Basic Grammar Charts

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  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts


    (Not : Tilrkr;ede oldllgll gibi jngili=cede de - 6=ellikle Tilrkr;eve r;evirmede - bCCPOSITIVE (olumlu) NEGATIVE (olumsuz) OUESTION (sor

    I swm. ,Yii::erim I do (i"rizmem) Do 11 (Yiaer mlYou swim. Yo u do Do j youSVoIPLE He swims, He does ; not swim Does ] he swim?PRES&Vf We swim . We do ; Do ; we(Oeni, z. ) They ; swim. They j do Do j theyI rYiizdlim j I j I (YiizdlimYouou 1you..

    SVoIP LE He did not swim.PAST He SWa In Did j he swim?- We j ( G e f m ~ z . ) We 1weThey ;hey ; they-1------4- . . . . . . ; ; . . ; . . . - -- ; -------1-- . . . ; . . . - -- ; -------+--- ; - . . . : . . - ; . - ----


    Ir/izeceglln IYo u

    Shall 1 I~ \ ~ ~ p }you ,r/izecebniFL'TURE He will swim. He will not swim. Will ; he swim ?(Gelecek z. ) We We j Shall 1 we

    Th ey Th ey Will theyI am rYilzliyonlln) I am rrlizmliyontmJ Am I ,r,izliyor

    PRES&Vf You are You are Are you mllCONT. He is swinuning. H ll is not swimming. Is he swimming

    u: (Simdikl z. ) We are We are Are weThey are T are Are thev

    z;o- P..\STCONT. IYouH ll waswerwas ,r/iziiyordumswimming. IYouHe waswerewas (fliz mayonlumnot swimming. Was ; IWere ; youWas ; he (Ylizliyormuvdsw imming


  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts


    (THERE -may be..)(...olabilir.)might be..)

    (..olabilir-di)must be..)(..olmali)

    to HAVE

    to BE

    ~ L \ . Y

    PRESENT FUTUREAST(There isl a horse....:.... (There was)a horse..... (There "ill be)....(...var.) (...vardi.) (...olacak.)..................................... ..................................... ........... ..................(There are) horses........ (There were)horses..... (There would be) .(...var.) (...vardi.)

    (lJenimI Ihave bir aum var)You have : . YouHe He hadas (got) a horse.We have : We iThey 1 have They 1

    (Ben Izmtr 'I am I was deyim. tYou are ., Izmir You weremHe is He wasWe are We wereThev: are They 1 were- ; 1

    (Gelebilm m.1I IYou YouHe may come. He

    (...olacaku.): (

    bir attm vardt)(Benim I olacakYou

    (got) a horse. He have a hwillWeTheyI tlzmt(Izmir'de You olacagutdim.) He will be in lzin Izmir. WeThey

    (Gelebilirdim (Gele cegelebilirim. J I gele bilirYoucome, He come

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts


    lend ooun

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts


    . . , .. .... _ . . ..1. Anlam ve vap tlartna dikkat ederek, 2. Anlam ve yapz baktmtndan karstlastirarak, 3. Sesli olarak ve devamlz calisarak ogrenebilirsiniz.DIRECT - INDIRECT Climle sekilleri (OIumiu .ve Olumsuz cilmleler)

    He said (to me). You are (not) reading i YOUR ! books . .> He told me ! (that) 1 I lwas (noOreadinQ" ! MY b" II (t him) " " " " II " 1 " ->" n hi : HE i " 11 S HIS' !1 Ifo I , 1m . " ,.

    II (to her), " " " " I " I " -> "" her ' " : SHE l " " " 1 HER ! " " (to us), ,, " " " ! " I " ->" " us " , WE l-.ere " " l OUR j" " (to them) " " " " I " I " -> " " th : " : THEY i" " " j THEIR 1m , em ! , : : :. . . ;B 11-1 : Zarnir : Zaman : "Ivelik :(DIRECT) cumle (INDIRECT) olunca zaman (tense) d e g l ~ l m ag a9 degisimi 1 d e g i . ~ i m iSIfatlan"jI - SIMPLE PRESENT > SIMPLE PAST Aydm : . " i I i lif ?AS'l , ,-u C1 They said (to me) , i " i you : did your jbeOnlar bana elimden seleni vaonsirm soylcdi. They told me i (that) i I i had done mv : be3 - PRESENT PERFECT > PAST PERFECT Father (to us) , ' : You i have missed vour i traBabam, bize treni kacirdrairrnzisovlcdi, Father told us (that) i we i had missed j our i tr

