Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer

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  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    Breast CancerBecoming an expert in breast cancer

    The constant research work on breast cancer has shown a strong link between high

    fatty foods and breast cancer. Countries with staple food based diets like Japan of the

    1950s have recorded minimal occurrence of breast cancer.


  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    Becoming An Expert In Breast Cancer

    The constant research work on breast cancer has shown a stronglink between high fatty foods and breast cancer. Countries with

    staple food based diets like Japan of the 1950s have recorded

    minimal occurrence of breast cancer. With this, I'm sure you will

    want to watch out for the fat content of your food. A sudden

    change in the color of your breast can be due to the presence of

    cancer cells within your breast tissues. Usually breast cancer is

    associated with the color of the breast turning pinkish red and

    development of dark regions around the breast. If you notice this,

    you should have a clinical examination immediately.

    Although breast cancer is characterized with noticeable physical

    changes in the breast, these changes can also occur during

    pregnancy and passing of a menstrual cycle. However this does not

    mean proper attention should not be given to these changes when

    they appear, it just shouldn't lead to your being paranoid.

    Do not just rush off right now to start sharing your knowledge with

    regards to Breast Cancer because you have read the first part of

    this piece of writing. It is pertinent to read much more before you

    can start teaching others.

    The chances of treating breast cancer in women are proportional to

    their age. Younger women can actually receive strong treatment

    and be able to live and overcome the side effects of such

    treatment, whereas the older ones may develop more

    complications from received treatments for breast cancer. The

    earlier breast cancer is detected the better the chances of treating

    it. After breast cancer has been operated successfully, your doctor

    usually prescribe a form of follow up treatment to help you heal

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    quickly. A proper adherence to this follow up treatment will not

    only guarantee quick recovery, but also reduce the chances of the

    breast cancer reoccurring.

    Although occasionally found in men, breast cancer is most common

    in women. The statistic shows a ratio of 1:100 for men: women

    diagnosed cases of breast cancer. This shows that women are

    more endangered to breast cancer, but most importantly, this has

    shown that men too can develop breast cancer; therefore they

    should also check their risk factors and speak occasionally to their

    doctor concerning breast cancer.

    Breas t Cance r and The R eason You Ough t To BeIn fo rmed

    Since breast cancer occur at cellular level, occurrences that

    degenerates the cell to the level of malignant growth can be

    termed as cancerous. Stress can degenerate the body cells by

    causing them to be depleted of adrenaline and oxygen and causing

    them to be high in sugar. This can cause the growth of these cells

    to be abnormal thereby leading to cancer. Although stress is not an

    accepted cause of cancer, with this being said you will not be

    paranoid whenever you go for clinical breast cancer examination

    anytime you believe you are over stressed.

    A bloody discharge from the nipples is not usually a common

    symptom of breast cancer. This therefore should not be a symptom

    to watch out for before going for clinical breast cancer examination.

    It is suggested that for women over 40 years, clinical examination

    should be done at least once in a year. Breast cancer is a major

    killer of women all over the world in general. The actual cause of

    breast cancer has not been agreed upon but body size, age, level

    of alcohol and fat content in the body are known associates of

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    breast cancer. Therefore don't get overweight, reduce alcohol

    consumption, exercise a lot and avoid fatty foods for protection

    against breast cancer.

    Breast cancer is an ailment caused by the formation of malignant

    cells within the breast tissues. Although the ailment is common in

    women, it is almost non-existent in men although few diagnoses

    have been made. The cancer is known to be heterogeneous as it

    shows variation in different women.

    If the first part of this piece didn't thrill you as much as you

    thought it would, keep reading. Sometimes the most pertinent tipsaren't revealed until one digs deeper into an article.

    Breast cancer is better treated if the ailment is timely noticed. It is

    advised that women examine their breast regularly for lumps and

    skin discoloration. If this is noticed, it should not be overlooked but

    reported to medical professionals immediately.

    Preventive measures against breast cancer are not yet fully defined

    as the actual cause of the disease is still unclear. But you will be

    able to lower your breast cancer risk by avoiding food with high fat

    content and reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed. Also,

    you should do all you can to constantly be on the lookout against

    breast cancer by examining your breasts all the time for signs of


    Breas t Cance r and The Reason Y ou Shou ld BeIn fo rmed

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    The constant research work on breast cancer has shown a strong

    link between high fatty foods and breast cancer. Countries with

    staple food based diets like Japan of the 1950s have recorded

    minimal occurrence of breast cancer. With this, I'm sure you will

    want to watch out for the fat content of your food.

