Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines

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  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



    TITLE: criteria for the seectio! of "ac#$i!% &racticesi! *!+er%ro*!+ coa ,i!es-

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



    Fly ash, also known as fue-ash, is one o the residues genein combustion, and comprises o the ne particles that risegases. Ash which does not rise is termed bottom ash. In ancontet, fy ash usually reers to ash produced during como coal.

    Fly ash is generally captured by electrostatic precipitators particle ltration e!uipment beore the fue gases reach tho the coal-red power plants and together with ash remo"bottom o the urnace is in this case #ointly known as coal a

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    In India, large !uantities o fy ash are being generated, asenergy demand is met through coal based thermal power s

     $he fy ash generation is epected to grow urther as coal continue to remain as ma#or source o energy at least or nyears.

     $he fy ash, which is a resource material, i not managed w

    en"ironmental challenges. 'arge number o pro#ects(acti"ities ha"e been undertaken

    de"elopment(demonstration, dissemination o inormationcreation, acilitation o multiplier e)ects, pro"iding inputs inter"ention in the area o sae management * gainul utilash.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



    educes water re!uirement by nearly &.

    It easily lls the ca"ity till the upper limit as it fows easily.

    /nlike sand stowing it doesn0t or heap like structure.


    1lower strength gain.

    Increase in air entraining miture.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



     $he pre"alent mode o "oid lling is hydraulic-sand stowinsand water miture is prepared at surace and is allowed tthe underground "oid to be lled.

     $he process o hydraulic sand stowing is inherently slow anwith other practical di2culties like non-a"ailability o ade!o sand, transportation o sand, additional pumping re!uirestowing water, #amming o stowing pipes due to !uick settaster abrasion o pipes by sand, slow stowed pack

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



     $he need o the us is to de"elop and establish a technologensure high rate o packing o mine "oid to meet the highere!uirement. 3igh concentration fy ash slurry disposal syssuch technology.

    It is proposed to conduct an *4 trial o high concentratiodisposal system to establish the e)ecti"eness o packing tand also to carry out scientic study to nd the e2cacy o

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    3igh 5oncentration Fill $echnology mainly in"ol"es insta3I63 578598$A$I78 1'/: 4I1;71A'

    ;aste ll preparation at the site.

    ;umping, transportation and deposition o paste ll in unde"oids.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    ;aste backll o coal ash o)er the ollowing ad"antag

    con"entional hydraulic backll systems >

    For paste backlling, mine dewatering costs are reduced sno or minimum dewatering is re!uired and solidication cadue to po++olanic properties o coal ash and with addition materials o re!uisite !uantity.

     $he system is capable o handling bulk slurry or stowing rhigher production.

    ;roblems on housekeeping and wear(corrosion o mine dewpumps caused by nes draining rom hydraulic backll openot eist with paste backll.

    'ow water content o paste backll eliminates etensi"e prwork or the erection o underground conning drainage ba

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



    Fly Ash ?ission, a $echnology ;ro#ect in ?ission ?ode o 6India commissioned during @B as a #oint acti"ity o 4epa1cience * $echnology

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


     $hrough de"elopment * application o technologies the imhas been turned around rom a DA1$9 ?A$9IA'D to a D?A$9IA'D, inter alia, increased its utili+ation in the countrmillion tonne

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    .ASE STUD2:

    For the rst time in India use o pond ash in underground min working panel has been successully demonstrated- App@ mLM pond ash has been stowed in the underground 1ingereni 5ollieries 5ompany 'td.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    3ea"y ater Hoard had initiated e)orts to achie"e ull utilify ash being generated in the capti"e thermal power plantater ;lant at ?anuguru. In this plant, there are C steam gC turbo generators each o C ? capacity. $hese units ge tonnes o coal ash e"ery day depending upon the ash which "aries rom C-B&. As per the current practice, fy rom coal-based power plants is disposed o) in ash ponds

    wet slurries.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines



    D*,&i!% of &o!+ ash to the s to'i!% &a!t at Ma!*%*r*

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    eali+ing that ma#or !uantity o fy ash could be utili+ed olieu o sand which is the present practice into the undergroater etraction o coal, the Hoard initiated a collaboration ?ission o 4epartment o 1cience and $echnology, 6o"ernto establish a technology demonstration using pond ash asmaterial or the underground mines at ?anuguru, Andhra ;

     $his application will also help the country in sa"ing preciou

    is needed or important de"elopmental acti"ities, as well aconser"ation o large !uantities o water. $his acti"ity has ull utili+ation o fy ash rom coal based power plants or mthe capacity o mines to recei"e fy ash(pond ash is commethe !uantity o coal being etracted.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


     $he 3ea"y ater Hoard

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines


    1ince the fy ash o ?anuguru plant has suitable po++olanie)orts are also being made towards encouraging cement-mentrepreneurs or using fy ash or manuacture o cement

    estern 5oalelds 'td.

  • 8/16/2019 Backfilling Practices With Fly Ash in Underground Coal Mines










