BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed by cryoelectron microscopy Yuzhang Li, 1 * Yanbin Li, 1 * Allen Pei, 1 Kai Yan, 1 Yongming Sun, 1 Chun-Lan Wu, 1 Lydia-Marie Joubert, 2 Richard Chin, 3 Ai Leen Koh, 3 Yi Yu, 4 John Perrino, 2 Benjamin Butz, 1,5 Steven Chu, 6,7 Yi Cui 1,8 Whereas standard transmission electron microscopy studies are unable to preserve the native state of chemically reactive and beam-sensitive battery materials after operation, such materials remain pristine at cryogenic conditions. It is then possible to atomically resolve individual lithium metal atoms and their interface with the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). We observe that dendrites in carbonate-based electrolytes grow along the <111> (preferred), <110>, or <211> directions as faceted, single-crystalline nanowires. These growth directions can change at kinks with no observable crystallographic defect. Furthermore, we reveal distinct SEI nanostructures formed in different electrolytes. A typical lithium-ion battery consists of a negative electrode (anode), a positive elec- trode (cathode), a polymer separator, and an organic liquid electrolyte. Although each battery component is macroscopic in prac- tice, research has focused on the microscopic, nanoscopic, and atomistic features to probe more fundamental aspects of battery operation. Trans- mission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to study battery materials (18), but imaging was limited to samples with reasonable stability under an electron beam. Many battery compo- nents [e.g., some lithium-containing electrode materials, organic liquid electrolytes, solid elec- trolyte interphase (SEI) layer] are chemically re- active and sensitive to electron-beam irradiation, so TEM studies of batteries in their native envi- ronment are problematic. In particular, both Li metal and the organic liquid electrolyte are unstable during battery charge and discharge. Li metal is repeatedly de- posited and stripped during battery operation, resulting in large structure changes that are exacerbated by dendrite growth (9). The organic electrolyte decomposes onto the surfaces of bat- tery anodes (1012) (e.g., Li metal, silicon, graph- ite, etc.) by an electrochemically driven process to form a SEI layer composed of organic (e.g., polymeric) and inorganic (e.g., carbonates, oxides, fluorides) components. These two phenomena are intimately related. The fragile SEI influences the structure of the Li metal, which, if unstable, will result in SEI fracture and continued elec- trolyte consumption. Elucidating the Li metal and SEI nanostructure is critical for develop- ing potential solutions to these failure modes. Unfortunately, current understanding is limited to ensemble studies using low-resolution TEM (68), indirect-imaging (13, 14), and surface- sensitive (15, 16) techniques. Although the gen- eral morphology of Li dendrites and chemical composition of the SEI can be observed, their detailed nanostructure and crystallography are important aspects that have not been explored on the single-particle level. For example, the distribution of organic and inorganic compo- nents in the SEI layer and their effect on den- drite growth cannot be explained without spatially RESEARCH Li et al., Science 358, 506510 (2017) 27 October 2017 1 of 5 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2 Cell Sciences Imaging Facility, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 3 Stanford Nano Shared Facility, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 4 School of Physical Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai 201210, China. 5 Institut für Werkstofftechnik and Gerätezentrum für Mikro- und Nanoanalytik (MNaF), Universität Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany. 6 Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 7 Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 8 Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Fig. 1. Preserving and stabilizing Li metal by cryo-EM. (A) Li metal dendrites are electrochemically deposited directly onto a Cu TEM grid and then plunged into liquid nitrogen after battery disassembly. (B) The specimen is then placed onto the cryo-TEM holder while still immersed in liquid nitrogen and isolated from the environment by a closed shutter. During insertion into the TEM column, temperatures do not increase above 170°C, and the shutter prevents air exposure to the Li metal. on October 28, 2017 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and … · 2017-10-29 · BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed bycryo–electron

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Page 1: BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and … · 2017-10-29 · BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed bycryo–electron


Atomic structure of sensitive batterymaterials and interfaces revealedby cryo–electron microscopyYuzhang Li,1* Yanbin Li,1* Allen Pei,1 Kai Yan,1 Yongming Sun,1 Chun-Lan Wu,1

Lydia-Marie Joubert,2 Richard Chin,3 Ai Leen Koh,3 Yi Yu,4 John Perrino,2

Benjamin Butz,1,5 Steven Chu,6,7 Yi Cui1,8†

Whereas standard transmission electron microscopy studies are unable to preservethe native state of chemically reactive and beam-sensitive battery materials afteroperation, such materials remain pristine at cryogenic conditions. It is then possibleto atomically resolve individual lithium metal atoms and their interface with the solidelectrolyte interphase (SEI). We observe that dendrites in carbonate-based electrolytesgrow along the <111> (preferred), <110>, or <211> directions as faceted, single-crystallinenanowires. These growth directions can change at kinks with no observablecrystallographic defect. Furthermore, we reveal distinct SEI nanostructures formed indifferent electrolytes.

