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Bafumba Liseli, Joël; Dahmouche, Redwan; Kumar, Pardeep ... · for the automated construction of 3D structures using only planar micro fabricated parts. ... force f po (b) Representation

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Bafumba Liseli, Joël; Dahmouche, Redwan; Kumar, Pardeep; Seon, Jean Antoine; Gauthier,MichaëlEnhancing in-hand dexterous micro-manipulation for real-time applications

Published in:Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE2018


Published: 04/12/2018

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

Please cite the original version:Bafumba Liseli, J., Dahmouche, R., Kumar, P., Seon, J. A., & Gauthier, M. (2018). Enhancing in-hand dexterousmicro-manipulation for real-time applications. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference onAutomation Science and Engineering, CASE 2018 (Vol. 2018-August, pp. 1605-1611). [8560362] (IEEEInternational Conference on Automation Science and Engineering).https://doi.org/10.1109/COASE.2018.8560362

Page 2: Bafumba Liseli, Joël; Dahmouche, Redwan; Kumar, Pardeep ... · for the automated construction of 3D structures using only planar micro fabricated parts. ... force f po (b) Representation

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Page 3: Bafumba Liseli, Joël; Dahmouche, Redwan; Kumar, Pardeep ... · for the automated construction of 3D structures using only planar micro fabricated parts. ... force f po (b) Representation

Enhancing in-hand dexterous micro-manipulation for real-time applications

Joel BAFUMBA LISELI1, Redwan DAHMOUCHE1, Pardeep KUMAR1, Jean-Antoine SEON2, MichaelGAUTHIER1

Abstract—This paper presents a new approach of planartrajectory generation for automated in-hand dexterous manip-ulation of miniaturized objects. The proposed method aims atimproving the efficiency of the previous method [17] to be able toperform real-time in-hand manipulation trajectories generation.The main idea behind this new method is the representation ofthe configuration space as a set of stable rotations instead ofstable grasps as it is usually done. The consequence of thisrepresentation is a more compact space that encapsulates moreinformation. The developed algorithm that uses this approachis able to generate optimal trajectories to manipulate complexobjects in less than 0.1 s, which represents a reduction in theprocessing time between 102 and 105 compared to the previousmethod.

Index Terms—Micro-manipulation, Manipulation Planning,Dexterity, Grasping, In-hand manipulation.


Currently, systems integrate more and more functionalitiesinto smaller volumes thanks to embedded micro-components.The assembly of those components requires accurate andprecise micro-manipulation systems. Translation positioningalready enables achieving nano-scale resolutions thanks torobotized systems. However, precise rotation in micro-scaleis still a challenge since the center of rotation is difficult tocontrol [1].

Dexterous micro-manipulation is a promising way to ad-dress this problem allowing the manipulation of a largevariety of objects with a single hand. In macro-scale, anthro-pomorphic robotic hands have been used to manipulate objectmimicking human hands [2]. At the micro-scale, it is notpossible nor suitable to design anthropomorphic micro-hands.Instead, simple robotic micro-grippers are preferred. Indeed,micro-grippers have usually two fingers, each one having oneor two Degrees of Freedom (DoF) at most [3], [4]. Overthe three last decades, several researches have been donein this area aiming to use those micro-grippers to automatemicro-assembly tasks. In [5], an automated pick and placetask of micron blocks using two probes (“ortho-tweezers”) toperform force feedback controlled assembly operations waspresented. Similarly, Wason et al [6] developed an algorithmfor the automated construction of 3D structures using onlyplanar micro fabricated parts. Instead of using grippers,they chose a multiple sharp-tipped probes to coordinate themanipulation of the parts by using vision feedback.

