Life Independent of Manifestation Issue 29-Spring 2008 The Newsletter of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing ® ® BBSH InTouch ® In this year of training, we focus on self— re-identification, not only with the light within, but also with self as life before manifestation into light: with self as void. Channeled by Barbara Brennan What then is life as void? There is nothing to hang a definition on. Nothing to identify with other than no-thing, nothing, i.e., existence without thing-ness. Consider the possibility that you have always been void, nothingness or no-thing-ness; that your basic experience of life is void, and that life as void is not very different from life as identified in a human body with various things and no-things. Move with us now, according to your own predilection, into this void. You can choose to do so through your body, through a higher state of meditation— not necessarily connected to a body. You can do it into the very center of a cell in the tip of your finger if you wish, for the void exists everywhere and every no-where. Within the void one finds peace, yet there is no one doing the finding. The peace simply is. The ancients have spoken about this for millennia and you have all heard of meditating into the void within and all around you. It is the peace beyond the peace that is associated with relief from pain or struggle. It is simply peace per se, peace beyond what is called recognition. One could call it being. The experience is much more than the words that simply point in the direction or non-direction of such experience. The degree of peace in this particular way or non-way of experiencing is related to your degree of acceptance of what is. That which you call manifest, that which you call un-manifest, that which you call alive, that which you call non-life— all are simply terms of duality for the sake of leading self into an experience of all-ness. Sometimes it is called unity, sometimes called wholeness, all of which are simply words seeking union. In the very center of this sacred sphere that encircles you is another kind of peace: The peace of a community made whole. Consider the possibility that it is no accident that there are so many countries of the world present here in a community being made whole. We have a microcosm of the macrocosm on earth. You can awaken into a basic experience of life that exists within everyone and every no-one that does not depend on manifestation. You can find that experience deep within the void inside the center of the core star that exists in the center of the body, and also in the center of every cell. By Barbara Brennan Founder and President of BBSH continued on next page

BBSH InTouch - Barbara Brennan · 2016-10-11 · InTouch ® In this year of ... to Deepen the Work 3 ... for the body, mind and energy field of our clients. The training is designed

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Page 1: BBSH InTouch - Barbara Brennan · 2016-10-11 · InTouch ® In this year of ... to Deepen the Work 3 ... for the body, mind and energy field of our clients. The training is designed

Life Independent of ManifestationIssue 29-Spring 2008The Newsletter of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing®


BBSH •InTouch®

In this year of training, we focus on self—re-identification, not only with the light within, but also with self as life before manifestation into light: with self as void.

Channeled by Barbara Brennan

What then is life as void?There is nothing to hang a definition on.

Nothing to identify withother than no-thing, nothing, i.e.,

existence without thing-ness.

Consider the possibilitythat you have always been void,nothingness or no-thing-ness;

that your basic experience of life is void,and that life as void is not very differentfrom life as identified in a human body

with various things and no-things.

Move with us now,according to your own predilection,

into this void.

You can choose to do so through your body,through a higher state of meditation—not necessarily connected to a body.

You can do it into the very center of a cellin the tip of your finger if you wish,

for the void exists everywhereand every no-where.

Within the void one finds peace, yet there is no one doing the finding.

The peace simply is.

The ancients have spoken about this for millennia and you have all heard of meditating into the void within and all around you.

It is the peace beyond the peacethat is associated with relief from pain

or struggle.

It is simply peace per se,peace beyond what is called recognition.

One could call it being.

The experience is much morethan the words that simply pointin the direction or non-direction

of such experience.

The degree of peacein this particular way or non-way of

experiencing is related to your degree of acceptance

of what is.

That which you call manifest,that which you call un-manifest,

that which you call alive,that which you call non-life—all are simply terms of duality

for the sake of leading selfinto an experience of all-ness.

Sometimes it is called unity, sometimes called wholeness,

all of which are simply words seeking union.

In the very center of this sacred spherethat encircles you

is another kind of peace:The peace of a community made whole.

Consider the possibility that it is no accidentthat there are so many countries of the world

present here in a communitybeing made whole.

We have a microcosm of the macrocosm on earth.

You can awaken into a basic experience of lifethat exists within everyone and every no-one thatdoes not depend on manifestation. You can findthat experience deep within the void inside the center of the core star that exists in the center ofthe body, and also in the center of every cell.

By Barbara Brennan

Founder andPresident of BBSH

continued on next page

Page 2: BBSH InTouch - Barbara Brennan · 2016-10-11 · InTouch ® In this year of ... to Deepen the Work 3 ... for the body, mind and energy field of our clients. The training is designed

Barbara BrennanP R E S I D E N T

Barbara Brennan School of Healing500 NE Spanish River Boulevard

Suite 108Boca Raton, FL 33431-4559


Fax: 561-620-9028

[email protected]


[email protected]

Graphic Design & ProductionANGELA FARINELLI

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Issue 29 - Spring 2008

The Newsletter of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing®

The Barbara Brennan School of Healing; BBSH;Barbara Brennan; Brennan Healing Science;Brennan Healing Science Practitioner; Hands ofLight; Hands of Light Healing; Heyoan; HaraLine; Hara Level; Haric Level; Hara Healing;Brennan Hara Healing; Core Star; Core StarLevel; Core Star Healing; Brennan Core StarHealing; Core Essence; Seeds of the Spirit; andthe Hands of Light logo are trademarks and service marks of Barbara Brennan or BarbaraBrennan, Inc. as applicable.



All life rests upon the foundation of the void.All life rests upon the void.

All manifest life draws its life out of the void,or rather, shall we say out of the void

love arises and becomes lightthat eventually manifests into matter.

Yet that does not ever take life away fromthe foundation of all manifestation:


Nor can it remove life from that which isdeeper than light:

love, the creative force of the universe.

Deeper under love is void;life as void.

When humanity begins re-creating its institu-tions based on this truth, everything will change.Rather than believing one must have somethingsolid to stand on, or to live for, it is the opposite.Consider the safety in such a reality, even though itis so different: i.e., the safety of the experience ofvoid as your basic foundation of life.

The fact that void is lifecreates the experience of complete safety,

because it negates the idea of death.

How then would you build intellectual or religious institutions? Would there be separation?Would there be duality?

Consider life as unity,every thing and no-thing is life

founded upon/within void,no-thing.

All is here now.

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Advanced Programs for Alumni

Invitation to BBSH/BBSHE Alumni to Deepen the Work


Alumni are invited to participate in two programs that have been specificallydeveloped to deepen and expand your practice of Brennan Healing Science®

and your other personal or professional healing expressions.

