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Infusive Solutions

About the Contributors:

1) Infusive Solutions Inc. is a specialized IT staffing firm within the Microsoft Partner

Network specializing in the placement of .NET, SharePoint and SQL Server developers as well

as DBAs, Windows engineers and helpdesk support professionals.

• Contributing Author: Benjamin Weiss (Digital Marketing Strategist)

• Contributing Levels: Level 3 – The Software Manager Boss, Level 4 – The Chief

Technology Officer Boss

Main Website - Jobs Website - Blog - Contact - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn

2) Astron Solutions is a New York-based consulting firm dedicated to the delivery of human

resource consulting services and supportive technology, helping organizations implement

human resource programs through the creation of a positive employee relations environment.

• Contributing Author: Jennifer Loftus (National Director)

• Contributing Level: Level 1 - The Human Resources Boss

Website - Blog - Contact - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn

3) CareerCup is a service that offers students and professionals the tools they need to succeed

at software-related interviews. CareerCup offers a huge assortment of user submitted software

development interview questions in addition to several books (Cracking the Coding Interview

and The Google Resume), videos, resume review and mock interviews.

• Contributing Author: Gayle Laakman McDowell (Founder/CEO)

• Contributing Level: Level 2 – The Senior Developer Boss

Website - Blog - Contact - Twitter - Facebook

Special Thanks:

Ian Yamey, VP of Software at Park Assist

• Park Assist is an ‘Intelligent Infrastructure’ company that utilizes complex computer vision algorithms to

improve the efficiency and profitability of parking assets. Learn more here.

Sean Kennedy, Director of Software Development at Steadfast Financial, LP

• Steadfast Financial manages private investment funds exclusively for qualified investors.

Greg Meyer, Chief Technology Officer, Strategic Technology Consulting, LLC

Infusive Solutions



Of course, if you would like a comprehensive overview of how to advance past all

these different bosses, then by all means read this resource from cover-to-cover.

However, every interview experience will be slightly different and therefore we

encourage you to navigate through in the way best fit for you. That said, please

use the table of contents below to find the information that would suit you best.

Infusive Solutions

The Human Resources Boss: 2-5

The Senior Development Boss: 5-9

The Software Management Boss: 9-11

The Chief Technology Boss: 11-13

Conclusion: 14


The process of getting a software development position can, at times, be stressful

and convoluted.

Sure, sometimes your skills are so sharp or so unique that a hiring firm will

move faster than usual. Similarly, the firm may have a need so urgent that

leadership is forced to catalyze the offer stage.

But, many times software development candidates will find themselves on an

epic employment quest that requires complex progression through different

levels of hiring authorities before the job opportunity in question is secured.

Wait a second … epic quest? Levels? Sounds a little like a video game, right?

Let’s expand on that idea. When you think about it, hiring authorities in technical

interview processes are similar to the ‘bosses’ that players encounter at the

climax of specific video game sections.

Just like a firm’s IT hiring managers, these bosses are generally powerful

gatekeepers that must be overcome before the game’s protagonist (perhaps

Mario, Zelda or Duke Nukem) can advance onto the next level.

And since different bosses have

different characteristics, protagonists

need to deploy tailored strategies to

successfully get past them (though,

there may be overlap).

With that in mind, let’s make the

process of securing a software

development job (which for us usually

lands on the .NET/C# side of things)

more fun by treating this resource like

the ‘cheat codes’ to a game in which

you’re the protagonist preparing to go

up against ‘bosses’ including:

The Human Resources Professional

The Senior Developer

The Software Manager

The Chief Technology Officer

Are you

ready to

play for



1 I Beating the Software Development Interview

Infusive Solutions

In order to make these cheat codes all the

more useful, the organizing team at IT staffing

firm Infusive Solutions tapped experts in HR,

software development and IT leadership to

explain how candidates can advance past each

boss and reign victorious in a dream

development job.