    As strange as it may sound, men are also susceptible to breast

    cancer. Although it is not common, breast cancer has been

    diagnosed in men, mostly the sexagenarians. Therefore as a man,

    you shouldn't feel exempted from the fringes of breast cancer,

    constantly examine yourself and make appointments with your

    doctor at the first signs of abnormalities. Breast cancer can be

    caused by the degeneration of poorly treated breast ailments. Thismeans that minor injuries on the breast if not properly treated can

    cause the development of malignant cells in the breast. It is

    advised then that minor breast ailments or injuries should be

    properly treated to avoid its degeneration into cancer.

    I'm confident now that you have read to the middle of this piece of

    writing you have discovered that there is more to learn about

    Breast Cancer than meets the eyes, right? If yes, then the rest ofthis writing will show you a lot more that can make you a specialist

    about this subject.

    Breast cancer is usually characterized with changes in the size of

    the breast. However a drastic change in your breast size does not

    necessarily confirm the presence of cancer cells. If you notice

    differences in your breast size, it is advised that you seek medical

    attention to determine the cause. Breast cancer is a thing most

    women worry about especially the younger ones. This worry has

    led many women into believing strange rumors that breast cancer

    can be gotten from toothpastes and antiperspirants. Although it is

    good to be careful about the products you use, but the idea that

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    toothpastes and antiperspirants cause breast cancer is just a sign

    of being paranoid.

    The size of your breast does not increase or reduce your chancesof having breast cancer. The rumor that ladies with bigger breast

    are more prone to breast cancer cannot be more wrong. The size

    of your breast has totally nothing to do with the chances of having

    breast cancer. Do not be led into a state of paranoia by these


    Don t L i v e W i th The Igno rance o f B r eas t Cance r

    Noticing changes in your breast contour? It could be nothing and at

    the same time it could be breast cancer, God forbid! But the only

    way to say is prompt medical check, if the doctor thinks it is cancer

    then early treatments will do you some good. If you are very

    positive, even when breast cancer is staring you in the face,

    unseen forces will come to your aid and heal you. I know this

    sounds crazy but history has it of lots of ladies that have also

    survived breasts cancer because of their strong faiths. If they

    could, you can as well. What's stopping you is the belief that you

    can be healed. To get started, get the belief. After the belief, then

    find out what those ladies who survived did and do the same thing.

    Nothing can stop you from getting the same results, except of

    course, your mind.

    Breast cancer treatments involve some pre-treatment preparations.

    This preparation includes the dos and don'ts that your doctor

    advises after the diagnosis of breast cancer. A full adherence to this

    advice will help your breast cancer treatment yield a better result.

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    Breast cancer survival rate depends on the degree of the cancer's

    metastasis. If the breast cancer is not timely diagnosed it can

    cause a spread to other parts of the body and organs. Constantly

    check your breast for cancer lumps and avoid the spreading of the

    tumor if it is there.

    The starting part of this book has certainly shown that it pays to be

    informed before we can become knowledgeable, regardless of the

    subject in question, whether "Breast Cancer" or whatever else.

    Keep reading and your level of understand will certainly improve.

    There are many rumors concerning the development of breastcancer. If you are not careful, you can be led into believing safe

    things are cancer related. It is advised that when you start having

    concerns about breast cancer, you talk to medical professionals and

    not listen to rumors on the street.

    Preventive measures against breast cancer are not yet fully defined

    as the actual cause of the disease is still unclear. But you will be

    able to lower your breast cancer risk by avoiding food with high fatcontent and reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed. Also,

    you should do all you can to constantly be on the lookout against

    breast cancer by examining your breasts all the time for signs of


    Do You K now Enough Abou t B r ea s t Cance r

    The exact cause of breast cancer is unclear but some risk factors

    have been established. These risk factors include high fatty foods

    and excessive consumption of alcohol. You should be conscious of

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    these risk factors and make efforts to avoid them. You can visit the

    Department of Health in your state to get more information on

    likely cause of breast cancer. It doesn't matter whether breast

    cancer has affected your mother and grandmother and they both

    died from it, you don't have to die from it too. You see, modernscience has advanced so strongly that the diseases that used to kill

    people in the past no longer kill. If your breast cancer is discovered

    very early on, you can be sure you won't die. So, always ensure

    you examine your breasts for any signs of tumor. That can save

    your life.

