Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465 Faculty of Education The University of Western Ontario B.Ed. Course Outline Introduction to STEM Intermediate/Senior 5465 Room 2054 Instructor: William Neal Email: [email protected]; Telephone: 519-661-2111x88679 Office: Rm 2045; Office Hours: Mondays 8:30pm to 9:00pm; Wednesdays 8:30pm to 9:00pm or by appointment Course Description This course provides an introduction to the nature and value of integrated and multidisciplinary collaborations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Teacher candidates develop critical perspectives and explore issues in STEM education in terms of policy and practice. Learning Outcomes On the successful completion of the course, students will be expected to: Understand how rapid technological development has opened up incredible educational opportunities in all areas of education including STEM education. Provide conscientious and effective instruction in STEM education that upholds and models the ethical standards of the teaching profession (Care, Trust, Respect, and Integrity). Develop, use, and critically evaluate methodologies and strategies for use in STEM programs. Design, use, and critically evaluate teaching, learning, assessment, and evaluation resources for use in the STEM. Utilize effective strategies for fostering a safe, positive, and socially just and equitable learning environment in the context of teaching STEM. Support students in the use of STEM-related technology in the lab and classroom.

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Faculty of Education

The University of Western Ontario B.Ed. Course Outline

Introduction to STEM Intermediate/Senior 5465

Room 2054

Instructor: William Neal Email: [email protected]; Telephone: 519-661-2111x88679 Office: Rm 2045; Office Hours: Mondays 8:30pm to 9:00pm; Wednesdays 8:30pm to 9:00pm or by appointment

Course Description This course provides an introduction to the nature and value of integrated and multidisciplinary collaborations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Teacher candidates develop critical perspectives and explore issues in STEM education in terms of policy and practice. Learning Outcomes On the successful completion of the course, students will be expected to:

Understand how rapid technological development has opened up incredible educational opportunities in all areas of education including STEM education.

Provide conscientious and effective instruction in STEM education that upholds and models the ethical standards of the teaching profession (Care, Trust, Respect, and Integrity).

Develop, use, and critically evaluate methodologies and strategies for use in STEM programs.

Design, use, and critically evaluate teaching, learning, assessment, and evaluation resources for use in the STEM.

Utilize effective strategies for fostering a safe, positive, and socially just and equitable learning environment in the context of teaching STEM.

Support students in the use of STEM-related technology in the lab and classroom.

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Understand the role of STEM and its place in society, including its philosophical and socio-cultural connections, the limitations of STEM, and the connections among science, technology, society, and the environment.

Understand and discuss the nature of STEM education with reference to a conceptual framework.

Course Content Assignments The course assignments are designed to support the candidates' growth and development as STEM educators. These are opportunities for the participants to appreciate the nature of STEM education, to further develop their interdisciplinary skill base and to contemplate their future roles in STEM education. STEM GROUP PROJECT – 30% Teacher candidates select a topic of interest, research and implement a STEM project in collaboration with the course instructor, using the basic technological elements for STEM education and assessment and evaluation tools developed in the course. A FRAMEWORK FOR STEM EDUCATION – 30% Students engage in a series of class discussions regarding STEM Education, evaluating the elements of a conceptual framework of STEM education in light of research and experience. THE EDUCATION REVOLUTION? - 30% Teacher candidates explore recent trends that concern technological advances and their effect on STEM education. Candidates may choose from a wide variety of topics and present their findings as an essay, website, journal, computer program, model, video or presentation. CONTRIBUTIONS TO LEARNING COMMUNITY – 10% Course participation focuses on how well each candidate contributes to the learning of others. Candidates are expected to demonstrate participation through careful preparation, critical analysis, and thoughtful commentary on the material being discussed in each class. Each individual bears the responsibility of making a significant contribution to the learning of others. Success in this component of the course will also reflect appropriate attendance and punctuality.

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Course Schedule

Date Topic Assignment Due Dates and


January 9 Course Introduction / Outline

/ Sakai / Fundamental

Principles of STEM Education



January 11 Building a STEM Learning


Discuss Group Projects

January 16 The Education Revolution?