Ready to start? Awesome! Put on your game

face and prepare to go up against the Human

Resources boss in level 1.

Level 1: Boss, The Human Resources Professional

By: Jennifer Loftus - National Director, Astron

Solutions - Former President of New York City’s

SHRM Chapter

Anyone who has ever interviewed for a

software development job knows the first

person you probably speak with is a Human

Resources (HR) professional. He/she has

many questions to ask and holds the key to

getting through to the next levels where you’ll

get to grapple with IT department managers.

But, how can you master this first level of the

interview process, which requires getting your

application noticed, acing a phone screen and

building rapport with the HR boss in-person?

Over the years, the HR professional has been

stereotyped as the police department of an

organization, thwarting the efforts of internal

employees and prospective candidates.

Remember Catbert from Dilbert, and Toby

from The Office? They are not the most

flattering presentations of Human Resources.

2 I Beating the Software Development Interview

At times, you may find yourself frustrated by

HR’s apparent power over your career.

However, HR’s main goal isn’t to prevent you

from being hired. Rather, their charge from

leadership is to find the best suited candidates

for a job opening, which may include any

combination of education,

professional/supervisory experience and

certifications depending on the individual

requirements of the spec. So what can you do

to make sure that you quickly rise to the top of

the short list? Let’s explore a variety of

possibilities to help you build rapport with the

HR boss and move on to level two.

Infusive Solutions

Avoiding Moves that Get Your Avatar

Killed Before the First Round Interview

with HR

Sending a résumé with typos: Your résumé is a

reflection on you, your attention to detail and

your enthusiasm for a job opening. Sending a

résumé with typos is a sure way to say to HR

that you do not care about the organization or

the job. Proofread and spell check your

résumé several times before sending it. Read

it out loud to catch errors you miss when

reading. Ask a friend or relative to read it as

well. A fresh set of eyes may discover

something you missed.

Sending a too-long résumé: You have

accomplished many great things during your

working career and you want to celebrate

them. HR wants to know that you are a good

potential fit for the job opening, but

nonetheless has limited time to read your

résumé. Focus and edit your résumé to

highlight your specific skills and talents that

pertain to this particular job opening. Your

résumé should be between 500 – 1,000 words,

and two pages maximum. Using a small point

size, such as 8 or 9 point, is not an acceptable

way to get around this matter. Use an easy-to-

read font in 12 point type.

Sending an incorrectly tailored résumé and

cover letter: Customization, when done

properly, is an excellent way to show that you

care. Therefore, before submitting that

résumé and cover letter, triple check to make

sure that the job, organization and industry

referenced in the documents match the job for

which you are applying.

3 I Beating the Software Development Interview

For example, applying for a .NET

development role at a financial services

organization with a résumé and cover letter

expressing interest in an IT management

function at a non-profit swiftly puts you in the

“no interview” category.

1-upping during the in-person HR


Congratulations! You received a call from

HR and have a first in-person interview on

your calendar. Here are a few cheat codes

that will help unlock the gate at the end of

level 1 and help you move on to the senior

developer in level 2.

Arrive prepared and early – When you arrive

at the employer’s office, you may have to

complete a variety of paperwork, including an

application form. Build in enough time for

yourself to complete the paperwork so that

your interview can start on time. Waiting 20

minutes for an applicant who did not realize

he or she would have to complete an

application can be frustrating, particularly if

interviews are scheduled back-to-back. Also,

bring full contact information for at least four

truthful references who have agreed to speak

on your behalf.

Infusive Solutions

Infusive Solutions Dress professionally – As a general rule of

thumb, it is better to be overdressed than

underdressed. Gentlemen, suit and tie.

Women, a suit with a skirt and stockings.

Wear dark, conservative colors and long-

sleeved shirts. [Editor’s note: Dressing in a

conservative suit may not be appropriate for

more creative, startup-type environments so

it’s always best to double check with HR


Take care of hygiene – Your personal hygiene

should not be a distraction during an initial

interview. Before an interview, make sure that

you do not smell of anything strong, such as

onions, garlic, coffee, cigarettes or perfume.

