1 Banking the Unbanked: Bank Deserts in the United States Russell D. Kashian Ran Tao Claudia Perez-Valdez University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Abstract Low-income and rural households often lack access to bank accounts. While research has focused on the damage created by this lack of access and potential solutions available, there is little empirical evidence on the location or characteristics of what we label "bank deserts." The lack of access created by these deserts causes high transactions costs for basic financial services as alternative financial service providers fill the financial services gap. The prior literature focuses on these challenges by focussing on individuals and families, rather than on location. We fill in this missing piece of the puzzle, using zip code demographics and bank branch data, and provide estimates of the determinants of bank deserts, defined as having less than .02 branches per 1,000 in population and sufficient population to make a bank office or offices viable. Around 350 urban and 650 rural bank deserts are identified. For a variety of specifications, it is found that minorities, African Americans, and Hispanics are each significantly more likely to live in a bank desert, with size effects that are economically meaningful. Hispanics living in rural areas exhibit the highest risk for living in a bank desert.

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Banking the Unbanked: Bank Deserts in the United States

Russell D. Kashian

Ran Tao

Claudia Perez-Valdez

University of Wisconsin, Whitewater


Low-income and rural households often lack access to bank accounts. While research

has focused on the damage created by this lack of access and potential solutions

available, there is little empirical evidence on the location or characteristics of what we

label "bank deserts." The lack of access created by these deserts causes high transactions

costs for basic financial services as alternative financial service providers fill the financial

services gap. The prior literature focuses on these challenges by focussing on individuals

and families, rather than on location. We fill in this missing piece of the puzzle, using zip

code demographics and bank branch data, and provide estimates of the determinants of

bank deserts, defined as having less than .02 branches per 1,000 in population and

sufficient population to make a bank office or offices viable. Around 350 urban and 650

rural bank deserts are identified. For a variety of specifications, it is found that minorities,

African Americans, and Hispanics are each significantly more likely to live in a bank

desert, with size effects that are economically meaningful. Hispanics living in rural areas

exhibit the highest risk for living in a bank desert.



Approximately 20% of U.S. household use alternative financial services for transactions

that can typically be performed at a far lower cost by the traditional, formal banking

system (FDIC, 2014; OIG, 2014). Most of the relevant literature has analyzed the

characteristics of the unbanked or underbanked individuals or households. Less emphasis

has been given to the issue of geography, and specifically whether the unbanked and

underbanked have local access to the formal bank system. We refer to relevant

geographic gaps as “bank deserts,” which is derived from the notion of “food deserts,” or

areas “without access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food” (USDA, n.d.). In both cases,

it seems likely that these deserts are closely connected to poverty and to people of color.

Additionally, the lack of depository institutions, akin to the absence of supermarkets, may

force residents to pay higher prices for lower-quality products (e.g., with convenience

stores or payday lenders).

This paper analyzes zip codes that contain bank branches and where there are no

or a limited number of bank branches as a proportion of the population to identify bank

deserts. The analyses are performed separately for urban and rural areas because the

challenges of servicing sparsely populated rural areas make them unique. Relatedly, we

impose a strict population cut-off for rural areas (5,000 in population), to ensure that any

call to expand bank branches into rural areas is not literally calling for expansion into a

deserted part of the nation. For both urban and rural areas, the average characteristics of

bank desert zip codes and non-bank deserts are compared in terms of bank branches, race

and ethnicity, poverty, income, and population. We formally attempt to isolate the effects

of race/ethnicity and income on the probability of a bank desert existing in urban or rural


areas, and simulate the effects of shifting the proportions of minorities, African

Americans or Hispanics on these probabilities.


The recession of 2008 demonstrated the essential role that banks play in American

society. However, there is a large group of individuals that do not participate due to lack

of access, or that do not have the means to meet minimum balance requirements. These

individuals are referred to as the unbanked or underbanked, which are people that have

seldom or never held a transaction account, including checking, savings or check cashing,

at any depository institution (FDIC, 2014). These individuals may reside in areas with

limited access to depository institutions, or have no access at all, and use alternative

financial services. A survey by the FDIC in 2013 found that 1 in 13 households do not

use a bank, which translates to 9.6 million households in the U.S. The Office of the

Inspector General for the US Postal Service found that 20% of the households are

underserved and 8% are completely unbanked (OIG, 2014). Distance to bank branches

(Ho and Ishii, 2011) and branch density (Dick, 2006, 2008) have been shown to impact

demand for banking services and consumer welfare.

