Preparing a child for baptism is one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of parenthood. After years of planting seeds of faith, it is an awesome privilege to participate in the harvest. This packet has been prepared to help parents explain God’s plan of salvation to their school-age children who have expressed an interest in baptism. It is essential for a child to understand what it means to offer a lifetime commitment to Jesus before making this most important decision. At what age should children of believing parents be baptized? The issue of second generation Christians is not clearly addressed in Scripture. The only example we have is from II Timothy 1:5: “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” But this doesn’t tell us anything about the circumstances of Timothy’s baptism. The church has struggled with this issue for centuries, and over the years, three clearly different church doctrines have developed: Sacramentarian: The view of the Roman Catholic church is that every infant enters this world in a state of condemnation. It is then necessary to wash away a baby’s original sin because if he were to die without the benefit of the sacrament of baptism, that child could not enter heaven. Reformed: Martin Luther modified this view by equating infant baptism in the present-day church era with Old Testament circumcision, teaching that it identifies the infant as part of the family of faith, but the child still needs to confirm his commitment (“confirmation”) to Christ later on in life. Christian Churches/Churches of Christ: We believe the Bible teaches that baptism is only for those who have been taught the salvation message and have made an informed decision to become “disciples” or followers of Jesus Christ. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) “Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added..” (Acts 2:41) Are children “lost” if they have not been baptized? God made childhood a time of growing and learning by trial and error, and without condemnation. (Matthew 18:1-6) Children have a special and beautiful relationship to God based on a dependent relationship to their parents. Obedience to parents is the only specific command given to children.

baptizing them and teaching them - Northern Colorado · Preparing a child for baptism is one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of parenthood. After years of planting seeds

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Page 1: baptizing them and teaching them - Northern Colorado · Preparing a child for baptism is one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of parenthood. After years of planting seeds

Preparing a child for baptism is one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of parenthood. After years of planting seeds of faith, it is an awesome privilege to participate in the harvest. This packet has been prepared to help parents explain God’s plan of salvation to their school-age children who have expressed an interest in baptism. It is essential for a child to understand what it means to offer a lifetime commitment to Jesus before making this most important decision. At what age should children of believing parents be baptized? The issue of second generation Christians is not clearly addressed in Scripture. The only example we have is from II Timothy 1:5: “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” But this doesn’t tell us anything about the circumstances of Timothy’s baptism. The church has struggled with this issue for centuries, and over the years, three clearly different church doctrines have developed:

• Sacramentarian: The view of the Roman Catholic church is that every infant enters this world in a state of condemnation. It is then necessary to wash away a baby’s original sin because if he were to die without the benefit of the sacrament of baptism, that child could not enter heaven.

• Reformed: Martin Luther modified this view by equating infant baptism in the present-day church era with Old Testament circumcision, teaching that it identifies the infant as part of the family of faith, but the child still needs to confirm his commitment (“confirmation”) to Christ later on in life.

• Christian Churches/Churches of Christ: We believe the Bible teaches that baptism is

only for those who have been taught the salvation message and have made an informed

decision to become “disciples” or followers of Jesus Christ.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

“Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added..” (Acts 2:41)

Are children “lost” if they have not been baptized?

God made childhood a time of growing and learning by trial and error, and without condemnation. (Matthew 18:1-6) Children have a special and beautiful relationship to God based on a dependent relationship to their parents. Obedience to parents is the only specific command given to children.

Page 2: baptizing them and teaching them - Northern Colorado · Preparing a child for baptism is one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of parenthood. After years of planting seeds

(Ephesians 6:1 and Colossians 3:20) Parents are responsible to teach their children to obey God’s commands. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) The human father, not our Heavenly Father, holds the child accountable.

Based on our understanding of Scripture, we believe that God does not hold children responsible for their sinful nature or sinful acts until they reach an age when they can understand and respond spiritually to the reality of their own sin. At that time the Holy Spirit works in the child’s heart to bring conviction of sin, recognition of the need for forgiveness, and a sincere desire to turn away from sin. This time is often referred to as the “age of accountability.”

