BECOMING A Disciple-Maker - IBCLR · 2019. 7. 9. · In the church today, discipleship has become a buzz word. ... the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded

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Page 1: BECOMING A Disciple-Maker - IBCLR · 2019. 7. 9. · In the church today, discipleship has become a buzz word. ... the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded




Summer 2019

Page 2: BECOMING A Disciple-Maker - IBCLR · 2019. 7. 9. · In the church today, discipleship has become a buzz word. ... the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded



Page 3: BECOMING A Disciple-Maker - IBCLR · 2019. 7. 9. · In the church today, discipleship has become a buzz word. ... the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded

Dr. Daniel Hinton, author




Summer 2019

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a letter from Da n ie l H i nton , Ph D

From time to time this summer, various guest preachers may elect to preach on something other than our current series, Hebrews. The following four lessons have been provided for you as supplemental lessons to be used in order to keep your Sunday School schedule aligned with the Hebrews texts being preached from week to week. Use one or all of the following lessons as needed.

In the church today, discipleship has become a buzz word. Because it has become such a popular word and concept, it can be difficult to define. Over the past couple of years, we have addressed topics like evangelism (Life on Mission) and hospitality (Welcome). We were even asked to identify our ‘one’ this year as we seek to reach out in our spheres of influence. Each of these things is an element of disciple-making. We share the Gospel because it’s part of how people come to know Christ. They become disciples. We warmly welcome others in because it’s part of how people come to know Christ and come to grow in community with other believers. They become disciples. We identify our ‘one’ because every believer is called to participate in the Great Commission, making disciples who, when mature, can make other disciples.

Have you ever wondered who are to be the ones making disciples? Have you ever considered your part in the Great Commission? Have you ever wondered whether or not you’re qualified to lead others? This four part series can serve as a primer for a person interested in becoming a disciple-maker.

Each week, we set the backdrop for making disciples with some basic definitions and premises. Next, we will look at a key biblical text. Moving toward practical application, helpful resources are recommended along with a new habit or practice for aspiring disciple makers. It is my prayer that this will serve you as you continue to mature in your relationship with Christ and consider what it means to be fully engaged in the Great Commission.

Daniel HintonExecutive Director, Downline Little Rock

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S & L E S S O N O U T L I N E

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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S & L E S S O N O U T L I N E


4 LESSON 1 Transformed by the Gospel

12 LESSON 2 Understanding the Truth

22 LESSON 3 Communicating the Truth

30 LESSON 4 Inviting Others In

PICTUREProvide the class a tangible example of a discipling relationship by (a) sharing about someone who discipled you, (b) allowing someone in the class to share about someone who has discipled them, or (c) tell the story provided.

PREMISERemind the class of the foundation for making disciples, a proper understanding of the Great Commission.

PASSAGERead and review a key text related to becoming a disciple-maker.

PROGRAMRecommend a tool or resource that could help the students grow in this area.

PROBLEMAnswering frequently asked questions about disciple-making.

PRACTICERecommend a new habit to be implemented by the students in the class.

PHRASESummarize the session by providing a simple, memorable statement.

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Transformed by the


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L E S S O N 1

P I C T U R EProvide the class a tangible example of a discipling relationship by (a) sharing about someone who discipled you, (b) allowing someone in the class to share about someone who has discipled them, or (c) tell the story provided.

What is your salvation story? Are you one who came to a saving knowledge of Christ only to go years without understanding what it meant to grow and mature in Christ? So many we know share this story.

When I was 15, I was convinced by a friend to attend a summer camp. He sold me on it by telling me all about the sports, activities, food, and pretty girls. On the first night of camp, it became clear. This was a Jesus camp and I had been duped. I wasn’t altogether disappointed, though, because by age 15 I had already begun to sense that there was an emptiness in life associated with doing my own thing, going my own way, and trying to be someone. I was looking for something more.

A few nights in, I remember seeing images form the movie “Jesus of Nazareth” on the screen. Jesus was beaten, crucified. The speaker alerted us that Jesus had done all this for us. For me. And if I wanted to be in heaven with Jesus one day, I would need to be willing to follow him in a repeated prayer. I did so without much hesitation. I felt a weight off of my shoulders. My sins were forgiven. As has been true for so many others, the problem was, I’m not sure I understood the full Gospel. It took only weeks for me to return to my old lifestyle, friends, and bad habits.

By God’s grace, just a couple of months after returning home from camp, I accidentally found myself at a church’s 3-on-3 basketball tournament. A new youth pastor in town took an interest in my life and invited me to spend time with him and the other youth group guys. Before long, he was personally discipling me. It wasn’t long after that that I was leading younger students in Bible Studies I had learned from my discipler. So what was the difference? Why did the camp experience not contain enough inertia to knock me into a spiritual growth pattern? Well, it’s hard to discern exactly what was happening in my heart almost 20 years ago. Was I saved at camp? I’m not altogether sure. And I’m not sure it really matters all that much. What I do know is that what I learned during my friendship with a spiritual older brother that the Gospel is meant to take root in one’s life. The idea of saying a prayer to avoid hell was not compatible with the message of Scripture. And what I saw in his life as a passionate, surrendered follower of Christ was quite compelling. I’ve been following Christ ever since.

P R E M I S ERemind the class of the foundation for making disciples, a proper understanding of the Great Commission.

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)


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L E S S O N 1

The main idea behind our study “Becoming a Disciple Maker” is to focus on a few key qualifications of a believer who desires to make disciples of Jesus. Each week, before beginning with how a person can become a disciple-maker, begin by reminding the class of a few important foundations for disciple-making housed in the Great Commission.

(1) Making disciples is a command from Jesus to be carried out by every follower of Jesus.

a. The Commission is not given merely to pastors, full-time ministry workers, and missionaries.

b. The Commission is not reserved for the spiritual elite or those with particular spiritual gifts.

(2) Making disciples is a command carried out through one’s lifestyle.

a. The Commission is not merely to be carried out once per week, once per month, or once per year.

b. The Commission is not limited to international missions.

(3) Making disciples is the only Greek imperative in the Great Commission.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely going somewhere with spiritual intentions.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

(4) Making disciples involves a lifestyle of both evangelism and developing younger believers.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely investing in younger believers.

(5) Making disciples is reproductive by nature; fully developed disciples make other disciples.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by mere education.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled until disciples learn to make other disciples.

Disciple-Making 101

Making disciples involves both evangelism (baptizing them) and discipling younger believers (teaching them to obey). Disciple-making, then, in its simplest form is helping those who are not followers of Jesus become followers of Jesus AND teaching new believers how to follow Christ through obedience.


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L E S S O N 1

Disciple makers work between the “Non-Interested” and the “Neutral” lines. They are intentional to locate, engage, befriend, and share the Gospel with those who are lose without Christ. Some may be purposely antagonistic to the Gospel and others may have never heard. And disciple makers work between the “New Believer” and the “Growing in Christ Likeness” lines. They locate, engage, befriend, and teach younger believers what it means to follow Christ by obeying his Word. Disciple making is a lifestyle characterized by sharing the Gospel with the lost and developing less-mature disciples for the purposes of multiplication. The end of every healthy discipling relationship is the disciple becoming a disciple-maker.