    The degree of the cancer growth in the breast determines how the

    cancer is treated. Chemotherapy is a method used in treatingbreast cancer when it has not reached an advance stage. The

    affected cells are killed by the use of drugs.

    A lot of success has been recorded in the treatment of breast

    cancer. But the attitude of the patient will also contribute to the

    success of the treatment. The patient has to be strong and show

    willingness to recover from this deadly disease. The body has a

    strong healing power that can play important role in healing whenthe patient also fights the present disease.

    Do you see how easy it can be for anyone to be an expert on any

    subject, just from what you have read with the first half of this

    book? Keep reading to learn more and become MORE

    knowledgeable about "Breast Cancer".

    The symptom of breast cancer includes bloody discharge from the

    nipples. Occasionally, this discharge may be clear and non-bloody.

    Once you notice this check for lump within the breast by manual

    touch and also examine the skin around your breast. If you notice

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    anymore irregularities, you should seek immediate medical


    Breast cancer treatment can be associated with side effects. Someof these side effects are mild while some are severe. If you tend to

    experience the severe kind of breast cancer treatment side effects

    such as limbs numbness, it is advised that you report to your

    doctor immediately and have your treatment changed.

    F ree Use fu l I n f o rma t i on A bou t B r eas t Cance r

    It is probable that the following pages will not cover all you desire

    to learn with regard to a particular aspect of "Breast Cancer", but

    it'll make you more conversant about "Breast Cancer" in general.

    Thus, it doesn't really matter what your key phrase is in relation to

    "Breast Cancer", whether it is "Awareness Breast Cancer

    Wristband", "What Causes Bladder Cancer" or "Cancer Research Uk

    Breast Cancer", go through this piece and you'll be amazed with

    what you'll discover therein.

    Do you know that those birth control pills you pop can cause you

    breast cancer? Birth control pills increase the estrogen level in a

    woman's body. Increased estrogen has been linked with the

    development of breast cancer as tested patients show high

    estrogen content. Using other modes of contraceptives likecondoms will lower the risk of increasing your risk level with

    respect to breast cancer. I know many people say breast cancer is

    a death sentence. I know lots of people continue to die each and

    every day from the illness all over the world, but that doesn't mean

    you too would die because you have now been diagnosed with

    breast cancer. What I will tell you is this stay open! You just don't

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    know whether you will die. I don't care if the doctors have told you

    that you will die STAY OPEN!

    The time of breast cancer detection determines how effectively itcan be treated. It is advised that a monthly thorough examination

    of the breast and the best region will help you detect breast cancer

    timely if present. Also undergoing clinical examination once every

    three years after the age of 20 is advised.

    Who knows? The most pertinent part of this book about "Breast

    Cancer" might be buried right at the end. If you stop reading just

    because you have got to the middle, you might just miss the mostcrucial part. That is why you clearly have to keep on reading.

    Statistic shows that breast cancer reoccurrence is about 10% in

    treated patient. This deadly disease should not be allowed to

    reoccur. After a successful treatment of breast cancer, you should

    maintain a regular monthly appointment with your doctor to

    prevent the disease reoccurring. A lot of women want to know the

    effect of our diet on the development of breast cancer. I'll say sinceour body can be physically and genetically modified by the kind of

    food we eat, it is logical to believe that food plays an important role

    in the development of breast cancer. With this being said, you

    should remember that one man's meat is another's poison so have

    your doctor review your diet for it is only him/her that can say if

    the kind of food you eat can encourage the development of breast

    cancer or not.

    Although occasionally found in men, breast cancer is most common

    in women. The statistic shows a ratio of 1:100 for men: women

    diagnosed cases of breast cancer. This shows that women are

    more endangered to breast cancer, but most importantly, this has

    shown that men too can develop breast cancer; therefore they

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    should also check their risk factors and speak occasionally to their

    doctor concerning breast cancer.