Generally, a child is considered safe in terms of his salvation until two things occur in his life: · He comes to a conscious understanding of his own sin against God. · He truly grasps the concept of Jesus Christ dying for him on the cross and is able to make an

informed choice to reject or accept Christ as Savior. When should we expect this to happen? There is no magic age that determines a child is mature enough to make a genuine decision to accept Christ. Traditionally we’ve thought children might begin seriously considering this decision around age nine or ten. Recent research in child development supports this intuition by suggesting children are not capable of logical thought until about age eight, with abstract thinking developing even later.

Children younger than age nine or ten certainly believe in God. They are capable of prayer and of asking questions about God that can cause parents to duck for cover. But baptism is not only a matter of believing God exists. It is the making of a lifelong commitment to Christ. It involves conversion.

Baptism is the culmination point in the development of our faith, where we are faced with God’s question, “Do you receive my Son as your Lord and Savior, and do you accept the conditions of my service with all its privileges and responsibilities, and with all of its promises and demands?”

For many kids, the right time for baptism comes in the later elementary years. They reach a point in their lives when the truth of the gospel hits a spiritual nerve, and they sense the need to be right with God. For many years they have known that Jesus died for their sins, but the truth finally becomes

Example of Logical Thought: God commands

children to obey their parents… sometimes I disobey my parents… therefore, I have disobeyed God.

Example of abstract thought: People in glass houses

shouldn’t throw stones. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t… I’m washed by the blood of the Lamb.

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personal. They become aware of their own sin and may express feelings of “incompleteness” or separation from God.

For others it may not come until middle school or even senior high. One thing we know for sure is that the overwhelming majority of those who accept Christ do so before the age of eighteen. According to a recent study by the Barna Research Group, the probability of an individual accepting Christ as his or her Savior during adulthood is a mere 6%—compared to 32% during the most receptive preteen years.*

My young child is already asking about baptism. What should I do?

Often children will bring up the issue of baptism before they have an adequate understanding of the meaning of conversion to Christ. There are twin traps to be avoided. One is a parent’s natural inclination to see one’s own child as developmentally advanced for his/her age and press ahead assuming more knowledge than what exists. The other danger is to just put off a child with a cryptic “you’re not old enough yet.” Parents need to affirm the child’s enthusiasm while helping him understand and allow time for growth.

Since baptism is a visible “concrete” act they have seen others experience, it is easy for a child to want to “get baptized.” But not every child who expresses an interest in baptism has had a genuine encounter with God. Often children begin asking about baptism just because they are seeking information, not because they are ready to make a decision. Or they may be wanting to please their parents or Sunday school teachers by doing what is right. Still others view baptism as a necessary initiation ceremony into the church. They don’t understand that as dependent children of believing parents, they already enjoy a special place in the family of God. Children are capable of learning enough of the right words to say by memory that Jesus died for their sin, but do they really understand their own need for a Savior? Do they show an understanding that their own sin has separated them from God and demonstrate a sincere desire to repent? As baptism is only a part of one’s conversion to Christ, the big decision is not “to be baptized,” but rather to “become a Christian.” As a parent, you are in the best position to judge whether or not your child is truly ready for baptism. If your child seems only to be seeking information, explain baptism using simple concrete terms he can understand. If you feel the time is not right, affirm your child for having the desire to do the right thing and assure him/her that you will talk about it again when he/she is older. How early should I begin to talk to my child about God’s plan of salvation? It’s never too early to talk to our children about their relationship to Jesus Christ. The decision to trust Jesus as personal Lord and Savior and to obey him for a lifetime is the most important decision of life. However, it is possible to encourage a child to formalize that faith through public commitment and baptism before he is ready.

Christian parents want their children to experience salvation and wholeness through Christ, but they

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often wrestle with the timing. Baptism too early can rob a youngster of a meaningful experience and later lead to doubt about the reality of that commitment. We often see adults burdened with anxiety because they aren’t sure they knew what they were doing when they were baptized. Most cases are nothing more than the natural response of growing in faith, but for others it is much more serious. They struggle with resentment over their premature baptism. Some feel they were pushed or allowed to follow the crowd. Others were simply too young to fully understand and count the cost.Our children deserve a genuine encounter with God, not a premature external experience of walking down the aisle, taking a pastor’s hand, reciting the confession of faith and being baptized. Children should not be allowed to go through the rituals of confession and baptism thinking they have done what they’re supposed to do, only to discover as an adult that they never had a valid, personal experience.

