LaneIndian Head, MD 20640

80. Janie PierceP.O. Box 34 2Allen, OK 74825-9802

81 . Jannette Ann Spradlingc/o Donald Burris12809 Williams Cour tOklahoma City, OK 73142-516 1

82. Jean A. Abair and Alvin Abair, Wife andHusband, as Joint Tenants1433 Pheasant Drive, Apt . H202Gilroy, CA 95020-8219

90. Jim AdkinsP .O. Box 137 9Wewoka, OK 74884

91 . Jim AdkinsP .O. Box 697Weleetka, OK 74880-069 7

92. Jimmy P. Bland, Sr., Trustee under theJimmy P . Bland, Sr., Living Trust, datedMay 11, 199015466 Falcon WayChoctaw, OK 73020

93 . John R. Lippman nP .O. Box 290 8Norman, OK 73070-290 8

94. Juanita Evan s1721 South Ochees eWewoka, OK 7488 4

95 . Judy Ann Gauthier, a/k/a Judy AndersonGauthier, f/k/a Judy Ann Anderson3886 Poplar AvenueMemphis, TN 38111-7614

96 . June Campbel l1338 Masonic DriveFayetteville, AR 72703

97. Karen Sue Zametz5002 Bama DriveArlington, TX 7601 7

98. Kathleen Factor and David Factor, Wife andHusband, as Joint Tenant s1925 South Okfuskee AvenueWewoka, OK 74884-4125

99 . Kathy Gholston1538 Sweetbri arWichita Falls, TX 7630 2

100 . Kenneth Arthur Brown1801 Vanessa DriveNorman, OK 7307 1

101 . Kim Cummings702 West GrantPurcell, OK 7308 0

102. L.N. Fenton, as Trustee for the Estate of John D .Campbell, deceasedP.O. Box 36 9Ada, OK 74821-0369

103. L.N. Fenton, as Trustee for the Estate of John D .Campbell, deceasedP.O . Box 36 9Ada, OK 74821-0369

104 . Lee Orvil Collie r129 North 3rd Street, Apt . 7NOkemah, OK 7485 9

105 . Lela Mae Farmer802 North Peck AvenueHydro, OK 73048-8415

106. Linda Lunsford36719 EW 1310Wewoka, OK 74884-8814

107. Linda Page and Russ Ray, as Joint Tenants1507 South OcheeseWewoka, OK 74884-400 6

108 . Linda Stewart Dabney568 South Harrah RoadHarrah, OK 73045


109 . Lionel Roy and Kathryn Roy,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants8 Oakhurst StreetWewoka, OK 74884,3715

110. Lionel Roy and Kathryn Roy,Husband and Wife, as Joint TenantsP . O . Box 1077Wewoka, OK 74884

111 . Lonny Steven s10610 East Indian Hills RoadNorman, OK 73026-6970

112. Lora Lee Wilburn13886 South 90th East AvenueBixby, OK 7400 8

113 . Lynn Brooksher, as Surviving Joint Tenant301 West 20th StreetWewoka, OK 74884

114. M. Duane Lackey1850 North Marion AvenueTulsa, OK 7411 5

I 15. M. Duane Lackeyc/o Edith Sturm1686 Deerhaven TrailDacula, GA 3001 9

116 . Malcolm Tiger, a/k/a Malcom Tiger,and Betty Tiger, Husband and Wife,as Joint Tenants100 South Burgess StreetHoldenville, OK 74848-5222

117 . Mamie L . Chadick Gambrellc/o Charles A . Chadick, Jr .211 West Wrangler BoulevardSeminole, OK 74868

118 . Margaret Elizabeth Burns401 River Rouge CourtNashville, TN 37209-161 6

119 . Maria Stout Hollingsworth ,a married woman dealing in hersole and separate propertyP . O . Box 85387Tucson, AZ 85754-5387

120. Marilyn T. LittenI 11 South Wiltshire CourtLa Plata, MD 2064 6

121 . Mark W. Patten3825 West Roundbunch RoadOrange, TX 77630-9370

122 . Marla Watsonc/o Billye Lackey3515 Jefferson StreetMuskogee, OK 74403

123 . Marlin Shields1821 South OkfuskeeWewoka, OK 7488 4

124 . Martha Shields, f/k/a as Martha Harrison1821 South OkfuskeeWewoka, OK 74884

