Basic Electrical Product

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  • 7/24/2019 Basic Electrical Product



    Table of ContentsIntroduction............................................................................ 2Siemens Industry, Inc.............................................................. 4Electric Power......................................................................... 5

    Residential !!lications........................................................ 1"Commercial !!lications....................................................... 2"Industrial !!lications........................................................... #$%anufacturin& !!lications.................................................. 44'iscrete Parts %anufacturin&................................................. 4(ssembly Processes............................................................... 52)atc* and Continuous Processes............................................ (5Pictorial +lossary................................................................... $1Reiew nswers.................................................................. 111-inal Eam Instructions....................................................... 1122

    Introduction/elcome to anot*er course in t*e STEP series, SiemensTec*nical Education Pro&ram, desi&ned to *el! our distributorsand customers better understand Siemens Industry, Inc.!roducts. T*is course coers Basics of Electrical Products.0!on com!letion of Basics of Electrical Products, you s*ouldbe able to E!lain *ow Siemens !roducts are used in basic residential,commercial, and industrial a!!lications E!lain t*e similarities and di3erences between load

    centers, !anelboards, switc*boards, switc*&ear, andsecondary unit substations Identify arious Siemens !roducts used in discrete!arts manufacturin&, assembly, batc* !rocessin&, andcontinuous !rocessin& Identify arious Siemens !roducts by trade nameT*is nowled&e will *el! you better understand !roducta!!lications. In addition, you will be better !re!ared to discusselectrical !roducts and systems wit* ot*ers. ou s*ouldcom!lete Basics of Electricity before attem!tin& Basics ofElectrical Products. 6nce you *ae com!leted Basics of

    Electrical Products, you s*ould com!lete or reiew any of t*eot*er STEP courses t*at are releant to your wor. T*e &eneralinformation !roided in Basics of Electrical Products will*el! you better understand t*e s!eci7c !roduct details in t*eremainin& STEP courses.fter you *ae com!leted t*is course, if you wis* to determine*ow well you *ae retained t*e information coered, you cancom!lete a 7nal eam online as described later in t*is course. If

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Electrical Product


    you !ass t*e eam, you will be &ien t*e o!!ortunity to !rint acerti7cate of com!letion from your com!uter.#Siemens is a trademar of Siemens +. Product namesmentioned may be trademars or re&istered trademars of t*eir

    res!ectie com!anies. S!eci7cations sub8ect to c*an&e wit*outnotice.9ational Electrical Code: and 9EC: are re&istered trademarsof t*e 9ational -ire Protection ssociation, ;uincy, % "21(222"

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Electrical Product


    automation, t*is course loos at w*ere many of t*ese !roducts7t in t*e @ow of ener&y in sam!le residential, commercial, andindustrial a!!lications. ee! in mind t*at t*e @ow of ener&yfrom t*e electric utility is discussed only brie@y in t*is coursebecause utility !ower &eneration, transmission, and *i&*olta&e

    distribution !roducts and serices are t*e res!onsibilityof Siemens Ener&y sector com!anies.5

    Electric PowerPower, ori&inatin& at a !ower &eneratin& !lant, is distributedto residential, commercial, and industrial customers t*rou&*arious transmission lines and substations.Power SourcesT*ere are seeral ener&y sources used to !roduce electrical!ower. -or eam!le, coal, oil, and uranium are fuels used toconert water into steam w*ic*, in turn, dries a turbine. Someutilities also use &as turbines, or, for combined cycle o!eration,bot* &as and steam turbines. T*e out!ut s*aft of t*e turbine isconnected to an alternatin" current (C) "enerator. T*e C&enerator is rotated by t*e turbine. It is t*e C &enerator w*ic*conerts t*e mec*anical ener&y into electrical ener&y.CoalPulerier)oilerSteam ?ineSteam Turbine+enerator

    (#ydroelectric Power Fydroelectric !ower !lants use mec*anical ener&yfrom fallin&water to turn a &enerator.$ewer %enewa&le Ener"y 6f t*e !ower &eneration a!!roac*es discussedso far, onlySources *ydroelectric !ower is a renewable ener&y source. Fydroelectric!ower *as been around from t*e earliest days of electric !ower&eneration. In recent years, a small, but &rowin&, !ercenta&eof electrical ener&y is &enerated usin& wind or solar !ower ort*rou&* a *ost of ot*er renewable a!!roac*es.C !enerators %ost of t*e tec*nolo&ies in use today to &enerate electricityutilie an C &enerator. C &enerators o!erate on t*e t*eoryof electroma&netic induction. T*is sim!ly means t*at, w*enconductors are moed t*rou&* a ma&netic 7eld, a olta&e isinduced into t*e*ou&* commercial !ower &enerators are com!le mac*ines,for t*e !ur!ose of e!lanation, a basic &enerator can beconstructed of ma&nets, an armature, sli! rin&s, brus*es, andsome ty!e of resistie load. n armature is any number ofconductors wound in loo!s w*ic* rotate t*rou&* t*e ma&netic

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    7eld created by t*e ma&nets. -or sim!licity, one loo! is s*ownbelow.$If you trac t*e rotation of t*e C &enerator t*rou&* a com!letereolution of #("G, you would see t*at, durin& t*e 7rst Auarter

    of a reolution, olta&e increases until it reac*es a maimum!ositie alue at

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Electrical Product


    12" >CI K 1" am!sPrimary Coilload K 24" >CIload K 5 am!s?oad2124" >CI K 5 am!sPrimary Coil1B"" Turns Secondary Coilload K 12" >CIload K 1" am!sSte!=0! Transformer Ste!='own TransformerCSource

    T*reeP*ase +olta"e -or sim!licity, t*e &enerator and transformers s*ownso far *aebeen sin"lep*ase deices. /*ile sin&le=!*ase !ower is needed

    for many a!!lications, utilities &enerate and transmit t*reep*ase!ower. In a t*ree=!*ase system, t*e &enerator !roducest*ree olta&es. Eac* olta&e !*ase rises and falls at t*e samefreAuency H(" F in t*e 0.S., 5" F in many ot*er countriesL*oweer, t*e !*ases are o3set from eac* ot*er by 12"G.M P*ase P*ase ) P*ase C"=

    olta&e12" >olts12" >olts

    9eutral 24" >olts

    Service Entrance Power, !urc*ased from a utility com!any, enters t*e*ouset*rou&* a meterin& deice and is a!!lied to a load center. T*isis t*e service entrance. Residential serice can come froman oer*ead utility transformer or from a lateral serice rununder&round.?oad Center%eter

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    Transformer6er*ead Serice ?ateral Serice?oad Center%eter


    11Siemens !enerators lt*ou&* t*e !ower from electric com!anies is

    usually reliableenou&* for residential a!!lications, many *omeowners andbusinesses desire stand&y or porta&le "enerators. Siemens&enerators are desi&ned for Auiet and reliable o!eration.Siemens o3ers &enerators in a ran&e of ca!acities alon& wit*associated eAui!ment, suc* as transfer switc*es and manualtransfer interloc its.icroinverters Solar !anels are anot*er source of !ower for *omes andcommercial facilities. Foweer, t*ese !anels conert sunli&*tinto direct current H'C, and t*e electrical eAui!ment we usety!ically reAuires C. T*erefore, inerters are needed to mae

    t*e conersion. -or residential a!!lications, t*e amount ofener&y conerted is small and microinverters are used. Siemensmicroinerters and related eAui!ment are safe and reliable. T*etrun and dro! cable system reduces installation time. 6nce ino!eration, a web=based monitorin& system !roides a moduleby module analysis.Siemens %icroinerter

    eter Soc-ets%ost of us are familiar wit* t*e watt*ourmeter located outside our *omes. T*e watt*ourmeter is ty!ically !roided by t*e !ower

    com!any and is used to determine *ow muc*electricity *as been consumed for billin&!ur!oses. Eac* watt=*our meter reAuires ameter socet to safely and securely connect itto t*e electrical serice. Siemens manufacturesa ariety of sin&le=!osition and multi!le!ositionmeter soc-ets.12eter ains and eter eter mains and meter load centercom&inations areoad Center Com&inations similar. %eter mains incor!orate s!ace for a

    watt=*our meterand a main serice disconnect wit*in t*e same enclosure.%eter load center combinations incor!orate s!ace for awatt=*our meter and circuit breaers in t*e same enclosure.)ecause a!!lication reAuirements ary si&ni7cantly, Siemenso3ers arious ty!es of meter mains and meter load centercombinations.%eter %ain %eter ?oad Center Combination

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    %ain Serice 'isconnect%eter Socet%ain Circuit )reaer)ranc* )reaer S!ace

    !roup eterin" /niPa- meter centers are an o!tion for multi=familydwellin&s.T*ese are self=contained systems wit* two to si metercom!artments. Indiidual branc* circuit breaers for eac*tenant are located in a se!arate com!artment ad8acent to eac*meter socet.Power od wit* 0uic-System modular meterin" includesan assortment of module ty!es t*at can be easily con7&uredto meet a wide ran&e of residential and commercial &rou!meterin& a!!lications. -or eam!le, a ty!ical a!!licationreAuires a main deice module and one or more residential orcommercial meter stacs.0ni=Pa %eter Center Power %od %eter StacSER>ICE'ISC699ECTSER>ICE'ISC699ECTSER>ICE'ISC699ECTSER>ICE'ISC699ECTSER>ICE'ISC699ECT'9+ER

    1#%esidential Power fter !assin& t*rou&* a meter, incomin& !ower usually&oes1istri&ution to a load center. ?oad center is an industry term used toidentifya ty!e of panel&oard used in residential or li&*t commerciala!!lications. s !reiously indicated, t*is load center may becombined in t*e same enclosure wit* a meter socet. 6ften,*oweer, a se!arate load center is !roided. In some instances,ty!ically w*ere t*ere *as been subseAuent construction,a second load center is used for additional circuits. /*ere

    a central air conditionin& unit is used, an electrical sericedisconnect deice is often !roided to remoe !ower from t*eunit w*ile maintenance is !erformed.?oad Centerdditional?oad CenterNC 'isconnect

    oad Centers ty!ical load center consists of an enclosure, interior, andtrim. load center may *ae a main circuit breaer, but, if a maincircuit breaer is !roided se!arately, a main lu& only ty!e loadcenter can be used. )ranc* circuit breaers !lu& into t*e interior

    to !roide circuit !rotection and control for branc* circuits. ?oadcenters ary in sie and ratin&s. -or eam!le, Siemens P and ESload centers are aailable wit* continuous current ratin&s from1"" to 225 am!s.'oor

    TrimInte&ral,d8ustable,0!!er PanInterior

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    )ranc* Circuit )reaers%ain )reaernocout

    14Circuit Brea-ers Circuit &rea-ers !roide a manual means of ener&iin&and

    de=ener&iin& a circuit and oercurrent !rotection for t*econnected circuits. Residential circuit breaers are ty!ically1=!ole, 2=!ole, or 4=!ole breaers wit* current ratin&s of 225am!s or less and olta&e ratin&s of 12" olts, 12"N24" olts, or24" olts.1=Pole Circuit )reaer-romPowerSource

    To ?oad2=Pole Circuit )reaer%ec*anical?in-romPowerSource

    To ?oad

    In addition to standard widt* 0P circuit &rea-ers, Siemensmanufactures a ariety of ot*er branc* circuit breaer ty!es.Circuit )reaerO SP'1=Pole ;P2=Pole ;P;T 'u!le;T Tri!le+-CI )reaer-CI )reaer15


    ;-FRC-0?T+9'FCRCircuit )reaerCombinatio n Ty-C

    -CI6 Interru!tin&Ratin&22 12">%a.R%S Sym.5"N(" FS/'4" C



    !2CI Circuit Brea-er "round fault circuit interrupter (!2CI) isreAuired oncertain residential rece!tacles, suc* as bat*room rece!tacles,rece!tacles located wit*in si feet of a itc*en sin, and outdoorrece!tacles. "round fault is a condition w*ere current taesan undesirable !at* to &round. +-CI deices are desi&ned tointerru!t a circuit w*en a &round fault occurs. T*is is necessaryto reduce t*e s*oc *aard. 6ften a +-CI is mounted at t*erece!tacle. /*en t*is is not !ractical, a Siemens !2CI circuit&rea-er can be installed in t*e load center to !roide t*is

    !rotection.152CI Circuit Brea-er rc faults are electrical arcs w*ic* result w*encurrent @ows inunintended ways, but, in residential a!!lications, often not insuJcient amounts to cause a standard circuit breaer to tri!.rc faults in residential a!!lications ty!ically result from worn ordama&ed insulation and are a common cause of 7res.