The literature has also found that poverty is correlated with a lack of access to

finance at a national level (c.f. Honohan, 2004, Beck et al., 2007, Demirguc-kunt et al.,

2008). Honohan (2008) showed that poverty and inequality are strongly influenced by the

degree to which low income households have access to savings, risk-pooling and

payment services provided by the formal financial sector. Burhn and Love (2014)

studied the impact of improved access to finance from the simultaneous opening of over


800 branches by Banco Azteca in Mexico. The bank targeted savings accounts and loan

services mainly to low-income individuals and business owners in the informal sector of

the economy. The authors found positive effects that were most pronounced for people

with below average salary levels, and in districts that were underserved by the formal

banking sector before Azteca's opening. They also demonstrated that per capita GDP

expanded subsequent to the branch expansion of Banco Azteca, which further fortifies

the case for the positive effect of access to financial services.

Claessens (2007) identified on a global scale that a lack of access to the formal

banking system has not been regarded as a public policy priority. High deposit

requirements and fees may inhibit individuals from accessing those services. In addition,

banks often require insurance or collateral when individuals apply for certain loans,

which low-income individuals tend not to have. These findings are consistent with the

observation of DeYong et al. (2008), that small businesses located in low-income and

predominantly minority communities can find it difficult to gain funding for creditworthy

projects because lenders lack credible information about these firms.

If banks do not see an area as profitable, they may not pursue business in that

area. Adding to this basic logic is a recent decline in the number of brick and motor bank

branches. The number of brick and motor bank branches decreased from 100,000 in

2009 to approximately 98,000 in 2014 (FDIC, 2014). The lack of a brick and mortor

bank branch that provide affordable banking may lead households to rely on alternative

financial services such cash checking, remittances, pay day lending, pawn shops, rent-to-

own agreements, and similar products (OIG, 2014). DeYong et al. (2008) show that the

distance between small business borrowers and their lenders has substantially increased;


moreover, this increase was disproportionately large for borrowers located in low-income

and minority neighborhoods. Together, these finding suggest both that we may local

numerous bank deserts within the United States, and that these bank deserts are

associated with high costs for financial services being imposed upon those least able to

afford those costs.

Some prior studies attempt to characterize the demographics of the under- and

unbanked. Based on data from Los Angeles and New York, Caskey et al. (2006) estimate

that 79% of unbanked households are below the median income. The FIDC (2014) found

that the demographics of the underserved disproportionately include low-income,

African-American, Latin households. These findings provide important clues as to where

we will find bank deserts: where racial and ethnic minorities live, and where incomes are



We obtain demographic data on a total of 31,859 zip codes in 2010 from SNL. The

dataset includes all zip codes nation-wide. Bank branch data comes from the FDIC’s

Summary of Deposits (SOD) database. Considering that markets are likely to diverge

between rural and urban areas, we split the data into rural and urban areas according to

the U.S. Census definition: urban areas have a population density of more than 1,000

persons per square mile.

Tables 1 and 2 show summary statistics for the subsamples (these exclude urban

areas with less than 2,000 in population and rural areas with less than 5,000 in

population, as explained below). The branch dummy equals 1 if the zip code has a bank


branch and 0 otherwise. As shown in Tables 1 and 2, about 94% of the zip codes in

urban areas have one or more bank branches. The average number of bank branches

equals 7.9, while in rural areas, 90% of zip codes have one or more brank branches. On

average, there are five bank branches in a zip code. The demographics of the rural areas

differ from those of urban areas. On average, each zip code has a 22.9% minority

population in rural areas, and 42.9% in urban areas. The average percentage of

households under 50% of poverty line in a zip code is 8.9% in urban areas and is 9.0% in

rural areas. Zip codes in urban areas also have a higher proportion of Black and Hispanic

individuals. The average household per capita income per zip code in urban areas is

$33,700, while it is $28,400 in rural areas.


