Company number: 07313Z7Z Charity number: 1143083 BOCHASANWASI SHRI AKSHAR pmvsHOTTAM SWAMINARAYAN SANSTHA KNOWN AS "BAPS SWAMINARAYAN SANSTHA" AND "BAPS" Report and Gnancial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


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Company number: 07313Z7ZCharity number: 1143083



Report and Gnancial statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2019

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Report and fmancial statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2019



Trustees' annual report .Independent auditors' reportStatement of financial activities (incorporating an income and expenditure account) ..Balance sheet .Statement of cash flowsNotes to the financial statements



BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Report and financial statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2019

Trustees Report

The trustees of Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (also known as 'BAPSSwaminarayan Sanstha' or 'BAPS') present their report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31December 2019. This report includes the Directors' Report as required by Companies Act 2006.

The financial statements comply with current statutory requirements, thc memorandum and articles of associationand the Statement of Recommended Practice - Accounting and Reporting by Charities: SORP applicable to charitiespreparing their accounts in accordance with FRS 102

Our vision

The growth of a transparent and efficiently managed organisation to foster a spiritual, moral, tolerant and religioussociety to inspire many to follow the path of righteous living.

Objectives and activities


The principal object of the Charity is the advancement and propagation of the Hindu religion amongst its followersand others with particular reference to the teachings and principles of Lord Swaminarayan and Gunatitanand Swamias propounded by Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Sanstha India.

To achieve our vision, BAPS's aims and objectives continue to be that of imparting social, cultural, moral andtraditional values to children, teenagers, youth and adults.


The charitable activities undertaken in the year are congregational activities; children and youth activities; and foodfor deities, volunteers and devotees.

The trustees review thc aims, objectives and activities of the charity each year. This report looks at what the charityhas achieved and the outcomes of its work in the reporting period. The uustees report the success of each keyactivity and the benefits the charity has brougoht to those groups of people that it is set up to help. The review alsohelps the trustees ensure the charity's aims, objectives and activities remained focused on its stated purposes.

The trustees have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission's general guidance on public benefitwhen reviewing the charity's aims and objectives and in planning its future activities. In particular, the trusteesconsider how planned activities will contribute to the aims and objectives that have been set. One of BAPS'sprincipal aims and objectives is to impart social, cultural, moral and traditional values to children, teenagers, youthsand adults thereby helping to provide a moral and ethical framework for people to live by and so playing animportant part in building a better society.

Incoming Resources

The Charity derives its income predominantly &om donations from followers of the faith.

The Charity has not carried out any significant fundraising activities.

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


Structrtre, governance and management

The organisation is a charitable company limited by guarantee, incorporated in England on 13 July 2010 undercompany registration number 07313272. The governing document for the charity is its Memorandum and Articles ofAssociation dated 13 July 2010, as amended by special resolution at Companies House on 20 July 2011.

BAPS operates Mandirs (places of worship) and associated activities to promote the Hindu faith, with itsheadquarters in London and Mandirs and centres throughout the United Kingdom and in mainland Europe.

The Mandirs and centres are in the following towns and cities:


North London

East London

South London



H avant



























Milton Keynes




South East London



West London

The Trustees meet regularly to manage the affairs of the charity. One of the trustees, Mr Dineshkumar Patel (nowMr A P Patel following Mr D Patel's resignation after the balance sheet date), is a full-time administrator for theday-to-day running of the charity and is in regular contact with the other trustees.

Each Trustee has assumed responsibility for monitoring activides in specific operational areas and chairing groupsconsisting of staff and volunteers. The Trustees report the activities of these operational areas to the Board ofTrustees. Each Mandir has its own management committee which reports to a designated Trustee,

All Trustees give their time voluntarily and receive no benefits from the charity.

Strategic Report

Achievements and performance

The charity's main activities are undertaken to further Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam SwaminarayanSanstha's charitable purposes for the public benefit. The key charitable activities undertaken in the year include:

~ Congregational activities

~ Children and Youth activities

~ Food for deities, volunteers and devotees

Congregational Activities

Congregational activities include the regular religious activities undertaken during thc year, as well as the celebrationof annual Hindu festivals and the making of grants.

BAPS Auuuoi Report ond Accounts 2019


Highlights of the year included the following:

P~dF d

Diwali & New Year Celebrations at all MandirsDiwali and the Hindu New Year are two of the most important and colourful festivals of the Hindu calendar —a timeto celebrate and reinforce family values, charity and goodwill. Most importantly, it is a time for thanksgiving to God.These festivals of Diwali and Annakut were celebrated with joyous devotion at all BAPS Swaminarayan mandirsand centres around the UK and in Europe. Diwali is a community celebration marking the triumph of good over evil,and reinforcing charity, goodwill, family values and the love of God. This year Hindu New Year fell on 28 October.It marks the beginning of Hindu Year Samvat 2076. The first ceremony began at 5.30am, followed by prayers forworld peace, social well-being and righteous prosperity. The ceremonial rajbhog arti followed at midday, first in theupper sanctum of the Mandir and then in the Haveli assembly hall where the annakut —literally, 'mountain of food'—was artistically arranged as an offering of the first meal of the New Year in thanksgiving to God. It becomes amagnificent confluence of culinary skills, art and reverent devotion.A number of distinguished guests joined the celebrants at the Mandir throughout the day to ofler their respects. Thisincluded Her Excellency The High Commissioner of India to the UK, Ms Ruchi Ghanashyam, and His ExcellencyThe Deputy High Commissioner of India to the UK, Mr Charanjeet Singh. "

Prayers for World Peace and Harmony, WellingboroughBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Weilingborough, welcomes thousands of worshippers and visitors annuallyto a special day of prayers for peace to prevail in communities across the world. This year, the event was heldat the Mandir on Sunday 21 April. The prayers began at 7am, with worshippers and visitors joining throughoutthe day to offer their prayers at the 'Akshar Deri' —a beautiful shrine housed within the mandir. Teams ofvolunteers guided visitors to add to their enriching experience.

Swaminarayan Jayanti and Rema Navmi CelebradonsBhagwan Swaminarayan manifested on earth in 1781 on the Hindu calendrical day of Chaitra Sud 9. The dayalso marks the birth of Sbri Ramchandraji. Both festivals of Shri Swaminarayan Jayanti and Shri Rama Navmiwere joyously celebrated with devotional festivities and an inspiring cultural programme at BAPS mandirs andcentres around the UK and in Europe.

Chaturmas ParayansChaturmas is a holy period of four months in the Hindu calendar during which devotees undertake additionalreligious observances. During this time, parayans (scriptural discourses) are held at BAPS mandirs and centresaround the world. This year, learned sadhus fiom India. North America and the UK presided over 65 of thesediscourses throughout the UK and parts of Europe. Gnanpriyadas Swami, Shrutiprakashdas Swami,Gnanpurushdas Swami, Aksharkirtidas Swami as well as resident swamis fiom the UK offered their wisdomon a variety of themes based on the Ramayan, Mahabharat, Shrimad Bhagwat Puran, Shrimad Bhagwad Gita,Katha Upanishad, Bruhadaranyaka Upanishad, Harililamrut, and other sacred Hindu texts and themes. Thediscourses provided spiritual enrichment through theological insight and practical guidance to thousands whoattended. Many of the centres also organised special exhibits to consolidate the theme of their respectiveparayan. A key feature of these parayans was the involvement of children, who conducted the inauguralparayan pujan in fluent Sanskrit at some of the venues.