125 . Martha Steffee Deweese4033 Priory CircleTampa, FL 33618-271 1

126 . Mary Douglas Elleson1001 Lakeview DriveRuston, LA 7127 0

127 . Mary Douglas EllesonP.O. Box H55 3Harrington Sound HS BX, NA

128 . Mary Katherine Miller2315 Collard Valley RoadCedartown, GA 30125

129 . Melba Brumley2112 South Javine AvenueSkiatook, OK 74070

130 . Melvin J. Mariott1524 South OcheeseWewoka, OK 7488 4

131 . Michael Robert Taylor & Amber Tennille Taylor1612 South Seminole Avenu eWewoka, OK 7488 4

132 . Michael Robert Taylor & Amber Tennille Taylor2 Rondel DriveWewoka, OK 74884


133 . Michael Robert Taylor & Amber Tennille TaylorP .O . Box 1287Wewoka, OK 74884-12 87

134 . Michael Shane Williams1125 Bluff View D riveWewoka, OK 74884-341 5

135 . Mike Douglas, a/k/a Michael Douglasc/o Patricia Douglas1325 North Maple StreetBurbank, CA 91505-213 4

136 . Mike W. Babb and Nicki A . Babb,Husband and Wife, as Joint Ten ant sRR 4, Box 1290Coalgate, OK 74538-9645

137 . Muskogee Marble and Granite, a corporation3900 No rth Country Club Circl eMuskogee, OK 74403

138 . Nancy A. Kirk, as Surviving Joint Tenant9009 South 28th StreetFort Smith, AR 72908

139 . Nicki A. Palmer, f/k/a Nicki A . Babb,as Surviving Joint Tenan tRR 4, Box 1290Coalgate, OK 74538-964 5

140 . Noah B. Spruell, Jr. and Shirley Spruell,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants9005 Lakecrest DriveOklahoma City, OK 73159-6762

141 . Norma Plummer, as Trustee of the CharlesBarnes and Ada Elizabeth Barnes RevocableFamily Trust12941 Via EsperiaDel Mar, CA 92014

142 . Norma Plummer, as Trustee of the CharlesBarnes and Ada Elizabeth Barnes RevocableFamily Trust724 North Birch StreetJenks, OK 7403 7

143 . Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company,a CorporationP . O. Box 32 1Oklahoma City, OK 73101-0321

144 . Ora Mae Piester2701 Michael RoadMuskogee, OK 74403

145. P. D . Bevan and Kathy Bevan,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants11552 NS 364 0Seminole, OK 74837

146 . Pamela S . Hager203 Maple HeightsBath, NY 14810-101 5

147 . Pat L . Bryant and A . C. Calvert, as Joint TenantsRR 1, Box 68AALoyal, OK 73756-9726

148 . Pat L. Calvert, formerly known as Pat L . Bryant,as Surviving Joint TenantRR 1, Box 68AALoyal, OK 73756-9726

149 . Patricia Dougla s1325 North Maple StreetBurbank, CA 91505-213 4

150 . Patricia Patten Brister3018 Kelley StreetOrange, TX 77630-715 0

151 . Pauline Douglas14901 North Pennsylvania Ave., Apt. 214Oklahoma City, OK 73134-6074

152 . Penelope Collierc/o Raymond Arnold Collier1513 Kudu StreetOklahoma City, OK 7311 0

153 . Ragan Petroleum , Inc .P.O . Box 2280Muskogee , OK 7440 2

153 . Dismisse d

154 . Raymond E . Moon and Therese E . Moon,Husband and Wife227 NW 21st StreetOklahoma City, OK 73103

155 . Raymond Ellery Thompson and Sharon PThompson, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants4760 NW 24th Street, Apt . 124 5Oklahoma City, OK 73127


156 . Raymond William Collier1513 Kudu StreetOklahoma City, OK 7311 0

157. Rebecca Ann Whitehead12282 West Colbert RoadDavis, OK 7303 0

158 . Richard Elliott Thursto nc/o Thomas W . Thurston900 North Porter, #108Norman, OK 7307 1

159 . Richard L . Stackpole140 Rosemarie DriveMorgantown, WV 26501-705 0

160. Richard Satterlee14302 Cloverbrook Drive

Tustin, CA 92780

161 . Richard Wurtz an d Tonya Wurtz ,as Joint Tenants315 West 14th StreetWewoka, OK 74884-354 8

162 . Robert Babb and Donna Babb ,Husband and Wife525 South Bullitt StreetHoldenville, OK 74848-500 3