Enjoy a mint or a breath strip before you enter

the employer’s premises to start the interview

on a fresh note.

Focus! – During the interview, give your full

attention and courtesy to HR and turn off your

cell phone to avoid unnecessary distractions.

Almost at level 2!

Proper clothing – check. Fresh breath – check.

Fully attentive – check. You are in the home

stretch of level 1 now! Assuming that you are

in fact qualified for the job you have applied

for, in no time you should be on your way to

interviewing with the IT department as long as

you ...

Maintain Eye Contact – Maintaining eye

contact demonstrates your interest in the

position and the organization. Keep your eye

on the interviewer – not your hands, the

ceiling, floor or window.

Go on the offensive – Many individuals have

gaps in their work experience, particularly

after the economic downturn of 2008 – 2009.

4 I Beating the Software Development Interview

Rather than letting the interviewer fill in the

blanks to your detriment, proactively explain

any gaps in your employment only if


Being forthcoming and honest with such

information sets you above those who try to

provide misleading information.”

Be prepared to speak about former employers

– HR will most likely ask you why you left

your last jobs, and your favorite and least

favorite parts of each role. Be prepared with

your truthful and tactful answers so you can

respond quickly. Remember not to bash your

former boss or colleagues as that reflects

poorly on you.

Ensure understanding – Software developers

use many acronyms: ASP, CAO, GAC, IIS,

etc. When speaking with an HR rep (who may

be non-technical), define any acronym the

first time you use it to ensure common

understanding. For example, “when I earned

my PMP, or Project Management Professional

certification, I was promoted….” If HR still is

unsure of the term or acronym, he or she can

follow up with more questions.

Ask Questions – Do your homework on the

organization and prepare at least three or four

questions to ask the HR rep. Some effective

standby questions include the following:

• What is your favorite part of the


• Why do you work here? (people love talking

about themselves!)

• How will IT support the organization’s plans

for growth / contraction?

• What are some common mistakes new hires


Infusive Solutions

Infusive Solutions Say “Thank You” – If the interview has gone

well, the HR rep should have spent anywhere

from 30 to 60 minutes with you. Within a day,

say thank you for the time by sending a

handwritten thank you note in addition to an

e-mailed thank you.

This old school technique will set you apart

from the crowd and be appreciated and

remembered by the interviewer. Include in the

body of your handwritten note a key point or

two from the interview to personalize its

content. [Editor’s note: Be sure to have an

extra pair of eyes on your thank you note as a

bad one could differentiate you in a negative


******Alas, you’ve avoided the landmines in

the HR interview and your quest continues as

you journey on to meet the boss of level two:

The Senior Developer.******

Level 2: Boss, The Senior Developer By: Gayle McDowell, Author of ‘Cracking the Coding Interview’ and Founder/CEO of CareerCup Just as actors have to audition for a part in a

play, developers also need to audition. Of

course, a developer’s “audition” will be a

series of technical questions designed to test

technical expertise.

Can’t they just know you’re good from your

resume and background? You would think so,

but unfortunately, you can’t make any

assumptions. You could be lying or

exaggerating on your resume. Or, your resume

could be ambiguous in certain ways.

5 I Beating the Software Development Interview

One person’s “three years of experience with

.NET” might mean a few months of

experience spread out over multiple years,

whereas another person could have three years

of intense, everyday work. And, we all know

that years of experience don’t always have a

direct correlation with skills. Sometimes, the

more “junior” person is better, and these

questions are designed to discover that.

Regardless of your feeling on the merits of

these technical questions, many companies

stand by them. If you’re doing a lot of

interviews, it’s likely that you’ll encounter

them and it’s best to be prepared.