Vachnmrut —200 years anniversaryThree-day satsang parayans were held at BAPS Mandirs and Centres around the UK during the months ofFebruary, March, April and May. Learned swamis elaborated upon the teachings of Bhagwan Swaminarayanfrom Vachanamrut Gadhada II-13, in celebration of the Vachanamrut's 200th anniversary this year. Theparayans provided attendees with a detailed explanation of Bhagwan Swaminarayan's revelation asPurushottam and how this essential spiritual faith can only be understood &om the Aksharbrahma Guru.

The Vachanamrut —Jivandori: Summer ShibirsThe Vachanamrut is a historical collection of 273 spiritual discourses delivcrcd by Bhagwan Swaminarayan between1819 and 1829. He describes his teachings in Vachanamrut Gadhada II 28 as "the essence of all scriptures" and a"jivandori", a spiritual lifeline for any aspirant seeking ultimate liberanon. This formed the ccnnat theme for a seriesof shibirs celebrating 200 years since the first Vachanamrut was delivered. The shibirs were held in the presence ofSadguru pujya Doctor Swami, Gnaneshwar Swami, Gnanpriya Swami, Sbrutiprakash Swami, Atmatrupt Swami aswell as other senior and visiting swamis I'rom India and swamis I'rom the UK during August. More than 3,400

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


delegates participated to deepen their knowledge of the Vachanamrut, imbibe its timeless principles, and appreciateits value as a jivandori throughout their daily living.

Vachanamrut Bicentennial Celebration,On the weekend of 14-15 December, thousands of devotees gathered at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir,London, to celebrate 200 glorious years of the Vachanamrut. This event marked the pinnacle of the year-longcelebrations in the UK and Europe through a theatrical production, 'The Vachanamrut: An UnexpectedJourney'.With moving props, animated backdrops, musical numbers, detailed sets and an information- andentertainment-packed seven-act playscript, a team of more than 160 performers and crew brought to life thekey messages of the Vachanamrut in a mesmerising three-and-a-half-hour production.

Shri lfrishna JanmashtamiThe auspicious Hindu festival of Shri Krishna Janmashtami was celebrated at all BAPS Swaminarayan mandirs inUK in Europe. The day consisted of a host of devotional festivities, including a ceremonial offering of food (the'annakut'), singing, chanting, and an arti signifying the auspicious birth. Evening programmes drew on the teachingsof Shri Krishna Bhagwan &om the Bhagwad Gita, Bhagwat Purana and Mahabharat, and illustrated how they canlead to a happy and harmonious life.


BAPS Annual Ittk ChallengeBAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) brought together more than 3,000 enthusiastic participants &om towns andcities across the UK for a fun and healthy way to raise money for various worthy causes and local charities. Thefunds will go towards supporting BAPS's multifarious educational, community and spiritual activities in servingchildren, youths, families and the elderly. The 2019 Challenge will be supporting BAPS's national charity partner,the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) —the UK's leading charity campaigning andworking to protect children &om neglect, harm and abuse. This year's event will also support two local charities fortheir outstanding work in north and west London —Kiran Talking Newspapers, a Willesden-based charity supportingvisually impaired Asians and the Rainbow Trask a charity that provides emotional and practical support to familieswho have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness. Various local charities outside London were alsosupported.

International FVomen 's DayBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London, observed thc UN's International Women's Day (IWD) on Sunday 10March, where over 1,100 women took part. The celebration of IWD by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS)represents its on-going commitment to women and matters of importance to women, as inspired and guided byBAPS's spiritual leader, His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. This year marks the tenth anniversary of thecelebrations organised by BAPS in the UK. The event began at 1.00pm with the keynote address of chief guest LucyD'Orsi, Deputy Assistant Commissioner at the Metropolitan Police Service. Ms D'Orsi shared her inspiringexperiences of resilience in balancing various roles as a woman and urged others to also fulfil their dreams andduties.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Visits Xeasden Temple, LondonBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London on Saturday 7 December.The visit coincided with the 98th birthday celebrations of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the inspirer andcreator of the Mandir. This was Mr Johnson's fourth visit to the Mandir. He was accompanied by the British HomeSecretary, Priti Patel, and his partner, Carrie Symonds. The Prime Minister was greeted at the Mandir in a traditionalHindu manner with auspicious marks of welcome and goodwill. He then performed an abhishek of Shri NilkanthVami, before proceeding to the inner sanctum where he offered flower petals at the central shrine of BhagwanSwaminarayan. Along his tour, Mr Johnson met volunteers of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and learned about theMandir's multifarious activities to serve families, children, the elderly and the wider community. The Prime Ministeralso met several leaders of other Hindu organisations and members of the Hindu community. After arriving in theassembly hall to rapturous applause, Yogvivekdas Swami, head of the Mandir, conveyed to the Prime Minister theblessings of the current guru of BAPS, His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. The Prime Minister addressed thecongregation by firstly thanking His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj for "gifting the UK this magnificenttemple. "The Prime Minister also praised the British Indian community for the invaluable contributions they make toenrich the culture, public services and commerce of Great Britain.

BAPS Annual Rcport and Accounts 2019


Parenting Seminar in the Presence ofSadg uru Pujya Doctor SwamiA national parenting seminar was held in the presence of Sadguru Pujya Doctor Swami (Swayamprakash Swami) aswell as other senior swamis on Friday 17 May g: Saturday 18 May at BAPS Shri Swarninarayan Mandir, London.The seminar focussed on effective parenting through unity in the home. The message was delivered through a seriesof personal testimonies from families, video presentations, discourses fiom swamis and enlightening paneldiscussions. The session on Friday explored the balance between the professional and family life that is encounteredby many parents in today's society. Parents shared the posifive benefits they have experienced &om makingsacrifices to their careers and businesses to nurture their children. Discourses by swamis revealed the salient sourcesof happiness that children have expressed from spirituality and time with their families. They also shared theirobservations on the bond that is built between parents and children through joint participation in daily devotionalpractices as well as household activities and chores.

Lights Out for Earth HourBAPS Swaminarayan mandirs across the UK joined iconic landmarks as well as communities and organisations in188 countries and territories by switching off its non-essential lights to observe Earth Hour at 8.30pm on Saturday 30March. Earth Hour —the world's largest environmental event —is a global movement uniting millions of people "tobuild mass awareness on why nature is important and create an unstoppable movement for nature. " BAPSSwaminarayan Sanstha is committed to taking action 'beyond the hour' as part of a wider initiative to support saferenvironmental practices.

Living Organ Donation SemirutrsHealth seminars were held at BAPS Swaminarayan mandirs and centres around the UK as part of an ongoingcampaign by BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha to raise awareness about living organ donation amongst BritishHindus in the local community. The seminar focused on the medical benefits of living organ donation andprovided practical guidance on how to improve organ donation rates among the Hindu community. It especiallyreiterated the act of donating an organ in line with the core Hindu values of 'seva' and 'daan', i.e. selfless mving.The audience was shown a video documentary produced by BAPS with support &om NHS Blood and Transplantand the National BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Transplant Association. It shared testimonies fromkidney donors, organ recipients, medical professionals and Hindu representatives as well as blessings fromMahant Swami Maharaj encouraging everyone to consider this great act of religious merit.

