Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 www.baistorah.org September 27, 2019 BAIS TORAH BULLETIN ערב שבת נצביםCandle Lighting 6:27 Mincha 6:35 Shkiah 6:45 נצבים פרשת שבתHashkama 7:30 Daf Yomi 8:00 Shacharis 8:45 Sof Zman K”S 9:48 Pirkei Avos 4:40 Halacha 5:30 Mincha 51:6 Shkiah 4466 Maariv 7:27 Shabbos Ends 7:35 Weekday Schedule: Week of 10/2-10/4 Selichos/Shacharis Wednesday 5:55,7:15 Thurs 5:45, 7:15 Fri 5:55,7:15 MINCHA-MAARIV Thurs 6:25 PM NEXT WEEK ערב שבת פרשת וילךCandle lighting 6:15 Mincha 6:25 Shkiah 6:33 This week’s Kiddush is available for sponsorship . סעודה שלישיתis sponsored by the Strum Family commemorating the yartzheit of Stephen Strum, Chaim Zalman Ben Avraham Shmuel . Rabbi Frand’s shiur through TCN has resumed. Please join us for the shiur Thursday nights at 9PM. Rabbi Mansour and Rabbi Reisman will resume after Succos. This year’s TCN shiurim are also dedicated in memory of Mr. Henry Shapiro. To participate in this sponsorship please contact Michael Kronenberg, Sandy Lieder, or Ronnie Herrmann. The Daf Yomi Shiurim for this upcoming week are co- sponsored by Mendel and Rene Rosenbaum - in memory of Rene’s uncle Rabbi Yitzchok Nachum ben Menachem Mendel AH , and by David Lehmann in memory of his mother, Shprintza bas Moshe Gedalya, Ilse Lehmann The Rosh Hashana and Tzom Gedalya Schedules are attached. K’SIVA V’CHASIMA TOVA! Please visit us at our new improved site: www.baistorah.org. WHAT’S NEW כז אלול תשע״ט פרשת נצבים- פרקי אבות פרק ה- ו הדלקת נרות51:6 MAZAL TOV Michael and Leni Loebenstein on the birth of a great-grandson born to their grandchildren Rabbi Eliyahu and Yehudis Wincelberg children of Yisroel Meir and Rachel Kushner. Nathan Hellman on the engagement of his son Eli Simcha to Miri Soloveitchik

BAIS TORAH BULLETIN...Sep 27, 2019  · Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 Parashas Nitzavim- “Rosh HaShanah” - 5780 - “Not with You Alone”

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Page 1: BAIS TORAH BULLETIN...Sep 27, 2019  · Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 Parashas Nitzavim- “Rosh HaShanah” - 5780 - “Not with You Alone”

Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 www.baistorah.org

September 27, 2019


ערב שבת נצבים

Candle Lighting 6:27

Mincha 6:35

Shkiah 6:45

שבת פרשת נצבים

Hashkama 7:30

Daf Yomi 8:00

Shacharis 8:45

Sof Zman K”S 9:48

Pirkei Avos 4:40

Halacha 5:30

Mincha 51:6

Shkiah 4466

Maariv 7:27

Shabbos Ends 7:35

Weekday Schedule:

Week of 10/2-10/4


Wednesday 5:55,7:15

Thurs 5:45, 7:15

Fri 5:55,7:15



ערב שבת פרשת וילך

Candle lighting 6:15

Mincha 6:25

Shkiah 6:33

This week’s Kiddush is available for sponsorship .

is sponsored by the Strum Family סעודה שלישיתcommemorating the yartzheit of Stephen Strum, Chaim Zalman Ben Avraham Shmuel .

Rabbi Frand’s shiur through TCN has resumed. Please join us for the shiur Thursday nights at 9PM. Rabbi Mansour and Rabbi Reisman will resume after Succos.

This year’s TCN shiurim are also dedicated in memory of Mr. Henry Shapiro. To participate in this sponsorship please contact Michael Kronenberg, Sandy Lieder, or Ronnie Herrmann.

