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Beauty is a State Ananda Coomaraswamy

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Page 2: Beauty is a State Ananda Coomaraswamy

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« · t l A , 20 J , ~

qH T BEAUTY 1 , S . A_S ,T 'A T.E '

BY AN ANDA OeOIMARASWAMY- i"r.is " ! C 1 ) I ' ~M ItroUy h eJ,d . O m! D ~Eu CIJ

b J 'e c ~, ~ e .Q , a s bmm::m bt.n~1 ,uumal sr la nd st'a EH l~ ~ and ;);rtil.et.d obj~olS1uch q. raclofi~t~61es or works of

'_ -_,~nteniiG ~laJ~ O l f t , Com, b e C.h~S5ll 'i~ 3!f,

benu.ind 'EU ' ~ ~" And . yet 11 l en er nJ " p ri nc ih ,Df t :l a s s il ic aUI :)TII ,h;as' ewer b~J1 fG l ll ll lD i : and thn~which seem~to ~ mlltllJd to nneJs d e 9 E N i h e c l a s~,glybr anulaer, 1n lbe:wCdO'f Pl'ato '1 E\'t:qonc .

cit'~' h is rove: out a,f the obj.l!Cts or boaut j a -a~liIrf"ng r ' l I I l b- _ Illwn ~t '";.To, :Ia.e, for ~mpr ,,\buhum.1it ttpt:! ~'I(~e:ryr.I ,ce.

and to ~me e : lt W n I '~lIeli'Y i U d i r i t i u n < ! l l . & . a s an nn i l 1ueid e a l , Nor CMlwe ho:pe l il r' n :6nal iliw~t: ,~canol ~c1 'theEHl'QP!:".1JJ.oprae:rlibe .Mongo ' l 1auffa tu u :s ., f. !~ r lin:: ,Mongo l i a n Ithe EW l l p c : . 1 l 1 J . , O fcdp~" tl Ir S \'ery ~y fUT dch to nlllndiitUl the.absoJure w]l..m ~f b is o wn taste ~ f :l d hJ , ! ipm l k o f ! l: It I~e r~,~ as ugJy ; J'u~das ~I:!,~h eta, of c;hJ\'3Jf) ' n :I :r '1lntunsby foae IlT "l!nDS fuil.~hisow. befo'll~ IS flU wnw

bAntifuI ihnn any oth~.. In nke u:cmnI !Jr thev.mOUi s ec - m a il'l~ in tJJC absolut:c ' \ - . . d J l l l C ! o 'f l ."e: ir,own ethics. But ilis c~ear t h a t SL1Ch elain\i.areaotbing mere th:aIl8memM~ of p - . l 1 l ; j L t ~ d i c . : ; t for wboisla d~!:ide which ro.cial id'eal orwl.i\cl1 moral rfy bi.• 1 bes* '7 ' lit is Il little too ~T to dli!Eide t tmt 0 1 1 1 1 "

ow n is b es t ; " ' I e ~ ~ th e IJfOS~ ~ m . i r t O O J to b e l ic :. '( !it U le b e s t for u s. This ~~ti'\iity l ! i, Ii'I,owhieI'i :' bcUt:i isou,~ted Urn.n)o d l . e c~c y~nga~l:rib~ted (0

IWlaJnlll '!\! when d ~ pomtedl ,om. tl1 l~m lhat the\Yodd ,art~uge r - e g a r - d l . > t i his LaU}i. as r n , frombeauti~ul. ~I To see {I,l~ ~1taU~ 9 f L o U m D i "J be 'said,fl RqDU' tfJe ey e s of "JuO n J.

I t is the snm,e , " i t h w o ! 1 £ . s o f art, D H f e E l e n : t ; u - ( i s 1 l s !, : m = ililSpifed by differelu object s ; what _ i l l , aUmc t h r e~d sti.ub!ti~gloDnli:j!3,dep:r;es;ii n g .a nd ! ul'IIililtr.u;nq

till ~otket'. and the chDi~e ,;dso v : ru - i e l i i (.,alil!! race ~oraeeiUild l Ipod1l to .ep_ i :A9to 1f :1~'ppr:cclation ofsud. w O J " i s : ~ it ls Lb e S3m-= ifor m en in §,e lIe ra lruJ-mirc-on]y !l i lJdi w'Orks a s W e d uC 'a " U on o r: l emp cm~

moot th?JM..e PfedispO~.~, cnBd.~ To.,ter_n,lO'U1 : e .t D ,r a,n D nb 1m Jl~ .m dem and s ';I' , w - e a ~, - - ih ru J moot e \wlling ~o ~e.. The classics ch ola r s br.ts c ~n vil!lC ie d Um lf U te ~ l o f- ' Gre ~ ha sIH I ,!(!t"been eQW!!l Icd or S\'Jjrp~J ano, nc\rer , , \ ' ! I l l be ' ;du.ta Me miil,ny w:h~,~ l , ik~rUlc~Ia'l1:1 'clGl, (bat~U5e Itab~_jl pamhn,g ~s good, tbe,r fore good!, .unll i1ng is ['la.ian. Th:ere:i~ Dl' i ' lny' who have ~evC! : r'el relt The hatil y ,I Egypt ian ; s, cu1p ,t 'l 'l f" eor Cll1iJacU1"In dih n p 3:1 rd in ,g oli 'i1lLUie: i li .. '11m h t : y M"'~ dso rht.::h m - J : l J h D O t l to den,j l M i r b e ' : 1 1 1 1 l T , IlnlWC\I'ef", prYJ\fl i l

