NO EASY TASK TO QEVA JURY. MANY MINDS MADE UP ABOUT MCQUADE. TWO MKN IW Tltr. .IfRY-BOX.AMXIUTT TO OKT Riiii.v thi fi**. MAtriNO rr jivy M-eie, *I_c neciieei at the oi»eulug of thc trial of ex-Alderman Arthur J. Mcquade two aeokoafO were repeateel jester* -Jut a Dh little variation when n new trial of the name de¬ fendant iva* bagua. Crowds as easrer endeavored to ap- ncnth Ibe court room, hut thin time thc court officers 0«e*-rt even erecter precautions than before te prevent the encroachment of too earnest spectators. An iron Taine- work Mie'tche-el across the corridor wa* effective lt tag emt mont of those who tiled to enter the roeu. ©ffiecr*. only allowed thoae te enter wbo linil summonses tonpiN-ai a-.lnron*, and thc few persons who had hu-* re*, '.n thc mom. Tho number of .Jurors suiumoiieel was eosmtill thal the poon wa* not nt auy tune km n tilled. Thc rear bene-he* hud only a single row nf npi-e tatura. Heetiielet* Smyth, wttli the calm, rather (dim cvptt ana will, h ;- usual to his features, presided, ai lin- previous trlnl. QoSMtal Tracy and billiard 8. Ncucoin'aii*, Mc C)iuii1e'*s lawyers, were antoni* the- first of the* lee-torn In thc proceedings to enter tbe e*onrt. They and OS-Soaater "Grady sat down around thc small movable table whit li Mr. Newcombe Undi* to Ik> convenient aad which wa- taken to thr court room at the funner trial of the case*. Ibu ard McQuade -.it I.. -ide the eaaaool and wai as lie foi.* fully us minti linen-ltd lu the proceedings an lils brother, lin* ilefendnn'. 1 In* lb. order was fnlbiwed a-bc (.iiti-rctl the room bv District \ttniti> .Marline, I'olmi, 1i cllows and lb l.tm -ev RtooD, aad oona aftoi lac defendant htanalfoatemdta tlc n-ti.1> nf an nih' er. Ile bru. ir.mi n tum rind (niel in the tvv.i v-eeki* nf his iniiu isoniueiil. Hit eves ai'liear tn have -.link further in Us head.the furrows on hi*, brow are ftmamt, tat be, is OOOnwbn paler than when fli-st ar ruiKiie-il. Ile sat -hrouielmut the tiny quietly fnetti ir tbe jud.e iii it ibe vttaoson who wssnexun_sodntothe-r ejui-i I. ati..!*-H njasasa. Hs hud on hbo ssndlasn ol nd gi- *U(iu and comment which marked him two weeks aire. Mil. WA IKi.BI'IrY WANTS HFIIiY THIKD. | *..ii J. Watt rluiry sat fining the becorder and bl- Ahlermiinic chen!. Charles II. bellly. Kit not far from him. 'linnthc: ( \ Aldermen who had lifeli present at the first trial were absent yesterday. '.What haonon bave vm fm thc coi.rt this morilla;-?' rfcsV-'d the lase-order. Mr. Martino answered I "I move-the trial of Arthur J. r-!i .mule." Ur. Waterbury stood Bf and lentilm- forward as If ho hoped thal lie might catch the name of his client, lb il I.v. aaul "What do I un lei sum.I I" "Thc time e.f IMfenie," sc.id Mr. Marline, and Mr. "Wiite-il'iiy bOgaaIOartne on n inotinn, tir-t reeding a letter wini ii ba bad nddmooed te Ibo District-Attorney * few du v.* rico. Booty's inai trtK te benin yesterday ll tbere brui been no mistrial in thc McQuade case. Mr. Ville bury wrote to Mr. Martini- on Thiir-day Tn mv -neat amorist*. Mr. Mrltitvre- in'nr r.icl me on Y-**ll en l_V Uki lute .ul lin* Ul Cl'Halli.iini'.te » .I.i fill oil Hint -kv, Inel mu l.e! .. aimil I rino I.e.ul.* sa..! tn hun th.it yu v ticltiy (rtutlt*. Il lb* Hy un Mon 1st nett. Vonni: ., tl.nl ..n. I I ll.t ll I..I an.l .1 MK* lund br the eulin Ill-nil Vi.HI ii. .t'li." rb ll] 'ii.etit ti-;. I il.-i Um* io anbali t.. v..ur ni te-e jil. without a tiioiteti t.> Hi** e emit u|i..n limit.* to me. IO set ft-aiiu- its o.iWtt ut lil.. i,.(-*.v linnie* sud MCcei>t«.| by l.eiti Milt *. V t-e.ti tin- lalUi of ca' oi tr I have -rtvaaapall mt alhcr tm.mess lor ne-xt wi*. . ..ni ..tr.,n..*.l lt ut anbeeequeni tiun-s. 1 ne iiolk) you aSW wmt. rt m.i un.v ai..S tarnee i hal. bm ts mild Inve.iat to bm ii co ai ¦¦' rn ¦>. peen mary li** i thereto!. notify von tia I .inii; 'ie |n-e .. nt vvntl Mt Re lly at thenpau- Ina ni in. eiiiiri M Men na rn il, r.-_elv- lo Hy In- easer, ami WU) Ina -t Uta) t.e iii., altai! r<i'uiii*__._ 'I'u* n.Mtv 10 ne ol its p ..t,*oni*'iieiu. however, wowd ind cotupure witb th.* viona in 'ny 1 in nt lt la very «e»vem 10 aa In.inst 1. 11 tn be ni.'nstry ni. used nt a Un ul mil 1 line, uni exceedingly tn,i.|. usant alien uoitiluR ciel loetuc lum to leave tie Jnr.sett lui. et I .1 nulli uni In lias rt di let! thc CbKra'e au».nsl Inn. to bc l.lluweel ilaiv and Infill by elated* Iv.*. \s vim aclnr-el. I.v Ile uu.l ..1. ymi 11,ai... tli.it you Wen rc.ulv to Itv linn. Un ie caa in* m. n.-sin: trial vmi bon it bel a pu- th,, .Ut rou rt. » m..*t.-rt w.lia'.i thal I l.a.e Lal Im m.rn,nu.1 st nu upon tl .11 '.'. -et ol tins not _ uh Mr. Mo Quaile, 01 miiv i'i*!Mm .n his In-half. I merely until my duty tu |.Intl. t H.. llt.lll.sOl I,IV ..cit. Mr. Wnb linn y. after anon twa attenptste seenrsthc Tic,mdei'.- ntl, nt...11, -.,11! th.I M the e.t-e u.,s lint on the tali ndiir he eoiiiil tui.'v ash that some ftitnic liine bi¬ llie d fnr the trial. The Becerdn i cannot make any order. As yon know. bartad been a District-Attorney, thc District-Attorney -nilly can -ci a day for trial. 1 can discharge the deienei- ani. tl the District*Attoraer docs nut brian thc can le trial wubin n roasooshlr time. As rememliertbe rn 'ter. however. Ibo ease waft imij .et donn to be tried aller this tri-c VMI- itis|N.-seil nt. Mr. Wutcriitiry. I in-k tiie Distil -t-Attorney lute in open Coull Hi liv - nne day lui lin* trial of Mr. Kciily. Mr. Martini* nia-de no rew-pnuse. and the I.t'cnrtler finally su^ci .ted that the matter be setled by a private arrange meitt. Tarma to g^t a joky. Tin l.t. m (rented b> Mr. Wateibuiy's oaraesl .'t[«]M*iil for l... client's trial wa.s tin only dtotarhaan te ihe quiet est |x>ssd ie niietiliijf to the day's work. The lleeotvler Sn ld " Ooll tlte panel " and the baines were read. Clerk Pparks and his deputy. I.dvvard J. Hall, collected tue tit acl.s. and alter a tew turns of the wheel the name of A lc-auder Miller waa draw\i. Uu ts a SSSteod ute ie.Ua.nt. Be* had lM*en In business for twenty-five yeats. Tbe ei- atnination ctinducted by Mr. Nh-oll took tho Mdiie turn as When Un-.turor- wen* obtained Ht the previous trial. Mr Kicoli read the same list- of the members of the Hoard of Aldermen of I**)"-!*, the teWJIWM ceiiiin-e-ted with thc Bnaiwai BaOnad liii^atiuu, and tho pronoun of Ibo Basadwai hnfan Kallnad. There was little- dlteculty nmil Mr. Nie oil began to ask about the broadway rail¬ roads. Mr. Nicoll. Do yon own slocks or bonds In the broad- Way wael t A..Yes, sir. In the Broadway and Seventh Av enuc BaOrond Uoapany. <^.-Kor how lougt A.- hcven or eU-ht years. O..You have lieen at sVocbholders' meetings and Ml! A.-Ytis, sir; I hallen for Mr. Yotahy, Tito Boeorder.Waal is lbs conaoetioa between the Broad wa)- and hereat- Avenue bailroad and thc broad- Way Mirfiit-e KHilrtt.nl I Mr. Scweonilie.I believe tbat it ls thnt ono has lensed thc nubt to iiMe tlic road of the oilier. Mr. Nicoll.I'raetit ally lin Broadway road is run by Hie Broadway ami Beveath A vernie ltuliroud. Ibo Boeorder.-I Udah lt would he well to excuse tho Witness. John H. Bambach. a y.iiing man, feared I praoshdng fciile.it-. t. Ito ha*, duik huir and a dark mustache. II. Vue Bte piston of good nature and appeared tehan powira of language cultivated hf constant iir*,e. Mr. Klee di rt *_'-d : What is your biisireas 1 A..I nm an artist. Q.. What sort of an artist 1 A .A tensorial a^st. Tiie luwycrs laughed. Mr. Nicoll, by exainiiiini.-. found that banilaeh knew e* .-Alderman Wendnl hf visiting his Buiuii er garden, and knew one ur two either pctsnus con- ae-cUiel with tho blxuulway niatteiH by tight. Q.- Do you know auy one conncs-ted with thc Diatrict- Auorut fa odteal ¦_-.I know thu Judgo. Tho bocordcl. .You know mc, do you I A..Yes, air, by Olgbt. I see jou pass mt place frequently. From the v. Italowie eil lils barlter-nhop. in sixth ave., lu* tween Fifi)-second and Fifty-third et-s., the witness i1M,l apfuaoadf oboor-nd several -tattagnlsbed men, bm as he only had un opiiuuii whi. li he Would leave behind him when ho steppe.I into Ibo jury-box, he took thc lirst heat, hut Whoa Ihs peitinpior.v Chalk inri s by thr defence begin to tic ned ho will nol re- J lua*i than very long. t.IPBIQB AllAINST A^C()MPLICK^ While this wiiness was being exainliicl the" lnwyirs tooh to eiie-lon to (Umios the propriety of a hue of questions which Mr, Mooll began to a.-W. IU first asked: "Have yon any pretudlue against the toalliuony of aoeouulten If »ueh U-.tiinony vt ere ititi,.du. (td beroi" The witucas answi-re-d ".No, air." before -Jenem! lYscy e-oiild object, but as both sides were anxious to have the Hatter deckled another quest lou was a* ked of a e-imilar purpeirt. e .etu-t ni Tracy e-bjestcd on tbe ground that no iiniulry could hu made Umdlng to show bow a juror would Ueelde tbe case, or as to how bc would be affected hf the testimony. Mr. iilooll read from a recent eleelsion ei! ;be t'-ourt of A|>]>eals a eeatence which tu* tbougbt sustained Uo fO-Bbn aad the Keoorder, calling for a vu)uino of Talker's hejeenrts, showed a toMMto In which a question as to whether thc Intended juryman hud a pre nuilee against Koman I atbo- llcs was held to 1-eprujH'i whou Un- trial aro.-e out of a riot In which members of a Koman ('atholle* oii-riiii/niuiii wore mtcrasud. Oem ial Tracy said that the law denned how niurli reliume should lie put In the testimony of uc- aonfttOOfi Kee-oidcr Kmylh decided that que'sti ins eau bc asked dc-ugneel to ttnd out whether Ute lirteiideei Jurors had a prejudli_e ugaiu-r! a ciitaln dan Of teO_-MB| or ¦BMaanaa Kalael Butuiau. I-.tii, M. l_i_ish and tScligmuu Hann bad opliiiou*. Their OflataM had Ihicu Stronfitbfinod blncc I_aeliu_ tho pi oe. c. innis's oi thc furmcr Ulai. Culuuel Fellows, who had by Un- time taken ¦baigi- e.i BM cvauii MMoaod udtoooooo, tried m tuui out bow Mean bruck- inaii newed matters, but .lid uot mn owl weil. O,.Doyau know of wb.a tiieueleiielani ie, meususl I A . .em, sir. Q..itt what! The juror edd not reply anel gotinto such a state* of coufu- ebvou that 'toe lt*»oeinlei .n-m *v_-ii bini. Alonzo ll.null), in t_« liruie liunlmaii ni ) i-'Ui m. iiiitthl have ina-i* ¦ x,otid Juit»r If aa bad an bad a- uulortunat* opiuiou, v»bicii lie could not throw ott. William butt waa sorry but he had made up lib- mind and did md think he could obaBM it. Mark Meyer* f>uillod Ninl tniweet anet seN-med to lu- Imp py. althougb be inloruieei the ii«.-.irde_ mat be was jew ellesr lo aiilutm ieni.ev, ol thu Lu.-,tiKt At lorne)', oftiee*. nnd vt un excuse-el e>n tiu.t Krouud. UtM-rge 0. liliimti bud nonie a. e*ei»iiil_n. e wltb e .ninty Dt.iniK.vrt_) meu in Uk Iumii dintib I.. Colonel 1 illowa ashed: " Have )ou int head this maller taikeel about I" A..I may bi thc barber abop. (b.Uavu)_u uot iu-.,... -1.11 v I A..Well, the liarber foSauioeh l^*a<>-*H,a w **¦-*«-. or twice, but lie donate ¦Sr--. i^ifTTtT*"1 }** ¦f'HWT»l»fc«>r pleaeie Uke u»e ad- -anas t>t Uiat Oaro_r U,»teV»-n_oi utS inii. ii I Mr. l.lui-u. ami aev-nriil olbem »ere> e«e uwet Joseph MlUheU, wbei bn.1 lung curly bair -uel ,, ahaven tnxm, wa* luuibltxl with uiiimon*, Uuu wuuiu i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. lim lu the jury hos. He bad out reset auy ot Ute prut., .t tllAU -gSlUnt tho __lei--_-_-cii ._e .-pl m t nn!uu_ll> u few b, *| ltn___ He bein the real t-nt-to business at O-o-bandrvel aad-flnt-et. Nooirfuiuu being vlmulo, ho was adtuitu-o tn aotioiid scat Ui Uie Jury-box, Out ha a ia |irub_i*l> nol ft n a Juror to try Mc^t-ade, mow ji;ky l:sis aac maok up. -_u> _uost Intcrasting part of the afternoon ses*riun was .n sxaiiiiiist-oa et Con-juissioaer of Jurors bc.liy ny Mr. Ai Nicoll. Kecorder Rmyth had ordered the drawing of an. other pnnel of fifty Jurors, and the great wheel containing the names of the Jurors was taken to the court-room and placed near the Recorder. Plier_. Grant and County Clerk Flack were present to assist lu drawing the names, and as Mr. Nicoll wished to ask some questions Recorder Hinyth directed that (omuitsslourr bellly bs sent for and act Instead of his representative. CMMkteOMf Reilly appeared, and blushed as he was examined by Mr. Nicoll Mr. Reilly has au onlliu.iy face. w Uh a long, thin mustache. Ile did mit seem pirti, nlarlv familiar willi the routine Butters of his tittle.*. Mr. Nicoll asked: "Will you tell us. Mr. bellly, something about these Jury lists.how they sre linnie up xml how the lu keln an- put In Hie hal " Mr. Bellly.Well, I took Uie Oat for 188ft. I began In May. and fruin the old list I look the mimes of business men who appeared te ho permanent residents and U hess linnie, wen* in a directory, lind Made Bf 0 Hrs! list. laen Ibo nantes of attora wen added from Hst* of business oieMtil-utimis ami other pines nnd the other names mi tba list td 1888 wen l*e -examined and from these some es a SOCOttd list wats Steele up. The slip- were written nut and put in tho lim. There were over 10,000 before October l amt sons wen added afterward. Mr. Nicoll.How lurge waa the llrst list t A.-Over .*i.(HM name*. tL.Whoa w.is that completed I A..September 83 ot _:». Lt.- When was another list flied 1 A..<)n October 1. Q. -Ale* you suie I A. es. Mr. 1 ordered it so. (,i I uud thai a list was tii-t tiled oa October 18 ind marked ns received at IbeOounty 11 k's office on Bot ni l**r 18. Imi you know about lhat t A. No, sir Itnlelthe* clerk, (I'll) rite, to se*e t-i lt. He* will Know abo it that. li. lint', (uuiit) < I. rk Gilroy wenl for sew.I Ibe |nrj l!-ts nt,,! after study iiiir on ihe mallei tot snine time it appeared that a h-t of 5,828 nnosn was Bled before October 1. a second li-t *-_mta-riug about MOO name* vas spparentl] tile-el linet at tlnr County (ieik« on October ic. Uk ii taken awaj to pla.*e net ween 2.000 and 8.000 a.1.ill mini! name- upou ii. aod ninl aaala on Hoven-erlJi. Thlslaappai emly Un list which Mi. b.-i.l. thought wa. Bled about October I. Hu- total id over 13,000 na "ie- comprised titi- full Ont Hum vvhi it lu rei rs niltrtit be drawn In lue year, and iti-out 'J,-ixl names had si ready ls en drawn fruin at tho November tenn of thc courts of record. Wheuthi murks nf filing (Ut Hie n* Mind li-t Wen thOWa |0 Ml- Krilly he said: MI had the aaatea all placed la the hos hy October 1. Perhaps the) did not flnlah copying the ils! in lillie In have lt tiled I Mime Oe!..IsT Iii. bul Illi¬ li., mi - lOIISl li.ive be, ll iti the VV heel." Mr. Nico!! sit ni thai a - III.*,, were no nt lier XV itli(***-c- tte ians! Ire ntlsttttd lie said latvian public manner: "I alli say to Ute court tbat the examination of Mr. bellly sausin ¦ me thal tl,, ra was aol aa Intentional rtolalhai nf law." Ibo examination did not tobe ptaoe wlthonl a protcal from OeutM-1 Tracy to its being nnd_e*ted in the pres (lice ol |ielstMis wini iiil.'llt act US jUTOn, but her reeelved little encouragement frmn the Recorder, wbo said tlmt be might take thc Jinni's Ullt-ide if ho I'lucc. 'lite examination was conducted tn ¦ tow tone Mr. Nu nil steading beside tho bench vthere the heiemier. (sheiltl. ( minty (leik awl Ootnmts- sioiier ot Juron sat. Atttaclnse Isr. Kel Hy said: "lem giiui thai this examination bas taken place, I han . lobed an opportunity to make aa explanation.*' pim l«AUKS DKAWN rnou tiie box. Ibo three oiVciais linn drew tifty aainn from the bax in the pieseneeof the becorder. ('minty ( ler le Hack Clive the w heel a few viguiuil.s tunis,sbn.ik up thc sill's with Ili¬ lli.in! itntl dnW out one after another nf them. Mietill (ii nut te .en ed tiie slips 'rom Die < 'on n ty I'll ric and bande-d them tei the DbtilU*, w li" read them io Mr. licitly. A few mora members ol thc Ural panel wera examined, but emly tbe two places In the lan bos Sited belora n cess weil occupied winn the dav's si ssimi dosed. All ihe candidates bad o|duions too strang te be casi WE Tbere wera -i'v names tefl oa the Hint panel of iifty nantes v. hen the prtiK etliii*.'. i Ins,uL Tin se ali uud Bfty mon i win tarnish material tor examination by toe law- yers to-day. _._ LARRY CuSDLM.iS illE SPINNERS. CBiTictaiaa rac tuen wh ot otrirb cacocii ni I.'ii li"l*r IN AMS' I* IIP .M. A v-ii i:i,*m, N. v., Nov.'_!) (special). T'.te clilef Im i'. nts iii tire labor troubles here an the orrlval ur T. tar rv ami tin* opeidng te one of tbe mills whl li has remained cloped alan tba general shut dawn hy McDonnell a Oa, resuming epernttouo with s small tern in 'he- picking and , i.i,lini. lumusr. The employes ara "ll aoa-unteuteta, .Nine toni'- men who came to this eily with the lateattn of going lo work in lin- mills wt-ie retune .1 in then hann in Mew-Cngtaad this uwsaing hy tee Kun.'hts of Labor vv Itu iiiUTt eiilc-u tliein. " hveigladu Jim." a tall eowlwiy, ls at wink in one ol the city fae-toric-s. 1 lie* manufacturers bOOOl that they have lamed away applicants for work eiiiiinrl: to Bil their mills tv.ice* over, buln cerlain lass ot expectoamd werbasn arc oeeded in Ibo milla Ibo Bn- Ishtagnnd eeaaring-epertaMBta te tbefactorin imw ta opi un.mi eui|i)uy tin* usual number of hands, but spin- l.els and liiillers are not neasllj oblaliied. A meeting nf Kin.'htsi.f Lnbn WO held today, befurc thc hour announced mr the missing Mute -t wnenwded tortWO blocks. The liu.lse, which ace nriiuindale.s l/JIXI, tba ball and .Idawalh won blocked. Tne meeting «n- tlie birire-t one ever held In this neluhbiu bund. be pim c p.ii iii-, nurse wu-delivered by beuna*" Harry, win. was succenful tn bringing about a settlement at Oobon lo Starch, ihc iiiMiniiactuicis, though refnstng io treat with other members of the order at dlfiert-nt dues, have conferred with Barry. The soundness of the Int ter'*, utterances han gabled for bini thc esteem of Die manufacturers aim ur the Knights of Labor. Ile denounced the strike ol the nine sot-men, which orig! naleel the lockout, as tint ailed for, -anec lin* maa they nv tinsel to wm k vv ita was a kiinrhi. leisler. I Mu-ln v,.n|, lunn (tiniiiiliik, wbo wins nmiiilnilit tu the* Milla. it- plained timi he did not order the strike, but that the* spin¬ ner*, went out of their own accord. ¦?* .. LABOB MKS ORfiAMZIXO THEM? PARTY. pBUMtnU, Suv. '29 (syn rial).- The Labor party lu lld it** general eeunattoa to-night, hal lt was a praUmlnary and oonowbal informal meeting. The delegates weie truin the traeli. and laiieu* ot ...aiii/iitiiuis of the city. The [.ur]«ts,. nt titi-time is merely to complete the (>rs.'iiiit-'a- Imii, uud im! lo iiuike Humiliations. The luimr inn are looking over the Bold foi a candidate tor .Mayor, and claim tliat they csu jioll eiei.eKK) votes, -my KNIGHTS OF LABOB AXD THK IKON* MOll.I'I.l'**. ITri.