NATURE CURES  2015 Vol. 1 Barkha Issue

Barkha Issue NATURE CURESnaturecure.in/.../07/Nature-Cure-eNewsletter_v2.pdf · Barkha Issue. From Chairman's ... your new lifestyle, to help you reach your desired weight and stay

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2015Vol. 1

Barkha Issue

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From Chairman's


It is my privilege to hereby publish the Nature Cure & Yoga Centre's first ever newsletter,

which will be succeeded by a new issue every quarter.

There has been a sharp rise in health problems such as obesity, diabetes, cholesterol,

arthritis and back pain, caused primarily by our careless lifestyles. When we try to overcome

these issues, we end up seeking shortcuts and fast but temporary solutions. But to truly

succeed, we have to understand the root causes of our ailments and adjust our daily

routines to live healthier lives.

Naturopathy is an art and science of healthy living and a drugless system of healing based on ancient, well-founded

philosophies. It has its own concept of health, disease, and principles of treatment. A number of references to

naturopathy can be found in the Vedas and other ancient texts, in ideas such as the morbid matter theory and the

concept of vital force.

The revival of naturopathy in India began with the translation of Louis Kuhne's book “The New Science of Healing”

from the original German. Gandhiji was influenced by Adolf Just's “Return to Nature”, and become a firm believer

in naturopathy. Not only did he write several articles in favour of Naturopathy in “Harijan”, he also conducted

several experiments on himself, his family, and members of his ashram. Because of his influence, several National

leaders joined this fledgling health movement.

It may be noted here that Gandhiji used to stay at the “Nature Cure Clinic” of Dr. Dinshaw Mehta in Pune between

1934 and 1944. In his memory, the Government of India established the National Institute of Naturopathy in 1986

at the site.

The Nature Cure and Yoga Centre is a retreat for the calming and rejuvenating of one's overworked body, mind and

spirit. Founded in 1965, it has successfully healed thousands of health seekers through natural treatments for five

decades. While naturopathy techniques are applied, ongoing medication is also monitored and gradually tapered

off as required.

I have personally experienced the benefits of drugless naturopathy and yoga treatments for several years, and

would want everyone to live healthy lives through the everyday miracles of Nature. It is my belief and hope that

this newsletter will help educate and heal many, and teach them of the wonders of natural living.

Welcome to the world of Nature Cure

Pradip Kumar Khaitan

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Naturopathy and the Nature Cure Yoga Centre

�One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.� - William Shakespeare

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· Treat the whole person: One of the biggest tenets of naturopathy is the belief that mainstream medicine alone does not treat the “whole person”, and that naturopathy goes beyond treatment of symptoms and treats the entire body, as well as the spirit and mind.

· The naturopath as teacher: It is the role of the naturopath to educate an individual in their health and lifestyle practices and encourage that individual to take responsibility for their own health. This cooperative relationship between naturopath and patient is essential to healing.

· Prevention: The ultimate goal of the naturopath is preventive health. Accordingly, the naturopathic emphasis is on building health, not just fighting illness. Adjusting your lifestyle towards healthier options is the goal.

The Nature Cure and Yoga Centre is a retreat for calming, detoxifying and rejuvenating your overworked body, mind and spirit. Located 30 minutes from Calcutta, it is far enough from the hustle and bustle of the city to be a relaxing getaway, yet close enough for residents to stay connected to their daily lives and routines.

Since its inception in 1965, the Centre has successfully healed thousands of health seekers through natural treatments. While Naturopathy techniques are applied, ongoing medication is also monitored and gradually tapered off as required. Qualified in-house physicians, fitness experts, nutritionists and a trained staff offer a highly customized bouquet of personal care for all our guests.

A large, spacious nine-acre

green area, dotted with clean water

bodies, immediately calms the senses. The environment itself

plays a crucial role in the overall healing process; the grounds

are cooler and more comfortable. The air is clean and fresh, the

pathways clean and tree-lined. Organic vegetable patches,

orchards of custard apple, lime, banana, papaya and guava

trees, and pools teeming with fish lend themselves well to the

quiet charm of the campus. A serene Radha-Krishna temple

stands on the grounds for guests looking for a spiritual space.

Plush suites and cottages as well as well-furnished air-

conditioned and non-air-conditioned rooms are available,

depending on tastes and budgets.