nGtb iPg .. Iti5 150p O S l S i 1 b l e to Sergellh()t cedillo r'ts ambm,uUi l ll i~ ~ the: 18th Qmltury h a d . rhu~ fOI'g;I)U,e;n the ·be:l:uty of Got,bic '1li\d,pture nd p im.hive [ t i liUIiJ

pa io t ing, . m id [~ e m em a ry of 'th eir b ea uty wn s IbnJ,~t(frcd by a : .gn :a t e ffo rt in .hi! cou rs « of th e ]'9to.TJa~ ~y al~ !Il~i.st nillb....al obje l :~ (Ir " ,1orks gf a d' \\ IJ ]J Ic b .Im~ .m l r o n' )' \ \1l'I 'y slowly l ea rns tOlrep:r4as in .001 ' W 3 y hmutihd; the ..~~em a5tn l ie

appr~CJatron Q f d~t and m.oudQulI 'SC8Ileq'!' loraamp1-; is no' uh1e r t han the iVth ftntuilj" ~ and'itil~ota~OIJSL b . taliI!I'Q f , U I !! P 1 8 l - ~ e !! i' t.rn~ are nft,nnot Ufi i11ttstOOi! ! t H J 1 o ttg l4 ft cr L h t:K 'dealh. SO l that'tb e m o re we ~nn.siaet I h i! > \ I' n det ) !'O f hl; ltrulD C ! ec-UOD , t LIn!' o r o r e V oT em o s t a dm :it th e ~ivityc'[ te o

"kid y~ llheJfe l em am pbiJo'i-opntO'(S ~imJf Con -III1nced t 1 m ' l: D In ®solul~~utyl(ro,)"tl!)1 L~sf.SI,Justaso th e rs tD ;J .:i nt Un HI e mncq l t ioRs , a ,' ab~IIIIJute GQo~ness: and absGlub: l'mffi. The lovers or G od(Bm/J'l 'U!ij i ~ tm6ry 1 j J ~ e : amo tu t e s with H'im,(or It)'~nd UII;:untlID 'that He can - o n l y be known as ,ufectB~ly, LQ!IIe'~ d T(Jl~tb. ,U j > ! l 3150' w!ddy h~I~that Ute (rue erlrlc ~~al 'i , : . b . f to d~de wJUch.w orks of iiII rta re 'e a ;i~ fu [ trMcnrtJl!t) a nd w,1 Ic :q Me

nU l; or in [ s imp~f l r wa~ '~'Bm.sling~ \ \ tOr or~U~i1e art(~o!i'lllc th~A'e t h pt Il ;a ,\ le~1lId airm to , be md ,e Scn O Od . T o th e vIew o f t he s e thlnkft!i and rO\ 'e~ia!m lli~. A t tb B ~e' tiw~ 1 l r !~e Jy ad'Qlit [bes eb rtilrity oO ule ,. a s, \ ' o l e n ~ d ie ta ct 11 i ~~ : l iEgod s(~il5 il.lfJdi IsrttlA'ras) 3:r,e mode l l e d a llw 'th e Ub i n e s so f R.U!A.!r e - .. 1 Ji n s , then, t(l' l l' C S o l \- e I h e soomh'r , cmi,b,~

dictions. This is ' ofdy to, be a c - c o m p . ' .' li s - . b 1 i d h)' theIr$!l:: of Ul!ClrI:: e :m e l ~ JU : l !tol r . SO ilT' haVG I- spokeh 0 . f , .Beau ly witboL11 d c:l in ing m y m ea ning,~d h aw used: C)n~WOR. tQ b t 'p r es s i i, ,,mu l ~ pUc i ty (Ir~d~. Ido, Qot mean)llst the Simi!! [bIoI whenI s~k [If 3 beall l l t i fgll g ; l r J <lnd. II be01iU' t i lu~ p o .e .m ~it will f b . e . ~s lm mote o~viorus that we rum ' tWD

d if le ft ln t 0 iOgll" if W l C fs p c : ; :L k o f ~ u l ifu J ' i 'oulheral l1d3. ~ulihlI picture. .n po,int 01fact, th~'oon~tiDn'o f B eau t,: an d ~~IU~ , g, dje cf i ~ ' "baullflll" h fJon ;g~ em s i ~ J I~ ~the :Hcs O i I i i l ' d J sho . tdd o li l ly ~ u s ed' I D . ,~ l ibet1c J udpCf l t, \ iV 'eSC' fc fommake ,I_ny suehjudpunls whenlwt; ~_k of nonumlobj~ 3.$