The Daf Yomi Shiurim for this upcoming week are co-sponsored by Mendel and Rene Rosenbaum - in memory of Rene’s uncle Rabbi Yitzchok Nachum ben Menachem Mendel AH , and by David Lehmann in memory of his mother, Shprintza bas Moshe Gedalya, Ilse Lehmann

The Rosh Hashana and Tzom Gedalya Schedules are attached.


Please visit us at our new improved site: www.baistorah.org.


אלול תשע״ט‘כז

‘ו-פרקי אבות פרק ה-פרשת נצבים

51:6הדלקת נרות


Michael and Leni Loebenstein on the birth of a great-grandson born to their grandchildren Rabbi Eliyahu and Yehudis Wincelberg children of Yisroel Meir and Rachel Kushner.

Nathan Hellman on the engagement of his son Eli Simcha to Miri Soloveitchik

Page 2: BAIS TORAH BULLETIN...Sep 27, 2019  · Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 Parashas Nitzavim- “Rosh HaShanah” - 5780 - “Not with You Alone”

Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 www.baistorah.org

Parashas Nitzavim- “Rosh HaShanah” - 5780 - “Not with You Alone” Moshe “Rabbeinu” served as the representative of HaShem as King and Judge of the Peo-ple of Israel. He uttered the following words on the last day of his life: “Not with you alone do I seal this covenant and this imprecation; but with whoever is here, standing with us to-day before HaShem, our G-d, and with whoever is not here with us today.”(Devarim 29:13-14) He was addressing all the Jews who had lived and whoever would live: past, present and future, including you and me. This covenant of loyalty to HaShem embraced the To-rah in all its aspects: the explicit Commands and the Command to be holy in ways not ex-plicitly commanded by the Torah. It also included a requirement to present ourselves each year on One Day, “Rosh HaShanah,” before HaShem, for judgment by the Supreme Judge Who knows all thoughts.

A larger gap than usual occurs between candle lighting times last week and this week, and previous gaps. That is because the Intensity of the sun’s light follows a sinusoidal curve; so that when the sun is at the top (or the bottom, smooth and nearly horizontal parts) of the curve, the variations week-to-week are small. However, when the sun is on the steep, roller-coaster parts of the curve, the variations week-to-week increase dramatically. As opposed to the moon, the Intensity of which follows a circular, constant curve.

The Midrash tells us that the moon complained to HaShem after it and the sun were creat-ed, “Two Kings cannot serve with one crown.” And HaShem responded, “You know, you’re right, go and diminish yourself.” And that explains (metaphorically, of course) the situa-tion that pertains at the present time, where the sun reigns during the day and the moon reigns during the night.

The sun shines brightly, enabling us to see, and providing light for the process of photosyn-thesis, that enables green plants to survive, as a primary source of Oxygen and as the foundation of the food chain. The moon rules over a dark world which allows the stars to shine, and the creatures to sleep. It receives reflected light of the sun on a cyclical basis, that sees it waxing and waning. Its fortunes are seen as the model of the fate of the People of Israel, which also waxes and wanes as it passes through various periods of its history.

Man has no control over the sun. Only HaShem can shield the earth from the full Intensity of the sun by the positioning of clouds. During the sojourn of our People in the Wilderness, they were protected by HaShem’s Clouds of Glory, and in our time, clouds are moved around the world by the “One Who blows the wind and makes the rain descend.”

Among the classic verses associated with “Rosh HaShanah” are the following: “Blow the Shofar when the moon is hidden, at the appointed time for our festive day. Because it is a decree for Israel; a time of Judgment, for the G-d of Yaakov.” (Tehilim 81:4-5)

The Jewish People follows a lunar calendar; its seasons and holidays are determined by the moon; in particular, by sightings of the new moon by witnesses who come to report their viewings to the “Sanhedrin,” the Jewish Supreme Court, who then pronounce the on-set of the new month. Nowadays, without a Sanhedrin, we follow a fixed calendar. But even in its relative constancy, the lunar year must be compromised periodically with the solar year by the addition of an additional month, to keep the spring-linked Festival, Pesach, rel-atively in place, and with that, the entire calendar is stabilized.