Infusive Solutions Technical questions you’re likely to face will

usually come in one of three forms:

knowledge questions, coding / algorithm

questions and architecture questions. No

level of experience makes you “immune” to

any type of question, though it might affect

the standards or expectations. In fact, many

interviewers will ask the exact same types of

questions to all candidates, regardless of their

experience level.

6 I Beating the Software Development Interview

For example, if you don’t know immediately

whether or not multiple catch blocks can be

executed, you could think about how catch

blocks work and what it would mean to be

able to execute multiple catch blocks.

Explain to the interviewer beforehand that

you don’t know the answer but you’ll try to

deduce it. In some cases, you might actually

be able to demonstrate a better knowledge of

the technologies by deducing the answer than

by already knowing it.

Knowledge questions generally

have right or wrong answers. For example, an

interviewer might ask you a question like,

“What does the keyword sealed in C# do?” or

“Is it possible to execute multiple ‘catch’


Obviously, the better you know the language,

the better prepared you’ll be for knowledge

questions. You can also refresh yourself prior

to your interview by reviewing terminology

and concepts from your preferred

programming languages.

Many popular interview questions can be

found online on websites like CareerCup and

Glassdoor, so those are good places to look for

questions you might face. For each concept or

keyword, make sure to think about where you

might use them, what the relative pros / cons

are, and what the alternatives (if any) are.

If you don’t know the answer offhand, all is

not necessarily lost. You might be able to

bring in your knowledge from other

programming languages or deduce the answer

some other way.

Coding and algorithm

questions are designed to test aptitude

more so than pure knowledge. That is, they

are tests of your coding skills and problem

solving skills. They are supposed to make you

think. This is good news actually; you don’t

have to just know the answer. The interviewer

wants to see how you solve the problem.

Coding and algorithm questions can vary

substantially in difficulty, and can include

questions like:

• Implement a program to check who, if

anyone, has won a game of tic-tac-toe.

• Given an array of integers, return the

number that it repeated the most.

• Design an algorithm to find the longest

substring that is a palindrome in a string.

• Given a binary search tree whose “left”

and “right” pointers are represented with

“first” and “second,” write a program to

convert this tree into a sorted linked list.

This conversion should be done in place,

with the linked list re-using the “first” and

“second” pointers.

Infusive Solutions Some of these questions might test knowledge

of data structures and algorithms, depending

on your background and the company’s


To solve these questions, the following

techniques work well:

1) Ask Questions: Questions are sometimes

more ambiguous than they appear. The

interviewer might have forgotten some details,

or you may have misheard some of the

problem. Repeating the questions back and

clarifying anything you’re confused about can

prevent you from running down the wrong


2) Use an Example: If you don’t know how to

solve the problem at first, using an example

can help you to brainstorm approaches. Be

sure you come up with a realistic example


7 I Beating the Software Development Interview

For example, if you’re writing up an example

to find the longest palindrome, you probably

want to use a string with multiple


3) Talk Out Loud: Your interviewer wants to

know how you’re approaching the problem;

that’s part of why he/she is asking you this

question. Talking out loud will help show

him/her that. It also has benefits for you

though; it shows you’re either making

progress or that you’re off track. Your

interviewer can then get you back on track

with some helpful hints.

4) Pseudocode: If it helps you, consider

writing pseudocode prior to writing your

actual code. This can be especially valuable in

more complex code or in code that has lots of

little details and minutia.

5) Write Your Code: You may not get a

computer to code up your solutions on; rather,

you will be expected to code on pen and paper

or a whiteboard. Although your interviewer

probably won’t mind too much if you forget

something like a semicolon, you should strive

to make your code as flawless as possible.

Pseudocode is usually not sufficient (although

it’s fine as an intermediary step).

Test: When you finish writing code in the real

world, do you just check it in to the source

control system? Of course not. Likewise, in an

interview, you shouldn’t think you’re done

just because you’re, well, done. Interview

code needs to be tested. No, you still won’t be

given a computer, but you can run through

your code by hand using some examples.