The Anatomy and Physiology curriculum, originally designed to meet theBBSH student requirements, has expanded into an incomparable 4-year journeythrough the physical and energetic realms of the human body, profoundly enhancingincarnational awareness for you and your clients. Sherry Pae, R.N., the A&PProgram Director, and some of the A&P faculty give you a taste of this life-changingexperience.

The Advanced Studies Brennan Integration Work program , one ofthe most advanced and exciting programs developed by the Barbara Brennan Schoolof Healing, is coming to Europe and Japan. The BIW program, already highly popular among post-graduate students in the U.S., will be available at BBSHE andat BBSHJ beginning in September. Michael Mervosh, dean of the U.S. program,describes the unparalleled support and guidance it offers graduates in growing intothe highest level of skill, awareness and knowledge as healers, supervisors and teachersof Brennan Healing Science as well as in their own personal development. InEurope, the program will be led by John Shordike; in Japan, by Joyce Crum.

ASBIW faculty Michael Mervosh, Joyce Crum and John Shordike

A&P1 faculty Deborah Mathison Noeker andJonathan Bessone

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—by Michael Mervosh, ASBIW U.S. Dean

Advanced Studies Brennan IntegrationWork Training Program

The new Advanced Studies training program supports grad-uates in creating a more dynamic and vital healing containerfor the body, mind and energy field of our clients. The trainingis designed to develop the ability to hold a client in their own “personal process,” to learn the art of facilitating or deepeningthat process, and to be able to integrate this into energy work.

The program places a strong emphasis on embodiment andsees the healer’s own body as a vibrational instrument, aresource that can be utilized to help the client’s healingprocess. We also emphasize working in a here-and-now context, with what is actual and unfolding—or refusing tounfold—in the present moment.

We learn how to work with the life-force energy held withinthe core of an individual’s essence and being. We practice usingit as a vital, galvanizing presence in our sessions and discoverhow it can serve as a deeply receptive and inviting presence thatcalls forth the life of another in our midst. It is our belief thatour clients come to us because we have been able to harnessthis life force to some degree in our own minds and bodies. It allows us access to the kind of energy necessary to take an interest in our clients without fixing or controlling the outcomeof their lives. Instead, we both empower them and hold themaccountable to do that for themselves, but not by themselves.

The content of ASBIW training includes Body-MindPrinciples, Group Process teachings, Advanced Characterology lectures, Pathwork teaching and lectures, Process Work teach-ings and Sexuality and Aggression work. Students give presen-tations on psychological disorders in one year and emotionalanatomy in the next year. (This year, our topics for deeperexploration are depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumaticstress disorder, addiction and narcissism.)

We also place a heavy emphasis on practice sessions; webelieve that nothing deepens the learning faster than experi-ence. We do many one-to-one sessions in our training, some-times with a student supervisor observing the session andalways with the teachers available for immediate, on-the-spotsupervision. We work in small groups of 5–6, larger groups of10–12, and in the community group of the entire class. We do“live fishbowl” demonstrations of individual or group processwork, with lively and insightful process integration and commentary sessions afterwards. Here is a vivid example of a student presentation and the profound questions that came up for discussion:

A 35-year-old married mother of two young children is sit-ting in front of me in my healing space. She has an agitated,almost desperate demeanor. This is her first session with me.

She has been referred to me by a friend because of the significant physical, mental and emotional symptoms she isexperiencing in her life. She talks about the stressful fightingover finances and sex in her marriage, feeling overwhelmed ather workplace, the impatience and anger she has with her toddlers and the guilt she feels about this.

She reports distress in her body and tells me she suffers fromheartburn and frequent headaches. She has trouble sleeping andwakes up exhausted. She wants me to help her feel better.

I feel her expectations from me as a healer and my bodybegins to tense. I see the energetic blocks in her auric field,especially in her diaphragm and throat; the fragmentation in herhara line between her soul seat and tan tien. I get a subtle senseof choking in my own throat as I listen. I can feel the busy-nessof her mind in the rapid-fire pace of her thoughts and her high-pitched speech.

I feel a dilemma growing inside and wonder what I can do forthis client. What is called for here? I feel the demand from herto “fix” her life, to clear and repair her energy field, and to takeaway her pain. She looks to me with pleading eyes and she isenergetically pulling on me. She has this childlike sense ofhopeful, perhaps naive, confidence in me.

I also feel within myself a desire to take away her pain and apressure to do so as quickly as possible. I feel compelled to “fix”what appears to be wrong in her energy field and in her relation-ships and her thinking.

So how do I deal with all this? How will my responses to hercry for help support her process? What would be my intention?How might my choice of response collude with her defenses andfantasies about healing? Am I simply reinforcing a false senseof hope to avoid the deep despair and hopelessness behind herwords? How do I address this with her, without overwhelmingher or myself with the prospect of facing her own pain?

In working through such a situation in class, you now engagein a rich and meaningful dialogue, you re-examine your deepestbeliefs about what healing is, how it happens, and who does thehealing. You grow your understanding of “process work,” how itunfolds and develops, as well as what it really means to facilitatethat process. As a result of this deepening dialogue, you feelinto what your newly emerging and authentic responses mightbe to this client in your next session.

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You gain a clearer sense of the boundary between the healerand client and a more grounded sense of the work that will needto take place within the client and between the two of you. Youbegin to relax and get excited about going forward with her. Youhave a sense of an initial healing approach and how to describeit in useful language to your client. You learn more about howto reflect the client’s dilemma back to her, holding her in and toher own personal process without fixing and without being passive.

You see more clearly the energy work that you will offer onthe table. You sense how to support her energy field so she canhave a more realistic opportunity to heal her pain and grow inher own development. You are learning about “developmentaledges,” about how to balance support with challenge as you doongoing work with your client’s process.

Few other settings offer this richness of learning and discussion. It is possible only because of the prior transforma-tion and self-awareness that has already taken place during thefour years of the PS training—and your commitment to take itfurther, your dedication to receiving the best possible support sothat your gifts can unfold in their fullness.

I have attempted to transmit the essence of the ASBIW program while also relating the structure of what we do in thisdynamic “cooking pot” of process training. However, we haveobserved that when you are working at the core of your being,words will be an inadequate reflection of what actually transpiresbetween people.

There is an unmistakable “felt sense” that something essential is taking place or is about to take place. The feeling ofawe is a common collective feeling among students witnessing a“crucial moment” emerge in a process session, where somethingtender and/or fierce comes forth in a client, sometimesexpressed, sometimes simply illuminated. Those witnessing thisprocess watch something inspiring as well as humbling give birthto itself in the midst of our own silent and surrendered presence.