PA S SAG ERead and review a key text related to becoming a disciple-maker.

A disciple maker must be transformed by the Gospel. You might think to yourself, “why would anyone be interested in making disciples if he or she were not compelled by the grace of God in their life?” Remember that, for some, making disciples (sharing faith, teaching others) could be another mere spiritual exercise in self-righteousness. Perhaps they have become convinced that if their record of good works outweighs their shortcomings, they will go to heaven when they die. And they add disciple-making to their spiritual to-do list. Or suppose an older church member has grown cold in his relationship with Christ. He does not recognize his own sin, mostly fails to love and honor Christ in the way he treats his family and friends, and is thrilled at the idea of taking on the position of “disciple-maker” for someone else to look up to. Or suppose a church visitor has become immediately enthralled by the music, fellowship, and inspiration found within the Immanuel body and quickly signs up to teach and disciple others.



Growing in Christ Likeness | Y

ielded to the Holy Spirit | Spiritu

al Disciplines | Making Disciples

New Believer | Younger Believer | Struggles to Trust God |

Biblically Illiterate | Sunday-Only Mindset | Self-Focused | Taught, But Not Shown

Neutral | Seeker | Interested | Non-Committed | Lost

Non-Interested | Possibly Hostile | Possibly Unreached | Lost

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None of the people described above are suitable disciple-makers. Why? Because a disciple-maker must be transformed by the Gospel. She must be born again. She must be moved by the grace of God in her own life toward obedience and sanctification. In short, it takes a real disciple to make disciples. It takes a true and authentic follower of Jesus to make others followers of Jesus.

Have you ever known someone who wanted to teach or train others whose life clearly demonstrated their own need for change first?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:17-21)

Remembering the Good News

• God is holy.

• We are sinful.

• God made peace with us through the blood of Jesus, who died in our place and covering all of our sins.

• All who trust in Christ have been made new, and have been given new life.

• As Christ’s ambassadors in the world, God has committed to every believer the message and ministry of the Gospel.

A disciple is one who recognizes his sin.A disciple is one who, in recognition of his sin, threw himself at the mercy of Christ for

forgiveness.A disciple is one who loves Jesus because Jesus first loved him.A disciple is one whose desires are coming into alignment with Christ’s through obedience.A disciple is one who allows the Word to permeate the depths of her heart, asking the Holy

Spirit to bring her heart and life into closer congruence with Christ. You see, if you want to be a disciple maker, you have to be a disciple.You have to be real. You have to truly love Christ.You have to want to obey Christ.You have to admit your shortcomings.You have to lean on the grace of Jesus.You have to be transformed by the Gospel.

L E S S O N 1 T R A N S F O R M E D B Y T H E G O S P E L

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P R O G RA MRecommend a tool or resource that could help the students grow in this area.

Gospel Transformation- World Harvest Mission

The Gospel Centered Life- Thune & Walker

Master Life- Lifeway

The Grace Awakening- Charles Swindoll

P R O B L E MAnswering frequently asked questions about disciple-making.

How can I know if I’m ready to make disciples?

This is an interesting question and one that is frequently asked. Many aspiring disciple-makers might hear a lesson like this and think “well, I’m not fully transformed by the Gospel, so I am not qualified to make disciples.” They may think of some ongoing sin issue in their life and wonder if they must experience some sort of relief or victory in this area before proceeding in disciple making. The reality is, only you, God, and those close to you are able to answer this question with much accuracy. But in the meantime, let’s consider two things.

First, remember that the Scriptures don’t give us a checklist of spiritual accomplishments one must complete before making disciples. Think of the original disciples. They certainly had their blatant moments of unbelief and sin. And yet Jesus commissioned them. In this sense, if you are a growing follower of Christ, you are ready to make disciples. Notice the key word. Growing. From a practical standpoint, if you awoke this morning to spend time with the Lord, meet with him over the pages of His Word, and asked the Holy Spirit to guide you into truth and godliness today, there are droves of non-believers and new believers who would benefit from your guidance in their lives. You may feel only one day ahead, but in this case, that is all that it takes. Do not recuse yourself from the Great Commission due to a lack of knowledge, lack of confidence, or even lack of experience. So long as you are growing in knowledge and experience, you are capable of bringing others along on that journey.

Secondly, remember that disciples become what they behold. Luke 6:40 says, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” If those you will disciple will see, spend time with, and imitate a person who is growing, learning, praying, confessing, and sharing Christ with others, then you, along with all other far-from-perfect followers of Christ are ready to make disciples. However, if they will see, in you, a half-hearted, double-minded, unrepentant person, it would serve you and others well to take time to examine your own heart. This is the point. We must be transformed by the Gospel. Though imperfect, we must be whole heartedly devoted to Christ. And the question must then be asked, “has the life changing message of the crucified and risen Christ taken root in your life?”

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P RAC T I C ERecommend a new habit to be implemented by the students in the class.

Remind Yourself of the Gospel

This week’s habit is to learn to remind yourself of the Gospel. Many have said that it is imperative for believers to preach the Gospel to themselves daily. Why? Did we not already accept the Gospel years ago? The point is, in a world of pseudo-spiritual messages, our sinful flesh remains, tempting us to drift away from the grace of Christ. If we are not being shaped by the Word of God, we are being shaped by the messages of the world. In order to keep from apathy and false belief, we must ground ourselves in the truth by reminding ourselves of the good news. Choose some elements of the Gospel message and place them in your dashboard. Create a desktop image for your computer or phone.

Sin- We all sin and fall short of God’s glory.

Justice- God is just to punish sinners, even to hell.

Atonement- Jesus took the punishment due you and me and made a way through his death, burial, and resurrection.

Faith Alone- It is by grace we are saved through faith.

Newness- Everyone who is in Christ is a new creation. True faith produces fruit.

P H RA S ESummarize the session by providing a simple, memorable statement.

“It takes a disciple to make a disciple”

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L E S S O N 1T R A N S F O R M E D B Y T H E G O S P E L

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Understanding the


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L E S S O N 2

P I C T U R EProvide the class a tangible example of a discipling relationship by (a) sharing about someone who discipled you, (b) allowing someone in the class to share about someone who has discipled them, or (c) tell the story provided.

“Be careful when you go to seminary. That’s where people go to get all the head knowledge but they lose their passion.”

I remember several people giving me some warning like this early in my days in ministry. Since these were people I respected, I took the advice seriously. After all, they knew I was zealous about God and his kingdom. They didn’t want me to lose that.