beauti fUl j' we &cn ~rnny ' I1!tIan ' Iha ! Qeb obje-eb35we c ; n n b e : i d ll 'i lu m , nreCOnpnial to u s . pliaJdieallyOf' dbh;aUy~ Too oftcn ~. pret.md t' D iUcjl'f~. a' \ 1D r1 l : IQlf arlin the srunrni ' l3 l )· . Q1J ing Ubeau.mll u r itl't',prcsenbi some «onn IDr ~~li ' 1 i I i ly (If wbicll we.hQrt~!ya : p p ! " O \ ' c , tiT it- , aUnm us by.b.cfendefn~ ,er g:u~ty ch i's o ol 'O d il r~be sweetness ; !!If dSdunds 'Ill '

th e 'Cbrm of i mOlimIenl" But when we'ti ' lus.

•1 1Im'l. t:~ . ~ 1U'L~ r.mi••lin!! Ifu:pdnd~ 1 ! ! 1 ' Q : 1 l i e r . I l I . 1 J . l I . D

.:c5I.h1 • ".1til:l'l 1l.'U bem W(Jrk~ 'QlU 1G)' fia ll . tti rcl il liGrl La~and 1t ler, ; l iI \U :C: . 'ThetR lmpolGill' work ~W!l1Ibb:-h ,lllll1Qb1/J~ D ..E rJ lO l H il D f W'~ihh;t. \ \ l_ l li d 'l h : :DIbc~(I I puLllWICId m l J l~l.ttioJl in I : hw lJltili /tro,1rlalJit,r tBsI. Sec.1l~ kgn::'llt!.U R&ltri~ filiI' SI186 , 1 i r it l ' , 1 'B . t .


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T A , t Z t B : ' l l " '1 J ! 2 1 ti' ISlflte

pa s s j;rt~ IP :u m t e n tb ,cbn~ i ll L , a~co r· ti lanGC: ",Jwth"'ilIf ifBIIPthe,~ic ~UitjJ,d'i:~o~!'kds the. duitef'achm"fllll. OF l>K~nI 0' 1h e ~Ai n\~, ol Hm ' d ;moo' , l V>'C'

0.bl"II],Ott~'~ t f f i m e t M 1 ' g u a r ~ e ai ~thetics" Oml,'whm w e ' judge;!Ii work i'll ,M~~~h~tic<'!.UfmJi~" \\i~'

~ af the D'r~R" or 3~m.ee. m 1ileall~~,~ ~ o e :11iI.;i\yC O I J ! ! I thewQ'I'1ii:,.b~l'tmf Qr QBlenvi~' 1 lud wbel.ll~~iejudIe m it from till~''i'tand~t Oil~ti\rity. proel: icai01' e ~b il Za J. W I! l : I Iu;ghil~o' ese 3. loorresponding

1 tmD1 .1 l0 Io .D : tc a1J ,W I fi I t be ,pidli!!fe, 'KI:llg ~" 1t~1u' l O l i' l: l: y " . l l Ia t h i toS<ly 1al!;.L~ or of!U'Wi,.se" th ea~ti0fl1 il"abre I'J t~u: t o l 'GW " ubr::iU~anJ'i, •~~faed!i! i IJ '.~on)~5C')' and so ftlrlk. 'winbe~1 t h a t . irudo~ t ll ls ." • .. .. \Ve are., = nnt te'. il l )" j l l i l .rilfljrtgU a ~ work of an t a Stl~ but Qn£y.emaffU"~md~e ~!pa;f,[d~ponl's of which if is :m .W f! ,

Qt oot ! : l 'SC,~eil we com e ~ eooos!: su~b.W IOl 'J3

o f art. ~ o li~~ wlll"... .u ! l 1 ,, c . ~ n [Il ~un ,~"hy. e .'S.B . wd",Oit a~nm~1m : ~palhehc , anaf l l l lca . f oon~-:~O[!l15 fo. in.lucn,ce 'OUT il.d!gOl!!el1l'~ \'WIysbCllld th e

iJ2.etic iJn\l',ib~ " 'UI I l~} ' 3n :ce b~"h;;:utg~lI ' Ig in m s , eellSOmt rep~i!ll1lm~tiQn p I tibe nt!~. Qr U~:e ;gcoem!~s eb ~e l a liJ .Ib b y k Ii b c~ f~ tnJ.£d upD rI the lac_ l I ' : I ' fbattle? In ,e ;n ~ ~s ec:U !l: II,fu.ilI~.Ij,r~~oldlief' bas'