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    n arc fault circuit interrupter (2CI) circuit &rea-er !rotectsa&ainst a 7re bein& started by arc faults by reco&niin& t*ec*aracteristics uniAue to arcin& and de=ener&iin& t*e circuitw*en an arc fault is detected. 9ot all -CI circuit breaers aret*e same, *oweer.

    Com&ination type 2CI (C2CI) circuit &rea-ers, in additionto !roidin& oercurrent !rotection, are intended to !rotectdownstream wirin& from t*ree cate&ories of arc faults line=to&roundarcs, *i&* ener&y !arallel arcs, and series arcs &reatert*an or eAual to 5 . Series arcs are arcs on a sin&le conductor.Parallel rc $5 ?ine=to=+round rc Series rc 5 ?oad ?oadH?ine=to=9eutral?oad9eutral 9eutral 9eutral

    0T Circuit Brea-ers Some Siemens load centers are desi&ned to acce!ttype 0T

    1uple3, Triple3, and 0uadple3 plu"in circuit &rea-ers. T*eseare s!ace sain& breaers t*at are *alf t*e widt* !er !ole of ty!e;P circuit breaers. T*is reduced widt* allows more circuits tobe sericed from a load center, !roided t*at t*e main circuitbreaer *as suJcient ca!acity. n im!ortant use for ;T breaersis in cases w*ere additional circuits are bein& added to aneistin& load center, but not enou&* s!aces are aailable in t*eload center.;T 'u!le

    Two Inde!endent 1=Pole )reaersReAuires 6ne S!ace;T ;uad!le

    Two Sets of Common Tri! 2=Pole )reaersReAuires Two S!aces;T Tri!le

    Two Inde!endent 1=Pole )reaers6ne Common Tri! 2=Pole )reaerReAuires Two S!aces

    1(Point of Entry Sur"e Siemens residential !roducts include deicesintended toProtection minimie dama&e from electrical sur&es. -or eam!le, SiemensCircuit Brea-er and SP1 re!laces two full=sie, 1=!ole circuitbreaers and !roides sur&e !rotection for all branc* circuits.Circuit )reaer and SP'Protected w*en lit;S2"2" Ty!e ;P

    2" 2"

    Circuit )reaer andSP'

    Siemens also o3ers t*e followin& sur"e protection devices(SP1s) for use in residential and li&*t commercial a!!lications.Siemens SP14#OE !roides !oint=of=entry sur&e !rotectionand can be used wit* eit*er Siemens or com!etitor loadcenters. Siemens SP14TE telecommunication !rotector andSP14CO5 coaial !rotector are 0? listed deices t*at !roideli&*tnin& !rotection for eAui!ment connected to tele!*one lines

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    HSP'4TE? or T> cables HSP'4C6Q.SP'4TE? SP'4C6QFR'60S >6?T+E'isconnect all!owersu!!lyin& t*is eAui!ment beforere!lacin&.-ailure todo sowill result in deat* orserious in8ury.


    C/TIO$?2 ?1

    SP'4F6%EFR'60S >6?T+E'isconnect all!owersu!!lyin& t*is eAui!ment beforere!lacin&.-ailure todo sowill result in deat* orserious in8ury.


    1$Special pplication Panels Siemens !enerator %eady oad Center is a0? listed 2"" , #"circuit, 42 s!ace indoor load center t*at !roides an e3ectiesolution for im!lementin& &enerator bacu! of critical circuits.)ot* main lu& only and main breaer ersions are aailable.%ain)reaerutomatic+enerator )aced 0! Transfer Switc*Critical Circuits9on=criticalCircuits%ain )reaer?oad Center

    %enovation panels are desi&ned for renoation !ro8ects in older*omes in w*ic* t*e distance between studs is narrower t*ancurrent construction !ractices !roide. 0se of t*is narrower!anel eliminates t*e need to notc* out eistin& studs.%iser panels are intended for use in *i&*=rise a!!lications. T*einterior in riser load centers is s*ifted to t*e left to allow etraroom for riser cables to !ass t*rou&*. Siemens main lu& riser!anels are aailable wit* 125 or 2"" am! ratin&s. %ain breaerconersion its are aailable. T*e !anels may be mounted wit*

    main lu&s on to! or inerted to allow cables to !ass on t*eo!!osite side.Spa panels are desi&ned for outdoor a!!lications reAuirin& t*euse of a &round fault circuit interru!ter H+-CI. T*ese !anelsincor!orate a 2=!ole +-CI breaer and !roide two etra circuits.Temporary power outlet panels !roide a ariety of o!tionsfor 0? listed !ower outlets suitable for use as tem!orary sericeeAui!ment durin& construction or as recreational e*icle !owersu!!ly !anels.1BEnclosed Circuit Brea-ers Siemens manufactures circuit breaer

    enclosures andand 1isconnects fused, non=fused, and molded case switc* disconnects.Enclosed circuit &rea-ers and disconnects !roide aconenient means of disconnectin& !ower to allow for t*emaintenance of eAui!ment, suc* as an air conditioner.Enclosed Circuit )reaers Enclosed 'isconnect

    Electric +e*icle C*ar"in" +ersiC*ar"e is a family of leel 2 C c*ar&in&stations t*at

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    Solutions includes #" am! and $" am! >ersiC*ar&e and >ersiC*ar&e S+models. +ersiC*ar"e and +ersiC*ar"e S! models *ae easyto=use controls and are desi&ned to be easy and safe to install.>ersiC*ar&e S+ models *ae additional communication andmeterin& functionality.#" %odels $" %odels%inimum )ranc*Circuit Ratin&4" Cor 2"B >C

    1C.Inte"rated Power SystemT*e modular desi&n of Siemens Inte"ratedPower System(IPS) Switc*&oard (IPS) switc*&oard allows t*e customer to inte&rateelectricaldistribution eAui!ment, !ower monitorin&, and enironmental

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    controls t*at ty!ically mount in multi!le enclosures into oneswitc*board line=u!. Customers *ae t*e freedom to con7&urean arran&ement t*at best 7ts t*eir needs. 6!tional factoryinstalled interconnection wirin& is aailable to furt*er reduceinstallation time.

    2(IPS switc*boards consist of one serice section and one ormore distribution sections t*at are cable connected. Foweer,IPS switc*boards are also aailable wit* t*rou&* bus and !ullsections. IPS switc*boards accommodate systems u! to ("""am!s incomin&, ("" >C maimum.Serice Section'istribution Sections

    !enerator %eady, Siemens !enerator %eady, 0uic- ConnectSwitc*&oard0uic- Connect meets t*e maret need for Auic connection of a &eneratorfor

    Switc*&oard tem!orary bac=u! !ower.1$!E%SER>ICE'ISC699ECT

    TFIS CIRC0ITPR6TECTE') +R609' -0?TPR6TECTI69Cubicle)0S6 6'9+ERU

    +enerator Ready Switc*board in 9E% #R Enclosure

    2$Super Blue Pennant Siemens Super Blue Pennant switc*&oard is asericeSwitc*&oard entrance switc*board wit* main serice disconnect anddistribution deices contained in a sin&le unit t*at meetsElectric /tility Service Euipment %euirements Committee(E/SE%C) s!eci7cations. T*ese switc*boards are rated for 4"",("", or B"" am!s wit* a circuit breaer main and 4"" or (""

    am!s wit* a fusible >acu=)rea switc* main./att=Four %eterSu!!lied by 0tility%eter Socet%eterin&Com!artment%ain Serice'isconnect'istributionPanel

    Commercial ultieterin" Siemens commercial multimeterin"switc*&oards areSwitc*&oards desi&ned for a!!lications w*ere multi!le utility meters arereAuired. T*ese a!!lications include s*o!!in& centers, oJce

    buildin&s, and ot*er buildin&s wit* multi!le tenants.Siemens S switc*&oards are desi&ned to meet E0SERCs!eci7cations. T*e switc*board main serice is rated u! to 4"""am!s for t*e followin& serices 12"N24" > 1=!*ase, #=wireL24"N12" > #=!*ase, 4=wire, 2"BN12"> #=!*ase, 4=wireL and4B"N2$$ > #=!*ase, 4= wire.Siemens S switc*&oards !roide a *i&*=Auality, multimeterin&solution for areas w*ere E0SERC com!liance is not

  • 7/24/2019 Basic Electrical Product


    necessary. T*e switc*board main serice is rated u! to 4"""am!s for t*e followin& serices 2"BN12"> #=!*ase, 4=wire and4B"N2$$ > #=!*ase, 4= wire.S%% Switc*board %%S Switc*board

    2BPanel&oard E3ample /*en decidin& between a !anelboard and aswitc*board incommercial a!!lications, it is not always clear w*ic* !roductyou s*ould c*ose. In t*e followin& small commercial a!!licationeam!le, u! to 12"" am!s at 4B" olts is su!!lied by t*e utilityto a !ower !anelboard. %ulti!le circuits are used to su!!ly!ower t*rou&*out t*e facility. -or sim!licity, only a few deicesare s*own. -or eam!le, one circuit is used to su!!ly !owert*rou&* a transformer to a li&*tin& and a!!liance !anelboardw*ic* controls li&*tin& and electrical outlets. not*er circuitsu!!lies !ower to a motor t*rou&* a motor starter.%otor

    StarterC %otor12"" ,4B" >C-rom 0tili ty12" >C

    Panelboard4B" >C

    TransformerPower Panelboard

    Switc*&oard E3ample In lar&er or more demandin& commerciala!!lications,switc*boards are often used to distribute !ower. In t*e followin&eam!le, u! to 24"" am!s at 4B" olts is a!!lied to t*e sericesection of a switc*board. -or sim!licity, only a few deicesare s*own. -or eam!le, one circuit su!!lies !ower t*rou&*a transformer to a li&*tin& and a!!liance !anelboard w*ic*controls li&*tin& and electrical outlets. not*er circuit su!!lies!ower to a !ower !anelboard located furt*er away or onanot*er @oor. T*is !ower !anelboard su!!lies !ower to a motorand to a li&*tin& and a!!liance !anelboard.24"" ,4B" >C-rom 0tili ty