Program InformationProgram Information

ASBIW is a two-year training with five class meetings eachyear, held concurrently with the regular school weeks. Thetraining meets for six days each class week (one day earlier thanthe PS1-4 schedule). For the 2008–9 school year, the programwill be offered at BBSH in Miami, BBSHJ in Chiba, Japan,and BBSHE at its new location in Bad Ischl, Austria.

Completion of the ASBIW Program qualifies you to work asa Brennan Integration Practitioner (BIP). A BIP is qualified towork with students to meet the school’s personal process require-ments. Completing the program also is now a prerequisite forbecoming a teacher at the school.

For further information, please visit the BBSH website.You can also contact the following ASBIW deans—Michael

Mervosh at [email protected]; John Shordike at [email protected]; and Joyce Crum at: [email protected].

“What I have received so far from the ASBIW programis an incredible deepening of my own process and theopportunity to be taught highly professional standards thatfocus on humanity for adult learners.

Unlike any other I am aware of, the ASBIW program provides a situation that teaches the skills to facilitateindividual and group process while being a member of agroup container that provides constant self-reflection andcommitment to high ideals of growth. There is a largeamount of work involved, but it is all extremely relevantto our process and our learning.”

Patti Okun, BBSH '07

“As part of the BIW1 curriculum, small groups of twoto six people chose to present and presence a psychologicaldisorder (anxiety, panic attack, narcissism, schizophrenia,addictions, PTSD, depression) in class. I chose the"depression group" and the healing I received was enormous. It was the most profound healing moment Ihave ever experienced. For the first time since I have beendepressed, I was met on a physical, emotional, mental andenergetic level by my classmates. I am now starting to beexcited about my life.

In addition, I have learned and experienced how to holda space and be with a depressive client until their "door"opens. This was one of the many profound experiencesthat I have had in this program. I am immensely gratefulto Michael, Joyce and John.”

Monica Howden, BBSH '07

"After half a year in the ASBIW Program, my experience has been one of deep exploration and supportfor that process. The program and teachers provide anexperience of one-on-one and group process and mirroringsuch that we are experiencing at a deep level the processand support that we are in training to provide ourselves.The depth of learning about characterology, defense, theprocess of disease and personal process is extraordinaryand is only absorbed because of the base of the four yearsof professional training at BBSH. The ASBIW Program isboth challenging and rewarding. It is, in my opinion,worth all the preparation to get to it—the icing on thecake."

Wendy Wade, BBSH '07

What students say about ASBIW:

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Ahhhhhh…The Body—the vessel of experience, wonder, precision, and unfolding splendor!The territory of discovery in sen-sate awareness, our way for trulyknowing this world and who andwhat we are and are not. Tension,

spaciousness, flow, form, function, reaction and response—these call us to the journey of the inner world, the

world of the body, “the kingdom of heaven."One of the ways that this inner world has unfolded at

BBSH is in the re-creation of the Anatomy & Physiology Icourse, and the creation of the Anatomy & Physiology II, III,and IV courses. All of this unfolding has arisen from a burning passion and love of the sensate, the body and theinner world. The outer urging to create these courses camefrom Barbara when BBSH applied to become a college. I wasthrilled by her direction in asking me to create courses thatwould expand the students’ knowledge of the physical body. A vision for the curriculum effortlessly came into expression inwhat we have called Anatomy and Physiology. In truth, thiscurriculum is so much more than any Anatomy andPhysiology course; it is an ever-evolving teaching and explo-ration of the body from the unitive perspective, the integrationof the four-dimensional model, high sense perception, and theprocess of transformation and healing.

The BBSH/E A&P courses have been and continue to be creations of learning and exploration, birthed out of the passionate hunger to know God within.

There have been co-creators in this process, teachers whohave felt the same love for the physical body and a passionatedesire to expand our exploration into this fascinating territory.I am deeply grateful for the depth of their wisdom and experi-ence.

I would like to express a particular note of appreciation and recognition to Anna Schalk, Janice Luckenbill and DeborahNoeker, who spent many hours working to write curriculumfrom the ground up, with little more than a vision that I hadcommunicated.

It has been an amazing accomplishment. Members of the current BBSH A&P faculty have written here about the courses they teach, a taste of what is offered with great loveand respect. We hope you enjoy the offering. You are mostwelcome to contact any of us if you would like more information.

BBSH/E Anatomy & PhysiologyYear 3 Dean, BBSHE, and Anatomy and Physiology Program Head

Come join us and enjoy! Ahhhhhh...The Body.

A&P I, II, III, and IV courses are open to students and graduates of BBSH, BBSHE and BBSHJ. Please contact the office formore details.

2008 Summer A&P Intensive Dates:Deerfield Beach, FloridaA&P I – July 7th–17thA&P II – July 7th–11th

A&P III – July 12th–16thA&P IV – July 17th–21st

by Sherry Pae, R.N.

Sherry Pae

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I have taught A&P I as an integral part of the BBSH curriculum for the past six years. Each year the course deepensand becomes more than just A&P I. It has opened into a broad-er scope that includes the knowledge and wisdom of somethingmuch greater than the sum of its text chapters and experientialenergetic exercises. Our BBSH/BBSHE curriculum, A&P I forHealers, unfolds as an amazing personal journey into the cellular depths of our own sacred being. The class days floweffortlessly together as we study each body system, weaving thehealer’s deeper understanding of how these systems are energizedthrough the seven main chakra vortices.

Each week becomes an opportunity to sink into, open andexplore, with our widening HSP, a deepening contact with selfand other as we gain hands-on experience of the human body.

A&P I is created to allow a flow in of useful informationthrough many ways of perceiving. Students enjoy the rich sightsand sounds of living systems presented in the 3D animationDVDs of Body Atlas. We also use colorful PowerPoint presentation lectures, guided visual internal body journeys and discussions of personal experience. In the afternoons, studentsin dyads, working on tables, engage in energy experiential exer-cises of direct body assessment and contact. Learning comes inmany creative ways making it easy and comfortable. Thestudent’s consciousness naturally broadens from the sense of selfas physicality to the direct experience of self as a multi-dimen-sional human.

In addition to studying the body’s basic metabolic systems,we explore how energy intake balances and harmonizes ourbody’s ability to maintain optimal health and well-being. Fromhere, the student directly experiences the hands-on uniqueexpression and resonance of each tissue type and organ commu-nication. We touch into the scope of cellular awareness whichencompasses our active cell membrane communication betweenthe intra-cellular organelles and extra-cellular environment, andbetween the infinite universe that resides within every cell.

Each HSP sense is enhanced by doing this coursework.Students are supported by direct feedback from teachers, validation within the student dyads and full classroom sharingfor confirmation of HSP insights.