    Have They Been Ly ing To You Abou t B r eas t Cance r

    Noticing changes in your breast contour? It could be nothing and at

    the same time it could be breast cancer, God forbid! But the only

    way to say is prompt medical check, if the doctor thinks it is cancer

    then early treatments will do you some good. Both men and

    women can contract a breast cancer. Sometimes the lump can be

    removed without a lot of invasion or damage, but other times you

    might have to undergo extensive surgery to save your life. There

    just is no discrimination with the condition. So, both men and

    women should be vigilant in looking out for breast cancer. The

    sooner it's discovered, the better chances one has of surviving it.

    Small cells cancer is the type of breast cancer that characterized

    small tumor cells. These small cells develop rapidly and can spread

    pretty quickly over the breast and nearby regions. This has further

    emphasized the need for clinical breast cancer examination.

    Several persons always think they know until they learn more and

    uncover how little they really knew. By going through this piece I'm

    certain you now know more about "Breast Cancer" than you did

    prior to today. Just keep right on reading to discover more.

    Breast cancer prevention has been a serious topic in research

    institute. Although no appropriate conclusion has been reached, it

    is still believed that reduction in alcohol and fat consumption and

    not involving in unnecessary hormone therapy can prevent the

    development of breast cancer. Breast cancer is believed to be

    related to level and production of some hormones in the body. If

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    this is true, then receiving hormone therapy can cause a hormonal

    imbalance that can cause breast cancer. However hormone therapy

    can be necessary for the treatment of other ailments such as

    depression, in such cases, you should ensure that you receive this

    therapy from a professional and not just any medical practitioner.

    Preventive measures against breast cancer are not yet fully defined

    as the actual cause of the disease is still unclear. But you will be

    able to lower your breast cancer risk by avoiding food with high fat

    content and reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed. Also,

    you should do all you can to constantly be on the lookout against

    breast cancer by examining your breasts all the time for signs of


    I w as a l s o p r ev ious l y igno ran t Abou t These B reas tCance r Fact s bu t no t any m ore

    The chances of surgically removed breast cancer relapsing is

    reduced by following surgery with radiation therapy. This therapy is

    important and should not be skipped if you don't want your cancer

    to reoccur. Breast cancer is an ailment that is usually diagnosed by

    X-ray of the breast. During the treatment of diagnosed breast

    cancer, a proper check should be carried out on the breast region

    as there could be some cancer metastases that are not revealed by

    the X-ray.

    Cancer can hit you in any part of the body. Breast cancer is simply

    the type that strikes you in the chest. Some folks think that only

    women get this, but that is not true; men contract it also. What

    people should focus on is how to put an end to the disease,

    starting with detecting it in good time before it spreads all over

    the body and causes much more damage

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    Breast cancer prevention has been a serious topic in research

    institute. Although no appropriate conclusion has been reached, it

    is still believed that reduction in alcohol and fat consumption and

    not involving in unnecessary hormone therapy can prevent the

    development of breast cancer.

    No matter how much you previously knew about "Breast Cancer", I

    am certain the first half of this piece contained some information

    you haven't ever read about, right? If not, just go ahead and keep

    reading. You will be surprised at the important information that you

    will read as this piece continues.

    A step to the quick detection of breast cancer is regular

    examination of the breast by oneself for lumps and irregular shape

    and size. The examination is however not effective in some breast

    that has been augmented or implanted, as a lump in an augmented

    breast may not be detectable because of the alteration on the

    breast. Before you go for breast reform ensure that it is not the

    type that will not make lump detection impossible.

    Have you being eating vegetables regularly? If not, you may want

    to reconsider the kind of food you eat as although it is not fully

    proven, vegetables are believed to prevent the development of

    breast cancer. What do you think? Still no vegetables?

    I f my 13 yea r o l d Know th i s much Rega rd ing B reas tCance r you shou ld a s w e l l

    Breast cancer has a 10% chance of returning in women who have

    been successfully treated for the cancer. However, a high

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    percentage of the women who do not have a relapsing breast

    cancer were found to have a high level of carotenoid present in

    their blood. With this being said, it will be wise if you start eating

    vegetables with high carotenoid content during and after your

    cancer treatments.