1AS2M Department, FEMTO-ST Institute, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte, Besancon, France.([email protected],2Department of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University.([email protected])

Zhou et al. [7] presented a 6-DOF micro-gripper ableto perform fully automated pick-and-place and handlingoperations of 300× 300× 100µm sized micro-components.In these methods, fingers rolling on the object during therotation was neglected and the contact fingers/micro-objectmaintained during all the handling, which limits the rotationamplitude. To enlarge the rotation amplitude, Brazey et al.[8] introduced the design of a robot hand that achieves downto 120µm× 120µm cubes rotations through rolling withoutsliding [9] and finger gaiting manipulation strategies [19].Thanks to this design manipulation approach, it was possibleto perform large rotations (over ±180°). A similar approachwas developed by Seon et al [17] to automate in-handmanipulation of arbitrary shaped planar miniaturized-objects(Fig.1). Whereas various approaches try to minimize theadhesion effect to be able to use macro-scale manipulationprinciples [11], the alternative approach presented in [18]showed that exploiting these adhesion forces enhances micro-manipulation capabilities and effectiveness.

Fig. 1: A dexterous robotic micro-manipulation system usingthree translating fingers [8].

The proposed method consists in testing off-line all thepossible configuration grasps and then exploring the configu-ration space on-line to generate the in-hand dexterous micro-manipulation trajectories. Rolling without sliding and finger-gaiting manipulation strategies were adopted to perform largemotions.

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However, since the grasp space is large (about 4 × 106

nodes), generating the optimal trajectories is time consumingwhich makes it not suitable for real-time applications.

The solution usually adopted in dexterous manipulationat the macro-scale is to sub-sample the configuration spaceto shrink it and use algorithms such as Rapidly ExploringRandom Trees (RRT) [12], [13] or probabilistic approaches[14] to navigate within the sub-space. However, this samplingbased approach has two main drawbacks. The first one is thatexisting solutions may not be found since not the whole con-figuration space is represented. The second one is that post-treatments are necessary to verify that the generated path isvalid by checking if all the nodes are connected. This meansthat a trajectory really exists between one configuration toanother [15].

In this article, we present a new approach that significantlyreduces the time for trajectories generation without losingoptimality (minimal cost trajectories) and completeness (if asolution exists then it will be found). The main idea behindthis approach is to change the in-hand micro-manipulationparadigm from a succession of stable grasps to a sequencingof possible continuous trajectories. Formulating the problemon trajectories basis instead of stable grasps significantlyreduces the configuration space without losing information.The gain in efficiency and processing time allows runningand executing the planning algorithm in real-time.


In the industrial context, the manipulated micro-objectsare usually planar since they are often manufactured fromwafers. Thus, we focus in this paper on arbitrary shapedplanar micro-objects manipulation. The micro-hand used formanipulations is made of three cylindrical fingers translatingin a plane as it is shown in Fig.1. The objects are then quasi-statically manipulated in a plane considering rolling withoutsliding and finger gaiting manipulation strategies [19]. Wealso consider that the fingers displacement ranges are largerthan the manipulated objects dimensions so the hands fingerscan have access to any part of the object.

Contrary to macro-scale manipulation that usually focuseson generating stable grasps for unknown objects, the shapesof the objects to be manipulated in micro-scale are usuallyknown through their CAD models. The prior knowledgeof the objects geometries allows performing preprocessingtasks, such as finding stable grasps, that simplify the onlinedexterous motion planning such as in Seon et al [16].

A. Fingers/Micro-object Contact Modeling

First, let us consider the contact forces between the hand’sfingers and the manipulated object. Since both elements aremodeled as rigid bodies, each contact applies a pure force.Considering the Coulomb friction model, there is no slippageon the contact point since the applied force lays inside thefriction cone (see Fig.2). The presence of adhesion force cansimply be modeled as an additional force which is superposed

to the force applied by the finger to the finger at the contactpoint. The non-slippage condition can then be formulated asfollows:

ft < µ · ( fn + fpo) (1)

where ft and fn are respectively the tangential and thenormal components of f , fpo is the pull-off force and µ isthe friction coefficient.

Fig. 2: (a) The modified Coulomb friction cone in micro-manipulation in which it is possible to observe the pull-offforce fpo (b) Representation in the wrench space of a contactpoint finger/object related to the modified Coulomb frictioncone.