Infusive Solutions When you find mistakes – and you probably

will – don’t panic! Mistakes are okay; no

reasonable interviewer expects you to just

bang out flawless code, particularly when you

don’t even have a computer. Just think

through your bugs and carefully try to fix the


On each question, you will be evaluated

relative to other candidates on the same

question. Think of this like being “graded on a

curve.” The harder a question, the longer it

will take to solve, the more bugs everyone

will have and generally speaking everyone’s

performance will be weaker on an absolute

basis. Interviewers will therefore be a bit more

lenient on all factors. You don’t have to be


The best preparation for these questions is lots

of practice with real interview questions. The

best-selling book Cracking the Coding

Interview has 150 real world interview

questions complete with solutions. Be sure to

follow the tips in the book and practice

problems with pencil and paper, not a


8 I Beating the Software Development Interview

Or are we building an email system from

scratch for a small to medium sized company?

What protocols will the mail system support?

These are all good questions to discuss with

your interviewer.

Second, you should start with listing the

components of the system. For this example,

you’ll probably need some servers for

incoming and outgoing mail, a database of

some sort and possibly some servers or

services to configure it. The email clients

themselves might also be considered part of

the system, particularly if it has a web

frontend like Gmail or Hotmail. It might be

useful to get up on the whiteboard and start

drawing some pictures; go ahead!

Third, you’ll need to describe how these

components will work together. When and

how does each component talk to the other?

Do the incoming and outgoing servers talk to

each other directly or does each read only

from the database?

Fourth, think about how to make the system

better: faster, more robust, etc. How will you

handle having a lot of data? What will happen

if a server goes down? Is there anything you

might want to cache in memory to make the

system more optimal?

Depending on the question, you might get

into the details of what technologies (which

database, etc.) you might use. It would be wise

to be prepared with an understanding of the

pros and cons of different technologies.

Architecture questions ask you to

architect a system of some sort. This could be

something like an email system or a system

like tinyurl.com.

In these questions, you should start off with

understanding the constraints. Let’s

suppose we are building an email system.

What are we building this for? Are we

building a massive email service like Gmail or

Hotmail that needs to support millions of


Infusive Solutions ******Phew! That was a workout, right?

Now that you’ve successfully navigated past

HR and the senior developer, it’s time to

move onto level 3 and go toe-to-toe with the

next boss in the software development

interview process: The Software


Level 3: Boss, Software Manager

By: Ben Weiss, Digital Marketing Strategist at

Infusive Solutions

Special thanks to Sean Kennedy, Director of

Software Development at Steadfast Financial,

LP and Ian Yamey VP of Software at Park

Assist, LLC.

When grappling with the software manager in

level 3 of the interview, one of the first things

to remember is that while this professional

will often have a technical background, these

interviews typically evaluate candidates on a

more macro level.

9 I Beating the Software Development Interview

On that note, it is generally assumed that if a

software developer has advanced beyond the

“tech out,” they have sufficient technical

acumen for the role and now must be vetted

for overarching problem solving skills.

With that in mind, here are a few cheat codes

to deploy when preparing to go up against a

software manager:

Don’t Just Answer the Question: Because of

the many intricacies that accompany software

development roles, a candidate with

encyclopedic code knowledge may not be


Rather, these professionals must supplement

their wealth of existing knowledge with the

mental agility to address a complex problem

with a level head and calmly design well-

engineered solutions with a logical step-by-

step approach.

Those skills are difficult to test for and

consequently, many software managers will

ask questions that might sound hard or even

absurd just to see how a candidate reacts.

Infusive Solutions One such question might be something along

the line of “How many pizzas were delivered

in Manhattan last year?” While this may

sound unreasonable at first glance, the best

development candidates will grab a pen and

paper and start devising a strategy to arrive at

an educated estimation.

