Future Leaders Development Programme See yourself here.

Barclays Future Leaders development programme

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Future Leaders Development Programme – Technology – Product and Process Development The Barclays Technology Centre (BTC) Lithuania is one of our strategic technology centres. Should you possess passion for Technology and innovation and be able to back it up with leadership skills and the ability to work across a global programme, apply for the Barclays Future Leaders Development Programme in Lithuania. Time to apply for this life changing opportunity is running out. Fill your application until April 30th at www.seemore-bemore.com and Join us as next Future Leader in Technology.

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Future LeadersDevelopment Programme

See yourself here.

Introduction 1

The Deal 2

The Two-Year Programme 4

Your Development Road Map 6

Core Modules 10

Dates and Deadlines 12

Rotations 14

Your Support network 16

Development Centre 18

Transforming our business to make our customers’ lives much easier begins with us as Future Leaders. As the world in which we work changes and the requirements of us as Future Leaders and our industry evolves, we need to take time to understand how our roles are changing and how we can further develop our own ability as leaders to become truly world-class.

This tailored programme is designed to help you become the most successful leader you can be. Future Leaders inspire, are bold and collaborative, create change and build networks inside and outside the organisation. People want to be led by great leaders and become great leaders themselves. We believe the fundamental driver to transform Barclays is our leadership.

jacqueline BiddleHead of Future Leaders Development Programme


Introduction 1 Dates and Deadlines 12

The Deal 2 Rotations 14

The Two-Year Programme 4 Your Support network 16

Your Development Road Map 6 Development Centre 18

Core Modules 10

In order to become the leader you and we want you to be, you’ll need to set your aims high. Together we’ll hone your skills, develop you professionally and personally, and bring out your strengths. It will see you achieve great things and set you on a path that will take you as far up our organisation as you can go. And it all begins here.

Higher expectations

Introduction 1

Higher expectations

As part of our Future Leaders’ community, you’ll be one of the people committed to redefi ning the banking industry and making our customers’ lives easier. Here’s what we promise you, and what we need you to promise us.

Your commitment

Refl ect where can you develop your own leadership ability to contribute to our growth?

Be present actively take part in modules and interventions

Go beyond seek out development opportunities outside your day-to-day role

Challenge not just yourself, but everyone else in the community to learn

Share knowledge and expertise through blogs and forums

The Deal


Our commitment

We’ll give you access to world-class content and expertise

We’ll support you right throughout the leadership journey

We’ll broaden your outlook through a wide programme of activities

We’ll challenge you to be the best leader you can be

We’ll stick to our promises as long as you stick to yours

What I’m looking for from Future Leaders are people who are willing to learn, take responsibility and challenge the business. jeremy Takle Global Head of RBB Strategy,

Business Performance and Analysis, Retail and Business Banking

Being a Future Leader As Future Leaders, our aspiration is for you to be known as inspirational, highly collaborative and bold. You’ll achieve that by focusing on what we believe, how we think, what we know and how we drive change. As a whole, the Future Leaders Development Programme is designed to enable future leaders right across the world to deepen the capabilities needed to drive our strategy.

High level two-year programme The programme begins with your induction and transition week. Beyond that, there will be initiatives common to each phase, such as ongoing support including buddy catch-ups. Similarly, you’ll enjoy career management, online global social networks and communities of interest, and our online resources. You’ll continue to develop your technical expertise in your own functional area, as well as having the opportunity to study for professional qualifications.

Rotational placements Much of your development will take place on-the-job, as you progress through a series of four six-month rotational placements that will be carefully selected to help you continuously build on your skills. The kind of roles people do on their placements vary hugely, depending on the programme stream and the individual’s development needs. However, there is one thing all placements have in common: they all involve you taking ownership of projects and working at a strategic level to drive business success.

For example, you might be responsible for implementing the launch of a new product, for project managing the development of improved processes, or for driving through changes that impact on the structure of your function and on the business as a whole.

