1. BACKGROUND Obesity is a buildup of abnormal or excessive fat that can harm health (Mansjoer, 2010). People with obesity will be more susceptible to degenerative diseases. These diseases include hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, gall stones, and cancer (Purwati, 2001). one of the methods for treating obesity is diet, according to the medical team EGC is a habit that is allowed in terms of food and beverages consumed by a person from day to day, especially those that are specifically designed to achieve the objectives eating certain foods (Agung et al, 2006). One of the diet method is SGR diet ( Syari 'ah Green Recipe). This diet method is a method that combines diet sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday coupled with avoidance of food according to the program (Sagiran, 2014). With it understands this diet method, the researchers tried to research on the effect of diet SGR method for Body Mass Index in the obese 2. Formulation Of The Problem Formulation of the problem in this research is "How does a Syari 'ah Green Recipe " SGR "to changes in body mass index in obese adult 3. Research Purposes 1. General Purpose The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary "SGR" method to the Body Mass Index in patients with adult obesity and overweight 2. Special Purpose Knowing the level of effectiveness to SGR diet method. 4. Benefits Of Research The results of this study are expected to provide mafaat for: 1. For the Community

Background KTI

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Page 1: Background KTI


Obesity is a buildup of abnormal or excessive fat that can harm health (Mansjoer, 2010).

People with obesity will be more susceptible to degenerative diseases. These diseases include hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, gall stones, and cancer (Purwati, 2001).

one of the methods for treating obesity is diet, according to the medical team EGC is a habit that is allowed in terms of food and beverages consumed by a person from day to day, especially those that are specifically designed to achieve the objectives eating certain foods (Agung et al, 2006).

One of the diet method is SGR diet (Syari'ah Green Recipe). This diet method is a method that combines diet sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday coupled with avoidance of food according to the program (Sagiran, 2014).

With it understands this diet method, the researchers tried to research on the effect of diet SGR method for Body Mass Index in the obese

2.  Formulation Of The ProblemFormulation of the problem in this research is "How does a Syari'ah Green Recipe " SGR "to changes in body mass index in obese adult

3.  Research Purposes1.  General Purpose

The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary "SGR" method to the Body Mass Index in patients with adult obesity and overweight

2.  Special PurposeKnowing the level of effectiveness to SGR diet method.

4.  Benefits Of ResearchThe results of this study are expected to provide mafaat for:

1.  For the CommunityIncreasing the level of public knowledge about obesity and the risk and the

importance of such knowledge for a healthy lifestyle.

2.  For ResearchersAs a place to develop the ability of researchers in writing Scientific Writing

and power analysis researchers.

5.  Framework Concept

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6.  HypothesisSGR “Syari’ah Green Recipe” dietary method can influence the changing of body mass index 

in adult people with obesity and overweight

7.  Authenticity Research

1. MS Anam (2010). Effects of Dietary Intervention and Sports Against Body Mass Index, Physical Freshness, hsCRP and Lipid Profile in Children Obesity. The study design was a pre-experimental one group pre and post test design. Samples were m urid grade IV and V with obesity aged 9-10 years in the city of Semarang.Differences with penelitain researchers did was independent variables and the dependent variable, which in this study using a variable-free diet SGR method and variable dependent adult Body Mass Index.2. Aaron Alrasyid (2007). Effect of Modification of Diet Low Calorie for Weight and Waist Circumference Women Adult Obesity. This study used a randomized crossover design, in the form of quasi ekseperimen same study subjects / withinsubjects single-factor two-level design (the subject of the treatment as well as control subjects, received a two-level independent variables as treatment). The target population is female adult obesity research, are being affordable is the entire population of obese women health workers serving in Medan Putri Hijau Hospital, meets the acceptance criteria have been determined.  The difference with the research conducted by the author is the type of dependent variable, whereas in this study the authors use the Body Mass Index adults. While using the free variable diet SGR method.8.  Design Research

The study design was a pre-experimental one group pre and post test design, which is to determine the effect of dietary SGR method to changes in body mass index of adults with a Body Mass Index by comparing the given sample before treatment and after treatment given diet SGR method.

9. Population and Sample

The target population is overweight and obese patients adulthood Bantul

1. Inclusion Criteria

a. An adult person between the ages of 18-60 years

b. Is the overweight patients with a BMI 25.1 to 27 and obese with a BMI> 27

c. Staying in Bantul

d. Willing to follow the course of a series of research

2. Exclusion criteria

a. No history of gastrointestinal disease

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b. Not joining other diet program

c. Undiagnosed diabetes mellitus suffer

10.  Location and Time Research

1. Location Research

Research will be conducted in Bantul, Yogyakarta

2. Time Research

The study was conducted during one month, from November to December

11.  Variable ResearchIn this study has three variables:

1. The independent variable (idependent)    : Diet SGR method

2. Dependent variable (dependent)   : Body Mass Index

12.  Tools and Materials Research

1. Form data contains data criteria respondents

2. Informed consent for evidence of the availability of the respondents

3. Measuring weight and height gauges

4. Table diary to determine the diet and activity patterns

13.  The course of study

1. Conduct a preliminary survey to obtain data of respondents in Bantul, Yogyakarta.

2. The selection criteria for respondents

3. To socialize diet method SGR

4. Charging informed consent

5. Take measurements of weight and height before diet

6. SGR dietary intervention methods

7. Take measurements of weight and height after diet

8. Analyzing research data

14.  Data Analysis

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The collected data  is  then analyzed the data normality.  Once known normality then forwarded by comparing between the data pretest-posttest that compare data before and after the intervention using t test.

15. Here's t test results obtained from the research:Table 4.4. The results of the t test (t test)

Group N Mean t Sig

Pre-test 30 28.4619.514 0,000

Post test 30 26.42

16. ConclusionBased on the research that has been presented in the previous chapter, the conclusions of

this study are as follows:

1. There was a significant effect of m etode healthy diet style Prophet "SGR" to changes in body mass index in the obese adult.2. When the pre-test mean value of 28.46 while the mean value when the post-test of 26.42. There was a decrease of 2.04 or by 7.17% from the current pre-test.

17. SuggestionBased on the research results and limitations of the study, the researchers suggest the


1. Suggestions for doctorsShould doctors give proper direction to the patient in a diet, one that uses SGR diet to lose weight so as not obese anymore.

2. Suggestions for societyShould be able to regulate his diet, physical activity, patterns of life, so it is not obese.

3. Suggestions for the obese adult age in order to choose the right diet to lose weight, one of which is the SGR diet.4. Suggestions for further research

Researchers further in order to conduct further research involving the level of quantity and quality. In terms of quantity, the expanding area of research or increasing the number of respondents, while in quality to provide treatment that is really able to be controlled by the researcher.

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Research procedure

1. SGR Dietary method socialization

2. Choose 30 people with BMI> 25

3. fill informed consent

4. SGR diet

The first 2 weeks of abstinence sugar

The next 2 weeks abstinence sugar and rice

5. Observation

6. calculate bmi after doing a diet