Parents or grandparents can help assess a child’s readiness by asking questions such as:

• What does it mean to have faith in God? How does that affect your life (beyond someday going to heaven)?

• What does sin mean? Can you name some sins you’ve done? How will that change when you become a Christian?

• How is a Christian different from others? How will it be different when you’re a teenager? When you’re an adult?

When children inquire, we have an ideal opportunity to present the gospel simply and clearly. Some will be ready to respond. Others will need more time. Remember, we plant the seeds . . . God causes the growth. May God bless you and your child as you allow the Spirit to work in your child according to God’s timing.

1. Do not try to cover the entire packet at one time. Children need time to absorb new concepts. 2. Have your child sit beside you at a table. A kitchen or dining room table in a well-lit room works

best. Your child will sit more attentively and be able to write when she is asked. 3. Minimize distractions. If the television or radio is on, request that it be turned off during the

study. If other siblings are playing in the room, ask them to play in another room or outside during the study.

4. Throughout the study, allow your child to read some of the Scripture verses. If the child has

difficulty reading, limit the number of passages he reads. Help him discover that the Bible speaks to kids.

5. Avoid using religious jargon that may confuse your child. Words like "redeemed" or

"transgressions" are meaningless to most children. Even phrases like "asking Jesus into your heart" can be misleading unless carefully explained. More than one child has been baffled at how a big bearded man can live inside of them!

6. Allow your child to speak for themself. Do not ask questions such as, "You love Jesus, don't you?"

that force the child to answer in a desired way. If your child is ready to make a commitment to Christ, they ought to be able to express their faith on their own. Encourage them to pray to Jesus in their own words, asking for His forgiveness and help.

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7. Do not pressure your child with guilt. Their emotions are too fragile for you to hang their eternal destiny on their acceptance or rejection of the invitation. Allow the truth of the Scriptures shared and the conviction of the Holy Spirit to bring the child to the point of decision.

To determine a child's readiness, try to evaluate them in these areas:

• Knowledge: Does your child understand that they have sinned and that sin harms their relationship with God? Do they believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He died on the cross to forgive sin? Do they understand what it means to trust God?

• Emotions: Do those facts have an impact on your child? Is there a certain degree of sorrow over sin? Do they feel a need to be forgiven and become part of God's family?

• Will: Do they indicate a change of heart or a spirit of repentance? Is he/she willing to demonstrate faith in Christ and allow Jesus to be their Lord, or leader? Are they already making an effort to know God better?

If you feel your child is not ready to make a commitment, encourage them to wait. In Flavil Yeakley's intriguing study of Why Churches Grow, he discovered that the older the child is when making a decision, the greater the odds are that they will continue to grow. Conversely, the younger the child, the greater the chance that they will disregard that decision later in life. We dare not deny children the opportunity to respond to the Good News, nor do we need to push them too quickly. We simply must provide children a clear path to the Savior. As Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

(Matthew 19:14)

*Flavil R. Yeakley, Jr., Why Churches Grow (Nashville: Christian Communications, 1986), pp. 26-31

© 2014 Rocky Mountain Christian Church

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The problem of SinThe problem of Sin You have done something that keeps you from enjoying that

special relationship with God. The Bible explains it this way: “It is

your evil [sin] that has separated you from your God.” (Isaiah

59:2 ICB)

God has given every person in this world the right to choose.

You can choose to obey God and his ways, or you can choose to

please yourself. Sin is choosing to go your own way instead of

God’s. Sin is putting what you want above what pleases God.

Whenever you have chosen your own way over God’s way, you

have sinned.

Read this verse: “All people have sinned and are not good

enough for God’s glory.” (Romans 3:23)

� How many people have sinned? _____

The Muddy Girl

Once there was a little girl who disobeyed her parents and played in

the mud. When she came home, she planned to march right into the

house. But her father stopped her. He first took her to the side of

the house and used a hose to wash off the mud. Then he brought her

into his home.