STEM Framework

Discussion 1

January 18 FRC Robotics Field Trip to visit STEM Centre

Class to meet at 365 Richmond

St. London

January 23 Learning Communities

Problem Based Learning /

Project Based Learning

STEM Framework

Discussion 2

January 25 Use of Technology – Computer

Programming and Spreadsheets

Computer Programming


Spreadsheet Activity

February 6 Course, Unit, and Lesson

Planning – a STEM Approach

STEM Framework

Discussion 3

February 8 Use of Technology –

Programmable Micro-

controllers and Single-board


Arduino Assignment

Raspberry Pi Assignment

Education Revolution –

Rough Draft Due

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

February 13 Community Connections and

STEM Education

STEM Framework

Discussion 4

February 15 Group Project Project Work

February 22 Developing a Conceptual

Framework for STEM


STEM Framework

Discussion 5

February 27 Group Project Project Work

March 1 Presentation of Projects STEM Group Project - Due

March 6 Presentation of Projects STEM Group Project

March 8 Practical Considerations –

Putting it All Together

Education Revolution? - Due

Course Materials

Arduino Microcontrollers

Raspberry Pi

3D Printers

FRC Robots

Robotic Kits

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Policy Statements:

Accessibility: The University of Western Ontario is committed to recognizing the dignity and independence of all students and seeks to ensure that persons with disabilities have genuine, open and unhindered access to academic services. Please contact the course instructor if you require course materials in an alternative format or if any other arrangements can make this course more accessible to you. You may also wish to contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at 661-2111 x 82147 for information about requesting academic accommodation, or go to the following website: http://www.edu.uwo.ca/programs/preservice-education/documents/policies/Accessibility_Western.pdf ATTENDANCE: The B.Ed. program is an intense and demanding programs of professional preparation. You are expected to demonstrate high levels of both academic and professional integrity. Such integrity is demonstrated in part by your commitment to and attendance at all classes, workshops, tutorials, and practicum activities. Read more about the Faculty’s attendance policy on-line: http://www.edu.uwo.ca/programs/preservice-education/Attendance%20Policy%202016.pdf

EXCUSED ABSENCES: If you are ill, require compassionate leave, or must miss classes for religious observance, your absence is excused; you will not be penalized but you are responsible for work missed.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Any absence that is not a result of illness, bereavement, or religious observance is an unexcused absence. Three unexcused absences will result in you being referred to the Associate Dean and placed on academic probation. Any further unexcused absence will result in failure of the course and withdrawal from the program.

Language Proficiency: In accordance with regulations established by the Senate of the University, you must demonstrate the ability to write clearly and correctly. Work which lacks proficiency in the language of instruction is unacceptable for academic credit, and will either be failed or, at the discretion of the instructor, returned to you for revision to an acceptable level. Late Penalties: Normally, the only acceptable reasons for late or missed assignments are illness (which you must report to the Teacher Education Office) or extreme compassionate circumstances. Academic Offences: Scholastic offences are taken very seriously in this professional Faculty. You are, after all, going to be a teacher. Read about what constitutes a Scholastic Offence at the following Web site: http://www.edu.uwo.ca/programs/preservice-education/documents/policies/WEB_ScholasticDiscipline.pdf Plagiarism: Plagiarism means presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own. The concept applies to all assignments, including lesson and unit plans, laboratory reports, diagrams, and computer projects. For further information, consult your instructors, the Associate Dean’s Office, and current style manuals. Advice about plagiarism and how to avoid it can also be found here: http://www.edu.uwo.ca/programs/preservice-education/documents/policies/WEB_PlagiarismPolicy.pdf

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Plagiarism-Checking: a. All required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to the commercial

plagiarism detection software under license to the University for the detection of plagiarism. All papers submitted for such checking will be included as source documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to the licensing agreement, currently between The University of Western Ontario and Turnitin.com (http://www.turnitin.com).

b. Computer-marked multiple-choice tests and/or exams may be subject to submission for similarity review by software that will check for unusual coincidences in answer patterns that may indicate cheating.