    Anytime you notice any kind of growth in your breasts, as a woman

    or a man, it's important to carefully examine it. If you are not

    comfortable with the way it looks, see your doctor immediately.

    You doctor would then conduct a test for breast cancer. If it's

    discovered in good time, there's a very high probability that it can

    be effectively nipped in the bud. One could argue that women are

    the most frightened by the notion of breast cancer. Not only is itlife threatening, but even scary. I understand, but instead of

    focusing on fear and negativism, I think the world should focus on

    solutions and prevention. If more people do this, diseases such as

    breast cancer would be a thing of the past. I am that confident!

    Breast cancer prevention has been a serious topic in research

    institute. Although no appropriate conclusion has been reached, it

    is still believed that reduction in alcohol and fat consumption and

    not involving in unnecessary hormone therapy can prevent the

    development of breast cancer.

    Who knows? The most vital aspect of this piece of writing about

    "Breast Cancer" might be buried right at the end. If you stop

    reading simply because you have got to the middle, you might justmiss the most important part. That is why you certainly have to

    keep on reading.

    Breast cancer is believed to be related to level and production of

    some hormones in the body. If this is true, then receiving hormone

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    therapy can cause a hormonal imbalance that can cause breast

    cancer. However hormone therapy can be necessary for the

    treatment of other ailments such as depression, in such cases, you

    should ensure that you receive this therapy from a professional and

    not just any medical practitioner.

    The size of your breast does not increase or reduce your chances

    of having breast cancer. The rumor that ladies with bigger breast

    are more prone to breast cancer cannot be more wrong. The size

    of your breast has totally nothing to do with the chances of having

    breast cancer. Do not be led into a state of paranoia by these


    Im po r tan t Po in te r s fo r B r eas t Cance r

    Flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast can be a sign

    of breast cancer. If it is, you shouldn't worry much as breast cancer

    is quite treatable. You should make provision on how to receive

    medical help instead of panicking around.

    It is often possible for breast cancer tumors to be present in

    regions that are within the nipple tract. This will make the bloody

    discharging from the nipples less likely. So if you feel lumps on

    your breast without discharges from your nipples it can still be

    breast cancer. The symptom of breast cancer includes redness and

    pitting of the breast and skin around the breast region. This

    particular symptom makes the skin appear orange. Once you notice

    this, you should make appointment with your doctor immediately.

    Nutrient Resveratrol has been showed by studies to reduce the risk

    associated with breast cancer. Resveratol is a naturally occurring

    antioxidant present on the outer skin of red or purple grape. So if

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    you indulge in taking of grape fruit and wine you may be doing

    yourself some good with respect to breast cancer.

    With the hints about "Breast Cancer" covered in the initial half ofthis piece, do not you feel confident to call yourself an expert on

    the subject matter? If not, then keep reading the other part of the

    article, as well as a lot of others in this website.

    A step to the quick detection of breast cancer is regular

    examination of the breast by oneself for lumps and irregular shape

    and size. The examination is however not effective in some breast

    that has been augmented or implanted, as a lump in an augmentedbreast may not be detectable because of the alteration on the

    breast. Before you go for breast reform ensure that it is not the

    type that will not make lump detection impossible.

    Have you being eating vegetables regularly? If not, you may want

    to reconsider the kind of food you eat as although it is not fully

    proven, vegetables are believed to prevent the development of

    breast cancer. What do you think? Are you planning to add morevegetables to your diet?

    Im po r tan t Th ings To Lea rn Abou t B r eas t Cance r

    Having children early has been said by some gynecologist to reduce

    the chances of developing breast cancer in women. Although

    breast cancer is almost non-existent in very young women, an early

    issue will further reduce the risk associated with breast cancer.

    Both men and women can contract a breast cancer. Sometimes the

    lump can be removed without a lot of invasion or damage, but

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    other times you might have to undergo extensive surgery to save

    your life. There just is no discrimination with the condition. So,

    both men and women should be vigilant in looking out for breast

    cancer. The sooner the disease is discovered, the better chances

    one has of surviving it. The cells in your chest could die off and notbe able to find their way out of your body. This is when you are

    said to have breast cancer. Depending on how extensive the

    damage is, you could solve it by irradiation or by surgery. More and

    more people are now surviving breast cancer; even cases that were

    thought to be hopeless. So, don't shut the doors yet on life, if you

    have breast cancer. You can still be saved.