Inauguration ofBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandirin CoventryThe opening of the new BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Coventry was celebrated over the weekend of 22and 23 June in the presence of esteemed swamis &om India and the UK. The Mandir marks the steady growth ofSatsang activities in Coventry since they first began in the 1970s when religious assemblies and festivals wereconducted at various houses and hired halls with a handful of devotees. His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharajprovided vital impetus to Satsang growth when he first visited Coventry in 1974 and a further eight times until2000. The current site on Heath Road opened as a mandir in 2006. After it became too small to meet the needs ofthe congregation, the adjacent building was purchased to expand the mandir. Thc two-day Mandir Mahotsavbegan with a special mahapuja at the Mercia Hall where devotees and well-wishers offered their prayers forpeace, harmony and well-being to prevail throughout the local community. This was followed with a vibrantkirtan bhakti programme where sadhus and youths sang bhajans to the accompaniment of an array of musicalinstruments.

Interfaith Community WorkshopBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London, hosted various Hindu and Christian faith groups to participate in acommunity workshop on Saturday 9 February. The event was co-organised with Near Neighbours —a nationalorganisation that brings together people in communitics that are religiously and ethnically diverse. The aim of theworkshop was to provide a safe space for constructive and personal interaction between people who live near oneanother and have different outlooks, cultures, attitudes or beliefs; to facilitate open and honest conversation aboutissues of concern to 'everyday' people in local communities and to provide a springboard for further conversations,interactions and collaborative action to strengthen local society. More than 50 members &om various Hindu andChristian organisations in and around the London Borough of Brent attended the workshop,

Open House LondonMore than 1,300 people visited BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London, on the weekend of 21-22 September aspart of the Mandir's participation in this year's 'Open House London' —an annual architectural festival celebratingLondon's buildings and design. Visitors were welcomed by volunteers who explained thc history and rchgioussignificance of the Mandir and its distinguishing features. A further in-depth tour was also provided which includeda tour of the exhfinition, the Abhishek Mandap and an exhibition of ten elaborate silk scrolls designed and crafied by

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


female members of BAPS which depict the achievements and values ofpowerful women in the community. Visitorshad opportunity to join in with worshippers for the arti ceremonies.

~Fd &V I

Family iJutin gsTwo fun-filled family ounngs were organised on Saturday 29 June at White Post Farm, Nottingham and onSunday 30 June at Old MacDonald's Farm, Essex. The events brought together more than 400 children and theirparents. The outings offered an ideal opportunity for families to spend time together, make new friends. Swamisbegan both days by lighting divas and delivering short discourses in which they reinforced family harmony,learning &om each other and respecting nature —values which Mahant Swami Maharaj encourages and inspires.An array of attractions, including various animals, provided plenty of opportunity for fun learning for both thechildren and adults. Families also availed of the large open spaces to enjoy picnics in thc warm summer weather.

Children's Activities

Matru-Devo Bhava: Celehradng the Mother-Child BondEvents celebrafmg the loving bond between mothers and daughters were held at BAPS mandirs and centres acrossthe UK in March, This annual event, titled 'Matru-Devo Bhava, '

brougoht together more than 500 children and theirrespective mothers. The programmes were organised and delivered by young children who utilised their talents torecognise and appreciate the selfless love and commitment of their mothers. Young girls skilfully conducted a Vedicpujan to pray for world peace during the events. They recited poems and performed inspiring sketches to reinforcethe timeless Hindu values of respect and reverence as described in the Upanishads as 'Matru-devo Bhava'.

International Mother Language DayBAPS Swaminarayan Sanstba celebrated International Mother Language Day at various mandirs and centres acrossthe UK during February. International Mother Language Day is organised by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and UN agencies to "promote linguistic and cultural diversity andmultilingualismy UNESCO adds that "languages are the most powerful instnunents of preserving and developingour tangible and intangible heritage. " In particular, "the dissemination of mother tongues will serve. . . to inspiresolidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue. "This year's event was held at several towns and citiesacross the UK with educational talks and presentations explaining the importance of one's mother language and thegeneral value of being bilingual or multilingual. Students learned the importance of Gujaran as well as the richnessof many other languages of India. The learning was enhanced through practical exercises, including poetry writingand playing games. Parents also learned how to foster these skills at home and in everyday interactions for theirchild's holistic development, especially communicative confidence, reading fluency, and overall culturalproficiency.

Bal-Belike Mendel Spring Training CampMore than 100 children from The Swaminarayan Sunday School, accompanied by volunteers &om BAPS ShriSwaminarayan Mandir, London, enjoyed a three-day educational activity camp at Kingswood Grosvenor Hall inKent from 29 to 31 March. The camp was designed to build self-confidence, unity and leadership skills among thechildren.Over the three days, the children challenged themselves through a variety of tasks specially designed to harness theirabilities and overcome personal fear.

Bal-Bali4t Mendel Summer Training CampMore than 50 children embarked on a summer camp weekend at Beaumanor Hall in Woodhouse, Leicestershire, on29 and 30 June. The camp, titled 'Samp Camp', was organised to strengthen unity amongst balaks and balikas and tofoster new &iendships in a &iendly and engaging environment. Swamis &om BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir,Leicester, also accompanied the group to share their wisdom and knowledge. The attendees developed anunderstanding about leadership, cooperation, communication, creativity and embracing diversity in order to make asuccessful team. These teachings were fostered through various interactive activities.

Bal-Balitta Trip to India38 balaks and balikas &om the UK embarked upon a 25-day religious tour to India in July to gain a dccpcrunderstanding of its rich culture and profound spirituality. The children and their mentors travelled more than 3,000miles around India to explore the elegant fabric of its Hindu heritage by visiting major mandirs and centres as well asimportant places of pilgrimage associated with the Swaminarayan Sampradaya. In particular, they developed their

BAPS Annual Report nnd Accounts 2019


knowledge and understanding of Akshar-Purushottam Darshan as revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Thetravellers' experiences of India spanned across sprawling urban metropolises, such as Ahmedabad and Mumbai,through to the rural fauna of Bhadra, the birthplace of Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand Swami. The highlight of theirtrip was a seven-day programme with Mahant Swami Maharaj where they received his personal guidance andblessings.In Surat, the children took part in cultural programme to an assembly of over 3,000. An interactive seminar wasorganised for the participants in Sarangpur with sessions led by senior and learned swamis who shared theirprofound spiritual knowledge and experiences. The youp visited Swaminarayan Akshardham complexes inGandhinagar and Delhi, They also travelled to Chhapaiya, the birthplace of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, and Ayodhya.In Gujarat, they visited five mandirs built by Shastriji Maharaj: Bochasan, Sarangpur, Gondal, Atladra and Gadhada.During their 25 days in India, fostered values of unity and teamwork and gained a deeper insight into Hinduphilosophy and traditions. In particular, participants strengthened their understanding of and bond with BhagwanSwaminarayan and Mahant Swami Maharaj.