-Ul m., Nov. '_!) (s/itcne/).. Thc Knights of 1-abor nf this ragtea arc makin/ lanaaood edbrl gradually t*> in¬ clude ail trades onion lu their order us separate dishch ta. The lion Moulders' ASS-taMy No. 1,090, have hail under coiisirterallon for some lime thc advisability of ironic min inn* national trade district of thc Knights of Labor. A meeting tins beran called tot liid.tv night, when the matter will bo mere thoroughly ran- cussed. There arc betane MK) and BOO Inn moulders in ritt.si.ur/ and Allegheny City, Many e.r then are members of iwith th? Knights ot Labor and the Iron Moulders' L'liinii of Keith America. URGING KNIT GOODS STRIKERS TO UK FIRM. OtMQ-0, Nov. ._'.) (.s/*cciei/.i Messrs. bailey and Me- Gidre. of Du* National Incentive Board, Knights nf Labor, addressed o mass-meetlng ol ihc rink this cv ruing. Xbey urged tbe toebed-oul operatives io remain Ina Thev said that the Executive Hoard would stay lu Die Mohawk Valley nntll the kuit goods troubte was settled, and that unless tin* n niter was settled by December a, tbe opec alive* vv,.ubi dcuiuua au Uk leaser uf lu pei tent iu wage*. MINOR PEATURK9 OF THK L4B0B (gCBRIOB. 'Ihc trouble MMttg fmtt blowers extended to brook¬ lyn jester.av, and the men stiuck iu ne\eral «-ni. i.-hun nu jn order to secure au increase In pay. In 'be .acton oi Raggetto «_ Co., at Smith and Centre sis., ioity tuen struck, Un ow mg 900 men and buys out of work. In eoverdl establishment*, in the Raab n Justint al the blowers struck, causing a complete e*c--a i ii uf work, except in tue LiL-hwitk Cil_s» Works, wh'-re a irin.be: of hipwm kept at work. 'Ihe journeymen pli'tuU-rs ure- slowly but surely wbnng their light Koaaodf et Mdtemotb of bleecker st., look back thirty moa yesterday un thc .truia o. tbe union. John 1'llis. of Kast lefty ninth st., ai**-, .ixe ui to tbe meu, and put tea ut-ni at work A_ cold weat.a i conies on ami the time lor bunted water pipes arrives, tbe men claim that the i.u-ses will be lurred to -ive in. THF METHODS ot TEAAsVBEB REED. Ilotniis, Nov. 21» (.*.pee)ttlt.. The experts at work on the books of tbe South Pooten bolllliad Osnpuay ure con¬ stantly tltiilin*-' new tbltij-s in Ihe way of -stexk overi.sstte.s or thc iiii.iiijiuliiliiiii ol carh or OOOOtei uio.st of them now of -mall illiniums. Hut thniigh small in OBOOUnte SOOBC nf ibeorntenm Uno found may have tar-naebtoa eanoa- (luouces. Involving a umcli larder uuiutiut Dian appeals on thc lace. Itwasatnrst believed that thc overissues hy Trrasumr be-eml we*re simply eif eet-flltcutes Signed In blank hf tin- pnssdenC Then it was teuad ibu! ibo pnsl di nt ** sia.ii.tl un* had been toned, and uuw conic*, ino ui.s eov cry t bat tin: same i t.rlilii ales bu ve been lelissiud u> etiltere-ul parties, just doitlilliiK thc amount of each nuni- iKUed e ililli .('.e *0 issued Ao m eoliseepteiiet- of Ibi- lt hun bet 'nun- net t s.sui> lei Ko back Ul the beginning ot be.el's ailniinistiulliin. S..H.C e iishl or nine >cal - .'ij-u, und follow nut every t (ll llb ale Iss,,,nI since that timi-. Ibis will Im; a tem k of weeks, ami in the meantime Ihe cniii| ant,'s i«».|a- w ul i.e in.sfii lor Mock tn.ii-ieis uulil tliey are straighteaed out Ibo edoshn el tbe steoh hunks anl not prevent outee of tbe ohoek lp tue nurbel oe outohte. Die sales belina,-iiiuele in the antti Ipalii.u of l-i Hiiik the re- nui.site* tmnafen wboatte huoaoanapaaed ann, Fban . ni- a tea sales of the .tock Hi Hie mai kel this moriiing .A shares at uti, 1.'. at el ami loo al -.7 '--,. MIS. OAKFIELD ANNOTt.IlBY A LF.lTER-WRlTER. ( i.tvr.i.vMi, Nov. '29 ( peria!)..lohtaad Albert Bodde ttii-imliij brought hodOn the i'roluelo Lotirt, at l'aiin ville, Ohio, on an liitjiiisL of li macy, i'm- uniui; iiimilli* he bas been writing letter*, to Mis. (iailiel.L, the widow of I'u .slelcnt t. artie kl, aud her ela ugh ter Mollie. In August besnle salted al Mentor mid entering the houser without kline king ankt-d ta seo Mis. (, at ile ul. \\ hell ll ITOS OSWM* ilinai tuft, ne «n*a lite tint li w ho bad bee ti wt ill li- lette -. lie vt iw told lo leave the Uoiute. Ile went aw uy cursing. 'I wu or Duce weeks agu hu pi_»*ed Hid heiu-t-o wi!noni .topping. Ibe totten iu the aaunttaM oonttnued to t*__t\c (ile eatunbty he ttgain wulked Hilo tbs Imus. ninl .ti-kc.i to i-t-e Mia. e.ai Held. Ile was t. ml to le-*,ve- ll,.' i.....*-t ulai >*.eni awa| i uining. Hall au in.ur tatar he nt* turill u. and kui klug al inc dour, asked in_i a totter vvhi, li he ranted in hts hand lieconvcjeel tn Mt>. (.nun Uh Tbe letter was w-uii returned with the tuturin mimi lliut ihe b«-iy uid uuteieatra ui-.y oomspondeaao erith Idm. He UKani .vein away t-nra_e*d, hut was foUowoel, ai rutted and !ne!ge*l 111 jan heit- >eslen lav lie savs he w as 1...11 lu Holland, is Ibu tl -cigbl ve-ars of age*, ile ,11.H his only i.i.ja, I in wnUug ten iiietiulais of the 1 .ai in lu riuinii wat. to e.xpleas. lils giMHl upiiiioii and lili.li ieg.11.1 lo,* Hie iiea.1 I'i.-** .!. ni ami bis lanni*.. He waa soul tu Die county in I.ruiaiy. ¦ m JULES REINAL'S STAPLES BURNED. Tiie extenalve barn, carriage house, stalilcs, bllltard- loe.m, l-.wln.i./alby mid dog kennels Of Jule* lUjyual, neae Wnlie Pl-Uim, were burned al 10 o'cloek last night. Three valuable .a rn age horses were lost. William burns, Uie co-i. lillian, lt uu,aiiiir, M)l| tt u su)iiwiS»k1 thal hr wm I.urned, as he slept uv cr tbe (..irrlage-liousc. Tho loss U $60,0*00. 'ihc cause of thc tire is uiikuo.vu. NATIONAL CAPITAL TOPICS. DISTRICT OF COU'MRIA SCANDALS. WILL THE COMMISSIONERS BaVB TO OO t.Pl'BMC SICMTIMKNT MMItUI IO TtlKM. IVariiimithv. Nov. '.'ll (Special)..Will . President Wbo keep*. Pan F.lectrii sliilc-mcii iii ollie c dtentes an- ullin holdcr who usc** his eifllclal liifluencc for thc pecuniar** bcnctit of himself and friends I si cms tn lie a rather perti¬ nent question just now. Many and eoiitiinli. tory an- tho reporte te abaaWtaa nopoottaffttaamtadaaaiafb-ton eif 1'li'side'lit ('levelatld III T.- __*: le tn lli-ti-it iitfiiirs will'h. as almost ev Of) hoij seems to believe, have r la crisis. The BtfrvWt publishes ft mpoit of an int. r- view wiih a mau "who is kuown all over Hie e-eumltv fur his cvtelis.ve knotvli due of pilbil. utT.iirs." anti who " had a long talk willi Ihe* lic-i hut >.-1.1.lay." iu thc nanete* which lu-trut BatteM van -tnaoni. Bte niau said: " cleveland ls not thc kind of man to tell in nehru. what lie pro|xi**es In tlo alsmt iiiiyihitn.'. Init if yon want tn know what my own o|.tils of his probable action. fni-niei! ban his com ci-ulina willi me to,lay, ,|,,n't Oh ie. in telling jon. pr-1> nh d tliut my minni shall not be OOOd, not thal 1 fe trio -'and bf luvnplliiuin.bii! .simp!., 9t> cans, leant want ft beiiuied np In ymir les al affairs. Mt opinion I" thal 1 li v eland ha-almiit gnlteti tlnvl nf bavin*; his iiHme tendlOd about by thi- Wt Hu* other sn!,* of the district rings and clii|ues, l-eiiig 'han-cd with helping I teal cstiite'ring, thiiiugli his purchase nf a, teiniitiy PBS dence mid the Massachusettsave, extension, ninl hotag mixed up vt Itli Du- poll, e erlalu I. il ami I tb Ink Dint tn M inaele up his miiiil to put a stop tn thei Wbote hu-ln- unee and furcver bv elisnilssinir the whale t.vv e.l ihsliiit eillieials apisduu-d by him ¦nd makins a fresh si art. There are nne or twneilllcial-Duet I Dunk Ile vveiiild like lo retain, bul bl thloka that tbe retention eif his goad nasas demands D'*' removal ol them all, ond unless i imvc mads ¦ ver> gnat mistake tn drawing s ronrlnslon from bi- eonvenea-on the removal of romnilMiemeni Webb, niieatlej and Lud¬ low, Marshal a'ltooa and Resister of Wills Clogtet, will be announced in « verj short time." An examination of ttaeltoteof name* published in the local newspnpers yesterday of men who wen present ai the " Indignation meeting" Matnrday ntgbl nowt thal il w.ls 11 lepit-sciilal.lv es iis.-i'iubly of Un pe,,.,,,. of Washington. Ibo Bannme tnii'it. iii" hanks, Insnrann companies, merchants, the legal and medical pnfesstoM sadnegterty-owners generally were well represented, ami tim sseeang wm pn-altled over by a member of the well-known hookina boilM Of RlggS A CO. Snell ls the-ta e nf public seliti nient that If the meeting hnd been called t<> j.as*, molo UeiBs seeking for the removal of the District Oommtosten ,ts tin* attendance probably would have been even gr-erili and lt- proceedings more nm:* -I The facts relating fa the operations of Ow COmmluloners for ibo benefit of ^moleton, Miiiieof whom are public officials, which were int laid bale in Tm' Tltlirt M. mora (han a iiinntn agu. have be ciu.ie the leading theme of dlsettsdnn smong residents ¦ well as among Senators and Bepreeientatlves wbo hove arrive tl In Waeehlnrtnn. lew* persons aa be found te dis pule any of the statements made in Tlia Tchum. Iii deed, it wprettvgenerally conceded thal teer wen fbi within Un* limits of truth und probability. The relations of two of the Oommlfweioners to cortain eorpni-rttli'li- r.raiiist tv Illili then ts milch lust cause fur complaint and tho relations of thc tottei EosoaM-f thc speculative Srheines of improM-uii*nt have, otoo become prominent topics of dtocasaion and criticism nnfavorablj hi the ..11,iii.--'.'in rs. The latter will nut hud lt un ease nt a pleasant task tn satisfy (iuil-Uss that they have faithfully executed tbe truat or wisely oxen-teed tte dte- orationconnded totbein. Twenty Denature end probablj a- manv Itepreseiitatlves lui ve bought bouses in \\ sshington an ilu v. ni'course, b -el a pei -mal m weil m s general Interest in the welfare ano good government of Du* Dis triet. Mr. Cleveland, Hecretsirj Whitney, Beemtary i;nv md anti Attorney-General Garland als., ur.- ptopertj hoi.let¦- lu re. ninl of roeirae they feel a like Inten st. ii is noted timi several leading Detuocmtie newspapers, Including i,e Stet, turk I imam, whieh derided the atate- i, ul- in I'll 1.'11:1 iii m. a month nm, ii"-* a.l mit Die, nulli and denounce the operations of tbe District King. lt ls natural tinder the rircumotancee, that some of the aewspapen aad a good onay ranbtonto of tbe District HUM* an nula iv a-*lin-! -.'nv ci ulm ni bj 11 conni.Usum and demand a return to one owed on popular suffrage. The 1. e.emt.ran. e Ot ci lain sbuses under thal n> st. iii before the present lorin nf -.nv eriliuelit w.i- adopted, however, is ¦till BO strong that a chango would be -enerally retarded as uiidesitabb*. Tim amendment to tbe law vvhi.ii require* thal two of the Oitumht-donere shall bc hnsiii fnun Htiinng Du- residents of the Ide-rtet and that the third shall be an uihcci nf ihe anny hus mu Improved tin. a.lu.inisirati.f all-in which w;.s lunch more IUO* eissmi snd ssttofactory ni the people generally when such men as ex.-. oater Blow, William Donnison, General Kilchurn. T. B. Bryan, and other non-residents wan at tbe head of UteGove rame nt. ...- ITB8T cask CVDI'P. im OLBOHABOASIHE Lbw*. w v-ihmiiiin, Nnv. 29..Tho tirst enn andn ihe law to license venders ot oleomargarine cann' up in tho police court tn this city to day. The wifni-».-ees fur tin: Coverrt- liient tcstilled thal Die defendant, the Kev pet Lui Harri* -mi (rote-red), of Virginia, was ottering prints of oleomar¬ garine for ude tn the market Batordar, claiming Dist ll was butter be had gotten from Virginia, ihe defendant teMtilied that be was a misstoaarj ..n.l'.m.-mi his way te Pennsylvania te be narrtod. He bought some butter fur lu--i-tetr to make him a wediling.cake. Which butle'r tho .aid was too old He failed to bad tb« maa sd when ho bought tbe batter and ottered lt fm sala Tbe court dl**- lubtted DiecHse on Die* gruillid lhat the law ic'|iiltcs | -..,. to be made and dues not take COK-lSSDOO of otters (0 MU, ¦naran*!' u-tcai cau-a it a roBoatarr. \Vvsiii**i.i.i.n. D. CU Har, 39 lAMmciti)..Aecordlag te lbs \iCr,,iiil Ifipillflneil 0 rspntokln firm of pension attor- nc-jsiu Washington has received thu following letter: JJF.l'-.l.l.-K.M Of IHK IMKIUOR. I'l .NuI0S tlFFIC!'. ] w-MMorox, i>. c. Nov. una I Hm-* In reply tn vntir lininlrT relative 1.1 ttinl.lint fur in- re .ir., of I'll,-em ell.Ilt.ltt .Nil -Si "*i.li 1>.I ny -, New. Vork \ ..bint.*. I-. vu are lururiiieil ti. it thu claim Bled br you Jilin*_, lN-ifi, wan I-eJect-sl with.nil evantliiRi-eui. ului you vterc so a- iv med July-, loAA. Very nopot -tinily. Ji.ii.*e c. llf.xi iv. Commissioner. Coiniiii-doner Block is te] mg to get the liiforinrdlnn m. BOOny t" li" tltc blanks 111 tills !(.!!( r, whl. h lie de* noiinces either as a forgery or tin- work of WOSe nialicinus clerk w bo -se ks io linn-.' him imo contempt, i hat it* h s letter could have emanated from the Pension Bureau lu Um refuter order oi business hu amphattoallj denton -¦?- SKOSM Of 005OBM8 OOMnLBlX Wasiiim.hi.v, Bmw. '29..A niObt imeful compilation of rcysutsof ceiuiiuiiteei of CongreM ba* bceiii pn pined aadn a monita- ol thc senate hy Captate T. h. McKee. Thc 1.-ports of each comiiiltlec of the Renate and House have been brought together In K-,[iarule volumes aud carefully ladaaad. The reports of the first thirteen (nii- grisse-.s on not in print, having been destroyed when ihe bli tish burned thc Capitol, but tho .-hick from tbs XlVth to the xi.ixth Congress to nmntota. Tho report of tho N'liute cotiimittces comprise 103 rolnmes sad then of liiui-.. iniirtiiiitei-s till xiii volume". The Hoon f'u-ninlt- teeoni tolmsis only one of a done committees ableh hav'c to ibral with privale claims penellng in UOBgreso, but its reports iiluiid HU thirty one of the _J& volume, of Iimi-. repoits. _ _ ini>8 for thi: wah Htur.-1 ACCEPTXD. WASillNi,rn.s. Nov. '_!>.-The Secretary of the .Navy to tlay OOOOptad the fullnwlng bids for tho cuiistrui-tiun of Die new cru!sei> and gun Isiitti*: Cruiser No. '_ (Charin ton) .L'ltion Iron Works of san Francisco nt SI.017.500; e miser Ha 3 (Haltimore).Cramp t. Son.-, of I'hila.telpliia, st fA2fBA\AS00i (.itintMiat Rea '_', lbs ("lumbla Ina Works and Dry Dock Company of IJaltlunu'e, at $'JI7,f)(Ki, lu tbe can of Sailboat 9a, 1 un derision has ypi been reached u between Ibe tdd ot Beedei A Bona, ol fialti* mora, who aropon to eonstrncl tin- ve.el according to the pinn-ul tin Iiepartmeiil and the Md Ot damp a sous, of I'liilatlelphia, WBOSC proposal coiiteiniilaies Hu* cnn f-trii. tit»n ol the engines after their ,ittn itootg-a aMthoiigb the I'liion Iron WorlU uf Sun Iran, im n put in the kOWOSt bid on (1111-1*1* No. 1 lbeW0r_l vd as the Bguraaeioeededtbemailinnm amounl lived In the Ale priipriatiuii bill, the Hecretary ».,, tumble te ooeept tlielr [lld. Ile- will |.i-oiiai.|y refer the mutter to ( ongress with 11 Kate-Mat of the facts, and recommend that the appro pruili..n lui tlM ce.iisttuctinnofl miser .Sn. 1 be im KOSOd, ur thal the I.uv eminent ne authorized to build tbe Vi vie! al out of the Navy yards. UA-HINGTON HO-.*, Wioaiawnm Moaday, Nov. _o, i»*c. n..i iMiTi-tn aa Vasa laiai. -batesten secretary rt.ir.iiii.t im* n..tm.;.: to iii. Colteca i ot timmmme ut New- 1 mk that thc Aineileall Art dsnilattoO ls nut entitled lo the pi iv liege of free enti.* limier seelioa _,."<y_ Havtood stHlute** 01 thc Act of Jnue ii, Ibl'i. LiyLiKAiiuN ot Ditiks..The Tre*ae>ury D. jiartment lias ile. Ide*,! that the ascertain rn cut ead UonUadoO of du¬ ties un iu.|M,i i.-el inerchiiuiiise me niiuii. i! Es Hcttol J.ICU bevis, .1 Mal tile- ls tbs iiipiiiUliun Whteh tal. OS place mi tbe urigiinij import entry, whether such eater bs n-.uei,* f,,r vv.iichnuse ui im eeiiirutiiptiuii, uml that wbeaavor sonh liquidation i- asade th.* due of it ls thc time trom which tb.* lea tay* Hunt begins le run. Nu Hi- i.itpin. The l'rctiileiit was 000-fhDoi te omit his usual aftciuouii reception today in Older b. dev ute hit attention enthral) te bis uu-.-s-a'-c .iud other antlers to bc btibmitlod to Congress. FATALLY SlAHHe.D HY AS OLD Flilr.SD. I .ci l" loVnanl »." the proprietoi ol a beer shop :,t Nu. Mfl Waol iweniy-ninih-_t. He *.. liiljrnsni rrnrn old, ami anning hhj customer* wan .lulius Wild, m BtOtioaofJ eiiKinceit, kn year* his junior. Wild had been a frier d of the iSehiiuoiel family fur live yrmrn ami tba friendship was so fAltt tlmt Nliimmel kent Uiiut, papers, ou which he wa* druwiux a }mui»,ou aa _ vd,-r..n Of thc nar. ust 0*e_W| Wild (li.mk t.o luiicli ami was liuisteroil'. At a lillie utter |) ./cloeU Mts. .Schiromel in her apartniema over Ibo barrootn was otemad hy cries of " .Murder '* finm be lu**. llaHt-nuig dowu she ft und her husband Iv mg nu ihc liiMir iu B pool «d Meed. Heninl tlmt.I nlum Wild h.ul ht.ibbi .I him. beoaan ho nCnod to bt hm, bars natte r giana! nw. Wild ran awaj, Aa lanaloan t.xik the iitjitreel man to Ibo Baanreil Ilu-mui. ] |.. wmttmi mao n mug pooh in Ute hO.I iucii un the left <d_a, I hr letostlnn oas cut, Bohbanal owaaaad eimnst a*, «unti as lulp reached bim, tend will urobbly never recover his consciou-eaess. ? - A RP SA WAY TEA M IS 7 HIED A VE. A team hil. Iud leia ts Hgt III lei.ieleei willi Iron, nw nd l(> 0, W. 1'ciersoii. ot No. 10- iiroudaa). and driven bv .l.lin MuiUi, hOOaon frightciioel yeatcrday OteOTBOOa In I lunl ave. mid ran away. John Kinley. KKK) linly fi.ur,'of .No. BBB l-.ust Tvvelll.v ni-l si ifutllt Ihe wu, ut 1 bli ty _lxtb- st. mid ISM ll noe keel dov* n b) Die' 1h.Ii nf Hie Wilyun. He was -M-vendy tnjun-d. The (Hilt* hail got In..-., nun, the tunk aad wanwad abatesaQr anuad wnhuut regard to wbere Uie horne- were goiug. e ar Nn lim, nf tbe Murd me*, line, Wei.- 1.1.mg uplnit.li alni mut stl.ii'k li) the pole lie-in- nutty-suth -ti. 'lim is.in sam-hed tiie wuaiuw*. broke holes in the dmWA <>t Um uar, and tinnily struck Alfi tile.eel l>. < lt..ti I, 111,1 llillI.V SCVCII, ul So. ,l_tl l.tml I Ul> l.rsl-il. In the Inuit, ninl I humus ll. Hobbln*, atm fort>- nre. of No cns-, t miitii nve iu the lust Kinley was lakv- lo lix li \ ue ii_.pi!*-i, Uo. u'.ht i Injured ui.u refusad me-dlcnl aid. The horses were stopped before rtnlnK any m.¦rc .I.image, SHALL THE PE RIPS MISSION DE MERGED? MR. STORKS STATKS HIS OIUKCTION TO UNITING Willi MK. ATT-RIllltV'S ChfnCII. William K. Hodge Htukcs. the trustee who ls opposing the plan of trsnsferrlner the property of tho Thelps M!s- -imi to Du-1 .-¦ hit, foin th Ptroct Presbyterian''burch, sahl yesterday that the Inti rv lews with some of the batten pnb-ObOd In Suiiit.i*,'s TnritfvK ilM not eurn-etly repre¬ sent the situation, lie said: "At the meeting of the truste-e-snf Die I'lnlps Mi-iuu un QoWMC We -Bf-, two of the trustees, (ie*orge Dodge and Arthur Dodge, were Ohoeat The former had sent lu his resignation. To till his place thc niajuritvnf the trustee- then present olaoted, mv tv lab, Ml. Alleili try, sr. wini vva-t itt wail lng snaowben out of sight, hal whn thooeapon at oneil afpoand as a trustee and took a part in thc Mlbseipleiit proeeeilings. Theil Mt, Alter* bury, his BOB, thc pa .tm- nf the Eighty fuirth Btreet Chnrch or rather Chapel and himself a trash la th*- I'llelps Mission ul!.*red uti ti end (be following Ifs dil tiuiis, vv hit h writ- adopted In spite* of my protect: Phelps Mla-dnn trustees' nn-etin.. Orlober 13, 1HM6. fleury Ii ,|... rh minmi. H'tfTem. IO Tienr Ol ehairrna winch h»vo taken pl-ece. ami tba ii *. - -ti .'