    -eeder)usway -eeder )uswaySwitc*boardPower

    Transformer Transformer Panelboard4B" >C 4B" >C12" >C 4B" >C12" >C

    Panelboard Panelboard%otorStarter4B" >C

    C %otor

    2? breaers.UUU '9+ER '9+ER PE?I+R6


    Ty!eNTy!o 99+-rame%+UUU '9+ER '9+ER PE?I+R6


    Ty!eNTy!o 99+-rame%+

    696--6 B""I

    Ty!eNTy!o 9%+UUU '9+ER '9+ER PE?I+R6-rame%+69 I6 6-- (""-rame=?+


    15"6-- 669I

    Ty!eNTi!o 9'+-rame'+25"6-- 669 I

    Ty!eNTi!o9-+-rame-+ESC15"6-- 669 I


    >? Circuit )reaers

    = Circuit Brea-ersT*e circuit breaers discussed t*us far in t*is course

    are moldedcase circuit breaers t*at conform to t*e 0? 4B< s!eci7cation.T*is s!eci7cation also coers a cate&ory of molded case circuitbreaer commonly referred to as an insulated case circuit&rea-er (ICCB). ICC)s are &enerally used in switc*boards andmay be 7ed mounted or drawout mounted.#1not*er cate&ory of lar&e circuit breaers is t*e low volta"e(+) power circuit &rea-er. ?> !ower circuit breaers are&enerally drawout mounted and may be used in switc*boardsor switc*&ear. ?> !ower circuit breaers intended for use in

    t*e 0nited States conform to IEEE standards HC#$.1#, C#$.1(,C#$.1$, and C#$.5". T*e corres!ondin& 0? s!eci7cation for ?>!ower circuit breaers is 0? 1"((.Siemens /? modular family of circuit breaers includes bot*ICC)s t*at conform to t*e 0? 4B< s!eci7cation and ?> !owercircuit breaers t*at conform to 0? 1"(( and corres!ondin& IEEEs!eci7cations.-rame Sie I -rame Sie II -rame Sie III6 I6 I6 I

    = / 4;> circuit &rea-ers *ae a rated maimum o!eratin&olta&e of ("" > and are aailable in t*ree frame sies wit*

    frame ratin&s from B"" to 5""" am!s. ll t*ree frame sies *ae7ed=mounted and drawout=mounted ersions.= / 6? switc*&ear as drawout=mounted breaers, *ae a ratedmaimum o!eratin& olta&e of (#5 >, and are aailable in twoframe sies wit* frame ratin&s from B"" to 5""" am!s.+acuBrea- 2usi&le Switc*es fusible disconnect switc* is anot*er ty!eof deice used

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    in !anelboards and switc*boards to !roide oercurrent!rotection. Pro!erly sied fuses, located in t*e switc*, o!enw*en an oercurrent condition occurs. Siemens +acuBrea-fusi&le switc*es are aailable wit* continuous current ratin&su! to 12"" am!s.

    #2#CP 2usi&le Switc*es Siemens *i"* contact pressure (#CP) fusi&leswitc* is anot*erdeice t*at can be used as a disconnect deice in !anelboardsand switc*boards. >isible contacts !roide a isual indicationconcernin& t*e state of t*e switc* before sericin&. FCP fusibleswitc*es are aailable wit* am!ere ratin&s from 4"" to 12""am!s.FCP fusible switc*es are suitable for use on systems wit* u! to2"",""" am!s of aailable fault current w*en used wit* class Vor class ? fuses.

    Power onitorin" Systems Siemens o3ers a full line of power metersand relatedcom!onents and software to monitor critical loads, !owerAuality, and demand.9ort*

    % East /est>86?

    1#.B > 0tility Su!!lySericeSwitc*boardPower ;uality%eterTransformer 4B"N2$$ >C#=!*ase, 4 wire

    Transformer 2"BN12" >C#=!*ase, #=wire'istributionSwitc*boardPanelboards'istributionSwitc*boards4B" >C )usway for %otor ?oadsSafetySwitc*Panelboard%otorStarter4B"N2$$ >C#=!*ase, 4=wire

    4B" >C#=!*ase, #=wirePower%etersPower%eter

    ##Transient Protection System %any ty!es of eAui!ment, es!eciallycom!uters and oJce

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    (TPS7) eAui!ment, are susce!tible to t*e *i&* ener&y leels associatedwit* electrical sur&es, w*ic* can be caused by li&*tnin& orelectrical eAui!ment o!eration. ny com!onent between t*esource of t*e sur&e and &round can be dama&ed. In res!onseto t*is !roblem, Siemens Transient Protection System (TPS7)

    o3ers 0? 144< #rd edition sur"e protection devices (SP1s) to7t eery leel of t*e electrical distribution system.C otors C motors are used in commercial a!!lications for fans, !um!s,eleators, escalators, and coneyors. In t*e 0nited States, t*esemotors usually conform to 9E% s!eci7cations. Siemens o3ersa ariety of 9E% motors in two eJciency leels. Siemens$E Premium E@cient motors meet 9E% PremiumeJciency standards and our /ltra E@cient motors wit*our eclusie die cast co!!er rotor tec*nolo&y eceed 9E%Premium eJciency standards.#4

    +BII Safety Switc*es safety switc* is a ty!e of enclosed switc*. -usiblesafetyswitc*es include !roisions for fuses, non=fusible safety switc*esdo not. Siemens +BII safety switc*es are aailable in "eneralduty, *eavy duty, and dou&le t*row desi&ns. common use for a sin&le t*row safety switc* is to !roide adisconnectin& means and fault !rotection for a motor circuit. double t*row safety switc*, on t*e ot*er *and, is used totransfer a load from one !ower source to anot*er or to connecta sin&le !ower source to eit*er of two loads.+eneral duty >)II switc*es are intended for a!!lications w*ere

    reliable !erformance is needed, but duty reAuirements are notseere, and olta&e ratin&s aboe 24" >C are not reAuired.+eneral duty >)II switc*es are aailable wit* continuous currentratin&s from #" to ("" am!s.Feay duty >)II switc*es !roide t*e ru&&ed constructionneeded for more seere a!!lications and are aailable wit*olta&e ratin&s u! to ("" > C or 'C and continuous currentratin&s from #" to 12"" .+eneral 'uty Feay 'uty>)II Safety Switc*es

    #5otor Starters lt*ou&* safety switc*es can be used to start and sto!motors, many motor a!!lications reAuire t*e use of remotecontrol deices to start and sto! t*e motor. %otor starters arecommonly used to !roide t*is function. In addition, somemotor starters *ae multi=s!eed and reersin& ca!ability. /*ent*e motor starter is contained in t*e same enclosure wit* afusible disconnect switc* or circuit breaer, it is referred to as acom&ination starter.Safety Switc*

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    %otor Starter %otorContactor6erloadRelay

    motor starter ty!ically consists of a contactor and anoverload relay. contactor is an electroma&netic deice wit*contacts t*at control !ower to a motor. n oerload relay!reents dama&e to a motor by automatically sto!!in& t*emotor w*en an oerload occurs.Pus*buttons and ot*er ty!es of control com!onents areused in t*e control circuit for a motor starter to ener&ie andde=ener&ie t*e contactor and !erform ot*er functions.Siemens manufactures a ariety of motor starters and ot*ercontrol com!onents. Some of t*ese com!onents, suc* as t*oset*at are !art of our SI%I/S odular System, are manufacturedto International Electrotec*nical Commission (IEC)s!eci7cations. Siemens also manufactures a full ran&e of control!roducts t*at conform to 9E% s!eci7cations.Contactor6erload RelayC6I? 96.11">?1?2?#

    T1 T2 T##2>oltes#P*%a FP%a m!sSeries("">CSEO Inc. l!*aretta,+ 0.S..ESP2""

    TESTRESET-0?? ?6' %PS

    TRIP C?SS51"2"#"PFSE09)? 69PFSE?6SS 69RESET%6'E %9.+R609' -0?T69

    Contactor6erload RelaySIRI0S #RIEC Starter 9E% Starter

    #(%eview '1. Siemens P1 !anelboards are aailable wit* currentratin&s u! to am!s.2. Siemens P5 !anelboards are aailable wit* continuouscurrent ratin&s u! to am!s for main breaer,main switc*, and main lu& only !anels.#. Siemens S)1 switc*boards *ae t*rou&* bus ratin&s u!to am!s at ("" >C.4. T*e modular desi&n of Siemens switc*boardallows t*e customer to inte&rate electrical distributioneAui!ment, !ower monitorin&, and enironmentalcontrols t*at ty!ically mount in multi!le enclosures intoone switc*board lineu!.5. Siemens circuit breaers *ae a modular desi&nw*ic* allows eac* circuit breaer frame to becom!atible wit* any of t*ree tri! unit models.(. Siemens circuit breaers are aailable eit*er as aninsulated case circuit breaer or as a low olta&e !owercircuit breaer.$. Siemens >)II safety switc*es are aailable in duty, duty, and desi&ns.#$

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    Industrial !!lications+olta"e ClassesT*e !ower distribution eAui!ment discussed t*us far isoftenreferred to as low olta&e eAui!ment, but t*ere are di3erentde7nitions for low olta&e and ot*er olta&e classes. -or t*e

    !ur!oses of t*is discussion of !ower distribution eAui!ment,low volta"e (+) systems o!erate at 1""" olts H1 > or lessand medium volta"e (+) systems &enerally o!erate between1""" and #B,""" olts H1 to #B >.T*e !ower reAuirements of many industrial facilities can beaccommodated usin& only ?> systems. In many instances,*oweer, %> eAui!ment, es!ecially at t*e serice entrance,is reAuired. Electric utilities, w*ic* must !roide !ower tocustomers of arious ty!es, use transmission systems t*ato!erate in t*e *i&* olta&e or etra *i&* olta&e ran&e, but it isbeyond t*e sco!e of t*is course to discuss t*ese systems./it*in t*e 0nited States, Siemens !roducts and serices are!roided by a number of o!eratin& com!anies, includin&Siemens Industry, Inc. HSII. Eac* o!eratin& com!any !roidest*e !roducts and serices needed for its customer base. -oream!le, Siemens Ener&y, inc. su!!lies !ower &eneration,transmission, and *i&*=olta&e distribution eAui!ment andserices to electrical utilities.)ecause many industrial, and some commercial andinstitutional, customers sered by SII also *ae si&ni7cant!ower distribution needs, SII sells a ariety of !roducts suc* as!ower transformers, sur&e arresters, instrument transformers,!rotectie relays, substation automation, and %> switc*&ear, sim!ortant as t*ese !roducts are, it is not wit*in t*e sco!e of t*iscourse to coer all t*ese systems. It is wort*w*ile, *oweer, tobrie@y discuss %> switc*&ear.#BSwitc*"earT*e term switc*"ear is used to describe a com!artmentaliedsystem of coordinated deices used for !ower distributioncontrol and circuit !rotection. Essentially, switc*&ear !erformst*e same function as t*e switc*boards !reiously described, butdi3erent standards dictate t*e desi&n of switc*&ear. In addition,because %> switc*&ear must *andle *i&*er leels of electricalener&y and be ca!able of interru!tin& *i&*er fault currents, it islar&er and more *eaily constructed. lar&e industrial facility receies electrical !ower at a substationfrom t*e utility com!any at *i&* transmission olta&e leels.T*e olta&e is ste!!ed down to a medium olta&e leel att*e substation for distribution t*rou&*out t*e facility. ?ar&eindustrial facilities can be s!read out oer seeral acres and may

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    maimum arcin& duration of 5"" msec.4"Secondary /nit Su&stations Some customers reAuire an inte&ratedassembly, called asecondary unit su&station, to !roide electrical serice to a

    facility. secondary unit substation consists of a !rimary switc*and one or more transformers mec*anically and electricallyconnected to switc*board or switc*&ear sections. ll elementsof t*e substation are en&ineered to t*e s!eci7c needs of t*ea!!lication.T*e incomin& serice to t*e !rimary switc* is ty!ically ratedfor 2.4 to 1#.B >. T*e !rimary switc* is used to connect anddisconnect t*e secondary unit substation from t*e incomin&serice. T*e transformer section can be liAuid 7lled, entilateddry ty!e, or cast coil ty!e and is used to ste! down t*e olta&eto below ("" olts. T*e out&oin& section can be switc*board or

    /? low olta&e switc*&ear sections.Primary Switc*TransformerSwitc*board orSwitc*&ear Sections

    Small Industrial 2acility n eam!le of t*e !ower system for a smallindustrial facilityPower 1istri&ution E3ample is one s*own in t*e followin& illustration. -orsim!licity, onlya few circuits are s*own. In t*is eam!le, incomin& olta&eis ste!!ed down to 41(" olts and a!!lied to t*e facilityDssecondary unit substation. transformer in t*e secondary

    unit substation ste!s t*e olta&e down to 4B" olts w*ic* isdistributed to arious switc*boards and !anelboards. 1=!*asetransformer reduces t*e olta&e to 12" olts.