Youth Activities

Bal-Belike Earyatrars Leadership TrainingMore than 60 selected karyakars from across the UK attended a leadership training camp &om 23 to 25 February atBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London. The event was organised to enhance a diverse range of qualities andskills for volunteers who serve children at their respective mandirs and centres. Senior volunteers as well asexperienced swamis guided delegates based on the ideal values of leadership gleaned I'rom the life of PramukhSwami Maharaj. A team-building event was organised where karyakars were able to share their own impressions ofthe event and consolidate the teachings from classes and workshops with one another. The three-day camp served tostrengthen many important attributes that are required to understand and nurture children and to serve them moreeffectivel with humility and care. The karyakars also fostered new-found friendships and developed a wider supportnetwork.

National Leadership ConvendonMore than 500 volunteers I'rom across the UK as well as Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands,Portugal and Switzerland gathered at Yarnfield Park Conference Centre in Stone, Staffordshire, on I and 2 June foran enlightening leadership convention. Thc event aptly coincided with the start of National Volunteers Week in theUK.The aim of the convention was to help volunteers strengthen their spiritual understanding and personal devotion asthey serve other devotees in their respective centres and local communitics.

National Jfishore-Eishori Mendel /Viator Camp, London & LeicesterThe UK Kishore-Kishori Mandal organised special winter camps at BAPS Swaminarayan mandirs in London andLeicester during December. The camps were titled "mySatsang: my journey with Bapa" and consisted ofnumerous sessions specially tailored to the 14-23 age group. Thc camp focused on understanding and developingtheir relationship with the Satpurush, an appropriate topic in anticipation of Mahant Swami Maharaj's visit in2020. Key messages were presented by Swamis and senior volunteers. This was followed by group discussionsand activities, allowing delegates an opportunity to discuss and reflect on their understanding. Delegates hadopportunity to have one-to-one sessions with Swamis and senior volunteers to reflect on the year and theirprogress,

Construction of two new templesDuring the year, the Charity incurred capital expenditure of f6,282,000 in the construction of two new temples inManchester and Birmingham. The project work on the two temples is ongoing and is expected to be completed in2021. After the balance sheet date, the Charity incurred further capital expenditure of f6,067,000 on thesetemples.

Grant-makingAs part of its congregational activities, BAPS makes grants to organisations whose aims and objectives are similar tothose of BAPS in order to promote their activities. BAPS considers that these grants contribute to its achievementsof its aims and objectives.

BARS Annual Rcport aud Accounts 2019


The grant-making policy is as follows:

I. The Trustees apply the funds of BAPS at their discretion and in accordance with the charitable purposes andobjectives of the charity. Any decision whether to award a grant remains solely with the Trustees.

2. The amount or number of projects that can be supported by the Trustees is limited to the amount of fundsthat are available for distribution each year, after allowing for ongoing expenditure of the Charity.

3. Grants are made for the direct or indirect advancement of the Hindu faith across the world, particularly inUK and India.

4. In awarding the grants, the Trustees will apply the following principles:~ to consider any request f'rom any area within UK and overseas.~ to consider each request on its own merit.~ to carry out due diligence to ensure that the request meets both the charitable purpose and the


Food for Deities, Volunteers and Devotees

Food was provided for deities, volunteers and devotees as part of the religious activities described above.

Use of volunteers

BAPS enlists the services of more than 1,000 volunteers nationwide in delivering the aims and objectives of theCharity.

The volunteers are organised through a &amework involving National, Regional, and Area Co-ordinators.

The volunteers are involved in general management and the core activities of the organisation:

Providing services in various departments including security, administration, congregationorganisation, kitchen, audio/video/photography, media relations, public relations, finance, youthactivities, children activities, adult activities, etc.Organising regional assemblies

Participating in fund raising activities.

An estimate of the financial worth of the volunteers to BAPS has been established by assessing the number of hoursworked and converting this into a monetary value. The resultant estimate is f2.5 million (2018: g2.5 million),excluding national insurance, pension, recruitment or other costs that would normally be payable for employees.

Financial review

The Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA) shows net incoming and outgoing resources for the year. The SOFAalso shows the financial activity of the Charity distinguishing between restricted and unrestricted activities.

Incoming resourcesThe Trustees were pleased with the level of incoming resources during the year which were ahead of the previousyear.

The Charity's activities are mainly financed by funds raised through Voluntary income —donations. These donationsare received for the general operations of the Charity including provision of clothing and jewellery for the deities,children and youth activities, food for the deities and devotees, and the furtherance of its activities. Theseunresuicted funds are distinguished from the restricted funds which were received for specific projects.

Charitable expenditureDuring 2019, the total charitable expenditure of the charity was approximately f6.4m (2018:f 11.7m).

This includes donations made by the charity of 8124,168 (2018:f5,549,574) &om unrestricted funds.

BAPS Annual Report nnd Accounts 2019


Balance sheetAs at 31 December 2019, total cash, deposits and investments were E3.7m (2018:Z5.4m).

At the end of the financial year, the Charity reported total net assets of approximately f14m (2018: g9.55m). Ofthese, f12,07m (2018: f7.964m) were unrestricted funds, while the remaining 01.93m (2018: ZI.59m) wererestricted to specific purposes and were not available for the general purposes of the charity.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Eey risksThe Trustees are responsible for ensuring cifective risk management, and that internal controls are in place toappropriately manage the risk exposure of the Charity, in doing so, the Board has considered the major risks towhich the Charity is exposed, the potential impact and probability associated with each risk, and the mitigatingactions needed to reduce each risk to a level that the Trustees considers to be acceptable.

The major financial risks are each subject to ongoing monitoring and management. Income and cost conuol aresubject to ongoing review on at least a quarterly basis with prior approval of the Board needed for significant costactivities.

The activities of the Charity are dependent on its ability to raise funds &om donations and congregational donations.The key risk for 2019-20 therefore is the Charity's ability to secure ongoing funding. The trustees consider this riskto be low as its donors are diverse and very supportive. The charitable expenditure is largely discretionary and can bereduced to mitigate a substantial reduction in income. In addition, the Charity's rctaincd reserves are sufficien tomitigate any short or medium-term reduction in net income.

Reserves policy and going concern

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to organisations. During the first lockdown imposedby the Government in March 2020, places ofworship had to remain closed. Whilst the London mandir, in particular,has many tourists, the vast majority of its income are donations received &om its followers. Despite not being able toattend the mandirs, the followers continue to support the Charity through online donations and as such, the closuremeasures have not affected the Charity's income. Overheads are also lower as congregations are not being held.

The duration and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic remains unclear at this time, however, based on the evidence todate, the trustees are confident of the ongoing support of the organisation's followers and therefore believe it isappropriate to adopt the going concern principle in preparing its accounts.

Total unrestricted reserves of f12.07m (2018: f8.0m) indicates that there are no material risks to the organisation'sability to operate as a going concern. As a result, the accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.