¦¦" " ll lai'int-iii-' which Hie Ph. li,- Mission lui* x|ie*rl' n. Sd fur Hen*, ral VSarSBSSt lt ls appnri Itt thats chane* in Hu' » Iniiiirstrstum of Its afl_ rs ls -..Ititfly BCCM nr.le-r lei mie-cenHtiilly carry nut the nltgtoaa work of said cor- IH.IStiOtl. Hatl'1 JTSareas, TO that em! it is de-tenet* prnde ni sae) sdi ietabls to mille with sottii" thrifty and prosperous rcllrlntis eornorstMn ut . growing .< ction M tba etty, wh ch i*> lulu** r_|tliily bnllt ti|i mi il in nevil ui inui lu s und religious work. , . .. lin n after other recitals lattens tbs resolution forth.* sale* e.f th,* Phelp* Mi--bm property snd tor tisiiu,- the pro- ... .1-1.nv ard the erection ol s nev edlbn hw the Eighty* I..rn th .*-treef Presbyterian church. .. 1 then filed with the trustees a prate-! un tho fnllovv- ing grenada ainuiig ul In '*-: rh it tin- sctmK* trastsss hive no pow t tu pats such a Vote- or Mil", ill d' 1*11. 'i .-eilis.,li,I .1..ai |!i.f men .iill-illl'lrl- timi I* iii.|iiii|ii*i a'.rt ii ¦. t p.*.t tt-rit thal lt ls ut tn latina ol the purpueM-a for which the flu His Minni va* create-; tl In vi..lui..ii ol tha m.ii nt ni which tho Phelps Mission »ssntii-*el in ta i-iv'nj; itooatfcMM and p-.itIcatarly itt v mlntietn Of tbs olil urn um ii.-uini-l hv Hm Mls-tlmi winti it r*** eeive.l a b-Ksi y mult r tbs willoi Caroliun i'liripn -sioie.-s, de- " I tliluk that j mini: Mr AD.'tbtiry, lils father and his brother-ln law. Mr. Van Rensselaer, through oversea] for Du ir nwn chapel enterprise srhle h they hope to make Into a ii. h and Amir! thine church lu a prosperous Inesllty .ind in which I hope they will meroe i. have overloohed their tr.i-tie obligation te the Phelps Mission, whloh was established u a memorial to the memory of my grand* father. Anson i. I'helps.tn I,,, located In Du netehborbood 1.1 his nhl Iii.nu- and the proper sphere of a bleb Iles among thc tenement-tenon nt Xhlrty-ttftb-oi ami First ona -. m d ave-. Tile uliglnal objects nf Die till-I hil vi lint iu nnv respect failed, ir tbe Mission, with its Bonelaj antoni, iinlu-triul ami singing schools and sot iii meeting*, i- nol nil that lt Should I"', the fault is nut with Hie Ile ld nf labor, but «ith theiss who me managing Ibo verb, " one of ihe tnurte n «av - that I b.c e oo n medy te offer nsn snlistllnte for their pinn. I have a very prm-tii ol tua* mutton td tiller. Iyt-1 the Eighty-fourth ..street ( burch sell tin il pru | etty and -.'ive US tin itu. et tl, ; ni, rather I Will put it, tot seline nf our trostensnow the rame Interest In tho meedoo whteh Die*', now show lo tho Eighty-fourth btreet ( lial'el.nr else* let I hem nive pat e tn tltn-e ts lin can sm esslully -five the lr effort lu Die charitable and leliKi- oit-i work erl the Mis-inn. I du nut covet litU'atlou, and I regret thu! this matter lins found Ho wny lnte the news papi -, lint I am advt-cd lhat as a trustee I have no llulit mallow each o diversion of tin* trust property no uni whteh is here propooed by trusten who nan a personal Interest iu the it-suit." IT UH AVES UE STAGES OS SUNDAY. Mit Fi.Y-r.onr>Ai!D thinks PKon.r, want th km. ran COtlHTCmM Utnn*g*s thk aMKIPTA I'r.-iili nt I.ly-Goddnrd, of thc Fifth Avenue Tnaopor- tatkm < niiipanv. ls decide dij opposed to the petition srhleh ls Ililli*-lin Hinted in Kiftli-rivu. h> lr*l!intt I'. Shepard re- *e|tiestlti^ Die Withdrawal of Ihc BtOgn from the avenue on Mitnliiy. " A _rc:tt many children en to Bunday school tn Kiftli- ave.,"said .Mr. Hp-Geddai. yesterday, "aad Ihey wish te ride to church, ninny of them and beohln many frown pmtmmm wish ti,,* -.Him* privUsnai othsewtao th.-j' win havo to gal out their eentafOOi which in each can will Involve tho titra Berrin eif a sb.ldc tuan, a driver, and, pm hs ps. Outriders. Thc strik'.-iiriver ilise, wi-hes lo make his ft on Bunda-, and bv sn dum-- hr ls really ¦ I alie sd, for tie will s|M*iid *fj ll lie ls nut ut work. Whatever may lu* saitl ttl Ihe contrary, tha wealthiest people in Ibo avenue wi.sh tbe stagea to run on Sunday, .Mr. Mu paid has been oohed iv liv lu* does nol devote his energin lo stopping thc Fourth-era, car* on Bundey, and lui replies that lie wonM ll he could." Mr. hlyt.millard said Dint mOM of the dine tots favored tbe running of Die stages on Sunday. The veuiOifiil rondui-rone mi the Stage linc han bern "kum-im- doe n" fares io such an extent.fnun IO bi 18 per eeat of tba receipts, tbe company says tbat rester- iiay the boys wera MippUed with ii- ker pads, nne tear of tullich ia tobe hu mien! toeach pssoenacron paying hi- fare li nears the wonts. " PlenBS teer this ticket In two." ru¬ les-this is done, o_ coarse, tbe youthful conductor picks up tim ticket w iii.ti is thrown on the bottom uf tho otago .i ml conscientiously uses \\ aaatn, Hus making the latter Mate wane than the foi mei for ibo company. Manv mo- lengen hara already refused te fabe the trouble to tear up the ticket, thus Ignoring ibe aotton pooled ta tho stagm which reqnestpaaeeugers tberabj to assist iu puttim. an eml tn the theft-t nf tin* ewadoctora, "Unless passenger! H--lst US lu this WHV," sahl Mr. glj flnddard. .. we shall In 11 -tu go buck tu the ul.! limes and give up tin* cm due ten**-.. Tbe boya eto not tum their punch bells us rw- ¦nlreel, and, I inn -torry to «av. many passengers wink at im in in that ucl.mi.u.s bit-im -. NEW-l ORR HTATE. *4IX_D0A_TO5l OF FRAUD IN' tT.^Ti:it COl'NTY. KiNi.-ius, Nut. ._'ll (*;i-eml).. William II. Ilumeyn, who wa- \,ir many >car» celitur and owner of Ihe BiOKKmK Jiinriuil, oppoand bcfi.re the lister ileiartl of Supervisorii fhn 0 cv trliiiits la-sl week in ii leview of the adininistia- tlon of the Ulster County Treasury sinco 1871. Ho claims that Du* eninty hus beM defrauded lu thc auin of t>mOOb InelmHng Interest, aad arraign & u. Ooybendall n nd Jacob M. Beeboom k, two BDmertnasann, tor divert' lag and mlsiipprnprliitini; Dali siiiil Ile BOkB thc county tu ppK -ced u'-.iiii-t theil s.miies for the recovery of tba ninntint. According to a statement pnbltobed in Die Frer- uiitit to otght, tho ooconnta of these nilli inls wen nnful- ly examined and, passed upem bj competent e-ommlttces nf supei v isnrs at t.a* proper tiiiu* each veer, both gentle¬ men mu ute bullly compliiiieiilv-d for their ellicieiiey aud tidiluj. Mr.XJoykendall was appointed winn Treasurer John)'. Itroaithi'Kel was found to be a defaulter, lt being in Du* palmy days of tim old Democratic Hltn; in I'l-ter ninl < tiykcndall served the county without compensation. It ls claimed bj Mr. t_)kendall that bomera l- Inatlmited to this attack ny destgntng lawyers and politicians here who keep lu thu buckKround. JOTTiMis BEBE AM) THi-l:.':. Avisii imivm, Nov. '_'.) (Special'.. The Ancell Polo Team, (-baiiiptoni* nf Ncvv-Vnrk btate, pliijcd B Kamo of [Mihi w uh the Amsterdam team this u vein uk fur thc. beneUt of the lesked-ont Kniphts of Labor. The Aneels won by a score nf :i '.'unis tn i>. Tito * ngami* a) \[ represent. Denbury, i trim.. Ibis season ii, the t'ouiiectlcuI State l'o!o Lca-,ue. .Ni.wm i'.'., Nov. '29 ('.penal)..AleiLandor Cumming, whn luystcriiuislv disappeared fruin Walton icctitly with a larso amount of money In his paOOOOOtoa^ has been lu aid from in Knnsaa. Beanhlag WOodfl aiul eliii*_i_iiir_ the tiver has noe beana Mopped. His friend*, say that he must be out nf his utiud. Fi mika, Nov. .'j (speti'tt)..The ceremony of unveiling a monument lo John Mapee, father of licm-ral Oporto J. .Miiiree, presld-'nt of the (syracuse, (leneva, and Corning ead the CO-_t_C OowmOOnm and Antrim railways, will take place ut Wellsbora on IfedaOOdaa nett. The innnil- iti, ut, wini ii lo large and beeutifulm oastga ami unish, ia sui mounted by a bioli/.c bust of Mr. Magee. REMINISCENCES OF AN ENGINEER: MH. AI.t.KN E TEltTAlNlMl A C<iNVKN'TION* WITH IIIS E.-Pt. lt IK Ni KS IIKKF. AND IM INOLAND. Thc opcniiii? session of thc seventh annuul meeting nf thc Amcriiaii Boctotf of Mechanical l"iiglueer» was h. Ul luat night in the hall of the New-York Academy of Medi¬ cine. Nn. I- West Thirty lir.st _U There ure nv el 7(M) mem¬ bers tn the society end a largs annabel of then were proc¬ eed from all parts of the country. PresidentCatenaa Ballan hoing iii, Vba Itnldaal ITnoi j 9 Towan of Um Yale -t Tow no Manufacturing Company, Itamford, pre¬ sided. Horatio Allen, of East Orange, was announced as one of thc oldest engineers In the country, and Uie man who in- truelurcil toOOOBOttnO iii this isiuiitry. Ile entertained the iis-einhlv lur nver ali hour vvltb bia reitiililseeuees. .. i.v erv one lure- knows," heoohL "thal the pian nf a htealti 'cmsiue WM miule twu huiulri-d yeal- be-fun- Du e htl-tian eia..iiit few of you, i«erliaps, are aware that a Steam engine made oa luis same Alexandrian plan was eoiistruttt'd less iii,ni forty yuan agu right hen tn Kow- \ork." Ile !nlil about his trip te England tn -rt: Die lust lue intuitive In ope munn, and gave an interesting aceeitint of his lim u lu induce, tho is e au nteuuudilp compaiiie* to ad.ipi such improv euieuts un .-ii luce OOOHteaoon ills ud- dnn wus wai inly Hpplaildi*.!, mid HS soeiu as he- ant elt.wu IT..fl s-,.| I lull-lull IIIUVC.I ll.ut H vol.* ni tll»I.SS be gi WrU te; Ililli amt tills Was uelupteel uuaiiimuiisly. Anning those present were Thomas Y, Hovel.md. of the Continental Ina berbo, Onoapoinli George il. nab¬ co, k, Mt pin ii -a. llaldwin, James C. Doyles, Hugo HU gunn. Philadelphia; ti ll. 1). leunit, r, Prufcssn Egglcs- te.li. uftlii- ee.btnil.la e'e.llege (se Inml e,f Min, s. ftc. lilli k Orlnnell. I'rovldence; J. T. I Ul In way, e leveland; l*ro- les-nt i,an/ii, Boaton; e bartes ll. naaning, .Munclireter. Nil., i-i'll.i Merton, of tbe (Kerens Institute < narin T. Porter, ll.-iinan ll. Weottagbonao, and PnfcssorTrow* bridge,ol ( ulumbia i ..liege Ibo hnslMOS aoa-elofl will begin this morning ai lu o'clock. To.-row the mem¬ bers will visit Newitrk. un Thitrstlav they will visit Ihe Stevens Institute, him! on Friday Inspect Cool>er, Hewitt _r Co.'a worka, ul Trentun. DAMAGES FIR A DISPATCH NOi 8*ST. Mi.mi ills, Nov. _U.-The l-ultest Htatca eir<-ult Court de¬ cided to da| u t on agalu-l the B ste tn U'uiou Telegraph ?Joiupali' of lute lest lo tbs public. A creditor al Mein phis telegraphed to hu lawyer aa follows : " A. ll. owea me*1.0-JO. If STouiiela, attach.- This dispatch wa-nut delivered. habOOOjm utly tt hluitUir dUpatcb wtaaeutby another in-diuu to tiie same lawyer. Au altai hun i.t w.ue hud uud thc uiuiit-.v obtained, but onlj enough tonal thc OOOOad cn.iii.ir. lin* Hist ititllleir autxl tue Wesieiu I ni..ll, and thc court liehl the e eiiiipany Inn!.* for tbeilebt. Judge .la. kseui said thal the dlrip-U liitUcloaed on tbe fin e Ol ll IU 111.p.>1 l.llll e. fe» SIREAOTBAN IRVING HALL 'His liv mg Hall tun. nutt, tv of twenty four ht* appointed Diet iel.Il« III*, l>Ull ..la.I.Hill** lu 111,(HUB lulu Ul* Con. Ill lull of tbr t*t -n-iiitiiiun ami rr|ion what ch utgnti ara naretisary to tiling lt tua suteot SterlOMVi iiuiini B. Nootiay. Nu ItuUa UauatiU'D, llrmy ann.n.t.1. OStn H'.-ti I, K. L. KMgwav, ¦i_i it_.-ir- ti iiimrii. 11 h tin* iiiiriiiiuii tu strengths-weak raetsb) imit.ug in .nu* inst, n.l uoMlbly by dauoalug iwo ur tbirt-iii.itii'i lradnra. mid getting new ainu in control li .a.. t-eoorca a aupiwrisra aud Irving Hali sc lol mguilicr st the last election, and lt is tits Intention of the Irving Hsll lucifers lo koop up I I.e Mali Una lt they .tu. R1SBOP WBIPPLK AND TEN INDIANS. TUB BKI» MKM MC9T HAVn INDIVIDUAL rKOWRTY niOHTS AWD CiriZ-rNHHIP. CliiCAt.n, Wot. 29 (Special)..iJishop Whipple, of Min¬ nesota, In speaking of the Indian question today, to uhh-h he has devoted a great deal of personal study feir yi .irs, saul: "I believe that tho ouly solution of tho problem bf Indian civilization ls lu their concentration, by vi.-ting them with Individual rlghU of preiperty and by , umpe liing them to live hf their own labor. Dulivbi¬ lla! rights are required to dove-lop individual cltirenahlp. Il la imus, n-e to attempt Indian civilization by providing fur Dir re el men in tribal life. They must be placed as In¬ dividuals ami families and made to feel the responsi* bility nf dtettnettn effort. Tho pm cling d. fee-ts in our Indbui pulley are that we have merely established aliii-ltoiisis, whence we havo graduated savage, helpless paupers. We prov lilcd im- bte wanta, in measure, as compensation for piesi rilling lils territory. Cona taut bunting the eu- crniudiluent of elv ili/alion nnd a variety of cen-cs soon left him no work. For crumple thc wafer wis s.i ninth raised at Loooh I-ake last spriiur by Om hulhilne of tanks, that the Indians could not catch any fish, their chief sin tenant c. rn teen hundred Indians wera deprived of their i-lit- liy tue construction nf those (Ihiiis. felnce llieduiii- im ic.ser'.uiis wei.* liuill at the beiul waters of tile Miss Issinpt, tha Ked I-nkc, Leoak Luke iind Wlaaebacoohloh IiiiIIhiis have stifTeresI every year by the loss of their tish, wild rice nnd '.ther ernps. "Twenty yeran aim we began with a small number of Indian-t at whits Barth Reservation. Tiny were wild folk u-eil only to savage lifo. Now there are ljHOOpoopteUTlag like civilized beings. They have bouses built by tbeawelves. They ar.* Mifsupportlng. lt ts an orderly, law-abiding, peacefulcommualty. In religion thee are alsuit euuiilly .liv ned between Die Episcopalian aaa Cathotta chun bee*. Tin* laws are Administered by au Indian poll, a This rear thev raised 10.000 bushels of wheal and .(o.ooo bushels ni ...i.s. they have o herd of 1,1100or UDOO cattle, nranl h.Ind horses, twine, sin p ami ton ls. Thev arc proud nf tiuir In.nus innl nf liv lng In them like white people. liny an* im ieat and orderly as old-faohteued Dutch hu,I-. keepers. They ara excellent coohs, too, tbej oarer neill tn lie Shown t wlee linvv tu e OOh ail V thinir. Their SOW- lag is tbs Bsoot beaattfai I enr saw: lt ls impossible to ce lu slilchc.s. ll.ey hm l* linnie ill! t!leci_I |M-Iit ..Itel !i«.l- elui. I liri* c iii my ti.iii*>e. Tin* contrast, therefore, bel we en these u inii' Barta people mut tbe aeatiered handset Chip oewas shows plainly what eau in- aeooniplisbed with them bv adopting light aethoda The latter an; utterly de¬ graded.1' CENTENNIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION. a marura to rcaim-K .uk aruanokmknt-* in PHlI.AI.KI.I'HIe. I'liti.eimi.riiu, Hen, M (*i*eitil)..Parlor 0 of the Con¬ tinent**! lintel probably aenr be*id beean so many Wealth] meit at one sitting as wen; present tu-elay to further tho orraagaawnte tor Ibo nooptteo of tho etatos' representatives who will OOOOnbto In thia city oil Deeein* ber 2 to consider a plan for the National tt le l.ruiiuii of Du centennial anniversary eif the' frmning of the COOStl* rution of the Batted slates, [boona fm inane, pt_sli-.nl of Die (Jim:.iiilei* Trust Coinpanv. pTBOletod and Oppteatod tin-fuliiiwing cominlitce lo teak alter and cure- for Ihe rlsiting Governors or their vprooentatim S (baric*? J. Ila; iib. James A. Wright, Amos lt. Little, William J. 1 .atta. Thoma.*) H. Harrison. .Instils CL Htrawbrldge, J. W. Huppleo, T. Morris Perot, Theodore C. Boanh and Tlniinas J. (iillt sjiic. Hampton I_ ('arson of thc OoOBOStttefl on AtTantciueiits prerloualj appointed. Informed the committee that there would be present about 12 gentlemen among them the following representing tho different States : t'ennu Ivania -Amos ii. 1.nii'i. Virginia. Willina vtirt beary* Massachusetts.ilenrv Cabot Loelge; Ohio-Alfred T. UoMborn; connecticut.Henry C. Boidaoon; Maryland-- General Clinton P. Paine; llilnote.(Jenora! Jahn M. Palmer; Florida General j. J. Unley; Rhode island*. Howland Bazard; Delaware.John il. Rodney; Michigan .James V. Campbell; New-York -Kdwaid UJonn; .-louth Carolina Colonel James A. Hoyt; West Virginia D. n. Lucas; Missouri.Thomas H. (.anti; indiana.Cbarles Reeve; Idaho.Henry Haley; Uakota-A, o. Ordwart Munt.,na Rdward ff, Kuiglii. Governor l-ee h;id in- formed the eonunlttes that he oonld not be* present. -m- AS APPEAL IO Tilt. WORK1SGMEN. ADDBBSI Of THK NaI'MNAL VVt)\IA\'S CHRISTIAN' TIMPKBANCK ONION, Cfl-Ctoo, Vor. Sb..ebn addron Isoned by tho Iffottoaal Woman's Cbrtetiaa Tempanaoo Union today to "All Knights of Labor, trades anton and other labor organiza¬ tion-." coi,tains tho follow 111,': lo ah irorkimi men and vannen.Brothers and tislert of a iniiihinii Impc : Penni! u-1<« ask your nrefulconsideration of this statc- nieiit of our belief* Tbe central question erf laimr lefbcm is uni *>o uuiih how lo get higher wagoe n how to tun |.|i-1 lil Vv a-.es tn better li. t m.ut. lt In bot nv erprnelu. Hull mi much os underconsumption that giinda the fm-e-s ol the wtirkingiufii. Fourteen hundred uiillmus anuually drawn, chiefly tioin the pockets of workingmen, by snloen-hnpen and i-brar deniers BBeaas less flour ut the barral, fan cuni lu tho cellar, inui len clothing for the labonr'a family. We believe tbat tbe wot- of our societies, resulting in law l.y winch neatly OMI half ibo children of ibe L'liitetl .-lutes lire being ta rglit 111 tile public HI bends thu evil effects of Intoxic itlng liquors upon t!ie tissues of the body ami ihe tamper of tho min.1. merits your curliest coopara tum. We believe thal tin* siudv ol liyi-'iene, with a care¬ ful ennsiiicrniii'ii of ttl.* aetenttnc metbnda by whteh tn tho pie pm allon ol food a little can let- made to go a lung way 111 heine .11.ninnies, IS well wurthy of )lilir atlelltlun. w e a-k j our attention to our \\ bite ( rote pledge of equal chastity fur mun and woman, of pure laaguage ninia pure Hie. We* tutk ymir help in our endeavors to preserve Ibo American Sabbath wiih its rael and quiet,and vic pcomUe you our en opei.it ion In ymir etf. 11 tn In sec ll re tin- Mi tu rda v half liuliilay fur one of rest ut home anti tor Um Worship of liol. Un cull ymir attention to our departments of evangelistic temperance work. M's a-k .von iii .iu ail Iii roar nearer for tho (_u--u of protu- .rt inn. n l.icli is pre fin! ne* inly j mn-1 au.se. Your ballots hold the balance of power tn this land nf tile world's hope. We a.sk tlmstr of you who ale SOten to mst them only for snell oieooiins an.l sach menmnn solemnly einnmittcd tu tho prohibition of every brewery, distillery ami dram-shop in tho nation, bad tnat women may come to tho rescue la this great emergeuey, also os an act of justice toward thone who lia ve tho most mcred claim on your proOoetton, we hope that you may t-.ee jour way clear to rael your ballots unto for such measures and sucii men as urn plodged te tho rinrronrihlscmtint of wennon pr.0TF.snsa aha rs st tue hallet. Pl. r.tii.is, Nov. _'J (*/'ivi.i/).