'~1ll l an ;;u-tk~ Ultire\'I,fiU be nn nlrnre m ied •.orw l . ' > i 1 i s IO f :a d : • "U ;e IBC3JJ iwh ife ~th ie,1i !1 se led io}1l

of some IlIinG ~ a!Jow~llde aDd noo~ry. I!!u.tin UKs,~~ooHl)n .'W. mlust 1!l1~rJJ ' U 1 n d e r s t t l i l l 1 d wbfllwe m;e d.mn& . i t f ~ C 1 : ' would 3 , \ T o i d l an ~nh;ity cdUJiOf':t i i :u l . .analDlg: ~'Il that , type o~ bQt ' i.meolb.!:,\V~b ~~~ · a r e ~fl!iil.1,j t h c i · st~riog : : . I i l d . U 1 L emaul elel!llllMb in 1j\T1"rb oi art as t ru: ~ [!Itii!l~.,

\Ve j ( ! lgg~ tno t ' t o ' r~~tu'nla.t he wi9 p,fajS t l iJ e \ · i la i l . li . l ,

of lrile ,ptse 'nm .y,~~e ,J greI~r ajbt 11klnhe whlpmJl5 J[hl.!: hem. Fcr 8ti'UI~)"J U'iI.(be PJ 1 O rOu fui l, \Vcn 'Js

'o f M il h:ltil dRS .D~ t ariSili! f roll1i U te su.blject Q £ , a , \ v ' O r J ; ; :~tm, b uL fro 'fIlIi. U te f : ! e~es sU" tlu.t W i s, b ee .1 1 feU·6Jn,msenling th~t subj!!Q t. .

We lC3ifl on ly 'sP 'W ikEJI' a, work o f art as ,~,ood!l)r

~d wi III rde~oo f l ; i l l ib : ~UJ;~ t ic ' qju31lit 't 1'01' ",~, aw,w.k nf art hdfld nal advocate-a, ~,~:oli(yi o~d.r' U 1 t ~ m:bJe,f i :1 i3n d. Hu: m.al~~hl le d O;ewtlr~ aR::

btmg!ed ~n rebnwly.ln othw w{)l'ds,~o sa,.~b3i i l 1 1 : . l i l j'co.rJi.~f:act f s !Il! l0 re C if l~ -b ea _U !~rut. 1 0 - ' "

:fj '~lIi '1l~j 'J is · ~ o O ,d.~ the e..dtal b : l I whic~:~tb 01 1

ww'k ofail'"tt ~f 1tl:wJ a ~. musl l tat io l i1 l . Bow~

~wr lllnptfrblQ ~ flu!: c d t I 1 m : 5 1 t ! i J f '5J!l'ftpaflilelic L 1 ! 1 ! ; 3 ~ C :

in , neb , 'awoo;,k 'may b e t bOWC!ref imlHl( ! l an l Il ls

i lmc: t ica!l a p , p . ! ~cationSt ~t h i Jill1llt m Ul.ese : th,t : i : ~

~u~J eo:ns-iskI~':hil:t, the!:!' , ,i s B~ u t)!, wbaLis" 'm'Dr\Voot m U :

that leD tjd~ us ttl .~-.k of. rdh~~ ~«b ,M

ba!JllUkd or ,.-asm'nrlt', What lS t n i S , m . r e 'ilI,tciJlily

'\\'hiJ.d~DIll! IQ05~ d . i .& i i m ilu wnrks I i i I f art ~ inc.ommo~ " I f . . . e o t u~ [l U teh is to:ry ~r : : I i "," '~rfkol3Iri., '"fh~r,~is (IJ ~, ~"h~ic ~nfu~dam,n thee,~dIJ r ~bI: or~.c,malart~!il",,-the poet ! i l l ; ' ~ea.to ' f ' iUn:n(,,~"b • - ,'I.' - f ,,'l!.L • ••••.• ~1i.

~ , IL 1! ie Ultemg_ll~pfessttla '0:; ~ ml l .U~~ont~ I iJUclrl:lI~~tililll:l (lif \'ii£ul~ ' If . be a ,u .l ) ", < : ; ) the indicationQ , r t h f f i s by ~ Ol~ s ~g -liJ 'S.la rn gu ~) l 'or t.lt~.W ',poseo f: f:~.IWIIlIU!l[catiDn,.~~:e feChmal a c'l:i!w ty ;, ,_ ' d.6nam]r:~ ( - 4 > !h e :RSldti~g sUmtlllar,tio:ll of the' am_c([If t:'mifa 'ttl J~QdQ!G1iO~l! 0'£ tile 'f)~gilm" inhT!jti~rn.10 . Ip f J •• e Q 'p ,~ ro ! til iD3:tltl[fi t(ijl ir. 'The SC l u i - c e · of the ·o:ngjul inhdU0J1 Play t asw!!:'

jt3.\V~ ~n~ b e : a J ' n y as~t cd ~ i f t w D 3 . ~ ~ ! o 1 ' l ' l r . $l!IID r u : e c r e a : t J i 1 . t th:t: SCOO6 W a . I i5 'h s u g g e s t Q I : JiJYthmiaJ

- . iit!llOtl~ 'S .,(11\':00byecttain landKa(C$J'

: ~ . d 1 ~ m:spea .k IO~ . b o i l o r d 5 ! " , i J l i , : , u l l t ' b , t . - ,of '\'lht>C~, ;lI. M1 I h may' ,p'.~ d n : e : ~d e a , ti):l!it I