Atypical lithium-ion battery consists of anegative electrode (anode), a positive elec-trode (cathode), a polymer separator, andan organic liquid electrolyte. Although eachbattery component is macroscopic in prac-

tice, research has focused on the microscopic,nanoscopic, and atomistic features to probe morefundamental aspects of battery operation. Trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM) has beenused to study batterymaterials (1–8), but imagingwas limited to samples with reasonable stabilityunder an electron beam. Many battery compo-nents [e.g., some lithium-containing electrode

materials, organic liquid electrolytes, solid elec-trolyte interphase (SEI) layer] are chemically re-active and sensitive to electron-beam irradiation,so TEM studies of batteries in their native envi-ronment are problematic.In particular, both Li metal and the organic

liquid electrolyte are unstable during batterycharge and discharge. Li metal is repeatedly de-posited and stripped during battery operation,resulting in large structure changes that areexacerbated by dendrite growth (9). The organicelectrolyte decomposes onto the surfaces of bat-tery anodes (10–12) (e.g., Li metal, silicon, graph-

ite, etc.) by an electrochemically driven processto form a SEI layer composed of organic (e.g.,polymeric) and inorganic (e.g., carbonates, oxides,fluorides) components. These two phenomenaare intimately related. The fragile SEI influencesthe structure of the Li metal, which, if unstable,will result in SEI fracture and continued elec-trolyte consumption. Elucidating the Li metaland SEI nanostructure is critical for develop-ing potential solutions to these failure modes.Unfortunately, current understanding is limited

to ensemble studies using low-resolution TEM(6–8), indirect-imaging (13, 14), and surface-sensitive (15, 16) techniques. Although the gen-eral morphology of Li dendrites and chemicalcomposition of the SEI can be observed, theirdetailed nanostructure and crystallography areimportant aspects that have not been exploredon the single-particle level. For example, thedistribution of organic and inorganic compo-nents in the SEI layer and their effect on den-drite growth cannot be explainedwithout spatially


Li et al., Science 358, 506–510 (2017) 27 October 2017 1 of 5

1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2Cell Sciences ImagingFacility, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA94305, USA. 3Stanford Nano Shared Facility, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 4School of PhysicalScience and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai201210, China. 5Institut für Werkstofftechnik andGerätezentrum für Mikro- und Nanoanalytik (MNaF),Universität Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany. 6Department ofPhysics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.7Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, StanfordUniversity School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.8Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences,Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) NationalAccelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Preserving and stabilizing Li metal by cryo-EM. (A) Li metaldendrites are electrochemically deposited directly onto a Cu TEM grid andthen plunged into liquid nitrogen after battery disassembly. (B) Thespecimen is then placed onto the cryo-TEM holder while still immersed in

liquid nitrogen and isolated from the environment by a closedshutter. During insertion into the TEM column, temperatures do notincrease above –170°C, and the shutter prevents air exposure tothe Li metal.

on October 28, 2017



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resolving these structures at the nanoscale. How-ever, because of sample damage from high elec-tron dose rates necessary for high-resolutionimaging (figs. S6 and S7), single-particle studiesof pristine Li metal and the SEI have not beenpossible. Here we use cryo–electron microscopy(EM) techniques to characterize the detailedstructure of Li metal and its SEI, demonstrating

that atomic-resolution imaging of sensitive bat-tery materials in their native state is possible atcryogenic conditions.At room temperature, Li metal is very reactive

and corrodes upon brief air exposure (17) duringsample transfer into the TEM column. Addition-ally, a low melting point and weak atomic bond-ing make the light Li atoms extremely unstable

under an electron beam (18). To overcome thesechallenges, we developed a cryo-transfer method(Fig. 1) based on cryo-EM procedures used instructural biology. First, we electrochemicallydeposit Li metal onto a copper TEM grid usingstandard battery conditions (figs. S1 and S13).We then wash the grid with electrolyte and im-mediately flash-freeze the specimen in liquid