When I was first discipled in high school, the man who discipled me taught several of us the book of Ephesians. I remember vividly moving down from Ephesians 2:8-9 to 2:10. It is by grace we have been saved through faith. “This is why there is no boasting,” I thought. “Because it’s not by our own merit, but by Christ’s work on the cross.” And we are God’s creation, his workmanship, created by him for good works. “So, we don’t boast in our efforts of obedience, but we joyously walk in good works nonetheless,” I began to understand. I remember the joy of deepening in my understanding of who I was. I am his! And peace and joy flooded my soul.

Before going to seminary, I was in a discipleship training course in Memphis. A pastor came in to walk us through the book of Ephesians. When he started into his explanations of some Greek words and some historical context, I internally drew back. “This is what they warned me of. I don’t need more knowledge. I’ll grow cold and passionless.” The pastor methodically demonstrated Paul’s argument in Ephesians 1.

“See what God the Father did in the past? He predestined us for adoption. This is what the readers would’ve thought of when they heard the word adoption.” It was a fuller, richer understanding of the meaning of the word, and therefore the text.

“See what Jesus the Son did is doing the present? In him, you have (present tense) redemption. This is what the readers would’ve thought of when they heard the word redemption.” It was a fuller, richer understanding of the meaning of the word, and therefore the text.

“See what the Holy Spirit does for us in the future? We are sealed with the Spirit, who is a deposit which guarantees our inheritance. This is what the readers would’ve thought of when they heard the word seal.” It was a fuller, richer understanding of the meaning of the word, and therefore the text.

A funny thing was happening. The deeper I went in God’s word, the fuller and richer my understanding of God and myself. My heart didn’t grow cold, it grew more passionate. I remember sitting in that room focusing intently on the book of Ephesians. And peace and joy flooded my soul. I am his!

A couple of years later, I attended my first class at Dallas Theological Seminary. I had to take a class at a time, so I would travel to Dallas for a week, take an intensive class and then return to Memphis where we were living. After the Friday 8a-5p class, I hopped a flight back to Memphis. We had just covered “Acts and the Pauline Epistles” in 5 intense days. The last of the Pauline letters we studied was Ephesians. We studied the historical background, the outline of the book, the argumentation, the theological controversies. We learned what hundreds of years worth of scholars thought about certain translations and interpretations. When I arrived at my gate to await the boarding call, all the seats were taken. I sat on the floor with my back against


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one of those giant airport pillars. I sat my torn up, falling apart, scribbled-in Bible in front of me and opened to Ephesians. It was the same Bible I had when I first came to Christ. In the hustle and bustle of the airport, for a moment all seemed quiet to me. And I read:

Ephesians 2:1-5

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—

I only remember that moment because for some reason my eyes filled with tears. I can’t really remember feeling especially moved by a film, a song, or a book growing up. This was quite unexpected. After all, I had just spent five days in a row in an academic setting studying the Bible. I was supposed to be stoic, stale, tired. My passion was supposed to have been waning at this point. But peace and joy flooded my soul. I am his!

We need not be afraid of going deep with God through His Word. I would argue that the deeper we go in the Word, the deeper we go with Him. The more we know about the Bible, the more we know about Him, about ourselves, and about the world he has called us to pursue. If you want to become a disciple-maker, you must know God’s Word.

P R E M I S ERemind the class of the foundation for making disciples, a proper understanding of the Great Commission.

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)

The main idea behind our study “Becoming a Disciple Maker” is to focus on a few key qualifications of a believer who desires to make disciples of Jesus. Each week, before beginning with how a person can become a disciple-maker, begin by reminding the class of a few important foundations for disciple-making housed in the Great Commission.

(1) Making disciples is a command from Jesus to be carried out by every follower of Jesus.

a. The Commission is not given merely to pastors, full-time ministry workers, and missionaries.

b. The Commission is not reserved for the spiritual elite or those with particular spiritual gifts.

(2) Making disciples is a command carried out through one’s lifestyle.

a. The Commission is not merely to be carried out once per week, once per month, or once per year.

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b. The Commission is not limited to international missions.

(3) Making disciples is the only Greek imperative in the Great Commission.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely going somewhere with spiritual intentions.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

(4) Making disciples involves a lifestyle of both evangelism and developing younger believers.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely investing in younger believers.

(5) Making disciples is reproductive by nature; fully developed disciples make other disciples.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by mere education.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled until disciples learn to make other disciples.

Disciple-Making 101

Making disciples involves both evangelism (baptizing them) and discipling younger believers (teaching them to obey). Disciple-making, then, in its simplest form is helping those who are not followers of Jesus become followers of Jesus AND teaching new believers how to follow Christ through obedience.

L E S S O N 2U N D E R S T A N D I N G T H E T R U T H


Growing in Christ Likeness | Y

ielded to the Holy Spirit | Spiritu

al Disciplines | Making Disciples

New Believer | Younger Believer | Struggles to Trust God |

Biblically Illiterate | Sunday-Only Mindset | Self-Focused | Taught, But Not Shown

Neutral | Seeker | Interested | Non-Committed | Lost

Non-Interested | Possibly Hostile | Possibly Unreached | Lost

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Disciple makers work between the “Non-Interested” and the “Neutral” lines. They are intentional to locate, engage, befriend, and share the Gospel with those who are lose without Christ. Some may be purposely antagonistic to the Gospel and others may have never heard. And disciple makers work between the “New Believer” and the “Growing in Christ Likeness” lines. They locate, engage, befriend, and teach younger believers what it means to follow Christ by obeying his Word. Disciple making is a lifestyle characterized by sharing the Gospel with the lost and developing less-mature disciples for the purposes of multiplication. The end of every healthy discipling relationship is the disciple becoming a disciple-maker.

PA S SAG ERead and review a key text related to becoming a disciple-maker.2 Tim 2:15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be

ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

In 2 Timothy, Paul is giving his final address (most scholars believe shortly before Paul died) to his primary disciple, Timothy. The letter reads like a last will and testament from a father to a child. In fact, Paul calls timothy a son in the letter, signifying their extremely close personal bond. And amidst all of this advice for Timothy, Paul expects Timothy to correctly handle the Word of God. What Paul likely has in mind is (a) the truth that Paul gave to him (b) the Scriptures in general and (c) the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Evidently, there is a diligence required. There is work that must be done in order to rightly handle the truth.

As we have suggested in the Premise section of this lesson, making disciples involves baptizing them (evangelism) and teaching then to obey (discipling younger believers).

So what is it that a disciple-maker is to teach someone who is not a believer?

And what is it that a disciple-maker is to teach someone who is a younger growing believer?

If you are to become a disciple-maker, you must understand the truth.

First, you must understand the Gospel. How can we lead others to place their faith in Christ if we are unsure or unclear on the message?

Secondly, the Great Commission demands that we teach younger believers to obey “all that I have commanded.” This means disciple makers must be diligent studiers of God’s Word. If we are to teach and show others what it means to obey and follow Christ, we must understand Christ’s teaching. Think of the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) alone.

