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fromA Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology Jos ngel Garca Landa(University of Zaragoza, Spain)Gregory Bateson


Bateson, Gregory. "The Position of Humor in Human Communication." In Cybernetics: Ninth Conference. Ed. H. von Foerster. New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1953. 1-47.

_____. "A Theory of Play and Fantasy." In Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind. New York: Ballantine, 1954. 177-93.

_____. "A Theory of Play and Fantasy." 1954. In Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Ed. G. Bateson. San Francisco: Chandler, 1972. 177-93.

_____. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. New York: Ballantine, 1972.

_____. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. San Francisco: Chandler, 1972.

_____. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. London: Paladin, 1973.

_____. La Crmonie du Naven. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.

_____. Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity. New York: Dutton, 1979.

_____. Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity. New York: Bantam, 1979. 1988.

_____. Mind and Nature. New York: Ballantine, 1979.

_____. "Comunicacin." In La nueva comunicacin. Ed. Yves Winkin. Barcelona: Kairs, 1984. 5th ed. 2005. 120-50.*

_____. "Entrevista con Gregory Bateson." In La nueva comunicacin. Ed. Yves Winkin. Barcelona: Kairs, 1984. 5th ed. 2005. 303-10.*


Brockman, John, ed. About Bateson. New York: Dutton, 1977.