For example, you might start with the fact that

Manhattan is roughly 23 square miles,

estimate the number of pizza joints per square

mile as well as a rough number of pizzas

delivered by each establishment every day to

arrive at a rough conclusion.

This approach is far superior to just throwing

out a number or looking into the distance with

your eyes glazing over. In fact, you’ll virtually

always be seen as a superior candidate than

the next person who may have experience and

a well-padded resume but whose inability to

tackle the problem logically will suggest they

can’t think outside the box and are only

successful when given specific instruction.

Ask about the big picture: On a similar note,

software managers perceive the best

candidates to be those that want to understand

how their technical niche will impact the

larger vision of the company.

Consequently, they’ll be looking for an

indication that you don’t just want to get your

job done, but get it done in a way that makes

life easier for the rest of the organization and

even more so for its customers/clients.

10 I Beating the Software Development Interview

One strategy software managers may use to

gauge such is asking a candidate to do the

simple task of drawing an action figure. In this

instance, the average candidate will just draw

the first thing that comes to mind. However,

the best candidates will ask questions like ‘Is

the action figure targeted at males or females?

What is it made out of? Should it have


These types of follow up questions are

fantastic to suggest to software managers that

you’re the type of person who wants his/her

work to fit into an established vision rather

than someone who just wants to complete a

series of tasks and go home.

The bottom line is that you should be

cognizant that many questions in the higher

rounds of the interview process may not be

what they seem.

Infusive Solutions Detail How You Stay Informed:

Considering how quickly technology evolves,

software managers are looking for

development candidates who are engaged with

thought leaders in their field and stay abreast

of new trends so they can seamlessly evolve

their style and skills along with the industry.

Consequently, if you express that you

regularly visit MSDN and follow Scott

Guthrie’s work, that will leave a far more

resonant impression upon a software manager

than if you say you only read sneaker blogs in

your free time.

Moreover, while you may not need to be

proficient with the latest version of C#, for

example, software managers are nonetheless

looking for candidates who understand what’s

new and exciting about latest and greatest

software iterations.

As such, even if you haven’t used the newest

version of the technology yet, be sure to

research the new features so you at least

appear informed.

Show a Desire to Learn and Create

Impact: Average software development

candidates want a job. Awesome candidates

want a job at which they can become a better

professional, make a difference and be


To showcase you’re an awesome candidate to

a software manager, ask questions about what

kinds of things you might be able to learn on

the job or how you as a developer would be

able to transition an idea to an implementation

stage. These exhibit a willingness to

constantly grow and improve as well a desire

to make your mark at the company, both

highly sought after characteristics.

11 I Beating the Software Development Interview

******So now you’ve gone head on with the

software manager and came out victorious,

ready to complete your quest for gainful

employment as a developer after meeting the

final boss: the Chief Technology Officer


Level 4: Final Boss, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) By: Ben Weiss, Digital Marketing Strategist,

Infusive Solutions Inc.

Special thanks to Greg Meyer, Chief

Technology Officer at Strategic Technology

Consulting, LLC.

The first thing to remember here is that the

CTO’s profile is highly variable. For example,

at smaller companies, the CTO may be

virtually synonymous with the software

manager or senior developer and thus the tools

to impress him/her in those instances can be

found in the cheat codes for levels 2 and 3.

Additionally, at some firms, the meeting with

the CTO will be nothing more than a

handshake and a brief chat about the firm and

its goals.

But, for now let’s assume that you’ve

advanced to an interview with a “classic”

CTO - a member of the executive committee

who reports to a CEO or board of directors, is

deeply immersed and experienced in business,

finance and brand imaging and who is very

much a C-level strategist.

Infusive Solutions

In this case, any way you can show your

interest and commitment to forward-thinking

technical investments, macro strategy,

interoperability between departments and

team dynamics is paramount.

With that information in hand, here are a few

other cheats you can dial in before stepping

into the CTO’s office.