In urban areas, the average number of branches per 1,000 residents is 0.5. We define a

bank desert as having less than .02 branches per 1,000 residents, or less than one-tenth of

the mean. There are 468 urban bank deserts by zip code. However, many of these zip

codes represent large government facilities (for example, the Naval Research Lab in

Washington, D.C.) or industrial parks. Therefore, we apply a population minimum of

2,000 to eliminate these areas. For rural areas, we apply a cut-off of 5,000 in population

to ensure that there is a sufficient market for bank services in the zip codes. Applying

these definitions, we identified 351 bank deserts in urban areas and 654 bank deserts in

rural areas. Alternative cut-offs are used later for testing. The mean characteristics of

bank deserts and non-bank deserts are compared separately for urban and rural areas.


To isolate the effects of specific characteristics, we estimate binary logit models

to examine how the demographics of the zip codes alter the prevalence of bank deserts,

using robust standard errors to counter any heteroskedasticity in these data. To avoid

multi-collinearity problems while maintaining a focus on race and ethnicity, we estimate

the following two equations separately,

𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖 = 𝑓(𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑖, 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖 , 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖2, 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖) + 𝜀𝑖

𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖 = 𝑓(𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖, 𝐻𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑖, 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖, 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖2, 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖) + 𝜀𝑖

Minority is the percentage of population in the zip code that is minority (African

American, Hispanic, Asian American, or Native American). Black is the percentage of

African Americans in a zip code, and Hispanic is the percentage of Hispanics (non-

African American) in the population. 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖 is average per capita income in the zip

code. We include a squared 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖 term as a control for extremely wealthy areas. Zip

codes with more minority, Black and Hispanic individuals have been historically

underserved by financial institutions, so we expect to see positive coefficients on these

independent variables. Banks should find servicing high income neighborhoods more

profitable, so we expect to see a positive coefficient on income. However, that effect

may diminish as income rises to high levels; therefore, we expect to see a negative

coefficient on 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑖2. We include the zip code’s population as a control, and it should

attract a negative coefficient. Note that the poverty rate is excluded because it is collinear

with both the race/ethnicity variables and income.


Characteristics of Bank Deserts

Tables 3 and 4 provide the demographic characteristics of bank deserts compared with

non-bank deserts for urban and rural areas, respectively. In the 351 urban bank deserts,

only 5% have a bank branch. The average number of bank branches in these zip codes is

0.05, while the average for other urban areas is eight. The representation of minorities,

African Americans, and Hispanics are each above the overall average in urban bank

deserts (49.2% compared to 41.5%, 20% compared to 15.1%, and 21.1% compared to

17.3%, respectively). The average poverty rate in these bank deserts is higher than the

overall average and average household per capita income is lower. Rural bank deserts

share similar characteristics. In the 654 rural bank deserts, the average number of bank

branches is only 0.002, while the average in other rural areas is above five. The average

proportions of minorities, African Americans, and Hispanics in these bank deserts are

each above the average for other rural areas (30.2% compared to 22.2%, 10.7% compared

to 8.5%, and 13.1% compared to 9.0%, respectively). However, the average poverty rate

and average household income in the rural bank deserts are not much different than the

average for other rural areas.

The states where urban and, separately, rural bank deserts tend to be located are

provided in Table 5. Not surprisingly, states with some of the largest cities are prominent

among those with urban bank deserts, including California, Texas, New York,

Pennsylvania and Ohio, while states with large rural areas tend to rank higher on the rural

list. Those states include Florida, California and Texas, but also Georgia, Alabama, and

North Carolina. The restriction of rural bank deserts to zip codes with at least 5,000


residents explains why several sparsely populated states, such as Alaska, Montana and

Wyoming, include few or no rural bank deserts (i.e., seven, three, and zero, respectively).

For urban areas, a count of bank deserts in Census Bureau Combined Statistical

Areas is provided for those with at least eight in Table 6. Again, the results implicate

some of the largest cities in the nation, including New York, Los Angeles, and the

Washington, DC, area. Some areas with high concentrations of minority residents are

missing from the list, but not entirely immune; for example, the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-

Port St. Lucie area in Florida includes seven urban bank deserts, while Detroit-Warren-

Ann Arbor, Michigan, has four urban bank deserts.

