BECOME A WORKAPHILE NOT A WORKAHOLIC By: M.Fayzan.Rafiq (10596) To : Mr.Najeeb Ahmad

Become a Workaphile Not a Workaholic

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Page 1: Become a Workaphile Not a Workaholic


By: M.Fayzan.Rafiq (10596)To : Mr.Najeeb Ahmad

Page 2: Become a Workaphile Not a Workaholic

Objectives of this presentation

You Will Understand:

• Who are workaholics?• Two types of workaholism• Irrational Beliefs of workaholics• Rational alternatives• Methods & Techniques for

challenging iBs• Maintaining your gains

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• The word “Workaholic” is a combination of two words Work and Alcoholic. This term was originated by psychologist Richard I. Evans. This word was widely spread after being originated in an interview with Dr.Evans.

• Workaholics: Living with them, working with them (New American Library, 1980) Marilyn Machlowitz includes many interesting observations derived from interviews with scores of individuals best described as workaholics.

• Everything in this presentation is based on this book.

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Who are Workaholics

• Intense• Goal Driven• Sleeps only a minimum number of hours each

night• 16 hours working day • Vacations or time off practically non-existent• No matter how much they have accomplished its



• These description seemed to fit many workaholics, but not all.

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Workaphile or Workaholic

Compulsive• Termed as Workaholic• Highly work-oriented

individual.• Driven by anxiety or a deep

sense of insecurity to totally absorb themselves in work.

• Slave to a very demanding set schedule and thus achieve some degree of escape from inner fears.

• Unhealthy workaholism• No preference from

relaxation• No participation in any

recreational activity

Non-Compulsive• Termed as Workaphile.• Work-oriented

individual.• Don’t use work as a

defense against anxiety or emotional involvement.

• They actively enjoy working and the results that comes from it. Free from all constraints.

• Healthy kind of workaholism.

• Strong preference for relaxation.

• Participate in non-working involvement and entertainment.

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The major differences

• Attitude towards work.

• Your core beliefs about work .

• Meaning you give to your work and life itself.

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Irrational Beliefs of Workaholics and its Rational Alternatives

1st iB of Workaholics:

‘I have to keep working, working all they time at this particular business and be outstandingly successful to prove I am worthwhile!’

The belief is that you have no worth unless you have accomplished is irrational as is the equally silly belief then because u have accomplished; you then have value as a person.

‘I prefer to keep working in this particular business but I don’t have to. I want to be successful and if I am, that will be rewarding. But if I am not successful, that is unfortunate, but I can accept my self as fallible human being with worth to myself whether or not I achieve outstandingly.’

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Irrational Beliefs of Workaholics and its Rational


2nd iB of Workaholics:

‘It’s awful not to work because I get bored then and I can’t stand being bored’

The belief is that being bored is the worst possible thing that could happen to you, but it cannot be proved that you cannot stand it, you can stand virtually anything until you collapse.

‘I may get bored for a time when I’m not working or unable to work but being bored is an inconvenience and not working is frustrating, but I can stand it even although I’ll never like being idle.’

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Irrational Beliefs of Workaholics and its Rational


3rd iB of Workaholics:

‘I’ll have to keep working, working for the rest of my life and I can never stop and relax or enjoy myself.’

The belief is that you were made specially to work and that you are incapable of doing anything else.

‘I would like to keep working for the rest of my life because I find it intrinsically enjoyable, but I don’t have to do so. There is no reason why I can’t allow myself some relaxation and enjoy myself in other suitable ways.’

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Methods & Techniques for challenging iBs:

• To challenge these irrational beliefs you have to learn some methods & techniques.

• All methods are inter-related.

• There are three methods

• Cognitive methods (totally based on thinking)

• Emotive methods (Do something emotional which changes thinking)

• Behavioral methods (Changing thinking, feeling and behaving)

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Cognitive methods

• Referenting:Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of compulsive

working and then choose whether or not to change. • Using Rational- Emotive Training with others: Try to talk other people out of their workaholism, and show

them disadvantages of it. You will tend to strengthen your own rational convictions.

• Imagining: Helps build a bridge between intellectually understanding

rational concepts and really becoming convinced of the non-work activity you imagine to do

• Reframing:Looking for benefits you can gain from non-work activities

which you previously had missed. Discover through thinking, experimenting and risk-taking

• Modeling: Modeling your self on someone who is a confirmed

workaphile! Follow their path.

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Cognitive methods

• Cognitive distraction:Relaxing through meditation or yoga or other techniques you

could interrupt the constant barrage of workaholic message flowing through your brain.

• Problem solving: Using abilities to work quickly and get more time for extra

activities.• Adopting a philosophy of self acceptance and fallibility:Accept yourself as a fallible human being who doesn’t have to

prove worth by outstanding achievement. Strive to do the best rather than be the best.

• A Vital absorbing interest:Becoming involved in something which really holds your

interest other than work • Semantic:Changing your language can help a little to diminish an

obsessive need to be always working. For ex: Don't use the words like “cant, should, must”

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Emotive methods

• Rational Emotive imagery:Imagining any non-work activity and letting yourself feel

anxious, upset or disappointed, then try to change your negative feelings note down those self statement that make you comfortable & practice self-statements until you feel comfortable imaging yourself enjoying non-work activities.

• Shame attacking exercise:It can be a useful way of pushing yourself into doing

something you are irrationally afraid of doing or being seen to do. For ex: You can go out of your way to tell people that you are a workaholic and that you have tendency to compulsively work but not feel ashamed about it.

• Use catchy sayings:One can often convey a rational message to himself through

the use of a pitchy comment or catchy phrase or saying . You can remind yourself of that saying by printing it on a small card and reading it out loud to yourself several times a day.

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Emotive Methods

• Forceful coping statementsTelling yourself that ‘I don’t have to keep working all the

time and I can lead quite a good life and accept myself without doing the work.’ Taping your irrational ideas about workaholism and disputing these ideas is the best way to perform this technique.

• Role PlayingOne should play the role of a person enjoying by not working

all the time and trying to persuade your opposite number who plays a workaholic to agree with your ideas. This should be taped. If any anxiety is experienced during it should be identified and disputed until it disappears.

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Behavioral Methods

• In-vivo desensitisationForcing yourself to engage in recreational activities or just

relaxing and doing virtually nothing until you get used to it. Deliberately stay with a group of non-workaholics or people who are only interested in pleasure

• Form a relationship or join a groupGet into a deep relationship with a person who is not a

workaholic and use that relationship so well that you would be willing to give up some of your workaholism for the relationship

• Self management methodsYou could reward yourself for engaging in recreation and non-

work activities and penalize yourself when you insist on being too workaholic.

• Skill trainingCombat workaholism by getting skill training in some kind of

sport or recreational activity it would take you away from workaholism.

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Maintain you gains• If you are falling back to old feelings of anger

and depression, remind yourself and pinpoint exactly what thoughts, feelings and behavior you once changed to bring about your improvement. REHEARSE THOSE ARGUMENTS.

• Remind your self of the three major iBs, forcefully dispute these iBs.

• Keep risking and doing what you irrationally fear such as taking decisions which carry no guarantee of working out as you hoped.

• Try to see clearly the difference between appropriate negative feelings (sorrow, regret and disappointment) and inappropriate negative feelings (depression, anxiety, self-hatred, self-pity or anger)

• Look for personal pleasures and enjoyments and other absorbing interests.

• Maintain your emotional health by REBT and physical health by being a WORKAPHILE!

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