163 . Robert Babb and Donna Babb,Husband and WifeP . O . Box 1052Holdenville, OK 74848

164. Robert D. Stewart, Jr. and Patricia Ann Stewart,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenant s6612 Northwest 120th StreetOklahoma City, OK 73162-1 7 65

165 . Additional Unknown Addres s

166 . Robert F. K . Woodmore and Alethia M .Woodmore, Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants1301 Manchester DriveShawnee, OK 74804-2326

167 . Robert H. Newman, Sr .P .O. Box 75 3Wewoka, OK 74884-0753


168. Robe rt H. Newman , Sr . , and Oleda Newman ,Husb and and Wife, as Joint Tenant sP . O . Box 75 3Wewoka, OK 74884-0753

179 . Sharon Stewartc/o Linda Stewart Dabney568 South Harrah RoadHarrah, OK 73045

169. Robert K. Jones9921 Crestridge DriveDenton, TX 76207

170. Rodney D . Billings and E . Diane Billings ,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenant s402 Aspen DriveEnid, OK 73703

171 . Rodney D . Billings and E. Diane Billings,Husband and Wife, as Joint TenantsP .O . Box 635Atoka, OK 7452 5

1 7 2 . Ron Satterlee525 Catalina PlaceCorpus Christi, TX 7841 1

173 . Rosella M. Vallandingham1501 Seran DriveWewoka, OK 74884-3926

174. Rosine Evans9720 Stacey Court, Apt. 159Oklahoma City, OK 7315 2

175 . Rosine Evansc/o Ted Evans, Jr.2333 Crescent DriveAbilene, TX 79605

176 . Ruth Kathryn Pierce9600 Rhythm RoadOklahoma City, OK 73130

177. S . Mark Barnhart and Karen M . Barnhart,Husb an d and Wife, as Joint Tenan ts36347 State Highway 270BWewoka, OK 74884-610 1

178 . Seminole Countyc/o Board of Country Commissioners ofSeminole County, OK110 South Wewoka Avenue #103Wewoka, OK 74884

180 . Sharron Knowles, f/k/a Sharron Myers, a /k/aSharon L. Myers, as Surviving Joint Ten ant5905 Mason DriveShawnee, OK 74804-936 2

181 . Sheri ll M . Davis, a/k/a Sherill McCulloughDavis ; Cathryn M . Delude, a/k/a CathrynMcCullough Delude ; an d Patricia McCullough,as Successor Co-Trustees of the Ann C .McCullough Trust dated February, 26 , 199 1c/o Sherrill M . Davis10 Booth LaneHaverford, PA 1904 1

182 . Shirley Fahring7013 Mimosa DriveCarlsbad, CA 9200 9

183 . Shirley Spruell, a/k/a Shirley Spruell-Stevens, asSurviving Joint Ten ant9005 Lakecrest DriveOklahoma City, OK 73159-676 2

184 .




Shirley Stewart600 South Harrah RoadHarrah, OK 73045

Stephen S . Phillips2029 Ann RoadVinton, LA 70668-6407

T. M. Creekmore1809 West Kuhn Street, Apt. #5Edinburg, TX 78541-2836

Terri J. Tipton1919 Seran DriveWewoka, OK 74884-413 6

188 . The Estate of Joan Brumley, a/k/a JoannBrumley, deceasedc/o Rebecca Ann Whitehead12282 West Colbert RoadDavis, OK 73030


189 . The Heirs and Unknown Heirs of H . B . Kiker,apparently decease dc/o Ann Katzer59885 East 333rd RoadGrove, OK 74344

190 . The Housing Authority of the Seminole Nationof Oklahom aP . O . Box 1493Wewoka, OK 74884-149 3

191 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of AlvinBrumley, deceasedc/o Rebecca Ann Whitehead12282 West Colbert RoadDavis, OK 7303 0

192 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Avis Jones,apparently decease dc/o Helen Jones12901 NS 3610Wewoka, OK 74884

193 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of C. C. Triece,apparently deceasedc/o William Michael Triece2204 South Park StreetSapulpa, OK 7406 6

194. The Known and Unknown Heirs of CharlaroseCovington, apparently deceasedc/o J. E . CovingtonP . O . Box 502Simpson, LA 71474

195 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of ClaudeDouglas, apparently deceasedc/o May Douglas EllesonP .O. Box H55 3Harrington Sound HS BX, NA