But why is it that the time that the moon is in diminished mode, essentially invisible, is ap-propriate for the judgment of the People of Israel? Because Israel is symbolized by the moon, and the beginning of a new month, and certainly the New Year, the Head of the New Months, when the moon shrinks to nothingness, represents a time of self-nullification; when we stand aside and blow the Shofar, announcing the arrival of the Great and Righteous King, Who will sit in Judgment upon us, and upon the World.

L’Illuy Nishmas beni, Aharon Baruch Mordechai ben Pinchas Menachem

Refuah Shelaimah

Katie Tannenbaum’s grandson- משה בן יהונתן דבורה טובה

Rosalie Kallner שיינה רחל בת שרה הודל

Larry Seligson’s son- רפאל אפרים בן סימא פריעדל

Manny Mayerfeld מנחם בן קילה

פנחס ליאן בן ריזל

Ruth Malinowitz רבקה בת פריידא

Andy Yurowitz אליהו זבי בן חנה

Goldress grandson אילן רפאל בן טובה רבקה

Jennifer Herrmann’s moth-er

שרה צירלא בת ידיל

Ruth Lowenstein’s mother בתיה בת מרים

Marty Ginsberg משה זאב בן אסתר


Please Call Before Visit-


Rosalie Kallner

Fountainview 356-2506

Tova Eizik 356-7981

SHIURIM Women’s Tehilim, l’zecher nishmas Feigel bas Menachem Mendel, meets Shabbos after-noon 45 minutes before the Pirkei Avos shiur


6:25 AM Daf Yomi Rabbi Avromy Fein

8:30 AM Gemara Miseches Pesachim

Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb


5:25 AM Daf Yomi I Rabbi Avromy Fein

7:00 AM Daf Yomi II

Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb

8:25 AM Chumash Shiur Rabbi Yosef Fischer

9:45 AM Gemara Shiur Rabbi Leibel Reznick

Wednesday –

8:00 PM Navi Shiur-Trei Asar

Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb


8:00 The Sandra Thurm Wom-en’s Mishna Class

Dr. Deborah Raice Fox

How to Reach Us

Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb 357-3913, Daytime emergency 362-8362

[email protected]

President Jack Gross 646-450-7616 [email protected]

Treasurer Michael Kronenberg 845 368 1064 [email protected]

Facilities Yis Helprin 746-8065

Shul Secretary Rivki Faivelson 352-1343 [email protected] M-TH 9:00-1:00, To receive e-mail updates, write to [email protected]

Simcha Room Reservations/Kiddushim Jack Gross 646-450-7616

Rivke Faivelson, 352-1343

Shalosh Seudas Reservations Jack Gross 845 659-6590

Bikur Cholim Sharon Kronenberg 368-1064 Sandy Lieder, 352-0122

Page 3: BAIS TORAH BULLETIN...Sep 27, 2019  · Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 Parashas Nitzavim- “Rosh HaShanah” - 5780 - “Not with You Alone”

Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 www.baistorah.org



Erev Rosh Hashana Sunday, Sept. 29th

Shacharis – 6:30 AM

Candle lighting 6:24 PM

Mincha 6:30 PM

First Day Rosh Hashana Monday, Sept. 30th

Daf Hayomi 7:15 AM

Shacharis 8:00 AM

Sof zman krias shema 9:49 AM

Tekias Shofar :Not before 11:00 AM

Mincha 5:30 PM

Tashlich After Mincha

Rabbi’s Shiur 7:00 PM

Candle lighting: Not before 7:31 PM

Second Day Rosh Hashana Tuesday October 1st

Daf Hayomi 7:15 AM

Shacharis 8:00 AM

Sof zman krias shema 9:49 AM

Tekias Shofar: Not before 11:00 AM

Mincha 6:10 PM

Maariv 7:21 PM

T’zom Gedaliah, Wednesday October 2nd

Fast begins 5:32 AM

Shacharis 1 5:45 AM

Shacharis 2 7:15 AM

Mincha: 6:10 PM

Maariv: 7:05 PM

Fast ends: 7:18 PM

Weekday Selichos and Shacharis

Thursday 5:45 AM 7:15 AM

Friday: 5:55 AM 7:15 AM