-Tlio l'vuiigcUt-1 Alliance. of ibis city, nmpooed of tho nutjurity or the ministers lilispei live nt denomination, today adopted a protest against thc ballet of tho American Opera Company. Tho open nonna boftaB this oroalag in uie Music Hall. The pim .st marte snbotaan a.s tallowa: " We oarnootly eonn- aal all Cbrtetiaa people to nfrnln from pattnafadag each oaneenontt as present spectiuuliu- repri'sciitrlions of nilBIIOlllJ. Ot on manitaotly immoral in their iiitlucnc-.' and de.-triutlvo of spiritual liglit. We regrot lo learn, ii 11«.11 what seems to be good authority, that ouch ohjeo- ttoaabk featttrn licioug to some of tho pcrforiuaucos of thc American Opera (Joiupuiiy." When the protest wa* presented, the president said :" You havo heard tho re¬ port Of the Committee on Opera, Are then any remarks I" ¦* committee an Open " was sach 0 startiuw luueivution In Uie proce'-aiugs eif the Alliunce tbat each member toohed ut th.- rest with surpcteo and iu si loma !_ea iteeldlBg Khler Kinney, of thc tkmthera Methodist Churrl wanted to know what it all meant. The Kev. Or. SS. \s. Boyd said tliat tho American Ollera t'umpituy, being Inn keel by respectable people ami hiiltling lb* cuteitaiii ments In ns clean a plan as .Music Hall, naturally at¬ tracted a great many persona nader tba bebe! that tbe opera is (lean uud pure. The ba I,et ls comic 111-able, nud the resolutions were simply u piniest ug-uml thc, ballet attachment. On tins explanation the protest was adopted. SEEEISG OOBBOLATIOn FOR MORRISON. Cfiit'U.u, Nov. 29..Congressman W. R. Morrison left here this evening for Wa.shlngton. Ile di dilled to say anything ahout a nates! or Investigation except tu da- elan that he would not contest an eh-t tioneven if he wero defeated bf a majority of only one. lt ls known to a number of tin* Mends of (Monal Korriaou in ruin city that-peaher Carltetedeotnsan lavestigatton tobe made ol Uie clot lion ill Am 11 1s.11, 1* Ulslllct. Hie OteOSl eif tiii-u un iuM.siinaiit.il wuni.1 I.,* Ult* neut 111 -s lt nu. ur have on the neat Praattienttel campaign, if made it win not until Usngran meets. Meantime CMrate Morrisn in- tenels ttl follow tbe even leuorof bia way tin ring the coming oooston, white nt bane in- uamo is oem^ eonsid cud om that of a cttudidatc- tor dov ci nm. MISMANAGEMENT Ot ROXTON FERRIES. Boston, Nov. 'J9..The Alderumnlo Commitine which bas tor several weeks beeu Investigating chartres of mis* iiauiiugciueiit and corruption lu thc administration of tho l..t.t lios,iou lerii.s during the years lM-Muud IHHA, sub- mltte-el Itt* report to Hie latani of Aldermen tins evening. 1 in* cunt lii.siniis roosdnd by the majortiy ure that the manai-eiueiit nf Ihe terries eluniig thu aOovu years was din. resin,tide lo tho dirvt tola having charge hereof. '1 lie iiiiuoiity icport, alguott by Alderman Millivan, linds the .lure tor's guilty ol exu-avagauce aud mmAte lu baiidiing public luiitls. THE FhlSOETitS CHAl.Lt.SGE ti ITU Dl.AWN. NkwIIvvi.n, Nov. BB.- Captain Havage, Of tba I'tince- tuii fiteitball eleven, tt lt-grapbe-l to tho Yale leam to-uiglit witbiliuwiug thc-(bulli*ngt: it-t cull) is-tueu ul >ew -oile. BOOB WtH.K cl Ult. uta,-oiDE DAI BBEASBY. The ladles of the West MAO Daf Nursery ami IntliiSUIal Bl b.sil. si Ntl. Mi Wesl lortleth st., will nave a ict t-pliou ai tu..- Mand-too-ha UteaGk-i nnn, Nu. ion weat pitty- ttiiii st., ou ibursday, from'_ till ei p. ut. Music will oe itiruishcu ny a double qanrte* tnnn the Men.leis,ulm dice ( inn. Ita and itiliee will i.e served, ami a Iheleic will be Utrea to e-ie ii pornos nasonnadr, iiikctn mu) he oo- iMiiusi ai I'.iiuuui'a, tu wesi Twenty third -t, smt at the elesir. inn loiiith annual report of the li ensurer. Mia. J. A. Mm donald, contains these statements: 'Hu*, tlaily uv. rs*.* number ul dulurru -ec. iv ul In the Banar) boa Uttiu .IU. lu il-) autl June il rn a* .c. llieni ure ti,, itiililicn mi our tulls lli.J-vi uie-ulu buvu bet u vi .rd. mid the e-oat, Uiiuiuiiig teni, wugvs -ul e*i|*eino^ I..*, o«eii S,«.i.7. 7_. Ihe av-ugti dui.y ulleu luuie in tua ludustnae I.. .ii.... nt na* iM-ru i7. uins ol et-u-Ul i.. .uitoh yturs u. ip an uelnuti.tl, ulm taiulriuuie lo ueuts autoi every w<*«k. I e.- liv!!*-**!! i..ts issn uprti iiii'uasltoui in* your, ilia luaus* ll, Ul a. aia-e. 1 .1.-.1, fl. tl**l lliwi Juan UlUilulnH'. l»Ul Mille.«, Iii*. I i_i.. ru|M>ru taut all ol our i.liii.u. in I1..1I1 .l.|.*tti Du ..I*, l.-ve Issn «e*ui lulu Ute oeuuuley lui Hum lv»o Io lom nn X ry 1 uk TuiNlst Y n sn All I uu.l. Tim tttulht-ra uml 11.en T.-iiug limn nt lu.ve Uren ootA 00 etturaluna iv Conny si.mi, to t-Hi. auil lo Ute ll.-.i... H..,,,,*. 1 h.n.s tn ,.,,r I'l.tliuiiii . mt.nullera Mia. J. M. Munni and Mra 1 K. IbiU- ri'iu. _u_ tn laauiiy fr._n.ln * I.v liuv. *_ ul ua hull wura cl.uiiliis, inn a I.i ..li ,11 liuvv Utan n-sullv OSnSOad on mtOO airar.toua. Wo nwt ttiuny li.unka to eur lurutalilitit t uiu_tillu-\ Mrs. J. H. Varim ya ulai Maa Keuip. I ls itt ea nea fntt plaaaura la r.. 1.shim lu luta rauorl Uta very ofll*-ieul iii_ii-h»u>mii u( vur Mslii.it, Mrs. K. A. l'rull. and IKS vulaultla »sa..l_uce. Ot UM aioUiar, Mra. (.'a_iiib.il, aad Ue. ilelcr, Mia* toole. BAILROAD INTERESTS, onto com. reoDUcua oo_ntv_M The rsllroetds Interested lu the bi tum! noun coal traffic of Ohio recently arrcisl to n roniMnatlon for the pur|-o*e-i of aerniin*. more rem linera! Iv* rnt«-s. The owners of the* coal land* of the! Btate ure now faking stc|m lo eooperata so as to aeeptire sn advanee In Ibe -wire eif their nreAuct. A Han dispatch from f.'olnuiinii-j a».U.el«y a«ld thnt the leadlnK manner rs nf the CManteH Atm ff'* kin* Valley nnd theOhlosnd Wrstcni Cos'nti't tpmOAfBBBWBE recto forming a avndlcate for the parpna. of jeireha-lnse tile* best avaOnhte ceil landa la the Mate n nteobtate pratt oble returns rna ta* pnefnet totes of ths teeatern and New York capitalist* inter.* ted m th* Ilex-Ulna Valle/ Railroad, which ts one al the tersest Mlamtaons caa] pn*- duccra III thc Flockllur Valley, wer** - ii'l tn lie lnfe*i*es-r.| In the project. ll was state that editions bat Iveeti slrendv-taken on lnr*e tracts e,f .ord Isi.rts In th.*, Hnekiiiu un I Tuscan waa valley*, aa well as lu Coshoeton, Melt's. Muliiinlne, Cblunhlaaa. jMksmi and other cana- th s. a prominent officer of thc Huckin^ Valley iuliroa.1 bBaY. " 1 did not know that the Mani em fesit had made snch proaroa* ea this dispatch i-cpocte, sad erm lett yrte little alNint it lt I* A fact, however, that Baa ooabpn darena! Ohte ara tahlnr steno to atop roebtenasmpob Hon, nnd to entail te-tter rain ab the snft ena! n.lned In Ohio, thar are Institleel hv th« Improvement nf ti-serte. Thu seinl-bltuniiiious |mhi1 has lieen fttriueal st the Is-t to ad v one c mi ps, ml the* rnllroads have secured hlerher rete e bv eeitiililnatlon. and the eihb. . ...tl miners ate now atrtv- Ina with a mod -hean ni aaoeon to obum reuiunvraiivc pi icc- lur their coiuiuodit)." mi (AV TIIK RROADWWY LTSV. TAP. T\XF,l>t I'm t.iiKi.KisiK. Nov. 21) (Special). -The Hup»*rvi*or* nf Putrhess County have lieen flla<-ua*<tu_ Ihe otitiiloti of the CorporatioD OsttMOl "f New-York t'ity that the properly nf Hits Bru.elwuy Siufui .* Boflooad (>>mpatty must be ns* sense-el in Ibo eeilllltv ¦ beret the l*e*e*ei v er, .Inhtl O'Brien. ll-es. lb rookies it, (he town of Rhlneberk, this county. Tba! te,ba votes ln-re and hi* liiuise |a herc, te. Mnnrnti i^e*, Cornerolino Oeaaoel et] Puoahkeepsie*. aoM famsYjf Uiat tin- bssesa or in each town and cit) lo this renate k allowed ta a certain 'bite ti complete his casca*went roll ami that after tbat date tbe SMfierv inors caa deduct Iron -it. h uss. ssiii,*nt r..r. bnl anno! add ta it. Tbs date referred bi expired before the Onrnondtea Onaeel of New Yuk it:t\f> his opinion then-fun-, lt ls ni e.pen i|'n- tiem if the* Broadna) Bailroad caa this yeal by a*-.used snywnna. HOW THI*. BALTOfORI AM) OHIO STAND. Bm.TIMi.rf., Nov. *.'9. 1 he Sun will to-morrow pulilisli Hie followlnc bipteel on good authority, us thc pooMM Kt Hie li.-illlniore and Ohio In regard to reedit rumor* PmtoB Its New*Vork line: First.ft ls i1-.mI.v1 ttiat there I* XBT I*'"* wi the cart e>f tYn H_l>uiii.n*aiiil (Milo n' abandoningItVeaurtiose tn li*vr sn In. 10|i' n.teut linc tei New.York: second-t"*>e Ha t,m"i-*iin I) thia be'lovi-a that its contract with Hie Henlm. a 'i dmr arti! elf. tn , at,.I Du, Im liules tin* arran ren tnt fol Hie lia* earths ¦KW-tlM OMI tl f fei .nv e*rntr*l trae ks l.etwf-e-n Plirtrvl *''.)ita ami Nee Yeuk I tbir I -in the. event of anv possible intrtntp- tlnti o: tue-r ari.n renietils. an inli*|*eiid ul line wi!' lee bulli fruuo Phllarlfliihlet to Staten leland. Ill-re will bona teak ut iran, r tn push lt, and to tua' em! a large runt! is striMrtv n etlslenre fourth-the Baltimore stu! (thin »:ll tm; -.et ima itself to bs teri crt to iia>* the tra ka of tbs Penn. srlvania Ksiirnail. known a.* tin- United R-illrada e.f Jfe w. Jers. y between I'hil.i.lel-.h,., and New.York , Sith-the inure- am! Olio will continue tn ri'iiiiur'H tin- eUnns o( tim pul.Ur tu have tlie advaritiu-es of fair ra.lr..|-.| rcrnpetitlim. lt will keep iU ptu'ii-.M'S tn the ni licit the H-etltitiior.- ami Ohio will ear_MI«h a lias between lealtniuiri* ami New.Vork tliat w iii I*.* »s laaspsadsal as is its lias fcstwsn Wasitingtou and ant..mw MWKM.ANKOI'R RAILWAY INTI'IeU'lF*.** ''. I'lttum i.rnu. Nov. 29 (S'/i*-He»/)._-A(|i!lttonnl tettlmony was tnl.cn to-day by Masters Dalia and Pollock iu tha uiatter of the priority of the claims of tho vuiioua clanae* of bonds eif the Hemline Railroad eotnpany. Francla I. Oowen. on behalf nf the eotiijiiitiy, .I'leied in i'\ nh ip e I number ol mortmena nntedatlna the cona ill latina mort¬ age of Jana. 1WTI, Francis a. ix>«is. jr., in heaatf af tite general nwrtnage hondholdecs, spohs -ii tenath uinui the OUl'stieiU e.f 'be £82.1.000 ot the* general liieirl_u_u acrtp. ahieti he> argued had li'-' it- lieu because lt h.ul be en p.,ri hated by the- ct'iiipiiny. l'tiKILA.N'b, Nov. 'J:)..Ata uieetin. to 'my of the dire, t* ors of the Maine ts jttr.il Itaiirnul, the fidiowlnit prop* osiriuii, wah i, _-.tr. 1 to thc lean of tin- I'ortliind and Otnlenabun Raiiroa.1. a no nani -I npon ond dlncnd tu i>o wilt tn the ollie-!. La of thal eonipany: "Thc Heine Oanlral bailroad CouiMtiy will make a paenpetutal laaaaoltbo Portland and Dr hu .bing Ballroaei wi a isuiac all ItehU- Itteoaad Intereat barges, and pay a yearly natal el I MT cent M lt* eaidtal sttMg for the first three veals fiotn tin vi*, iitinii of tin* lea-., m.! per cent per anama aa the capital sttM-k furever after, the rental eeo be pu) (Mtv oi mi uniiually." BuafOB, Nov. 2'.»..Tlio Wisconsin Central Kal'.road earnings for the third week lu November amounted to $33,417, un iucrca-ac of $1,S-J7 over thc aauiu week last year. Clevki.avp, Var. M.-*-E. OolToi>. thc aawtyaypaboted As-istant liencral Managerof th" Labs Obonaad "illcli- lgan Southern Hallway, wi'., t.iko p.is.ses,-iiiu of hi.- o.iiio on Weduesiluy. IlARKIbUCKG, Tcnil.. Nov. '_f).. Arthles of coilseilldiitiim and merger were tiled at llb* .-tate Department to daj bo tween the Pottetown and Mahanoi Rallroad-Oonpan) an-t the I'cnnsvivatita BehaylhUl Valley llollroad rannnny, which consolidation iis-uri's a uiitiii.iou.- lin Crom Philter delphte ta Pottsville as a e-ompetif or of th- Phlladelph i and Hcaeling system. Thc title of tbe roaaottdalcd oorpn- ration will i>o;-'i'lie Pennsylniua Scbny(hill Valley Kail road ( iiiupany." The presitlt ut i-J. N. Duli.tii) of I'hila delphi-. THE NINE RECORD. ITHE INSTRANCi: L088KI AT DfTLOTB. A OKKAT NUMBKR eiF fliMI'ANlK.H UTCM-TIO IM THF. BCaaBB FD-VeTuK-. Dil itu. Nov. '__..Ffillnam*.'ls a Hst of teoartM ti,e peefony iaoteafoi hy habariay nh.-ht'» tin-1 Kb'fatnr " A '-.titna J.-.MOO. B..yl-t..ri. -1 ">O0 Con ul* I- ll UnkMI. fi. ft'NI; Fire A«»OCiat'uii. ut I'lilUrtcipliia, Sin. n (J.*ini_n Atueric_n. ?"..loo llartfe.nl. #'.»..".imi (it-iul. ol Louden. ti.St o. I.v l.n. of I. uirton j.*.uii, Ne,-rt:. ol Now*Vork. $_.5O0 Pliu un ol ll-rti.urt. *.; tHH. I*|,.i un, of Brooklyn, .l.t.non; stettisii amcrtcan tad N-ttooai, <t.<5n: Lntiilnii A*isiirane.. e ori^iratlon. filiiim. Mlchlran l* ne* ,u-I Marine-. *rt.i-tio Karra.iti.f-.5eNi U innl. p;. Ilite-rii'iiu, *H.i'i"! I a. tura and Tia tn, ti.'**)'; State, of Des Mouira, ?!?..'>«f»ii. I'hu-mr, of f.ouetnn fl OOO I ity of L.on. SIKH); e.twnian. of Frev-jort, aft.!"");' Mere'e-Jitde.of t'lovelaiiel. .."rtMHi, l'ii ion. of t aiilurnn. tr .'..ni* Firemen's Kum), fT.MOj *-viii!ir,tte.-M T.'.n Mllwaahea Un- nial. SI.(Ski. NaiUuii.l. nf ii_rlf.ui!.-J1.1.0U I'luemv nf Hart, font, il. ooo isaaiit.ai Auk ru au IU KSllOS-l, ihjtotl Week, ern, of Tnronfo. b-.SOO. tm crain IB t-InvuUir " A" -North Hi lt.nh -iel Mereantil**, $:..0()ti tit Pull lire and Mat nu. *.".imK). \\'_«Iiiu.i..i;. ol Ptovl.tenet-. $:tBf); tirtenl. B_._OUr Min i.r I^.n.I.iu. tlo ihio. i.:¦*-,. I ul.. *-_'. ">. e i: WaMtiinrinn Klre ami Marlu--, il Sim Hula!.. (.rr ni m. tl.Snt). I.niuluu aud l_uu aamre, *...."-' Vs'llHamslutri- city, fe.fiis): Hecla hS.OOOt Clin¬ ton, f'.MKl; Sun. ol ' it lift,: nu OS.MOi Iiiatiraii-a ('imi|.»iiy of Neirth Ante-rum BIMBOO) I'etrolt Kira ami Marnie, $'_'.r>(S»; Fue Iiistirai.* >. AssoclaUon, f:iueiO; Alu-'.. Nevaila. V'.oou Niirthwe-ttern, ot Imlutli. il,MW| I'ennsylv-iiu, Sl.uejn, l om urtli-i. i5 kimi Umtali Act.., $:i,:.titi Mereiiaiua of New-Yon, -J-U-On Royal, M,UOO| Sun. $1,000; Phil nix nf I on.bili. ,1(>.(>"II; (itt* of l.tiiiilnn, $l*..ooii. Flronias'aFund, 085,000; Byadicata of Hteoms olia, S^.IKS) lulim, ol e allfurnia. ^VO-tn). Sj.rnifttO il Lui stu! Martie iVl.sim Merc.trii e. if rii-veUul +;,o.i nian. of naeparl tlo.oeHi. National. 0S,0et0. JCtna, Sl.ooe). Anuri itu Ceiitr.il. ,t..,i'Oo, Unylstun. nf Itustun wo.OUO; e-oti"_etirnf, 07.MK). ('om mere Ul fnlon. tl OOO. Uro A.mi. Utlon. of Plillaeteipit.u. t-t.iNK); (lennan American, 07.MMI; Harttolit. $ 7, al ni; I.lve*rp«*ol. I_*udot] and i. rt... 06,01101 l.ron. nf Lo tu tun. _-.M.mi Milwaukee Mutual, ilium. National, of ttomdoraey, *.i;.isi .ifisey c.ty, 14.0'0; Ftiinn, $2.5(10; Keck l-dtid. $'_..iii(t. Duardlan. of i-.uirianii, fi soo- wcsterti. e.f Pitisbum, fi.sim Hacartty, $-j..'.no. i in* and Matiue, $*J,oi)ei, liuinaii, o( Pcnnsylvsaia. WAA c. em elevator Q and tliennui-x--Connell Bind-,Bl.-OOi Manu- feU'turera'. of WiweUnK. *fl *¦"*): e.ei nan lin*, ol \vtn-i*iinr. .»I.UII'; I't.lltejely, of Wltet-i.nie. S1.J0O; lluAtli! Lire, ot lien on. N. J.. $l,.riUU. Soutliern. of New.Orleans, +-.-nnu In (rana, of IiiiI'jU.|hi1i», S! Oem- m. . ninati. _.1,.">00, Funnels', ol I iacuuiati, $.',500; Firemen's, o! CincinnatL .'.'..'iOe); Aurora Krro rtmi Marine, fl.ft'Ht; Allruianla of Pittsburc *'_,000 eily of P.ltaOiirK. flMO; ( oiiinieiclitl o (iu. ni. natl, fl.Soo (ienuan .\niene-an of Wastilni'ti.ii. f!,-J50; Mertrtiaataanit Manuiattureia' of '* mcminn, tl.rseM); em. -eiiH' ol Cliit'inu.ttt, $'.',."iiiU. M.ant Valley of t inciuiiali. $1 0"0 Vaudet bill Mutual. (l.Ol'O: Put.nu.c lire. il.OOO; e.. r ii iti-Aiin ri*. _i: ul Haltiiuoru. SI,'.".il; Mt-atMiopi Ximltoy Mamu rtnrsn and MorelMats'. Be.BOOi Faetot o' Fire ot .Merni.ll I. 07.60(1; '.V __h ;i,_ t. rtl Of ( ile illU-ttl. fi ..'.' O Ott* niau tire ami Marino of Ciui luuatl, fl.oOii. Fi.lri.ti Fire anti Manlier u! ( un lriti.it. $V.OOO A mri.. an .il SN he. Dug. *'_ mai. sun Mutitaiof aiv.tiriian-,*f2..'.oo; Kanka Fire sad Marina, $'..¦Von security Insurance e'otupany of e tnctiiuall. f.'.MHi* New Vi.is i iNtorwTitanr Aren. v, 01,800, Fu-a-aoa'a of Nt-watk. $l,5oe) Merchants' nf l.ouiaville. *1..'¦(*> (llwbS ot t inciiinaii. ?A.'.iai; National af flnrtuaatL $_,BOO; II*.|mi lasaiaan CSnyany Ol Neweirlwtna.O'.'.Sexi.viulual Kire lu- .turalin- i.'oiiip-tnv ol New York, a.ai.uuu. on -iralii In eb'v.iior MXmo, Sft.iHK). Iniii-nal. tl.Ot*); Lynn ol l_>inloii. $i.esH>, Thant* jot Itarlloril, *_ OOO: *-...(¦ I. sn I 1.1.1. and N.l i.ai.l. *'-', jtsi orielain Artful ranee t et|> *r» troll. ta.lico. Ilarttnrrt. 45.000; Lou rt. ii. Lvei-piisrf ami liloli-i*. *..ooei >»ii..u_l ol lian .n.l *.-' Soo Ph_>a|_ of lirooklyu, $7,5cO; Wealern ol Torouio, *4._*W* -Miclnnan Klru au I Marina .fl.ooo. Cite °r I en.lon. Jfl.OeM); eirriiinn of Fn-rjiort, $f».5(>». Mer. canine ot i 1-tcl.ni-i S1.00O, S|.ritiKnrlel tire aud Marine, Also National, nf .Ncw-Jcre**.. -vi,ooo, isyu.'.naie, $'_'...Oo Lu.on. of I'e-i.iisvlv-siiia. $.\netA; M'.st.-in. of l-iti. burr, O-.-0-i sieriinirre.-J.fioO; Kirk-mre,$4,000: UaarUiaa, $.'.;*i)t); itii.irilutii. ol KiikUiiI ?;.,(i(Mi. niaiidanL $1..'.0-.. t.eiuiiu, nf Psansytvaaia .*.. ot i Ulrard. .-..-tM) Uiasr. iii-ii J-lrtWH). Kara.era ami irad-M*. *f* ihmi sute, of lK*a M,,ititas. *...miii. Norlliwealitra. ni liuiuiii. totiO: CVwUasand, of New *i oi i. *.'.".on. (ieiiumiia. of Ne*** Vork, +.'».(Nie>, nome. of.New.Yiuk fl.fiOO: ll ltlel.it. f* lt, eiien *7..MS>: Firmit.ii ,, of rtew Jeiary, AJdO New.Yorst'iuleria riler*. S."- OOO *SL i'aul F.re.m 1 Mir.tm, f?,.VK) Traders', of fiucuKo. -vi.tjnu. In- ¦ttiraii.e eonimtnv ol North America. O.'.-eai ¦¦.tinitK.ro aad M.r.ue. ...-tm. Fire lusui-ute A .sot ul iou. O-MiU; Anrln- ..v-vaila, fl ooo. Vi ni.a. *! t-H) ( otu .a...a, t.'i.OtKI; lit until An.eric-n. ft\tWt Mercli-nts' of hawarfe, teonti. Orient, 5.0O0 ; .-tull ol l-.u.nrn, .)*...'HUI ellen I.U*. fl.ott" vv _si.ii,-(i.iu Fire and M_rin.*. $..tiN); Knltalo (.ern.un, S...MSI ll,*, la. et-sl.UOOi buu, ol l -rt.ai u;a, fi.JOO lily oi Uuittuu, S_,_l)U._ nulli run vs us m\ l'uirr WeiBTH, Texas, Nnv. ._..) (*/»t*citi/).. Fitenalvi limn le fire* arr riuriu- on the rain b of ll. ll. Qooon, als.ul twerty litilca nottlivvtiat of I'lAivutlnu. (ino Inn, .iicst "¦**nannd _*.i * lu.t* hean ouiucUovvi. ? FI.AMF- IN A HVi: ITDIt IOU DINO. A (Ito occurred at 1*2 o'clock la_t ui^ht in tbe Ave story building at I lea. .roe seo and Var.ck ats. M. C. Kalli t uud Cowan eV Co. oct u*-ic«l oue atory eaeh When Ikey Wen cuKaued iu the wall paper inisineas aud ..> lilian t-.iiilish, a asMtS rn Ul uiauaU.tuier. cur- tieU on ma Ima non* tu anette r amrv. lho total (lamaac waa ^lD.tH 0 dutributed aa lullowo; nu tue Inn..lui, ¦H,_l'U, Mr. fcujilUli lo_ea e>l,*.U0, Cov»^ «. Ca., .f-'.tit'O and Mr. l-.dlet, <*r».UO0. A ROMAN CATHOLICT:ilLKCn I*lJ»TUoVI D Tho lt.tiii.in lalliolio O-Btteh ot at Frauds at Mt. Kis.o, Wes(.liesi,;(..uiitv, wu. totally tte-nroved hy dre m..-umI.tv nulli. It ia helli ve.l tn hive lieen tlio Work of un itu.Hillary. On Munday evening an appeal woe eui-ie lor louds lo defray Uiu c_|ieiiie_.-« of luaklUK nonie iiii|mrl* uni lu.ViotoiueJ"1" Ul u"" "dlaeo. the vliurcll li.tt. a adi* lin; tei.ttclty ol aJ.'i-O. 'the loan t-UUuHed al a4,->v>- , in- aured for a_,_4)e>. ARMsTKOSU ADJCDtlf.D INSANE. Meiunnrrown, N. J., Nov. 20..Dr. Aru-tlroug was ad Jutliscd lu ix* or tiiitetiund luliul to-day. Tu oue persou at lea.-,! thc reoult ol the tedious Inquiry te anUsf-utnry. i'Ual puri-iu U Uie wile ot Uie unfortunate maa. Judm Md .ec pnstdetl at Uie inquiry. Ur. t-nMlmu. Will rs* maui Ul Murri* 1'laUis A-. '.uni.