The obvious consequence of this property is that the fingerscan push but also pull the object as long as the pull forceis less than the adhesion force (pull-off force). The otherconsequence is that origin of the friction cone is shifted asshown in Fig.2.

The applicable forces on the object can also be representedas a linear combination of three elementary forces as follows:

f = αpo · fpo +αl · fl +αr · fr (2)

where fl and fr are the two limits of the applicable forcesas represented in Fig.2(a). αpo, αl and αr are real coefficients.The Coulomb law imposes that all the coefficient must bepositive and αpo < 1.

B. Equilibrium Grasps

The well-known static equilibrium condition of a rigidbody is that the resultant of all the forces and all the momentsis null. Considering the equilibrium in the plane, the resultingwrench for each contact are composed of two forces and onemoment:

W =[

fx fy mz]t (3)

The static equilibrium condition can then be written as :



Wi +Wext = 0 (4)

where Wi represents the wrench caused by each finger andWext is an external wrench applied on the object.

Since each contact force can be decomposed into severalcomponents as shown in Eq. 2, a wrench can be associated

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with each component of the force applied by each finger(Fig.2(b)). The geometrical condition of equilibrium is thatthe convex hull of the set of wrenches contains −Wext asillustrated in Fig.2(b).


First, one can note that translating the object in the planecan simply be done by translating all the fingers. The contactpositions on the object are not modified so the grasp stabilityis not affected. Since translating the object has no effect onthe grasp stability it will not be considered in the followingformalism.

To obtain the stable grasp space which depends on theobjects shape, the geometry of the object is sampled fromthe CAD model for instance.

One of the drawbacks of this approach is that the con-figuration space could be excessively large. To leverage thiseffect, we chose to attach the working frame to the object anduse the curvilinear abscissa on the object’s contour to identifythe position of the fingers on the object as illustrated in Fig.3.The dimensionality of the problem is then l3 ×m where l isthe number of samples, 3 represents the number of fingersand m the number of samples defining the object orientation.

Note that even if the space is much smaller than it wouldbe by choosing Cartesian coordinates (l6 ×m), it is still arelatively large space. For instance, having 100 samples foreach dimension would result in a space having 107 possibleconfigurations. Note also that the situation where a finger isnot in contact with the object is taken into account by addingone sample to the possible contact positions on the object foreach finger.

The stability of each grasp is then checked using thestability criteria defined in the previous section. This definesall the grasps that can be adopted to manipulate the object.However, not all the configurations are checked since somecontact points corresponding to vertices and double contactconfigurations between the fingers and the object are avoided.In addition, collision configurations are also considered torestrict stable grasp space. The stable grasp space is restrictedto realistic and feasible configurations as shown in Fig.3. Thisspace can be represented as a map as shown in Fig.4.

To pick-up a micro-object from a substrate, the contact po-sitions on the object that are not accessible (typically betweenthe object and the substrate) are inhibited. In addition, todetach the object from the substrate a force has to be appliedin order to overcome the pull-off force between object andsubstrate.

Similarly, in finger gaiting sequence, detaching a fingerapplies a perturbation force that the remaining fingers mustresist to (see Fig.5). This subset of grasps is also identifiedso any grasp reconfiguration that requires removing a fingerhas to belong to this subset.


For three fingers in-hand manipulation in the plane (Fig.6),four parameters are sufficient to describe the grasp configura-

Fig. 3: Non admissible configurations because of (a) collisionbetween fingers/contacts on corners and (b) double contactsconfigurations.

Fig. 4: Stable 2-fingers grasps represented as a function ofthe contacts positions on the object.

Fig. 5: Detachment of a finger applies a pull-off force thatthe remaining fingers have to withstand.

tion: the object orientation, and the three curvilinear abscissasNi = [ θ d1 d2 d3 ] of the contact positions on the object. Toplan a trajectory, we proposed in [17] to construct a graphby making connections between nodes (stable grasps). Eachconnection means that it is possible to pass from one stablegrasp to another.