    Transmission>olta&e 4.1( >Power Com!anySub StationSecondary 0nit SubstationPrimarySwitc*

    TransformerSwitc*board4B" >4B" >PanelboardPanelboard PanelboardSwitc*board Transformer12" > 4B" >4B" >

    41ar"e Industrial 2acility Een in lar&e industrial facilities, su!!ly olta&emust bePower 1istri&ution E3ample reduced to a leel t*at can be used by mostelectricaleAui!ment. /*ile some mac*ines reAuire olta&es aboe 4B"olts, most factories use C motors, dries, motor control

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    centers, and ot*er deices t*at o!erate on #=!*ase, 4B" oltsand ot*er eAui!ment t*at reAuires een lower 1=!*ase or#=!*ase olta&es.In t*e eam!le s*own in t*e followin& illustration, !ower isste!!ed down at t*e utility com!anyDs substation to #B,""" olts

    and a!!lied to t*e incomin& section of t*e industrial !lantDs #B> medium olta&e metal=clad switc*&ear.6ne distribution branc* is ste!!ed down to 41(" olts andanot*er to 1#,B"" olts and furt*er distributed t*rou&* %>metal clad switc*&ear units. 1#,B"" olt branc* is a!!lied toa secondary unit substation and furt*er reduced to 4B" olts.-urt*er down t*is !at*, a 1=!*ase transformer reduces t*eolta&e to 12" olts.

    Transmission>olta&e#B >%> %etal Clad Switc*&ear0tility Substation

    #B >4.1( >1#.B >1#.B >%> %etal Clad Switc*&ear%> %etal Clad Switc*&earSecondary 0nit SubstationPrimarySwitc*Switc*board or?> Switc*&ear4B" >12" >PanelboardSwitc*board


    4B" >PanelboardTransformerTransformerTransformer4B" >

    42Busway )usway is widely used in industrial a!!lications to distribute!ower. T*ere are di3erent ty!es of busway, *oweer. 2eeder&usway is used to conduct feeder current to loads t*at aresometimes remote from t*e !ower source. Plu"in &usway, ont*e ot*er *and, incor!orates !lu&=in units, called bus !lu&s, toallow loads to be distributed oer t*e len&t* of t*e run. %any

    industrial a!!lications reAuire bot* ty!es of busway.-eeder)uswayPlu&=in)usway)us Plu&Plu&=in 6utlet

    In addition to strai&*t sections, busway runs also include anumber of com!onents suc* as tees, osets, and el&ows usedto route busway t*rou&* t*e facility.

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    Tee 63set Elbow

    Busway E3ample In t*e followin& eam!le, busway is used to transfer!ower fromswitc*&ear located outside a buildin& to a switc*board locatedinside a buildin&. Electrical !ower is t*en distributed to ariouslocations in t*e industrial facility.6utdoor-eeder)uswaySwitc*&earSwitc*boardPlu&=in)usway

    4#Siemens Busway Siemens manufactures a ariety of busway ty!es to meetarieda!!lication reAuirements.SE$T%O$ Busway is a @eible !ower distribution solution wit*an easy=to=install sin&le bolt 8oint stac desi&n, o!tional 2""

    neutral or isolated &round, and ratin&s from 225 to 5""" am!s.5 Busway is well nown for its outstandin& !erformance,!roidin& conenient, cost=e3ectie !ower distribution for*i&*=tec* enironments, data centers, laboratories, and ot*era!!lications reAuirin& consistent, Auality !ower distribution.To meet c*an&in& demands of t*e industry, QV=? *as beenreen&ineered to !roide een more o!tions and modularityand is now called 5 #i"* 1ensity (#1) Busway. QV=? F')usway is en&ineered for *i&* reliability wit* o!tional isolated&roundin&, 2"" neutral, and ratin&s of u! to 4"".5/ Busway is well=suited for olta&e sensitie, *eay=duty

    weldin& a!!lications. ailable in ratin&s from 225 to (5""am!s, Q?=0 )usway is a reliable solution for automotie andot*er industrial a!!lications.B1 Busway features a ru&&ed, air=insulated desi&n wit* an oer$"=year trac record t*at includes t*ousands of installations ino!eration today.%eview 71. Siemens medium olta&e air insulatedswitc*&ear features t*e &lobally !roen #F# circuitbreaer o!erator.2. Eac* section of Siemens /? low olta&e switc*&earconsists of u! to indiidually enclosed breaer orauiliary com!artments.# consists of a !rimary switc* and oneor more transformers mec*anically and electricallyconnected to switc*boards or switc*&ear sections.4. busway is used to conduct current to loadst*at are sometimes remote from t*e !ower source.

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    busway allows loads to be distributed oert*e len&t* of t*e run.5. Siemens busway features an easy=to=installsin&le bolt 8oint stac.44

    %anufacturin& !!licationsT*us far, t*is course *as !rimarily centered on Siemens!roducts used to distribute !ower t*rou&*out residential,commercial, and industrial a!!lications. In all t*ese a!!lications,t*is electrical ener&y is also used for li&*tin&, *eatin&, airconditionin&, oJce eAui!ment, and ot*er non=industrialsystems. 0nlie commercial and residential a!!lications,*oweer, in industrial a!!lications most of t*e electrical ener&yis used to !ower manufacturin& eAui!ment.T*e eAui!ment used in manufacturin& aries widely de!endin&u!on t*e olume of !roduction and t*e ty!es of !rocessesem!loyed. s a result, Siemens o3ers a ast array of !roductsfor use in irtually eery !*ase of manufacturin&. %any of t*ese!roducts are !urc*ased by mac*ine builders or OEs (ori"inaleuipment manufacturers) for resale to t*e end user. In ot*ercases, t*e end user may en&ineer a mac*ine or !rocess line orem!loy anot*er com!any to do t*e en&ineerin&. T*e end result,*oweer, is a coordinated system or !rocess.T*ere are a ariety of ways to re!resent manufacturin&!rocesses. Foweer, since t*e &oal of t*is course is to !resent anoeriew of Siemens Industry, Inc. !roducts, we need only taea *i&*=leel iew of manufacturin& !rocesses.45In &eneral, we can say t*at most manufacturin& !rocessesincor!orate one or more of t*e followin& !rocess ty!es1iscrete Parts anufacturin"ssem&lyBatc* Processin"Continuous Processin"T*e !rocess ty!e included in t*e oerall manufacturin& !rocessde!ends u!on t*e !roducts bein& !roduced. Some industries,for eam!le, are dominated by a s!eci7c !rocess ty!e.Process Type Industry E3amples'iscrete Parts %anufacturin& ircraft Partsutomotie PartsElectrical O Electronic Partsssembly ircraft%otor >e*icleCom!uter)atc* Processin& -ood O )eera&e

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    P*armaceuticalContinuous Processin& C*emicalPetroleums an aid to understandin& SII !roducts, t*e net section of t*iscourse !roides eam!les of !roducts t*at could be used in eac*

    of t*e !rocess ty!es !reiously listed. +ien t*e number anddiersity of SII !roducts, only re!resentatie eam!les are used.4(

    'iscrete Parts %anufacturin&%anufacturin& discrete !arts ty!ically reAuires t*e use ofmulti!le mac*ines. %ac*ines are used to moe and store rawmaterials, transform raw materials into 7nis*ed !arts, !aca&eand store !arts, !re!are !arts for s*i!ment, and a *ost of relatedactiities.Totally Inte"rated lt*ou&* t*e arious mac*ines used in t*is !rocessdi3er,utomation (TI) a ty!ical mac*ine needs some ty!e of control system. Int*e!ast, desi&nin& a control system, een for a relatiely basicmac*ine, reAuired an etensie en&ineerin& e3ort to mae t*earious com!onents interact @uidly. 9ow wit* Siemens TotallyInte"rated utomation (TI), com!atible com!onents andsystems are aailable for use in control systems of all*ou&* TI encom!asses many ty!es of deices, SITICcontrollers are !er*a!s t*e bacbone of t*e system.PCcontrolled ac*ine 6ne eam!le of a SI%TIC controller is an SD6'??pro"ramma&le lo"ic controller (PC). P?C is an industrialcom!uter t*at interconnects to t*e mac*ine it is controllin&lar&ely t*rou&* its inputoutput (IO) system. T*e P?CDs IN6system allows it to receie in!uts from switc*es and sensors and&enerate out!uts to actuatin& deices, suc* as contactors andsolenoids, and dis!lay deices, suc* as indicator li&*ts.Switc*SI%TICS$=12""

    SI%TIC S$=12""Indicator ?i&*t6ut!ut PointsIn!ut Points

    4$Input 1evicesT*e P?C receies si&nals from arious switc*es and sensorsint*e controlled mac*ine or related eAui!ment. %any of t*esesi&nals are onNo3 ty!e conditions, also called discrete or di&italsi&nals. In some cases, t*e si&nals come from manual deicessuc* as !us*buttons and selector switc*es. Foweer, manydiscrete P?C in!uts come from deices, suc* as limit switc*es

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    or !roimity switc*es, t*at are turned on and o3 by mac*ineo!erations.Pus*button SelectorSwitc*?imitSwitc*Proimity

    Switc*In addition to discrete in!uts, t*e P?C may also receie analo"in!uts from sensors t*at ary olta&e or current as conditions int*e mac*ine or related eAui!ment ary.In!uts, as well as t*e current condition of P?C out!uts andinternal data alues, are analyed by t*e P?C as it eecutes itsstored !ro&ram. T*e P?C uses t*is !rocess to determine t*esi&nals it sends to out!ut deices t*at control t*e o!eration oft*e mac*ine or indicate mac*ine conditions.Output 1evicesVust as some in!uts are analo& ty!e in!uts t*at ary incurrent

    or olta&e, some out!uts are analo& ty!e as well. %anyout!uts, *oweer, are discrete HonNo3 si&nals. In some cases,t*ese si&nals control eAui!ment directly. In ot*er cases, anintermediate deice, suc* as a control relay or motor starter, isused. T*e followin& illustration s*ows a few eam!les of t*ety!es of deices t*at may be controlled.Indicator?i&*t Relay %otorStarterSi&nalin&ColumnSi&nal?am!