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Riiii.v thi fi**. MAtriNO rr jivy M-eie,

*I_c neciieei at the oi»eulug of thc trial of ex-Alderman

Arthur J. Mcquade two aeokoafO were repeateel jester*-Jut a Dh little variation when n new trial of the name de¬

fendant iva* bagua. Crowds as easrer endeavored to ap-

ncnth Ibe court room, hut thin time thc court officers

0«e*-rt even erecter precautions than before te prevent the

encroachment of too earnest spectators. An iron Taine-

work Mie'tche-el across the corridor wa* effective lt

tag emt mont of those who tiled to enter the roeu.

©ffiecr*. only allowed thoae te enter wbo linil summonses

tonpiN-ai a-.lnron*, and thc few persons who had hu-*

re*, '.n thc mom. Tho number of .Jurors suiumoiieel was

eosmtill thal the poon wa* not nt auy tune km n tilled.

Thc rear bene-he* hud only a single row nf npi-e tatura.

Heetiielet* Smyth, wttli the calm, rather (dim cvptt ana

will, h ;- usual to his features, presided, u« ai lin- previoustrlnl. QoSMtal Tracy and billiard 8. Ncucoin'aii*, Mc

C)iuii1e'*s lawyers, were antoni* the- first of the* lee-torn In

thc proceedings to enter tbe e*onrt. They and OS-Soaater"Grady sat down around thc small movable table whit li

Mr. Newcombe Undi* to Ik> convenient aad which wa-

taken to thr court room at the funner trial of the case*.

Ibu ard McQuade -.it I.. -ide the eaaaool and wai as lie

foi.* fully us minti linen-ltd lu the proceedings an lils

brother, lin* ilefendnn'.1 In* lb. order was fnlbiwed a-bc (.iiti-rctl the room bv

District \ttniti> .Marline, I'olmi, 1 i cllows and lb l.tm -ev

RtooD, aad oona aftoi lac defendant htanalfoatemdtatlc n-ti.1> nf an nih' er. Ile bru. ir.mi n tum rind (niel in

the tvv.i v-eeki* nf his iniiu isoniueiil. Hit eves ai'liear tn

have -.link further in Us head.the furrows on hi*, brow

are ftmamt, tat be, is OOOnwbn paler than when fli-st ar

ruiKiie-il. Ile sat -hrouielmut the tiny quietly fnetti ir tbe

jud.e iii it ibe vttaoson who wssnexun_sodntothe-rejui-i I. ati..!*-H njasasa. Hs hud on hbo ssndlasn ol nd

gi- *U(iu and comment which marked him two weeks aire.


| *..ii J. Watt rluiry sat fining the becorder and bl-

Ahlermiinic chen!. Charles II. bellly. Kit not far from

him. 'linnthc: ( \ Aldermen who had lifeli present at

the first trial were absent yesterday.'.What haonon bave vm fm thc coi.rt this morilla;-?'

rfcsV-'d the lase-order.Mr. Martino answered I "I move-the trial of Arthur J.

r-!i .mule."Ur. Waterbury stood Bf and lentilm- forward as If ho

hoped thal lie might catch the name of his client, lb il I.v.aaul "What do I un lei sum.I I""Thc time e.f IMfenie," sc.id Mr. Marline, and Mr.

"Wiite-il'iiy bOgaaIOartne on n inotinn, tir-t reeding a

letter wini ii ba bad nddmooed te Ibo District-Attorney *

few du v.* rico. Booty's inai trtK te benin yesterday lltbere brui been no mistrial in thc McQuade case. Mr.Ville bury wrote to Mr. Martini- on Thiir-dayTn mv -neat amorist*. Mr. Mrltitvre- in'nr r.icl me on

Y-**ll en l_V Uki lute .ul lin* Ul Cl'Halli.iini'.te » .I.i fill oil Hint-kv, Inel mu l.e! .. aimil I rino I.e.ul.* sa..! tn hun th.it yuv ticltiy (rtutlt*. Il lb* Hy un Mon 1st nett. Vonni: .,

tl.nl ..n. I I ll.t ll I..I an.l .1 MK* lund br the eulin Ill-nil Vi.HI

ii. .t'li." rb ll] 'ii.etit ti-;. I il.-i Um* io anbali t.. v..ur ni

te-e jil. without a tiioiteti t.> Hi** e emit u|i..n limit.* to me. IO set

ft-aiiu- its o.iWtt ut lil.. i,.(-*.v linnie* sud MCcei>t«.| by l.eiti Milt *.

V t-e.ti tin- lalUi of ca' oi tr I have -rtvaaapall mt alhcrtm.mess lor ne-xt wi*. . ..ni ..tr.,n..*.l lt ut anbeeequeni tiun-s.

1 ne iiolk) you aSW wmt. rt m.i un.v ai..S tarnee i hal. bm ts mildInve.iat to bm ii co ai ¦¦' rn ¦>. peenmary li** i thereto!.notify von tia I .inii; 'ie |n-e .. nt vvntl Mt Re lly at thenpau-Ina ni in. eiiiiri M Men na rn il, r.-_elv- lo Hy In- easer, amiWU) Ina -t Uta) t.e iii., altai! r<i'uiii*__._

'I'u* n.Mtv 10 ne ol its p ..t,*oni*'iieiu. however, wowd ind

cotupure witb th.* viona in 'ny 1 in nt lt la very «e»vem 10 aa

In.inst 1. 11 tn be ni.'nstry ni. used nt a Un ul mil 1 line, uni

exceedingly tn,i.|. usant alien uoitiluR ciel loetuc lum toleave tie Jnr.sett lui. et I .1 nulli uni In lias rt di let! thcCbKra'e au».nsl Inn. to bc l.lluweel ilaiv and Infill by elated*Iv.*. \s vim aclnr-el. I.v Ile uu.l ..1. ymi 11,ai... tli.it youWen rc.ulv to Itv linn. Un ie caa in* m. n.-sin: trial vmi bon itbel apu- th,, .Ut rou rt. » m..*t.-rt w.lia'.i thal I l.a.e Lal

Im m.rn,nu.1 st nu upon tl .11 '.'. -et ol tins not _ uh Mr. Mo

Quaile, 01 miiv i'i*!Mm .n his In-half. I merely until my dutytu |.Intl. t H.. llt.lll.sOl I,IV ..cit.

Mr. Wnb linn y. afteranon twa attenptste seenrsthcTic,mdei'.- ntl, nt...11, -.,11! th.I M the e.t-e u.,s lint on

the tali ndiir he eoiiiil tui.'v ash that some ftitnic liine bi¬

llie d fnr the trial.The Becerdn i cannot make any order. As yon know.

bartad been a District-Attorney, thc District-Attorney-nilly can -ci a day for trial. 1 can discharge the deienei-ani. tl the District*Attoraer docs nut brian thc can letrial wubin n roasooshlr time. As rememliertbe rn 'ter.

however. Ibo ease waft imij .et donn to be tried aller thistri-c VMI- itis|N.-seil nt.Mr. Wutcriitiry. I in-k tiie Distil -t-Attorney lute in open

Coull Hi liv - nne day lui lin* trial of Mr. Kciily.Mr. Martini* nia-de no rew-pnuse. and the I.t'cnrtler

finally su^ci .ted that the matter be setled by a privatearrange meitt.

Tarma to g^t a joky.Tin l.t.m (rented b> Mr. Wateibuiy's oaraesl .'t[«]M*iil

for l... client's trial wa.s tin only dtotarhaan te ihe quietest |x>ssd ie niietiliijf to the day's work. The lleeotvlerSn ld " Ooll tlte panel " and the baines were read. Clerk

Pparks and his deputy. I.dvvard J. Hall, collected tue

tit acl.s. and alter a tew turns of the wheel the name of

Alc-auder Miller waa draw\i. Uu ts a SSSteod ute ie.Ua.nt.

Be* had lM*en In business for twenty-five yeats. Tbe ei-

atnination ctinducted by Mr. Nh-oll took tho Mdiie turn as

When Un-.turor- wen* obtained Ht the previous trial. MrKicoli read the same list- of the members of the Hoard of

Aldermen of I**)"-!*, the teWJIWM ceiiiin-e-ted with thc

Bnaiwai BaOnad liii^atiuu, and tho pronoun of IboBasadwai hnfan Kallnad. There was little- dltecultynmil Mr. Nie oil began to ask about the broadway rail¬

roads.Mr. Nicoll.Do yon own slocks or bonds In the broad-

Way wael t A..Yes, sir. In the Broadway and SeventhAv enuc BaOrond Uoapany.<^.-Kor how lougt A.- hcven or eU-ht years.O..You have lieen at sVocbholders' meetings andMl! A.-Ytis, sir; I hallen for Mr. Yotahy,Tito Boeorder.Waal is lbs conaoetioa between the

Broad wa)- and hereat- Avenue bailroad and thc broad-

Way Mirfiit-e KHilrtt.nl IMr. Scweonilie.I believe tbat it ls thnt ono has lensed

thc nubt to iiMe tlic road of the oilier.Mr. Nicoll.I'raetit ally lin Broadway road is run by Hie

Broadway ami Beveath A vernie ltuliroud.Ibo Boeorder.-I Udah lt would he well to excuse tho

Witness.John H. Bambach. a y.iiing man, feared I praoshdng

fciile.it-. t. Ito ha*, duik huir and a dark mustache. II.

Vue Bte piston of good nature and appeared tehanpowira of language cultivated hf constant iir*,e. Mr.

Kleedi rt *_'-d :

What is your biisireas 1 A..I nm an artist.Q..What sort of an artist 1 A .A tensorial a^st.Tiie luwycrs laughed. Mr. Nicoll, by exainiiiini.-. found

that banilaeh knew e* .-Alderman Wendnl hf visiting his

Buiuii er garden, and knew one ur two either pctsnus con-

ae-cUiel with tho blxuulway niatteiH by tight.Q.- Do you know auy one conncs-ted with thc Diatrict-

Auorut fa odteal ¦_-.I know thu Judgo.Tho bocordcl..You know mc, do you I A..Yes, air, by

Olgbt. I see jou pass mt place frequently.From the v. Italowie eil lils barlter-nhop. in sixth ave., lu*

tween Fifi)-second and Fifty-third et-s., the witness i1M,l

apfuaoadf oboor-nd several -tattagnlsbed men, bm

as he only had un opiiuuii whi. li he

Would leave behind him when ho steppe.I into Ibojury-box, he took thc lirst heat, hut Whoa Ihs peitinpior.vChalk inri s by thr defence begin to tic ned ho will nol re- Jlua*i than very long.

t.IPBIQB AllAINST A^C()MPLICK^While this wiiness was being exainliicl the" lnwyirs

tooh to eiie-lon to (Umios the propriety of a hue of questionswhich Mr, Mooll began to a.-W. IU first asked: "Have

yon any pretudlue against the toalliuony of aoeouultenIf »ueh U-.tiinony vt ere ititi,.du. (td beroi" The witucas

answi-re-d ".No, air." before -Jenem! lYscy e-oiild object,but as both sides were anxious to have the Hatter deckledanother quest lou was a*ked of a e-imilar purpeirt. e .etu-t ni

Tracy e-bjestcd on tbe ground that no iiniulry could humade Umdlng to show bow a juror would Ueelde tbe case,

or as to how bc would be affected hf the testimony. Mr.

iilooll read from a recent eleelsion ei! ;be t'-ourt of A|>]>ealsa eeatence which tu* tbougbt sustained Uo fO-Bbn aadthe Keoorder, calling for a vu)uino of Talker's hejeenrts,showed a toMMto In which a question as to whether thcIntended juryman hud a pre nuilee against Koman I atbo-llcs was held to 1-eprujH'i whou Un- trial aro.-e out of a

riot In which members of a Koman ('atholle* oii-riiii/niuiii

wore mtcrasud. Oem ial Tracy said that the law dennedhow niurli reliume should lie put In the testimony of uc-

aonfttOOfi Kee-oidcr Kmylh decided that que'sti ins eau

bc asked dc-ugneel to ttnd out whether Ute lirteiideei Jurorshad a prejudli_e ugaiu-r! a ciitaln dan Of teO_-MB| or

¦BMaanaaKalael Butuiau. I-.tii, M. l_i_ish and tScligmuu Hann

bad opliiiou*. Their OflataM had Ihicu Stronfitbfinodblncc I_aeliu_ tho pi oe. c. innis's oi thc furmcr Ulai. CuluuelFellows, who had by Un- time taken ¦baigi- e.i BM cvauiiMMoaod udtoooooo, tried m tuui out bow Mean bruck-inaii newed matters, but .lid uot mn owl weil.O,.Doyau know of wb.a tiieueleiielani ie, meususl I A. .em, sir.Q..itt what!The juror edd not reply anel gotinto such a state* of coufu-

ebvou that 'toe lt*»oeinlei .n-m *v_-ii bini. Alonzo ll.null), in

t_« liruie liunlmaii ni ) i-'Ui m. iiiitthl have ina-i* ¦ x,otidJuit»r If aabad an bad a- uulortunat* opiuiou, v»bicii liecould not throw ott.William butt waa sorry but he had made up lib- mind

and did md think he could obaBM it.Mark Meyer* f>uillod Ninl tniweet anet seN-med to lu- Imp

py. althougb be inloruieei the ii«.-.irde_ mat be was jewellesr lo aiilutm /« ieni.ev, ol thu Lu.-,tiKt At lorne)',oftiee*. nnd vt un excuse-el e>n tiu.t Krouud.

UtM-rge 0. liliimti bud nonie a. e*ei»iiil_n. e wltb e .nintyDt.iniK.vrt_) meu in Uk Iumii dintib I.. Colonel 1 illowaashed: " Have )ou int head this maller taikeel about I"A..I may bi thc barber abop.(b.Uavu)_u uot iu-.,... -1.11 v I A..Well, the liarber

foSauioeh l^*a<>-*H,a w **¦-*«-. or twice, but lie donate

¦Sr--. i^ifTTtT*"1 }** ¦f'HWT»l»fc«>r pleaeie Uke u»e ad--anas t>t Uiat Oaro_r U,»teV»-n_oi utS inii. ii IMr. l.lui-u. ami aev-nriil olbem »ere> e«e uwetJoseph MlUheU, wbei bn.1 lung curly bair -uel ,, ahaven

tnxm, wa* luuibltxl with uiiimon*, Uuu wuuiu i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.lim lu thejury hos. He bad out reset auy ot Ute prut., .ttllAU -gSlUnt tho __lei--_-_-cii ._e .-pl m t nn!uu_ll> u few b, *|ltn___ He bein the real t-nt-to business at O-o-bandrvelaad-flnt-et. Nooirfuiuu being vlmulo, ho was adtuitu-o tn

aotioiid scat Ui Uie Jury-box, Out ha a ia |irub_i*l> nolftn aJuror to try Mc^t-ade,

mow ji;ky l:sis aac maok up.

-_u> _uost Intcrasting part of the afternoon ses*riun was.n sxaiiiiiist-oa et Con-juissioaer of Jurors bc.liy ny Mr.


Nicoll. Kecorder Rmyth had ordered the drawing of an.

other pnnel of fifty Jurors, and the great wheel containingthe names of the Jurors was taken to the court-room and

placed near the Recorder. Plier_. Grant and County Clerk

Flack were present to assist lu drawing the names, andas Mr. Nicoll wished to ask some questionsRecorder Hinyth directed that (omuitsslourr belllybs sent for and act Instead ofhis representative. CMMkteOMf Reilly appeared, andblushed as he was examined by Mr. Nicoll Mr. Reillyhas au onlliu.iy face. w Uh a long, thin mustache. Ile didmit seem pirti, nlarlv familiar willi the routine Buttersof his tittle.*. Mr. Nicoll asked: "Will you tell us. Mr.bellly, something about these Jury lists.how they srelinnie up xml how the lu keln an- put In Hie hal "

Mr. Bellly.Well, I took Uie Oat for 188ft. I began InMay. and fruin the old list I look the mimes of businessmen who appeared te ho permanent residents and U hesslinnie, wen* in a directory, lind Made Bf 0 Hrs!list. laen Ibo nantes of attora wen added from Hst* ofbusiness oieMtil-utimis ami other pines nnd the othernames mi tba list td 1888 wen l*e-examined and fromthese some es a SOCOttd list wats Steele up. The slip- were

written nut and put in tho lim. There were over 10,000before October l amt sons wen added afterward.Mr. Nicoll.How lurge waa the llrst list t A.-Over

.*i.(HM name*.tL.Whoa w.is that completed I A..September 83 ot

_:».Lt.- When was another list flied 1 A..<)n October 1.Q. -Ale* you suie I A. es. Mr. 1 ordered it so.

(,i I uud thai a list was tii-t tiled oa October 18 indmarked ns received at IbeOounty 11 k's office on Bot nil**r 18. Imi you know about lhat t A. No, sir Itnlelthe*clerk, (I'll) rite, to se*e t-i lt. He* will Know abo it that.

li. lint', (uuiit) < I. rk Gilroy wenl for sew.I Ibe |nrjl!-ts nt,,! after study iiiir on ihe mallei tot snine time it

appeared that a h-t of 5,828 nnosn was Bled beforeOctober 1. a second li-t *-_mta-riug aboutMOO name*vas spparentl] tile-el linet at tlnr County (ieik«

on October ic. Uk ii taken awajto pla.*e net ween 2.000 and 8.000 a.1.ill mini! name-

upou ii. aod ninl aaala on Hoven-erlJi. Thlslaappaiemly Un list which Mi. b.-i.l. thought wa. Bled aboutOctober I. Hu- total id over 13,000 na "ie- comprised titi-full Ont Hum vvhi it lu rei rs niltrtit be drawn In lue year,and iti-out 'J,-ixl names had siready ls en drawn fruinat tho November tenn of thc courts of record. Wheuthimurks nf filing (Ut Hie n* Mind li-t Wen thOWa |0 Ml-

Krilly he said: MI had the aaatea all placed la the hoshy October 1. Perhaps the) did not flnlah copying theils! in lillie In have lt tiled IMime Oe!..IsT Iii. bul Illi¬li., mi - lOIISl li.ive be, ll iti the VV heel."Mr. Nico!! sit ni thai a - III.*,, were no nt lier XV itli(***-c- tte

ians! Ire ntlsttttd lie said latvian public manner: "Ialli say to Ute court tbat the examination of Mr. belllysausin ¦ me thal tl,, ra was aol aa Intentional rtolalhai nflaw."Ibo examination did not tobe ptaoe wlthonl a protcal

from OeutM-1 Tracy to its being nnd_e*ted in the pres(lice ol |ielstMis wini iiil.'llt act US jUTOn, but her reeelvedlittle encouragement frmn the Recorder, wbo said tlmt bemight take thc Jinni's Ullt-ide if ho I'lucc.'lite examination was conducted tn ¦ towtone Mr. Nu nil steading beside tho benchvthere the heiemier. (sheiltl. ( minty (leik awl Ootnmts-sioiier ot Juron sat. Atttaclnse Isr. KelHy said: "lemgiiui thai this examination bas taken place, I han . lobedan opportunity to make aa explanation.*'

pim l«AUKS DKAWN rnou tiie box.

Ibo three oiVciais linn drew tifty aainn from the baxin the pieseneeof the becorder. ('minty ( ler le Hack Clive

the w heel a few viguiuil.s tunis,sbn.ik up thc sill's with Ili¬lli.in! itntl dnW out one after another nf them. Mietill(ii nut te .en ed tiie slips 'rom Die < 'on n ty I'll ric and bande-dthem tei the DbtilU*, w li" read them io Mr. licitly.A few mora members ol thc Ural panel wera examined,

but emly tbe two places In the lan bos Sited belora ncess weil occupied winn the dav's si ssimi dosed. Allihe candidatesbad o|duions too strang te be casi WETbere wera -i'v names tefl oa the Hint panel of iifty nantesv. hen the prtiK etliii*.'. i Ins,uL Tin se ali uud Bfty mon

i win tarnish material tor examination by toe law-yers to-day. _._


CBiTictaiaa rac tuen wh ot otrirb cacocii niI.'ii li"l*r IN AMS' I* IIP .M.

A v-ii i:i,*m, N. v., Nov.'_!) (special). T'.te clilef Imi'. nts iii tire labor troubles here an the orrlval ur T. tarrv ami tin* opeidng te one of tbe mills whl li has remainedcloped alan tba general shut dawn hy McDonnell a Oa,resuming epernttouo with s small tern in 'he- picking and, i.i,lini. lumusr. The employes ara "ll aoa-unteuteta,.Nine toni'- men who came to this eily with the lateattnof going lo work in lin- mills wt-ie retune .1 in then hannin Mew-Cngtaad this uwsaing hy tee Kun.'hts of Laborvv Itu iiiUTt eiilc-u tliein. " hveigladu Jim." a tall eowlwiy,ls at wink in one ol the city fae-toric-s. 1 lie* manufacturersbOOOl that they have lamed away applicants for workeiiiiinrl: to Bil their mills tv.ice* over, buln cerlain lassot expectoamd werbasn arc oeeded in Ibo milla Ibo Bn-Ishtagnnd eeaaring-epertaMBta te tbefactorin imw taopi un.mi eui|i)uy tin* usual number of hands, but spin-l.els and liiillers are not neasllj oblaliied.A meeting nf Kin.'htsi.f Lnbn WO held today, befurc

thc hour announced mr the missing Mute -t wnenwdedtortWO blocks. The liu.lse, which ace nriiuindale.s l/JIXI,tba ball and .Idawalh won blocked. Tne meeting «n-

tlie birire-t one ever held In this neluhbiu bund. be pimc p.ii iii-, nurse wu-delivered by beuna*" Harry, win. was

succenful tn bringing about a settlement at Oobon loStarch, ihc iiiMiniiactuicis, though refnstng io treatwith other members of the order at dlfiert-nt dues, haveconferred with Barry. The soundness of the Intter'*, utterances han gabled for bini thc esteem ofDie manufacturers aim ur the Knights of Labor. Iledenounced the strike ol the nine sot-men, which orig!naleel the lockout, as tint ailed for, -anec lin* maa they nvtinsel to wm k vv ita was a kiinrhi. leisler. I Mu-ln v,.n|,lunn (tiniiiiliik, wbo wins nmiiilnilit tu the* Milla. it-

plained timi he did not order the strike, but that the* spin¬ner*, went out of their own accord.

¦?* ..

LABOB MKS ORfiAMZIXO THEM? PARTY.pBUMtnU, Suv. '29 (syn rial).- The Labor party lu lld

it** general eeunattoa to-night, hal lt was a praUmlnaryand oonowbal informal meeting. The delegates weie

truin the traeli. and laiieu* ot ...aiii/iitiiuis of the city. The

[.ur]«ts,. nt titi-time is merely to complete the (>rs.'iiiit-'a-Imii, uud im! lo iiuike Humiliations. The luimr inn are

looking over the Bold foi a candidate tor .Mayor, and claimtliat they csu jioll eiei.eKK) votes,


KNIGHTS OF LABOB AXD THK IKON* MOll.I'I.l'**.ITri.-Ul m., Nov. '_!) (s/itcne/)..Thc Knights of 1-abor nf

this ragtea arc makin/ lanaaood edbrl gradually t*> in¬clude ail trades onion lu their order us separate dishch ta.The lion Moulders' ASS-taMy No. 1,090, have hail undercoiisirterallon for some lime thc advisability of ironic mininn* national trade district of thc Knights of Labor. Ameeting tins beran called tot liid.tv night, whenthe matter will bo mere thoroughly ran-cussed. There arc betane MK) and BOO Innmoulders in ritt.si.ur/ and Allegheny City, Many e.rthen are members of iwith th? Knights ot Labor and theIron Moulders' L'liinii of Keith America.