    Many persons stop when they get to the half part of this e-bookbecause they think they have read the main points. This is a wrong

    assumption. No matter how educative this writing has been so far,

    keep reading because there are a lot more to know about

    Statistic shows that breast cancer reoccurrence is about 10% in

    treated patient. This deadly disease should not be allowed to

    reoccur. After a successful treatment of breast cancer, you should

    maintain a regular monthly appointment with your doctor toprevent the disease reoccurring. Some women exercise denial of

    breast cancer as if they are exempted from having the disease. You

    must understand that no matter how much you deny the disease, it

    won't make it go away ones it is there. You have to start paying

    attention to advises and tips on how to prevent, cope with and

    treat breast cancer as nobody is actually exempted from the


    Breast cancer treatment can be associated with side effects. Some

    of these side effects are mild while some are severe. If you tend to

    experience the severe kind of breast cancer treatment side effects

    such as limbs numbness, it is advised that you report to your

    doctor immediately and have your treatment changed.

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    I n s ig h t s I n t o Wha t M any Don t Know Abou t B r ea stCance r

    Flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast can be a sign

    of breast cancer. If it is, you shouldn't worry much as breast cancer

    is quite treatable. You should make provision on how to receive

    medical help instead of panicking around.

    The advice of your doctor in the treatment of breast cancer is

    priceless. Although the choice of treatment method will be placedin your hands, the special advice your doctor provides should be

    considered critically before picking a treatment method for breast

    cancer. Researchers believe emotional stress can lead to breast

    cancer growth in some people. These propounded theory believes

    that people who develop any form of cancer from emotional stress

    are however likely to develop the same cancer without the stress.

    This means that stress increases the chances of a cancer

    susceptible individual, getting cancer.

    No matter how much you previously knew about "Breast Cancer", I

    am certain the first half of this article contained some information

    you haven't ever read about, right? If not, just go ahead and keep

    reading. You will be surprised at the relevant information that you

    will read as this piece continues.

    Breast cancer prevention has been a serious topic in researchinstitute. Although no appropriate conclusion has been reached, it

    is still believed that reduction in alcohol and fat consumption and

    not involving in unnecessary hormone therapy can prevent the

    development of breast cancer. After breast cancer has been

    operated successfully, your doctor usually prescribe a form of

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    follow up treatment to help you heal quickly. A proper adherence to

    this follow up treatment will not only guarantee quick recovery, but

    also reduce the chances of the breast cancer reoccurring.

    Breast awareness is a process whereby women get intimate with

    their breast and detect abnormalities on or within the breast. This

    should be practiced by all females young or old for even if it is not

    common, breast cancer has been diagnosed in young females too.

    S ta r t li ng Fac t s Rega rd ing B reast Cance r tha t w i llI n te r es t YOU

    Surgical treatment for breast cancer may involve the complete

    removal of the affected breast. This is as a result of the cancer cells

    spreading all over the affected breast. The procedure is known as

    mastectomy. In situations where the infected cell has not spread

    too much, the breast can be saved and just removal of the lumps iscarried out.

    Yes, I know that breast cancer is said to be hereditary, but don't let

    that make you lose your sleep because your mother once had it.

    This should be good news to you because it would mean that you

    should be more vigilant so that when breast cancer does spring up,

    you can nip it in the bud pretty quickly. One could argue that

    women are the most frightened by the notion of breast cancer. Notonly is it life threatening, but even scary. I understand, but instead

    of focusing on fear and negativism, I think the world should focus

    on solutions and prevention. If more people do this, diseases such

    as breast cancer would be a thing of the past. I am that confident!

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    Ignorance is more deadly than the most advanced stage of breast

    cancer. You should not fold your arms and ignore information

    pertaining to breast cancer. As a woman who knows the current

    statistic shows that one out of every eleven women is going to be

    diagnosed with breast cancer, you should be all out to getinformation to help keep you on the favored side of the statistic.

