Thank you for your interest in Bee Bops Little House LLC. We are a small company with 3 locations, 15 employees and can serve 47 children in any given day. I started childcare in my home when I was 20 years old and 24 years later still working with children. I have had 1-3 locations over the years and also owned and operated a Center here in Tigard from 1999-2001. My husband helps to run Bee Bops and my daughter Merissa is the Manager/Lead Infant Teacher at the Bumble Babies location. We have 6 Children ages 10-26 and 4 grandchildren and 2 golden doodle puppies and have been together 17 years. We strive to be good employers to our staff and provide environments that enrich your child and make you feel good to leave your child; we want you to say “ you GET to stay here today” to your child rather than “ you HAVE to stay here today”. We are close to our families and pride ourselves in communication. Thank you for your enrollment, we are happy you have joined us. Debbie

Bee Bops Philosophy - Bee Bop's Little House LLC Busy Bee…  · Web viewMy husband helps to run Bee Bops and my ... and others are working the steps in the Oregon Registry ... Please

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Thank you for your interest in Bee Bops Little House LLC. We are a small company with 3 locations, 15 employees and can serve 47 children in any given day.

I started childcare in my home when I was 20 years old and 24 years later still working with children. I have had 1-3 locations over the years and also owned and operated a Center here in Tigard from 1999-2001. My husband helps to run Bee Bops and my daughter Merissa is the Manager/Lead Infant Teacher at the Bumble Babies location.

We have 6 Children ages 10-26 and 4 grandchildren and 2 golden doodle puppies and have been together 17 years. We strive to be good employers to our staff and provide environments that enrich your child and make you feel good to leave your child; we want you to say “ you GET to stay here today” to your child rather than “ you HAVE to stay here today”. We are close to our families and pride ourselves in communication.

Thank you for your enrollment, we are happy you have joined us. Debbie

Please read through these guidelines for Bee Bops and let me know if you have any questions. If we can get on the same page before you start then when a situation arises it will be easier to explain.

Bee Bops Mission Statement

Bee Bops seeks to ensure that children get a safe, healthy, emotionally secure and intellectually rich start in life.

1) provide quality child care for children;

2) disseminate information that increases the practice of responsive, respectful and play based care; and

3) influence national, regional and local policies and practices so that the needs and interests of, toddlers and preschoolers and their families are the foundation for all curriculum development and program activity.

Bee Bops Philosophy

Our program equates good care with trained Teachers who are preparing themselves and the environment so that children can learn. For care to be good, it must explore ways to help Teachers get "in tune" with each child they serve and learn from the individual child what he or she needs, thinks, and feels.

We hope to have your child in our care until they leave for kindergarten and develop a relationship with you and your family that could potentially last a lifetime.

State Certified:

Bee Bops is State Certified for 16 children. We focus and specialize in infant/toddler care and our staff has extra training in this age group. Our location is annually inspected by the State of Oregon and the Health Department. In addition we have a few unannounced visits from the State and 4 unannounced visits from the USDA who are required to report any non-compliance issues. Our annual inspections take place in October each year. We are open 7:00-5:45.


Our ratio is 1:10. Our Teachers are specially trained to care for preschoolers and the training that they acquire through the year is focused on this age group. We find that our rates are comparable to other Centers/In Homes in the area and that having a smaller group size sets us apart from the larger Centers. We incorporate a preschool program with lessons posted for the parents to view. We operate like a Center on the professional level and follow all State Standards 100%.


Bee Bops takes much pride in being able to say that you will never have to worry about us being out of ratio or over numbers. I take special time to enroll kids so that our daily attendance schedule is never out of compliance, on our end. In addition I schedule staff to arrive and leave based on the schedules that you are contracted for. Parent’s awareness of this is critical as if you arrive early or pick up late, then we are forced into being in non-compliance and this effects the staff’s hours, could violate a BOLI rule ( staff may need another break ), and or if we have an unannounced USDA or STATE visit, we will be considered out of compliance if we are over numbered. ( ex: a child arrives early and we are not yet staffed appropriately )


We strive at hiring qualified and experienced Teachers and Assistants and look at all the skills they bring to the table. Some have more experience than others, but one thing they all have in common is that they love children and that preschoolers are their favorite age group. All Teachers are required to be in the Criminal Registry Background and renew every 2 years, have CPR/1st Aid training, food handlers and obtain a minimum of 15 clock hours specific to Infant/Toddler development. Some Teachers go beyond this required training and they are attending school ,taking college level classes, some have their CDA ( child development associate ) and others are working the steps in the Oregon Registry through PSU for a Professional Development Certificate. All which is additional training hours in 10 different categories pertaining to child development.