Regression Results

The basic logit estimates are displayed in Tables 7. The signs on most independent

variables are consistent with our expectation. For urban areas, in the first two numeric

columns, the minority and Hispanic coefficients are positive and significant for the

prediction of bank deserts, although the Black coefficient does not achieve significance.

Income has the expected effect of reducing the probability that a bank desert will exist,

but the effect reverses at very high income levels, and population is negatively related to

bank deserts as expected. For rural areas, all three race/ethnicity variables are significant

and in the expected positive direction. The significant income effect has disappeared,

although the negative correlation with population retains significance.

Size effects are estimated by calculating the estimated probability of a bank desert

existing as either the percent minority rises from 20% to 60%, the percent black rises

from 0% to 30%, or the percent Hispanic rises from 0% to 30%, holding all other


variables at their mean values. These particular values are chosen because they

approximate one standard deviation below and above the urban mean values (see Table

1). For the urban estimates reported in Table 7, the simulations reveal that the increase in

the minority population increases the bank desert probability from 4.8% to 7.0%, while

increases in the black or (separately) Hispanic population raise that probability from

5.5% to 6.5% and from 5.0% to 6.9%, respectively. For the rural areas, those same shifts

result in increases from 8.0% to 20.8% for minority composition, 7.5% to 13.4% for

black composition, and 6.9% to 15.0% for Hispanic composition.

As a specification test, the regressions were replicated after raising the branches

per 1,000 in population cut-off from .02 to .04. Separately, the population cut-off was

raised from 2,000 to 4,000 in urban areas, and from 5,000 to 8,000 in rural areas, and the

regressions repeated. For both urban and rural areas, the rationale for increasing the cut-

off is that, if the main results continue to hold, the case for the viability of a bank office

or offices placed in a bank desert is strengthened.

The results for urban areas appear in Table 8. For the case where the branch

density cut-off rises to .04, 458 bank deserts are now found while, with the population

cut-off of 4,000, 300 bank deserts are identified. In these cases, the three race/ethnicity

variables are positive and significant across the specifications. The income and

population coefficients retain sign and significance as before for the urban results.

Simulations for raising the branch cut-off from .02 to .04 in urban areas reveal

that raising the proportion of minorities from 30% to 60% is predicted to raise the

probability of a bank desert existing from 5.4% to 9.3%. Increasing the proportion of

African Americans or Hispanics raises the proportion from 6.8% to 8.7% and from 5.8%


to 9.2%, respectively. Comparable figures after restricting urban populations to at least

4,000, find the minorities bank desert probability rising from 3.8% to 6.3%, with

increases from 4.6% to 5.9% for African Americans, and from 4.2% to 6.2% for


Comparable results for rural areas appear in Table 9. Raising the branch density

cut-off to .04 leaves a total of 698 rural bank deserts, and separately increasing the

population cut-off to 8,000 yields 272 bank deserts. As before, all three race/ethnicity

coefficients are positive and significance regardless of the specification. The income

coefficients remain insignificant as before, with the negative, significant population

coefficient also remaining.

In terms of the simulations for rural areas, raising the branch cut-off from .02 to

.04 yields a minority effect of raising the bank desert probability from 8.4% to 22.3%, an

African American expansion from 8.0% to 14.3%, and a Hispanic expansion from 7.3%

to 16.0%. Increasing the population cut-off from 5,000 to 8,000, has the effect of yielding

a minority increase from 4.3% to 13.3%, with an African American increase from 4.2%

to 8.7%, and a Hispanic increase from 3.9% to 9.0%.


Under any criterion employed here, we identify hundreds of bank deserts in urban areas

and hundreds more in rural areas. Both urban and rural bank desserts are characterized

by higher proportions of minority, African American and Hispanic residents. Further,

these differences are economically meaningful. Increasing the proportion of minority

residents from 20% to 60% is estimated to increase the probability of an urban bank


desert by 2.2% and of a rural bank desert by 12.8%. Given the historical legacy of slavery

and discrimination against African Americans, it is not surprising that we find an

increases from 0% to 30% in the African American population increasing the odds of

finding a bank desert by 1% in urban areas and 5.9% in rural areas. It is, however,

somewhat surprising to find larger effects for identical estimates for Hispanics, with a

parallel increase yielding a 1.9% figure for urban areas and an 8.1% figure in rural areas.