196 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Claudin eRoff and Fred Roff, Wife and Husband, as Joint 206Tenants, apparently deceasedc/o Lea Roff119 Eberle DriveMoore, OK 73060

198 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of DicieBlansett, formerly known as Dicie Burris,apparently deceasedc/o Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-516 1

199 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of DonnaHardin, formerly known as Donna Smith ,possibly deceasedc/o Jim Pett i s322 North Broadway AvenueShawnee, OK 7480 1

200 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of DorothyBunis, now Williams, apparently deceas edc/o Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-516 1

201 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Doyle DeanSatterlee, apparently deceasedc/o Darline Hyde n4611 East 93rd Court, Unit CTulsa, OK 7413 7

202 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of E . WayneSteffee, apparently deceasedc/o Mary Jo Huffman12661 Plum Creek BoulevardCarmel, IN 46033-8200

203 . Additional Unknown Addres s

204. Additional Unknown Addres s

205 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Fay A .Cheatham, apparently deceasedc/o Danny Cheatham13886 South 90th East AvenueBixby, OK 7400 8

197 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of David RaySpradling, possibly deceasedclo Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-5161

The Known and Unknown Heirs of Florine Christ,a/k/a Florine Stout Christ, a/k/a Florene Christ, a/k/aFlorene Stout Christ, apparently deceasedc/o Sabra Stout ToddP. O. Box 1037Wewoka, OK 74884


207 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of GearoldThomas Collierc!o Raymond Arnold Collier1513 Kudu StreetOklahoma City, OK 73110

216 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of James C .Jones, apparently decease dc/o Helen Jones12901 NS 3610Wewoka, OK 7488 4

208 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of GeorgeDouglas, apparently deceasedc/o Patricia Douglas1325 North Maple StreetBurbank, CA 91505

209 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of H . L . Billingsley,apparently deceasedc/o Muriel Moy641 Larriwood AvenueDayton, OH 45429

210. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Harley P.Steffee, apparently deceasedc/o Helen Steffe e324 George Cross DriveNorman, OK 7306 9

211 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Harry Jones,apparently deceasedc/o Helen Jones12901 NS 3610Wewoka, OK 74884

212. The Known and Unknown Heirs of I . J . Lackey,Jr. , apparently deceasedc/o Billye Lackey3515 Jefferson StreetMuskogee, OK 7440 3

213 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of I. J. Lackey,Sr ., apparently decease dc/o Edith Sturm1686 Deerhaven TrailDacula, GA 3001 9

214. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Ida Collier ,apparently deceasedc/o Linda Stewart Dabney568 South Harrah RoadHarrah, OK 7304 5

215 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Iva Weston,apparently decease dc/o Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-5161

217. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Jay Jones,a/k/a James F . Jones, apparently deceasedc/o Helen Jones12901 NS 3610Wewoka, OK 74884

218 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of JoannDouglas, apparently deceasedc/o Patricia Douglas1325 North Maple StreetBurbank, CA 91505

219. The Known and Unknown Heirs of LeonardKillion and Betty Killion, Husban d and Wife,possibly deceasedc/o Linda V . Rohling6503 East 5th PlaceTulsa , OK 74112-4425

220 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of LevitaStackpole, apparently dece asedc/o Richard L. Stackpole140 Rosemarie DriveMorgantown, WV 2650 1

221 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of M. A. Kiker,possibly deceasedc/o Ora Mae Piester2701 Michael RoadMuskogee, OK 7440 3

222 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Madeline G .Conner, apparently deceasedc/o George Conner, Jr .103 West 21 st StreetTishomingo, OK 7346 0

223 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of MargaretCox Noell, apparently deceasedc/o Henry M . Noel l2446 Berea Church RoadLebanon, TN 37087

224. The Known and Unknown Heirs of MargaretElizabeth Burns, possibly deceased401 River Rouge CourtNashville, TN 37209-1616


225. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Mike 233 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Shirley J .Douglas, a/k/a Michael Douglas, possibly Threet, apparently decease ddeceased c/o Leon Threetc/o Patricia Douglas 905 Christy Drive1325 North Maple Street Muskogee, OK 74403Burbank, CA 91505-2134

234 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Stephen A.226. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Nelle Cox Douglas, a/k/a Stephen A . Douglas, Jr ., apparently

Wilson, possibly deceased deceasedc/o Barbara Wilson Goan c/o Pauline Douglas107 Ivy Lane 14901 North Pennsylvania Ave., Apt . 214Johnson City, TN 37615 Oklahoma City, OK 73134-607 4

227. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Pamela Ann 235 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of SteveHaralson, a/k/a Pamela Ann Lawson, apparently Douglas, a/Ida Stephen A . Douglas, Sr., apparentlydeceased deceasedc/o Becky Cornett c/o Ann Peebles Marsau1323 Bluebird Lane 136 Harbour Town CircleGarland, TX 75042 Montgomery, TX 77356-5863

228. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Ray EugeneDouglas, Jr., apparently deceasedc/o Patricia Douglas1325 North Maple StreetBurbank, CA 91505

236 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Steven D .Tucker, apparently deceasedc/o Barry TuckerP . O . Box 80 3Wewoka, OK 74884-0803

229 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Raymond A .Collier, possibly decease dc/o Raymond William Collier1513 Kudu StreetOklahoma City, OK 7311 0

230. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Raymond E .Moon and Therese E . Moon, Husband and Wife,possibly decease d227 NW 21 st StreetOklahoma City, OK 7310 3

231 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of RichardBruce Brumley, deceasedc/o Erick B . Brumley18332 NPVT 3136 DriveMaysville, OK 73057

232. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Robert B .Cox, apparently deceasedc/o Judy Ann Gauthier3886 Poplar AvenueMemphis, TN 38111-7614

237 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of the Estate of JohnD . Campbell , deceas e d2244 Sunshine DriveSulphur, OK 73086-935 4

238 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of the Estate ofLouise Cox Anderson, decease dc/o Judy Ann Gauthier, f/kfa Judy Ann Anderson3886 Poplar AvenueMemphis, TN 38111-761 4

239 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of the Estate ofRobert Clinton Fisher, apparently decease dc/o Judy Ann Gauthier3886 Poplar AvenueMemphis, TN 38111-761 4

240 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Thurman D .Weston, possibly deceasedc/o Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-516 1

241 . Additional Unknown Address


242. The Known and Unknown Heirs of WilliamCloyce Glover, apparently decease dc/o Kim Cummings702 West GrantPurcell, OK 73080

243 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Clifford H .Christ, deceasedc/o David H . Christ12441 NS 3680Wewoka, OK 74884

244 . Additional Unknown Addres s

245 . Thomas E . StackpoleP .O . Box 369Bath, NY 14810-0369

246. Thomas L. Chambers and Frances M. Chambers,Husband and Wife, as Tenants in Commo n700 South Okfuskee AvenueWewoka, OK 74884-3147

247 . Thomas Terry Fisher2780 Village Green LaneMemphis, TN 3813 3

248 . Thomas W. Thurston, a/k/a Dr. Thomas W.Thurston900 North Porter, #108Norman, OK 73071

249. Thurman D. Westonc/o Donald Burris12809 Williams CourtOklahoma City, OK 73142-516 1

250. Tommy Gene Hensley1205 Sunset DriveWewoka, OK 74884

251 . Troy E . Lee10307 North Airport RoadClinton, OK 73601-7 531

252. Troy E . Lee313 North 4th StreetClinton, OK 73601

253. Troy E . Lee402 South 18th StreetClinton, OK 73601

254. Troy E. Lee508 Frisco AvenueClinton, OK 736 0 1

255 . Additional Unknown Address

256 . Wallace B . William s315 West 19th StreetWewoka, OK 74884-4 1 1 1

257 . Wanda L. Davidson7013 Admiralty WayOklahoma City, OK 73116

258. Wanda L. DavidsonP . O. Box 440Eakly, OK 7300 3

259 . William Calvert Canfield, as Successor Trusteeof the Donald H . Canfield Revocable Trust627 N. Skyline DriveFayetteville, AR 72701

260. William R . Lena12858 NS 360 0Wewoka, OK 74884-5411

261 . Dismissed


262 . Abe Douglas, Jr.c/o Mary Douglas Elleson1001 Lakeview DriveRuston, LA 71270

263 . Alma F . Killingsworth, apparently deceasedc/o John Henry Killingsworth1933 MinnesotaShawnee, OK 74804

264. Curative - Address Unknown

265 . Charles Thomas Vallandingham1501 Seran Driv eWewoka, OK 74884

266. Chuck Thomasc/o Martha Vaught24263 Stevens RoadTecumseh, OK 74873

267 . Berline WhiteP . O. Box 263Chandler, OK 7 4834

268 . Curative - Address Unknown

269 . Craig Thoma s2302 W. County Club Blvd., # 56Elk City, OK 73644

270 . Dean McCoy-Life Estate, Remaindermen :Kerry Staggs and Loretta UptegraftP .O. Box 846Wewoka, OK 7488 4