Although God loves you, you cannot come into his family when you

are dirty with sin.

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Since God is holy and perfect, he cannot stand sin. He cannot

allow sin in his holy presence in heaven. Sin shuts us out of God’s

presence. Sin breaks up the relationship God desires to have with

us. The price for choosing your own way over God’s way is to be

separated from God forever.

Read this verse: “There is no one without sin. None!” (Romans

3:10) Even though you try your best to do the right thing, are

there ever times you fail to please God?

� What would happen if you broke a law and the police arrested you?

You would receive a punishment, wouldn’t you? Well, the same is

true for breaking God’s commands. Someone has to be punished.

Someone has to pay the price. Read the first part of Romans 6:23: “When someone sins, he earns what sin pays---death.”

� What is the price for choosing your own way instead of God’s


� If you are guilty of choosing your own way (sin) instead of

God’s way, can you enter God’s presence in heaven? _____ _________________________________________

Think about it… � Are you guilty of breaking God’s commands by sinning? Like…

� lying � hating � cheating

� stealing � fighting � being jealous

� teasing � saying bad words

� being disrespectful to your parents

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You may try really hard to bridge the gap between yourself and

God. You may do lots of nice things for people. You may even go

to church every Sunday. But none of that can make up for the bad

things you did, or the good things you chose not to do. With the

price for your sin not paid, you cannot enter heaven and be with


The FixThe Fix So how can you fix this problem? You can’t—but God did. God

loves you. He made a way to save you from the punishment you

deserve because of your sin. He made a way for you to be with

him forever. Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth to take the

punishment you deserve.

Read this verse and answer the questions: “For God loved the

world so much that he gave his only Son . . . that whoever

believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.” (John

3:16 ICB)

� Who is God’s only Son?

� Why did God send his Son?


� How can you have eternal life?


Now read all of Romans 6:23 (ICB): “When someone sins he

earns what sin pays—death. But God gives us a free gift—life

forever in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

� What free gift does God offer to us?

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Picture it like this…

We are separated from God because of something we have done,

but we are brought together with God because of something

Jesus has done! Since eternal life is a gift, it cannot be earned. It

can only be received. When you accept Jesus Christ and trust him

as your Lord and Savior, you become part of God’s family and

receive eternal life.

Read this verse: “. . . you have been saved by grace because

you believe. You did not save yourselves. It was a gift from

God.” (Ephesians 2:8 ICB)

� Eternal life is a from God.

Just knowing about God’s plan isn’t enough. You must do

something about it. You must trust Jesus by stepping onto the

bridge that he built. You must accept the gift that God purchased

for us when he sent Jesus to pay the price for our sins by dying on

the cross.

Read this Bible verse: “But some people did accept him. They

believed in him. To them he gave the right to become

children of God.” (John 1:12 ICB)

� What can you do to become a child of God?

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You must believe Jesus took the

punishment for your sins and accept him as your Lord and Savior.

Write your name in the blanks . . .

God loved so much

that he gave his one and only Son, that by believing in him,

will not die, but will live with God


By accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

has the right to become a child of God.

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Believe Jesus

Put Your Life in God’s HandsPut Your Life in God’s Hands

There is nothing you can do to make up

for the bad things you have done. No

matter how hard you try, you can’t restore the

broken relationship with God on your own.

That’s why we need Jesus as our Savior.

The Bible says: “He saved us because of his mercy, not

because of good deeds we did to be right with God.” (Titus

3:5a ICB)

� Do our good deeds fix our broken relationship with God?


The only thing you can do to become part of God’s family is to

believe Jesus! Listen to God’s promise:

“God makes people right with himself through their faith in

Jesus Christ. This is true for all who believe in Christ . .

.” (Romans 3:22 ICB)

� Circle the words in Romans 3:22 that tell who is right with


To believe in Jesus means to trust Jesus by putting your life in his

hands. Many people say they believe in Jesus. Their minds know

facts about him. They may even say that Jesus died on the cross

for the whole world. But knowing about Jesus is not the same as

trusting Jesus with all your heart.