The Trustees have confirmed that, after careful review of the reserves policy, the most appropriate measure ofreserves for the Charity is by reference to the Charity's liquidity position. As at 31 December 2019, the Charity'sliquidity position was substantially in excess of its reserves policy. In considering the adequacy of the reserves, theTrustees have taken into account the largely discretionary nature of its expenditure and the relatively stable level ofannual donations received.

Reserves policyThe Trustees consider the key measure of sustainability for the Charity to be current and future liquidity cover,rather than the surplus or deficit accounting position. As a consequence, the Trustees have set appropriate reservespolicics relating to liquidity based on the relationship between readily realisable assets. on-going level of donationsreceived and the cash requirements associated with sustaining the Charity's operations for a period.

In establishing this policy, the Board of Trustees conducts an annual review of the level of unrestricted reserves inthe general fund by considering risks associated with the various income streams, expenditure plans and balancesheet items. This enables an estimate to be made of thc leveI of reserves that are sufiicient:

~ to allow time for re-organisation in the event of a downturn in income or asset values;~ to protect ongoing work programme; and~ to allow the Charity to meet its objectives

BAPS Annual Report ond Accounts 2019


Risks and issues considered by the Board of Trustees in making this judgement on the level of unrestrictedreserves include:

~ likelihood of a downturn in income streams;

~ period of time required to re-establish income streams;

~ period of time required to downsize the Charity operations;

~ whether there is adequate control over budgets; and

~ requirements for a reasonable level of working capital.

The Trustees are of the view that with minimum annual incoming resources of X3 million, maintaining cash reservesof at least f4 million will provide sufficient resources in the event of adverse conditions. The Trustees have alsoassessed other operafional and business risks which they face and confirm that they have established systems tomitigate the significant risks. In the event of the Charity facing difficult financial circumstances, this would allow itto continue operations during a period of managed adjustment to these new circumstances.

The Trustees review the Charity's reserves policy annually and are satisfied with the level of cash reserves at the endof 2019 which amounted to f2.8m. The Charity's total unrestricted reserves amounted to f12.0m which the trusteesconsider is sufficient ~ven its policy to retain at least K4m to fund ongoing costs of the Charity for at least oneyear and will maintain them at this level by continuing its fund-raising activities as in previous years andmanaging its outgoings.

Investments policy

The Charity utilises fixed term bank deposit accounts for cash surpluses. These readily realisable investments arereported within investments on the balance sheet. As at 31 December 2019, the amount invested in fixe termdeposits was f897,428 (2018 - f843,771).

Plans for the future

The trustees aim to maintain the continued success achieved by BAPS in delivering its aims and objectives. Thecharity intends to continue with congregational activities, including celebration of Hindu festivals throughout theyear, as well as children's and youth activities and food for deities, volunteers and devotees.

Events since the end of theyear

Information relating to events since the end of the year is given in the notes to the financial statements.

Appointment of trustees

Trustees are appointed or removed by the Board of Trustees. Potential new trustees are periodically identified by theBoard of Trustees. These individuals work alongside existing trustees for a period of three years before consideringtheir appointment. No new trustees were appointed during the year.

Related parties and relationships with other organisationsThe Sarjudas Foundation is a charitable company with similar aims and objectives to BAPS to which BAPSprovides charitable grants. BAPS and The Sarjudas Foundation have a number of Trustees in common.

Says Enterprises Limited is a trading subsidiary of The Sarjudas Foundation. BAPS and Says Enterprises Limitedhave a number of Trustees in common.

BAPS occupied a number ofproperties owned by Nilkanth Estates, whose charitable purpose is to provide propertiesfor the use of charities that promote the Hindu faith. Nilkanth Estates and BAPS have a number of Trustees incommon.

BAPS is related to The Akshar Educational Trust, also knovm as the Swaminarayan School, as they share a numberof Trustees in common.

Remuneration policy for key management personnelThe key management personnel of the charity are the trustees who are not remunerated.

BAPS Annual Rcport aud Accounts 2019



Statement ofresponsibilities of the trustees

The trustees (who are also directors) of Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha for thepurposes of company law are responsible for preparing the trustees' annual report, the strategic report, and thefinancial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (UnitedKingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

Company law requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fairview of the state of affairs of the charitable company and of the incoming resources and application of resources,including the income and expenditure, of the charitable company for that period, In preparing these financialstatements, the trustees are required to:

Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistentlyObserve the methods and principles in thc Charities SORPMake judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudentState whether applicable UK Accounting Standards and statements of recommended practice havebeen followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financialstatements

~ Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presumethat the charity will continue in operation

The trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at anytime the financial position of the charitable company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements complywith the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charitable company andhence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

In so far as the trustees are aware;

~ There is no relevant audit information of which the charitable company's auditors are unaware~ The trustees have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant

audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that information

The trustees are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included onthe charitable company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing thc preparation and dissemination offinancial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Members of the charity guarantee to contribute an amount not exceeding 8 I to the assets of the charity in the eventof winding up. The total number of such guarantees at 31 December 2019 was 5 (2018:5).The trustees are membersof the charity but this entitles them only to voting rights. The trustees have no beneficial interest in the charity.

Reference and administrative information

Trustees and Principal Advisors

Company number

Charity number



Reristered officeand operational address

105-119Brentfield RoadNeasdenLondonNW10 8LD

Also known as

Country of remstration

"BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha" and "BAPS"

England & Wales

BAPS Annual Report aud Accounts 2019



Country of incorporation


United Kingdom

Trustees, who are also directors under company law, who served duringthe year and up to the date of this report were as follows:

Jitendrakumar Maganbhai Patel - ChairSanjay Jayendra KaraAnup Arun VyasArvindkumar Patel (Appointed on 01/1 2/2020)Dr. Mayank Shah (Appointed on 01/12/2020)Dineshkumar Maganbhai Petal (Resigned on 30/11/2020)Harshad Haribhai Petal (Resigned on 30/1 1/2020)

Bankers The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc354 Station RoadHarrowHA1 3XZ

Solicitors Hugh Cartwright & Amin12 John StreetLondonWC1N 2EB

Auditors P.S.J. Alexander & CoChartered Accountants and Registered Auditors1 Doughty StreetLondonWC1N 2PH


P.S.J Alexander & Co were re-appointed as thc charitable company's auditors during the year and have expressedtheir willingness to continue in that capacity.

The trustees' annual report has been approved by the trustees and signed on their behalf by;

Date 5.... February 2021


BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



independent Auditors' Report to the Members and Trustees of Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar PurushottamSwaminarayan Sanstha

We have audited the financial statements of Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha for the yearended 31 December 2019 which comprise the statement of financial activities, the balance sheet, the cashfiow statementand the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law andUnited Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) including FinancialReporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (Charities SORP FRS 102) and FinancialReporting Standard 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (United KingdomGenerally Accepted Accounting Practice).

In our opinion the financial statements:~ give a true and fair view of the state of the charitable company's affairs as at 31 December 2019, and of the

incoming resources and application of resources, including its income and expenditure, for the year then ended~ have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice~ have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006

Basis for opinionWe conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law.Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of thefinancial statements section of our report. We are independent of the charitable company in accordance with the ethicalrequirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the UK, including the FRC's Ethical Standard,and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the auditevidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Conclusions relating to going concernWe have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in relation to which the ISAs (UK) require us to report toyou where:~ the trustees' use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is not

appropriate; or~ the trustees have not disclosed in the financial statements any identified material uncertainties that may cast

significant doubt about the company's ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting for a periodof at least twelve months from the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue.