As stated in the previous section, the possible elementaryactions are, rotating the object, placing a finger, and removinga finger from it. Given these elementary operations, allthe admissible connections between admissible grasps arecreated. These elementary operations define all the possibleconnections between the nodes.

In our previous method [17], a cost was associated to eachelementary operation and A∗ algorithm was used to find theoptimal trajectory. In the new method described in this paper,

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Fig. 6: Rolling without sliding in-hand manipulation kine-matics. When rotating the object, the contact points positionsmove along the object. The limits of the stable rotations canthen be determined in both directions.

we propose to integrate the manipulation strategy constraints(rolling contact) to reformulate the problem and simplify itsresolution.

By considering the rolling without sliding constraint, thereare only two adjacent nodes for each stable grasp, each onecorresponds to each rotation direction. Thus, the connectionof successive stable grasps represents a possible stable rota-tion. The stable rotations are bounded by the first unstableconfigurations encountered in each direction (clockwise andanticlockwise).

A. Stable Rotation NodesTo improve the efficiency of the dexterous in-hand motion

planning algorithm, we propose to integrate the rolling with-out sliding kinematic constraint into the configuration spacerepresentation. Thus, instead of representing the stable graspswe represent stable rotations. Indeed, each stable rotationcan be represented by the two grasp configurations at thelimit of the rotation. The stable rotations represent the newnode of a more optimized configuration space since a largeset of successive stable nodes can be replaced by only twocoordinates as illustrated in Fig.7.

Fig. 7: From stable grasps to stable rotations representation.Rotating the object in rolling without sliding mode imposesa certain trajectory in the configuration space (a). All suc-cessive stable grasps can be gathered in a new configurationspace: stable rotations which contains much less elements(b).

In addition, this representation improves the informationdensity contained in this configuration space. Indeed, in the

previous representation where the nodes were representedby stable grasps, reducing the sampling period betweengrasps leads to significantly increase the dimension of theconfiguration space. Indeed, we saw in the previous sectionthat the dimensionality of the problem is l3×m, where l is thenumber of sampled contact points on the object. Thus, justmultiplying the number of samples by two would increasethe configuration space by eight times. Instead, a node thatrepresents a continuous rotation contains an infinite numberof stable grasps without any increase in the configurationspace dimension. Obtaining the rotations limits with a betteraccuracy than the sampling period can also be obtained withalgorithms such as dichotomy.

To be able to generate trajectories from this new config-uration space representation, a new graph is generated. Todo so, the connections between the new nodes have to bedefined.

B. Graph Construction

To construct the manipulation graph, all the connectionsbetween the nodes have to be defined. Actually, the con-nections represent the possible elementary actions other thanrotating the object which is already contained in the node(pick-up from the substrate, adding a finger and removing afinger). Note also that the connections are not bi-directional.Indeed, going from 2-fingers stable configuration to 3-fingersconfiguration is always possible; but going from 3-fingersstable configuration to 2-fingers configuration requires thatthe removal of 3rd finger does not disturb the grasp (becauseof pull-off force).

Thus, two nodes are connected if they share same contactcoordinates of two fingers for a given object orientation asdepicted in Fig.8. If the connection corresponds to removinga finger, the other condition to be satisfied is that the grasphas to withstand the detaching pull-off force.

Fig. 8: Representation of connection between nodes viashaded area and patterns, and Example of planning resultdefining the succession of stable rotations from an initialconfiguration to a final one through transitions.

C. Motion Planning

Trajectory generation consists in navigating within thegenerated graph. The A∗ algorithm was chosen because it isa complete heuristic graph search algorithm that provides an

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optimal path between an initial and a goal node. In addition,it has been successfully used in micro-manipulation [23],micro-assembly [24], and for planning in-hand dexterousmanipulations [10].