The Centre provides many unique facilities for anyone who

wants an extended weekend getaway for mild detoxification. In

this day and age, in order to de-stress, one has to distance

oneself from work; however, being away from work itself can

become a source of stress. The location of the Centre offers the

guests unique opportunity to spend afternoons at work in case

of exigencies. This flexibility ensures that they get the benefits

of the treatment programmes despite their inability to take an

extended leave, as is usually required by the detoxification


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Overcoming Obesity:First Steps

Obesity is a cultural epidemic sweeping

through the world. At a time when

three billion people – nearly half the world's

population – lives below the poverty line, 1.9

billion people are overweight and 600 million

of them obese.

It is such a problem that, within the next few

years, doctors expect it to replace smoking-

related diseases as the world's leading cause

of preventable death.

However, 95% of cases – the overwhelming majority – are of obesity acquired through lifestyle choices such as poor diet and lack of physical stimulation. If tackled early, lifestyle adjustments – if maintained – can reverse the problem entirely. All the results depend on is commitment and willpower.

Aside from diet and exercise, some factors that can influence acquired obesity are:

Lack of sleep

Environmental pollution (sound, air and food)

Psychological factors, such asstress, depression, sadness and anger

Medication such as steroids and antidepressants

A consultation with a doctor can identify issues that can cause obesity, and advice from a trained professional is highly recommended in case the root causes are psychological.

If you are struggling with your weight, and have made a conscious decision to reduce it, then you are already on the path to a better, healthier you. The first thing that you must accept and internalize is that weight loss requires a lifestyle change – it is not a stopgap measure to help shed some pounds before you revert to your prior habits. Those very habits are the ones that caused you to put on weight, and only by giving them up completely can one hope to attain and maintain a healthy body.

There are some tips and tricks that you can adopt as part of your new lifestyle, to help you reach your desired weight and stay there.

Taking up tea drinking is a very good first step. Tea is an immediate source of nutrients. A quick infusion of tea will curb hunger.

The best kind of tea to get is organic, because the tea leaves are high quality and potent. Bring yourself back to earth by drinking a cup of leaf water.

Processed foods contain an immense quantity of synthetic and unnatural chemicals, which are not fully broken down by the digestive system and accumulate in the pineal gland of your brain.They can also affect cell DNA, causing health problems that can even lead to tumours or cancer.

Humans were never meant to eat synthetic foods.Food comes from the Earth. It grows out of the ground, is nourished by it, and nourishes everything else in turn. You won't see a tiger eating a pizza, or a stallion eating a cheeseburger.

You can and will lose weight and be healthy if you simply take the time to read the ingredients on what you buy, and make your food choices accordingly.

First steps

1. Avoid foods high in fat and sugar. - Peoples bodies metabolize sugar differently. Particularly in overweight folk, if you cut back on processed sugar, your body will be more eager to do your bidding. Artificial sweeteners are just as bad as sugar. Healthy sugar substitutes are honey and agave nectar.

�Obesity affects every aspect of a people's lives, from health to relationships..� - Jane Velez-Mitchell

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2. Avoid Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG. It tricks your

body into thinking you have proteins available. It actually

destroys your taste buds by shocking your tongue cells. Be

aware of what you buy; this simple idea is the key to losing

weight.MSG also has some other names: hydrolyzed or

autolyzedyeast, corn, or soy. It can also be simply labelled


3. Salads are really healthy. Try eating a salad every day.Mix

in your favourite salad dressing, croutons, and exotic

vegetables to add some variety to your table.

4. Avoid bread. You get a stomach full of wheat and then

absorb absolutely no nutrients from bread. In turn, your body

still feels hungry, causing you to eat while your stomach is still

full.Adopt a more balanced diet, with a little bread every once

in a while if you want to partake, but eschew it for the most

part and you will see the results.

5. Counting calories is good, but eating healthier is the first

step. If you are hungry, you should eat all the healthy food

your body requires.

6. Stretch your muscles. Move your body. Take up exercises

such as walking, running, yoga, calisthenics or even dancing.

There is nearly nothing as damaging to the body as inactivity.

Never sit down for more than an hour uninterrupted. Take a

five minute walk to keep yourself moving. If you can, work

standing up.