U tw nm : ~. enll l1 : 'L~d, relida'tld, 00d , ItUJm:lurtil U i!tenu of the- nen~~ Dhnc~ C iT be~)! ~R9th ~ 'Unlit!! id ~ equ~:UJ ywv i dl f b , sa : yWng th a Jt ~ ~nfO:~asp.vro~· l c i l i US to fhe g[~nd'wn_bQ~~ '~ : f :~ ; thW " 's

I;:!ilO\'~]~F·.E~rcf-J~ltisl d i s e-ove r. ;; l :BcauQ : , '~~d, e' \r e rJ ,~ t ic J if :lCHi ~~~m W b '= il he b ales 0 :1 the :sam e'O:l1~gce UilifGU,gh' ~hl:.'l'med iW i iQ . of ' the! elernal

s . i g : ! i :S . Rut where 'is tbis 'Rt<li~ty'~ We have ~iilt ll il lt 11c a l .1 i i il lO t be s . . ' 1 1 i d i t~ ~ s ~ in ee~Wnlb.ingsa I ld, l I ' Io~iQIQth~~. Uma : y 'Illm be ~~ed1 tha~

: :ut 'F;£~~~~:: :er~t '~~!S~!td:~_ i:hr~a 0 '1 n"w'&ttc. .U: il !Could. be' sa id to '~t eW ' e 'r J 'W ' - e :n : U lI ,a'lUIw;ml : ! I : n : d : inWn.s ie seMel!we co~ld. pURUe it w~th iju r ca m _er;a s: ~ d s "'~ id re~ jJ~l~ i t h e ' ~b i { l ! l ! l . . •Q~ t l b . e E~penmel!l.l31P~hQhl~gm:ts,.: iaU d: '\ U d~ d l ' l iO" we :sb:6Ji!1~d oRl, a(_b.it\llJ aooriaiin 3rcq,W ' :n :~~ wUh.a~ar:ag~ *t,e:-,~'e shou~1i!IInOlld l s c io ' W I e r anllmn~ 'o f di$finguk· f'DrttlS l&.~_ b e a 'ld : i : M .-W fmiD. f(l_limS ~blt A re I I . ' ! . . " Bea'uty

e an. nev a; th li!s b e m e:a s~ r--e d" feu : it d~ n.Clt lC1.:ist

:i;lf~ri h·ODltti! e mills .- t bi~] f. rulJ9 ' m e : , . 4 S i , k n W . ,h . 9

ler1lk:rs,illit(l f l~s e.. \l:l fUie. iIloo. ~iU l l l i id i l~ i :dure il l ' Wm 1 } o " l H l d i & J 11 0 It ' 1 ; \ ' I I1 :n f G l I rM' i r ~IlD id ~ -Q u ~tuJc ' 0 : wn in I . l l i : i ' w l ' l i l ' e D EO £ " i ~ C Y i l iO n D l e r lb,Im~ ~

!lie ~e!i ~a,,'Qm[~?AU mui i i l l , iii,wh.'d ;liw~ln:~o k ' i ~Ii wltt.~ l '~ iOIJr; ; : :r;.iPfi~ lif it

1 ! i ; 1 ih~Jmlmmdl~I~ !I s DO:!I 1 1 i l : vl:i; llim lilld I I ) ~ I~mcb • • • !lJ;H tb:e ~~I' G~ lh ~

b J . r- H . -o o , e ~It UM:I~;md 'rwlb~' 'UQD lh~.

T-h vi~ion of Bm~~· is S1p-ontMool!J.iS, in : justth e ~ lIifie r r e r u ; e as th~ in nm fu lig~ 't 1 0 . £ UU,l io.-1tar(:bhi.ll~JI,. nis ii, sbre of pee tt1at ~I! heO ' :! . o o i e w , a J by d.e!~berafe r eB ' ' ( I f ' t ;thOll,lb pc.rb. '\!iI"e

~q."'"rht ~l~ i l l ' \ ! na in ~IC I:I~ biml~"-lfl:la r;~h!n:t il E ! ! i e _ Q l it t. w ' y l. opD'ln b I n~ tlJl.t1i :l . N \~ : I 'M-

~ESCli1W:IQ~~ ,ot"PLA1'l'!: r. O~p.-O,~l'fE71b-1S ' lh Q ; : [I b n : 1 ,.LD, Alli.'bjeel whkh Cciu ld l ,~ ~b'to.t ' l ldi wi l& ! t1: t l~p.UI l ~tI~Mmlmlfr J) filtf,f: m~·dJwiIb cpr" ~Ild,tgf. ~l' m:ptrc int. "Il:;~illg ~~~ M .~ sNrlt [II · U l c . mll~eIDJ:llt l i d ' IUc, NIIIimap: of , I.nl:d ~~m~lI'~.. ~~tl!l h. P : b m t ,o Iah:nf~rM V ;w~w. -