Li et al., Science 358, 506–510 (2017) 27 October 2017 2 of 5

Fig. 2. Atomic-resolutionTEM of Li metal den-drites. (A) Cryo-EMimage of Li metal den-drites. Electron dose rate<1 e Å–2 s–. (B) StandardTEM image of Li metaldendrite with ~1 s airexposure at room tem-perature. Inset,corresponding SAEDpattern. (C) StandardTEM image of the dendritefrom (B) after exposureto electron dose rate of~500 e Å–2 s–1 for ~1 s.The three holes wereformed immediately afterthis exposure. (D) Time-lapse images of Li dendritefrom the green-outlinedarea in (A) after continu-ous electron-beamirradiation at a dose rateof ~50 e Å–2 s–1. (E andH) TEM images of Limetal dendrites growingalong the <211> (E)and <110> (H) directions.Inset, correspondingSAED pattern showingthat the dendrites aresingle-crystalline. Electrondose rate <1 e Å–2 s–1

for ~30 s. (F and I) Mag-nified image of boxedregions in red (F) and blue(I) from (E) and (H),respectively, showing theLi metal lattice at highresolution. Electron doserate ~1000 e Å–2 s–1

for ~30 s. (G and J)Atomic-resolution TEMimages resolving individ-ual Li atoms along the[111] (G) and [001] (J)zone axes. Electrondose rate ~1000 e Å–2

s–1 for ~30 s.


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nitrogen (19). At cryogenic temperatures, Limetaldoes not react with the liquid nitrogen or ice sothat the dendrites retain their electrochemicalstate with the relevant structural and chemicalinformation preserved. Becausewe directly visual-ize individual dendrite structures instead of re-constructing three-dimensionalmodels (necessaryfor biomolecules), atomic resolutions of 0.7 Å arepossible (20, 21) for the spherical aberration–corrected TEM (operating at 300 kV) used in ourexperiments.Figure 2A is a cryo-EM image of Li metal

dendrites formed after the first electrochemicaldeposition. Ingeneral, sample regionswereexposedto electron (e) dose rates of ~1000 e Å–2 s–1 for~30 s in high-resolution images and <1 eÅ–2 s–1 for~30 s in low-resolution images (details in figurecaptions). In Fig. 2A, the dendritic structures ap-pear much lighter in contrast than the laceycarbon (atomic number 6) from the TEM grid,suggesting that they have a lower atomic number.Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and energy-filtered TEM data confirm the identity of these

dendritic structures as Li metal (figs. S12 andS16), indicating that the dendrites were success-fully preserved during the cryo-transfer. A smoothand thin layer (thickness ~10 nm) appearingslightly darker in contrast is identified as the SEIlayer that formsonLimetal duringbattery cycling.In contrast to cryo-transferred samples, Li metalthat was inserted into the TEM at room temper-ature (19) was quickly consumed by environmentalexposure (Fig. 2B). These air-exposed Li dendriteshave amuch rougher surface anddarker contrastthan the cryo-transferred Li dendrites becauseof the formation of polycrystalline artifacts, asshown by the corresponding selected-area elec-tron diffraction (SAED; Fig. 2B, inset). The mainrings in the SAEDpattern of Fig. 2B (outlined inorange) correspond to lattice spacings of 4.38,2.76, and 2.56 Å, indicating the presence of lithiumhydroxide (22). Furthermore, any attempt to imageLi metal dendrites using standard TEM at highresolution (electron dose rate ~500 e Å–2 s–1 for~1 s) results in sample destruction, as evidencedby the holes burned into the Li dendrite from the

electron beam (Fig. 2C). These control experimentsillustrate major reasons why atomically resolvedimages of Li metal have not been possible understandard TEM conditions.Figure 2D shows time-lapse images of the

dendrite from Fig. 2A (boxed in green) underconstant electron-beam irradiation at dose ratesof ~50 e Å–2 s–1 in cryogenic conditions. No dam-age in dendrite morphology is detected even after10 min. Two such dendrites and their correspond-ing SAED patterns are shown in Fig. 2, E and H.With the TEM tuned for rotational calibration(figs. S8 and S9), we can index their SAED pat-terns to the body-centered cubic (BCC) crystalstructure of Li metal with the zone axis along the[111] (Fig. 2E) and [100] directions (Fig. 2H). Thisanalysis allows us to assign the growth direction(long axis) of these dendrites to be along <211>and <110> for Fig. 2, E and H, respectively.High-resolution images of the Li metal den-

drites (Fig. 2, F and I) at cryogenic temperaturesresolve individual Li atoms, showing that the Lidendrites are single crystalline. All high-resolution