Whether taken during the school year in the sequence of thetwo-day class period following each week, or as a ten-day sum-mer intensive, A&P I offers a unique journey into our divinelyorchestrated body systems comprised of billions of cells fullyaware, fully integrated, within our Human EnergyConsciousness System.

I have the honor of teaching with Jonathan Bessone, Year 2Small Class Teacher, who brings a wealth of knowledge andexpertise that enrich the scope of this entire course. He writes:

"I first began studying anatomy as an artist when I was inhigh school. My passion for sculpture led me to an appreciationof the elegance of structure and function of the human form.Later, in massage school, I studied in more detail. The more Ilearned, the more awe I held for the magnificent creations thatour bodies are. My reverence for the body became spiritual.

“The thing that really excites me about the A&P curriculumat BBSH is the opportunity to have a different experience ofour physical bodies. It is about recognizing that this awakeningprocess is happening right here in the physical. It's not so muchthat the body supports consciousness, the body itself is con-sciousness. Consciousness is happening right now in your cells.Textbooks, lecture and multimedia form a sort of diving boardwhich launches us into direct experiential exploration of thepools of energy-consciousness that our bodies truly are. Verycool stuff."

“A&P I has been a beautiful bridge between the mind-numbing volume of information in most A&P textbooksand the miraculous experience of being in our bodies on adaily basis. Our teachers, Deborah and Jonathan, are wonderful in guiding us back and forth between the learning material and actual sense of what is being experienced in our bodies.” Ken Todoki

“Not only do I get to learn about our beautiful bodyand its Intelligent Design, I get to see how to integrate itinto the energy work in all its manifestation. It’s trulyawesome.” Lynn Landis

Anatomy & Physiology Iby Deborah Mathison Noeker, R.N., B.S.N., Health Educator


Comments from current A&P I students:

A&P1 faculty Deborah Mathison Noeker andJonathan Bessone

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A&P II: The HumanOrganism—Responses inRelationship, is a unique blend oflecture, discussion, experientiallearning, inspiration, sharing, read-ing and films, all delving into thetransformative relationship between

the human energy-consciousness system and the physical body. It isunlike any anatomy course I have ever experienced. The courseexpands on the teaching of A&P I and is aligned with the Year 2curriculum study of relationships.

It is the “glue” that unites all the pieces of the information puzzle collected up to now, assembling them into a coherent picture that reflects the transformative relationship between form,function and the human energy-consciousness system. Studentsare encouraged to stretch into exploring a new paradigm of quan-tum reality while remaining firmly rooted in classical and currentscience.

In the first week, we explore the characterological defenses andtheir relationship to developmental growth, the physiological sys-tems and the potential manifestation of disease. Repeated patternsof wounding in combination with physical developmental stagescreate specific effects in the body that are associated with the character structures. We explore these patterns of holding in eachcharacter structure and develop an understanding of the relation-ship between them and the body’s health or potential for disease.Hands of Light and Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan are theassigned texts.

In the second week, we study the physiologic and energetic relationships between the body’s systems and how these systemscommunicate, including the role of the “molecules of emotion."The big question that arises is what initiates the myriad number ofregulating responses that keep the body functioning. Cutting edgeresearch is introduced that suggests that light and consciousnessmay be an answer. Assigned reading is Molecules of Emotion byCandace Pert.

Week Three, we take everything we have learned so far and integrate that with an exploration of our relationship with the envi-ronment, boundaries and the immune system. Zero-point unifiedfield theory is introduced with its potential for restoring balance tothe immune system. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of theUniverse by Lynne McTaggart is the required reading.

Trauma and Energy Healing is the topic for Class Four. Weexplore links between trauma and physiology, the effects and symptoms of trauma and guidelines for working with clients. The assigned text is Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine.

Week Five explores the heart and healing, including the impacton the heart of beliefs, thoughts and emotions. The HeartMathSolution by Doc Childre and Howard Martin is the text.

A&P II: The Human Organism— Responses in Relationship

by Hillary Filardi Gauvreau, B.A., ACBT

When the course is complete, students have significantly added totheir healing and high sense perception capabilities.

They understand the relationships between systems, and howbeliefs, thoughts, and emotions affect those systems. The courseinvites the student into a greater awareness of how Healing Scienceskills integrate with the functioning of the physical body.

This is my first year teaching A&P II and I am very excited aboutthe curriculum that Sherry Pae and Anna Schalk have created. Myassistant teacher is Josef Beraha, who is also my co-teacher on theYear 3 team. Lucky me! Lucky students! He brings solid presence,support, insightful sharing, a compassionate heart, and an iPodloaded with great music to the class. Before my current incarnationas a Brennan healer, I worked in various clinical and research labora-tories. Back in the 1970s, I researched T-cell activation and theimmunological response to cancer. It was revolutionary then but nowseems like the dark ages compared to current scientific research.Teaching this course is renewing my passion and excitement for science and how it can support the work we do with energy healing.Each week, as I prepare for class, I sit with my perception of the“bigger picture” and search for an “aha!” moment that will bringsomething new and exciting to enrich the teaching, whether that is ascientific paper, a concept, an experiential or a DVD. My intentionsare to present the science simply and clearly, to inspire the studentsto get excited about the incredible elegance of the human body and toinvoke their innate curiosity to know more. I also enjoy the “aha!”moments I see reflected in students’ faces when they relate their ownexperience to the material and come to a new and deeper understanding of themselves and their work. This course brings theknowledge we have about healing and what we know about the physical functions of the body into an exciting relationship that is useful in our lives and our professions.

Hillary Filardi Gauvreau

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A&P III: Application of Brennan Healing Science in Health and Disease

In conjunction with the Year 3 curriculum, the A&P IIIcourse focuses on Intention and Surrender to Divinity as it directsthe structure and function of our lives throughout the life stagesof our physical, psychological and spiritual development. Thecourse explores cellular organ physiology from the developmentof stem cells, the relationship of cellular intention and coreessence to this development, structure and function and therelated implications for healing. The integration of the levels ofthe field is also addressed as we study the effects of surgery andorgan transplantation. Specific psychological problems that arefrequently experienced in relationship to the developmentalchanges are studied.

It has been an exciting course to develop as well as to teachand I am fortunate to have Rodolfo Felix, M.D., assisting thisyear. Here is the full scope of the class curriculum:

Class #1 – Life Stages: We travel from the intention toincarnate through conception, embryonic development and pregnancy, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood,midlife and menopause and elderhood. The implications for healing at each stage are highlighted.