Current Staff:

Megan Manager

Sarah Lead Teacher



Waiting List:

After you have toured and are interested in being on the waitlist, there will be a $5.00 per month fee. This fee is to show that you are indeed interested in enrollment and if a spot opens up that you are interested in enrollment.

When you are contacted to inform you of an opening, you may pass on the opening and remain on list for next opening or you may take the spot. If you are taking the spot then enrollment forms must be filled out and returned along with ½ the first months tuition. This payment will be applied to your child’s first month.


If you are going to take some time off from bee bops, but do not want to lose your spot then there is a hold fee. The hold fee is ½ your normal tuition. This secures your spot. If you are able to attend bee bops during this time, then you may come to daycare, up the amount of the credit. Holding a spot may not exceed 3 months.


Payment obligation is based on the enrollment slot that you enroll in, not actual days and hours of attendance. Both full and part time tuition is due regardless if child is out of daycare including missed days due to illness, holidays, parent vacation and inclement weather.

Tuition payment options:

After enrollment you will be enrolled in the childcare pay system. You will receive a welcome letter along with a username and password. You will receive invoices from Bee Bops at the end of each month for the following month. You do not have to pay through this site, but it is a convenience for the company. Within this site you will also be able to print receipts and track your own payments. It does take about 5 days for payments to post, so it is asked that you plan ahead when paying through the site. Bee Bops also accepts checks and can be left at daycare, please make check payable to Bee Bops. You may also use billpay through your bank and have your bank mail your tuition. The address to have payments mailed is 8855 SW Omara St Tigard Or 97223. Regardless of your method of payment, you will still be invoiced through the childcare pay site.

All payments are due by the 15th of the month.


Waiting list fee: $5.00 per month

Registration Fee: $25.00

Hold spot: ½ your regular tuition

Late payment: Please see Contract/Fee Agreement

After Hours: $10.00 fee will be charged for each 15 minutes past 5:45pm. Fee will be tracked and added to the following months invoice.


It is requested that you let the Manager know of any upcoming absences as well as emailing Debbie to let her know. It is critical to know our ratio and adjust staffing as needed so that we are always in compliance. If it is last minute, please call or text the Lead Teacher as soon as you know your child is not going to daycare.

Arrival and Departure:

We open at 7:00, please do not drop off prior to 7:00, even if the Teacher is on site already. Some Teachers arrive early to prep curriculum, get room ready or simply arrive a few minutes early to drink a cup of coffee. It is appreciated if their time is respected. Please make drop off time quick. I know that sometimes leaving is hard but the quicker it is the better for the child. There may be times where you want to visit and chat with the staff; this is hard on the staff as they have a bajillion things to do in the AM and when Teachers are talking to parents then they get behind on routine and they attention is not on the other kids in care.

Please plan your commute so that you are picking up your children and out of the daycare by 5:45 . Teachers will make sure that your child is ready to go, by going potty, changing diapers, shoes and jackets are on and supplies are ready to go home. We totally understand traffic and last minute work related things and so we have implemented the “after hours fee”. It is not per minute, rather for each 15 minutes. This fee will be to cover the staff that is paid to stay later, any extra food that is supplied and the costs associated with staying open longer. Please call the mainline to let staff know you are running late. Texting will not work, unless you know who is closing and you have their number.

Preschool Program:

Although Bee Bops does not have the word “preschool” in their name, we schedule a program that has the same components of a traditional preschool. Bee Bops follows a lightly structure all day and the children strive from being consistent and having set expectations. Our program is specially developed for Bee Bops from a local company here in Tigard and our Teachers add to it as needed. The lesson plans are posted for the parents to view, in addition a hand written summery for the day is posted near the sign in/out sheet. Our program consists of regular times of meals, outdoor play, preschool activities and resting.

We feel that playing outside could be the most important part of learning for the day. The imagination that children use while outside amazes me. Last week alone, I saw children building a campfire from rocks and wood pieces and they all sat around it, another day they built a ship from boxes and they had paddles and were floating down the ocean….play = learning!!

Because of the great weather we have in this State it takes some team work to make outside play possible. For the most part just know that we will take your children outside daily. They need to be dressed for outside play every day. Proper clothing and shoes are critical for outside play. They will run, dig, get wet, roll around, stomp and explore and THEY WILL GET DIRTY!! Being a mom of a 5th grader this year I have learned that they don’t have recess other than lunch recess. This is so sad!! Kids need to play…..let’s let them play in these first 5 years of life

as in elementary school recess is being cut :/ Help us by having rain boots for your kids to leave at daycare and extra clothes. We will do our best to have them cleaned up by pick up time


All Bee Bops locations are on the USDA program. We plan menus in advance and have them posted weekly. Meals consist of Milk, Protein, Bread, Vegi, Fruit. Food is offered to your child, but never forced to eat. If your child is on a special diet or requires special diet items then you must provide items. Milk is 1% and foods that are prepared consist of low salt, sugar and organic when available. We also follow the USDA suggested serving sizes.