    4BSI%I/S odular System Siemens manufactures an etensie array ofcom!onents andsystems t*at can be utilied for mac*ine control a!!lications.6ne suc* system is t*e SI%I/S modular system of industrialcontrols w*ic* incor!orates com!onents in eac* of t*efollowin& cate&ories switc*in&, !rotectin&, startin&, monitorin&and controllin&, detectin&, commandin& and si&nalin&, andsu!!lyin&. /*ere aried !ower reAuirements are needed,t*e SIRI0S modular system !roides a ran&e of o!tions. -oream!le, contactors and oerload relays are aailable in multi!le

    sies ran&in& from sie S"" to S12.Contactors6erload RelaysS"" S12

    Communication In addition to si&nals !roided to a P?C t*rou&* its IN6system,a P?Cs often also communicates wit* ot*er deices ia oneor more communication !orts. Communication !orts !roidea !at*way for t*e P?C to communicate wit* deices suc* as

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    o!erator interfaces, ariable s!eed dries, com!uters, and ot*erP?Cs.4'C !ower su!!lies. In addition, o!tions for additional

    olta&es are also*ine Control E3ample In t*e followin& mac*ine eam!le, an S$=12""P?C is mountedin a mac*ineDs control !anel. T*e manufacturer of t*e mac*ine*as c*osen to use 7eld deices t*at reAuire 24 >'C !ower. T*e!ower for t*e 7eld deices and t*e P?C is !roided by a SIT6P!ower su!!ly, s*own ad8acent to t*e S$=12"" P?C.5"s t*e S$=12"" P?C eecutes its control !ro&ram, it receiesin!uts from manual switc*es mounted on t*e front of t*e!anel. It also communicates wit* a SI%TIC F%I o!erator !anel

    t*at !roides for manual in!uts from t*e mac*ine o!eratoror maintenance !erson and dis!lays al!*anumeric messa&esindicatin& mac*ine status. T*e P?C also receies in!uts fromot*er control deices suc* as limit switc*es or !roimityswitc*es t*at c*an&e state as a result of mac*ine o!erations.In t*is eam!le, t*e P?C controls relays, contactors, and ot*erdeices t*at turn on and o3 to control arious as!ects of t*emac*ine.Simatic F%I6!erator PanelS$=12"" P?CSIT6P Power Su!!ly%olded Case

    Circuit )reaerSI%TICS$=12""

    Computer $umerical P?Cs are not t*e only control systems used formac*ines.Controls (C$C) Consider, for eam!le, t*e ty!e of control system reAuiredby mac*ine tools, suc* as lat*es, &rindin& mac*ines, !unc*!resses, and mac*inin& centers. %ac*ine tool control systemsty!ically incor!orate a P?C, a computer numerical control(C$C), and related com!onents suc* as servo drives and servo

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    motors. C9C mac*ine tools are used to cut or mac*ine tocom!le and eactin& s!eci7cations.Siemens o3ers a ran&e of SI$/E%IF C$C models, w*ic*includes models for basic mac*ines, dynamic mac*inin&, *i&*s!eedmac*inin&, and PC=based C9C. In addition, Siemens

    o3ers com!atible sero dries and sero motors as well asot*er motion control com!onents and systems. T*ese !roducts!roide t*e coordinated multi=ais control needed for millin&,drillin&, turnin&, &rindin& a!!lications, and ot*er a!!lications.516!erator Panel%ac*ine Control PanelSI%TIC S$ P?CSero %otorsSero 'rie

    %eview 41. n eam!le of a deice t*at mi&*t be controlled by aP?C discrete out!ut is a .

    a. limit switc*b. relayc. !roimity switc*d. selector switc*2. T*e modular system of industrial controlsincor!orates com!onents in eac* of t*e followin&cate&ories switc*in&, !rotectin&, startin&, monitorin&and controllin&, detectin&, commandin& and si&nalin&,and su!!lyin&.#. !ower su!!lies are used to !roide a re&ulated'C olta&e to !ower arious control com!onents.

    4. is a Siemens trade name t*at includes aran&e of com!uter numerical controls used to controlmac*ine tools.52

    ssembly Processesssembly !rocesses may inole assemblin& an entire systemor subsystem at one location. In many cases, *oweer, !artsare mounted seAuentially t*rou&* a series of assembly stations.0nits bein& assembled are moed from station to station iasome ty!e of trans!orter mec*anism, suc* as a coneyor. ny

    s!eci7c assembly station may utilie only manual assemblyo!erations or may include one or more mac*ine o!erations.T*e latter is !articularly true w*en 8ust=in=time manufacturin&tec*niAues, reAuirin& !arts to be manufactured as needed, areem!loyed.otorsT*ere are many as!ects of assembly !rocesses t*at are similarto discrete !arts manufacturin& and, in fact, many factoriescombine bot* ty!es of !rocesses. T*erefore, it s*ould come

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    as no sur!rise t*at t*e electrical !roducts used in bot* ty!esof !rocesses are often t*e same. -or instance, C motors areused in bot* ty!es of !rocesses to c*an&e electrical ener&y intomec*anical ener&y, t*e reerse of w*at a &enerator does.In t*e 0nited States, t*e most common ty!e of industrial

    motor is a $E frame siGe, t*ree=!*ase C inductionmotor. T*e term W9E% frame sieX indicates t*at a motor *asframe dimensions t*at corres!ond to a $ational Electricalanufacturers ssociation s!eci7cation. Siemens 9E%motor !roduct line includes &eneral !ur!ose motors wit* li&*twei&*tdie cast aluminum or ru&&ed cast iron frames as well asseere duty, *aardous duty, inerter duty, and ertical motors.Siemens also manufactures a ariety of motors too lar&e tocorres!ond to 9E% frame dimensions (a&ove $E motors)and motors t*at com!ly wit* International Electrotec*nicalCommission (IEC) s!eci7cations.

    5#9E% %otor IEC %otorotor Control /*ereer motors are used, t*ey must be controlled. T*emostbasic ty!e of C motor control inoles turnin& t*e motor onand o3. T*is is often accom!lis*ed by usin& a motor startermade u! of a contactor and an oerload relay. In t*e eam!les*own in t*e followin& illustration, t*e contactor closes itsmain contacts and starts t*e motor w*en t*e Start !us*buttonis !ressed. /*en t*e Sto! !us*button is !ressed, t*e contactoro!ens its contacts and sto!s t*e motor. T*e oerload relay

    !rotects t*e motor by disconnectin& !ower to t*e motor w*enan oerload condition eists. lt*ou&* t*e oerload relay!roides !rotection from oerloads, it does not !roide s*ortcircuit!rotection for t*e wirin& !roidin& !ower to t*e motor.-or t*is reason, and because a manual means for disconnectin&!ower is needed near t*e motor, a circuit breaer used. safetyswitc* can also be used instead of a circuit breaer.15"6-- 669 I


    Contactor6erloadRelay%otor StarterSto!Pus*button

    StartPus*buttonCircuit )reaerC %otor?1?2?#


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    otor Control Centers /*en only a few &eo&ra!*ically dis!ersed Cmotors are used,t*e circuit !rotection and control com!onents associated wit* amotor are often installed in an enclosure near eac* motor. /*ena lar&er number of motors are used, t*ese com!onents arefreAuently concentrated in a motor control center H%CC.54n %CC is a sectionalied structure wit* control com!onents foreac* motor mounted in a remoable container called a !an or

    bucet. In addition to combination motor control units, motorcontrol centers can also include items suc* as reduced=olta&estarters, ariable s!eed dries, and P?Cs.Siemens tiastar CCs *ae been desi&ned to incor!orate aariety of Siemens !roducts t*at o3er o!timal motor control,communications, monitorin&, !rotection, and automationinterfacin&. -or eam!le, tiastar inte&rated !roducts can includeSI%6C6'E motor mana&ement systems, SIRI0S #R reducedolta&e starters, and any of seeral models of Siemens ariablefreAuency dries communicatin& ia t*e PR6-I)0S='P networ.Fi&* density and arc @as* resistant tiastar %CCs are also

    aailable.SIOCO1E pro otor SI%6C6'E !ro is a @eible, modular motormana&ementana"ement System system t*at !roides multifunctional, solid=state!rotectionfor constant s!eed motors. SI%6C6'E !ro im!lements allmotor !rotection and control functionsL !roides for tracin& ofo!erational, dia&nostic, and statistical dataL and communicateswit* t*e automation system ia PR6-I)0S 'P.SIOCO1E pro C is a com!act, economical system for fullolta&eforward and reersin& starters. Eac* SI%6C6'E !ro Cincludes a basic unit connected by a sin&le cable to a currentmeasurin& module. n o!tional o!erator !anel may also beconnected to t*e basic unit.SIOCO1E pro + is a ariable system wit* an een &reaterran&e of functions. In addition to a basic unit, it can includeeit*er a current measurin& module or a combination currentNolta&e measurin& module, u! to 7e e!ansion modules, and

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    an o!tional o!erator !anel Hwit* or wit*out dis!lay.55'E>ICE)0S+E9. -0?T


    PR6-I)0S 'PSI%6C6'EPR6 >RE'

    '% 24> %6RE'


    "SI%6C6'E PR6lma0?1Cos P*iP#".25N1"T%enu22.(B

    #2$215.$"" /

    SI%6C6'E !ro >

    SI%I/S 7% %educed +olta"e /*ile it is common to turn motors on and o3instantaneously,Starters t*is abru!t transition results in !ower sur&es and mec*anicals*oc t*at may need to be aoided, es!ecially w*en lar&ermotors are inoled. Reduced olta&e starters, *oweer, a!!lyolta&e more &radually. s a result, t*e motor e!eriencesreduced inrus* current and s!eed is accelerated &radually. T*ereare seeral ty!es of reduced olta&e starters, includin& solidstate reduced olta&e starters, called soft starters.