Class #2 – Cellular Organ Physiology: We look at thesystems in the physical body in relationship to their purpose or

intention, further exploring the intention of the organs, tissues,and cells. Is each supporting the intention of the system? Is therelationship of the structured and the unstructured and all of theorganelles within the cell in harmony with all other levels of theperson? Is there a presence of a steady state necessary to main-tain health? We also study the various types of stem cells andtheir purpose in relationship to tissue differentiation. Both thepotential and hazards in stem cell stimulation are examined aswell as the implications of understanding cell division, the role ofmicrotubules and a disease process such as cancer.

Class #3 – Surgery and Organ Transplantation: Studentslearn how to support clients going through the various phases ofsurgery including how to prepare both self and client to enter theoperating room. We see the inner workings and equipment in anoperating room and how the OR staff prepare themselves andtheir patients. Each phase of the surgery experience is describedso students learn how best to work with the client. We spendtime discussing organ transplant, how to be with the clientundergoing transplant, and working energetically with the organas well as the energetic relationship with the donor and family.We are able to see an organ transplant and photos taken througha laproscope.

Class #4 – Anxiety/Panic Attacks and Depression: Tools are provided to help identify these problems at various age stages. Therole of the healer both in preventing and working with people dealing with these issues, and the dynamics of these issues are studied. We use information and guidelines to support ways of relating to standard mental health providers and determining whenthere is a need for these providers.

Day#5 – Final Exam/Evaluation—End of Physical Life/Intentionality and the Grieving Process: The process of dying isexplored by observing what happens physically as well as energetically.Looking again at the developmental tasks during the dying process,we explore ways the healer can help with the preparation as well assupport during the death itself. We deeply encounter grief and waysthe grieving person can be held.

by Janice Luckenbill, R.N.

Janice Luckenbill

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I have had the opportunity to teach A&P IV for the last threeyears. The first year I was asked by Sherry Pae, who developed thecourse, to be one of the small group supervisors along with Sherryand Laurie Keene. I was also assistant teacher for A&P II withAnna Schalk at the time, so I spent my mornings in A&P IVobserving healings and my afternoons in A&P II. And although Ihad enjoyed my three years in A&P II tremendously, I have toadmit that A&P IV really caught my interest and passion in working with the students. Last year I came on full time to thecourse that included teaching the lecture material that I co-taughtwith Jonathan Bessone. This year I have the pleasure of teachingwith Steve Stroud.

Each of the A&P courses reflects elements and content of thecorresponding Professional Studies year. A&P IV is a wonderfuland unique blend of lecture and hands-on work that combines notonly the work of Year 4, but also requires the student to synthesizeand integrate the whole of their learning from their four years ofstudy, as they are asked to present a live healing session with theirclient in front of their student peers. This is truly a rich opportunity both for the healer and the class observers. We as agroup become a real-time laboratory as we enter the "healing field"and bring our presence and observations into the room.

The student healer presents their work with their client throughthe intake process, healing on the four dimensions and a post-healing class discussion. The student utilizes all Psych-SpiritualDevelopment and Healing Science skills and begins to pull fromtheir "tool box" to work with a real and individualized healing session with their client in the present moment. Any BBSH skillscan be used or combined. The student healer strives to create a safeand sensitive healing environment while cultivating and deepeninginto the healer/client relationship as they work with the issues theclient brings to the session.

The class observers take on the role of witness and are asked togive feedback to the healer after the healing session. This providesthe class with the very rich experience of observing each person'sunique healing style and punctuates healing as an artful dance. Theclass is generally quite astounded at how much they are able tosense and see as they "read" the field. High Sense Perception duringthe healings becomes a visual, palpable thing that can be trackedand felt. We, as a group, observe what has been evoked by the clientand the healer, and the client/healer relationship, and together webegin to discover ways to work with this as a healing tool.

The student healer is given feedback by their peers and supervi-sor that often enlightens the healer in a deeply meaningful way andsupports continued personal exploration of issues, images and questions in their personal process and in their healership. As youcan imagine, by the end of the year the students find this opportu-nity to be a great learning experience in each role-–as healer, clientand observer—and come to understand that the methods that weteach at BBSH are truly a blend of science, creative impulse, consciousness and presence.

Anatomy and Physiology IVby Kate Pernice, R.N.

To support the deepening of this healing work the lecture portionof A&P IV delves into the world of cell biology. Our bodies are com-prised of fifty trillion cells. Imagine! And so as we sink our awarenessinto the cellular level we begin to experience cellular thinking, feelingand willing. We explore listening and contact at the cellular level aswell as communication, relationship, and community. We begin ourjourney by looking at pictures of different kinds of cells to distinguishhow form creates function, how intentionality creates relationship andhow communication creates community. We look at both normal cellsand disease. We also use microscopes to look at prepared slides and wecreate our own slides of live cells for observation.

We look at vital cell structures such as the complexity of the cellwall and investigate how normal cell processes organize and supportconsciousness within the whole human organism. We explore intra(inner) and extra (outer) cellular functioning and the implications forClinical Brennan Work as a tool for healing on the cellular level.Microtubules are fascinating structures that we also explore as special-ized organizing centers that assist in transportation, cell division,structural support, and, in quantum terms, emit light, vibration, andperhaps appear and disappear with the ability to transmit informationand energy consciousness beyond the physical body. We have livelydiscussions about distance healing and how our physiology is manifestfrom our spiritual nature. We work with the Psych-SpiritualDevelopment skills on the cellular level and explore how, for instance,defense patterns, intentionality, lower and higher self create bothhealth and disease in our bodies. We look at the essence of disease asan individual expression of how we identify ourselves in the world andhow this is articulated in cellular listening and contact with an envi-ronment that expresses normal or abnormal functioning.

Teaching A&P IV has been a wonderful opportunity to work withstudents and graduates as an extension of the Year 4 curriculum. This course echoes the individuating process of this final year of theProfessional Studies Program. Just as with the Case Presentation andthe Year 4 Project, the student has the opportunity to ask the question, "Who am I in my healership? How will I present myself inmy skills, my knowledge, and in my unique style of healing with aclient beyond BBSH?" It is an opportunity to put creativity intopractice, to shift into the role of healer and learn about the essential

self, limitations, longings, and thepower of holding all of this. It is another part of the path of stepping into the unknown, with yourpeers as witness, and claiming yourmastery as healer. I have felt mostfortunate and deeply honored to bepart of this journey and I wholeheart-edly invite you all to A&P IV!

10Kate Pernice

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CreationsBBSH/E alumni are always invited to submit In Touch

articles about your latest accomplishments. After hearing aboutthe publication of her second book, we asked BBSH 1996graduate Traci Slatton to tell us about her writing journey.

My novel IMMORTAL, released by Bantam Dell in January, has been a healing journey in its own right.