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• Repent (Matthew 4:17)• Follow (Matthew 4:19)• Rejoice (Matthew 5:11–12)• Shine (Matthew 5:16)• Follow God’s Law (Matthew 5:17)• Be Reconciled to One Another (Matthew 5:23–25)• Do Not Lust (Matthew 5:28–30)• Honesty in Everything (Matthew 5:37)• Go Another Mile (Matthew 5:38–42)• Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:44–46)• Pray, Fast, Give in Secret (Matthew 6:1–18)• Store Up Eternal Treasures (Matthew 6:19–21)• Seek God’s Kingdom First (Matthew 6:33)• Do Not Judge (Matthew 7:1–3)• Ask, Seek, Knock (Matthew 7:7–8)• Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)• Choose the Narrow Path (Matthew 7:13–14)• Beware of False Teachers (Matthew 7:15–16)

All Scripture is God-breathed, so Jesus’ teachings are no more important or useful than the rest of the Scriptures. Paul’s letters are just as much the words of God as the words of Jesus in the Gospels. But just take a moment to examine the themes above. This is a fragment of the truth that God has for us. We should spend our lives pouring over these truths, allowing them to convict and change us as we impart them into others. As you can see, this is a lifelong endeavor.

Are you ever done learning the Word of God?

It is estimated that only 20 percent of Americans say they’ve read the entire Bible at least once. And only 22 percent say they systematically read through a section of the Bible a little each day. As Christians, we are people of the book. We believe that God has revealed himself to us through the pages of Scripture. When we refuse to meet God on his own terms, how can we expect to develop fruitful, God-glorifying lives of obedience and service? We must remember that God wants to give us the abundant life, life to its fullest. But this maximum life of flourishing is found in becoming more like Jesus. It is found in learning and obeying his commands. After all, his commands were given so that when followed by His children, maximum glory would be given him. And when we’re living our lives to his maximum glory, we are living the satisfied, fulfilled life we were meant to, regardless of our current life circumstances.


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How has your Bible engagement changed with the development of Bible apps? Has it helped or hindered your diligence to know and study God’s Word?

Have you ever seen a veteran elderly church member walk into church with a huge, tattered Bible filled with study notes, markings, etc.? What does it suggest about their life?

If you want to become one who makes disciples, you must be a diligent studier of God’s Word. For you must know sound doctrine to teach sound doctrine. You must know the Gospel in order to share the Gospel. And you must know the truth before you can help someone ground their own life in the truth.

P R O G RA MRecommend a tool or resource that could help the students grow in this area.

Clarifying the Bible- Mitch Maher

What Jesus Demands From the World- John Piper

30 Days to Understanding Your Bible- Max Anders

Grasping God’s Word - Duvall & Hays

ESV Study Bible or Life Application Study Bible

P R O B L E MAnswering frequently asked questions about disciple-making.

How could I be a disciple-maker if I’ve never been discipled?

First, remember that believers aren’t called first to follow another believer but to follow Christ. God gives us the church to encourage, support, and disciple us, but when these things are absent, each believer is still responsible for growing in Christ. A disciple is a learner and follower. If you want to grow to be more like Christ by learning and abiding by his Word, Jesus

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welcomes you to the table with Him as you fellowship with Him through prayer and the Word.

Secondly, have you considered asking someone who is a stage ahead to disciple you? There can sometimes be some fear around asking someone to disciple you. “What do you mean disciple you,” they might ask. Sometimes you will know more of what you are hoping for than they do. Perhaps they serve, help, and teach others, but they’ve never considered how this process could be labeled “making disciples.” Would you benefit from someone more mature teaching you the Scriptures? Ask someone. Would you benefit from someone more mature helping you along and showing you the ropes of the Christian life? Ask someone. Finally, perhaps one person lacks the capacity, understanding, or margin to offer this for you. Consider asking several people to invest in you.

Thirdly, take initiative by putting yourself around people you admire. It may appear they don’t have time, but think of a way to come alongside the person you admire and serve them. Can you offer a half day of help on their farm? Can you sit with the kids while they go on a grocery run? Can you be their side-kick in the ministry they’re involved with? All of these may afford you some time to simply see their life and learn from them.

Finally, can you sense how meaningful a discipleship relationship would be for you? Do you feel a sense of loss for not having had someone to disciple you? Take that zeal, and that urgency and be sure that there are no young people in your life who will feel that way. Be a disciple-maker for others.

P RAC T I C ERecommend a new habit to be implemented by the students in the class.

From Bible Reader to Bible Studier

You cannot microwave the process of learning the Bible. You must learn how the Bible functions. And you must learn what the Bible says. Neither will be gained overnight. A new discipline must be established. Start by evaluating how important this is in your life. How much time do you currently allot for things that are important to you? Exercise? Entertainment? Friendships? Travel? Where does “knowing God through a deep knowledge of His Word” rank on this list? From there determine the appropriate amount of time to allot to this. Without substantial time, commitment, and daily attention, hopes of going deep in God’s Word are abysmal.

So, what should I do with my allotted time?

First, if you don’t know how the Bible works, use one of the resources above to learn how the Bible is put together. Before you can understand the message, it will be helpful to learn what types of writings you are reading, when they were written, and how they relate to the whole.

Second, begin reading devotionally for content. Just read the Bible. Read the stories of the Old Testament. Use a study Bible to help make sense of things that may be unclear. Begin to understand the message of the book. Ask God along the way to reveal the areas of your heart and life which need to be addressed.

Third, begin to memorize Scripture. You may decide to highlight a certain verse you read that day. Or choose something from a wisdom book like Psalms or Proverbs.

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Fourth, as you continue to read through the Bible for content, zero in on one book of the Bible and go deep there. You might start with a small book like Ephesians, Colossians, or Philippians. Use your Study Bible and other resources to really understand how the book is laid out, the message of the book, and the various commands given to believers. Imagine you are going to have to teach the book to someone else. Write down every question you think might be asked along the way, and how you might answer them. Seek out the answers and start to build your own notebook as you go deep in one book.

Fifth, ask your pastoral staff for recommendations on good preachers to listen to. If you are studying Philippians, you could likely find 3-4 outstanding preachers who have preached through the book. Let their sermons guide and encourage your own study.

Sixth, along the way, remember to meditate on the things you are learning. The purpose of becoming more intentional with the Word of God is not to memorize all the facts. When our hearts are postured rightly, we are coming to these pages as the truth of God which are useful to convict and change us through the Holy Spirit.

Want to see how this might look in everyday life? See a template below using one hour per day.

(15mins) 30 Days to Understanding the Bible

(15mins) Content, Devotional Reading

(25mins) Studying Philippians Deeply

(5mins) Scripture Memory

Then take something you already do like chores or a workout, and add a sermon. (30 Mins). And add some sermons to your playlist as you drive (30 Mins).

The Results:

After one month, you will have:

(1) Understood how the Bible fits together (30 Days to Understanding Your Bible)

(2) Spent 7.5 hours reading the Scriptures

a. Did you know you could have read all of Mark, Acts, Romans, and Proverbs just in your 15 mins per day?