Li et al., Science 358, 506–510 (2017) 27 October 2017 3 of 5

Fig. 3. Faceting behaviorof Li metal dendrites.(A to C) Li metal dendritesand their correspondingSAED patterns (insets)growing along <111> (A),<110> (B), and <211> (C).Electron dose rate <1 e Å–2

s–1 for ~30 s. (D) Statisticsshowing preferred growthdirection is along <111>.(E) Standard SEM imageof Li metal dendrites afterbrief exposure to air.Facets cannot be observedbecause of corrosion inair. (F) Cryo-SEM image ofLi metal dendrites. Facetmorphology is preserved bythe cryo-transfer method.(G to I) Diagram of trian-gular (G), hexagonal (H),and rectangular (I) cross-sectional structures fordendrites, exhibiting clearfaceting behavior. Thelow-energy (110) facetshould be exposedaccording to thermody-namic considerations.Insets, diagrams ofatomic projections fromvarious zone axes. Theshapes correspond tothe cross-sectionalstructures observed incryo-SEM.


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TEMimageswere takenundernegativeCs (sphericalaberration) imaging conditions with a defocusvalue of ~5 to8nmandaCs value of –15mm. Imagesimulations confirm that the areas of bright con-trast correspond to atomic columns (figs. S10 andS11) (19). At the atomic scale, the dendrite growthdirections are visible and parallel the directionspreviously assigned at lowermagnifications. Fromthe atomic-resolution images (Fig. 2, G and J), wemeasure the lattice spacings of the {110} and {211}planes to be 2.48 and 1.44 Å, respectively (fig. S2).These measurements match well with previousx-ray diffraction data on bulk Limetal, with valuesof 2.48 and 1.43 Å for the {110} and {211} planes,respectively (23). Despite prolonged imaging(~30 s) at electron dose rates of ~1000 e Å–2 s–1,the Li atoms from the acquired images remainstable.Our observation that Li metal dendrites grow

as single-crystalline nanowires along differentdirections is a surprising one. Therefore, we con-

ducted structural characterization of many den-drites (~100) to further investigate their growthbehavior. We observed three primary growthdirections along <111>, <110>, and <211>, whoserepresentativeTEM imageswith their correspond-ing SAEDpatterns are shown in Fig. 3, A, B, andC,respectively. The data show a preference (49%by number) for Li metal dendrites to grow alongthe <111> direction in carbonate-based electrolyte(Fig. 3D), followedby<211> (32%) and<110> (19%).The apparent growth preference along <111>can be rationalized by considering Li surfaceenergies. In the BCC crystal structure, the {110}family of planes is the most densely packed andthus has the lowest-energy surface according tothe broken bondmodel (24). Thermodynamically,we expect a single-crystalline Li metal dendriteto favor facets exposing the {110} planes as theside surface. For detailed observations of thedendrite facets, scanning electron microscopy(SEM) is complementary to TEM owing to its

large depth of field. Faceting behavior is difficultto observe using standard techniques becauseside reactions in ambient air corrode the sharp-angled facets, forming curved surfaces shownin typical ex situ SEM images (Fig. 3E). Weadopted our cryo-transfer method to SEM (19)and observed the growth facets on Li metal, con-firming the dendrite morphology (Fig. 3F), withtriangular (Fig. 3G), hexagonal (Fig. 3H), andrectangular (Fig. 3I) cross-sectional Li dendritestructures. In the BCC crystal system, a trian-gular or hexagonal cross section is appropriatefor dendrites growing along <111>, as all threeor six of the facets would expose {110} planesand thus minimize the dendrite surface energy(Fig. 3, G and H, insets). When tilted to a grazingangle, a dendrite growing along <111> in the TEMappears to have a hexagonal cross section (fig. S3).For dendrites growing along <211> or <110>, thesidewalls cannot all expose {110} facets (Fig. 3I,insets). However, by maximizing the surface area