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~ I:\I!MQR bmt1r ances Co'i ,manUesmtion, forth ere :a ~ um .nf 'I.v U IIL 'li!:SS es~ t U te Si£~et of a ll art5 tD be f O l H 1 d i te n s e t f -f O J 7 F t I I L l ln e 5 S . And;we knowthat thls s'bte of p~ is nQ~ m 1 l ! il W , e d ~ r n . tllile,

",,u:~uUof : ' ~ ~ U J i . ·.. ;\'eri~ytIJe b . e d c I 1 U s I S l la,\ ' l . tb.tnel~ but :If.er* 'm b a nd age i l l l i ' I O V ' e h f : u m 5 ~vihile the artisl is Ie ee in ~uty.

l" t is f l i l iE"~ht [ In .h e "bs~tved t h : a t '''lben \ ii.1e speak

' 5e r iQl : l $1~ ~ f _ ~\I'Qi~ or arl ss beauWuJ~ m~[gg'I t , Ul,ey an! tmly 'war_ ,of 3f~.wued mI SD~ bap;U-l &Om subj~.·asnIc:i l ff i o D : ; or kchl"l~C3iI,rularm\v e still. sp~k clUpticallf" \'\e ,mean t 1m t nl'@xternam SI§!5-~e1Q.l!. PIC[wes. danees , and 0

rorth'-1are iIIect l l l :e feminders : . We lD a y - s a , f.hit~

'tl1~y'Pflsa~,.Ji~nlf~nn~, .B~t t i l i l i cad 'D~lymean tilt lh~lposs., tlist lund of f O I :m w.b1clA.DiJJind:!!l,1ti, of lkaru~¥ r and ~\w:k T IS in us ~ ' tl he 't ieemotiDn i Tt i~e A~t eli:lp'~ao:aUCuf ~gl!UD,.cantf o rUJ i ! lb .o Il 1 d be '5t/d~ fi,U'll! 4 $1 ~/, fbits fJie ilm~r

fIl,/a JiQn s o j tb i.u ,g s; er, 3 ftecr H:sh~ flo. I~wlllcbnv.:als 'the rhythm ,of 'the spirit in the 8~mRS oJJi..rinl, *hiPp,' ~ All such ,,"arks as posw.;s lignUl,~tant fOl:m 3ip: 1ingllli U c; and, if we ~Bnbe:r

thi:s, ' \I,e s b l d l Dot f<ill I J I I l ' l o I.be e rror of t h O S 1 H " ' l i" "_ d\1 'Ol t i li t 8_ ih e u s e of b 'ngua p : ~O ir_bmgu s a&e .nO f s ha l l \ ' \Ie a;JOfbsft l l i~ s ign iJ i.ca n t O rm s 1 9 1 1 '

I:beir lo,gtell manmg or .qml w r u U f . ' ! J ! wiUiCha.Beall!} ,ofli\"Illr~dl~' r e .. m i m d us.Tbe ~ erill:f~( : r .Q # l t a ( ) . : per-Qi~ lh~ ~ug, o~

wWQb the jJrtis~ :bas '~ 'II.hiibimil th e 'sigIi~ U is not" ~ l lL l 'tth e uillc s hQu l d .lpP1tiiC[~te thearHst's meaiilliDg~ 'work of c a r l is. a Milia:"dhttw, yUddin,g many m£auin- ...... ..Df h~ .bo,u'S' , ,~ i lbOl l f jlwoning ,,,rhe'lher or nat the work isb?auliful~ bd~ tll~ m~nd begins to qu!!!S' l iOQwhat it 18 uabo:ut"'~ Hin.du. writers s : a . y i h a J : theQPM:i ly_ t : a , fee l bea'Uty ( to m l i tc r q.f ,Q ' )1 c a ~ n.a t bea~uiR~ ~Y.srud~ .but itt. the r,eward ,of meril


p~l 'Uf~:' forIIi

: 0 , gooottltll]J

~d.w ooh l'-b e h is ro:na ns o~ . 3d ha1il ' 'CllCv,upercei\tea it.'thc' pod' is iIloill'l, not n'Hlt:ic: j but 50 also i s I . liu;l:t ' i iQ . ; , ( i r l , W hQ 5C F RH lil di l lhr s rn . degret"~ no~ wnkind~ [lfOm lI!$it of the· ,cuigina1 arrlis ' . [n we:i 'l lefnp-~~ I'ogy _we :shou ld r : x p l ' t S S t h i s _ by sa:,i~gt ila(~e~el1ce ,caR,o'nly be lbougbl b~r.elIpmence;

o,p.moD_g J l 1 ! D s t be 'earned., Wc' I3JiD i3:ndl ~lDothiJC merely when 'iV,1!tab it 'D O authority - th a tPIpMticuhir ww.ks 3re ~U/ti ruJ . , Itm f;;w b~tiI:erIe be hona ~ M C l C n admdt l h : a t per l lmps .we GI'lutot

s ee th eir beam)'. A day m ay ' c o m e wbeD we s u n!b e b¢,Uerprepudll ..'ThecriL~c. 3 5 1 , S COD i : 1 i ! i J he~m.esafi, l 'XIPonmt,