The A∗ algorithm uses a heuristic to guide its searchwhile ensuring that it computes a path with a minimal costthrough the nodes (n). Thus, for the determination of theoptimal sequence of the nodes, the A∗ optimizes a functionf (n) which depends on a cost function g(n) and a heuristicfunction h(n). To be admissible, the heuristic function mustnever overestimate the cost function g(n).

f (n) = h(n)+g(n) (5)

The algorithm’s objective is to optimize the distancestraveled by the fingers during the manipulation which inducesan optimized execution time if we suppose a constant velocitydisplacement of the fingers. The most efficient way to reachthe desired configuration is to rotate the object withoutany finger gaiting. If there is a node that is large enoughto reach the desired configuration it should be selected inpriority. Privileging rotations instead of finger gaiting canbe obtained by affecting a null cost to rotations in the rightdirections. Since the heuristic must not overestimate the costfunction, the latter has also to be null while rotating the object(h(n) = 0).

During finger gaiting, the cost function g(n) is defined asthe distance traveled by a finger when it is not in contactwith the manipulated object and two cases are considered:attaching and detaching a finger. When detaching a finger, thecoordinates of the finger are calculated as a fixed distance onthe normal to the object surface from the last contact pointpc. This distance is chosen to guarantee that the finger isdetached (pull-off forces may induce the finger to bend andstill attached) and to ensure that no collision between theremoved finger and the object occurs while continuing themanipulation using the other fingers. The cost function isconsidered set to this fixed distance C.

g(n) =C (6)

Fig. 9: Finger gaiting actions and their corresponding costfunctions (distances).

In the case of adding a finger, the cost function calculatesthe distance from the current position of the finger pa to the

contact point pc avoiding all possible collisions between thefingers and the manipulated object (Fig.9).

g(n) = dist(pa, pc) (7)

To guarantee that no collision occurs during off contactfingers trajectories, a surrounding polygon is defined to serveas a path the fingers have to follow to get from their currentposition to a desired one. This approach prevents samplingthe Cartesian space surrounding the object to define the off-contact trajectory, which would be less efficient from thememory size and processing time.

As stated, the A∗ algorithm requires defining an admissibleheuristic that estimates the cost to the desired orientation. Wechose heuristic as the remaining angle from the maximumrotation (θn) a node can perform (limit of the stable rotation)to the desired orientation (θd).

h(n) = ∆θ = θd −θn (8)


The method presented in the previous section was im-plemented to generate trajectories for three planar objects(Fig.10) using three cylindrical fingers moving in a plane.Each object’s contour is sampled to create candidate contactpoints for the grasp stability test (see Fig.3 corresponding toFig.10.b). The sampling distance may be chosen to meet thelevel of precision of the fingers positioning. We chose to have72 samples on the object Fig.10.b on the object’s contour.

Fig. 10: Shapes of the objects used for in-hand dexterousmanipulation in the plane.

The potential contact points on the object’s surface arethen used to generate the set of stable grasps and create twographs. The first one uses connections between stable grasps(see [20] for more details) and the second one uses stablerotations as presented in section IV. Finally, an implementa-tion of the A∗ algorithm is used to find optimal trajectoriesin the two graphs.

Both methods produce similar manipulation trajectoriesthat that have been experimentally validated [17], [18] (seeFig.11). First, the object is gripped with two fingers. Notethat the initial grasp is not intuitive since both fingers arenot opposite each other regarding the manipulated object.What improves the stability of this initial grasp is theadhesion force between the fingers and the object whichallows applying a sufficient force to overcome the pull-offforce necessary to detach the object from the substrate.

After picking up the object with a pure translation, a thirdfinger is then attached to be able to perform a large rotationof the object. This means that the algorithm moved from

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Fig. 11: Sequence of operations for a rotation of 229.18° ofthe object 10.b. (a) to (c): Initial grasp of the object; (d) and(f): Reconfiguration of the robotic hand; (e) and (g): Rotationwithout reconfiguration; (h) Front view after rotation of theobject.

one node to another in the graph and a non-null cost wasassociated to this step. The rotation is continued until a riskof collision occurs between finger one and finger two. Thisconfiguration also corresponds to the limit of the currentnode. Since the grasp ensured by fingers one and three canresist the detachment of finger two, the latter is removedwhich allows continuing the rotation until the desired one.

