Basic Requirements: Everything you need to check on your final paper Tole Sutikno Editor-in-Chief, TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control Kepala LPPI, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Email: [email protected], [email protected] Phone: 085 628 628 10

Basic Requirements: Everything you need to check on your

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Page 1: Basic Requirements: Everything you need to check on your

Basic Requirements: Everything you need to check on your final paper

Tole Sutikno Editor-in-Chief, TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control

Kepala LPPI, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: 085 628 628 10

Page 2: Basic Requirements: Everything you need to check on your

10-step checklist to make sure your paper is in top-notch form

1. Credit and cite all information from other sources. 2. Place direct quotes from other sources between quotation marks. 3. Add all appropriate in-text citations or footnotes. 4. All in-text citations/footnotes have a matching citation in the

bibliography. 5. Alphabetize bibliography and check formatting/capitalization of titles. 6. The thesis statement (purpose of the paper) is clearly stated. 7. The paper has a clear conclusion/closing statement. 8. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. 9. Check for slang words or contractions in writing. 10. The title page is properly formatted.


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Submission checklist?

Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details: • E-mail address • Full postal address

Manuscript: • Include keywords • All figures (include relevant captions) • All tables (including titles, description, footnotes) • Ensure all figure and table citations in the text are match

Further considerations • Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked' • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)

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Contoh kasus pengajuan GB di PAK DIKTI

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Contoh kasus pengajuan GB di PAK DIKTI

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Contoh kasus pengajuan GB di PAK DIKTI

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Contoh kasus pengajuan GB di PAK DIKTI

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Figures & Tables

• Tidak dirujuk di dalam artikel

• Tidak urut penomorannya

• Judul?

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Tidak ada judul utk Figure 4

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Judul pada Gambar yg baik

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• Satu kalimat? Tidak diijinkan

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Gambar? Paragrap?

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• Tidak urut penomorannya

• Tidak disebut di teks

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Sitasi dan urutan?

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Sitasi dan urutan?

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Table X (bukan table x)

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Konsistensi, tanda baca …

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Gambar BURUK kualitasnya, muncul duluan

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Tanda baca?

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Penyebutan Figure, Permisi? …

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Jangan pelit keterangan

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Compose a concise and descriptive Title

• The title must explain what the paper is broadly about. It is your first (and probably only) opportunity to attract the reader's attention. In this way, remember that the first readers are the Editor and the referees. Also, readers are the potential authors who will cite your article, so the first impression is powerful!

• We are all flooded by publications, and readers don't have time to read all scientific production. They must be selective, and this selection often comes from the title.

• Reviewers will check whether the title is specific and whether it reflects the content of the manuscript. Editors hate titles that make no sense or fail to represent the subject matter adequately. Hence, keep the title informative and concise (clear, descriptive, and not too long). You must avoid technical jargon and abbreviations, if possible. This is because you need to attract a readership as large as possible. Dedicate some time to think about the title and discuss it with your co-authors.

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Compose a concise and descriptive Title (2)

Here you can see some examples of original titles, and how they were changed after reviews and comments to them:

Example 1 • Original title: Preliminary observations on the effect of salinity on benthic

community distribution within a estuarine system, in the North Sea • Revised title: Effect of salinity on benthic distribution within the Scheldt estuary

(North Sea) • Comments: Long title distracts readers. Remove all redundancies such as "studies

on," "the nature of," etc. Never use expressions such as "preliminary." Be precise. Example 2 • Original title: Action of antibiotics on bacteria • Revised title: Inhibition of growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by streptomycin • Comments: Titles should be specific. Think about "how will I search for this piece

of information" when you design the title.

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Tiga tip dasar yang perlu diingat saat menulis judul:

Keep it simple, brief and attractive: Fungsi utama judul adalah memberikan ringkasan isi artikel dengan tepat. Jadi jagalah judulnya singkat & jelas. Gunakan kata kerja aktif dan bukan frasa berbasis kata benda yang kompleks, dan hindari detail yang tidak perlu. Selain itu, judul yang bagus untuk artikel penelitian biasanya sekitar 10-12 kata.

Use appropriate descriptive words: Judul artikel penelitian yang baik seharusnya berisi kata kunci yang digunakan dalam naskah dan menentukan sifat dasar (nature) penelitian. Pikirkan istilah yang akan digunakan orang untuk mencari studi Anda dan memasukkannya ke dalam judul Anda.

Avoid abbreviations and jargon: Singkatan yang sudah sangat dikenal seperti TOEFL, PhD dan sebagainya dapat digunakan dalam judul artikel. Namun, singkatan dan jargon lain yang kurang dikenal atau spesifik yang tidak akan segera familiar bagi pembaca harus ditinggalkan.

Prinsip dasar menulis Judul artikel yang baik?

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Five (5) simple steps in writing a good title for your paper

• STEP 1 : Ask yourself these questions and make note of the answers: – What is my paper about? – What techniques/ designs were used? – Who/what is studied? – What were the results?

• STEP 2: Use your answers to list key words. • STEP 3: Create a sentence that includes the key words you listed. • STEP 4: Delete all unnecessary/ repetitive words and link the

remaining. • STEP 5: Delete non-essential information and reword the title.

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Select Keywords for indexing

• Keywords are used for indexing your paper. They are the label of your manuscript. It is true that now they are less used by journals because you can search the whole text. However, when looking for keywords, avoid words with a broad meaning and words already included in the title.

• Some journals require that the keywords are not those from the journal name, because it is implicit that the topic is that. For example, the journal Soil Biology & Biochemistry requires that the word "soil" not be selected as a keyword.

• Only abbreviations firmly established in the field are eligible (e.g., TOC, CTD), avoiding those which are not broadly used (e.g., EBA, MMI).

• Again, check the Guide for Authors and look at the number of keywords admitted, label, definitions, thesaurus, range, and other special requests.

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Write the Abstract

In an abstract, the two whats are essential.

• What has been done?

• What are the main findings?

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Abstract (2)

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Literature Review/ Related Works

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Material & Methodology

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Results and Discussion

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Conclusion? Jangan spt ini

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Remarks How can we publish research papers in international journals?

I suggest few things, our papers should:

• Present new methods of analysis or experimentation.

• Present a new process, design, or technology.

• Discuss and provide fresh thoughts on topics we address

• Be written in clear and understandable language (Ditulis dalam bahasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami).

• Be of interest to the reader of journals you are publishing.

• Be of long-term value for the profession because of the above attributes.

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