Li et al., Science 358, 506–510 (2017) 27 October 2017 4 of 5

Fig. 4. Atomic-resolutionTEM of kinked Li metaldendrite and SEI inter-face. (A) TEM image ofkinked Li metal dendritethat changes from a <211>to <110> and back to<211> growth direction.Inset shows correspondingSAED pattern. Electrondose rate <1 e Å–2 s–1 for~30 s. The dashed yellowlines indicate change ingrowth direction. (B andC) Magnified images of redregion I (B) and blueregion II (C) outlined in (A)showing both kinks at highresolution. Electron doserate ~1000 e Å–2 s–1 for~30 s. (D) Schematic ofthe single-crystalline natureof the kink. (E) Atomic-resolution image of greenregion III outlined in (A)revealing the interfacebetween Li metal and theSEI. The lattice spacings ofsmall crystalline grains ofinorganic material dispersedthroughout the amorphousfilm can be matched toLi carbonate (Li2CO3,orange circles) and Li oxide(Li2O, red circles). Electrondose rate ~1000 e Å–2 s–1 for~30 s. (F) Schematic ofthe observed mosaic-typestructure formed on Lidendrites in EC-DEC elec-trolyte. (G) Integrated pixel intensities of Li oxide (red) and Li carbonate(orange) lattice.The peaks and valleys represent rows of atoms and the gaps,respectively. a.u., arbitrary units. (H) Atomic-resolution image of the SEI

formed in FEC electrolyte. Electron dose rate ~1000 e Å–2 s–1 for ~30 s.(I) Schematic of the observed multilayered structure formed on Li dendrites inFEC electrolyte.


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of their existing {110} facets, <211> and <110>dendrites can reduce their surface energy, elon-gating the rectangular cross section into theobserved ribbonlike structure. Our data heresuggest that surface energies of the facets playa large role in influencing the Li dendrite growthdirection. However, the system is complicated bythe existence of an SEI layer, conditions of batterycycling, and the electrolyte used, parametersthat all may affect the surface energy and, thus,growth direction.In the carbonate-based electrolyte system, Li

metal dendrites do not always grow as straightsingle-crystalline nanowires along a linear di-rection. They will often change crystallographicgrowth directions at regions we refer to as kinks.In Fig. 4A, one such kinked region is shown tochange between the <211> and <110> growth di-rections. Starting from the right, the Li metaldendrite initially grows along <211> and changesto <110> at the first kink (dashed yellow line).After growing along <110>, the growth directionswitches to a different orientation of <211> at thesecond kink. Atomic-resolution TEM images ofthe left and right kink are shown in Fig. 4, B andC,respectively. There are no observable crystal de-fects at either kinked region. This contrasts withother nanowire crystal systems, in which defectslike twin boundaries or stacking faults typicallygovern changes in growth directions (25–30). Forthe BCC crystal structure of Li metal, however,defects are not a prerequisite for switching be-tween the <211> and<110> growthdirections. Theschematic in Fig. 4D depicts the atomic structureof the kinked dendrite (not to scale) as recon-structed from the atomic-resolution images (Fig. 4,B and C). From this diagram, a defect-free tran-sition from <211> to <110> and back to <211> ispossible if the kinks have an angle of 30°, thetheoretical angle between the <110> and <211>direction in a pristine BCC lattice; this is ob-served for both kinks from Fig. 4A. Thus, the Limetal dendrite remains single crystalline de-spite kinking, as further evidenced by the SAEDpattern (Fig. 4A, inset). The reason for kinkingmay be due to a variation of the SEI composi-tion and/or structure during the growth of Lidendrites.To determine the structure and composition

of various SEI films, we investigated the SEIformed in (i) a standard electrolyte and (ii) anelectrolyte mixed with a fluorine-functionalizedadditive. The SEI layer formed in thewidely usedcarbonate-based electrolyte ethylene carbonate–diethyl carbonate (EC-DEC) is shown in Fig. 4Eand fig. S14. From the atomic interface betweenLi metal and the SEI, it is observed that the SEIcontains small crystallinedomains (diameter~3nm)dispersed randomly throughout an amorphousmatrix that coats the Li metal. These crystallinegrains are the inorganic components of the SEI,identified to be Li oxide and Li carbonate bymatching their lattice spacings (Fig. 4G). Theamorphous matrix is likely the organic polymerformed by carbonate electrolyte decomposition.The SEI formed in this standard electrolyte re-sembles themosaic structure predicted by Peled

et al. (31), which describes the SEI as a hetero-geneous distribution of inorganic and organiccomponents (Fig. 4F). We observe a completelydifferent SEI structure (Fig. 4H and fig. S15)when it is formed in a carbonate-based electro-lyte with 10 volume % fluoroethylene carbonate(FEC), a common additive used for improvingbattery performance (32). Instead of a randomdistribution of organic and inorganic compo-nents, the SEI formed in the presence of FEC ismore ordered and appears to have a multilayerstructure, consistent with the multilayer systemproposed by Aurbach et al. (33). The inner layerappears to be an amorphous polymer matrix,whereas the outer layer is determined to belarge grains (~15 nm) of Li oxide with clear lat-tice fringes. The Li fluoride (LiF) lattice cannotbe detected, even though LiF is considered tobe a primary reason for performance enhance-ment (34).We further probed the chemical composition