Other informationThe trustees are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in theTrustees' Report which includes the Strategic report, but does not include the financial statements and our auditor's reportthereon.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, except to the extent otherwise explicitlystated in our report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doingso, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledgeobtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify such material inconsistencies orapparent material misstatements, we are required to determine whether there is a material misstatement in the financialstatements or a material misstatement of the other infortnation. If, based on the work we have performed, we concludethat there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing toreport in this regard.

Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:~ the information given in the trustees' annual report, including the directors' report and strategic report, prepared for

thc purpose of company law, for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent withthe financial statements, andthe strategic report and directors' report included within the trustees' report has been prepared in accordance withapplicable legal requirements. .

BAPS Annual Rcport aud Accounts 2019



Matters on which we are required to report by exception

In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the company and its enviromnent obtained in the course of the audit,we have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report or the directors' report included within the trustees'report.

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to youif, in our opinion:~ adequate and proper accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received

fiom branches not visited by us; or~ the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or~ certain disclosures of trustees' remuneration specified by law are not made; or~ we have not received all the information and explanations we require For our audit; or

ResponsibiTiities of directors/trusteesAs explained more fully in thc trustees' responsibilities statement set out on page 10, the trustees (who are also thedirectors of the charitable company for the purpose of company law) are responsible for the preparation of the financiastatements and for being satisfied that they mve a true and fair view, and for such internal control as the trustees determineis necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are &ee &om material misstatement, whether due tofraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the trustees are responsible for assessing the company's ability to continue as agoing concern, disclosing. as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accountingunless the trustees either intend to liquidate the company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to doSo.

Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statementsOur objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are &ee fiom materialmisstatement, whether due to iiaud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonableassurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) willalways detect a material misstatement when it exists, Misstatements can arise &om fraud or error and are consideredmaterial if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions ofusers taken on the basis of these financial statements.

A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located on the FinancialReporfing Council's website at www. frc.org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities. This description forms part of ourReport of the Auditors.

Use of our reportThis report is made solely to the charitable company's members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 ofthe Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the charitable company'smembers those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose. To the fullestextent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the charitable company'smembers as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Manesh ShahSenior Statutory AuditorFor and on behalf ofPSJ Alexander /k CoChartered Accountants and Statutory AuditorsI Doughty StreetLondon WCIN 2PH

r'oeDate: . .... February 2021

BAPS Annual Report uud Accounts 2019


Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Statement of Financial Activities (incorporating an income and expenditure account)

For the year ended 31 December 2019

Notes UnrestrictedFunds

Restricted Endowment 2019 Total 2018 TotalFunds Funds

Income from:

Donations and legaciesOther trading activitiesInvestments

3 8,710,734 1,998,136 75,959 10,784,829 11,386,5984 31,293 31493 21,823

23, 144 23,144 13,021

Total income 8,765.171 1,998,136 75,959 10,839466 11,421,442

Ex3&enditure on:Raising funds —cost of sales ofgootlsCharitable activities:

Congregational activitiesChildren and youth activitiesFood for deities, volunteersand devotees


5 3,880,577 1,730,88813,053








Total expenditure 4,660,076 1,730,88S 6390„tt64 11,712,040

Net movement in funds 17 4, 105.095 267,248 75,959 4,448,302 (290,598)

ReconciTiation of funds:Total funds brought forward 7,964, 166 707.164 S82,414 9,553,744 9,S44,342

Total funds at the end ofthe year 12,069461 974,412 958373 14,002,046 9/53, 744

All of the above results are derived from continuing activities. There were no other recognised gains or losses other thanthose stated above. Movements in funds are disclosed in Note 17 to the financial statements.

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Balance Sheet

as at 31 December 2019

Company number 07313272

Notes 2019 2018f

Fixed assetsTangible assetsInvestments

Current assetsStocksDebtorsCash at bank and in hand







4, 181,041843,771




Liabilities:Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year

Net current assets

Total net assets


3,041,487 4,817,482

(346,474) (288,550)

2,695,013 4,528,932

14,002,046 K9,553,744






14,002,046 K9,553,744

The statutory accounts of the charitable company were approved by the Board of Trustees on .. ... . February 2021 andsigned on its behalf by:

JPA ELDirector/Trustee Director/Trustee

8APS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Statement of cash flows

For the year ended 31 December 2019

Notes2019 2018

Cash flows from operating activities

Net cash provided by operating activities

Cash flows from investing activitiesDividends, interest and rents from investmentsPurchase of fixed assetsIncrease in fixed deposits


23, 144(6,567,994)



13,021(1,064, 125)



Net cash used in investing activities (6,598,507) (1,051,370)

Changes in cash and cash equivalents in the year

Cash and cash equivalents at berinning of theyear





Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 19 2,813,052 K 4,536,013

BAPS Annual Rcport aud Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

Accounting policies

a) Basis of preparationThe financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Accounting and Reporting by Charities:Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with theFinancial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (Charities SORP FRS102), the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102), theCompanies Act 2006 and the Charities Act 2011.

Assets and liabilities are initially recognised at historical cost or transaction value unless otherwise stated inthe relevant accounting policy or note.

b) Public benefit entityThe charitable company meets the definition of a public benefit entity under FRS 102.

c) Going concernThe trustees consider that there are no material uncertainties about the charitable company's ability to continueas a going concern.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to organisations. During the first lockdownimposed by the Government in March 2020, places ofworship had to remain closed. Whilst the Londonmandir, in particular, has many tourists, the vast majority of its income are donations received fiom itsfollowers. Despite not being able to attend the mandirs, the followers continue to support the Charity throughonline donations and as such the closure measures have not affected the Charity's income. Overheads are alsolower as congregations are not being held.

The duration and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic remains unclear at this time, however, based on theevidence to date, the trustees are confident of the ongoing support of the organisation's followers andtherefore believe it is appropriate to adopt the going concern principle in preparing its accounts.

EI) IncomeIncome is recognised when the charity has entitlement to the funds, any performance conditions attached tothe income have been met, it is probable that the income will be received and that the amount can be measuredreliably.

For legacies, entitlement is taken as the earlier of the date on which either: the charity is aware that probatehas been granted, the estate has been finalised and notification has been made by the executor(s) to the charitythat a distribution will be made, or when a distribution is received &om the estate. Receipt of a legacy, in

whole or in part, is only considered probable when the amount can be measured reliably and the charity hasbeen notified of the executor's intention to make a distribution. Where legacies have been notified to thecharity, or the charity is aware of the granting of probate, and the criteria for income recognition have not beenmet, then the legacy is a treated as a contingent asset and disclosed if materiaL

Other trading activities includes income generated I'rom the sale of audio, video and books, as well as rentalincome &om venue hire.

Where tax has been deducted at source, income is grossed up where a claim for the tax repayment has beenmade. The tax recoverable is shown as a debtor at year end. Gift Aid payments by HMRC are treated asunrestricted funds regardless of the purpose of thc associated donafion.