    . - . P N . C O N T :.> PAST CONT. We said (t.o.Filiz), 1 " : You 1 are wasting j your [timFiliz e. vaktini bosa harcadrcirusovledik. We told Filiz : (that) : she : was wasting ! her : um5. - SHALL, WILL : > SHOULD, WOULD O z t ~ r k said, i "! I : will wash my : haOztUrk , saCln l vlkavacal!lm sovledl. Ozturk SaId : (that) i he ! would \\ash ' his : ha6 - CAN :..: : : > -':Jl Ayten : . l " ! I ! cannot find ; my !doAyten, kopegini bulamadigim soyledi, Ayten said : (that) : she : could not find i her i do7 - MAy > MIGHT . I (to us). i " 1 You i may \ i s i ~ i your 1friDoktor bize, arkadasmuzi zivaret edebilecezimizi sovledi, The doctor told us i (that) j we i might VISIt i our j frS - MUST t SHOULD > MUST, SHOULD t HAD TO I said ( him), i " : You : must write your j naOna, admi vazmasi zerektiaini sovledim, I told him ! (than : he i had to write his : n9 - IS, AM, ARE > WAS, \VERE The pilots said, i " i We i are not - i rePilotlar, ham olmadiklanni sovlediler. The pilots said i (that) j they i were not - j re10 - HAVE - HAS > HAD Mehmet : . We 1 have, ( g t : - 1apMehmet, hi. \ ",,', s'lhin oldllklanm sovledi. Mehmet SaId i (that) j they ! had (aon - j a DIRECT - ~ D I R E C T ciimleler (emir, rica, iht ar, tavsiye, v.s. ciimleleri)(Baglat; : Olumlu emirde, fiilden once TO, olumsuz emirde fiilden once l\OT TO)

    I - Ayse to tlhan : "Get out ofmv wav!" 4 - Father said, "Don't forset to lock the door."Ayse told Ilhan TO get out of 'her wav. Father reminded us TO-lock the door.2 - Mother said "W\lshvourface, Zeki.' 5- TIle farmer shouted, "Don't gonear that mad dog!"Mother told Zcki TO wash his lace. The farmer warned the children NOT TO go near the mad dog.3 - The policeman to the thief: "Hold up your hands!"The policeman ordered the thief TO hold up his hands. 6 - Our teacher said, "Don't worn'. be happy".Our teacher advised us NOT TO worry, but to be happy.

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts


    CD WHICH IS L O ~ G E R WHICH IS THE LONGEST...?The Kizih rmakThe SakaryaA busA carBananas




    the River Sakarva.the Kizihrmak.a car.a bus.oranges.Some driversA dogA cat


    MORE carefulMORE dangerousLESS dangerous


    others.a cat.a dog.

    The Missi ssippiAgnWhichisisis

    the 1 0 n ~ S T riverthe hig ST mountain"" " in the ' Turkev,in the world?Thatold rich man marriedHe is going to buyWhicli is

    the MOST beautiful girlthe MOST e ~ n s i v e carthe MOST di ICUIt lessonin France.for her.for you?

    ...IN...? ...AT...? ...ON ...?IN the house / shop

    the field / gardenthe middle (0L. )front (0L.)the skythe morning !afternoonthe mirrorMay/June/Winter1919Esrefpasa lzmir.Turkey10 days /weeks/... ,the comer of the room

    Al home I schoolthe station bus - stopthe grocer's :barber'sthe seasidenoon night7 0 ' clockthe end beginningwork ' restthe door windowthe cinema ' concertthe top bottomthe corner of the


    ON the roof / ceilinthe farmthe right / leftHatay streetthe shoreSunday / MondSunday morninMay 19th. 191the train ' busthe waypage 49

    onat the table

    The history teacher HELPED


    at school.

    forwithfrom/thanin/insideabout/onabove/overbehindin front ofbefore/afternear/besidenext to


    Our Turkish teacher SAW

    meyouhim/herusthem the

    park. between }'ouand meamong you us them

    possessivePERSONAL PRONOUNS + adjectivesreflexivubjective poss. adj. objective possessive

    beni myself keine benim-kiey benim ben banasen . senm-ki yourselt kour s ~ ~ n Y O a ou iyourssizin_ki. SIZlniz . sizi/size vourselveshim onu himself kis onun-kie 0 his onun onaonushe 0 her hers onun-ki herselfkener onun ona

    onu its onun - kit itselfkendt 0 its onun onabiziour bizim ourselves kse biz ours bizim-kibizethey onIar them onlan theirsonIann-ki themselvesheir onIann onIara