271 . Curative - Address Unknown

272 . Eddie Kiker and Paula Kiker,Husband and Wife, as Joint Tenants1704 South Okfuskee Ave .Wewoka, OK 74884-4122

273 . Ellis Rudy LTD22499 Imperial Valley DriveHouston, TX 7707 3

274 . Eloise Carterc/o Band-J Drive In1323 Los Angeles AvenueSaticoy, CA 93004

275 . Eugene Cart er601 South West StreetKonawa, OK 7484 9

276 . Curative - Address Unknown

277 . Frank Gore327 West lstWewoka, OK 74884

278 . George D . Peebles1404 South OkfuskeeWewoka, OK 74884

279. George F. Killingsworthc/o John Henry Killingsworth1933 Minnesot aShawnee, OK 74804

280 . Curative - Address Unknown


281 . Helen Douglasc/o Judy Peebles Wood6325 North Villa Ave. , Apt . 102Oklahoma City, OK 73112-7172

282. Curative - Address Unknown

283 . Curative - Address Unknown

284. John R. Brown1713 Pecan Crossing RoadShawnee, OK 74804

285 . Linda Jodean Lack5850 Highway 183NEarly, TX 7680 2

286. Lloyd CarterRoute #4, Box 242-C-1Duncan, OK 7353 3

287 . Lucille Carterc/o Eugene Carter601 South West StreetKonawa, OK 74849

288 . Martha Vaught24263 Stevens RoadTecumseh, OK 74873

289 . Milton Yeisley, a/k/a M. G. Yeisley1012 Sunnymead DriveWewoka, OK 7488 4

290 . Curative - Address Unknown

291 . Mrs. Pearl Douglasc/o Judy Peebles Wood6325 North Villa Avenue, Apt . 102Oklahoma City, OK 73112-7172

292 . Curative - Address Unknown

293 . Randy Davis908 E. MyrtleViscalia, CA 93277

294 . Robbie BishopBox 774Wewoka, OK 7488 4

295 . Robert Tom (Chebon) WoodRoute 1, Box 6 6Sasakwa, OK 74867

296 . Curative - Address Unknown

297 . Shields Enterprises, Inc .7185 Country HollowHoldenville, OK 7484 8

298 . Silverado Oil & Gas CorporationP .O . Box 51338Midland,l'X 7971 0

299. Simpson L. Jim and Yvonne E . Jim, Husbandand Wife, as Joint TenantsP .O . Box 38Wewoka, OK 74884

300. Spencer Norvellc/o Pat NorvellP .O . Box 955Wewoka, OK 74884

301 . The Estate of W. B . Berry, deceasedc/o Dorothy Lee Breslin2712 Parkview Lane, Apt. 1307Bedford, TX 76022

302 . The Heirs of Vesta Dennis, now Christ,deceasedc/o David H . Christ12441 NS 3680Wewoka, OK 74884

303 . Tom Smith Brown1611 Pecan Crossing RoadShawnee, OK 74804 .

304 . Walter R. BishopBox 77 4Wewoka, OK 74884

305. Willie W. Green1123 South SeminoleWewoka, OK 7488 4


306. Verlin Lee Hilligoss and JoNell Hilligoss,Husband and Wife, as Joint TenantsADDRESS UNKNOW N

307. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Wm. J .Hughes and Ruby Hughes, Husband and Wife,possibly decease dADDRESS UNKNOWN


308 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of O . P . Stafford,Sr. , and Eva G. Stafford, Husband and Wife , asJoint Tenants, possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOW N

309. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Oliver P .Stafford, Sr., possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

310. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Margaret L.Kilbourne, possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOW N

311 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of E . P . Heinze,possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

312. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Gertrude F.Houser, apparently deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

313 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of GraceBenson, a/k/a Grace Benson Smith, possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

314. The Known and Unknown Heirs of FloydHarrington, possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

315 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Juanita SiasBaer, possibly deceased .ADDRESS UNKNOWN

316. The Known and Unknown Heirs of LavanerFlora Harrington, a/k/a Lavander Flora Harrington,possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

317 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of C. E. Gammonand Alma Gammon, Husband and Wife, as Tenants-In-Common, possibly decease dADDRESS UNKNOWN