I am a



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When you accept Jesus as your Savior, you must also trust him

as your Lord and obey his commands. You can trust God

because he loves you more than anyone and will always ask you

to do what is best for you.

A Story of Trust The newspaper told a story about a family that

awoke one night to find their house on fire.

The family escaped from the burning home...

all except for the 10-year-old son named

Tommy. The noise of the fire engines caused

him to wake up, but the fire had spread too far

for him to run downstairs. Tommy walked out

onto the second-floor balcony. His only way to

safety was to jump, yet all he could see below

him was smoke.

Tommy then heard a voice urging him to jump.

It was his dad. “Jump!” his father yelled.

Tommy cried, “How can I jump, Dad? I can’t even see you!”

His father answered, “I can see you, Tommy. Jump! I promise I’ll catch

you!” Then Tommy hesitated for a moment. He thought about his

dad’s love for him. He knew his dad would keep his word, so he

jumped safely into his dad’s arms.

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Tell Others That Jesus is Your LordTell Others That Jesus is Your Lord

When you claim Jesus as your Lord,

you are willing to let others know.

Have you ever been to a wedding? In a

wedding, a man and a woman tell

everyone in the audience that they have

chosen to put the other person first in

their life. It is important that they speak their promises. In a

similar way, God wants us to be proud enough to tell others that

Jesus is first in our life.

The Bible says: “If you use your mouth to say, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and if

you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from death, then

you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)

In Matthew 16:15-16, Jesus asked his disciples to say who they thought

he was. “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the

living God.’” In church, we call Peter’s words the “good confession.”

New believers are asked to repeat Peter’s “good confession” for all the

church to hear.

� Do you think that this is the only time Christians are expected to

say who they think Jesus is?

� What are some other times you might be able to use your mouth

to tell who Jesus is?

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Be BaptizedBe Baptized

Do you know what people in the Bible did whenever they decided

to believe in Jesus and trust Him with their lives? They were


When Peter preached to people who wanted to be saved from

eternal death, this is what he said: “Change your hearts and

lives and be baptized, each one of you, in the name of Jesus

Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive

the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38 ICB)

� Circle two things Peter said people should do if they want to

make things right with God.

� In your own words explain how baptism is a picture of what

God had done for you.

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Baptism is also a picture of what God is doing in us. As you are

lowered into the water you show that Jesus has washed away

your sins. When you are brought up out of the water, you show

that Jesus has made you clean and that you are a new person. You

are born again!

The Bible puts it this way: “So when we were baptized, we

were buried with Christ and shared his death. We were buried

with him so that we could live a new life, just as Christ was

raised from death by the wonderful power of the

Father.” (Romans 6:4)

Jesus Is Baptized by John

At that time Jesus came from Galilee to

the Jordan River. He came to John and

wanted John to baptize him. But John

tried to stop him. John said, “Why do

you come to me to be baptized? I should

be baptized by you!”

Jesus answered, “Let it be this way for

now. We should do all things that are

right.” So John agreed to baptize Jesus.

Jesus was baptized and came up out of the water. Heaven

opened, and he saw God’s Spirit coming down on him like a

dove. And a voice spoke from heaven. The voice said, “This is

my Son and I love him. I am very pleased with him.”

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� In your own words explain how baptism is a picture of what

God is doing in you.

When you give your life to God, he washes you clean of sin and

fills you with his Spirit, making you his child. You look the same

on the outside, but you are new on the inside.

Jesus gave you the ultimate example. He went and was baptized

by John. If you wish to follow Jesus and become part of his family,

then you will want to be as much like Jesus as possible. Baptism

shows you are choosing to become obedient to Jesus and are se-

rious about becoming a part of God’s family.

Jesus not only gave us an example, but a clear command. In the

Great Commission he said: “Go everywhere in the world. Tell

the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is

baptized will be saved.” (Mark 16:15-16 ICB) Jesus gave us a

command. A command we should obey.