bas. to p,ov ;-eh is ~ ; a nd 'b e ' ~ n n_.:: I ldo ihi.s by

My P r oQW i Q f ~I 'UD;} a4t~,~!lt. onr" . b lC I l e a ' l f

ng aDIi!W\vorl; of 3rd;~ U . e cl''irhcl!m. HIs aumlnc~1

TAli! Bc,(l(l,ty I~ II State

catC.I . i~gUlegJe:J.~.~t. ~co.nd-h~d-b!llt still ~I!s am e Jim tm . for H J~ IS 001, ooe-hd: th en Ihe~ppoi(tu.tfity m a pproa ch tlle ori,:inaJi W ltir 'ka Sf!oofn it lD le . m o l"@ W ' e c v m . m J t ' l y .

'W b en I s a y U : & 1 d -w orks o f a rt .are RnUn d u s 1, : : : ! I l 1 d

Ule' a c - i , i - r i l y ,u f th e critic L ' 5 l , Ol!llilil IIlf repfod udio n l~ I

!Ulggd5l thil:l il :he \!i lsinn of , l i l , V , 1 l n the lor jg innL vl~litll 'fBy be m lher'::1 disco' ,"1I!!rJ(han 1 1 .~ lta JL II Bmlu l l '

ill~ils dis t iovery ,f l ,veJ) '""he~e, ~t is tQ ~ , . tb.a I . t .l;\1 :nl upon our fe.coPe'ctiQ'l1 (ilfl the Si'ifl sense• n il in W Q nilO worlb ', ) ~ in m s lh u: tic enll~mpla ],go(rruiiwidolls) as in 10\11 ' (bllif:-I~land bG' Jedg~G V ' U } ' t i ) " we monwJ1btrily~coMIf the : U l i \ I . U y III selfwith th e 8 I t I r ~ n r OUIi i l1dividll!li l!Iity wiltb ~O 9ft...Tb~re are no , degrees of ~1iIt,; the 01081 com-

p l e x alOdlh~ : s : U : n . p . I : e s t e.' t ,~ression ~m lQd . ' ~ O r GUG~nd U te 's n .m e s ta te . 'fl ie !l(I.I'Hlimacan l i I I o L ~ , MOre

l I e a uf : iT u ] ~ h~ Q . the s i 1 t i , I ; d J i l S ' l tyde, n o r t.hc pm lliing[han ~he d'l:i;,;vjng, ttI.efdly b~ orUiei:r Iru:l!tcd ab o;mU oQ . 'CML lz ed a rt i n o~ m ore b~tifutth~n ~wge. art. ~erd,:V becam.e ' c : d iliprmib tyrn a re , aU ra eU ! o!t i ~00s:.J\ tnaUl.ImIr: lbcai iU fa lG gy •f~und _ ir w~ coosidu ' Ia r ;g~ , a nd slnl'dl,clrcl~· .'

hus ;; : d i ff i! .r emly .in u~ir conte .n:!" , not in their~i!I'iClidiJIIfUf. In Uil.e 'same. ·a,.:, Uu~m c a n , , 1 0 . beBil lY ' IC GR 1 !!l.n ~D IiIiSro g re ss tn a et, ]mmediaMy .Ih te n i- H f'U -1 i't to n&'ilS aHa i l i IE~dl~ pwfecUy cl~ I~io

pfleSS,ion, it wmaills o.nty tell .ullipl:, and , ~ ~ •• his~prusion. "fhis: r e : P i I l U ' ! i C 1 l i I , ~y be desf:mbllil Ifllirrna'llY' t~.nS, hllflt. it :tJ~M05t ~nwriab~,nvohres a :

GJ1' Idua~decade:l1~ '~liIse We'seen '~il1 l,o laketh~ Kperilfflce for pnr~m The Wb1ity 'D f iI

trad"ti~'n p~lSts, .only so tong i'l is , 1ed hyinh~nS1'ty o 'r ul!ug.n- hon. What we : D i l i f . ' ! . il . O by'Cre!IIlive arlo howc\1 if :i J" • . h a s no ,nae connuloP~1~1 no,v~Jty Q~ 9\ ' 1 b j~ t , i I .b~ugh that . r n not,excluded. Crea1!nrl:art js t t bn1 ~bi Btmutywb~ \ 'Vii ihoRld hiJI,wotheml's:t: o~Thaobd iL

Beau t y ; 1 : 1 8Onw: l i~ , QI1 ;1 i! tf lo ohed jo IS tl i e : d a l i l ! !U i l '

certl,io ~,[esmDns h: : .w _came w t r . J : ~ we ~~ ln h aC kn ey ed " ; t he n, 'l h e; C~ L j , " e ,art is t d em In g: ~ yU h~hesame subjec'~Irest.o.l 'CS oUr' mtflnDry. The a d ' i : s t :~l!icb -: 'to '~e a 1 tbe B ea uty o :f a D e.lI;perhm:ces~new 'D d Jd,~Iany ha'!lt:rigb'tJ)' ios: lsb: :d thu UI~ BmutJ of a