Sleep Schedule:

From 12-2:00, we close the shades and put on some music and have lights out/quiet time. Not all children sleep during this time and there is always staff in the room taking care of those who are awake. It is a State rule that kids are offered an alternate activity after 40 minutes if they do not fall asleep. We use Bee Bops blankets, so there is not need to bring any from home. Blankets are stored in individual cubbie.



Bee Bops follows the State of Oregon’s guidelines when it comes to illness. In recent years it has been determined that these rules are not very clear and or should be more stringent. In addition; there are some illnesses that are not addressed. I can’t tell you how quickly a virus or condition can spread in this environment. When children are sick, parent’s emotions run high and it can be a very frustration time. What is even more frustrating is when they get the same virus again. Please take extra time to read this portion and understand what we need to happen in order to retain or have your child back in care after an illness.

414-350-0180 (STATE RULE BOOK)

Illness or Injury

(1) A provider shall not admit, or retain in care, a child who:

(a) Is diagnosed as having or being a carrier of a child care-restrictable disease, as defined in Department of Human Services administrative rules, OAR 333-019-0010; or

(b) Has one of the following symptoms, or combination of symptoms, of illness:

(A) Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose, runny, watery or bloody stool);

(B) Vomiting;

(C) Fever over 100 degrees F taken under the arm;

(D) Severe cough;

(E) Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes;

(F) Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus-filled;

(G) Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above;

(H) Difficult breathing or abnormal wheezing; or

(I) Complaints of severe pain.

(2) A child who, after being admitted, shows signs of illness, as defined in subsection (1) of this rule, shall be isolated and the parent(s) notified and asked to remove the child from the home as soon as possible.

(3) If a child has mild cold symptoms that do not impair his/her functioning, the child may remain in the home and the parent(s) notified when they pick up the child

In addition to the above we ask: ( common illnesses in kids under 2 )

Pink Eye:

If your child is thought to have pink eye/conjunctivitis then they need to be taken to be seen by a Dr. Before they can return to daycare, we will need a Dr. note saying if they have been diagnosed with viral or bacteria conjunctivitis and the note must state when they can return to daycare. Meds MUST be brought to daycare, so they can be administered in the afternoon. They must be on the meds for the time period stated on the Dr. note. If your child has reoccurring pink eye, and you already have the meds, then they can return 24 hours AFTER you get drops/ointment in their eyes. BY FOLLOWING THIS PROCEDURE COULD ELLIMNATE WEEKS/MONTHS OF PINK EYE GOING AROUND!

Hands foot mouth disease:

We learned a lot about this one in 2012, and I encourage you to do your own research about it because odds are we will see it again at some point. The BIGGEST lesson we learned from HFMD is that the fever was the main indicator of the virus and then the spots came. What is totally difficult is that the fever, which is a minor symptom and is low grade ( 100-102 ) is the time that the child is contagious. The disease is caused by the virus and is common in children 6 months-4 years and is most common in the summer and fall.

Your child may have HFMD if they have:

Small, painful sores in mouth ( even 1 sore )

Small white blisters or red spots on the palms on his hands and soles of feet. You may also see these on the webs between the fingers and toes.

Five or few blisters on each and or foot

Low grade fever between 100 and 102

If your child is being sent home and the Teacher thinks this is what they may have, they must be seen by a Dr. They may return to daycare after 5 days of diagnosis, if they are fever free, blisters and sores are dried up and they are ready for daycare environment.

Typically the fever goes away by the 3rd or 4th day. The mouth sores go away in 7 days. The rash on the hands and feet can last 10 days.


If your child has a fever of 101 or above, you will be called and will need to come get them. They can return when fever free for 24 hours with no meds. Fever in this age group could be a lot of different things, and believe me, we have heard them all….bottom line is that fever means they could possibly be fighting off a virus, maybe bacteria and while they have the fever at daycare they are exposing 15 other infant/toddlers to whatever it may be. There is talk about fever being caused by teething and we do hear that a lot…..in most incidences it is a virus that

shows its ugly heard the next day or 2 after the fever then we have 16 kids with the virus and like I said, it can ( and has in the past ) taken months to get rid of.


A rash that is not a common diaper irritation and lasts more than a day must get looked at by a Dr. This is to obviously rule out a contagious rash and to get the child meds needed to clear it up or to reduce the pain that comes with rashes. A Dr’s note must be returned with child upon returning to daycare.

Whooping Cough:

As of Sept. 17, 2012, there have been 679 reported pertussis cases in Oregon, compared with 252 cases during the same timeframe in 2011.

Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe. A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the patient tries to take a breath.