The Two-Year Programme


The Future Leaders I’ve had in my team have brought fresh energy, fresh enthusiasm, fresh perspectives and it’s been a pleasure to have them around.Soraiya Verjee Head of Marketing Strategy for UK Retail and Business Banking

Outside the programme As well as being stretched and challenged through your rotational placements, you’ll also be expected to identify and take advantage of development opportunities outside your day-to-day role, and to take on responsibility, build up your experience and develop new skills. This wider programme of activities might include community work, contributions to our newsletter, and the chance to get directly involved in various steering committees and working groups.

We also run a range of speaker series events, where you’ll be able to hear from senior leaders and put questions to them.

The Two-Year Programme 5


Business scenario / Work-based application / ReviewCuriosity

On-the-job learning

Module 1Emotional Intelligence

Beliefs1 What you believe2 Creating value for Barclays3 You grow, we grow4 Become a force for good

Module 2Organisational Savvy

INDUCTION WEEK3rd – 7th September 2012

April – Year 1

August – Year 1


January – Year 1

Your Development Road Map


Module 6Business Strategy

Business scenario / Work-based application / ReviewDevelop

Module 4 Successful Conversations

Deep dive masterclass Guest speakers

Module 3Transformational Change

Module 5High Performing Teams

August – Year 1November – Year 1

March – Year 2

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y –



Team transformationallearning sets


Module 6Business Strategy

Business scenario / Work-based application / ReviewTransform

Career Planning



Leadership skills& capability development

EvaluationProfessional qualifi cation

Development CentreOnline Self AssessmentFeedback & Coaching

April – Year 2September – Year 2

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Your Development Road Map 8

seemore-bemore.com 9

I asked the Managing Director if I could get involved in a series of bond issuances. It meant raising funding for the bank for the coming year – about £6 billion worth.Matthew Clay 2011 Future Leader, Finance

Core Modules

Module 1 Emotional IntelligenceDesigned to raise awareness of your own individual strengths and blind spots in leading yourself and others

Module 2 Organisational SavvyLearn how to navigate yourself through the organisational matrix, understand your stakeholders and leverage your networks

Module 3 Transformational ChangeGain insight into how individuals and teams work through rapid change and learn the situational leadership skills required to drive the change agenda

Module 4 Successful ConversationsUnderstand, develop and practise the skills and capabilities required to ensure successful conversations

Module 5 High Performing TeamsIdentify the different stages in team development and how you can provide opportunities for others to develop their potential

Module 6 Business StrategyUnderstand the strategies behind high performing organisations and identify the contributing success factors


When you’ve joined a new team it’s always a big change – and with rotation programmes, where you see different areas, it’s important to be able to adapt to those changes.Kriti Sharma 2011 Future Leader, Technology – Product and Process Development

Core Modules 11

Dates and DeadlinesBelow, you’ll find an at-a-glance guide to some of the key events coming up over the next two years.


2012 2013

Global Induction followed by Business unit/specific inductions (2012 intake)

Identification of second rotation and mentors (2012 intake)

Recruiting 2013 cohort Assessment centres, campus events, careers fairs, skills sessions

Learning Curriculum Emotional Intelligence (2012 intake) Start second

rotations (2012 intake)

Welcome day for full-time (2013 intake)Summer Programme starts (8 weeks, including induction)

Spring Programme Intake (4 days)


Learning Curriculum Organisational Savvy (2012 intake)

ALL YEAR COMMUNICATIONS – Personal Learning Dashboard, Steering Committee, Breakfast Sessions, Newsletters

ALL YEAR DEVELOPMENT – Training Modules, Speaker Sessions, Cross Programme Business Projects, Mentors, Citizenship Projects

Identification of third rotation (2012 intake)


Dates and Deadlines 13


Recruiting 2014 cohort Assessment centres, campus events, careers fairs, skills sessions

Full-time Programme Intake (2013 intake – 4 x 6-month rotations)Full-time Programme induction

Start third rotations (2012 intake)