I knew after reading my first "big book" at the age of six that Iwanted to write novels. It was a slim novel called ANGELUNAWARE, about a child passing over. It transfixed me. Even atsix, I could only think that the ability to inspire people in this waywas the most wondrous thing in the world. The longing to do sohas led me through my life, prompting me to be the first person inmy family to go to college. It eventually led me to the BBSH. I feltthat the capacity to publish my writing was blocked and I needed towork on myself to open it. I also sensed a need to explore the unityof matter and spirit; I intuited that that unity was of primary importance in my writing.

I graduated from BBSH in 1996 with the strong feeling thatgraduation was a beginning, not an ending. I had been informallyseeing clients since almost the end of my freshman year. I neverreally advertised but clients found their way to me, and I enjoyed asmall but thriving practice. Then, in 2000 I ended my marriage, arelationship of 20 years. Within a year, all of my clients stoppedcoming to me. It was a clear sign to me that it was time to write.

In 2004, my therapist casually remarked that the Akashicrecords and quantum field were the same thing in different terms.It sparked an idea, and I contacted the ARE Press, proposing towrite a book on the bridging of science and spirit. The ARE Pressliked the idea, and PIERCING TIME & SPACE was born. In it,I profiled the morphic fields as discussed by British biologist RupertSheldrake, the quantum field’s interaction with consciousness aspostulated by physicist William Tiller, and the Akashic records aschanneled by Edgar Cayce. I looked for the points of contact inthose three bodies of work.

While writing PIERCING TIME & SPACE, I got pregnant.This third pregnancy of mine woke me up at 4:00 am. In thosepre-dawn hours, I found myself writing fiction, perhaps as a way tobalance the hard science I was researching. I had fallen in love withRenaissance art because my second husband, Sabin Howard, is aclassical figurative sculptor who firmly believes that the ItalianRenaissance is alive and well and that Michelangelo walks amongus! So I found myself writing about a boy lost on the streets ofRenaissance Florence. His was a healing journey, and I intended for

him to meet my Renaissance heroes, from Giotto to Da Vinci. ThusIMMORTAL was born.

IMMORTAL is a rags-to-riches-to-burnt-at-the-stake story.(I always wonder how many of us healers have past-life memories ofbeing burnt at the stake?) It’s also an education of the heart and aserious inquiry into the nature of faith. That is, how do we affirmour faith in God, in love, in joy, when the worst happens to ushumans on Earth? So, for my character Luca, the worst happens,over and over. He also enjoys sweet victories and the communion oftrue love. He searches for his origins, chooses love over immortality,and discovers a healing gift. At one point, he lays hands on a boy’sarm and reverses an infection, thus saving the arm from amputation.He also brings a man back from the very door of death.

Now IMMORTAL is out there in bookstores everywhere, andI’m promoting it with great enthusiasm. After all, I’m not just in thebusiness of writing books, I’m also in the business of selling them!Online reviews have largely been great, which is a wonderful andhumbling experience. It seems that many people are hungry toaddress these healing questions of faith and love that come up inIMMORTAL. I maintain a website at www.tracilslatton.com and Idid a small book tour, visiting Los Angeles, San Francisco, andSouth Bend, Indiana. Currently I am booked on over a dozen radioshows, many of them internet radio programs. Mostly, I’m eager towork on the sequel. I’ve also been playing around with a vampirenovel, which seems to me a terrific opportunity to explore the

seductiveness of the shadowand the nature of the soul.

Traci Slatton

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Feel Your Thoughts, Heal Your Splitsby Hannah Reich, BBSH ’06, ASED2 student

If reason is your major modifier and you go into your head forsafety, it can feel extremely threatening when people suggest thatyou “ground” or “stop thinking so much.” As a BBSH undergrad,in such interactions I often heard unspoken demands to changeand be different in order to be acceptable. Believing this, I wouldget defensive instantly, feel mistrustful, and withdraw into my headeven more deeply.

No healing response there! Another soul was offering me con-tact and connection, but I wasn’t getting the message. Instead Iwas feeling hurt and intimidated, and I would break into my habit-ual defense. This all took place so fast that, before I even knew it,the defense had kicked in and the process was far along. I’d findmyself full of frustration, feeling angry that nothing was working…again. Well, it was no accident that I was in BBSH, andI was committed to my learning and self-development.

The defense kept repeating itself until I began to slow downenough to notice what was going on. I began to see that I devel-oped this way because I grew up in a family and subculture thatvalued brains but considered feelings a serious liability. Intelligencewas rewarded. Intelligence made it possible to survive in a danger-ous world. Feelings were no good. No, feelings were very bad andwere best suppressed. They weren’t safe or dependable. They werelike shifting sand.

At BBSH I had a reputation for being brainy and good withwords, and I was often told to put my notebook and pen down, tocommunicate what I was feeling without words, to think less andfeel more, and, of course, to ground more. I knew my teachers hadmy well-being at heart, but I still felt misunderstood.

Wait a minute, I would think to myself. I enjoy figuring thingsout. Some artists paint; I draw conclusions. Thinking is meditation, aform of deep creative expression. As I ponder and contemplate, I write.I get to know myself and my beliefs better by writing. I keep a journaland write in it every day. When I argue, it’s because I love getting tothe heart of the matter, the place where everything intersects. That’sunity. Surely immersing myself in this pleasure is wonderful for myhealth and well-being, right? And isn’t what’s good for me good for thewhole world? Doesn’t that create world peace?

Yes, thinking can be my most soulful creative endeavor, themanifestation of my Core Essence, but it can also be a defensiveescape. I now know the difference, and when I’m most invested inpersuading people of the beauty and value of my thoughts or thatI’m right and someone else is wrong, I’m also typically mostinvolved in my defense. And the problem is, most of my thinkingis defensive.

Blaming my family and the culture I was raised in is an example of this defensive thinking. It’s how I covered up the emo-tions that terrified me and how I survived. I didn’t feel safe to feelviolently angry, to want to be mean and destructive, or to wisheverything were different, so I hid the feelings even from myselfand disguised them as blame, gradually developing progressivelymore subtle forms of negative pleasure. It’s hard to remember whenI didn’t do that.

I tried this on my teachers at BBSH, but they saw through itand wanted more of me than just my defensiveness and hostility.It’s why they gave me evaluations that said, “You are brilliant,but….” I treated my teachers the way I had treated my parents andother authority figures before them, and the way I had been treated.Fortunately, they saw my defenses as a map of where I was mostdeeply wounded, and they used the map to heal me. They taughtme to feel love and compassion for even the weakest and most dam-aged parts of myself. I learned that contact with others and lovingrelationships flow from self-acceptance. My teachers knew this fromtheir own experience, from the journey we are all on that leads us todiscover it for ourselves in our own individual and personal way. I am doing what others have done before me.