Increasing the cut-off for bank branches per 1,000 residents from .02 to .04 to define

bank deserts increases each of the probabilities just mentioned, with the finding of a

larger Hispanic effect remaining.

Differences between urban and rural areas are also notable. Even with the higher

population cut-off for rural areas (5,000, compared to 2,000 for urban areas), almost

twice as many bank deserts appear in rural areas. Given that rural areas are, by definition,

less densely populated, that finding is hardly surprising. But population density cannot

help to explain why the race/ethnicity effects are at least twice as large in rural areas,

even if those estimates are restricted to rural zip codes with at least 8,000 residents. One

possible culprit is the significant, curvilinear effects of income in urban areas, with rising

incomes first reducing and ultimately increasing the probability of finding a bank desert.

Given that income is correlated with race/ethnicity, the urban logits reported in Table 7

were replicated after excluding the income terms. Simulations indeed found larger effects

as expected: increasing the minority population is now estimated to increase the

probability of a bank desert from 3.6% to 8.2%, which yields a difference over twice as

large as the original 2.2% difference. Projected differences for increasing the African

American or Hispanic population rise from 1% to 2.8% and from 1.9% to 4.0%,


respectively. Nonetheless, these larger figures remain smaller than the estimated

race/ethnicity effects in rural areas.

Why Hispanics living in rural areas are those most likely to find themselves in a

bank desert remains an important question for future research. Regardless of what that

research may find, however, the work here helps to pin down the large number of

markets where the unbanked and underbanked are most likely to be located. As the FDIC

(2014) concludes, the unbanked and underbanked are a significant segment of the U.S.

population, while the OIG (2014) concludes that the average underbanked household

could save thousands of dollars in interest and fees if they had access to bank accounts

designed for low-income customers. For those individuals and families, bank deserts are

not a theoretical curiosity, but rather represent a dire need for financial resources that are

not currently in place.


Table 1: Summary Statistics for Urban Areas

Variables Obs Mean S.D. Min Max

Branch Dummy 5,750 0.942 0.234 0 1

Number of Branches 5,750 7.912 6.647 0 66

% Minority 5,750 0.429 0.234 0 0.991

% Black 5,750 0.156 0.176 0 0.962

% Hispanic 5,750 0.181 0.180 0 0.960

% Poverty (income less than 50% of the

poverty line) 5,750 0.089 0.051 0 0.380

Household per capita income ($100,000) 5,750 0.337 0.147 0 1.216

Population density 5,750 28,852 18263 0 178,684

Note: Urban Areas defined by population density of at least 1,000 per square mile.

Table 2: Summary Statistics for Rural Areas

Variables Obs Mean S.D. Min Max

Branch Dummy 7,249 0.909 0.286 0 1

Number of Branches 7,249 5.069 4.699 0 37

% Minority 7,249 0.229 0.175 0 0.966

% Black 7,249 0.087 0.117 0 0.830

% Hispanic 7,249 0.093 0.130 0 0.957

% Poverty (income less than 50% of the

poverty line) 7,249 0.090 0.037 0 0.321

Household per capita income ($100,000) 7,249 0.284 0.092 0 1.155

Population 7,249 15,775 11988 0 95,302

Note: Rural Areas defined by population density of less than 1,000 per square mile.