URGING KNIT GOODS STRIKERS TO UK FIRM.OtMQ-0, Nov. ._'.) (.s/*cciei/.i Messrs. bailey and Me-

Gidre. of Du* National Incentive Board, Knights nf Labor,addressed o mass-meetlng ol ihc rink this cv ruing. Xbeyurged tbe toebed-oul operatives io remain Ina Thevsaid that the Executive Hoard would stay lu Die MohawkValley nntll the kuit goods troubte was settled, and thatunless tin* n niter was settled by December a, tbe opecalive* vv,.ubi dcuiuua au Uk leaser uf lu pei tent iu wage*.

MINOR PEATURK9 OF THK L4B0B (gCBRIOB.'Ihc trouble MMttg fmtt blowers extended to brook¬

lyn jester.av, and the men stiuck iu ne\eral «-ni.

i.-hun nu jn order to secure au increase In pay. In'be .acton oi Raggetto «_ Co., at Smith and Centresis., ioity tuen struck, Un ow mg 900 men and buysout of work. In eoverdl establishment*, in the Raab nJustint al the blowers struck, causing a completee*c--a i ii uf work, except in tue LiL-hwitk Cil_s» Works,wh'-re a irin.be: of hipwm kept at work.

'Ihe journeymen pli'tuU-rs ure- slowly but surelywbnng their light Koaaodf et Mdtemotb ofbleecker st., look back thirty moa yesterday un thc.truia o. tbe union. John 1'llis. of Kast lefty ninthst., ai**-, .ixe ui to tbe meu, and put tea ut-ni atwork A_ cold weat.a i conies on ami the time lorbunted water pipes arrives, tbe men claim that thei.u-ses will be lurred to -ive in.

THF METHODS ot TEAAsVBEB REED.Ilotniis, Nov. 21» (.*.pee)ttlt..The experts at work on the

books of tbe South Pooten bolllliad Osnpuay ure con¬

stantly tltiilin*-' new tbltij-s in Ihe way of -stexk overi.sstte.sor thc iiii.iiijiuliiliiiii ol carh or OOOOtei uio.st of them now

of -mall illiniums. Hut thniigh small in OBOOUnte SOOBC nfibeorntenm Uno found may have tar-naebtoa eanoa-(luouces. Involving a umcli larder uuiutiut Dian appealson thc lace. Itwasatnrst believed that thc overissueshy Trrasumr be-eml we*re simply eif eet-flltcutes Signed Inblank hf tin- pnssdenC Then it was teuad ibu! ibo pnsldi nt ** sia.ii.tl un* had been toned, and uuw conic*, ino ui.s

eov cry tbat tin: same i t.rlilii ales bu ve been lelissiud u>etiltere-ul parties, just doitlilliiK thc amount of each nuni-iKUed e ililli .('.e *0 issued Ao m eoliseepteiiet- of Ibi- lt hunbet 'nun- net t s.sui> lei Ko back Ul the beginning ot be.el'sailniinistiulliin. S..H.C e iishl or nine >cal - .'ij-u, und follownut every t (ll llb ale Iss,,,nI since that timi-. Ibis willIm; a tem k of weeks, ami in the meantime Ihe cniii| ant,'si«».|a- w ul i.e in.sfii lor Mock tn.ii-ieis uulil tliey are

straighteaedout Iboedoshn eltbe steoh hunks anl notprevent outee of tbe ohoek lp tue nurbel oe outohte. Diesales belina,-iiiuele in the antti Ipalii.u of l-i Hiiik the re-

nui.site* tmnafen wboatte huoaoanapaaed ann, Fban. ni- a tea sales of the .tock Hi Hie mai kel this moriiing.A shares at uti, 1.'. at el ami loo al -.7 '--,.

MIS. OAKFIELD ANNOTt.IlBY A LF.lTER-WRlTER.( i.tvr.i.vMi, Nov. '29 ( peria!)..lohtaad Albert Bodde

ttii-imliij brought hodOn the i'roluelo Lotirt, at l'aiin

ville, Ohio, on an liitjiiisL of li macy, i'm- uniui; iiimilli*he bas been writing letter*, to Mis. (iailiel.L, the widow ofI'u .slelcnt t. artie kl, aud her elaugh ter Mollie. In Augustbesnle salted al Mentor mid entering the houser withoutkline king ankt-d ta seo Mis. (, at ile ul. \\ hell ll ITOS OSWM*ilinai tuft, ne «n*a lite tint li w ho bad bee ti wt ill li- lette -.

lie vt iw told lo leave the Uoiute. Ile went aw uy cursing.'I wu or Duce weeks agu hu pi_»*ed Hid heiu-t-o wi!noni.topping. Ibe totten iu the aaunttaM oonttnued to t*__t\c(ile eatunbty he ttgain wulked Hilo tbs Imus.ninl .ti-kc.i to i-t-e Mia. e.ai Held. Ile was t. ml to le-*,ve- ll,.'i.....*-t ulai >*.eni awa| i uining. Hall au in.ur tatar he nt*turill u. and kui klug al inc dour, asked in_i a tottervvhi, li he ranted in hts hand lieconvcjeel tn Mt>. (.nun UhTbe letter was w-uii returned with the tuturin mimi lliutihe b«-iy uid uuteieatra ui-.y oomspondeaao erith Idm. HeUKani .vein away t-nra_e*d, hut was foUowoel, ai ruttedand !ne!ge*l 111 jan heit- >eslen lav lie savs he w as 1...11lu Holland, is Ibu tl -cigbl ve-ars of age*, ile ,11.H his onlyi.i.ja, I in wnUug ten iiietiulais of the 1 .ai in lu riuinii wat. toe.xpleas. lils giMHl upiiiioii and lili.li ieg.11.1 lo,* Hie iiea.1I'i.-** .!. ni ami bis lanni*.. He waa soul tu Die county inI.ruiaiy.

¦ m

JULES REINAL'S STAPLES BURNED.Tiie extenalve barn, carriage house, stalilcs, bllltard-

loe.m, l-.wln.i./alby mid dog kennels Of Jule* lUjyual,neae Wnlie Pl-Uim, were burned al 10 o'cloek last night.Three valuable .a rnage horses were lost. William burns,Uie co-i. lillian, lt uu,aiiiir, M)l| tt u su)iiwiS»k1 thal hr wmI.urned, as he slept uv cr tbe (..irrlage-liousc. Tho loss U$60,0*00. 'ihc cause of thc tire is uiikuo.vu.



IVariiimithv. Nov. '.'ll (Special)..Will . President Wbokeep*. Pan F.lectrii sliilc-mcii iii ollie c dtentes an- ullin

holdcr who usc** his eifllclal liifluencc for thc pecuniar**bcnctit of himself and friends I si cms tn lie a rather perti¬nent question just now. Many and eoiitiinli. tory an- tho

reporte teabaaWtaa nopoottaffttaamtadaaaiafb-toneif 1'li'side'lit ('levelatld III T.- __*: le tn lli-ti-it iitfiiirs will'h.as almost ev Of) hoij seems to believe, have r lacrisis. The BtfrvWt publishes ft mpoit of an int. r-

view wiih a mau "who is kuown all over Hie e-eumltvfur his cvtelis.ve knotvli due of pilbil. utT.iirs." anti who" had a long talk willi Ihe* lic-i hut >.-1.1.lay." iu thcnanete* which lu-trut BatteM van -tnaoni. Bteniau said:" cleveland ls not thc kind of man to tell in nehru.

what lie pro|xi**es In tlo alsmt iiiiyihitn.'. Init if yon wanttn know what my own o|.tils of his probable action.fni-niei! ban his com ci-ulina willi me to,lay, ,|,,n't Ohie. in telling jon. pr-1> nh d tliut my minni shall not be

OOOd, not thal 1 fe trio -'and bf luvnplliiuin.bii! .simp!., 9t>cans, leant want ft beiiuied np In ymir les al affairs. Mt

opinion I" thal 1 li v eland ha-almiit gnlteti tlnvl nf bavin*;his iiHme tendlOd about by thi- Wt Hu* other sn!,* of the

district rings and clii|ues, l-eiiig 'han-cd with helping Iteal cstiite'ring, thiiiugli his purchase nf a, teiniitiy PBSdence mid the Massachusettsave, extension, ninl hotagmixed up vt Itli Du- poll, e erlalu I. il ami I tb Ink Dint tn Minaele up his miiiil to put a stop tn thei Wbote hu-ln-unee and furcver bv elisnilssinir the whalet.vv e.l ihsliiit eillieials apisduu-d by him¦nd makins a fresh si art. There are nne ortwneilllcial-Duet I Dunk Ile vveiiild like lo retain, bul blthloka that tbe retention eifhis goad nasas demands D'*'removal ol them all, ond unless i imvc mads ¦ ver> gnatmistake tn drawing s ronrlnslon from bi- eonvenea-onthe removal of romnilMiemeni Webb, niieatlej and Lud¬low, Marshal a'ltooa and Resister of Wills Clogtet, will beannounced in « verj short time."An examination of ttaeltoteof name* published in the

local newspnpers yesterday of men who wen present aithe " Indignation meeting" Matnrday ntgbl nowt thalil w.ls 11 lepit-sciilal.lv es iis.-i'iubly of Unpe,,.,,,. of Washington. Ibo Bannmetnii'it. iii" hanks, Insnrann companies, merchants,the legal and medical pnfesstoM sadnegterty-ownersgenerally were well represented, ami tim sseeang wmpn-altled over by a member of the well-known hookinaboilM Of RlggS A CO. Snell ls the-ta e nf public selitinient that If the meeting hnd been called t<> j.as*, moloUeiBs seeking for the removal of the District Oommtosten,ts tin* attendance probably would have beeneven gr-erili and lt- proceedings more nm:* -IThe facts relating fa the operations ofOw COmmluloners for ibo benefit of ^moleton,Miiiieof whom are public officials, which were int laidbale in Tm' Tltlirt M. mora (han a iiinntn agu. have beciu.ie the leading theme of dlsettsdnn smong residents ¦well as among Senators and Bepreeientatlves wbo hovearrive tl In Waeehlnrtnn. lew* persons aa be found te dispule any of the statements made in Tlia Tchum. Iiideed, it wprettvgenerally conceded thal teer wen fbiwithin Un* limits of truth und probability. Therelations of two of the Oommlfweioners to cortaineorpni-rttli'li- r.raiiist tv Illili then ts milch lust cause furcomplaint and tho relations of thc tottei EosoaM-f thcspeculative Srheines of improM-uii*nt have, otoo becomeprominent topics of dtocasaion and criticism nnfavorabljhi the ..11,iii.--'.'in rs. The latter will nut hud lt un ease

nt a pleasant task tn satisfy (iuil-Uss that they havefaithfully executed tbe truat or wisely oxen-teed tte dte-orationconnded totbein. TwentyDenature end probablj a-

manv Itepreseiitatlves lui ve bought bouses in \\ sshingtonan ilu v. ni'course, b -el a pei -mal m weil m s generalInterest in the welfare ano good government of Du* Distriet. Mr. Cleveland, Hecretsirj Whitney, Beemtaryi;nv md anti Attorney-General Garland als., ur.- ptopertjhoi.let¦- lu re. ninl of roeirae they feel a like Inten st.

ii is noted timi several leading Detuocmtie newspapers,Including i,e Stet, turk Iimam, whieh derided the atate-i, ul- in I'll 1.'11:1 iii m. a month nm, ii"-* a.l mit Die, nulliand denounce the operations of tbe District King.lt ls natural tinder the rircumotancee, that some of theaewspapen aad a good onay ranbtonto of tbe DistrictHUM* an nula iv a-*lin-! -.'nv ci ulm ni bj 11 conni.Usum anddemand a return to one owed on popular suffrage. The1. e.emt.ran. e Ot ci lain sbuses under thal n> st. iii beforethe present lorin nf -.nv eriliuelit w.i- adopted, however, is¦till BO strong that a chango would be -enerallyretarded as uiidesitabb*. Tim amendment to tbe lawvvhi.ii require* thal two of the Oitumht-donere shall bchnsiii fnun Htiinng Du- residents of the Ide-rtet and that

the third shall be an uihcci nf ihe anny hus mu Improvedtin. a.lu.inisirati.f all-in which w;.s lunch more IUO*eissmi snd ssttofactory ni the people generally whensuch men as ex.-. oater Blow, William Donnison, GeneralKilchurn. T. B. Bryan, and other non-residents wan attbe head of UteGove rame nt.


ITB8T cask CVDI'P. im OLBOHABOASIHE Lbw*.w v-ihmiiiin, Nnv. 29..Tho tirst enn andn ihe law to

license venders ot oleomargarine cann' up in tho policecourt tn this city to day. The wifni-».-ees fur tin: Coverrt-

liient tcstilled thal Die defendant, the Kev pet Lui Harri*-mi (rote-red), of Virginia, was ottering prints of oleomar¬garine for ude tn the market Batordar, claiming Dist llwas butter be had gotten from Virginia, ihe defendantteMtilied that be was a misstoaarj ..n.l'.m.-mi his way tePennsylvania te be narrtod. He bought some butter furlu--i-tetr to make him a wediling.cake. Which butle'r tho.aid was too old He failed tobad tb« maa sd when hobought tbe batter and ottered lt fm sala Tbe court dl**-lubtted DiecHse on Die* gruillid lhat the law ic'|iiltcs | -..,.

to be made and dues not take COK-lSSDOO of otters (0 MU,

¦naran*!' u-tcai cau-a it a roBoatarr.\Vvsiii**i.i.i.n. D. CU Har, 39 lAMmciti)..Aecordlag telbs

\iCr,,iiil Ifipillflneil 0 rspntokln firm of pension attor-

nc-jsiu Washington has received thu following letter:JJF.l'-.l.l.-K.M Of IHK IMKIUOR. I'l .NuI0S tlFFIC!'. ]

w-MMorox, i>. c. Nov. una IHm-* In reply tn vntir lininlrT relative 1.1 ttinl.lint fur in-re .ir., of I'll,-em ell.Ilt.ltt .Nil -Si "*i.li 1>.I ny -, New.Vork \ ..bint.*. I-. vu are lururiiieil ti. it thu claim Bled br youJilin*_, lN-ifi, wan I-eJect-sl with.nil evantliiRi-eui. ului youvterc so a- iv med July-, loAA. Very nopot-tinily.

Ji.ii.*e c. llf.xi iv. Commissioner.Coiniiii-doner Block is te] mg to get the liiforinrdlnn

m. BOOny t" li" tltc blanks 111 tills !(.!!( r, whl. h lie de*noiinces either as a forgery or tin- work of WOSe nialicinusclerk w bo -se ks io linn-.' him imo contempt, i hat it* h sletter could have emanated from the Pension Bureau luUm refuter order oi business hu amphattoallj denton


SKOSM Of 005OBM8 OOMnLBlXWasiiim.hi.v, Bmw. '29..A niObt imeful compilation of

rcysutsof ceiuiiuiiteei of CongreM ba* bceiii pn pinedaadn a monita- ol thc senate hy Captate T. h. McKee.Thc 1.-ports of each comiiiltlec of the Renate and Househave been brought together In K-,[iarule volumes audcarefully ladaaad. The reports of the first thirteen (nii-grisse-.s on not in print, having been destroyed when iheblitish burned thc Capitol, but tho .-hick from tbs XlVthto the xi.ixth Congress to nmntota. Tho report of thoN'liute cotiimittces comprise 103 rolnmes sad then ofliiui-.. iniirtiiiitei-s till xiii volume". The Hoon f'u-ninlt-teeoni tolmsis only one of a done committees ablehhav'c to ibral with privale claims penellng in UOBgreso, butits reports iiluiid HU thirty one of the _J& volume, ofIimi-. repoits.


ini>8 for thi: wah Htur.-1 ACCEPTXD.WASillNi,rn.s. Nov. '_!>.-The Secretary of the .Navy to

tlay OOOOptad the fullnwlng bids for tho cuiistrui-tiun ofDie new cru!sei> and gun Isiitti*: Cruiser No. '_ (Charinton) .L'ltion Iron Works of san Francisco nt SI.017.500;e miser Ha 3 (Haltimore).Cramp t. Son.-, of I'hila.telpliia,st fA2fBA\AS00i (.itintMiat Rea '_', lbs ("lumbla Ina Worksand Dry Dock Company of IJaltlunu'e, at $'JI7,f)(Ki, lutbe can of Sailboat 9a, 1 un derision has ypi beenreachedu between Ibe tdd ot Beedei A Bona, ol fialti*mora, who aropon to eonstrncl tin- ve.el according tothe pinn-ul tin Iiepartmeiil and the MdOtdampa sous,of I'liilatlelphia, WBOSC proposal coiiteiniilaies Hu* cnnf-trii. tit»n ol the engines after their ,ittn itootg-aaMthoiigb the I'liion Iron WorlU uf Sun Iran, im n put inthe kOWOSt bid on (1111-1*1* No. 1 lbeW0r_l vd as theBguraaeioeededtbemailinnm amounl lived In the Alepriipriatiuii bill, the Hecretary ».,, tumble te ooeept tlielr[lld. Ile- will |.i-oiiai.|y refer the mutter to ( ongress with11 Kate-Mat of the facts, and recommend that the appropruili..n lui tlM ce.iisttuctinnofl miser .Sn. 1 be im KOSOd,ur thal the I.uv eminent ne authorized to build tbe Vi vie!al out of the Navy yards.

UA-HINGTON HO-.*,Wioaiawnm Moaday, Nov. _o, i»*c.

n..i iMiTi-tn aa Vasa laiai. -batesten secretaryrt.ir.iiii.t im* n..tm.;.: to iii. Colteca i ot timmmme ut New-1 mk that thc Aineileall Art dsnilattoO ls nut entitled lothe pi iv liege of free enti.* limier seelioa _,."<y_ HavtoodstHlute** 01 thc Act of Jnue ii, Ibl'i.LiyLiKAiiuN ot Ditiks..The Tre*ae>ury D. jiartment

lias ile. Ide*,! that the ascertain rn cut ead UonUadoO of du¬ties un iu.|M,i i.-el inerchiiuiiise me niiuii. i! Es Hcttol J.ICUbevis, .1 Mal tile- ls tbs iiipiiiUliun Whteh tal. OS place mitbe urigiinij import entry, whether such eater bs n-.uei,* f,,rvv.iichnuse ui im eeiiirutiiptiuii, uml that wbeaavor sonhliquidation i- asade th.* due of it ls thc time trom whichtb.* lea tay* Hunt begins le run.

Nu Hi- i.itpin. The l'rctiileiit was 000-fhDoi te omithis usual aftciuouii reception today in Older b. dev ute hitattention enthral) te bis uu-.-s-a'-c .iud other antlers to bcbtibmitlod to Congress.

FATALLY SlAHHe.D HY AS OLD Flilr.SD.I .ci l" loVnanl »." the proprietoi ol a beer shop

:,t Nu. Mfl Waol iweniy-ninih-_t. He *.. liiljrnsnirrnrn old, ami anning hhj customer* wan .lulius Wild, m

BtOtioaofJ eiiKinceit, kn year* his junior. Wild hadbeen a frier d of the iSehiiuoiel family fur live yrmrn amitba friendship was so fAltt tlmt Nliimmel kent Uiiut,papers, ou which he wa* druwiux a }mui»,ou aa _

vd,-r..n Of thc nar. ust 0*e_W| Wild (li.mk t.oluiicli ami was liuisteroil'. At a lillie utter |) ./cloeUMts. .Schiromel in her apartniema over Ibo barrootnwas otemad hy cries of " .Murder '* finm be lu**.llaHt-nuig dowu she ft und her husband Iv mg nu ihcliiMir iu B pool «d Meed. Heninl tlmt.I nlum Wild h.ulht.ibbi .I him. beoaan ho nCnod to bt hm, bars natte r

giana! nw. Wild ran awaj, Aa lanaloan t.xikthe iitjitreel man to Ibo Baanreil Ilu-mui. ] |.. wmttmimao n mug pooh in Ute hO.I iucii un the left <d_a, I hrletostlnn oas cut, Bohbanal owaaaad eimnst a*,«unti as lulp reached bim, tend will urobbly neverrecover his consciou-eaess.

? -

A RP SA WAY TEA M IS 7 HIED A VE.A team hil. Iud leia ts Hgt III lei.ieleei willi Iron, nw nd l(>

0, W. 1'ciersoii. ot No. 10- iiroudaa). and driven bv .l.linMuiUi, hOOaon frightciioel yeatcrday OteOTBOOa In I lunlave. mid ran away. John Kinley. KKK) linly fi.ur,'of .No.BBB l-.ust Tvvelll.v ni-l si ifutllt Ihe wu, ut 1 bli ty _lxtb-st. mid ISM ll noe keel dov* n b) Die' 1h.Iinf Hie Wilyun. Hewas -M-vendy tnjun-d. The (Hilt* hail got In..-., nun, thetunk aad wanwad abatesaQr anuad wnhuut regard towbere Uie horne- were goiug. e ar Nn lim, nf tbe Murdme*, line, Wei.- 1.1.mg uplnit.li alni mut stl.ii'k li) the polelie-in- nutty-suth -ti. 'lim is.in sam-hed tiie wuaiuw*.broke holes in the dmWA <>t Um uar, and tinnily struck Alfitile.eel l>. < lt..ti I, 111,1 llillI.V SCVCII, ul So. ,l_tl l.tml I Ul>l.rsl-il. In the Inuit, ninl I humus ll. Hobbln*, atm fort>-nre. of No cns-, t miitii nve iu the lust Kinley waslakv- lo lix li \ ue ii_.pi!*-i, Uo. u'.ht i Injured ui.u refusad

me-dlcnl aid. The horses were stopped before rtnlnK anym.¦rc .I.image,



William K. Hodge Htukcs. the trustee who ls opposingthe plan of trsnsferrlner the property of tho Thelps M!s-

-imi to Du-1 .-¦ hit, foin th Ptroct Presbyterian''burch, sahl

yesterday that the Inti rv lews with some of the battenpnb-ObOd In Suiiit.i*,'s TnritfvK ilM not eurn-etly repre¬sent the situation, lie said: "At the meeting of thetruste-e-snf Die I'lnlps Mi-iuu un QoWMC We -Bf-, twoof the trustees, (ie*orge Dodge and Arthur Dodge, were

Ohoeat The former had sent lu his resignation. To till

his place thc niajuritvnf the trustee- then present olaoted,mv tv lab, Ml. Alleili try, sr. wini vva-t itt wail

lng snaowben out of sight, hal whn thooeaponat oneil afpoand as a trustee and took a partin thc Mlbseipleiit proeeeilings. Theil Mt, Alter*

bury, his BOB, thc pa .tm- nf the Eighty fuirth

Btreet Chnrch or rather Chapel and himself a trash lath*- I'llelps Mission ul!.*red uti ti end (be following Ifs diltiuiis, vv hit h writ- adopted In spite* of my protect:Phelps Mla-dnn trustees' nn-etin.. Orlober 13, 1HM6. fleury

Ii ,|... rh minmi.H'tfTem. IO Tienr Ol ehairrna winch h»vo taken pl-ece. ami

tba ii *. - -ti .'¦¦" " ll lai'int-iii-' which Hie Ph. li,- Mission lui*

x|ie*rl' n. Sd fur Hen*, ral VSarSBSSt lt ls appnri Itt thats chane*in Hu' » Iniiiirstrstum of Its afl_ rs ls -..Ititfly BCCMnr.le-r lei mie-cenHtiilly carry nut the nltgtoaa work of said cor-

IH.IStiOtl. Hatl'1JTSareas, TO that em! it is de-tenet* prnde ni sae) sdi ietabls to

mille with sottii" thrifty and prosperous rcllrlntis eornorstMnut . growing .< ction M tba etty, wh ch i*> lulu** r_|tliily bnlltti|i mi il in nevil ui inui lu s und religious work. , .

.. lin n after other recitals lattens tbs resolution forth.*sale* e.f th,* Phelp* Mi--bm property snd tor tisiiu,- the pro-... .1-1.nv ard the erection ol s nev edlbn hw the Eighty*I..rn th .*-treef Presbyterian church.