Perhaps I’ll always feel twinges of anger and resentment as Iapproach parts of myself that hurt and cry out for understanding. I know it’s no accident I incarnated where and when I did, choosingthe parents I chose, who loved me so much they gave me exactlywhat I needed. I’ve known that for a long time, but feeling it withlove and gratitude is another matter. For much of my life, fightingand blaming were the only choices I saw. Then I enrolled inBBSH. I have many different choices now.

I’m sharing this about myself for you to read if you’re sufferingfrom defensive escape, if you’re feeling frightened and vulnerable,misunderstood, or filled with wounded pride. I’ve reinvented a lot ofwheels, and I can save you the aggravation of reinventing this par-ticular one. If you’re the sort of person who loves going into yourhead all the time, I understand you. I know what you’re doing and Ifeel what you’re going through. I can offer you an easy way to getgrounded and be present—a way that feels safe and works for me.

Here’s my approach, on the following page.

Hannah Reich

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sensations thinking produces may be new for you, so take whatevertime you need to notice what you are feeling.

6. When you can recognize what thinking feels like, place one handon your head and another on your heart. Feel yourself thinking. Feelyour heart beating. Feel the connection between your head and yourheart. Re-member your head. Your head is part of your body. Your headis connected to every other part of your body. Use this awareness tobring yourself deeply into your body. You can use your head to comeback into your body at any time, because when you are in your head,you are in your body. You just may not know it; but by using yourkinesthetic sense, you can feel it.

7. Use your feeling sense now, and travel down into your feet. Lookat your feet, and feel them grow roots into the earth. You are solidly inyour body now, from the top of your head to the center of your heartto the soles of your feet. You are deeply grounded and in unity.

A Meditation to Unite the Head and Heartby Hannah Reich

1. Place your hands on either side of your head. Feel your palmscover your ears. Feel your fingertips on your hair and scalp. Slowly,allow your etheric hands to penetrate deep into your head, to travelthrough your skull, and to make very gentle contact with the outersurface of your brain.

2. With your etheric hands, feel the gyri and fissures of your cerebral cortex. Feel the textures on the surface. With your hands,begin to play. Feel the indentations and elevations. Sink into the cor-pus callosum, the place where the right and left hemispheres of yourcerebral cortex meet. Get as ecstatically kinesthetic as you can, usingyour etheric hands to explore your brain as a physical substance—asthe part of your body that just happens to be above your neck andinside your cranial cavity.

3. Find the third ventricle of your brain, and feel your etherichands bathed in cerebrospinal fluid. Follow the path of the cerebrospinal fluid as it moves into your fourth ventricle, around yourspinal cord, and as it travelsdown into your neck.

4. As you follow the path ofthe cerebrospinal fluid, let yourphysical and etheric hands travel downward along yourVertical Power Current.Experience your chakras spinning open. Perhaps theyfeel like fans, spinning air swiftly and cooling you with arefreshing breeze, or perhapsthey feel more like seaanemone, silently moving watertoward you and away from you.Keep your eyes open, and lookat your body. Notice different parts of your body.Allow your hands to move, totouch whatever part of yourbody you are looking at. Feelthe changes in your energy asyou shift your attention in different directions, as you lookat different parts of your body and touch them.

5. Now, bring your energy and awareness back to your head.Honor your head, your thoughts, and the energy you have devoted tothe wisdom of knowing and understanding. Your head is just anotherpart of your body. Feel the energy in your head. Allow yourself to recognize what the energy of thinking feels like. Let the sensations ofthinking become as clear and familiar to you as your own heartbeatalready is. Give yourself time to experience this. Experiencing the

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Another Word on Info Talks…!by Lisa Boris, Manager of Academic and Adjunctive Programs

I’m sure you can sense my excitement with this program (as wellas the FBHS Workshops, which are equally wonderful, I must say,but that’s a future article), and here’s why…even though I haven’tbeen a student and gone through the program, I am continuallyamazed at the skills and talents of our teachers and students—whoyou are, what you have gone through to get here, and what you willaccomplish once you leave.

I LOVE working at the office, the school, and what it all bringsto each of us. I would like nothing more than to see each of youhave so many clients that there aren’t enough hours in the day tosee them all. Because this means one thing…that you are bringingawareness of Brennan Healing Science to more and more peopleand ultimately, enhancing their lives, as well as your own!

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your Info Talk in any way we can!


You may recall we included an article on Informational Talks inthe last issue of In Touch…well, I’m back for Round 2! I must behonest with you, after the “invitation” went out to start you off onsetting up your Info Talks, I was anxiously checking with MaryMorrisey (our Marketing Coordinator, who works with Ian Bain) tosee the avalanche of responses we certainly must be receiving...per-haps a bit out of reality, but very optimistic! Surprisingly, I learnedthey were few. Puzzled as to why our grads weren’t jumping at thesuggestion of setting up Informational Talks to help advertise theirpractices, I conveyed my frustration to Patricia Pfost, who wiselyoffered the following possibilities as to why our email in-boxesweren’t overflowing with enthusiastic responses…among them, somepeople aren’t comfortable with public speaking; some may feel over-whelmed with the idea of setting up a talk and wondering whatinformation to include; and others have come to BBSH/E/J for per-sonal transformation and do not plan on having a practice.

OK, makes sense. If you are not interested in having a practice,that’s understandable… but, if you are, please read on, because thisis one of the best tools available to you for providing more exposureto Brennan Healing Science and this wonderful work that you do!

The “Fear of Public Speaking.” OK, I get it. This is notone of my favorite things either. And there’s definitely a differentdynamic that’s put in place when you stand up in front of a group(another scenario—you could even choose to sit in a circle with yourgroup). However, from my own experiences I have noticed thatonce you get up and start, the ice breaks and your momentumbuilds, and before you know it, your talk is flowing and your excite-ment is evident. And one of the most important things to remem-ber when giving your talk is…

You’ve already got a captive audience. These people didn’tjust wander in here by mistake. No, they are coming to hear aboutBrennan Healing Science…ready, willing, and interested to learn.

We provide you with supporting materials.Not only do we send you a guideline of talking pointsyou can cover to help structure your talk, but we’llalso send you the following materials to lend a profes-sional edge to your presentation—beautiful presentation folders (with notches on the inside pocketthat perfectly fit your business card), school brochure,bookmark, product brochure, newsletter, and DVD.Depending on availability, we’ll also send along a fewcatalogs and enrollment agreements.

As for where to hold your talk, our grads havefound plenty of places willing to accommodate them—yoga studios/centers, churches, communitycenters and massage schools, to name a few. Onceyou’ve determined the location and have scheduled adate, please contact Mary Morrisey([email protected]) for furtherassistance.