(3) Spent 12.5 hours studying one book deeply

a. Read Philippians 4 times (1 hr)

b. Read Study Bible Notes on Philippians (1 hr)

c. Listen to a Favorite Preacher Preach Through the Book & take notes (6 hrs)

d. Create 4 lessons to teach someone else (1 hr each x 4 lessons)

(4) Memorized 4 Bible verses

(5) Listened to 30 Hours of Bible Sermons

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P H RA S ESummarize the session by providing a simple, memorable statement.

“You cannot give what you do not possess.”


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Communicating the


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P I C T U R EProvide the class a tangible example of a discipling relationship by (a) sharing about someone who discipled you, (b) allowing someone in the class to share about someone who has discipled them, or (c) tell the story provided.

When someone is discipling you, there is another set of eyes on your life. Someone else is praying along with you about the areas of life in which you need to grow. Someone can see your blind spots. And oftentimes, the person who is discipling you may have a clearer vision for what you need than you do. This was the case for me when I was 21 years old.

The person who was discipling me had recently walked me through a bible overview tool called “Clarifying the Bible” by Mitch Maher. It includes 20 basic sentences to summarize the Bible. The whole idea is, after 20 sentences, you understand how the Bible fits together. It was eye-opening. I felt as if I could finally read the Bible (any part of it) and have an idea of what I was actually reading. To this day, I am so grateful for that tool. Evidently, the man who was discipling me recognized that it wasn’t so important that I went through the tool but that I would be able to teach the tool. So, he gathered of 3-4 younger guys to go on a teaching trip with him. Each of us was responsible for teaching 1 or 2 of the 20 sentences to some college ministry leaders.

My discipler got up in front for the opening session (he was to be the featured speaker for the weekend) and he introduced himself and then introduced me saying that I would be the one to teach all 20 sentences of the Bible Overview. My heart dropped. He was putting me on the spot. I was familiar with the 20 sentences, but I wasn’t sure I could teach all 20 sentences. Nonetheless, the students clapped and my friend invited me onto the stage.

With sweaty hands and a pale face and I made my way through the 20 sentences. I was positive it was not having the effect it should’ve. Why was he robbing these students at a chance to receive such a compelling tool? They didn’t come to this retreat to hear from me. As soon as I was finished, I waited for a quiet moment and asked “why would you do that? You are 100x better than me at that.” I’ll never forget his response. He said, “Any potential loss for them pales in comparison to the growth in you.”

You see, he knew what I needed next. I needed to move from student to teacher. Consumer to producer. He somehow knew I could do it. And he stretched me. I’m not sure I would’ve ever taken a shot at teaching that tool were it not for that moment. I walked away from that retreat knowing I could teach someone how the Bible fits together. If I could do it there, I could do it anywhere. To this day, I can’t think of a time when I’ve discipled someone for more than a year without having taken them through that Bible Overview tool.

If you want to be a disciple maker, you must learn how to teach. Be careful. You may already be developing in your mind your definition of teaching. The type of teaching you must be able to do as a disciple-maker is not the kind of teaching that requires a spiritual gift or an up-front leadership role. Disciple makers must communicate the truth of God by passing it along and investing it into the lives of others.


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P R E M I S ERemind the class of the foundation for making disciples, a proper understanding of the Great Commission.

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)

The main idea behind our study “Becoming a Disciple Maker” is to focus on a few key qualifications of a believer who desires to make disciples of Jesus. Each week, before beginning with how a person can become a disciple-maker, begin by reminding the class of a few important foundations for disciple-making housed in the Great Commission.

(1) Making disciples is a command from Jesus to be carried out by every follower of Jesus.

a. The Commission is not given merely to pastors, full-time ministry workers, and missionaries.

b. The Commission is not reserved for the spiritual elite or those with particular spiritual gifts.

(2) Making disciples is a command carried out through one’s lifestyle.

a. The Commission is not merely to be carried out once per week, once per month, or once per year.

b. The Commission is not limited to international missions.

(3) Making disciples is the only Greek imperative in the Great Commission.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely going somewhere with spiritual intentions.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

(4) Making disciples involves a lifestyle of both evangelism and developing younger believers.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely investing in younger believers.

(5) Making disciples is reproductive by nature; fully developed disciples make other disciples.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by mere education.

b. The Commission is not fulfilled until disciples learn to make other disciples.

Disciple-Making 101

Making disciples involves both evangelism (baptizing them) and discipling younger believers (teaching them to obey). Disciple-making, then, in its simplest form is helping those who are not followers of Jesus become followers of Jesus AND teaching new believers how to follow Christ through obedience.

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Disciple makers work between the “Non-Interested” and the “Neutral” lines. They are intentional to locate, engage, befriend, and share the Gospel with those who are lose without Christ. Some may be purposely antagonistic to the Gospel and others may have never heard. And disciple makers work between the “New Believer” and the “Growing in Christ Likeness” lines. They locate, engage, befriend, and teach younger believers what it means to follow Christ by obeying his Word. Disciple making is a lifestyle characterized by sharing the Gospel with the lost and developing less-mature disciples for the purposes of multiplication. The end of every healthy discipling relationship is the disciple becoming a disciple-maker.

PA S SAG ERead and review a key text related to becoming a disciple-maker.

Ephesians 6:4 Titus 2:3-5 Mark 16:15

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”



Growing in Christ Likeness | Y

ielded to the Holy Spirit | Spiritu

al Disciplines | Making Disciples

New Believer | Younger Believer | Struggles to Trust God |

Biblically Illiterate | Sunday-Only Mindset | Self-Focused | Taught, But Not Shown

Neutral | Seeker | Interested | Non-Committed | Lost

Non-Interested | Possibly Hostile | Possibly Unreached | Lost

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In the Home

Due to our narrow definition of teaching as a culture, we have accidentally sidelined many believers. We tend to value and esteem people who are courageous enough to be on stage, to stand behind a pulpit and speak in front of groups. “These are the real teachers,” we suggest. When we’re honest, we don’t mind this distinction because we certainly don’t feel confident enough to stand in front of a group and speak about something, let alone try to provide some sort of instruction. Another fallacy we have created is that those who are in front speaking are masters or experts. It’s much easier for us to put people in categories than to actually evaluate. For example, rather than critically examine someone’s message, it is much easier to assume since they are up in front, they have something important to say. We do this in the church by suggesting that those who preach are somehow more influential than those who do not. And those who teach thousands from behind a pulpit are more influential than those who read Bible stories to 6 preschoolers. We have mis-defined the term.

Ephesians 6 commands parents to teach their children. This command is in no way subservient to other commands in Scripture. It bears just as much weight on a Christian’s life as the sermon on the mount’s call to love your enemies. It is mandatory. It is expected that Christian parents will teach their children. This, for one, should remind us that a believer doesn’t need to have a special teaching gift in order to make disciples. Every parent is a guiding their children to become disciples of Christ by training and instruction. Interestingly, when Paul describes his ministry with the Thessalonians, he describes himself as a spiritual parent to them.