,\,tor,k ,I1Sart is igd~pend~n of ib,subjeet, Mdrrull)'t 'h e ~ of art, \ ! i J r i c l : t finds i ' l S i , insp'ra.,t icm e :ve r y " 'l b e : re , IS idenlieid W i h tbe humi l i ty I)

Love~w'bicllr "pm atikea dog a n . d 3! Br iUun l ln : a~and oj Scien~ lo,whic1il, lhe IOlw~l 'u[',[Qis : : , ! S ; ~ i g f l i f i -Ciliot 't)me highe5t. And lhis, 15possihl~ IMmu;~it I s ,o ne ' and t . l l r u e 5ilI f : I 1 J : ~ u.ndl ,r, idcd. Bl:3nman-ouli": ! i "a the- r-whri ;ch is i e v~ ' form of liFe, th l! I~ t,a nd th e gtea !te :s t" [OOm! minl i l . rn1 k ! ! m an., u d fromm;;l. l] to 'Ii;OSm;O:i. B ,y th e l4tie'ty ef h i : s . ' ! lI l3 .k r iA i


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TAll t Beou ty' is , I I Stdle

tht artist rcntin ds gS that All' in aU : and, I, Ua beauteous IQ ~ we \;e- • 'Ti Sis tdl.edioJ)'shining lbm ugb ., • Jl_ \ \ '111 now b e setp in-what$me; we a_~ j,us ifi«.l in ~g of A r oiu(eB ta u tY J I D l,d in . id entify ing th ' B ea uty wiJh G G d .~ e do not impl,. by ttiis that God has a beautifulform which can he the bjec 0 1 know1ed~ illuthat in so fa r a s we see nd fel!J_B _u ty , w e :1ft and

at 'God. T~G-od bUlle fitj .artisf does net meanthat He en:al beauLiful [orms"wbiCh might no'ha\'e been lJeanlifUJ b.'\d the hand gf th~ potterslipped: but that e~~ryn .'waI (Jbj~t isml lJ:IUlU-diate reati:zalian of His being, 'this. Cftltive.a.eti,ritj is OO'mptmlb t enF i th stltdi~,~ression i n :itS nC1n~VQ}; t ion :aJ c:h.ametilt ' . rw d em : eH of c: lm ie c

emlers into. t ha t world of ~ol'lil!on i1n~ f:t~i1y",but thew 15 aI -.JS ~ct _d'entity tlf U)t lU . tu ' "~f:Xpr~an, sou, and bOdy . , The-human ani lwho rliscoVl!W Beau 1hl! l"e M thue is I ' h e : i dea lgun, f)'t Kabir,who ~ ra ~I tilt Svprere Spiritwlie ...e.ver the mind at . ehes ii~J' •

1J~1J ty is onc of the lb~ s~rituhl aetirities 'orsbl~ in which. tmll'1 15 freed. (mm bj~lf. :tDd

becom Gad. .Th . balt-enly s t a l l lS do not

eentitute a~il,

\1 "here they are is lh~~o~do~ of Hl2VCDf subjecuve and ~ndividedBeauq' 15 ba a name of the Ta I whose o~hernaDte5 an hsolute bowudAbsolute Truth or

Reality. These names, however; an oat predi ..cat~ btJl rcnlinders of nperience.When we are laid wt IIGqd ~ a spirit "..I nd

must be Drsflit>pedin spirit, when it is enjoinedDruam blJllk'a d~'lJ11I } ' a ; ~ orsrup God by becoming GO d " th e s am e tS Un ,p l i e d a s when we: say1Jmt Beav ' ty eemes iAto,being-IS knO\\'D to lB, orwoMipped by ll'S--only wbm it is perce ive<L

Rasa nui.wiidtma. RaMI is naugh t but the tingf rasa. There i00othe,f Beanty~oo,o1ber Lo\'e,110n'LherTruthtban t i m : Beauty the Lo\'e ad theTmdJ in ' !O)iUI"OWft hearts· -

NOT.B.~ Ttl iUnsir.de tb~above _y ruU" l\rl)ufdrequi re a Imge_ repertory of plasli~ mU liiC al a ndliWfiu'y ex..-uxipJe:; chosen from tn;ID)' countl'hs.,nul many period The J"~roduetipns o,n the~Cicom,anyiDg plates ate Ibtrrdere moofed toiU usU a le only one point; ilia Beau! ,y is notdetm:nin!!tl 61 ubject. I IS Rot n power of"Iun, bul is tmn~d n.. l, h,,-ood good. andeviJ, C l f 1 0 0 'Of profooe ~ add it Is, . oomrnun imQdLhrotigh iliJ: ~'tion of fines and ses (lonn.r h y t hm . p 1 e rn . p b ns in g, e con om y o f movement)

rather thiinbyrep~btiblL AI the same time


th re i Ihis lim wi h the sU bje 'f 'Ui l : a l BeauIy i01 reached Ull]~ tile subject is ,p3Ssi nalel



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