Susan Ruth Pomeranz, BBSH ’04, AS ’07 giving one of several Info Talks at her home in Lagos, Nigeria.

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What Manifesting Abundance Is Really All Aboutby Barbara Brennan Barbara’s syndicated column is now spread across the

world. Published in 15 spiritual and healing magazinesin the US and beyond, it has a regular readership ofclose to one million. In recent writings, Barbara hasexploded the myth of the inner child, questioned ourtrue intentions and examined the wounds around loveand sex. Here is a recent column that appeared in USNews & World Report.

How do we go about creating a better life? And whatexactly does a better life look like to you? For most people, it means more money, a better job, a loving part-ner, perhaps a bigger house. These are all reasonableambitions for they form part our natural yearning toimprove the quality of our existence.

Unfortunately, we usually set about achieving thesegoals in ways that appears to be direct but are actuallycounterproductive. Too often, we get trapped in a cycle ofchasing, failing and frustration. No matter what lengthswe go to, they always seem to fall short.

The trick is in understanding that the more you worryabout material benefits—or the absence of them—the lesslikely you are to create them. Why? Because the desire formore money or career success is just too small an objec-tive. It severely limits our true potential and underlinesthe ego’s vested interest in keeping us small.

Thinking big, on the other hand, is less about daringto dream of financial wealth and more about daring notto. It means letting go of the fears and anxieties that sur-round our views on money and the belief that we willalways have to fight for what we want.

When we can do that, when we are no longer tieddown by the multitude of self-imposed restrictions thatgrew out of our experiences of life, our childhood wounding, our culture, and the well-meaning but oftennegative influence of parents, teachers and peers, a wholenew world will open. And the gifts of the universe—pros-perity among them—will flow.

Or to put it a little more precisely, we will then be in aposition to allow these gifts—that actually upwell fromwithin ourselves—to flow unencumbered by the obstacleswe have consciously or unconsciously created.

Changing one’s whole perspective on life is, of course,a tall order, an apparently daunting prospect that involveschallenging the very principles that we believe have kept us“safe” and contained for so many years. It takes courage,commitment and trust. So what are the basic steps onthat journey and how do we set out?

The desire for material gain alone often originates in alack of trust in yourself and the inability to believe thatlife/God/the world will provide for you. Often, it comesfrom an experience in early childhood of not being ade-quately supported or nourished, and this premature expe-rience of hunger (for food, nurturing or encouragement)creates a lot of pain and a core belief that the world willnot provide the necessary support: “I will not receive whatI need.”

Even when we have plenty of money, we can be leftwith a feeling of failure or the sense that what we do haveis insufficient. Money alone is not a goal that will gener-ate contentment or fulfillment. Look at the number ofpop stars who have achieved fame and fortune only torealize that it is not enough.

Many turn to drugs and alcohol to dull the pain of not beingable to fully express their true longing.

It is better to step back and come from a place of whole-ness that already exists within us—connecting to our longingto create, to express our gifts, to serve the world and ease suf-fering, or move the world to another paradigm (technological,for example).

This is our place of power, our vision, where our hearts arefilled with essence. Then we flow down and meet enoughsense of self in the 2nd and 3rd chakras and enough relation-ship with the earth, the physical world (1st chakra) to see ourmanifestation happen.

Many people have a beautiful vision, but early experiencesof apparent failure (generating the belief that they are notgood enough) mean that they will hit pain in the 2nd or 3rdchakras when they start the manifestation process. So eventhe smallest of setbacks will bring up feelings of hopelessnessand frustration that are beyond proportion to the event that isin the present moment.

Negative thoughts such as, “What’s the point?” or “Inever get what I want” or “I don’t deserve”—old tapes—beginto play.

These appear as blocks in the energy field. To heal them,we need to ride the wave of energy each time one appears; wecan then stay conscious as feelings and memories come upwith the thoughts. As these integrate with process, we returnto the present moment.

Old images sometimes appear because of generations ofstruggle and economic difficulty within the family. Theseinherited thought-forms can be deep-seated in the 1st chakraand can cluster together to form powerful core beliefs aboutlife: “Life is hard,” “Life is a struggle,” “You have to workvery hard to get what you want, ”or “ Life is about hardwork,” creating a very joyless constellation of beliefs.

Brennan Work is very powerful. It helps us honor andreturn the struggle of our forefathers to their lives and times.This frees up enormous creative energy for our own lives andhelps us see the reality of the 21st century with its unprece-dented opportunities. With daily chakra work, hara work,healings and self-awareness, we get better at telling the differ-ence between our lives and our parents’ lives (psychologically,this is the process of “differentiation”). This facilitates healthycord relationships and returns us to the present.

All manifestation happens in the present. The more freewe are of the past, the more energy we have for our work inthe present—to relate in healthy ways to family, colleaguesand employers; to know who we are and to live that effortlessly; and to receive back joyfully the harvest of our talent and work.• The full US News & World Report cover story can be foundon its website. And if you want to read more of Barbara’scolumns you can access them at: www.barbarabrennan.com/newsroom/Barbara's_Column.html


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(BBSH®)500 NE Spanish River Boulevard, Suite 108

Boca Raton, Florida 33431-3559, USA

Licensed by the Commission for Independent Education,Florida Department of Education, License #2897


2008–09 ResidentTraining DatesBarbara BrennanSchool of Healing

Miami, FloridaClass 1:

Sun. Oct. 12 thru Fri. Oct. 17, 2008

Class 2:Mon. Dec. 8 thru Fri. Dec. 12, 2008

Class 3:Wed. Feb. 18 thru Sun. Feb. 22, 2009

Class 4:Wed. April 22 thru Sun. April 26, 2009

Class 5:Wed. June 10 thru Sun. June 14, 2009

Barbara BrennanSchool of Healing Europe

Bad Ischl, AustriaClass 1:

Wed. Sept. 3 thru Mon. Sept. 8, 2008

Class 2:Wed. Nov. 12 thru Sun. Nov. 16, 2008

Class 3:Wed. Jan. 21 thru Sun. Jan. 25, 2009

Class 4:Wed. March 11 thru Sun. March 15, 2009

Class 5:Wed. May 27 thru Sun. May 31, 2009

Barbara BrennanSchool of Healing Japan

Chiba, JapanClass 1:

Tues. Sept. 23 thru Sun. Sept. 28, 2008

Class 2:Wed. Nov. 26 thru Sun. Nov. 30, 2008

Class 3:Sat. Jan. 10 thru Wed. Jan. 14, 2009

Class 4:Wed. March 25 thru Sun. March 29, 2009

Class 5:Fri. May 15 thru Tues. May 19, 2008