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When you enter God’s family you are given a new name—

Christian. Christian means “a little Christ.” A Christian has a

special relationship with God. God is your Heavenly Father, and

you are his child. The Bible says: “The Father has loved us so

much! He loved us so much that we are called children of

God. And we really are his children.”

(1 John 3:1 ICB)

Turn From SinTurn From Sin

God is pleased when you turn away from sin and follow his ways!

The Bible calls this “repentance.” Repentance is making a “u-turn”

with your life.

Be Like Jesus









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When you become a Christian, you hate sin because it separates

you from God. So you choose to do things that please God. “If

anyone belongs to Christ, then he is made new. The old

things have gone; everything is made new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17


But isn’t this hard to do? It would be if you had to do it all by

yourself. But as a member of God’s family you are given a special

helper—the Holy Spirit who lives in you to give you power to live

for God. God then changes you from the inside out! The more

you listen to the Holy Spirit, the more you will grow as a Chris-

tian to become more like Jesus. “But the fruit of the Spirit is

love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self control.” (Galatians 5:22, 23 ICB)

Even though you aren’t perfect, God wants you to try your best

to be like Jesus. “In your lives you must think and act like

Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5 ICB) When you do that others will

be able to see Jesus in you, and Jesus can reach others through

you! God wants each member of his family to share the message

of Christ so others can join God’s family too!


Ask yourself “What would Jesus do in difficult situations?”

whenever you need help knowing the right thing God wants you

to do. Then do it!

What are a couple of ways you could become more like Jesus?



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Be a Responsible Child of God

When you are baptized into Jesus, you are also baptized into his

church—God’s family. The Bible says: “We were all baptized

into one body through one Spirit. And we were all made to

share in the one Spirit.” (I Corinthians 12:13b) You, together

with all your brothers and sisters in Christ, are the body of

Christ. “All of you together are the body of Christ. Each one

of you is a part of that body.”

(1 Corinthians 12:27 ICB)

Think about it . . .

� What things do your own mother and father expect from you?

• to listen and obey them?

• to come to them when you need help?

• to join the family for activities?

• to use good manners at meals?

• to share your toys and help around the house?

• to keep yourself clean?

• to respect them and be kind to your brothers and sisters?

� Do you think God expects similar things from you when you

become his child?

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Listen and ObeyListen and Obey

Have you ever tried to build a model without reading the instruc-

tions? If you have, you probably messed it up. God knows we

need his instructions to keep from messing up our lives. That’s

why he gave us the Bible.

Look at 2Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is

given by God and is useful for teaching and

for showing people what is wrong in their

lives. It is useful for correcting faults and

teaching how to live right.” God wants us to spend time with

him every day, listening to him as we read the Bible. He wants us

to choose to obey what he tells us to do in the Bible.

� What is the Bible useful for?

Ask God for HelpAsk God for Help

Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing. God loves us and he cares

about our struggles. The Bible says: “Do not worry about anything,

but pray and ask God for everything you need. And when you pray,

always give thanks.” (Philippians 4:6 ICB)

� Draw a circle around the words that tell us what we should do

whenever we pray.

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Attend ChurchAttend Church Hebrews 10:25 says: “You should not stay away from the

church meetings, as some are doing. But you should meet

together and encourage each other.” Sometimes our soccer

team may schedule an extra practice on Sunday, or a friend may

invite us to a sleepover on Saturday night. But God wants us to be

with his family—the church—to worship him and encourage each


� What is one thing we should do when we come to church

each week?

Share in the Lord’s SupperShare in the Lord’s Supper

We also gather with God’s family to share in the Lord’s Supper

(communion). This is a time when you should take a close look at

your life and check for any sin that may keep you from being a

healthy part of Christ’s body, the church. The Bible says:

“Everyone should look into his own heart before he eats the

bread and drinks the cup.” (1 Corinthians 11:28 ICB). Read 1

Corinthians 11:23-26, then answer the following questions:

� What does the bread represent?

� What does the cup represent?