Learning CurriculumTransformational Change (2012 intake)

Identifi cation of fourth rotation (2012 intake)

Development Centre (2012 intake)

Town Hall**(2012 intake)

Start fourth rotation (2012 intake)

Roll-off programme (2012 intake)

Key dates and activities for Future Leaders over the course of the programme

Specifi cally for Line Managers to help identify rotations for Future Leaders

Highlighting when new Future Leaders and Interns join us; it’s good to know this because we often need Future Leaders and Line Managers to get involved in everything from Induction to Town Halls

Our recruitment activity to help attract more Future Leaders and Interns. We hope that Future Leaders and Line Managers will get involved in a lot of this activity.

* Showcase – at the end of the fi rst year, all our Future Leaders get together to share their highlights and demonstrate what they’ve achieved.

** Town Hall – a great opportunity to bring everyone back together as a cohort to refl ect on their experiences over the fi rst 3 months.




Your two-year development journey is specifi cally designed so that as you progress through your rotational placements, you accumulate the skills and experience you need to succeed in a permanent leadership role. In this sense, we like to think of the rotations as building blocks, with each one giving you the foundation you need to aim even higher in the next.

Placement 2We offer various training on self-management, taking the lead and using EQ, as well as exposing you to new areas of the business, key stakeholders and our international operations.

Placement 1The focus is on helping you to become part of the business through global and specifi c induction events, an introduction to banking and the fi rst technical and functional building blocks.



Deliver through self

Rotations 15

As you can see from the table below, we have mapped out the different areas of expertise that each of your rotations should enable you to focus on.

Although it’s a highly structured development programme, we don’t dictate where your placements are. This will depend on your development needs, our business priorities

and of course your aspirations. In the fi rst year, everything is focused on giving you the building blocks that are critical to your development. The second year is built around your longer term career plans, and what you need to continue your leadership journey over the coming years. All of this will be worked out with your Programme Manager, Line Managers and the FLDP Team.

Placement 4Towards the end of the programme, you are now responsible for leading others – as you take on ever-greater responsibility and prepare for the next stage of your career.

Placement 3Again your development is accelerated; this time by working on strategy, taking more accountability and managing stakeholders. We will push you further out of your comfort zone.

Belief in others

Deliver through others


Future Leader

Line Manager Your primary support during your placements, able to use their experience and insight to help you get the best out of the experience.

Mentor A Mentor is there to provide great (and impartial) advice on how to help you develop your career.

FLDP Team Programme Managers work with you, Line Managers and the business to monitor your performance and help you succeed. Buddy System

A Buddy is there to help ease you into the business and be a personal sounding board on virtually anything.


Your Support Network 17

Your Support networkYou’ll receive structured, cohesive support at every level, with an assigned Mentor, an informal Buddy, and a Line Manager with a superb track record of maximising potential. All overseen by our Future Leaders Development Programme Team, whose core goal is simply to see you succeed.

I think the main thing that I’ve learned about leadership is that everyone can be a completely different type of person but still be an effective leader.nick Fraine 2011 Future Leader, Retail and Business Banking Leadership

Development CentreTowards the end of the programme, all our Future Leaders attend a Development Centre, which is designed to help you maximise your potential as you make the transition into a permanent role.

The key aims of the Development Centre are to measure your progress, pinpoint your strengths and development areas, and support you in identifying suitable opportunities for your ongoing development journey.

The end of the FLDP may seem some way off, but everything over the next two years is focused on helping you continue your leadership development. As the programme nears its end, we’ll help make sure you find the right permanent role for you – providing feedback and coaching, career management workshops and training in interview techniques.

Of course, it’s not just about that first role. The FLDP is focused on helping you to transform your leadership potential into a senior position within the business, reaching the very heights of Barclays over the next 10 to 15 years.


just the beginning

The FLDP is just the beginning of your leadership career with Barclays.Karen Oakley-CarpenterFLDP Attraction & Selection Manager


@barclaysgrads Barclays Graduates