BCP/DRP Consultancy Project- An approach By D V Ramamohan Global Head of IT Consultancy Practice 3i Infotech Ltd

BCP/DRP Consultancy Project- An approach

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BCP/DRP Consultancy Project- An approach. By D V Ramamohan Global Head of IT Consultancy Practice 3i Infotech Ltd. Agenda. Overview of BCM- BCP/DRP ? Approach to Execution of BCP/DRP Assignments Interaction. What is BCM…………. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BCP/DRP Consultancy Project- An approach

By D V RamamohanGlobal Head of IT Consultancy Practice3i Infotech Ltd

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Overview of BCM- BCP/DRP ? Approach to Execution of BCP/DRP

Assignments Interaction

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What is BCM…………..What is BCM…………..

Business Continuity Management is an holistic management process that identified potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building resilience and capability for an effective response that safeguards the interest of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating activities.

Business continuity means maintaining the uninterrupted availability of all key business resources required to support essential business activities.

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What is BCP/DRP?What is BCP/DRP?

The difference between business continuity and disaster recovery is not a ‚what' but a ‚whose'.

This holistic view of business continuity management differs from what many managers traditionally term Disaster Recovery Planning which has been closely, if not solely, associated with information technology. By changing the focus, the emphasis is placed on the whole business, not just on technology issues alone. This reinforces the concept of continuity of all key processes, extending beyond information technology systems, important though they are in modern business.

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Threats to Availability




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Goals of Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster scenarios and Recovery Strategies:

1. “Building on fire / Shambles”

Alternate Site, Hot site vendor, Data vaulting

2. Facility stands inaccessible

Remote connectivity, tape libraries

3. Facility accessible, physical failure

Redundant systems, HW Vendor SLA’s

4. Facilitate & equip operational, logical failure

Standards, Documented procedures, security

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Why DRP?.....Few statistics

Major disasters: 9/11attack, UK bombings, Flooding in Mumbai,

Earthquake in Indonesia Other statistics:

% of Hardware failure % of Operational errorCost per hour of downtime? - $ 78000Average incidents per hour? 9Hours per incidents? 4.2 hrs Downtime cost per year? $ 2,970,000

Source: Contingency Planning Research conducted on 450 fortune 1000 companies

(Research shows 80%)

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Let us execute an DRP assignment…

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What will be scope of workWhat will be scope of work

Subjects: IT Systems/Applications/Data Data Centre/Facilities/Services People

Technical/Functional: Disaster Recovery Strategy and Solutions Disaster Recovery Plan and Procedures Implementation Guidance to implement proposed

solutions Testing the Plan Training

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What will be the deliverables….What will be the deliverables….

Business Impact Study Analysis and Risk Assessment Report

Disaster Recovery Strategy vis-à-vis Scenarios DR Solution Architecture DR Team Organization and Roles Disaster Recovery Plan and Procedures Setting up Disaster Recovery Site, if need be Test Plans/ Mock drills reports Maintenance Plan Training

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What should be the Approach……..What should be the Approach……..Project Management Methodology:

Your own…. Kick off meeting Execution Closure meeting

Execution of assignment: Step one: Key IT Assets identification and RA Step two: Business impact analysis (BIA) Step three: Design continuity treatments Step four: Document the Plans Step Five: Implement continuity treatments Step Six: Test and maintain the plan Step Seven: Training

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Step one: Key IT Assets identification and RA

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Asset identification…

Obtain/inventory the key assets


System Software





Perform Risk Analysis




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Risk Assessment and Management

Business Riks

Rating/RankingOf Risks

Level of Acceptable Risk

Identification of threats

Identification ofvulnerabilities

Asset IdentificationAnd valuations

Asset IdentificationAnd valuations

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Step Two: Business Impact Analysis

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Business Impact Analysis

Establish the Organization’s Recovery requirements

Requirements defined by Business Units

Identify and Define Critical Business Processes

Identify Systems

Identify Recovery Timeframes and Recovery

objectives for each process

IT Department’s involvement is the enabler for the Plan

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Step Three: Design Continue treatments

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Recovery objectives


Mirroring / Replication

Mins DaysHrsSecs WksDays MinsHrsWks Secs

Data LossData Loss(Recovery Point Objective)(Recovery Point Objective)

DowntimeDowntime(Recovery Time Objective)(Recovery Time Objective)

Restore from Tape


Restore from Disk


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Step Four: Document the plans

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Document Plans

Organization of the Teams

Detailed Procedures – Technical & Manual Workarounds

Emergency Response Flow

Emergency Contact Lists

Crash Kits

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BCP Team Organization

Business Continuity Committee(Management Authorization)

Execution TeamsExecution Teams

BCP Team Leader

BCP Spokesperson Internal Auditor

EmergencyAction Team

Damage Asst. &

Salvage Team



Admin,Security &

Support Team


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Enterprise business process, people and technology

Environmental Management

Crisis Management

Knowledge Management

Human Management

Security and Privacy

Communications PR

Risk Management

Emergency Management

IT Disaster Recovery

Facility Management

Supply Chain Management

Health and Safety

Documentation should cover

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Step Five: Implement Continue Treatments

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Step six: Test/Exercise the plans

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Test/Exercising the Plans

Controlled Test of Procedures

Structured Walkthroughs

Desktop Tests

Simulation Test

Partial Technical Tests

Full Scale Tests

Allows Management to understand:



Apply Lessons Learned

Revise Procedures & Incorporate into the Plan

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Step six: Training…

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Create Corporate Awareness of Developed Plans

Team needs to be made knowledgeable of their role

Training Primary & Alternates Contacts

Awareness on task handling (JD) for Team

“Management Support is Key for any BCP-DR Activity”

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Few websites…

www.pas56.com Guide for BCM www.thebci.org for BC Guidelines www.bsi-global.com for BS25999

(Replacement of PAS 56) www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?

csnumber=41532 for ISO/IEC 24762:2008

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