You May Not Need To Be Long-Winded

about the Tech: A CTO may ask you a few

standard technical questions to quickly gauge

your qualifications. However, by the time

you’ve landed at the CTO’s doorstep, your

technical abilities have likely been thoroughly

assessed by other members of the team.

Consequently, understanding your basic

technical qualifications should happen

relatively quickly without much effort

required on either side. Nonetheless, still

prepare yourself to dive deeper if necessary.

12 I Beating the Software Development Interview

Stay Smart When Talking about Topics

Outside Software Development: Just as in

the software manager interview, the CTO may

ask deceptively basic questions that have

nothing to do with software development to

determine your fit for the role.

“Assuming that they have the skill set to do

the work I try to get [software development

candidates] to talk about non-software

development topics as soon as I can,” said

Greg Meyer, Chief Technology Officer at

Strategic Consulting Technologies, LLC in

Maryland. “Asking someone the question

‘Who do you prefer: the Ravens or the

Redskins?’ provides real value. It’s not the

answer to the question, but the follow-on

conversation that’s important as it leads to an

understanding of accessibility [whether or not

you maintain availability via phone and email

once you leave the office] and value systems.”

Similarly, other CTOs may ask scenario-based

questions such as how candidates have

overcome a big challenge in their life to see

how they’ve thought through obstacles.

Infusive Solutions Naturally, candidates who say they’ve never

had a problem they weren’t able to easily

solve are passed over.

So don’t allow yourself to be lulled into a

false sense of security and use even the

simplest questions as a platform to describe

your suitability to the role at hand.

Convey a Desire to Grow With the

Company as a Loyal Employee: Remember

that another of the classic CTO’s

responsibilities is to bring on the right

developers, provide the tools for those

developers to be successful and

simultaneously shield the team from any

wrath trickling down from the top of the totem


As such, if you indicate to the CTO that your

energies will be distributed across a range of

other responsibilities outside of the job for

which you’re interviewing, that could yield

major red flags since he/she will need to deal

with the fallout of poor performance or

spontaneous developer migration.

Convey Adaptability: Considering the CTO

typically pioneers technical strategy at a firm,

he/she will be looking for developers with the

adaptability to forge new trails with concepts

or technologies expected to yield growth and


Therefore, if you come off as set in your

ways, resistant to change and only interested

in a narrow set of tools, you will quickly fall

behind candidates who have the ability and

willingness to use whatever tools or strategies

the CTO wants to pursue.

13 I Beating the Software Development Interview

Ask Questions Beyond Coding: Many

development candidates come off as just

coders - those who can develop code based on

a technical requirement. However, the CTO

will be impressed by those who transcend the

notion of the coder and show themselves to be

true software developers capable of analyzing

and optimizing technical and business


So while you will certainly want to ask how a

specific technology is deployed within that

firm’s environment, prodding into

release/change management, version control,

automated testing and internationalization can

indicate you may not only be an asset to the

firm’s technical niche but a valuable player

who can contribute to the firm’s overall


Infusive Solutions Conclusion:

Remember that every hiring process will have individual differences. Different organizations

will bring different professionals into the fold, at times requiring candidates to meet with others

like a portfolio manager, law firm partner or CEO.

On the other hand, some interview processes (especially at smaller organizations with fewer

personnel) may be shorter because a single person rides the line between the CTO, software

manager and senior developer’s responsibilities.

Also, certain industries like finance and law may have stricter behavioral and appearance

requirements, seeking candidates that not only have solid technical and problem solving acumen

but who are polished and have pervasively shiny hair and shoes.

Consequently, make sure to combine these general tips with your own common sense and

diligent research. Use resources like CareerCup, Glassdoor, your personal network or a trusted

recruiter to learn the specifics of a firm’s process and then supplement your approach with the

most appropriate pieces of information within this guide.

And of course, should you ever need more assistance, don’t forget that your friends at Infusive

Solutions, CareerCup and Astron Solutions are always here for consultation!

14 I Beating the Software Development Interview