Income received in advance of the provision of a specified service is deferred until the criteria for incomerecognition are met.

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

I Accounting policies (continued)

e) Donations of m'fts, services and facilitiesDonated professional services and donated facilities are recognised as income when the charity has controlover the item or received the service, any conditions associated with the donation have been met, the receiptof economic benefit fi'om the use by the charity of the item is probable and that economic benefit can bemeasured reliably. In accordance with the Charities SORP (FRS 102), volunteer time is not recogused sorefer to the trustees' annual report for more information about their contribution.

On receipt, donated mfis. professional services and donated facilities are recognised on the basis of the valueof the gift to the charity which is the amount the charity would have been willing to pay to obtain services orfacilities of equivalent economic benefit on the open market; a corresponding amount is then recognised inexpenditure in the period of receipt.

I) Interest receivableInterest on funds held on deposit is included when receivable and the amount can be measured reliably by thecharity; this is normally upon notification of the interest paid or payable by the bank.

g) Fund accountingRestricted funds are to be used for specific purposes as laid down by the donor. Expenditure which meetsthese criteria is charged to the fund.

Unrestricted funds are donations and other incoming resources received or generated for the charitablepurposes. These funds are available for use towards meeting the objectives of thc charity.

Endowment funds are donations that have been given to the charity to be held as capitaL The charity ispermitted to use the interest generated by the fund to meet various expenses of the deities in the temples e.g.priests etc.

h) Expenditure and irrecoverable VATExpenditure is recognised once there is a legal or constructive obligation to make a payment to a third party,it is probable that settlement will be required and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.Expenditure is classified under the following activity headings:

U Costs of raising funds relate to the costs of sales of audio, video and books.

Expenditure on charitable activities includes the costs of direct charitable activities undertaken to further

the purposes of the charity and their associated support costs and allocated governance costs.

Irrecoverable VAT is charged as a cost against the activity for which the expenditure was incurred.

Grants payableGrants payable are made to third parties in furtherance of the charity's objects. Grants are accounted for when

either the recipient has a reasonable expectation that they will receive a omant and the trustees have agreed topay the grant without condition, or the recipient has a reasonable expectation that they will receive a grantand that any condition attaching to the grant is outside of the control of the charity.

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasamvasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

I Accounting policies (contfnued)

k) Allocation of support costsResources expended are allocated to the particular activity where the cost relates directly to that activity.

Support and governance costs are entirely allocated to congregational activities. This is because this is thecore activity of the charity, and other charitable activities and the costs of generating funds do not absorbsignificant overhead costs.

Governance costs are the costs associated with the governance arrangements of the charity. These costs areassociated with constitutional and statutory requirements and include any costs associated with the strategicmanagement of the charity's activities.

I) Tangible fixed assetsItems of equipment are capitalised where the purchase price exceeds f500. Depreciation costs are allocated toactivities on the basis of the use of the related assets in those activities. Assets are reviewed for impairment ifcircumstances indicate their carrying value may exceed their net realisable value and value in use.

Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write down the cost of each asset to its estimated residual valueover its expected useful life. The depreciation mtes in use are as follows:

Furniture, fixtures and equipmentMotor Vehicles

5 years4 years

m) InvestmentsCash held in fixed term deposit accounts exceeding one year are classified as fixed asset investments as theyare generally held with the overall intention of retaining long-term continuing benefit to the charity in theform of income and capital appreciation

n) StocksStocks are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. In general, cost is determined on a first in firstout basis and includes transport and handling costs. Net realisable value is the price at which stocks can besold in the normal course of business after allowing for the costs of realisation. Provision is made wherenecessary for obsolete, slow moving and defective stocks.

o) Cash at bank and in handCash at bank and cash in hand includes immediate access and overnight bank deposits. All other deposits areincluded as term deposits.

p) Creditors and provisionsCreditors and provisions are recognised where the charity has a present obligation resulting &om a past eventthat will probably result in the transfer of funds to a third party and the amount due to settle the obligation canbe measured or estimated reliably. Creditors and provisions are recognised at their settlement amount.

The charity only has financial assets and financial liabilities of a kind that qualify as basic financialinstruments. Basic financial instruments are initially icon@used at transaction value and subsequentlymeasured at their settlement value.

BAPS Annuat Report and Accounts 2019



I)ochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

1 Accounting policies (continued)

q) PensionsThe charity operates a defined contribution scheme for eligible employees and the Statement of FinancialActivities is charged with the contribution payable.

r) Foreign currenciesAssets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at thebalance sheet date. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of exchange rulingat the date of transaction. Exchange differences are taken into account in arriving at the net movement in funds.

2. Detailed comparatives for the statement of Gnancial activities



EndowmentFunds 2018

Income from:Donations and legaciesTrading incomeInvestment income


2,595,045 22, 123 11,386,59821,82313,021

Total income 8,804,274 2,595,045 22,1Z3 11,421,442

Expenditure on:Raising fundsCharitable activities:

Congregational activitiesChildren and youth activitiesFood for deities, volunteers and devotees


8,851,798 2, 192,49333,675





Total expenditure 9,519,547 2,192,493 11,712,040

Net movement in fundsTotal funds brought forward



22,123 (290+98)860,291 9,844.342

Total funds carried forward 7,964,166 707,164 882,414 9453,744

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

3. Income from donations and legaciesUnrestricted Restricted Endowment

Funds Funds Fundsf

2019 2018

General donations and congregational activitiesSave-as-you spend donationsDeities' clothingChildren and youth achvitiesArea congregationsFood for deities, volunteers and devoteeSponsored eventsDonated servicesDonations for Lisbon associated centreDonations for India associated centresDonations for USA associated centresPriests clothmgDonations for Middle east associated centreDonations for Australia associated centreDonations for Atrica associated centres








75.959 7,076,921167,82791,25298,717



12,5146, 143



7, 116,614151,21857,309



202,76023, 178


8,710,734 1,998,136

Donated services reflect the value of donated audit services.

Income from other trading activities

75,959 10,784,829 11,386,59S

Turnover - sales of audio, video and booksRental income







31/93 31,293 21,823

5. Expenditure on congregational activities

Staff costsSermon and Other DonationsReligious PromotionsAdvertising and PromotionPremises costsDepreciationGovernance costsOfiice expensesHiring equipmentBank chargesExchange (gainsl



1,124,330339,430187,522236,292250, 177







1,124,330339,430187,522236,292250, 177








3,880,577 1,730,888 5,611,465 11,044,291

BAPS Annual Report and Accouats 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

Support costsThe costs above include all of the support costs of the charity. Support costs comprise the following:

Staff costsPremises costsDepreciationGovernance costsOffice expensesHiring equipmentBank chargesExchange (gains)










31 945+7 954(665)

I 238,063 I 238,063 1,106,844

6. Net income/(expenditure) for the year

This is stated after charging/ (crediting):

DepreciationAuditors' remuneration:

Audit (donated service in kind)Foreign exchange (gains)





31,501 31,0013,751 88

Analysis of staff costs, trustee remuneration and expenses, and the cost of key management personnel

Staff costs were as follows:

2019 2018Total Total

Salaries and wagesSocial security costsEmployer's contribution to defined contribution pension scheme

667,936 600,90659,341 51,80316,695 11353

743,972 663,962

No employee earned more than f60,000 during the year (2018:f60,000).