When an infected person sneezes or coughs, tiny droplets containing the bacteria move through the air, and the disease is easily spread from person to person.

The infection usually lasts 6 weeks

Initial symptoms, similar to the common cold, usually develop about a week after exposure to the bacteria.

Severe episodes of coughing start about 10 to 12 days later. In children, the coughing often ends with a "whoop" noise. The sound is produced when the patient tries to take a breath. The whoop noise is rare in patients under 6 months of age and in adults.

If started early enough, antibiotics such as erythromycin can make the symptoms go away more quickly. Unfortunately, most patients are diagnosed too late, when antibiotics aren't very effective. However, the medicines can help reduce the patient's ability to spread the disease to others.

Infants younger than 18 months need constant supervision because their breathing may temporarily stop during coughing spells. Infants with severe cases should be hospitalized

With that information; It is why the “common cold” has to be watched closely. If caught early enough antibiotics can work and help to clear it. It’s when we wait until the 10-12 day mark and now the cough has developed and they are weak, cranky, sore and get super sick.


If your child needs medication at daycare, please follow the below rules when bringing. We will have a permission slip and a ziplock available at drop off. If you request a med form through email, I can attach that to you in advance and it will save a few minutes in the AM. If you need your meds returned to you at pick up, please try and remember to ask for it, as there is lots going on at pick up and the Teachers may forget.

( State Rule Book )

( State Rule Book )

(8) No prescription or non-prescription medication, including, but not limited to, pain relievers, sunscreen, cough syrup, diapering and first aid ointments or nose drops, shall be given to a child except under the following conditions:

(a) A signed, dated, written authorization from the parent(s) is on file;

(b) Prescription medication is in the original container and labeled with the child's name, the name of the drug, dosage, directions for administering, date and physician's name;

(c) Non-prescription medication is in the original container, labeled with the child's name, the dosage, and directions for administering;

(d) A written record of all medications administered, listing, as a minimum, the name of the child, type of medication, the signature of the caregiver administering the medication, date, time, and dosage given, shall be kept;

(e) All medications shall be secured in a tightly-covered container with a child-proof lock or latch and stored so that they are not accessible to children;


It is requested that you plan your child’s shots for the end of the day or if they have shots that they stay home after their appointment. While it true that some children do “great” when they get shots, there is a majority that has some sort of pain or reaction after shots and daycare is not the best place for them to be. It is real sad to see the meds wear off and after having 4 shots in their legs, they really want mommy. Planning afternoon appointments and keeping them home is the best plan.


Bee Bops is closed for 5 days in the summer and for some Federal Holidays. We also will be closed a couple more days around the Holidays. Closed dates are posted and New Year dates will be posted the first week of each year and will be emailed to you. Closed dates will change annually. All closed dates are paid as normal.

If your family goes on vacation; normal pay is due as normal.

Change of contracted days/hours:

If you need to change your hours and or days, please let us know asap. We will do our best to keep you enrolled, but please know that spots at this location are set to FT for the most part and if you are looking for part time then there would have to be a PT spot .

How can you help us?

Make sure your child has all supplies needed/requested

Take your child to the Dr. when needed/requested

Leave personal toys at home

Sign in/out: fast drop offs and pick ups

Take home projects/bring requested items for learning

Communicate to Lead Teacher/Debbie with any concerns

Call when not coming or running late

Respect times contracted for

Make payments on time


Bee Bops will give receipts when requested. In addition you may access your payments through the childcare pay site and print receipts off that you may need. The EIN number is on the receipts. If you need a signature, each location Manager may sign those.


Bee Bops is considered an LLC. We run the business as a small corporation and file all taxes accordingly. All of our staff is on payroll and we pay our payroll taxes monthly. This is why it is helpful for timely payments. Paydays for them are the 5th/20th. We are able to supply a statement at the beginning of each year with total childcare payments and EIN.


Bee Bops carries a vast array of insurance. All locations have Home Owners as well as a separate liability policy that covers the LLC. We also carry workman’s compensation. All of these insurances are required and kept current.

BOLI ( Bureau of Labor and Industries )

As employers we are mandated to follow the rules set forth by BOLI. All of our staff are provided with breaks, lunches and we acknowledge their rights as employees in the State of Oregon.

Termination of care:

When the time comes that you need to leave bee Bops we ask that you give a 30 day notice. Notice can be written in letter form and left on site or emailed to Debbie Wills. It is best to give notice at the beginning of the month. I can print up a year to date at that time if requested.

Contact Info:Debbie Wills 503-313-7935 cell

Busy Bees landline: 503-747-7194

Bee Bops Little House email: [email protected]

Megan Jewell email: [email protected]

Bee Bops Little House website: www.beebopslittlehouse.com

Bee Bops Little House EIN # 26-4515375