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts





    I QUESTIONS- YES answers NO answersAm L.IAre youIs he /she ??? ," ,YES," vou Ihe/she NO,",, ' youIhe/she are not.Are weAre they ?? ",, ' we/vouthe" are .are . ,, '": wel-.outhey are not.are not.Have L.Have vou ?? YES," . vou. I have .have . NO. YOU" . . I haven't.haven't.Has he/she ? "; he/she has. " : he/she hasn't.Have we ? " , we/you have. " we/vou haven't.Have they ? " , they have. " , they haven't.Can L.Canvou ?? , vou I can.can. ~ you cannot (can't).I cannot.Can he/she ? ,, ' he/she can. " , he/she cannot,CanweCan they ?? ,, 'tt: welvouthe)' can.can. " ," , welyouthey cannot,cannot.Do LDo vou ?? ~ , vou I NO," you do not (don't).I do not.Does he/she ? " ; he/she does . " , he/she does not.Do weDo they ?? ",, ', we/vouthev. " ," , welyouthey do not.Did L.Did vou ?'? YES," vou I did.did. NO, vou did not. (didn't)" , ' I did not.Did he/she ? " he/she did . " , he/she did not.Did weDid they ?? ":, we/vonthey did.did. "" we/vout h e ~ ' did not.did not.

    IWas L.Were youWas he/sheWere weWere they

    ?????,, ', vou Ihe/shewe/vonthe'.'

    were .was.was.were .were .

    NO,",, ',, '" ,

    vou. Ihe /shewe/vouthey

    were'nt.was'nt,was'nt.werent,were'nt.Must L.Must vou ?? YES." ' yOU I must.must. NO," vou. I need'nt.need'nt,Must he/sheMust we




    must.must. " :" he/shewe/von need'nt.need'nt.Must they ? ": they must. " : the)' need'nt.

    YES. there iswas (some)INO. there{isn't , } (any)vas } there (any).....? ' wasn t .: :Are YES. there were (some)INO, t h e r e ~ : ) (any).Were } there (any).....?

    This is your pen, isn't it? This is no t your bag, is it?.......................... d e ~ ' i l rni? ...degilI am , aren't I? 1 am not... , amYou are , aren't vou? You are not.. , areHe/she is , isn't he/she? He/she is not... , is hWe arc , aren't we? We are not. , areThey are , aren't they? They are not.. , arI can , can't I? , I cannot... , canYou can , , can t "au? You cannot... , canHe/she can , can't he/she? H / s h e cannot... , canWc can... ............ can't we? We cannot., , canThev can :, can't they? They cmmot.. , canI have , haven't I? I have not... , haYou have........... .... haven't vou? You have not... , haHe/she has , hasn't he/she? He/she has not... , hasWe have , haven't \ve? We have not.. , haThey have , haven't they? They have not... , haI talk loudlv, don't ['J I do not... , doYou like cats. . . don't vou? You do not... , doHe/she gets up fate, doesn't he/she? He/she does not... , doWe eat a lot don't we'? We do not.. , doThey know e t i g don't they'? They do not... , doI painted , didn't I? I did not... , didYou mended , didn't vou? You did not... , didHe/she saw , didn't he/she? He/she did not... , diWe fini shed , didn't we? We did not... , didThey found , didn't they? They did not... , didI was , wasn't I? I was not.. , waYou were , weren't vou? You were not.. , weHe/she was , wasn't he/she? He/she was not.. , waWe were , weren't we? We were not. , weThey were , weren't they? They were not.. , weI must... , mustn't I? I must not... , muYou must.. , m u s t ~ t you? You must not.. , muHe/she must... , mustn t l ie/she') He/she must not.... ......... muWe must.. , mustn't we? We must not.. ; muThey must... , mustn t they? They must not... , muThere is , isn't there? There is not... ...... .......... isThere was , wasn't there? There was not. :. waThere are , aren't there') There are not.. : arThere were , weren't there? There were not. ; w

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts




    farmers are/were there

    on the farm?workerstreeshorsescowssheepducks

    are } therewerehave you (got)


    wa tercoffeeflourbuttercheesehoney~ u g a r Jamsoup

    is } therewashave you (got)

    in the kitchen?

    a few I a little I a lot (00 etc.There is/was (only) one farmer

    Th { areere wereWe have

    (a) fewsomea lot ofnot anynot many

    workerstreeshorsescowssheepduckson the farm.

    isThere { wasWe have

    (a) littlesomea lot ofnotanvnot much

    watercoffeeflourbuttercheesehoney~ u g a r Jamsoup

    in the kitchen.