318 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of BessieHamilton, probably decease dADDRESS UNKNOWN


320 . Sharon Page and Jessie Page, Wife and Husband,as Joint Tenant sADDRESS UNKNOWN


321 . Sarah Darnwell, a/k/a Sarah Sherri ttADDRESS UNKNOWN

322 . R. M . ChambersADDRESS UNKNOWN


324 . Oliver P . Stafford, Sr.ADDRESS UNKNOWN

325 . O . L . Filso nADDRESS UNKNOWN

326 . O . P . Stafford, Sr. , and Eva G. Stafford, Husbandand Wife, as Joint TenantsADDRESS UNKNOWN

327 . Mrs . Douglas MorganADDRESS UNKNOWN

328. Mrs. Troy CarpenterADDRESS UNKNOWN

329. Merial Hamilton, now BevillADDRESS UNKNOWN

330. Margaret HartADDRESS UNKNOWN

331. Margaret L. KilbourneADDRESS UNKNOWN

332. Louise Hamilton, now JonesADDRESS UNKNOWN

333. L. E. Carter and Esther Carter, Husband andWife, as Joint Tenant sADDRESS UNKNOWN

334. Juanita Sias BaerADDRESS UNKNOWN

335. John Taylor and Annie Dorris Taylor, a/k/aAnnie Doris Taylor, Husband and Wife, as JointTenantsADDRESS UNKNOWN

336. Grace Benson, a/k/a Grace Benson SmithADDRESS UNKNOWN


338 . A. M. P. HanneyADDRESS UNKNOWN

339 . A . Garn er and Ma ry Agnes Garner, Husb and andWife, as Joint Tenant sADDRESS UNKNOWN

340 . Bessie HamiltonADDRESS UNKNOWN

341 . C. E. Gammon & Alma Gammon, Husband andWife, as Tenants-In-CommonADDRESS UNKNOWN

342. Dorothy M. Haralson and Charles RodgerHaralson, as Joint TenantsADDRESS UNKNOW N

343. E. F . Quigg and Josephine Quigg, Husband andWife as Joint TenantsADDRESS UNKNOWN


345 . Edward O. Factor and Rita Factor, Husband andWife, as Joint TenantsADDRESS UNKNOWN

346. First Federal Savings and Loan Association ofWewoka and/or their successorsADDRESS UNKNOWN

347. First State Bank of Harrah, Seminole DivisionADDRESS UNKNOWN

348 . Jan ice L. FaggADDRESS UNKNOWN

349 . Wilela PhelpsADDRESS UNKNOWN

350 . W. S . Key and Irend D. Key, Husband and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

351 . Tom Walker and Janice P . Walker, Husband andWife as Joint TenantsADDRESS UNKNOW N



353 . W . L . Posey and Oda Posey , Husband and Wife,as Ten ants in Commo nADDRESS UNKNOWN

354 . Thomas S. SchalkADDRESS UNKNOWN

355 . Tom P . Malloy and Margaret Malloy, Husban dand WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

356 . The Estate of W . E . Aikman,ADDRESS UNKNOWN

357 . The Estate of Sam Burris, apparently deceas edADDRESS UNKNOWN

358 . The Estate of George Calbert, apparently deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

359. The Estate of Edgar H . Fox, possibly deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

360. The Estate of C. L. Pumphrey, deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

361 . T. J . CarrollADDRESS UNKNOWN


363. Rufus C. MartinADDRESS UNKNOWN

364. Sam P. RowlettADDRESS UNKNOWN

365. Ollie E . YarbroughADDRESS UNKNOWN

366. Pamelia Ann NorthADDRESS UNKNOW N

367. Mrs. Wilma CookADDRESS UNKNOWN


369. Molly Wilson, nee Nero,nee Bowlegs and Ben WilsonADDRESS UNKNOWN

370. Mabel GarnerADDRESS UNKNOWN

371 . Lois BarnesADDRESS UNKNOWN

372 . Louis E . HartyADDRESS UNKNOWN

373 . L . E . AkinsADDRESS UNKNOWN

3 74 . L. H . TilleyADDRESS UNKNOWN

375 . Lena CulverADDRESS UNKNOWN

376 . John William AllisonADDRESS UNKNOWN


378 . L . A . Davi sADDRESS UNKNOW N

379 . J. W. Taylor and Brownie Taylor ,Husband and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