7. Hot baths help your blood flow as well your figure.Your

blood absorbs and circulates the nutrients from the food you

eat.Every cell of fat in your body has been absorbed by your

blood, and every ounce of weight you shed is because your

body is burning fat with the help of oxygen circulated by your


8. Drinking a sufficient amount of water each day can

replenish your cells and help you lose weight by flushing out


Dr K Govinda Bhat CMO

Obesity can cause several serious health issues, such as:1. Heart disease and stroke 2. High blood pressure3. Diabetes 4. Some forms of cancer 5. Gall bladder disease and gall stones 6. Osteoarthritis and gout7. Breathlessness, sleep apnoea and asthma 8. Back pains9. Infertility 10. Gastric ulcersOne must understand that obesity is caused by lifestyle choices. To correct them, one must adopt healthy eating and exercise habits as part of a complete lifestyle change. The following tips can help one get started on this course:Rise early. Wake up as early as possible, preferably at the same time as the sunrise. Drink lots of water and perform morning ablutions. Then exercise; walking and deep breathing (pranayama) clears waste materials and toxins from the body.Go to bed early. The period of sleep before midnight is called Golden Sleep; that from midnight to 2 AM, Silver Sleep; and that from 2 AM to 4 AM, Bronze Sleep. According to pre-Vedic rules, one should sleep by 9 PM and rise by 4 AM to inculcate good health. Sleeping after lunch is forbidden, but one can rest.Eat light. Have light meals during the day and boiled vegetable and clear soup for dinner. Digestive juices are most active during the daylight hours; therefore, eat as little as possible after sundown.Exercise. Gym, suryanamaskar, yogasana, pranayama and walking are all beneficial. Spend between one and two hours daily on physical activity, once in the morning and once in the evening.Fast once in a while. Fasts should be performed under proper supervision by Naturopathy doctors for first timers. Alkaline juices and foods between fasts are very helpful.Seek medical advice. In cases of obesity caused by hormonal and genetic issues, one must continue medication along with naturopathy and yoga therapies. Medication can be tapered off as results are achieved.Seek counselling. In cases of obesity caused by depression, anxiety and other psychological issues, counselling, yoganidra and relaxation techniques can be very helpful.Find Naturopathic remedies. Bowel wash, abdomen mud packs, steam/sauna bath, massage, hip bath, mud bath, gastro-hepatic pack, and wet sheet are beneficial Naturopathic therapies for obesity.

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Eating Right During theMonsoons

Though the first showers of the monsoon bring relief from the scorching summer heat, they also bring a host of health issues like food poisoning, dysentery and cholera. Most of these are caused by contaminated food and improper diet.

According to the 5,000 year old science of Ayurveda, the six seasons or ritu— namely, Sharad (Autumn), Barsha (Monsoon), Greeshma (Summer), Vasant (Spring), Hemant (Early Winter), and Shishir (Late Winter) — each have certain dietary conditions and prescriptions.

According to the Panchabhootha (five elements) philosophy of Ayurveda, every being, whether plant, animal, or human, is constituted of vata, pitta, and kapha. The concentration of these elements varies in each individual, and therefore so do their food requirements. These elements are also affected by the seasons; for example, during the monsoon, vata is aggravated, pitta is accumulated, and kapha is pacified or controlled. Further, earth vapours and humidity leads to fermentation, resulting in the conversion of ingested food into sour components that increase acidity. Thus, fermented foods are to be avoided and a light diet adopted.

To make a right diet chart for the monsoon season, you will need to find out your body type. Consult with a naturopathy doctor to determine this.


Cow's milk is a good ingredient for breakfast. Ingredients used for breakfast should be easily digestible, light, and provide energy and dissuade lethargy. Barley and gram are such cereals. Avoid wheat and maida for breakfast, as they are difficult to digest.


Lunch should consist of all the six rasa or tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent. Begin the lunch with something sweet – a fruit or sweet, followed by the main course that must contain salty, sour, and pungent foods. End the meal with bitter and astringent digestive items like saunf or ajwain as mouth fresheners.


Dinner should be very light, with rice and milk forming the core of this meal. Heavy cereals like wheat are best avoided at night; consider jowar/jola (corn) rotis, asthey are more easily digested. Take dinner only if you feel light; if you've already had something heavy for an evening snack, have one or two bananas and a big glass of milk. Buffalo milk, in particular, is known to facilitate sleep.