Use of Laptops & Notebooks in Class: As a courtesy to members of the class, please put your cell phone on ‘vibrate’ or turn it off during class. Lap tops and other electronic devices may be used in a professional manner to facilitate your activities in the course, but out of courtesy to colleagues and the instructor, please do not engage in personal networking and non-course communication during class time – save it for before or after class, or for the break.


A variety of support services are available at Western.

If you need advice or assistance, do not hesitate to get in touch with any of these services.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Registrarial Services (http://www.registrar.uwo.ca)

WRITING SUPPORT: Student Development Centre (http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/)

LEARNING SKILLS SUPPORT: Student Development Centre (http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/)

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Student Development Centre (http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/)

ABORIGINAL STUDENTS: Student Development Centre (http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/)

STUDENTS with DISABILITIES: Student Development Centre (http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/)

SOCIAL & CULTURAL ISSUES: University Students’ Council (http://westernusc.ca/services/).

EMOTIONAL or MENTAL DISTRESS: Students who are in emotional or mental distress should refer to Mental Health @ Western http://www.uwo.ca/uwocom/mentalhealth/ for a complete list of options about how to obtain help.

B.Ed. PROGRAM ISSUES: [email protected], Teacher Education Office, room 1166

NEED HELP but not sure what to do: [email protected], Teacher Education Office, room 1166

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Additional Information:

About the Course:

The Introduction to STEM course is based on a conceptual framework that was formulated through

numerous years of experience in STEM-related educational activities both inside and outside of the

classroom. It is designed such that students will build on their understanding of the importance of

STEM education through structured class discussions, an individual project and a hands-on project

that will enable teacher candidates to link their experience to educational theory and to thereby

further develop their understanding of teaching and learning.

About the Instructor: William Neal has been teaching at international secondary schools since

1996. Since then he has been heavily involved in STEM-related projects as a teacher of mathematics,

science and computers courses. Projects undertaken by William's students include code in the

classroom, a Rubens tube, automated RC vehicles, a Thin Client computer network, DIY 3D

printers, research at the London Health Sciences Centre, international service trips and an FRC

robotics team. William is currently serving as the Director of STEM at London International


Teaching Outline:

Multiple teaching and learning strategies have been included in the course to ensure that teacher

candidates have ample opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the material.

Talk s / Lectures. There are nine lectures planned throughout the course. The lectures have been

designed to support students' achievement of course objectives. Topics covered in the lectures

directly connect with the material in the course assignments. Feedback and participation from

members of the class is welcome during these sessions.

Short Group Activities. Short group activities serve to break the ice and assist in the formation of work

groups that will complete course assignments together.

Group Work. Group work activities are planned to allow groups to complete their assignments in

class. Groups are encouraged to use project management techniques to ensure that their group

assignments are completed in a timely fashion with proper attention to detail.

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Group Discussions. Students deepen their understanding of course material through structured

discussions based on the elements of a conceptual framework of STEM education.

Technology Demonstrations. Many technological connections are made in STEM education. During

these activities, specific technology will be demonstrated.

Hands on Activities. These activities follow the technology demonstrations, enabling teacher

candidates to further develop their skills through direct interaction with the technologies.

Date Topic Teaching and Learning


January 9 Course Introduction / Outline

/ Sakai / Fundamental

Principles of STEM Education



Talk / Lecture

Short group activities

January 11 Building a STEM Learning


Talk / lecture

Group work

January 16 The Education Revolution?

Talk / lecture

Group Discussion

January 18 FRC Robotics Field Trip

Technology Demonstration

Hands-on Activity

January 23 Learning Communities

Problem Based Learning /

Project Based Learning

Talk / lecture

Group Discussion

January 25 Use of Technology – Computer

Programming and Spreadsheets

Technology Demonstration

Hands-on Activity

February 6 Course, Unit, and Lesson

Planning – a STEM Approach

Talk / lecture

Group Discussion

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

February 8 Use of Technology –

Programmable Micro-

controllers and Single-board


Technology Demonstration

Hands-on Activity

February 13 Developing a Conceptual

Framework for STEM


Talk / lecture

Group Discussion

February 15 Group Project Group Work

February 22 Community Connections and

STEM Education

Talk / lecture

Group Discussion

February 27 Group Project Group Work

March 1 Presentation of Projects Group Presentation

March 6 Presentation of Projects Group Presentation

March 8 Practical Considerations –

Putting it All Together

Talk / lecture

Group discussion

Assignment Guidelines:

(please see attached assignments document)

References and Suggested Readings:


Case Western Reserve University. (2016). Appreciative Inquiry Commons. (Online) Retrieved

December, 2016 from https://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/.