of both SEI structures using energy-dispersivex-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Dendrites remain un-damaged after 5 min of continuous EDX spectracollection with electron dose rates of ~100 eÅ–2

s–1 (fig. S4). No obvious difference in chemicalcomposition can be detected for either the SEIformed in fluoroethylene (FEC) additive or stan-dard EC-DEC electrolyte (fig. S5). Both EDXspectra have similar intensities for fluorine, whichlikely forms by decomposition of the Li hexa-fluorophosphate salt used in both electrolytes(12). The only clear difference between these SEIlayers is the distribution and arrangement oftheir chemical species. Thus, the favorable effectof the FEC additive may be due to its influenceon forming a more-ordered SEI nanostructure.We hypothesize that the ordered nature of amultilayer structure can offer increasedmechan-ical durability, making it more robust duringbattery cycling, whereas a random distributionof inorganics is more likely to fracture duringcycling.This work presents a simple methodology to

preserve and image sensitive battery materialswith atomic resolution, revealing detailed nano-structures. The insight gained from these experi-ments can lead to amore complete understandingof the failuremechanisms inhigh-energy batteries.For example, changes in SEI nanostructure anddendrite crystallography formed in different envi-ronments can potentially explain the efficacy ofcertain electrolyte systems. Although we use Limetal as an example to demonstrate the utility ofcryo-EM, the experiments described here can po-tentially be extended for other studies involvingbeam-sensitivematerials, such as lithiated siliconor sulfur.


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The authors thank D. Bushnell and D.-H. Chen for facilitatingcryo-EM capabilities and A. F. Marshall for fruitful discussions.Yu.L. acknowledges the National Science Foundation GraduateResearch Fellowship Program for funding. A.P. acknowledgessupport from the National Defense Science and EngineeringGraduate Fellowship and the Stanford Graduate Fellowship.B.B. acknowledges financial support by the German ResearchFoundation (DFG) under grant no. BU 2875/2-1. Y.C.acknowledges support from the Assistant Secretary for EnergyEfficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Vehicle Technologiesof the U.S. Department of Energy, under the Battery MaterialsResearch Program and Battery 500 Consortium Programs.Yu.L., Ya.L., and Y.C. conceived the idea and designed theexperiments. A.L.K. and J.P. helped set up cryo-EMinstrumentation. Yu.L. and Ya.L. conducted electrochemicaland cryo-EM characterization. L.-M.J. and R.C. helped withcryo-SEM characterization. Y.S. and C.-L.W. worked on othercharacterizations. Y.Y. completed image simulations. B.B.assisted with spectroscopic and chemical mapping experiments.Yu.L., Ya.L., A.P., K.Y., and Y.C. interpreted the results. Yu.L.,Ya.L., S.C., and Y.C. co-wrote the paper. All authors discussed theresults and commented on the manuscript.


www.sciencemag.org/content/358/6362/506/suppl/DC1Materials and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S16References (35–40)

15 December 2016; accepted 14 September 201710.1126/science.aam6014

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Page 6: BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and … · 2017-10-29 · BATTERIES Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed bycryo–electron

microscopyelectron−Atomic structure of sensitive battery materials and interfaces revealed by cryo

Yu, John Perrino, Benjamin Butz, Steven Chu and Yi CuiYuzhang Li, Yanbin Li, Allen Pei, Kai Yan, Yongming Sun, Chun-Lan Wu, Lydia-Marie Joubert, Richard Chin, Ai Leen Koh, Yi

DOI: 10.1126/science.aam6014 (6362), 506-510.358Science 

, this issue p. 506Scienceinterphase, and captured the formation of dendrites that can be detrimental to the lifetime of a battery.examine batteries. They identified the solid electrolyte interphase that forms, observed the interactions of Li with the

electron microscopy techniques commonly used for studying biological samples to− applied cryoet al.analysis. Li situcharge and discharge cycles, you need to be able to watch the processes in situ or to freeze the battery rapidly for ex

The electrochemical processes occurring in a battery are highly dynamic. To understand the complexities of theFrozen in time

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on October 28, 2017



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