380 . Jack P . Fields and Omelia L . FieldsADDRESS UNKNOWN

381 . Jewel Sia sADDRESS UNKNOWN

382 . J . E . Howard and Suella Howard,Husban d and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

383 . J . K . Tacki ttADDRESS UNKNOWN

384 . J. W. HighsmithADDRESS UNKNOW N

385 . J . B . NormanADDRESS UNKNOWN

386 . Harry Sipe and Pearl A. Sipe , Husband and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

i .. r


387 . Gladys WillisADDRESS UNKNOWN

388. G. C. Wyatt and Mayme L. Wyatt,Husband and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN



391 . Fidelity Bank, N. A., Trustee for the OklahomaHousing Finance AgencyADDRESS UNKNOWN




395. Elsie HighsmithADDRESS UNKNOWN

396. Esther CarterADDRESS UNKNOWN

397 . D . F. Ledbetter and Monah Ledbetter,Husban d and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

398 . D . M. Engle and Phoebe Engle, Husban d and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

399 . E . E . Shifle ttADDRESS UNKNOWN


401 . Claude E . AikmanADDRESS UNKNOWN

402. Cleon C. ThreetADDRESS UNKNOWN

403. Alma Mitchell, now RoweADDRESS UNKNOWN

404 . Anna Bl andADDRESS UNKNOWN

405 . Atta AikmanADDRESS UNKNOWN

406 . B . M . TylerADDRESS UNKNOWN

407 . Betty June SchalkADDRESS UNKNOWN

408 . Betty Lee Davis-deceasedADDRESS UNKNOWN

409. Billington Lumber CompanyADDRESS UNKNOWN

410. Bobbie Ruth JozwiakADDRESS UNKNOWN

411 . Buddie WhiteADDRESS UNKNOWN



414. A. T . Cox and Ethel Cox, Husband and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN

415. Wm. J . Hughes and Ruby Hughes,Husband and WifeADDRESS UNKNOWN


29. David L. RichardBox 9 2Wewoka, OK 7488 4

48 . Edgar L . Killingsworth, Jr .1919 Stanford AvenueBaton Rouge, LA 70808

69. Herbert L . Cooper1901 Seran DriveWewoka, OK 7488 4

88. Jessie Poteet Snuggs1515 South OkfuskeeWewoka, OK 74884


165 . Robert E . Kershaw Royalty Co ., Inc.P .O . Box 1407Muskogee, OK 74402-140 7

203 . The Known and Unknown Heirs of Edgar L .Killingsworth Sr. , apparently deceasedc/o Edgar L. Killingsworth, Jr.1919 Stanford AvenueBaton Rouge, LA 7080 8

204. The Known and Unknown Heirs of Edna EstherMendenhall, possibly deceasedRoute IWewoka, OK 74884

241 The Known and Unknown Heirs of W . F .Armstrong , possibly deceas ed .cJo Florence Brandon720 No rth Commerce Street , Apt. 82Ardmore, OK 73401-391 5

244. Thelma K. Hunter601 Lynn TerraceValdosta, GA 31601-3566

255. W. F. Armstrongc/o Florence Brandon720 North Commerce Street, Apt . 8 2Ardmore, OK 73401-391 5


264 . Carlous Carter202 CedarDuncan, OK 73533

268 . Cloe Dean Light2125 Post Oak DriveStillwater, OK 74075

271 . Donald E. Derfer321 West 14thWewoka, OK 74844

276 . Eunice Irene Miller White5500 N . Braeswood #22Houston, TX 77096

280. Grace A. Tackitt1619 South SeminoleWewoka, OK 74884

282 . Helene H. Weinberger4617 Pine Street, Apt . F-101Philadelphia, PA 19143

283 . Ike P . Jackson1401 South SeminoleWewoka , OK 7488 4

290 . Minnie Ripley200 East 4th StreetWewoka, OK 7488 4

292 . Dismissed

296. Ronnie L. Hearn and Phyllis Hearn,Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants1606 South Okfuske eWewoka, OK 7488 4


6 . Averex Inc.P.O . Box 52305Lafayette, LA 7050 5

153 . Raymond A . Co ll ierc/ o Raymond William Collier1513 Kudu Stree tOklahoma City, OK 7311 0

261 . Sinclair Oil & Gas Company, a WyomingCorporation550 East South TempleSalt Lake City, UT 84102

292 . Oklahoma Oil & Gas Management, Inc .P.O. Box 72156 8Norman, OK 73070-8208