One can notice that the whole manipulation process re-quired only few nodes. Indeed, only three nodes were nec-essary to perform the whole rotation (see Fig.11) namely:the initial grasp (b and c), the three fingers rotation (d ande), and the two fingers rotation (f and g). This representsthe main advantage of this in-hand manipulation planningmethod compared to existing ones that use planning betweenstable grasps instead of stable rotations [2], [13], [17].

Fig.12 shows the calculation time needed to generate thefingers trajectories of the robotic hand as a function of thedesired orientation for both the previous method [10] andthe current one. It can be noticed from the figure that thecurrent method performs much better than the previous one

in all cases (different objects and rotation amplitudes). Forinstance, the gain in time for 257° rotations varies between1.7×102 for object (a) and 3.7×105 for the object (c) (seeFig.10).

This performance can be explained by the complexity ofthe algorithm. Indeed, the time complexity of the A* algo-rithm given by O(bd) where d is the depth of the solution (thenumber of nodes to reach the solution) and b is the branchingfactor which represents the average number of branches pernode. In the presented approach, both parameters are reduced.For instance, even if the contour of the object represented inFig.10.b contains only 72 samples, the number of nodes inthe new graph (8.6×105 nodes) is divided by more than 10compared to the previous one (9.6× 106 nodes), moreoverTable. I provides the details of nodes for different objects ofFig. 10

Another significant difference is that increasing the numberof samples on the object exponentially increases the numberof nodes on the first method but does not affect the secondone since stable rotations do not change. Instead, this numberdepends on the object complexity. Indeed, if the shape of themanipulated object is highly non-regular, the amplitude ofthe stables grasps is lower which increases the number ofnodes.

Finally, notice that the generated optimal trajectories aresimilar to the ones produces by the previous method, whichhave already been tested and validated experimentally [17].

Fig. 12: Comparison between the new Stable Rotations ap-proach (left side) and the previous Stable Grasps (right side)approach in terms of processing time required to generate thein-hand manipulation trajectories for each object representedin Fig.10 as a function of the rotation amplitude. Eachbar represents the sum of the computation time required togenerate trajectories for each object (segments in the bars).Note that the time axis is logarithmic which means that thecomputation times are compared in orders of magnitudes.

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TABLE I: Comparison of Nodes Generated

Object 10a Object 10b Object 10cno. of samples 148 72 172nodes gen. by prop. method 3647016 866681 16120204nodes gen. by Seon [10] 14588064 9629798 48849103


In this paper, a new in-hand manipulation planning methodof planar objects is proposed. The method uses rollingwithout sliding and finger gaiting manipulation strategiesto reach the desired configuration. The planning algorithmalso takes into account the adhesion forces that may existwhen manipulating micro-objects. The originality of thismethod is that it uses stable rotations instead of the classicalstable grasps. This is achieved by integrating the rollingwithout sliding kinematic constraint during the rotation intothe configuration space representation. The latter encapsu-lates more information related to the manipulated object,the manipulating system, and the interaction of both intoa more compact space. Consequently, the generated graphused to generate the trajectories contains fewer nodes (stablerotations) and connections (actions) compared to the tradi-tional representation. While producing complete and optimaltrajectories using the A∗ algorithm, the execution time isreduced by a factor variating from 100 to more than 105

times. In addition, all the trajectories are generated in lessthan 0.1 s, even large rotations. Finally, even if the methodhas been developed for miniaturized objects manipulation,this method is applicable to dexterous manipulation at themacro-scale.

The performance obtained with this method will allowimplementing real time trajectory generation integrated in acontrol loop of the manipulating system. In addition, optimiz-ing the planar manipulation algorithm is a pre-requisite forthe extension of this method to the manipulation of arbitraryshaped 3D object in the 3D space.


This work was supported by ACTION, theFrench ANR Labex no. ”ANR-11-LABX-01-01”(http://www.labex-action.fr) and by the ConseilRegional de Bourgogne Franche-Comte.


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