BATTALION OPERATIONS SECURITY SERVICES 20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa Registration No: 2012/117366/07 PSIRA No: 2416622 Tel: 011 762 1043 Cell: 078 694 3681 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website coming soon!! “WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE”

BATTALION OPERATIONS SECURITY SERVICES 20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa Registration No: 2012/117366/07 PSIRA No: 2416622 Tel: 011 762 1043

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Page 1: BATTALION OPERATIONS SECURITY SERVICES 20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa Registration No: 2012/117366/07 PSIRA No: 2416622 Tel: 011 762 1043


20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa

Registration No: 2012/117366/07

PSIRA No: 2416622

Tel: 011 762 1043

Cell: 078 694 3681

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Website coming soon!!


Page 2: BATTALION OPERATIONS SECURITY SERVICES 20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa Registration No: 2012/117366/07 PSIRA No: 2416622 Tel: 011 762 1043


Purpose of security during the proscribed times. 

The security guard will be assessed during the shift for alertness. (Physical attack and Penetration) 

Rules of conduct that enhances effectiveness. For example, no smoking, practical joking, fraternizing, etc. 

The scope of work will be explained and a written concise of expectations presented as soon as the security guard arrives (Keeping copies) 

Institutions or facility management contact and how to immediately reach him/her 

Layout of facility 

Any vulnerable areas? 

Locations of telephones, firefighting equipment, fire alarms, emergency exits, etc. 

Locations of stairways and doors 

Clear operational guidelines to be used in the event of an emergency (fire, suspicious package, theft, robbery, bomb threat, etc.

The following are key points that will be discussed with Security guards:

Security officer solutions

Our security officers firstly go through a written test before being selected for the next stage of our employment process to make sure they have physically passed there training and had not just bought their grades, thereafter a background check will be done by screening each S/O whereby we receive results straight away via CSI Africa. If successful with the screening process they will then move on to the final stage which will then be the interview with the Managing Director of Battalion Operations.

There will be constant on-site training and testing with each security officer to make sure there are no vulnerabilities on site.

Security officers will be trained in basic first aid

Page 3: BATTALION OPERATIONS SECURITY SERVICES 20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa Registration No: 2012/117366/07 PSIRA No: 2416622 Tel: 011 762 1043

security officer PRICING STRUCTUREOur pricing is value based and cost effective.

The following key points are kept in mind:

Depending on the level of security needed- security guards who can work effectively in high-threat situations. Inexpensive guards typically work on an "observe and report "basis, which use security guards who are not trained to act in high-risk situations.

Whether armed or unarmed guards are needed The environment and or target that needs to be protected and the level of protection needed. For

instance, a nighttime patrol officer may be preferable to a 24-7 static guard in some situations The duration when a security guard is needed i.e. 12hour or 24hour

Our 2015 special is unbeatable and will last for the duration of the contract unless any unexpected wage increases

We use constant price analysis to keep our prices below the market average and still be able to provide our clients with value

Page 4: BATTALION OPERATIONS SECURITY SERVICES 20 Thornton Road, Krugersdorp, South Africa Registration No: 2012/117366/07 PSIRA No: 2416622 Tel: 011 762 1043

There is a constant and increasing risk of house breakings and thefts in and around our communities. Therefore Crime Prevention initiatives have been put into place and are quite effective; an example of this is the Community Policing Forum (CPF) which focuses on patrols and providing community members with stats and tips in reducing criminal activities as well as providing members with a two-way radio per household which then builds a network of residence which are then able to communicate with each other with in a sector.. Every suburb is different and therefore needs a unique risk assessment and implementation of a crime reduction and prevention plan and this is where we bring our expertise to the community by utilizing 24hour armed patrols in fully marked vehicles with highly trained security officers which will enhance visibility and reduce response times, this can only be fully effective if these patrols work in conjunction with the CPF’s two-radio system. All CPF/Battalion Operations members will be provided with our dedicated patrol vehicles emergency number together with utilizing the two-way radio system to report any suspicious activity and or crime incidents in real-time which can be proved very efficient in apprehending criminals and reducing criminal activity.Because of the costs involved in keeping a service like this a float effectively, a low monthly fee will be charged per household whereby several services will be added to the full scale protection package, from the communities risk assessment up until after an incident has occurred whereby one of Battalion Operations’ officers will stay at the scene up until the police officers have left and the victims will then also be provided with sufficient information on what to do further as well as contact numbers for the necessary government services, Battalion Operations will constantly keep victims up to date with the saps case as well as with our own investigation. We implement an intelligence based approach to combat community crime which involves dynamic tactics.