1 Thess 2:7, 11-12

7 But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children.

11 For you know how, like a father with his children, 12 we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.

In the Church

Now look at Titus 2. Here, the passage depicts older women in the church teaching younger women. The younger women are trained by the older.

• teach what is good• to love their husbands and children• to be self-controlled• to be pure• to be working at home• to be kind• to be submissive to their own husbands

There is a lot here! What does this verse depict? Discipling. The older women teach and show the younger women what it looks like to honor Christ in the personal and family lives.

In what environment do you suppose these older women instructed the younger?

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It is unlikely that what Paul had in mind was a women’s Bible study with one teacher lecturing a multitude of women. What is more realistic is women spending time together inside and outside each other’s homes, working alongside one another on the various rigorous and mundane tasks of the day. The Bible is not calling men and women here to become preachers. He is calling them to be able to teach truth to each other in the church.

In the Community

In Mark 16:15 (as well as the commissions in the other Gospel accounts), Jesus instructs his disciples to go and share the good news. Since disciple makers work between the “Non-Interested” and the “Neutral” lines (see diagram on p.25), they categorically must be able to share the good news. They must be able to give account.

1 Peter 3:15

…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…

The common notion that Christians must only live by example, in hopes that some would notice and give their lives to Jesus is incongruent with the teaching of the New Testament. The pattern of the New Testament shows that people trust Christ upon hearing the good news. It is not as though we pit actions and words against one another. Certainly Jesus calls his followers to let their light shine before men, that they might see our good works (Matt 5). But also, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” (Rom 10).

Do you want to become a disciple maker? It is not enough to understand the truth. You must learn to communicate the truth. Like a father with his children. Like older believers instructing younger believers in the church. Like sharing the good news with the lost.

P R O G RA MRecommend a tool or resource that could help the students grow in this area.

Family Shepherds – Voddie Baucham

Teaching to Change Lives – Howard Hendricks

Creative Bible Teaching – Bredfelt and Richards

Three Circles: Life Conversation Guide – NAMB

P R O B L E MAnswering frequently asked questions about disciple-making.

I have always seen myself as more of a servant and less of a teacher. How can someone like me who has little experience and skill in teaching become a disciple-maker?

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The inexperienced teacher

Public speaking remains in the list of most common fears among Americans. That’s what we think of when we think of teaching. For the person who is paralyzed by the idea that in order to make disciples, they will have to learn to teach, they will need to begin by rethinking the pathways in which teaching can occur. For this person, let’s immediately eliminate:

• Bible study leader• Sunday School teacher• Small group facilitator• Church staff pastor or minister

These things would likely require that sort of comfort level with being up front and delivering content. Instead, let’s ask some important questions that may lead to some new teaching outlets.

• What would your children say is the most important thing you ever taught them? How did you teach it to them?

• Have you ever given a piece of advice someone? Who did you give it to? What was the advice? What was the environment in which you gave the advice?

• What is something you’re particularly good at? Have you ever tried to teach or show someone else how to do it?

• Who is your best friend? What is the preferred mode of communication between you and that friend? Writing e mails? Speaking on the phone? Coffee together face to face?

The answers to these questions can begin to spark some ideas for a more informal type of teaching that may better suit you. For example, a disciple-maker who doesn’t feel especially gifted as an upfront communicator could:

(a) invest in a young missionary by becoming a spiritual mentoring pen-pal(b) invest spiritual truth and wisdom through discussion in your home while practicing a hobby (c) invest spiritual truth and wisdom through discussion outside the home while practicing a

hobby (d) learn and carry Gospel tracts you can pass to friends, colleagues, and acquaintances (e) based on your personal study, write a spiritually beneficial note to encourage those in your

class or group.(f) take a younger believer along as you serve in some area in the church. Teach and show

them how you do it. Becoming a disciple-maker does not mean all must become up-front communicators. It means

that all must be equipped to share the truth of God with others.

The experienced teacher

For others, there is a clear gifting and comfort level for up-front teaching. Clearly, there is a great need for this within the body of Christ. The thing that people in this category need to remember is:(a) Merely teaching is not holistic discipleship. Often times, we enjoy teaching so much that we

place all of our hours of time, focus, and energy into the 30-45 minute teaching moment each week in our classes. Let’s remember that when people are being discipled, they need much more than a once-per-week lecture. They need to see our lives. They need to walk with us through our own Christian life. They need to be equipped to become a leader themselves.

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(b) Teachers are often equippers. Think about it. If everyone in a particular Sunday School class is called to share the truth of the Gospel with the lost and pass along truth to younger believers within the church, then in many cases, leaders who do formal teaching in the church are preparing those in their classes to share this with others. So teach in a way that encourages reproduction. Teach in a way that encourages them to use it with others.

P RAC T I C ERecommend a new habit to be implemented by the students in the class.

From Bible Reader to Bible Studier to Bible Teacher

Let’s imagine you completed last week’s new practice and have implemented a new habit of deep bible study in your life. Here is a review of what you will have done:

Want to see how this might look in everyday life? See a template below using one hour per day.

(15mins) 30 Days to Understanding the Bible

(15mins) Content, Devotional Reading

(25mins) Studying Philippians Deeply

(5mins) Scripture Memory

Then take something you already do like chores or a workout, and add a sermon. (30 Mins). And add some sermons to your playlist as you drive (30 Mins).

The Results:After one month, you will have:

(1) Understood how the Bible fits together (30 Days to Understanding Your Bible)(2) Spent 7.5 hours reading the Scriptures

a. Did you know you could have read all of Mark, Acts, Romans, and Proverbs just in your 15 mins per day?

(3) Spent 12.5 hours studying one book deeplya. Read Philippians 4 times (1 hr)b. Read Study Bible Notes on Philippians (1 hr)c. Listen to a Favorite Preacher Preach Through the Book & take notes (6 hrs)d. Create 4 lessons to teach someone else (1 hr each x 4 lessons)

(4) Memorized 4 Bible verses(5) Listened to 30 Hours of Bible Sermons

The next habit to develop is the habit of teaching. So, in the coming weeks, take the 4 lessons you developed during the previous few weeks, and invite someone into your life to teach. Take a shot at teaching your 4 bible lessons. Throughout the process, make note of how you could improve and refine your lessons.

P H RA S ESummarize the session by providing a simple, memorable statement.

"In whom am I investing the truth of God?”

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Inviting Others


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P I C T U R EProvide the class a tangible example of a discipling relationship by (a) sharing about someone who discipled you, (b) allowing someone in the class to share about someone who has discipled them, or (c) tell the story provided.

A pastor once told a story about a man named Christopher in North Carolina who had become captured by the situation in the Middle East. There are so few Christians and so few Bible-believing churches. He began to pray that God would give him an opportunity to influence the Middle East for Christ.