Take care that dinner too includes all six rasa, although the portions should be much smaller.

�Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.� - Bethenny Frankel

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Take one harduki (myrobalam), or five grams of triphala powder daily in the morning with water. This will help maintain energy throughout the day and boost immunity.

Include a small amount of dry fruits like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts in your daily diet. You may consume them as light snacks, but avoid fried servings - eat them fresh and raw.

Wheat is the most nutritious of all cereals and moong dal the most easily digestible of the pulses. Toor dal causes acidity and flatulence; consume it only about once every two weeks. During the monsoon, black gram (urad) should be eaten frequently as it is an antidote to excessive flatulence. Season it generously with ginger, mustard, cumin seeds, and coriander.

Avoid green leafy vegetables during the rains since they may be contaminated. Instead, go for yam, sweet potato, brinjal and pumpkin.

Avoid dried or preserved meat, sour curd, fermented products, pork, beef, fish, and an excess of bitter and astringent foods, since they aggravate vata.

If you have curd, consume it with sugar, salt, or amla powder, as they help break it down into more easily digested forms. Buttermilk is preferable to curd, as it does not cause acidity and clears obstructed channels.

During the monsoon, food should be rich in ghee. Ensure that you take ghee made only from cow's milk as it does not increase cholesterol and pacifies pitta (acidity). It also helps digestion, boosts immunity, reduces stress, and improves memory.

Do not sleep for atleast until two hours after any meal. This helps avoid indigestion and acidity.

Here's a guide to what you should be eating in this season to stay healthy.

Drink warm beverages during the monsoons. Add ginger or mint powder to your tea or milk.

Avoid eating street or junk food during the rains. Very few people have the immunity to handle the bacterial overload at such places.

Avoid eating oily or fried foods as they tend to cause acidity. Opt for tandoori or grilled dishes.

Avoid eating spicy foods, as they promote bloating and water retention. Go for foods that are a little low in salt.

Use plenty of garlic, ginger, pepper, turmeric, asafoetida, cumin and coriander while cooking.These spices enhancethe digestive process and improve immunity.

Eat foods that are dry in nature. Makka, chana, besan and jowar (oats) are especially good.

Reduce consumption of meat and fish and include more vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Honey is an excellent tonic that helps keep the intestines sterile and assists in digestion.

Eat bitter vegetables like neem, methi, haldi and karela to prevent infection.

Consume lots of vitamin C and citrus fruits to boost your immunity.

[Note: The diet charted here is very generic. Consult a naturopathy doctor before you start your monsoon diet.]

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Yoga - The Ultimate Freedom

early every man, woman and Nchild on Earth has heard of yoga. Most Indians are familiar with it, and many have practiced it at least once in their lives. Yet, for all our intimacy with the word and the practice, our understanding of it is very limited.Most of us make the mistake of thinking that yoga is just physical exercise, consisted only of various asanas and breathing.

In truth, that is only a small part of the discipline; it extends beyond

the physical into the mentaland spiritual practicesas well. It is also

common to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, the three great

religions of India.The physical techniques of yoga are more correctly

called hatha yoga or ha havidya.Within the Hindu belief system,

Shiva is considered to be its founder and primogenitor. Hatha yoga

has gained tremendous popularity worldwide as physical exercise,

and is now colloquially termed "yoga".

Some speculate that yoga originated in pre-Vedic times, while others

date it to the fifth or sixth centuries BCE. The first texts describing

the practices of yoga are credited to the Upanishads as well as the

Buddhist Pali canon, around the third century BCE.

Yoga began to gain prominence in the west in the mid-nineteenth

century, during a surge of interest in Indian culture nurtured by

Swami Vivekananda. However, the popularity of the physical

practices of hatha yoga is due to the work of

TirumalaiKrishnamacharya and his students, K. PattabhiJois, B. K. S.

Iyengar, Indra Devi, and Krishnamacharya's son TKVDesikachar. It has

since been used as supplementary therapy for conditions such as

cancer, diabetes, asthma, and AIDS.

(For the purposes of this article, going forward, the word yoga will be

used to refer to the specific practices of hatha yoga unless otherwise


What is Yoga?