.. 1 then filed with the trustees a prate-! un tho fnllovv-ing grenada ainuiig ul In '*-:

rh it tin- sctmK* trastsss hive no pow t tu pats such a

Vote- or Mil", ill d' 1*11. 'i .-eilis.,li,I .1..ai |!i.f men .iill-illl'lrl-timi I* iii.|iiii|ii*i a'.rt ii ¦. t p.*.t tt-rit thal lt ls ut tn latina ol the

purpueM-a for which the flu His Minni va* create-; tlIn vi..lui..ii ol tha m.ii nt ni which tho Phelps Mission»ssntii-*el in ta i-iv'nj; itooatfcMM and p-.itIcatarly ittv mlntietn Of tbs olil urn um ii.-uini-l hv Hm Mls-tlmi winti it r***

eeive.l a b-Ksi y mult r tbs willoi Caroliun i'liripn -sioie.-s, de-

" I tliluk that j mini: Mr AD.'tbtiry, lils father and hisbrother-ln law. Mr. Van Rensselaer, through oversea] forDu ir nwn chapel enterprise srhle h they hope to make Intoa ii. h and Amir! thine church lu a prosperous Inesllty .indin which I hope they will meroe i. have overloohed theirtr.i-tie obligation te the Phelps Mission, whloh was

establishedu a memorial to the memory of my grand*father. Anson i. I'helps.tn I,,, located In Du netehborbood1.1 his nhl Iii.nu- and the proper sphere of a bleb Iles amongthc tenement-tenon nt Xhlrty-ttftb-oi ami First ona-. m d ave-. Tile uliglnal objects nf Die till-I hil vi lint iunnv respect failed, ir tbe Mission, with its Bonelaj antoni,iinlu-triul ami singing schools and sot iii meeting*, i- nolnil that lt Should I"', the fault is nut with Hie Ile ld nflabor, but «ith theiss who me managing Ibo verb," one of ihe tnurte n «av - that I b.c e oo n medy te offer

nsn snlistllnte for their pinn. I have a very prm-tii ol tua*mutton td tiller. Iyt-1 the Eighty-fourth ..street ( burch selltin il pru | etty and -.'ive US tin itu. et tl, ; ni, rather I Willput it, tot seline nf our trostensnow the rame Interest Intho meedoo whteh Die*', now show lo tho Eighty-fourthbtreet ( lial'el.nr else* let Ihem nive pat e tn tltn-e ts lin cansm esslully -five the lr effort lu Die charitable and leliKi-oit-i work erl the Mis-inn. I du nut covet litU'atlou, and Iregret thu! this matter lins found Ho wny lnte the news

papi -, lint I am advt-cd lhat as a trustee I have no llulitmallow each o diversion of tin* trust property no uniwhteh is here propooed by trusten who nan a personalInterest iu the it-suit."


Mit Fi.Y-r.onr>Ai!D thinks PKon.r, want th km.

ran COtlHTCmM Utnn*g*s thk aMKIPTAI'r.-iili nt I.ly-Goddnrd, of thc Fifth Avenue Tnaopor-

tatkm < niiipanv. ls decide dij opposed to the petition srhlehls Ililli*-lin Hinted in Kiftli-rivu. h> lr*l!intt I'. Shepard re-

*e|tiestlti^ Die Withdrawal of Ihc BtOgn from the avenue on

Mitnliiy." A _rc:tt many children en to Bunday school tn Kiftli-

ave.,"said .Mr. Hp-Geddai. yesterday, "aad Ihey wish teride to church, ninny of them and beohln many frownpmtmmm wish ti,,* -.Him* privUsnai othsewtao th.-j' win

havo to gal out their eentafOOi which in eachcan will Involve tho titra Berrin eif a

sb.ldc tuan, a driver, and, pmhsps. Outriders.Thc strik'.-iiriver ilise, wi-hes lo make his ft on Bunda-,and bv sn dum-- hr ls really ¦ I alie sd, for tie will s|M*iid*fj ll lie ls nut ut work. Whatever may lu* saitl ttl Ihe

contrary, tha wealthiest people in Ibo avenue wi.sh tbestagea to run on Sunday, .Mr. Mu paid has been oohediv liv lu* does nol devote his energin lo stopping thcFourth-era, car* on Bundey, and lui replies that lie wonMll he could." Mr. hlyt.millard said Dint mOM of thedine tots favored tbe running of Die stages on Sunday.

The veuiOifiil rondui-rone mi the Stage linc han bern"kum-im- doe n" fares io such an extent.fnun IO bi 18per eeat of tba receipts, tbe company says tbat rester-iiay the boys wera MippUed with ii- ker pads, nne tear oftullich ia tobe hu mien! toeach pssoenacron paying hi- fareli nears the wonts. " PlenBS teer this ticket In two." ru¬les-this is done, o_ coarse, tbe youthful conductor picksup tim ticket w iii.ti is thrown on the bottom uf tho otago

.i ml conscientiously uses \\ aaatn, Hus making the latterMate wane than the foi mei for ibo company. Manv mo-

lengen hara already refused te fabe the trouble to tearup the ticket, thus Ignoring ibe aotton pooled ta thostagmwhich reqnestpaaeeugers tberabj to assist iu puttim. an

eml tn the theft-t nf tin* ewadoctora, "Unless passenger!H--lst US lu this WHV," sahl Mr. glj flnddard. .. we shallIn 11 -tu go buck tu the ul.! limes and give up tin* cm

due ten**-.. Tbe boya eto not tum their punch bells us rw-¦nlreel, and, I inn -torry to «av. many passengers wink atim in in that ucl.mi.u.s bit-im -.


*4IX_D0A_TO5l OF FRAUD IN' tT.^Ti:it COl'NTY.KiNi.-ius, Nut. ._'ll (*;i-eml)..William II. Ilumeyn, who

wa- \,ir many >car» celitur and owner of Ihe BiOKKmKJiinriuil, oppoand bcfi.re the lister ileiartl of Supervisoriifhn 0 cv trliiiits la-sl week in ii leview of the adininistia-tlon of the Ulster County Treasury sinco 1871. Hoclaims that Du* eninty hus beM defrauded lu thc auin of

t>mOOb InelmHng Interest, aad arraign& u. Ooybendalln nd Jacob M. Beeboom k, two BDmertnasann, tor divert'lag and mlsiipprnprliitini; Dali siiiil Ile BOkB thc countytu ppK -ced u'-.iiii-t theil s.miies for the recovery of tbaninntint. According to a statement pnbltobed in Die Frer-uiitit to otght, tho ooconnta of these nilli inls wen nnful-ly examined and, passed upem bj competent e-ommlttcesnf supei v isnrs at t.a* proper tiiiu* each veer, both gentle¬men mu ute bullly compliiiieiilv-d for their ellicieiiey audtidiluj. Mr.XJoykendall was appointed winn TreasurerJohn)'. Itroaithi'Kel was found to be a defaulter, lt beingin Du* palmy days of tim old Democratic Hltn; in I'l-terninl < tiykcndall served the county without compensation.It ls claimed bj Mr. t_)kendall that bomera l- Inatlmitedto this attack ny destgntng lawyers and politicians herewho keep lu thu buckKround.

JOTTiMis BEBE AM) THi-l:.':.Avisii imivm, Nov. '_'.) (Special'..The Ancell Polo Team,

(-baiiiptoni* nf Ncvv-Vnrk btate, pliijcd B Kamo of [Mihi w uh

the Amsterdam team this u vein uk fur thc. beneUt of thelesked-ont Kniphts of Labor. The Aneels won by a scorenf :i '.'unis tn i>. Tito * ngami* a) \[ represent. Denbury,i trim.. Ibis season ii, the t'ouiiectlcuI State l'o!o Lca-,ue..Ni.wm i'.'., Nov. '29 ('.penal)..AleiLandor Cumming,

whn luystcriiuislv disappeared fruin Walton icctitly witha larso amount of money In his paOOOOOtoa^ has been

lu aid from in Knnsaa. Beanhlag WOodfl aiul eliii*_i_iiir_the tiver has noe beana Mopped. His friend*, say that hemust be out nf his utiud.Fi mika, Nov. .'j (speti'tt)..The ceremony of unveiling

a monument lo John Mapee, father of licm-ral Oporto J..Miiiree, presld-'nt of the (syracuse, (leneva, and Corningead the CO-_t_C OowmOOnm and Antrim railways, will

take place ut Wellsbora on IfedaOOdaa nett. The innnil-

iti, ut, wini ii lo large and beeutifulm oastga ami unish, iasui mounted by a bioli/.c bust of Mr. Magee.



E.-Pt. lt IK Ni KS IIKKF. AND IM INOLAND.Thc opcniiii? session of thc seventh annuul meeting nf

thc Amcriiaii Boctotf of Mechanical l"iiglueer» was h. Ulluat night in the hall of the New-York Academy of Medi¬cine. Nn. I- West Thirty lir.st _U There ure nv el 7(M) mem¬bers tn the society end a largs annabel of then were proc¬eed from all parts of the country. PresidentCatenaaBallan hoing iii, Vba Itnldaal ITnoij 9 Towan of UmYale -t Towno Manufacturing Company, Itamford, pre¬sided.Horatio Allen, of East Orange, was announced as one of

thc oldest engineers In the country, and Uie man who in-

truelurcil toOOOBOttnO iii this isiuiitry. Ile entertained theiis-einhlv lur nver ali hour vvltb bia reitiililseeuees... i.v erv one lure- knows," heoohL "thal the pian nf a

htealti 'cmsiue WM miule twu huiulri-d yeal- be-fun- Due htl-tian eia..iiit few of you, i«erliaps, are aware that a

Steam engine made oa luis same Alexandrian plan was

eoiistruttt'd less iii,ni forty yuan agu right hen tnKow-\ork." Ile !nlil about his trip te England tn -rt: Die lust

lue intuitive In opemunn, and gave an interesting aceeitintof his lim u lu induce, tho is e au nteuuudilp compaiiie* to

ad.ipi such improv euieuts un .-ii luce OOOHteaoon ills ud-dnn wus wai inly Hpplaildi*.!, mid HS soeiu as he- ant elt.wuIT..fl s-,.| I lull-lull IIIUVC.I ll.ut H vol.* ni tll»I.SS be gi WrUte; Ililli amt tills Was uelupteel uuaiiimuiisly.Anning those present were Thomas Y, Hovel.md. of the

Continental Ina berbo, Onoapoinli George il. nab¬co, k, Mt pin ii -a. llaldwin, James C. Doyles, Hugo HUgunn. Philadelphia; ti ll. 1). leunit, r, Prufcssn Egglcs-te.li. uftlii- ee.btnil.la e'e.llege (se Inml e,f Min, s. ftc. lilli kOrlnnell. I'rovldence; J. T. IUlInway, e leveland; l*ro-les-nt i,an/ii, Boaton; e bartes ll. naaning, .Munclireter.Nil., i-i'll.i Merton, of tbe (Kerens Institute < narinT. Porter, ll.-iinan ll. Weottagbonao, and PnfcssorTrow*bridge,ol ( ulumbia i ..liege Ibo hnslMOS aoa-elofl willbegin this morning ai lu o'clock. To.-row the mem¬bers will visit Newitrk. un Thitrstlav they will visit IheStevens Institute, him! on Friday Inspect Cool>er, Hewitt_r Co.'a worka, ul Trentun.

DAMAGES FIR A DISPATCH NOi 8*ST.Mi.mi ills, Nov. _U.-The l-ultest Htatca eir<-ult Court de¬

cided to da| u t on agalu-l the B ste tn U'uiou Telegraph?Joiupali' of lute lest lo tbs public. A creditor al Mein

phis telegraphed to hu lawyer aa follows : " A. ll. oweame*1.0-JO. If STouiiela, attach.- This dispatch wa-nut

delivered. habOOOjm utly tt hluitUir dUpatcb wtaaeutbyanother in-diuu to tiie same lawyer. Au altai hun i.t w.ue

hud uud thc uiuiit-.v obtained, but onlj enough tonal thcOOOOad cn.iii.ir. lin* Hist ititllleir autxl tue WesieiuI ni..ll, and thc court liehl the e eiiiipany Inn!.* for tbeilebt.Judge .la. kseui said thal the dlrip-U liitUcloaed on tbe fin e

Ol ll IU 111.p.>1 l.llll e.

fe» SIREAOTBAN IRVING HALL'His liv mg Hall tun. nutt, tv of twenty four ht* appointed

Diet iel.Il« III*, l>Ull ..la.I.Hill** lu 111,(HUB lulu Ul* Con. Ill lull of

tbr t*t -n-iiitiiiun ami rr|ion what ch utgnti ara naretisary to

tiling lt tua suteot SterlOMVi iiuiini B. Nootiay. Nu ItuUaUauatiU'D, llrmy ann.n.t.1. OStn H'.-ti I, K. L. KMgwav,¦i_i it_.-ir- ti iiimrii. 11 h tin* iiiiriiiiuii tu strengths-weakraetsb) imit.ug in .nu* inst, n.l uoMlbly by dauoalug iwour tbirt-iii.itii'i lradnra. mid getting new ainu in controlli .a.. t-eoorca a aupiwrisra aud Irving Hali sc lol mguilicr st

the last election, and lt is tits Intention of the Irving Hslllucifers lo koop up I I.e MaliUna lt they .tu.


niOHTS AWD CiriZ-rNHHIP.CliiCAt.n, Wot. 29 (Special)..iJishop Whipple, of Min¬

nesota, In speaking of the Indian question today, to

uhh-h he has devoted a great deal of personal study feir

yi .irs, saul: "I believe that tho ouly solution of tho

problem bf Indian civilization ls lu their concentration,

by vi.-ting them with Individual rlghU of preiperty andby , umpe liing them to live hf their own labor. Dulivbi¬

lla! rights are required to dove-lop individual cltirenahlp.Il la imus, n-e to attempt Indian civilization by providingfur Dir re el men in tribal life. They must be placed as In¬dividuals ami families and made to feel the responsi*bility nf dtettnettn effort. Tho pm cling d. fee-ts

in our Indbui pulley are that we havemerely established aliii-ltoiisis, whence we

havo graduated savage, helpless paupers. We

prov lilcd im- bte wanta, in measure, as compensation for

piesi rilling lils territory. Conataut bunting the eu-

crniudiluent of elv ili/alion nnd a variety of cen-cs soon

left him no work. For crumple thc wafer wis s.i ninthraised at Loooh I-ake last spriiur by Om hulhilne of tanks,that the Indians could not catch any fish, their chief sin

tenant c. rn teen hundred Indians wera deprived of their

i-lit- liy tue construction nf those (Ihiiis. felnce llieduiii-im ic.ser'.uiis wei.* liuill at the beiul waters of tile Miss

Issinpt, tha Ked I-nkc, Leoak Luke iind WlaaebacoohlohIiiiIIhiis have stifTeresI every year by the loss of their tish,wild rice nnd '.ther ernps."Twenty yeran aim we began with a small number of

Indian-t at whits Barth Reservation. Tiny were wild folku-eil only to savage lifo. Now there are ljHOOpoopteUTlaglike civilized beings. They have bouses built by tbeawelves.They ar.* Mifsupportlng. lt ts an orderly, law-abiding,peacefulcommualty. In religion thee are alsuit euuiilly.liv ned between Die Episcopalian aaa Cathotta chun bee*.Tin* laws are Administered by au Indian poll, a This rearthev raised 10.000 bushels of wheal and .(o.ooo bushelsni ...i.s. they have o herd of 1,1100or UDOO cattle, nranlh.Ind horses, twine, sin p ami ton ls. Thev arc proudnf tiuir In.nus innl nf liv lng In them like white people.liny an* im ieat and orderly as old-faohteued Dutchhu,I-. keepers. They ara excellent coohs, too, tbej oarerneill tn lie Shown t wlee linvv tu e OOh ail V thinir. Their SOW-lag is tbs Bsoot beaattfai Ienr saw: lt ls impossible toce lu slilchc.s. ll.ey hm l* linnie ill! t!leci_I |M-Iit ..Itel !i«.l-

elui. I liri* c iii my ti.iii*>e. Tin* contrast, therefore, bel we enthese u inii' Barta people mut tbe aeatiered handset Chipoewas shows plainly what eau in- aeooniplisbed with thembv adopting light aethoda The latter an; utterly de¬graded.1'

CENTENNIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION.a marura to rcaim-K .uk aruanokmknt-* in

PHlI.AI.KI.I'HIe.I'liti.eimi.riiu, Hen, M (*i*eitil)..Parlor 0 of the Con¬

tinent**! lintel probably aenr be*id beean so many

Wealth] meit at one sitting as wen; present tu-elay to

further tho orraagaawnte tor Ibo nooptteo of tho etatos'representatives who will OOOOnbto In thia city oil Deeein*

ber 2 to consider a plan for the National tt le l.ruiiuii ofDu centennial anniversary eif the' frmning of the COOStl*rution of the Batted slates, [boona fm inane, pt_sli-.nlof Die (Jim:.iiilei* Trust Coinpanv. pTBOletod and Oppteatodtin-fuliiiwing cominlitce lo teak alter and cure- for Ihe

rlsiting Governors or their vprooentatim S (baric*? J.Ila; iib. James A. Wright, Amos lt. Little, William J.1 .atta. Thoma.*) H. Harrison. .Instils CL Htrawbrldge, J. W.

Huppleo, T. Morris Perot, Theodore C. Boanh andTlniinas J. (iillt sjiic.Hampton I_ ('arson of thc OoOBOStttefl on AtTantciueiits

prerloualj appointed. Informed the committee that therewould be present about 12 gentlemen among them thefollowing representing tho different States : t'ennu Ivania-Amos ii. 1.nii'i. Virginia.Willina vtirt beary*Massachusetts.ilenrv Cabot Loelge; Ohio-Alfred T.UoMborn; connecticut.Henry C. Boidaoon; Maryland--General Clinton P. Paine; llilnote.(Jenora! Jahn M.Palmer; Florida General j. J. Unley; Rhode island*.Howland Bazard; Delaware.John il. Rodney; Michigan.James V. Campbell; New-York -Kdwaid UJonn; .-louthCarolina Colonel James A. Hoyt; West Virginia D. n.Lucas; Missouri.Thomas H. (.anti; indiana.CbarlesReeve; Idaho.Henry Haley; Uakota-A, o. OrdwartMunt.,na Rdward ff, Kuiglii. Governor l-ee h;id in-formed the eonunlttes that he oonld not be* present.




Cfl-Ctoo, Vor. Sb..ebn addron Isoned by tho IffottoaalWoman's Cbrtetiaa Tempanaoo Union today to "AllKnights of Labor, trades anton and other labor organiza¬tion-." coi,tains tho follow 111,':loah irorkimi men and vannen.Brothers and tislert ofa iniiihinii Impc :

Penni! u-1<« ask yournrefulconsideration of this statc-nieiit of our belief* Tbe central question erf laimr lefbcmis uni *>o uuiih how lo get higher wagoen how to tun|.|i-1 lil Vv a-.es tn better li. t m.ut. lt In bot nv erprnelu. Hullmi much os underconsumption that giinda the fm-e-s ol thewtirkingiufii. Fourteen hundred uiillmus anuuallydrawn, chiefly tioin the pockets of workingmen, bysnloen-hnpen and i-brar deniers BBeaas less flourut the barral, fan cuni lu tho cellar,inui len clothing for the labonr'a family.We believe tbat tbe wot- of our societies, resulting inlaw l.y winch neatly OMI half ibo children of ibe L'liitetl.-lutes lire being ta rglit 111 tile public HI bends thu evileffects of Intoxic itlng liquors upon t!ie tissues of the bodyami ihe tamper of tho min.1. merits your curliest cooparatum. We believe thal tin* siudv ol liyi-'iene, with a care¬ful ennsiiicrniii'ii of ttl.* aetenttnc metbnda by whteh tn thopie pm allon ol food a little can let- made to go a lung way111 heine .11.ninnies, IS well wurthy of )lilir atlelltlun.w e a-k j our attention to our \\ bite ( rote pledge of equalchastity fur mun and woman, of pure laaguage ninia pureHie. We* tutk ymir help in our endeavors to preserve IboAmerican Sabbath wiih its rael and quiet,and vic pcomUeyou our en opei.ition In ymir etf. 11 tn In sec ll re tin- Miturda v

half liuliilay fur one of rest ut home anti tor Um

Worship of liol. Un cull ymir attention toour departments of evangelistic temperance work.M's a-k .von iii .iu ail Iii roar nearer for tho (_u--u of protu-.rt inn. n l.icli is pre fin! ne* inly j mn-1 au.se.

Your ballots hold the balance of power tn this land nftile world's hope. We a.sk tlmstr of you who ale SOten tomst them only for snell oieooiins an.l sach menmnnsolemnly einnmittcd tu tho prohibition of every brewery,distillery ami dram-shop in tho nation, bad tnat womenmay come to tho rescue la this great emergeuey, also osan act of justice toward thone who lia ve tho most mcredclaim on your proOoetton, we hope that you may t-.ee jourway clear to rael your ballots unto for such measures andsucii men as urn plodged te tho rinrronrihlscmtint of wennon

pr.0TF.snsa aha rs st tue hallet.Pl. r.tii.is, Nov. _'J (*/'ivi.i/).-Tlio l'vuiigcUt-1 Alliance.

of ibis city, nmpooed of tho nutjurity or the ministers

lilispei live nt denomination, today adopted a protestagainst thc ballet of tho American Opera Company. Thoopen nonna boftaB this oroalag in uie Music Hall. Thepim .st marte snbotaan a.s tallowa: " We oarnootly eonn-aal all Cbrtetiaa people to nfrnln from pattnafadag eachoaneenontt as present spectiuuliu- repri'sciitrlions of

nilBIIOlllJ. Oton manitaotly immoral in their iiitlucnc-.'and de.-triutlvo of spiritual liglit. We regrot lo learn,ii 11«.11 what seems to be good authority, that ouch ohjeo-ttoaabk featttrn licioug to some of tho pcrforiuaucos ofthc American Opera (Joiupuiiy." When the protest wa*

presented, the president said :" You havo heard tho re¬

port Of the Committee on Opera, Are then any remarks I"¦* committee an Open " was sach 0 startiuw luueivutionIn Uie proce'-aiugs eif the Alliunce tbat each membertoohed ut th.- rest with surpcteo and iu siloma !_eaiteeldlBg Khler Kinney, of thc tkmthera Methodist Churrlwanted to know what it all meant. The Kev. Or. SS. \s.Boyd said tliat tho American Ollera t'umpituy, beingInn keel by respectable people ami hiiltling lb* cuteitaiiiments In ns clean a plan as .Music Hall, naturally at¬tracted a great many persona nader tba bebe! that tbeopera is (lean uud pure. The ba I,et ls comic 111-able, nudthe resolutions were simply u piniest ug-uml thc, balletattachment. On tins explanation the protest was


SEEEISG OOBBOLATIOn FOR MORRISON.Cfiit'U.u, Nov. 29..Congressman W. R. Morrison left

here this evening for Wa.shlngton. Ile di dilled to sayanything ahout a nates! or Investigation except tu da-elan that he would not contest an eh-t tioneven if he wero

defeated bf a majority of only one. lt ls known to a

number of tin* Mends of (Monal Korriaou in ruin citythat-peaher Carltetedeotnsan lavestigatton tobe madeol Uie clot lion ill Am 11 1s.11, 1* Ulslllct. Hie OteOSl eif tiii-u

un iuM.siinaiit.il wuni.1 I.,* Ult* neut 111 -s lt nu. ur have on

the neat Praattienttel campaign, if made it win not b«until Usngran meets. Meantime CMrate Morrisn in-tenels ttl follow tbe even leuorof bia way tin ring thecoming oooston, white nt bane in- uamo is oem^ eonsidcud om that of a cttudidatc- tor dov ci nm.

MISMANAGEMENT Ot ROXTON FERRIES.Boston, Nov. 'J9..The Alderumnlo Commitine which

bas tor several weeks beeu Investigating chartres of mis*

iiauiiugciueiit and corruption lu thc administration of thol..t.t lios,iou lerii.s during the years lM-Muud IHHA, sub-

mltte-el Itt* report to Hie latani of Aldermen tins evening.1 in* cunt lii.siniis roosdnd by the majortiy ure that themanai-eiueiit nf Ihe terries eluniig thu aOovu years wasdin. resin,tide lo tho dirvt tola having charge hereof. '1 lieiiiiuoiity icport, alguott by Alderman Millivan, linds the.lure tor's guilty ol exu-avagauce aud mmAte lu baiidiingpublic luiitls.

