Basics of NoSQL Databases - MongoDB सीबीएसई पाठ्यम पर आधारत का -11 ारा: संजीव भदौरिया नातकोि शिक (संगणक शवान ) के० शव० बािाबंकी (लखनऊ संभाग) सॊजीव बदौरयमा, के० वव० फायाफॊकी

Basics of NoSQL Databases - MongoDB · MongoDB क § साथ काया करना स॓जीव बदौरयमा, कॐ० ઋव० फायाफ॓की •MongoDB

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  • Basics of NoSQL Databases - MongoDB


    : ( ) ( )


  • ,


    SQL databases , table, row,

    fields ,records |

    structure record databases

    - NoSQL Not Only SQL Databases

    database |

    NoSQL databases


  • NoSQL Databases


    non-relational database

    (Strict) (rigid) |

    table record store |

    clusters run web data store

    | scalability |

    bigdata |

    databases app web

    apps Google Mail, Google Earth, Ebay, LinkedIn,

    facebook, Amozon |

    users fast response time |



    feature fast update adopt |

    down time performance |

  • NoSQL Databases


    1. Key-value Databases

    2. Document Databases

    3. Column family stores Databases

    4. Graph Databases

    Key-Value databases python dictionary.

    flexible |

    Cassandra, Amazon DyanmoDB, ATS (Azure Table Storage, Riak, BerkeleyDB |

  • ,

    Document Databases key-value databases |

    key-value pair structured semi-

    structured document store


    keys string

    values |

    MS office document, PDFs, XML,

    JSON ,BSON |

    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

    BSON (Binary JSON)

    JSON open,

    standard modern web

    data interchange

    XML |

    JSON Python dictionaries


    - MongoDB, Couch DB

    DocumentDB |

  • ,

    Column Family Store Database column store column family


    column oriented |

    Column family storage


    rows |

    row column |

    row key



    - Hbase,

    Cassandra, HyperTable |

  • ,

    Graph Database store

    grafical |



    edges nodes

    relation |

    - Neo4j,

    Blazegraph, Titan |

  • NoSQL Databases Advantages Disadvantages



    Flexible Data Model

    flexible database

    type store


    Evolving Data Model

    system down

    schema |

    Elastic Scalability

    database store


    High Performance

    throughput latency


    Open Source



    Lack of Standardization

    NoSQL database


    Backup of Database

    NoSQL databases

    backup MongoDB

    backup tool



    NoSQL database, consistency

    performance scalability


    duplicacy |

  • MongoDB


    MongoDB document-oriented NoSQL database |

    dynamic schemas JSON


    free open source software high scalability high

    performance |

    MongoDB Terminology

    MongoDB Term Description SQL Term

    Field name-value pair information | Column

    Document Locally related fields Row/record

    Collection Related documents Table

    Database Collections container. MongoDB server

    database |


    Primary key Unique field document identify | Primary key

  • MongoDB install


    open | https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/#install-mdb-edition

    msi version |

  • MongoDB install


    MSI file open MongoDB install |

    path check

    mongodb.exe file mongo.exe file |

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin

    c:\ data db

    | c:\data\db

    command window C:\Program

    Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin location mongod

    run mongod run |

    command window open path mongo

    run |

  • MongoDB start


    Mongo run mongod running state | mongo commands |

    mongodb installer 190 MB program files install | C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin path system path | windows path |

  • MongoDB Data Types


    S.N. Data Type DataType Number

    S.N. Data Type DataType Number

    1. Double 1 10. Null 11

    2. String 2 11. Regular Expression 12

    3. Object 3 12. JavaScript 13

    4. Array 4 13. Symbol 14

    5. Binary Data 5 14. JavaScript with scope 15

    6. Undefined 6 15. Integer 16 and 18

    7. Object Id 7 16. Timestamp 10

    8. Boolean 9 17. Min Key 255

    9. Date 10 18. Max Key 127

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Database create MongoDB database create |

    information database insert database |

    Current Database >show dbs database

    >show cllections current database collections

    Database use >use mydb

    CRUD operations operations -





    CRUD operation |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Save operation database MongoDB database create |

    information database insert database


    collection save insert |


    show collections collection |

    >USE database |

    school database 1 collection insert |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Save operation database

    documents insert |

    document insert mongoDB field

    _id value set |

    | _id value

    insert provide |

    Save insert document insert

    database collection

    mongoDB database |

    2 document insert |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Insert operation database collection insert |


    show collections collection |

    school database 1 collection insert |

    save multiple documents insert



  • MongoDB basic commands


    Object Create documents insert

    object field object |

    stud valid mongoDB |

    stud field address value addr |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Object array | Name: Himanshu


    Section: A

    Subjects: English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry

    Subjects array |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Read Operation: Read operation database collection documents access

    | syntaxes |

    >db..find() collection documents show |

    >db..findOne() record show |

    >db..findOne({:}) search criteria


    record match null return |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Read Operation:

    pretty( ) documents indentation JSON print |

  • MongoDB basic commands


    Read Operation:

    name field _id |

    _id |

  • MongoDB basic Operators


    Comparison Operator:

    databases mongoDB operators

    delete, read update operation perform |

    Operator Name


    $eq Equal to

    $gt Greater than

    $gte Greater than or equal to

    $lt Less than

    $lte Less than or equal to

    $ne Not equal to

  • MongoDB basic Operators


    Comparision Operator:

    conditional based range |

    {field:{$gte:, $lte:}}

  • MongoDB basic Operators


    Condition based on List/Array

    Operator Name Meaning

    $in In

    $nin Not In

    { field :{ $in : [ val1,val2, . . . . . ] } }

    { field :{ $nin : [ val1,val2, . . . . . ] } }

    Section match show match |

  • MongoDB basic Operators


    Logical Query Operators

    Operator Name


    $not Logical NOT

    $and Logical AND

    $or Logical OR

    { field :{ $not :{}} }

    { field :{ $and :[{}, {},..]} }

    { field :{ $or :[{}, {},..]} }

  • ,

    Update Operation: Update operation |

    >update/updateOne >updateMany ( $set operator )

    >db..update/updateOne({query-exp},{$set:{:, . . . }}

    primary key | age 12 Hari Prakash |

    matching records changes updateMany( ) |

  • ,

    Delete Operation: Delete operation | >deleteOne >deleteMany

    >db..deleteOne({}) matching record delete |

    >db..deleteMany({}) matching delete |

    Hari Prakash record delete

  • - -