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During the Lord’s Supper we also think about our relationships

with others in God’s family, the church. We share the Lord’s

Supper with Jesus himself and with all our brothers and sisters in

the church. “There is one loaf of bread. And we are many

people. But we all share from that one loaf. So we are really

one body.” (1 Corinthians 10:17 ICB)

Share What God Has Given YouShare What God Has Given You

God’s children are happy to give part of their money and their

time back to God. In Malachi 3:10 (ICB) God says: “Bring to the

storehouse a tenth of what you gain. Then there will be food

in my house. Test me in this . . . I will pour out more blessings

than you have room for.” God asks us to give a tenth (tithe) of

what we earn back to him. This is our way of recognizing that

everything we have comes from him. If you give ten cents from

every dollar you earn for your allowance, you are tithing.

� If you give a tithe from your allowance, how much would you


When we give extra money or time to God, perhaps for a special

need, this is called an offering. This can be a way of telling God

that you love him, or that you are thankful for something. God

told us to tithe. Giving an offering is optional. “Each person

should give what he has decided in his heart to give.”

(2 Corinthians 9:7 ICB)

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“Everyone who believes in Jesus will

be forgiven. God will forgive his sins

through Jesus.” (Acts 10:43 ICB)


all of your sins.

“Repent and be baptized, every one

of you, in the name of Jesus Christ

for the forgiveness of your sins. And

you will receive the gift of the Holy

Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

He gives you the gift of the


“I write these things to you who

believe in the Son of God so that

you may know that you have eter-

nal life.” (1 John 5:13 ICB)

You can know that you



“Therefore go and make disciples of

all nations, baptizing them…and

teaching them to obey everything I

have commanded you. And surely I

am with you always, to the very end

of the age.” (Matthew 28:19, 20 ICB)

Jesus will be with you


“We can come to God with no

doubts. That means that when we

ask God for things (and those things

agree with what God wants for us),

then God cares about what we say.

God listens to us every time we ask

him.” (1 John 5:14, 15 ICB)


your prayers.

“And now he can help those who

are tempted. He is able to help be-

cause he himself suffered and was

tempted.” (Hebrews 2:18 ICB)

He helps you when you are


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Four Important Four Important QuestionsQuestions

Now that you know what it means to be a part of God’s family,

there are four very important questions for you to answer:

1. Are you sorry for disobeying God and are you willing to turn

from your sinful ways and follow God’s ways?

2. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God, and that he died for

your sins and rose from the dead?

3. Are you willing to publicly confess Jesus as your Savior and


4. Are you ready to be baptized and live as a member of God’s


Ready or Not?

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Serve God’s familyServe God’s family

God gives each of us special

abilities, and he wants us to use

these abilities to help in his

church. “Let us think about

each other and help each

other to show love and do

good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24

ICB). God also wants us to treat

our brothers and sisters in

Christ with love and respect. In Romans 12:10 we read: “Love

each other like brothers and sisters. Give your brothers and

sisters more honor than you want for yourselves.” And

Romans 12:16 says: “Live together in peace with each other.

Do not be proud, but make friends with those who seem


Is there some lonely child at church with whom you could be

friends? Pray about this.

Keep Your Body CleanKeep Your Body Clean God’s Holy Spirit lives in us, and he wants a clean home. 1

Corinthians 3:16 says: “You should know that you yourselves

are God’s temple. God’s Spirit lives in you.” If you choose to

smoke, or mess up your body with drugs or alcohol, you are not

treating your body as a temple, a special dwelling for God’s Holy

Spirit. Bad thoughts are also like dirty, smelly things hanging

around inside you.

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God wants to help you make your body a good place for his Spirit

to live. You can ask for his help using the words of Psalm 139: 23,

24 (ICB): “God, examine me and know my heart. Test me and

know my thoughts. See if there is any bad thing in me. Lead

me in the way you set long ago.”

� What are some things God wants to help you clean out of

your life?

Count on God’s blessingsCount on God’s blessings

You are probably thinking that God has very high expectations for

you, and you’re right! God wants you to be the best that you can

be, and he has promised to help you do that. Along with these

high expectations come some very special blessings for members

of God’s family:

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Page 29: baptizing them and teaching them - Northern Colorado · Preparing a child for baptism is one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of parenthood. After years of planting seeds