It so happened that this believer had been looking for a new set of golf clubs. The problem was, he intended to try to pickup golf again after a number of years not playing. So his wife couldn’t get behind him buying brand new clubs. For months, he checked online and at local garage sales. He finally found a promising set. As he took the clubs out of the bag and began to give them a few test swings, the owner of the house came over. He had a strong middle-eastern accent. The owner explained that he had only been in the states for a couple of years and that he and some middle eastern buddies had thought of picking up golf as a way to connect with US culture. After a couple of trips to the course, they had given up.

Chris, of course, immediately diverted his attention from the clubs to the person. He wondered if this might be an opportunity to share his faith. But how would he do it? This guy was clearly from a different religion, or at least he thought. It would be awfully offensive to take this conversation straight to “Jesus on the cross.” After a few more minutes of conversation, it seemed there was virtually no common ground. The homeowner was from a Hindu background, was in a very different career field, and the two shared virtually no common interests. That is, until they started talking about their families. As it turned out, they both had two children. The Hindu man explained that his kids are in school and that he sometimes worries that his kids will be corrupted by materialism, obsession with technology, or the sex and drug culture portrayed in modern media. There was the common ground. Two men from extremely different backgrounds shared something in common. A desire to protect their children and raise them in a nurturing way.

Before purchasing the clubs, Chris invited the Hindu man and his family to the local park in Asheville on Saturday where he and his family would be passing out food to the homeless. He thought his new Hindu friend might appreciate a chance to include his children on some community service and a good deed. The two families struck up a friendship. For the Hindu man, this family wasn’t the type of Christian that his relatives back home had warned him about. This family was warm, inviting, and caring. Meals were shared at each other’s homes. Memories were made together with the children. During quiet moments, Chris would mention certain elements of his faith. When the timing was right, he shared the Gospel. Since a trust and friendship were built, the Hindu man probed with further questions. Although he was not interested in converting to Christianity, he was genuinely interested in his friend’s faith.

Although, like the rest of us, Chris’ family didn’t have much margin in their life, they stopped, slowed down and made space for a family who didn’t know Jesus. They pursued people who are different from them. They sacrificed their own comforts for the benefit of others. Eventually, the wife of the Hindu man verbalized her personal faith in Jesus Christ. And just a couple of years later, after his job had transferred the family hundreds of miles away, the Hindu man called to alert Chris and his family that he, too, had decided to follow Jesus.


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34 BECOMING A DISCIPLE-MAKER Supplemental Sunday School Lessons

Discipling, as seen in the lives of Jesus and the apostle Paul involved more than just Bible study. It involved time together. It involved friendship. It involved living a faithful life in front of, and face to face with others. Do you want to become a disciple maker? You must be someone who either (a) has space to invite others into your life or (b) is resolved make space to invite others into your life.

P R E M I S ERemind the class of the foundation for making disciples, a proper understanding of the Great Commission.

16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)

The main idea behind our study “Becoming a Disciple Maker” is to focus on a few key qualifications of a believer who desires to make disciples of Jesus. Each week, before beginning with how a person can become a disciple-maker, begin by reminding the class of a few important foundations for disciple-making housed in the Great Commission.

(1) Making disciples is a command from Jesus to be carried out by every follower of Jesus.a. The Commission is not given merely to pastors, full-time ministry workers, and

missionaries. b. The Commission is not reserved for the spiritual elite or those with particular

spiritual gifts. (2) Making disciples is a command carried out through one’s lifestyle.

a. The Commission is not merely to be carried out once per week, once per month, or once per year.

b. The Commission is not limited to international missions.(3) Making disciples is the only Greek imperative in the Great Commission.

a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely going somewhere with spiritual intentions.b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.

(4) Making disciples involves a lifestyle of both evangelism and developing younger believers.a. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely leading someone to Christ.b. The Commission is not fulfilled by merely investing in younger believers.

(5) Making disciples is reproductive by nature; fully developed disciples make other disciples.a. The Commission is not fulfilled by mere education.b. The Commission is not fulfilled until disciples learn to make other disciples.

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Disciple-Making 101

Making disciples involves both evangelism (baptizing them) and discipling younger believers (teaching them to obey). Disciple-making, then, in its simplest form is helping those who are not followers of Jesus become followers of Jesus AND teaching new believers how to follow Christ through obedience.

Disciple makers work between the “Non-Interested” and the “Neutral” lines. They are intentional to locate, engage, befriend, and share the Gospel with those who are lose without Christ. Some may be purposely antagonistic to the Gospel and others may have never heard. And disciple makers work between the “New Believer” and the “Growing in Christ Likeness” lines. They locate, engage, befriend, and teach younger believers what it means to follow Christ by obeying his Word. Disciple making is a lifestyle characterized by sharing the Gospel with the lost and developing less-mature disciples for the purposes of multiplication. The end of every healthy discipling relationship is the disciple becoming a disciple-maker.

PA S SAG ERead and review a key text related to becoming a disciple-maker.

Mark 3:13-14 1 Corinthians 11:1

13 And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. 14 And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach

Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

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Growing in Christ Likeness | Y

ielded to the Holy Spirit | Spiritu

al Disciplines | Making Disciples

New Believer | Younger Believer | Struggles to Trust God |

Biblically Illiterate | Sunday-Only Mindset | Self-Focused | Taught, But Not Shown

Neutral | Seeker | Interested | Non-Committed | Lost

Non-Interested | Possibly Hostile | Possibly Unreached | Lost

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36 BECOMING A DISCIPLE-MAKER Supplemental Sunday School Lessons

How did Jesus describe his time with his disciples?

Jesus appointed them apostles so that (a) he might be with them and (b) that he might send them out to preach. This, in fact, came to fruition in Matthew 28. He, in fact, did spend three years of his life with the disciples and ultimately sent them out. In the same way, we, as believers are sent out to make disciples. And if we are to follow the model of Christ, we will bring those along in life to be (a) with us and (b) eventually sent off to do the same with others.

Many have made discipleship synonymous with education. If we learn more, they suggest, we grow. Can you imagine if Jesus had taken this approach? Perhaps he would’ve handed them a scroll of 100 things to know. Perhaps he would have offered a 1-month intensive and asked them to take an exam over the truths he had taught them. Or over the course of three years, he could’ve suggested they meet once per week for a lecture. But this is not how Jesus discipled the 12. And what if parents took this approach? They might fill a baby’s nursery with the books they will need to learn all they will need to know about the world. Can you imagine a parent telling a child to meet them for a class on the facts of life once per day for 30-minutes? If discipleship were all about learning, our churches would be filled with robust, mature followers. After all, if someone has been a believer for 10 years and even attended church 30/52 times per year, they’d have received 300 bible lessons.

But as Howard Hendricks is famous for saying, “Truth is not merely taught, it is caught.”

To put it another way, “Children become what they behold.”

This draws to mind the foolishness of the statement we sometimes make as parents. “Do as I say, and not as I do.” We inherently know that the opposite is true. Children are more likely to mimic the parent’s action than to heed the parent’s teaching. This is precisely why discipleship involves both truth and life in a real relationship.

1 Thessalonians 2:8

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.