Open Source Ecology. (2016). Open Source Ecology. (Online) Retrieved December 2016 from


Pearce, D., Wong, J., Neal, W. (2016). Human STEM Innovation Youth: Ready? (unpublished)

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

TED. (2012, April 28). TEDxNYED - April 28, 2012 - Frank Noschese (Online) Retrieved

December, 2016 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GkY-ZXnx4w.

TED. (2016). Ken Robinson's TED Talks. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from


STEM Learning Communities

Carrino, S. S. , Gerace, W. J. (2016). Why STEM Learning Communities Work: The Development

of Psychosocial Learning Factors Through Social Interaction. Learning Communities Research

and Practice, 4(1), Article 3. Available at:


Dagley, M. (2015). Increasing Retention and Graduation Rates Through a STEM Learning

Community. Journal of College Student Retention Vol. 18(2) 167–182.

Davis, D., Veenstra, C. (2014). Community involvement in STEM learning. The Journal for Quality and

Participation 37, (1) (04): 30-33, (Online) Retrieved December 10, 2016 from



Fulton, K., Britton, T. (2011). STEM Teachers in Professional Learning Communities: From Good

Teachers to Great Teaching. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from http://nctaf.org/wp



Education Revolution?

Mochari, I. (2016). 16 Startups Poised to Disrupt the Education Market. (Online) Retrieved December, 2106

from http://www.inc.com/ilan-mochari/16-startups-that-will-disrupt-the-education


The Drum. (2016). The Day Before Tomorrow – How Education will be Transformed. (Online)

Retrieved December, 2016 from http://www.thedrum.com/news/2014/11/04/bringing-


Specific Programs and Technologies

Farmbot. (2016). Farmbot. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from http://www.farmbot.io.

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

FIRST. (2016). FIRST. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from http://www.firstinspires.org.

Raspberry Pi. (2016). Raspberry Pi. (Online) Retrieved December 2016 from


RepRap. (2016). RepRap. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from http://www.reprap.org.

STEM Challenge. (2016). 2016 National STEM Video Game Challenge. (Online) Retrieved

December, 2016 from http://stemchallenge.org/.

Coding in the Classroom and Spreadsheets

Benacka, J. (2015). Numerical Modelling with Spreadsheets as a Means to Promote STEM to High School

Students. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2016, 12(4), 947-964.

Python Anywhere LLP (2016). Python Anywhere. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from


Technoteacher. (2016) 10 Python Teaching Resources You Really Should Be Using. (Online) Retrieved

December, 2016 from https://teachcomputing.wordpress.com/2016/03/20/10- python-


Lesson and Unit Planning

ASCD. (2016). Teaching and Learning Resources for STEM Education. (Online) Retrieved December,

2016 from http://www.ascd.org/publications/newsletters/education-


Cal Poly. (2016). Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education. (Online) Retrieved

December, 2016 from http://www.cesame.calpoly.edu/.

MIT OpenCourseWare. (2016). STEM Concept Videos. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from


Successful STEM Education. (2016). Improving STEM Curriculum and Instruction: Engaging Students

and Raising Standards (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from



Teaching and Learning Laboratory (TLL), and Singapore University of Technology and Design

(SUTD) . RES.TLL-004 STEM Concept Videos. Fall 2013. Massachusetts Institute of

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Introduction to STEM Education Intermediate-Senior 5465

Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-


Project-Based Learning

BIE. (2016). Why Project-Based Learning (PBL)?. (Online) Retrieved December, 2016 from


Zubrzycki, J. (2016). As Project-Based Learning Gains in Popularity, Experts Offer Caution..