Table 3: Characteristics of Bank Deserts in Urban Areas

Variables Bank Desert Non- Bank Desert

Number of Observations 351 5,687

Branch Dummy 0.051 0.950

Number of Branches 0.05 8.00

% Minority 0.492 0.415

% Black 0.200 0.151

% Hispanic 0.211 0.173

% Poverty 0.103 0.088

Household per capita Income

($100,000) 0.284 0.341

Population 17,167 28,238

Table 4: Characteristics of Bank Deserts in Rural Areas

Variables Bank Desert Non- Bank Desert

Number of Observations 654 6,595

Branch Dummy 0.002 1

Number of Branches 0.002 5.571

% Minority 0.302 0.222

% Black 0.107 0.085

% Hispanic 0.131 0.090

% Poverty 0.089 0.090

Household per capita Income

($100,000) 0.279 0.285

Population 9,384 16,409


Table 5. States with More Than 10 Urban or Rural Bank Deserts

State Urban Bank Deserts State Rural Bank Deserts

California 62 Florida 63

Texas 36 California 48

New York 32 Texas 46

Pennsylvania 21 Georgia 43

Ohio 18 Alabama 38

Florida 17 North Carolina 38

Illinois 13 Pennsylvania 35

New Jersey 13 Arizona 22

Missouri 11 Washington 21

South Carolina 20

Tennessee 19

Virginia 19

New York 18

Arkansas 17

Louisiana 15

Maryland 11

Mississippi 11

New Jersey 11

Table 6. Combined Statistical Areas with at least 8 Urban Bank Deserts

Area Urban Bank Deserts

New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA 40

Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 36

Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA 11

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX-OK 11

Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD 10

Pittsburgh-New Castle-Weirton, PA-OH-WV 10

Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT 9

Houston-The Woodlands, TX 9

Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA 9

San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA 9

Atlanta-Athens-Clarke County-Sandy Springs, GA 8

Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI 8


Table 7. Logit estimates of bank deserts for urban and rural areas

Variables Urban areas Rural areas

Minority 1.090*** 2.953***

(0.249) (0.208)

Black 0.595* 2.297***

(0.326) (0.293)

Hispanic 1.269*** 3.071***

(0.300) (0.268)

Income -10.59*** -10.58*** 0.871 0.216

(1.172) (1.199) (1.419) (1.442)


8.693*** 8.700*** -0.913 -0.000222

(1.155) (1.163) (1.675) (1.662)

Population -6.47e-05*** -6.46e-05*** -0.000113*** -0.000113***

(6.99e-06) (6.94e-06) (1.02e-05) (1.03e-05)

Constant 0.494 0.635** -1.877*** -1.562***

(0.300) (0.302) (0.280) (0.287)

Observations 5,750 5,750 7,249 7,249

χ2 297.2*** 296.7*** 297.8*** 256.1***

Pseudo-R2 0.141 0.141 0.113 0.105

Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1


Table 8. Logit estimates of bank deserts for urban areas using alternative cut-offs

Variables Branches/pop<.04 Population at least 4,000

Minority 1.531*** 1.394***

(0.220) (0.266)

Black 0.953*** 0.930***

(0.287) (0.332)

Hispanic 1.734*** 1.479***

(0.255) (0.316)

Income -11.49*** -11.32*** -10.52*** -10.45***

(1.084) (1.105) (1.401) (1.440)

Income2 9.442*** 9.324*** 8.156*** 8.118***

(1.080) (1.087) (1.454) (1.474)

Population -3.55e-05*** -3.56e-05*** -5.79e-05*** -5.74e-05***

(4.27e-06) (4.31e-06) (7.26e-06) (7.23e-06)

Constant 0.168 0.330 0.168 0.331

(0.274) (0.275) (0.343) (0.346)

Observations 5,750 5,750 5,562 5,562


370.4*** 360.2*** 270*** 267***

Pseudo-R2 0.114 0.112 0.134 0.132

Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Table 9. Logit estimates of bank deserts for rural areas using alternative cut-offs

Variables Branches/pop<.04 Population at least 8,000

Minority 2.968*** 3.134***

(0.199) (0.283)

Black 2.278*** 2.714***

(0.282) (0.399)

Hispanic 3.075*** 3.076***

(0.251) (0.328)

Income 0.477 -0.149 -3.223 -3.609

(1.390) (1.420) (2.310) (2.293)

Income2 -0.476 0.408 3.332 4.091

(1.641) (1.641) (2.803) (2.691)

Population -7.67e-05*** -7.66e-05*** -7.28e-05*** -7.19e-05***

(7.89e-06) (7.97e-06) (1.06e-05) (1.06e-05)

Constant -2.107*** -1.794*** -1.897*** -1.649***

(0.271) (0.279) (0.436) (0.438)

Observations 7,249 7,249 5,036 5,036


297.5*** 251.7*** 171.9*** 155.8***

Pseudo-R2 0.0854 0.0769 0.0907 0.0824

Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1



FDIC. FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households.

Survey,Washington, D.C.: FDIC, 2014.

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