    T*e SIRI0S #R modular system of com!onents includes SI%I/S7%=7? and 7%=4? soft starters for standard a!!lications, andSI%I/S 7%=44 soft starters for *i&* feature a!!lications.#R/#" #R/4" #R/44SIRI0S-I?0RE'E>ICESTTEN)PSSE '

    C 1rives lt*ou&* motor starters can control an C motor for constants!eed a!!lications, many a!!lications reAuire control of motors!eed. n C drive is an electronic deice t*at, in addition tocontrollin& motor s!eed, may control ot*er Auantities suc* astorAue, but t*at de!ends u!on t*e ca!abilities of t*e drie andt*e needs of t*e a!!lication. )ecause t*e ty!e of motor bein&controlled is often an C induction motor and t*e s!eed of

    t*is motor is de!endent u!on t*e freAuency of t*e C !owera!!lied, an C drie is often referred to as a varia&le freuencydrive, or +21 for s*ort.)ecause C motors are aailable in a ran&e of ratin&s and ty!esand a!!lication reAuirements ary widely, Siemens o3ers abroad ran&e of C dries and related !roducts. T*ese dries arediided into two broad classes, low olta&e and medium olta&e.5(ow +olta"e C 1rives Eac* of t*ese classes is furt*er diided. -oream!le, Siemenslow olta&e C dries include &eneral !ur!ose dries, &eneral

    !ur!ose enclosed dries, *i&*=!erformance dries, and *i&*!erformanceenclosed dries. T*e com!lete list of Siemens lowolta&e C dries is far too etensie to describe in t*is course,but t*e followin& !ara&ra!*s !roide summary information.SI$ICS +'? basic dries are cost=e3ectie, Auic tocommission, easy to use, and aailable in a ran&e of frame siesfor a!!lications u! to 2" *orse!ower HFP.t t*e low end of t*e &eneral !ur!ose drie !ower ran&e is t*e

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    SI$ICS !66?, t*e smallest member of t*e SI$ICS family.T*e SI9%ICS +11" is desi&ned for sin&le !*ase 2""=24" >Ca!!lications u! to 4 FP.-9

    V6+P1 2# 4 5( $ B

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    HPC=)ased PlatformSI%6TI69 'SI9%ICSSI9%ICSSI9%ICSSI%6TI69 P


    5BIdenti:cation Systems ssembly a!!lications freAuently reAuireidenti7cation of ob8ects

    used or manufactured. T*is is accom!lis*ed by systems t*atread codes, o!tical c*aracters, or radio freAuency identi7cationHR-I' ta&s associated wit* t*ese ob8ects.Siemens *and*eld and stationary code readers !roidereliable, @eible readin&, eri7cation and o!tical c*aracterreco&nition H6CR.Siemens %2I1 systems utilie a di3erent tec*nolo&y for sensin&ob8ects. -or t*ese systems, a mobile data stora&e unit Hta& isaJed to t*e ob8ect. Eac* ta& stores information associatedwit* t*e ob8ect, or, w*en t*e ob8ect is a container, t*e ta& maystore information about t*e items in t*e container. 'ata stored

    in ta&s can be read from or c*an&ed by radio freAuency HR-deices. 0se of t*is tec*nolo&y sim!li7es t*e !rocess of tracin&ob8ects and streamlines t*e @ow of material.Code Readin& Systems R-I' Systems

    PCs )ecause assembly !rocesses ary in com!leity, t*e ty!es ofcontrol systems and related deices em!loyed also ary. Inaddition to small= and medium=sied P?Cs or ot*er controlsystems used to control indiidual mac*ines, one or morelar&er P?Cs may be em!loyed to collect data and coordinate t*eo!eration of some or all of t*e system.T*is oerall coordination may include control of t*e full ran&eof motor control deices discussed t*us far, from full=olta&estarters to !recision dries. T*e s!eci7c P?C models used de!endon t*e sie and com!leity of t*e a!!lication.Siemens SITIC PCs are t*e foundation u!on w*ic* ourTotally Inte"rated utomation (TI) conce!t is based. )ecauset*e needs of end users and mac*ine builders ary widely,SI%TIC P?Cs are aailable as conentional modular controllers,embedded automation !roducts, or as PC=based controllers.5< ariety of !ro&rammin& o!tions are aailable. T*is includesbasic !ro&rammin& lan&ua&es HInstruction ?ist, ?adder

    'ia&ram, and -unction )loc 'ia&ram as well as more as wellas alternatie a!!roac*es suc* as S$=SC? HStructured Control?an&ua&e, S$=+ra!*, S$=Fi+ra!*, and S$=C-C HContinuous-unction C*art.odular SITIC controllers are o!timied for controltass and can be ada!ted to meet a!!lication reAuirementsusin& modules for in!utNout!ut HIN6, s!ecial functions, andcommunications. Eam!les of !roducts in t*is cate&ory include

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    O!OH and SD6'?? micro automation products, and SD7??,SD4??, and SD68?? modular system PCs.SI%TIC S$=12""SI%TIC S$=15""SI%TIC S$=#""SI%TIC S$=4""

    SITIC em&edded &undles are a combination of *ardwareand software, !recon7&ured for all your automation tass.Rotary !arts are no lon&er needed, resultin& in a system t*atis etremely ru&&ed wit* an o!eratin& system tailored ando!timied for t*e *ardware used. Eac* embedded system unitest*e bene7ts of o!en PC=based controllers wit* t*e ru&&ednessof conentional controllers.SITIC PC&ased controller users rely on t*e ru&&edness ando!en arc*itecture of industrial PCs cou!led wit* t*e !owerfulSI%TIC /inC software P?C. SI%TIC S$ is inte&rated intot*e industrial PC as a software P?C and t*e PC=based controlleris con7&ured and !ro&rammed t*e same way as ot*er S$controllers. ll t*e automation com!onents are inte&rated intoa sin&le industrial PC, resultin& in a com!lete and cost=e3ectiesolution.("TI Portal Totally Inte"rated utomation Portal (TI Portal) is aninnoatie en&ineerin& framewor t*at uni7es multi!leautomation tools into a sin&le, intuitie deelo!mentenironment, enablin& controller !ro&rammin&, F%I screendesi&n, and ot*er automation tass to be !erformed usin& asimilar editor desi&n.

    #uman ac*ine InterfaceVust as it is often necessary to use a P?C tocoordinate t*eSoftware o!eration of multi!le mac*ines in an assembly !rocess, it isalso often necessary to !roide a &ra!*ical re!resentation oft*e current status of t*is !rocess. In addition to !roidin& t*is&ra!*ical re!resentation, an F%I system can !roide a custominterface to allow o!eration !ersonnel to control some or all oft*e !rocess and for maintenance !ersonnel to obtain systemdia&nostic information.SITIC =inCC (TI Portal), SITIC =inCC, and SITIC=inCC Open rc*itecture !roduct families coer t*e entire

    ran&e of en&ineerin& and isualiation software for t*e *umanmac*ine interface HF%I.SI%TIC /inCC HTI Portal is !art of an inte&rated en&ineerin&conce!t w*ic* o3ers a uniform en&ineerin& enironment for!ro&rammin& and con7&uration of F%I solutions.(1Industrial $etwor-s In any com!le assembly !rocess, t*e need for ra!idinformation

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    @ow is critical. Conditions at any !oint in t*e !rocess may im!actt*e entire !rocess. T*is need for information @ow often reAuirest*at intelli&ent deices suc* as P?Cs, intelli&ent sensors, dries,com!uters, and F%I systems be interconnected by one or morelocal area networ-s ($s).

    ?9 is a communication system desi&ned for !riate usein a limited area. ?9s are used in oJce areas as well as inmanufacturin& enironmentsL *oweer, ?9s used in industriala!!lications must be able to o!erate reliably in conditionst*at are unsuitable for oJce=&rade eAui!ment. Industrialenironments ty!ically *ae a *i&* leel of electrical noise andmec*anical ibration and a &reater ran&e of tem!erature and*umidity t*an found in oJce enironments.S!eci7cations for industrial ?9s ary considerably de!endin&u!on t*e reAuirements of t*e a!!lication. Issues suc* as t*eamount of data to be communicated, t*e rate at w*ic* data

    must be communicated, t*e number of deices to be connected,t*e reliability and noise immunity reAuired, com!atibilitywit* ot*er networs, and cost are eam!les of im!ortantconsiderations. In &eneral, it is not !ossible for one networty!e to maimie all c*aracteristics. -or eam!le, a networt*at can communicate a lar&e amount of data in a s*ort timeis liely to be more e!ensie t*an a networ t*at *as morelimited reAuirements. T*erefore, many factories use a multi=leelnetwor structure.In t*e !ast, t*ese networs were often !ro!rietary systemsdesi&ned to a s!eci7c su!!lierDs standards. Siemens is a leader in

    !romotin& t*e trend to o!en systems based u!on internationalstandards deelo!ed t*rou&* industry associations. SiemensSITIC $ET o3ers an inte&rated, industry=standard ran&e ofindustrial networ solutions from industrial ersions of Et*ernetto 7eld deice leel networs.Et*ernet *as become so !o!ular t*at it is considered t*ede facto standard for oJce communications. IndustrialEt*ernet is a *i&*=!erformance networ desi&ned to IEEE B"2.#HEt*ernet and IEEE B"2.11 H/ireless ?9 standards. In orderto !roide t*e !erformance and reliability needed for *i&*s!eedfactory networs, Industrial Et*ernet uses industrial&rade

    switc*in& tec*nolo&y. n Industrial Et*ernet switc* isan actie networ com!onent t*at allows multi!le deices tocommunicate simultaneously at *i&* s!eeds.(2T*e Siemens SI%TIC 9ET !roduct family includes a ran&eof SC$CE 5 Industrial Et*ernet switc*es to 7t ariedreAuirements from localied to !lant=wide networs. Siemensalso o3ers an etensie array of deices for interconnectin&

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    networ com!onents ia twisted=!air cable, o!tical 7ber, orwireless si&nals. -or eam!le, Siemens 2astConnect systemincludes cables and connectors desi&ned for demandin& factorya!!lications and a cable stri!!er desi&ned to s!eed installation.?ie oJce networs, industrial networs also need to be

    !rotected from unaut*oried access and from any unnecessarycommunication load t*at would a3ect networ !erformance.SC$CE S modules and security software !roide aninte&rated a!!roac* to security tailored to t*e demands ofindustrial networs./*ere wireless communication is needed, SC$CE =!roides tec*nolo&y for Industrial =ireless $ (I=$)communication. I/?9 is based on t*e IEEE B"2.11 standard,but is ada!ted to t*e need for reliable communication in noisyindustrial enironments.P%O2I$ET is t*e o!en Industrial Et*ernet standard of PR6-I)0S

    O PR6-I9ET International HPI and t*e leadin& Industrial Et*ernetstandard world=wide. P%O2I$ET IO, t*e most widely=used formof PR6-I9ET, *andles bot* non=time=critical IT communicationsand t*e full ran&e of real=time control communications. )yirtue of its ability to *andle control tass, PR6-I9ET etends t*ebene7ts of standardied, Et*ernet communication to distributed7eld deices. T*is a!!roac* allows 7eld deices from manysu!!liers to be easily connected to t*e networ. PR6-I9ETalso !rotects inestments in eistin& PR6-I)0S networs bysim!lifyin& t*eir inte&ration into a factory=wide networ.P%O2IB/S is t*e o!en 7eldbus standard of PI. 7eldbus is

    a multi=dro! networ t*at !roides a standardied a!!roac*for communication of deices commonly used for factoryautomation or !rocess control. T*e ersion of PR6-I)0S mostwidely used in factory automation a!!lications is PR6-I)0S 'P.T*e ctuatorSensor Interface (SInterface) is an o!en,low=cost networ endorsed by t*e S=International ssociationt*at sim!li7es t*e interconnection of actuators and sensorswit* controllers. S=Interface re!laces t*e com!le wirin& and!ro!rietary interfaces often used for t*is interconnection wit*only two wires w*ic* transfer bot* data and !ower.(#

    IOin- is an o!en communication standard deelo!ed byt*e I6=?in researc* &rou! of t*e PR6-I)0S O PR6-I9ETInternational or&aniation in res!onse to t*e need for a sim!le,low=cost way to allow actuator and sensor communication ina concentrated area, suc* as for a control !anel or indiidualmac*ine. I6=?in is a !oint=to=!oint system, not a 7eldbus. Ituses a t*ree=wire cable, 24 >'C !ower su!!ly, and an I6=?inmaster.