The total employee benefits including pension contributions of the key management personnel were nil (2018;anil).

The charity trustees were not paid and received no other benefits &om employment with thc charity in the year(2018: fnil). No charity trustee received payment for professional or other services supplied to the charity (2018:fnil). No expenses were incurred by or on behalf of trustees in the year (2018: fnil).

BAPS Annual Rcport uud Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

8. Staff numbers



Charitable activities and support 26 25

26 25

9. Related party transactions

BAPS purchased f49308 (2018: 629,652) of goods from Cultural Festival of India Limited during the year. Thebalance outstanding at the year-end was anil (2018: fnil). Cultural Festival of India Limited and BAPS have anumber of trustees/directors in common.

BAPS purchased $98,568 (2018: 667,349) of goods fi'om Saya Enterprises Limited in the year. The balanceoutstanding at year end was 613,604 (2018: 613,336). BAPS and Saya Enterprises Limited have one trustee incommon.

BAPS made donations totalling fNil (2018: f5,500,000) to Sarjudas Foundation during the year. The balanceoutstanding at year end was fnil (2018: fnil). Both organisations have a number of trustees in common and havethe same aims and objectives.

BAPS received donations totalling f210,500 from Bank House Lockers Limited, a subsidiary of SarjudasFoundation during the year.

BAPS occupies the properties of Nilkanth Estates on a rent-fee basis. BAPS and Nilkanth Estates have a numberof trustees in common.

There were various payments made by the Charity on behalf of other related entities, such as Akshar EducationalTrust, Nilkanth Estates and others. Payments (such as insurance covers, hire of minibuses, etc.) are made due toeconomic reasons and these expenses are subsequently reimbursed by the related entities to the Charity. The valueof such transactions for the year amounted to f55,435 (2018:f73,535).

10. Taxation

The charity is exempt from corporation tax as all its income is charitable and is applied for charitable purposes.

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019


Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the fmancial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

11. Tangible fixed assets

Freehold AssetsLand & Under

Buildinos Construction

FurnitureFixtures &


MotorVehicles Total

Cost or valuationAt the start of the yearAdditions in yearDisposals

1,701,950 1,612,6056,2S2,445


51,789 6,697,0826,567,994

At the end of the year 1,701,950 7,895,050 3,616,287 51,789 13465,076


At the start of the yearCharge for the yearDisposals




At the eud of the year

Net Book ValuesAt the end of the year

2,818,494 36,977 2,855,471

51,701,950 f 7,895,050 X 797,793 514,812 510,409,605

At the start of the year f. 1,701,950 f. 1,612,605 f. 845,777 f20,709 f4, 181,041

All of the above assets are used for charitable purposes.

12. Fixed asset investments

2019 2018

Fixed deposits:Value at the start of the yearAdditions



Value at the end of the year f 897,428 8 843,771

13. Stock

2019 2018

Goods for resale 516450 614,638

BAPS Annual Rcport and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

14. Debtors2019 2018

Other debtorsPrepayments & accrued income





15. Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year

2019 2018f.

Bank overdraftTrade creditorsOther tax and social securityOther creditorsAccruals and deferred income





f346,474 f288,550

16. Analysis of net assets between funds

Fixed assetsCurrent assetsCurrent liabilities







Total funds2019


Net assets at end of the year 12,069461 974,412 958+73 14,002,046

Net assets at start of the year 7rt64, 166 707,164 882,414 9453,744

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

17. Movement in fundsAt start

of theyear


& gains


& losses

At endof the


(i) Australia Mandal Fund

(ii) Paris Mendel Fund

(iii) India Mandir Seva Fund

(iv) Lisbon Mandir Seva Fund

(v) Dhotia Seva Fund

(vi) USA Mandir Fund

(vii) Middle East Mandir Fund(viii) Africa Mandal Fund













Total restricted funds

Endowment funds 882,414 75,959

707,164 2,006,721 (1,739,473) 974,412


Unrestricted funds 7e164,166 8,765,171 (4,660,076) 12,069461

Fair value reserveRevaluation reserveNon-charitable trading fund

Total funds 9+53,744 10,847,851 (6,399,549) 14,002,046

Purpose of restricted funds:The above funds were set up and are to be utilised for the following purposes:

(i) The Australia Mandal Fund(ii) Paris Mandal Fund(iii) India Mandal Fund(iv) Lisbon Mandir Seva Fund(v) Dhotia Seva Fund(vi) USA Mandir Fund(vii) Middle East Mandir Fund(viii) Africa Mandal Fund

established to support a new temple project in Adelaide

set up to promote the Charity's objectives in France.set up to promote the Charity's objectives in India.sct up to promote the Charity's objectives in Portugal.set up to provide clothing for priests in various India Mandirs

set up to support a new temple projects in USAset up to support a new temple project in Abu Dhabi

set up to promote the Charity's objectives in A&ion.

Purpose of Endowment fund:This fund comprises of donations of 51,001 per individual. The funds are accumulated and the interest earned on

the funds deposited are used to provide food for deities on an anniversary determined by the donor.

BAPS Annual Report and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

18. Reconcfliation of net income/(expenditure) to net cash flow from operating activitiesto net cash flow from operating activities

Net income/ (expenditure) for the reporting period

(as per the Statement of Financial Activities)Depreciation chargesInterest income(increase)/decrease in stocksDecrease/ (increase) in debtors

(Decrease)/increase in creditorsDonated properties (non-cash)









Net cash prosdded by operating activities 4,875,546 (51,532)

19. Analysis of cash and cash equivalents

Cash at bank and in handTerm deposits - current assetsBank overdraft

At IJanuary







At 31December




Total cash and cash equivalents 4436,013 (1,722,961) 2,813,052

20. Capital commitmentsAt the year-end, thc total capital commitments were of 58.6m. These were for the centres being built by the charity

in Manchester and Birmingham.

BAPS Annual Rcport and Accounts 2019



Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2019

21. Post Balance Sheet Events

COVID-19 PandemicSubsequent to balance sheet date, the World Health Organisation has declared Corona Virus (Covid-19) as apandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruptions to organisations. During the firstlockdown imposed by the Government in March 2020, places of worship had to remain closed. Whilst the Londonmandir, in particular, has many tourists, the vast majority of its income are donations received &om its followers.Despite not being able to attend the mandirs, the followers continue to support the Charity through online donationsand as such the closure measures have not affected the Charity's income. Overheads are also lower ascongregations are not being held.

The Charity has determined that these events are non-adjusting subsequent events. Accordingly, these financialstatements have not been adjusted to reflect their possible impact. Thc duration and impact of the COVID-19pandemic remains unclear at this time.

Construction ofTemples in Manchester and BirminghamAfter the balance sheet date, the Charity has incurred capital expenditure of 16,067,000 in the construction of thetwo temples in Manchester and Birmingham.

22. Legal status of the charityThe charity is incorporated in England as a private company limited by guarantee and has no share capital. Theliability of each member in the event of winding up is limited to gl. The rey'stered office address is 105-119Brentfield Road, London NW10 SLD.

BAPS Annual Report nnd Accounts 2019