THE FhlSOETitS CHAl.Lt.SGE ti ITU Dl.AWN.NkwIIvvi.n, Nov. BB.- Captain Havage, Of tba I'tince-

tuii fiteitball eleven, tt lt-grapbe-l to tho Yale leam to-uiglitwitbiliuwiug thc-(bulli*ngt: it-t cull) is-tueu ul >ew -oile.

BOOB WtH.K cl Ult. uta,-oiDE DAI BBEASBY.The ladles of the West MAO Daf Nursery ami IntliiSUIal

Bl b.sil. si Ntl. Mi Wesl lortleth st., will nave a ict t-pliouai tu..- Mand-too-ha UteaGk-i nnn, Nu. ion weat pitty-ttiiii st., ou ibursday, from'_ till ei p. ut. Music will oe

itiruishcu ny adouble qanrte* tnnn the Men.leis,ulm dice( inn. Ita and itiliee will i.e served, ami a Iheleic will be

Utrea to e-ie ii pornos nasonnadr, iiikctn mu) he oo-iMiiusi ai I'.iiuuui'a, tu wesi Twenty third -t, smt at theelesir.inn loiiith annual report of the li ensurer. Mia. J. A.

Mm donald, contains these statements:'Hu*, tlaily uv. rs*.* number ul dulurru -ec. iv ul In the

Banar) boa Uttiu .IU. lu il-) autl June il rn a* .c. llieni ureti,, itiililicn mi our tulls lli.J-vi uie-ulu buvu bet u vi .rd. midthe e-oat, Uiiuiuiiig teni, wugvs -ul e*i|*eino^ I..*, o«eiiS,«.i.7. 7_. Ihe av-ugti dui.y ulleu luuie in tua ludustnaeI.. .ii.... nt na* iM-ru i7. uins ol et-u-Ul i.. .uitoh yturs u.

ip an uelnuti.tl, ulm taiulriuuie lo ueuts autoi every w<*«k.I e.- liv!!*-**!! i..ts issn uprti iiii'uasltoui in* your, ilia luaus*ll, Ul a. aia-e. 1 .1.-.1, fl. tl**l lliwi Juan UlUilulnH'. l»Ul Mille.«,Iii*. I i_i.. ru|M>ru taut all ol our i.liii.u. in I1..1I1 .l.|.*ttiDu ..I*, l.-ve Issn «e*ui lulu Ute oeuuuley lui Hum lv»o Io lomnn X ry 1 uk TuiNlst Y n sn All I uu.l. Tim tttulht-ra uml11.en T.-iiug limn nt lu.ve Uren ootA 00 etturaluna iv Connysi.mi, to t-Hi. auil lo Ute ll.-.i... H..,,,,*. 1 h.n.s tn ,.,,r

I'l.tliuiiii . mt.nullera Mia. J. M. Munni and Mra 1 K. IbiU-ri'iu. _u_ tn laauiiy fr._n.ln * I.v liuv. *_ ul ua hull wura cl.uiiliis,inn a I.i ..li ,11 liuvv Utan n-sullv OSnSOad on mtOO airar.toua.Wo nwt ttiuny li.unka to eur lurutalilitit t uiu_tillu-\ Mrs. J.H. Varim ya ulai Maa Keuip. I ls itt ea nea fntt plaaaura lar.. 1.shim lu luta rauorl Uta very ofll*-ieul iii_ii-h»u>mii u( vur

Mslii.it, Mrs. K. A. l'rull. and IKS vulaultla »sa..l_uce. Ot UMaioUiar, Mra. (.'a_iiib.il, aad Ue. ilelcr, Mia* toole.

BAILROAD INTERESTS,onto com. reoDUcua oo_ntv_M

The rsllroetds Interested lu the bi tum! noun coal traffic ofOhio recently arrcisl to n roniMnatlon for the pur|-o*e-iof aerniin*. more rem linera! Iv* rnt«-s. The owners of the*coal land* of the! Btate ure now faking stc|m lo eooperataso as to aeeptire sn advanee In Ibe -wire eif their nreAuct.AHan dispatch from f.'olnuiinii-j a».U.el«y a«ld thnt the

leadlnK manner rs nf the CManteH Atm ff'* kin* Valleynnd theOhlosnd Wrstcni Cos'nti't tpmOAfBBBWBE recto

forming a avndlcate for the parpna. of jeireha-lnse tile*best avaOnhte ceil landa la the Mate n nteobtate prattoble returns rna ta* pnefnet totes of ths teeatern andNew York capitalist* inter.*ted m th* Ilex-Ulna Valle/Railroad, which ts one al the tersest Mlamtaons caa] pn*-duccra III thc Flockllur Valley, wer** - ii'l tn lie lnfe*i*es-r.|In the project. ll was state that editions batIveeti slrendv-taken on lnr*e tracts e,f .ord Isi.rts In th.*,Hnekiiiu un I Tuscanwaa valley*, aa well as lu Coshoeton,Melt's. Muliiinlne, Cblunhlaaa. jMksmi and other cana-th s. a prominent officer of thc Huckin^ Valley iuliroa.1bBaY.

" 1 did not know that the Mani em fesit had madesnch proaroa* ea this dispatch i-cpocte, sad erm lett yrtelittle alNint it lt I* A fact, however, that Baa ooabpndarena! Ohte ara tahlnrsteno to atop roebtenasmpobHon, nnd to entail te-tter rain ab the snft ena! n.lned InOhio, thar are Institleel hv th« Improvement nf ti-serte. Thuseinl-bltuniiiious |mhi1 has lieen fttriueal st the Is-t to adv one c mi ps, ml the* rnllroads have secured hlerher rete e

bv eeitiililnatlon. and the eihb. . ...tl miners ate now atrtv-Ina with a mod -hean ni aaoeon to obum reuiunvraiivcpi icc- lur their coiuiuodit)."

mi (AV TIIK RROADWWY LTSV. TAP. T\XF,l>tI'm t.iiKi.KisiK. Nov. 21) (Special). -The Hup»*rvi*or* nf

Putrhess County have lieen flla<-ua*<tu_ Ihe otitiiloti of the

CorporatioD OsttMOl "f New-York t'ity that the properlynf Hits Bru.elwuy Siufui .* Boflooad (>>mpatty must be ns*

sense-el in Ibo eeilllltv ¦ beret the l*e*e*ei v er, .Inhtl O'Brien.ll-es. lb rookies it, (he town of Rhlneberk, this county.Tba! te,ba votes ln-re and hi* liiuise |a herc, te. Mnnrntii^e*, Cornerolino Oeaaoel et] Puoahkeepsie*. aoM famsYjfUiat tin- bssesaor in each town and cit) lo this renate k

allowed ta a certain 'bite ti complete his casca*wentroll ami that after tbat date tbe SMfierv inors caa deductIron -it. h uss. ssiii,*nt r..r. bnl anno! add ta it. Tbs datereferred bi expired before the Onrnondtea Onaeel ofNew Yuk it:t\f> his opinion then-fun-, lt ls ni e.pen i|'n-tiem if the* Broadna) Bailroad caa this yeal by a*-.usedsnywnna.

HOW THI*. BALTOfORI AM) OHIO STAND.Bm.TIMi.rf., Nov. *.'9. 1he Sun will to-morrow pulilisli

Hie followlnc bipteel on good authority, us thc pooMM KtHie li.-illlniore and Ohio In regard to reedit rumor* PmtoBIts New*Vork line:First.ft ls i1-.mI.v1 ttiat there I* XBT I*'"* wi the cart e>f tYn

H_l>uiii.n*aiiil (Milo n' abandoningItVeaurtiose tn li*vr sn In.

10|i' n.teut linc tei New.York: second-t"*>e Ha t,m"i-*iin I) thiabe'lovi-a that its contract with Hie Henlm. a 'i dmr arti!elf. tn , at,. I Du, Im liules tin* arran ren tnt fol Hie lia* earths¦KW-tlM OMI tl f fei .nv e*rntr*l trae ks l.etwf-e-n Plirtrvl *''.)itaami Nee Yeuk I tbir I -in the. event of anv possible intrtntp-tlnti o: tue-r ari.n renietils. an inli*|*eiid ul line wi!' lee bullifruuo Phllarlfliihlet to Staten leland. Ill-re will bonateakut iran, r tn push lt, and to tua' em! a large runt!is striMrtv n etlslenre fourth-the Baltimore stu! (thin »:lltm; -.et ima itself to bs teri crt to iia>* the tra ka of tbs Penn.srlvania Ksiirnail. known a.* tin- United R-illrada e.f Jfe w.

Jers. y between I'hil.i.lel-.h,., and New.York , Sith-theinure- am! Olio will continue tn ri'iiiiur'H tin- eUnns o( timpul.Ur tu have tlie advaritiu-es of fair ra.lr..|-.| rcrnpetitlim. ltwill keep iU ptu'ii-.M'S tn the ni licit the H-etltitiior.- ami Ohiowill ear_MI«h a lias between lealtniuiri* ami New.Vork tliatw iii I*.* »s laaspsadsal as is its lias fcstwsn Wasitingtou andant..mw


I'lttum i.rnu. Nov. 29 (S'/i*-He»/)._-A(|i!lttonnl tettlmonywas tnl.cn to-day by Masters Dalia and Pollock iu thauiatter of the priority of the claims of tho vuiioua clanae*of bonds eif the Hemline Railroad eotnpany. Francla I.Oowen. on behalf nf the eotiijiiitiy, .I'leied in i'\ nh ip e Inumber ol mortmena nntedatlna the cona ill latina mort¬age ofJana. 1WTI, Francis a. ix>«is. jr., in heaatf aftite general nwrtnage hondholdecs, spohs -ii tenath uinuithe OUl'stieiU e.f 'be £82.1.000 ot the* general liieirl_u_uacrtp. ahieti he> argued had li'-' it- lieu because lt h.ulbe en p.,ri hated by the- ct'iiipiiny.

l'tiKILA.N'b, Nov. 'J:)..Ata uieetin. to 'my of the dire, t*

ors of the Maine ts jttr.il Itaiirnul, the fidiowlnit prop*osiriuii, wah i, _-.tr. 1 to thc lean of tin- I'ortliind andOtnlenabun Raiiroa.1. a no nani -I npon ond dlncnd tu i>owilt tn the ollie-!. La of thal eonipany: "Thc Heine Oanlralbailroad CouiMtiy will make a paenpetutal laaaaoltboPortland and Dr hu .bing Ballroaei wi a isuiac all ItehU-Itteoaad Intereat barges, and pay a yearly natal el IMT centM lt* eaidtal sttMg for the first three veals fiotn

tin vi*, iitinii of tin* lea-., m.! per cent per anama aathe capital sttM-k furever after, the rental eeo be pu) (Mtvoimi uniiually."BuafOB, Nov. 2'.»..Tlio Wisconsin Central Kal'.road

earnings for the third week lu November amounted to

$33,417, un iucrca-ac of $1,S-J7 over thc aauiu week lastyear.Clevki.avp, Var. M.-*-E. OolToi>. thc aawtyaypaboted

As-istant liencral Managerof th" Labs Obonaad "illcli-

lgan Southern Hallway, wi'., t.iko p.is.ses,-iiiu of hi.- o.iiioon Weduesiluy.IlARKIbUCKG, Tcnil.. Nov. '_f)..Arthles of coilseilldiitiim

and merger were tiled at llb* .-tate Department to daj botween the Pottetown and Mahanoi Rallroad-Oonpan) an-tthe I'cnnsvivatita BehaylhUl Valley llollroad rannnny,which consolidation iis-uri's a uiitiii.iou.- lin Crom Philterdelphte ta Pottsville as a e-ompetifor of th- Phlladelph i

and Hcaeling system. Thc title of tbe roaaottdalcd oorpn-ration will i>o;-'i'lie Pennsylniua Scbny(hill Valley Kailroad ( iiiupany." The presitlt ut i-J. N. Duli.tii) of I'hiladelphi-.



Dil itu. Nov. '__..Ffillnam*.'ls a Hst of teoartMti,e peefony iaoteafoi hy habariay nh.-ht'» tin-1Kb'fatnr " A '-.titna J.-.MOO. B..yl-t..ri. -1 ">O0

Con ul* I- ll UnkMI. fi. ft'NI; Fire A«»OCiat'uii. ut I'lilUrtcipliia,Sin. n (J.*ini_n Atueric_n. ?"..loo llartfe.nl. #'.»..".imi(it-iul. ol Louden. ti.St o. I.v l.n. of I. uirton j.*.uii, Ne,-rt:.ol Now*Vork. $_.5O0 Pliu un ol ll-rti.urt. *.; tHH. I*|,.i un,of Brooklyn, .l.t.non; stettisii amcrtcan tad N-ttooai,<t.<5n: Lntiilnii A*isiirane.. e ori^iratlon. filiiim. Mlchlranl* ne* ,u-I Marine-. *rt.i-tio Karra.iti.f-.5eNi U innl. p;.Ilite-rii'iiu, *H.i'i"! I a. tura and Tia tn, ti.'**)';State, of Des Mouira, ?!?..'>«f»ii. I'hu-mr, of f.ouetnn fl OOOI ity of L.on. SIKH); e.twnian. of Frev-jort, aft.!"");'Mere'e-Jitde.of t'lovelaiiel. .."rtMHi, l'ii ion. of t aiilurnn. tr .'..ni*Firemen's Kum), fT.MOj *-viii!ir,tte.-M T.'.n Mllwaahea Un-nial. SI.(Ski. NaiUuii.l. nf ii_rlf.ui!.-J1.1.0U I'luemv nf Hart,font, il. ooo isaaiit.ai Auk ru au IU KSllOS-l, ihjtotl Week,ern, of Tnronfo. b-.SOO.tm crain IB t-InvuUir " A" -North Hi lt.nh -iel Mereantil**,

$:..0()ti tit Pull lire and Mat nu. *.".imK). \\'_«Iiiu.i..i;. olPtovl.tenet-. $:tBf); tirtenl. B_._OUr Min i.r I^.n.I.iu. tlo ihio.i.:¦*-,. I ul.. *-_'. ">. e i: WaMtiinrinn Klre ami Marlu--, il SimHula!.. (.rr ni m. tl.Snt). I.niuluu aud l_uu aamre, *...."-'Vs'llHamslutri- city, fe.fiis): Hecla hS.OOOt Clin¬ton, f'.MKl; Sun. ol ' it lift,: nu OS.MOi Iiiatiraii-a('imi|.»iiy of Neirth Ante-rum BIMBOO) I'etrolt Kiraami Marnie, $'_'.r>(S»; Fue Iiistirai.* >. AssoclaUon, f:iueiO;Alu-'.. Nevaila. V'.oou Niirthwe-ttern, ot Imlutli. il,MW|I'ennsylv-iiu, Sl.uejn, l om urtli-i. i5 kimi Umtali Act..,$:i,:.titi Mereiiaiua of New-Yon, -J-U-On Royal, M,UOO|Sun. $1,000; Phil nixnf I on.bili. ,1(>.(>"II; (itt* of l.tiiiilnn,$l*..ooii. Flronias'aFund, 085,000; Byadicata of Hteomsolia, S^.IKS) lulim, ol e allfurnia. ^VO-tn). Sj.rnifttO il Luistu! Martie iVl.sim Merc.trii e. if rii-veUul +;,o.inian. of naeparl tlo.oeHi. National. 0S,0et0. JCtna, Sl.ooe).Anuri itu Ceiitr.il. ,t..,i'Oo, Unylstun. nf Itustun wo.OUO;e-oti"_etirnf, 07.MK). ('ommere Ul fnlon. tlOOO. UroA.mi. Utlon. of Plillaeteipit.u. t-t.iNK); (lennan American,07.MMI; Harttolit. $ 7, al ni; I.lve*rp«*ol. I_*udot] and i. rt...06,01101 l.ron. nf Lo tu tun. _-.M.mi Milwaukee Mutual,ilium. National, of ttomdoraey, *.i;.isi .ifisey c.ty,14.0'0; Ftiinn, $2.5(10; Keck l-dtid. $'_..iii(t. Duardlan. ofi-.uirianii, fi soo- wcsterti. e.f Pitisbum, fi.sim Hacartty,$-j..'.no. i in* and Matiue, $*J,oi)ei, liuinaii, o( Pcnnsylvsaia.WAA c.em elevator Q and tliennui-x--Connell Bind-,Bl.-OOi Manu-

feU'turera'. of WiweUnK. *fl *¦"*): e.ei nan lin*, ol \vtn-i*iinr..»I.UII'; I't.lltejely, of Wltet-i.nie. S1.J0O; lluAtli! Lire, otlien on. N. J.. $l,.riUU. Soutliern. of New.Orleans,+-.-nnu In (rana, of IiiiI'jU.|hi1i», S! Oem- m.. ninati. _.1,.">00, Funnels', ol I iacuuiati, $.',500;Firemen's, o! CincinnatL .'.'..'iOe); Aurora Krrortmi Marine, fl.ft'Ht; Allruianla of Pittsburc*'_,000 eily of P.ltaOiirK. flMO; ( oiiinieiclitl o (iu. ni.

natl, fl.Soo (ienuan .\niene-an of Wastilni'ti.ii. f!,-J50;Mertrtiaataanit Manuiattureia' of '* mcminn, tl.rseM); em.-eiiH' ol Cliit'inu.ttt, $'.',."iiiU. M.ant Valley of t inciuiiali.$1 0"0 Vaudet bill Mutual. (l.Ol'O: Put.nu.c lire. il.OOO;e.. r ii iti-Aiin ri*. _i: ul Haltiiuoru. SI,'.".il; Mt-atMiopi XimltoyMamu rtnrsn and MorelMats'. Be.BOOi Faetot o' Fire ot.Merni.ll I. 07.60(1; '.V __h ;i,_ t. rtl Of ( ile illU-ttl. fi ..'.' O Ott*niau tire ami Marino of Ciui luuatl, fl.oOii. Fi.lri.ti Fire antiManlier u! ( un lriti.it. $V.OOO A mri.. an .il SN he. Dug. *'_ mai.sun Mutitaiof aiv.tiriian-,*f2..'.oo; Kanka Firesad Marina,$'..¦Von security Insurance e'otupany of e tnctiiuall. f.'.MHi*New Vi.is i iNtorwTitanr Aren. v, 01,800, Fu-a-aoa'a ofNt-watk. $l,5oe) Merchants' nf l.ouiaville. *1..'¦(*> (llwbS ott inciiinaii. ?A.'.iai; National af flnrtuaatL $_,BOO; II*.|milasaiaan CSnyany Ol Neweirlwtna.O'.'.Sexi.viulual Kire lu-.turalin- i.'oiiip-tnv ol New York, a.ai.uuu.on -iralii In eb'v.iior MXmo, Sft.iHK). Iniii-nal. tl.Ot*);

Lynn ol l_>inloii. $i.esH>, Thant* jot Itarlloril, *_ OOO: *-...(¦I. sn I 1.1.1. and N.l i.ai.l. *'-', jtsi orielain Artfulranee t et|> *r»

troll. ta.lico. Ilarttnrrt. 45.000; Lou rt. ii. Lvei-piisrfami liloli-i*. *..ooei >»ii..u_l ol lian .n.l *.-' Soo Ph_>a|_of lirooklyu, $7,5cO; Wealern ol Torouio, *4._*W*-Miclnnan Klru au I Marina .fl.ooo. Cite °r

I en.lon. Jfl.OeM); eirriiinn of Fn-rjiort, $f».5(>». Mer.canine ot i 1-tcl.ni-i S1.00O, S|.ritiKnrlel tire audMarine, Also National, nf .Ncw-Jcre**.. -vi,ooo, isyu.'.naie,$'_'...Oo Lu.on. of I'e-i.iisvlv-siiia. $.\netA; M'.st.-in. of l-iti.

burr, O-.-0-i sieriinirre.-J.fioO; Kirk-mre,$4,000: UaarUiaa,$.'.;*i)t); itii.irilutii. ol KiikUiiI ?;.,(i(Mi. niaiidanL $1..'.0-..t.eiuiiu, nf Psansytvaaia .*.. ot i Ulrard. .-..-tM) Uiasr.iii-ii J-lrtWH). Kara.era ami irad-M*. *f* ihmi sute, of lK*aM,,ititas. *...miii. Norlliwealitra. ni liuiuiii. totiO: CVwUasand,of New *i oi i. *.'.".on. (ieiiumiia. of Ne*** Vork, +.'».(Nie>, nome.of.New.Yiuk fl.fiOO: ll ltlel.it. f* lt, eiien *7..MS>: Firmit.ii ,, ofrtew Jeiary, AJdO New.Yorst'iuleria riler*. S."- OOO *SL i'aulF.re.m 1 Mir.tm, f?,.VK) Traders', of fiucuKo. -vi.tjnu. In-¦ttiraii.e eonimtnv ol North America. O.'.-eai ¦¦.tinitK.roaad M.r.ue. ...-tm. Fire lusui-ute A .sot ul iou. O-MiU;Anrln- ..v-vaila, fl ooo. Vi ni.a. *! t-H) ( otu .a...a, t.'i.OtKI;lit until An.eric-n. ft\tWt Mercli-nts' of hawarfe, teonti.Orient, 5.0O0 ; .-tull ol l-.u.nrn, .)*...'HUI ellen I.U*. fl.ott"vv _si.ii,-(i.iu Fire and M_rin.*. $..tiN); Knltalo (.ern.un,S...MSI ll,*, la. et-sl.UOOi buu, ol l -rt.ai u;a, fi.JOO lily oiUuittuu, S_,_l)U._

nulli run vs us m\l'uirr WeiBTH, Texas, Nnv. ._..) (*/»t*citi/)..Fitenalvi

limn le fire* arr riuriu- on the rain b of ll. ll. Qooon,als.ul twerty litilca nottlivvtiat of I'lAivutlnu. (ino Inn,

.iicst "¦**nannd _*.i * lu.t* hean ouiucUovvi.?

FI.AMF- IN A HVi: ITDIt IOU DINO.A (Ito occurred at 1*2 o'clock la_t ui^ht in tbe Ave

story building at I lea. .roe seo and Var.ck ats. M. C.

Kalli t uud Cowan eV Co. oct u*-ic«l oue atory eaeh

When Ikey Wen cuKaued iu the wall paper inisineas

aud ..> lilian t-.iiilish, a asMtS rn Ul uiauaU.tuier. cur-

tieU on ma Ima non* tu anette r amrv. lho total

(lamaac waa ^lD.tH 0 dutributed aa lullowo; nu tue

Inn..lui, ¦H,_l'U, Mr. fcujilUli lo_ea e>l,*.U0, Cov»^«. Ca., .f-'.tit'O and Mr. l-.dlet, <*r».UO0.


Tho lt.tiii.in lalliolio O-Btteh ot at Frauds at Mt.

Kis.o, Wes(.liesi,;(..uiitv, wu. totally tte-nroved hy dre

m..-umI.tv nulli. It ia helli ve.l tn hive lieen tlio Work of

un itu.Hillary. On Munday evening an appeal woe eui-ielor louds lo defray Uiu c_|ieiiie_.-« of luaklUK nonie iiii|mrl*uni lu.ViotoiueJ"1" Ul u"" "dlaeo. the vliurcll li.tt. a adi*

lin; tei.ttclty ol aJ.'i-O. 'the loan l» t-UUuHed al a4,->v>- , in-

aured for a_,_4)e>.ARMsTKOSU ADJCDtlf.D INSANE.

Meiunnrrown, N. J., Nov. 20..Dr. Aru-tlroug was ad

Jutliscd lu ix* or tiiitetiund luliul to-day. Tu oue persou at

lea.-,! thc reoult ol the tedious Inquiry te anUsf-utnry.

i'Ual puri-iu U Uie wile ot Uie unfortunate maa. JudmMd .ec pnstdetl at Uie inquiry. Ur. t-nMlmu. Will rs*

maui Ul Murri* 1'laUis A-. '.uni.