    Before going on with this piece of writing, I think it's crucial to ask

    yourself if you have read the first part of this book with an open

    mind and an attentive attitude. What one benefits from reading an

    interesting piece is largely dependent on his/her desire and

    commitment to get the meat out of what he/she is reading. Keep

    reading with an open mind and an attentive attitude and I'mcertain it will all become very clear, concerning "Breast Cancer".

    Sexual activities and hormonal level can determine the

    development of breast cancer. People with low sexual hormone

    secretion due to none or little engagement in sexual activities, are

    said to be at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This place

    Nuns on a high risk of breast cancer doesn't it?

    The size of your breast does not increase or reduce your chances

    of having breast cancer. The rumor that ladies with bigger breast

    are more prone to breast cancer cannot be more wrong. The size

    of your breast has totally nothing to do with the chances of having

    breast cancer. Do not be led into a state of paranoia by these


    The Neces sa ry Th ings You Oug h t To Know Rega rd ingB reas t Cance r un l es s you w an t t o pay the u l t ima te

    pr i ce o f Ign orance

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    Serious side effects can develop after the treatment of breast

    cancer causing a decrease in your libido. To help prevent this, it is

    advised that you should see your gynecologist during and after

    breast cancer treatment. This will ensure that you don't experience

    a draught period in your sex life. It doesn't matter whether breastcancer has affected your mother and grandmother and they both

    died from it, you don't have to die from it too. You see, modern

    science has advanced so strongly that the diseases that used to kill

    people in the past no longer kill. If your breast cancer is discovered

    very early on, you can be sure you won't die. So, always ensure

    you examine your breasts for any signs of tumor. That can save

    your life.

    Targeted therapy is a way of treating breast cancer. This type of

    treatment involves the use of monoclonal antibodies to battle an

    excessive abundance of HER2 protein in cancerous cells thereby

    reducing the growth of the cancerous cells in the process. If used

    with chemotherapy, this reduces the chance of cancer cells


    Breast cancer survival rate depends on the degree of the cancer'smetastasis. If the breast cancer is not timely diagnosed it can

    cause a spread to other parts of the body and organs. Constantly

    check your breast for cancer lumps and avoid the spreading of the

    tumor if it is there. A step to the quick detection of breast cancer is

    regular examination of the breast by oneself for lumps and

    irregular shape and size. The examination is however not effective

    in some breast that has been augmented or implanted, as a lump

    in an augmented breast may not be detectable because of the

    alteration on the breast. Before you go for breast reform ensure

    that it is not the type that will not make lump detection impossible.

    Breast cancer treatment can be associated with side effects. Some

    of these side effects are mild while some are severe. If you tend to

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    experience the severe kind of breast cancer treatment side effects

    such as limbs numbness, it is advised that you report to your

    doctor immediately and have your treatment changed.

    The In t r ic a te W eb o f B r eas t Cance r Tha t M any A reNOT Aw a r e o f

    Once you are diagnosed with breast cancer, the next thing you

    want to do is start an immediate treatment for the cancer. You

    should ask your doctor for available treatment options and what is

    involved in each before taking it up. With proper treatment chances

    are your breast cancer can be treated. And that's a very high

    probability because more and more women are now surviving

    breast cancer, than was the case in the past.

    Progesterone is known to help stabilize the level of other hormone

    present in your body. Stabilizing these hormonal balance can help

    prevent the development of breast cancer in your breast tissues.

    Progesterone can be gotten topically from progesterone containing

    creams. Metastases are growth of cancerous tissues or cells from

    an organ to another within the human body. One major

    characteristic of breast cancer is its metastases characteristics.

    Quick detection and prompt treatment of breast cancer can prevent

    this occurrence.

    Breast cancer survival rate depends on the degree of the cancer's

    metastasis. If the breast cancer is not timely diagnosed it can

    cause a spread to other parts of the body and organs. Constantly

    check your breast for cancer lumps and avoid the spreading of the

    tumor if it is there.

  • 8/3/2019 Becoming an Expert in Breast Cancer


    There are a lot of other ailments that share some of the symptoms

    of breast cancer. These ailments include cysts, fibro adenomas,

    injuries and other infections. These ailments are non-cancerous and

    may not be as severe as the breast cancer. When you notice

    variation in your breast, you shouldn't wave it off thinking it is oneof these diseases, you should receive medical help immediately.