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    Safety Inte"rated Safety *as lon& been an im!ortant consideration infactoryo!eration. s /erner on Siemens, t*e founder of Siemens,stated in 1BB", Wt*e !reention of accidents must not beunderstood as a re&ulation reAuired by law, but at a !rece!t of

    *uman res!onsibility and economic reason.X0nfortunately, re&ulations are necessary to bot* clarify and!romote a!!ro!riate standards. In addition, t*ese re&ulationsneed to be modi7ed !eriodically to ada!t reAuirements toc*an&es in tec*nolo&y.In recent years, safety *as taen on an een &reater im!ortancebot* as a result of c*an&in& re&ulations and standards andt*e emer&ence of new tec*nolo&ies. s a result, Siemensdeelo!ed t*e Safety Inte"rated system w*ic* includes!roducts w*ic* o3er com!re*ensie and consistent safetysolutions for !roduction and !rocess industries. )ecause Safety

    Inte&rated *as been deelo!ed consistent wit* Siemens TotallyInte"rated utomation (TI), bot* standard and safety=relatedcom!onents are combined in one uniform system. T*is results inconsiderable cost sain&s for our customers.Included in t*e etensie array of Safety Inte&rated !roducts arefail=safe SI%TIC P?C Central Processin& 0nits HCP0s, fail=safeSI%TIC ET 2"" In!utN6ut!ut HIN6 deices and systems, SIRI0SSafety Inte&rated industrial controls, and fail=safe dries andmotion control systems.)ecause Safety Inte&rated uses !roen PR6-I9ET, PR6-I)0S, andS=Interface networs for fail=safe communication, en&ineerin&

    and installation costs are si&ni7cantly reduced. /*ere needed,P%O2Isafe and SIsafe can be used. PR6-Isafe is an o!ensolution for safety=oriented communication t*at uses PR6-I9ETand PR6-I)0S serices. SIsafe is t*e safety ersion of t*eS=Interface system.(4SITIC IT anufacturin"T*ere are a ariety of manufacturin&information tec*nolo&y HITE3ecution System systems. -or eam!le, manufacturin& facilities *aelon& usedEnter!rise Resource Plannin& HERP systems to mana&e t*e @ow

    of materials associated wit* manufacturin& !rocesses. In recentyears, many com!anies *ae also been usin& a anufacturin"E3ecution System (ES). /*ile t*e function and de7nitionof an %ES aries de!endin& u!on t*e su!!lier and t*e s!eci7csoftware suite !urc*ased, an %ES is desi&ned to !roide timely!roduction information t*at enables manufacturin& !ersonnelto im!roe o!erational eJciency and reduce costs.Siemens SITIC IT is a set of software suites desi&ned in

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    com!liance wit* t*e IS=

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    for safety and re&ulatory !ur!oses.((Continuous Processes Continuous !rocesses are less understood by most!eo!leL*oweer, t*ey *ae some similarities to batc* !rocesses.

    In&redients must be combined in !recise ways at !recise !ointsin t*e !rocess. Precise control of !rocess conditions must bemaintained to ensure !roduct Auality and safety of o!erations.Some industries, suc* as c*emical and !etroc*emical industries,use continuous !rocesses etensiely. %any ot*er industries,*oweer, use continuous !rocesses as some !art of t*eiro!erations for !urifyin& air and water, treatin& waste !roducts,etc.)ot* batc* and continuous !rocesses use many of t*e!roducts discussed t*us far. Foweer, t*ere are some uniAuec*aracteristics of batc* and continuous !rocesses t*at eit*er

    reAuire t*e use of additional ty!es of eAui!ment or reAuire someof t*e eAui!ment !reiously discussed to be a!!lied di3erently.Closedoop Control 6ne c*aracteristic of batc* and continuous !rocessesist*eir etensie use of analo& data. nalo& alues can arycontinuously wit*in a s!eci7ed ran&e. T*e analo& data may bere!resentatie of tem!erature, !ressure, rate of @ow, wei&*t,t*icness, iscosity, *umidity, or any ot*er c*aracteristic ofim!ortance to t*e !rocess. )ot* batc* and continuous !rocessesreAuire continuous monitorin& at numerous !oints t*rou&*outt*e !rocess. In addition, a correctie action is often reAuired

    to insure t*at t*e !rocess stays wit*in s!eci7cations. T*is ty!eof control t*at inoles measurin& a alue, com!arin& t*emeasured alue to a desired alue or set !oint, and correctin&for t*e error is called closed=loo! control.Set PointH'esired >alueControl 'eice Process-eedbacHctual >alue


    Transmitter SensorController

    ($Process Instrumentation )ecause !rocess ty!es and reAuirements arywidely, manyty!es of sensors, transmitters, actuators, and ot*er deicesare used for !rocess measurement and control. T*e followin&!roduct families are eam!les of t*e ty!es of !rocessinstrumentation !roducts Siemens o3ers. SIT%$S P products !roide a ran&e of instruments for

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    measurin& relatie, di3erential, and absolute !ressure. SIT%$S T products !roide true tem!eraturemeasurements, een under etreme conditions, SIT%$S 2 products include electroma&netic, coriolis,ultrasonic, rotary !iston, di3erential !ressure, orte, and

    ariable area @owmeters. Siemens !rocess instrumentation !roducts include a arietyof !oint and continuous leel measurin& instruments. SIP%T PS' are intelli&ent electro!neumatic !ositionersdesi&ned to !roide !recision ale control. Siemens !rocess !rotection deices can be used to detectsituations suc* as @ow !roblems, bloca&es, screen fault,caitation in !um!s, or burst 7lter !roblems. Siemens remote dis!lays and !a!er and dis!lay !rocessrecorders o3er solutions for !rocess measurement,monitorin&, and recordin&.Siemens Process Instruments

    Process nalytics %any !rocesses reAuire analytical eAui!ment todetermine t*ecom!osition of materials. )ecause t*e nature of t*e materialand t*e analysis reAuired di3ers from !rocess to !rocess,Siemens o3ers a ariety of !rocess analyers and !rocessanalysis systems.=ei"*in" Systems Siemens o3ers a com!re*ensie ran&e of !roducts andsystemsfor wei&*in& and batc*in& tec*nolo&ies. Eam!les includewei&*in& electronics, load cells, belt wei&*in& !roducts, and

    solids @ow meters.(BProcess +isualiGationT*e ran&e of SI%TIC F%I o!eratin& and monitorin&!roductsincludes t*ree software families SITIC =inCC (TI Portal),SITIC =inCC, and SITIC =inCC Open rc*itecture. /e*ae already discussed one of t*ese families, SI%TIC /inCCHTI Portal.SITIC =inCC is a scalable, /indows=based !rocessisualiation system, or w*at is sometimes called a su!erisorycontrol and data acAuisition HSC' system. SI%TIC /inCC

    is scalable because it can be con7&ured to !roide com!leteo!eratin& and monitorin& functionality for sim!le, sin&le=usersystems u! to com!le, multi=user systems wit* redundantserers.=inCC Open rc*itecture addresses solutions wit* *i&*lycustomer s!eci7c ada!tation reAuirements and s!ecialiedfunctions een on non=/indows !latforms.Process Control ariety of a!!roac*es can be used for !rocess control

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    de!endin& u!on t*e com!leity of t*e !rocess bein& controlled. small batc* !rocess often lends itself well to control by oneP?C or a few networed P?Cs.Increasin&ly, ariable freAuency dries H>-'s are also networedto t*e P?C and F%I systems. T*ese dries are used to control t*e

    s!eed of !um!s or fans t*at, in turn, control t*e @ow of @uidsand &ases. -low control is freAuently accom!lis*ed by usin&control ales and ent dam!in& systems to re&ulate @ow w*ilerunnin& !um! and fan motors at full olta&e. 0sin& ariablefreAuency dries for !um! and fan control is a more ener&yeJcient a!!roac* to controllin& !rocess @ow rates. dditionaleJciencies can be &ained t*rou&* use of more eJcient motorsand by usin& smart %CC tec*nolo&ies, suc* as t*ose aailablewit* our tiastar %CCs, to inte&rate motor mana&ement and!rocess control.>-' Pum!

    (alues" to 1" >'C4 to 2" m %eter

    pparent PowerT*e ector sum of true power and reactive power.!!arent!ower is calculated by multi!lyin& current times voltage. T*eunit for a!!arent !ower is t*e olt=am!ere, abbreiated W>.XReactie Powerin >olt=m!eres Reactie H>Rs!!arent Power in >olt=m!eres H>

    True Power in /atts H/P*ase n&le

    rc C*ute ssem&ly n assembly of metal !lates surroundin& circuitbreaker orcontactor contacts. rc c*utes are used to reduce contactdama&e by Auicly etin&uis*in& t*e arc created w*en contactso!en.rc C*ute ssemblyrc ;uenc*ed by

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    rc C*ute ssembly

    rc 2ault n electrical arc w*ic* results w*en current @ows in unintendedways, but in residential a!!lications, often not in suJcientamounts to cause a standard circuit breaer to tri!. Residentialarc faults ty!ically result from worn or dama&ed insulation andare a common cause of 7res. In lar&er a!!lications, an arc faultcan cause an arc as.$4rc 2ault Circuit circuit breaker desi&ned to !roide !rotection from t*eInterrupter (2CI) e3ects of an arc fault by reco&niin& t*e c*aracteristicsuniAue to arcin& and de=ener&iin& t*e circuit w*en an arcfault is detected. T*e most e3ectie -CI circuit breaers arecombination -CIs w*ic* !roide !rotection a&ainst all t*reenown ty!es of arc faults.Siemens Combination -CI Circuit )reaer15TESTTPE

    ;-FRC-0?T+9'FCRCircuit )reaerCombinatio n Ty-C

    -CI6 Interru!tin& Ratin&2212">%a. R%S Sym.

    5"N(" FS/'4"C


    ?E' ?E' )Test)utton

    ?ast nownTri! Condition?E' H ?E' H)6-- 6-- 6ercurrent69 6-- rc -ault69 69rc -ault to+round?E' Indicator

    rc 2las* condition t*at occurs as a result of a *i&* ener&y arc faultw*ere *eat ener&y is suddenly, and often e!losiely, !roduced.

    utotransformer ty!e of transformer in w*ic* t*e secondary coil is !artof t*e!rimary coil. 6ften t*e secondary voltage is ad8ustable ia amoable ta!.-ull >olta&eReduced >olta&e

    BinaryCoded 1ecimal 0sually refers to t*e B=4=2=1 code w*ere four bitsare used to(BC1) re!resent decimal di&its " t*rou&*

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    Binary $um&er number made u! only of 1Ds and "Ds t*at re!resent!owers oftwo H2. Digital eAui!ment uses binary numbers to re!resentnumerical alues and t*e on or o3 condition of deices.#2 1("

    %ost Si&ni7cant )it H%S)2$ 2( 25 24 2# 22 21 2"?east Si&ni7cant )it H?S)1 " 1 " " 1 "12B (4 B 4 2 11""1""1" in )inary K 14( in 'ecimal'ecimal)inaryPower of 2

    Bit 1 or " re!resentin& one !osition in a binary number.Bondin"T*e !ermanent 8oinin& of metal !arts to form an electricallyconductie !at*.Branc* Circuit !art of apower distribution system etendin& beyond t*e7nal

    overcurrent !rotection deice.)ranc* Circuits

    Bus &rou! of conductors used to su!!lypower, data, or controlsi&nals.Foriontal )us>ertical )us

    $(Bus Bar conductor t*at seres as a common connection for two ormore circuits.)us )ars

    Bus Plu" deice used wit*plug!in busway to !roidepowerconnections close to t*e intended load.