Look at the components here for a discipling relationship:

1. Love. A disciple maker genuinely cares about those she is discipling.

2. Truth. The Gospel, the Word of God is central. It is the foundation of what is being passed on.

3. Life. A disciple maker opens his life to those he is discipling.

If you want to be a disciple-maker you have to be willing to spend time. And in order to spend time, you have to have space in your life to include others.

But look at 1 Corinthians 11:1. Paul is unafraid to beckon those he is investing in to follow him. Because, of course he doesn’t envision them mimicking him, but mimicking Christ in him. In other words, Paul says, you can follow and imitate me and I will not lead you astray, because I am following and imitating Christ.

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L E S S O N 4

Not many Christians I know would feel comfortable saying something like this. It is a fearful thing to put your life on display. It is much easier to teach a class once per week and have people examine your 30-minute teaching rather than examine several hours of your ordinary life. This is one reason why we prefer mere teaching to disciple-making. In a real relationship, where you are helping a younger believer grow in Christ or showing a non-believer what the life of a disciple of Jesus looks like, they will most certainly see the reality. They will find out that you have your own struggles. They will find out that you don’t always practice what you preach. In short, they will see a real Christian. Imperfect, but striving. Sinning, but confessing. Falling short, but eagerly pursuing Christ. They see a person following Christ.

When you were in college, would you rather have been discipled by someone who was an outstanding Bible teacher but who you only saw once per week at Bible Study? Or someone who invited you into their home, where you saw them work to be a Godly spouse, parent, employee, neighbor?

What happens when someone who is looking up to you and learning from you comes to believe that you rarely if ever sin or struggle?

At the first moment they sin or struggle they think something is wrong. This can be deadly. Because the person feels as though they have a decision to make. Since they clearly don’t live up to the standard of what a real Christian is (since they’ve seen “perfection” modeled) they must either (a) conclude that they aren’t a real Christian or (b) simply ignore the sin, and fake a life of holiness so that others perceive them to be perfect. Spending time together gives us a chance to show them what a true relationship with Christ looks like with its joys and struggles.

Have a meal together. Exercise together. Run errands together. Go on a trip together. Share stories with one another. Enjoy hobbies together. Serve together.

Why do you suppose in our day and age that it is so hard to let people into our lives?

Do you portray a less-than-real look at your life on social media?

P R O G RA MRecommend a tool or resource that could help the students grow in this area.

Master Plan of Evangelism – Robert Coleman

Radical – David Platt

The Gospel Comes With a House Key – Rosaria Butterfield


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38 BECOMING A DISCIPLE-MAKER Supplemental Sunday School Lessons

P R O B L E MAnswering frequently asked questions about disciple-making.

Who is supposed to pursue who in discipleship?

To the protégé who is looking for someone to disciple him:

Many times believers who are farther along spiritually are already committed to so many things, they may not be currently considering discipling someone new.

Sometimes people just simply don’t know there are younger believers who want to be discipled.

Sometimes people are spiritually deep, but are certain that no one would want to spend time with them or learn from them.

Find someone, or multiple people, who are a stage ahead of you spiritually. Ask them to invest in your life. Be honest about what it is you need. ‘Being discipled’ can mean different things to different people. Tell them that you want to learn from them and want to spend time with them in order to see first hand what it means to be a devoted follower of Christ. Tell them you’re willing to make time in your schedule and adjust to theirs. Tell them you don’t intend to zap their time and energy, but that you hope to serve in some way, be a blessing as you learn. Give them time to consider this. In this case, the person who wants to be discipled absolutely takes the initiative to pursue those he wants to learn from.

To the more mature believer who is looking for someone to disciple:

Many times younger believers don’t know they need to be discipled. Sometimes they don’t think anyone would care about them enough to invest in their lives. They think it would be a burden to someone like you if they asked to be discipled. And more often than not, they’ve never even considered the prospect.

Find someone, or multiple people who are a stage behind you spiritually. You can do this by asking God to help you identify someone who (a) could benefit from a discipler (b) shares some common interests or activities with you and (c) might be interested in making the commitment to something like this. Can you imagine what it would feel like to a 20-something believer in the church for a 50-something believer in the church to say, “I’ve noticed you around church. You help with the elementary kids on Wednesday nights and I’ve noticed you come every week to men’s Bible Study. I just think that’s impressive. Could I take you to lunch one day soon?” This could easily become a discipling relationship. Don’t wait for someone to approach you. Be on the lookout for young, faithful followers of Christ who you can spur on toward growth and godliness. In this case, the person who wants to find someone to disciple absolutely takes the initiative to pursue those he could see investing in.

A two-way street

Although everyone probably wants an easy cookie cutter answer to this question, the reality is discipleship is a two-way street. In necessitates a hungry and faithful disciple who sincerely wants to grow. And it takes an intentional, caring discipler who leads the way in sharing truth and life.

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P RAC T I C ERecommend a new habit to be implemented by the students in the class.

Are you ready to make space for people in your life? Try taking one of the following three challenges.

1. Don’t Do Anything Alone. Can you think of something you currently do regularly, but you do it alone? Do you get groceries alone? Travel for business alone? Go hunting or fishing alone? Watch sports alone? Exercise alone? Go to concerts and performances alone? This week and month, consider taking one of those things and resolving to never do that thing alone. Is there a person in the church or in your neighborhood who you could invite along? Perhaps there are 4-5 people you could invite to an early morning workout. The benefit of this challenge is it helps you invite people into your life without having to add one more thing into our sometimes hectic schedules.

2. One Person, One Hour, Outside of Bible Study. Are you a teacher or leader within some department of our church? Most of the time we think of discipleship as what happens during the times we are serving in that area. After all, we’re heling them grow in Christ, right? One healthy challenge would be to invite at least one of the people in your sphere of influence to spend time together doing something other than Bible Study. Sharing a meal, watching a game, visiting over a coffee, going fishing or hiking can be a tremendous way to move the relationship from mere education (them listening in class) to discipling (where they’re not only learning the truth but seeing the truth lived out in front of them). Make the commitment to invite one friend to spend time together outside of Bible Study.

3. Engaging Those Different From Me. One of the bizarre things Christians face in our culture is the reality that most people they engage with are self-proclaimed Christians. If you hoped to share the good news with someone who is lost, it can almost feel paralyzing as you wonder who you might actually come into contact with who would openly deny Christ. We often convince ourselves that those who are hostile to the faith are hostile to us. We suppose they would never want to spend time with us. This week or month, invite someone over to your house who believes differently from you. Invite a Muslim family and suggest you each bring a native dish. Invite an atheist friend. Invite a Mormon. Invite someone from a different socio-economic class or a different ethnicity. Many times if you engage those who are different from you, you’re more likely to find those who are far from God. Truly, we should consistently have non-believers into our homes. This week or month, will you commit to inviting over someone who doesn’t share your worldview?

P H RA S ESummarize the session by providing a simple, memorable statement.

“Discipleship involves both truth and life in real relationship.”

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