    \-V HER E...?

    @ isis the kettle? "the fireman?areis

    the hostesses?the pilot?

    WHERE areisthe soldiers?the barber/grocer?


    the nurses?the postman?the engineer?the mechanic?

    are the students?are the passengers?

    .......................... ..........................











    on the stove.on the roof.on the the the the the the door.under the bridge.under the the classroom.on the bus.


    is a lot of snow?are some trees/cows?arc some apples?is a cat?is a dog?

    WHERE is THERE some water/milk?is some tea/coffee?are , a few girls?is a stove?is a refrigerator?is some hot water?is a clock?

    ............ on the mou............ on the farm

    ............ on the tree.

    ............ in the tree.

    ............ under the tr

    ............ in the glass-

    ............ in the glass

    ............ at the black

    ............ on the left.

    ............ on the right

    ............ in the kettle

    ............ on the wall

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts




    WOULD YOU LIKE TO...?- worLD yo r LIKEr - -- - - -.,I -res. I would like to. IThat is all right.I -.Vo. I am busy . II -r ~ p l . . Gladly. I.\ 0 . thank }O ll .L _______ .J

    to cometo seeto stayto swim?

    with us?our garden?here?-

    some tea?a new guitar? ---

    When would you likeWha t would you likeWhere would vou like

    to visitto eatto stav?

    us?at breakfast?-DONT FORGET TO...

    D O ~ ' T FORGET


    to putto waterto feedto closeto switch offto tum offto lock

    the fire out.the flowers.the birds .the windows.the gass/electricity.the television.the door.

    The teacher said : "PLEASE KEEP ,QrIET."@ The teacherWeFatherYouThe Policeman


    toldwill askhas advisedmust remindordered

    don't want" "

    us to keep quiet.him " be more " get up early.them " pay at once.him " stay where he to waste your time .Ali " disturb others.

    WOULD YOU snxn ----ING...?- WOlLD YOr ~ I D l ) r-------.,I _ Ies. all right.I -No. not at all. II I am sorry. I can't. IL _____ __ .J

    closing the window?cleaning the board?watering the flowers?making some tea?taking my picture?playing the piano for mesinging that song?

    "Ifyoufail atflrst, TRY, TRY, TRY AGAL'i" !"to pleaseto makeTRY to beto finishDO YOUR BEST to learnto writeto come

    want - intend - hope - wish

    your better and beta good citi zen.your work in timmore and morewith your rightearlier.





    to buyto learnto visitto travelto spendto workto finish

    a car .English and Freyour country.around the worlthe weekend inin Switzerland .it early .I

  • 8/8/2019 Basic Grammar Charts


    P R E S E ~ E R . F E C T / ..GOING TO (do) structuresI missedave today.he plane am tomorrowoing to fly

    haven't painted this week.he doorshey are to paint them next weekheypaidasn't thismonthse is next payevisitedaven't this year.e Istanbu l are next ye3r.e " to visitThe plane has just landed . - - is 15 minutes take offthave bought today.a book am read it

    fmishedaven't yet.e the work are finish itethisookedasother fish are at lunch.e " to eat themmorning.

    I (don't) hate / like you!My brotherAltanNilgtm

    enjoyspreferslikesdoesn't likehates

    listeningtravellingfishinggetting upwatchingboxingwalkingreadingtalkingwaiting

    to pop musicby a river.verv earlv.horror the the bus stop.

    Some peopleZeki and MetinThose boys

    enjoypreferlikedon't likehateusually - sometimes - always - often - never . , . . . . ~ ~ o . J I .. &;..w ., , - J v, . . . . . . U/ - - v vw . / UW&,.C. "&. - ""'I' w........@


    The Browns



    the the cinema.milk at a hotel in istanbul.homework at school.mistakes in Turkish.



    interested infond ofgood atbad at

    playingtravellingflyingswimming spring,ajet the rough sea



    afraid of" "


    in the sea.mountains.

    "WHILE I was going to Uskitdar, I found a handker.. - -- - -- - - - - - @ it is raining.Father helps me.they don't miss the bus,IF you are ill.she is very aren't Ali,he hasn't broken the plates,

    (you can) take your umbrella,I will (be able to) finish it.they "i ll never learn.(you may) take a taxi.(you must) go to a doctor.why has she come to school'?who are you?who has broken them?



    youhetheyMotherwethe boys



    --to them,a nice song,the the stationfootball,

    they were worthey werenot leverybody wasFather was helwe felt began to rai