    )us Plu&Busway !refabricated electrical distribution system t*at uses bus barsin a !rotectie enclosure.)usway

    Busway #an"ers 'eices used to sus!end busway from a ceilin& or mountit to awall./all Su!!ort Fan&ersPicture -rame Fan&er

    Tra!ee Fan&er-loor Su!!ort Fan&ers

    Byte Ei&*t consecutie bits.$$

    CapacitanceT*e !ro!erty of a circuit or deice t*at allows it to store anelectrical c*ar&e. T*e symbol for ca!acitance is WC.X T*e unit forca!acitance is t*e farad.Capacitive Pro3imity Switc* ty!e of sensing switc t*at !roduces anelectrostatic 7eld todetect t*e !resence of an ob8ect wit*out touc*in& t*e ob8ect.

    Tar&etH%etalic or 9on=metalicSensor -ace

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    Capacitive %eactanceT*e o!!osition to alternating current resultin& fromcircuitcapacitance. Ca!acitie reactance is inersely !ro!ortional tofrequency Hf and ca!acitance HC. T*e symbol for ca!acitiereactance is WQC.X T*e unit for ca!acitie reactance is t*e om.

    Qc K 12_fcCapacitor deice manufactured to *ae a s!eci7c capacitance.C K d 'istance between !latesrea of t*e !lates'ialectric constant

    oror M MCa!acitor H9on=PolariedCa!acitor HPolaried

    Central Processor /nit (CP/)T*e decision=main& !art of a com!uter.

    %ay also be used todescribe t*e !rocessin& circuits to&et*er wit* memory and ot*ercircuits needed for !rocessin& information.$BCircuit Brea-er deice t*at can be used to o!en or close a circuitmanually andalso o!ens a circuit automatically w*en it senses an overcurrent.696--l61""1""m!

    Ty!eNTi!o 9E+-rame=E+

    Closedoop Control control tec*niAue t*at com!ares a feedback si&nalre!resentatie of an actual alue wit* a desired alue andres!onds to minimie t*e error.Set PointH'esired >alueControl 'eice Process-eedbacHctual >alue


    Transmitter SensorController

    Conductor material t*at !ermits electrons to easily moe t*rou&* it.Co!!er, siler, and aluminum are eam!les of materials t*at are&ood conductors. lso used &enerically to refer to a wire, cable,or bus bar t*at is made from a conductin& material.InsulatorConductor

    Contactor 6ften refers to a deice wit* lar&e contacts t*at close w*encurrent is a!!lied to its electroma&netL *oweer, solid statecontactors are also aailable. Contactors are used to control t*e!ower a!!lied to motors, li&*ts, or *eatin& com!onents.Control CircuitPower CircuitPower Circuit rmatureS!rin&Coil

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    Electroma&netStationary Contacts%oable Contacts

    $C, 24" >C'iscrete IN6 Eam!lesnalo& IN6 Eam!les" to 1" >'C=1" to M 1" >'C4 to 2" m

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    Processor IN6SystemIN6'eices?ow >olta&e 'C

    Instrument Transformer ty!e of transformer used to sense t*e voltageor current of

    associated conductors and !roide !ro!ortional electrical ener&yto measurement deices or circuits. !otential transformer HPTis used for olta&e measurements and a current transformerHCT is used for current measurements.Insulated Case Circuit ty!e of circuit breaker t*at conforms to 9E% )=1 andBrea-er 0? 4B< standards for molded case circuit breakers and is oftenused as a main breaer in switc*boards, motor control centers,or in ot*er a!!lications reAuirin& a molded case circuit breaerwit* a *i&* continuous current ratin&.Insulated !ate Bipolar ty!e of transistor often used as a switc*in&

    deice in t*eTransistor (I!BT) inverter section of a variable frequency drive. 1oltage ont*e&ate element is used to control t*e current @owin& between t*ecollector and emitter.+ateCollectorEmitter

    Insulator material wit* a *i&* resistance to t*e @ow of electrons. Plastic,rubber, &lass, and mica are eam!les of materials t*at are &oodinsulators.International n or&aniation based in +enea, Switerland wit* oer 5"

    Electrotec*nical national committees as full members. 9SI re!resents t*e0. S.Commission (IEC) IEC writes international standards for electrical andelectronictec*nolo&ies and !ractices.B'CI+)T#=P*ase%otor

    M=Control ?o&ic

    Isolation Transformer transformer used to limit t*e transfer of electricalnoise fromone circuit to anot*er.ouleT*e basic unit of electrical ener&y. 1 Voule is eAual to 1 wattsecondor t*e amount of ener&y transferred in one second w*ent*epower is one watt.Fnoc-out !lace in an enclosure w*ere a !iece of t*e enclosure can beeasily remoed to allow for cable entry.adder o"ic met*od of !ro&rammin& aprogrammable logic controllert*atuses symbols t*at eoled from t*e dia&rams used wit* controlrelays.olta&e Switc*&ear

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    solid, round conductor is calculated by sAuarin& t*e conductorDsdiameter Hin mills. 1 %C% is 1""" circular mils Halso s*own as 1cmil.etric /nit Pre:3 !re7 added to a unit of measure to increase ordecrease t*e

    sie of t*at unit of measure. -or eam!le, t*e metric unit !re7ilo can be added to meter to form a unit of len&t* HilometereAual to 1""" meters. %etric unit !re7es are associated wit*!owers of ten.%etric 0nit Pre7 Eam!les

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    one conductor induce a voltage in an ad8acent conductor. T*is ist*e basic o!eratin& !rinci!le of a transformer.$ational Electrical n or&aniation of manufacturers of electricaleAui!ment t*at,anufacturers ssociation amon& ot*er t*in&s, deelo!s standards for

    electrical($E) eAui!ment.$ational Electrical Code document reised eery t*ree years basedu!on in!uts to($EC ) and recommendations of olunteer committee members oft*e National 0ire (rotection Association. T*e intent of t*e NEC:, also called 9-P $":, is to describe safe electrical !*ou&* t*e NEC: is an adisory document, its use is oftenmandated by state and local buildin& codes.$ational 2ire Protection !riate, non!ro7t or&aniation wit*international

    members*i!.ssociation ($2P)T*e 9-P *as been t*e s!onsor of t*e NationalElectrical Code:HNEC: since 1

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    $eutral reference connection in apower distribution system.4B" >olts4B" >olts4B" >olts2$$ >olts2$$ >oltsC$eutral2$$ >olts#=P*ase, 4=/ire H/ye=Connected Transformer Secondary4B" >olts P*ase=to=P*ase, 2$$ >olts P*ase=to=9eutral)$

    O*mT*e basic unit of resistance, reactance and impedance. T*esymbol for t*e o*m is W/X, t*e +ree letter ome&a.O*mmeter meter desi&ned to measure resistance.olta&e in >oltsR K Resistance in 6*msI K Current in m!eres Hm!s

    Open 1rip Proof (O1P) motor enclosure ty!e t*at !ermits air @owt*rou&* t*e motor,but is desi&ned to !reent liAuids or solids fallin& from aboeat an&les u! to 15 de&rees from t*e ertical from enterin& t*emotor.Openoop Control control tec*niAue t*at does not use a feedbacksi&nal.Set PointH'esired >alueController Control 'eice Process

    Overcurrent current in ecess of t*e rated current for a deice orconductor. n oercurrent can result from an overload, sortcircuit, or ground fault.Overload Can refer to an o!eratin& condition in ecess of t*e full=loadratin& or a current *i&* enou&* to cause dama&e if it is !resentlon& enou&*. $ort circuits and ground faults are not oerloads.Overload %elay deice used to !rotect a motor from dama&e resultin&

    from anoverload,Solid State 6erload Relay mbient Com!ensated)imetal 6erload RelayPosition Switc* Indicatorand Test -unctionST6P button%anualNutomatic ResetSelector Switc* Current Settin& 'ialutomaticN%anualReset SelectionM15 of -? d8ustmentTest )uttonReset )utton

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    Plu&=In 0nit

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    %eactive Power (ower associated wit* inductance or capacitance. T*e unitforreactie !ower is t*e var.%ead Only emory (%O) 0sually refers to a ty!e of semiconductormemory often used for

    !ermanent stora&e of data or !ro&rams t*at do not c*an&e.%ecti:er deice or circuit t*at conerts alternating current to directcurrent.In!ut-ull=waeRecti7er6ut!utIn!utFalf=waeRecti7er6ut!ut

    %educed+olta"e Starter ty!e of motor starter t*at a!!lies less t*an t*efull=linevoltage to a t*ree=!*ase induction motor w*ile it is startin&.

    T*ere are a ariety of reduced=olta&e starters. Some ty!esuse electromec*anical com!onents and ot*ers use electroniccom!onents. Electronic reduced olta&e starters are oftenreferred to as solid!state reduced olta&e starters or softstarters.#R/#" #R/4" #R/44SIRI0S-I?0RE'E>ICESTTEN)PSSE '

    %esistance !ro!erty of a material or circuit t*at o!!oses current @ow.Resistance is symbolied by WRX and is measured in oms.1""%esistance Temperature deice used to sense tem!erature t*at ariesin resistance as1etector (%T1) tem!erature c*an&es.%esistor deice manufactured to *ae a s!eci7c amount of resistanceor to be ariable wit*in a s!eci7c ran&e of resistance. r*eostatis a ty!e of two=lead ariable resistor and a !otentiometer is aty!e of t*ree=lead ariable resistor.-ied >alue Resistor R*eostat Potentiometer

    %ootmeansuare orT*e eective value of a current or voltage. Root=mean=sAuare is%S +alue descri!tie of t*e mat*ematical !rocess used to calculate t*ee3ectie alue of a !eriodic current or olta&e.%otorT*e rotatin& element in t*e ma&netic circuit of a rotatin&

    mac*ine suc* as a motor.Safety Switc* ty!e of enclosed switc* t*at may also include !roisionsforfuses. Sin&le=t*row safety switc*es are used to !roide a meansfor disconnectin& !ower. 'ouble=t*row switc*es are used totransfer loads from one !ower source to anot*er or to transfer!ower from one load to anot*er.>)II Safety Switic*es

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    +eneral 'uty Feay 'uty

    1"1Secondary /nit Su&station coordinated desi&n consistin& of one ormore transformersmec*anically and electrically lined to switcgear orswitcboard assemblies wit* an out&oin& voltage rated below1""" volts.Primary Switc*

    TransformerSwitc*board orSwitc*&ear Sections

    Selective Coordination !!lyin& circuit breakers in a manner t*atminimies t*e etentof an outa&e in t*e eent of a fault. Circuit breaers are ty!icallyinstalled in a branc*in& arran&ement. In t*e eent of a fault, t*ebreaer electrically closest to t*e fault s*ould tri! 7rst. T*is canbe accom!lis*ed by !ro!erly siin& and ad8ustin& all breaers.Selector Switc* manual switc* wit* multi!le contact !ositions.1( mm #S)2Selector Switc*22 mm SI+90%#S)# Selector Switc*#" mm Class 52Selector Switc*

    Semiconductor ty!e of material, suc* as silicon, wit* more resistancet*an aconductor, but less t*an t*at of an insulator. Sem