�Yoga is self-conquest. Self-conquest is God-realisation. He who practises yoga does two things with one stroke: he simplifies his whole life, and he gets free access to the Divine.� - Sri Chinmoy

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The more classical approaches of yoga, such as Iyengar Yoga, move at a more deliberate pace, emphasize proper alignment and execution and hold asanas for a longer time. They aim to gradually improve flexibility, balance, and strength. Other approaches, such as Ashtanga or Power Yoga, shift between asanas quickly and energetically. More recently, contemporary approaches to yoga, developed by Vanda Scaravelli and others, invite students to become their own authority in yoga practice by offering principle-based approaches to yoga that can be applied to any form.

At Nature Cure, different yogic exercises are followed, depending on the individual requirements of the health seekers.

Surya Namaskar

The suryanamaskar is one of the most useful and popular modes of yogic exercises. Combining pranayamas and mudras into a smooth motion, it consists of a series of 12 postures which are performed early in the morning while facing the rising sun. It energizes the entire neuro-glandular and neuro-muscular system of the body, and regular practice ensures a balanced supply of oxygenated blood to all the organ systems of the body.


Asanas are special posture patterns that stabilize the body and mind through stretching exercises. This leads to better control over neuromuscular tonic impulses and an improvement in the general muscle tone. Emphasis is laid on the posture, and there

should be no discomfort caused by practice.

Kriyas or Dharana

Kriyas increase the range of adaptability of the tissues forming various organs and systems and raise the threshold of their reactivity. They bring control over different reflexes and establish a psycho-physiological balance. They are usually classified into six divisions, namely Dhauti, Basti, Neti,Trataka, Nauli and Kapalbhati.

Meditation or Dhyana

Dhyanais the practice involving control over mental functions, which begins with the withdrawal of the senses from external objects and culminates in complete detachment from the external environment. Continued practice of meditation develops internal awareness, leading to a more serene outlook when dealing with external circumstances. Practitioners of meditation report lowered stress, higher levels of awareness, increased problem solving abilities and a general happiness with life.

Benefits of Yoga

The physical benefits of yoga are vast and extensively written about

It addresses a set of key needs – be it enhanced power of processing information, increased levels of creativity and productivity, stronger ammunition to beat stress and a resilient psyche among others.

The cognitive, psychological and neurological benefits of yoga are infinite.

Whether an amateur or an expert, practicing this ancient art even for few minutes a day will enable you to turn your body and mind into a powerhouse of resources. Following are the 5 reasons why yoga is a must for all….

1. Psychological Benefits

2. Stress Benefits

3. Neurological Benefits

4. Biochemical Benefits

5. Creativity and IntuitionSatyabrata Sinha

International Yoga Day Celebration at NCYC

Senior Yoga Teacher at NCYC

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The best health centre, one that

East India should be proud of.

Complete in its amenities and

facilities, good food — healthy yet

palate friendly — friendly staff

and Instructors, it's worth the visit

to detox and encourage good


Best of luck for a new look after the upcoming


Nupur Kejriwal, HomemakerKolkata

Dream big. Dream the impossible, for

even "impossible" says "I'm possible".

A new dimension, new views, new

perspective, a new life; this place has

given me a second birth and a

renewed life.

A u n i q u e a n d h e a l t h y experience. Comfortable stay with modern accommodation facilities and good yoga teachers helped me get relief from backache. A bit of Imagination, as far as meals are concerned, will go a long way in attracting more patients for yoga and naturopathy.All in all, a wonderful experience amongst smiling and helpful staff.

Good luck!

Dr. VIJAY PAHWA (M.S.), Eye Surgeon Kolkata

Upcoming Programme:

Nita Saraf, Student


Before NCYC

After NCYC

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Nature Cure & Yoga CentreDiamond Harbour Road, Konchowki, P.O. & P.S. Bishnupur, Landmark - 3km from IIM Joka

Joka, 24-Parganas (S) Pin: 743503, West Bengal (India) Phone: +91 33 24533880/1, +91 9674169150, [email protected] www.naturecure.inl

NaturopathyDiscover the art of drugless healing

For Private Circulation only. Compiled, Edited & Published for Nature Cure & Yoga Centre. Design : Good Image