EDITORIAL Reinhard Berner Back to the basics Received: 11 June 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999 Infectious diseases are the most frequent cause of mor- bidity in children. The dierentiation between bacterial infections which require antibiotic treatment and others which do not is not always obvious in clinical practice. A restrictive use of antibiotics, however, is indispensable from a public health point of view, since the amount of antibiotics prescribed and their antimicrobial spectrum are strong predictors for development and spread of resistant microorganisms [1, 4, 10, 11]. Although these facts are generally accepted, reality in clinical practice unfortunately is somewhat dierent. Since the initiation of antimicrobial chemotherapy, the introduction of new agents has been followed, after varying intervals, by the emergence of resistant strains. Resistance was usually recognized ®rst among isolates from hospitals, which are places with extensive antimi- crobial use. This observation gave strong evidence for the powerful selective eect with deliberate use of anti- biotics. Hospital-acquired and community-acquired antimicrobial resistance, however, share important epi- demiological characteristics: inappropriate physician prescribing practices for non-bacterial infections, and overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics [4, 6]. Today, the emergence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci and staphylococci in hospitals, and highly resistant pneu- mococci in many, but not all communities throughout Europe threatens to return patients to the era before the development of antibiotics. Although resistant micro- organisms emerged soon after the introduction of anti- microbial therapy, the spread of resistance now among pneumococci has made the problem one that no longer can be ignored. People are faced with the loss of ecacy of antibiotics not only in nosocomial infections in cer- tain high-risk hospital wards such as the intensive care and oncology units, but also in community-acquired infections with a high incidence and a high disease burden. While all pneumococci at this time still are susceptible to glycopeptides, strains have appeared that are no longer susceptible to any oral antimicrobial agent. The number of patients with common infections who need to be treated parenterally at much greater discomfort and ®nancial costs, is growing. The discussion on an increasing resistance of patho- gens has been based primarily on in vitro studies. Agar diusion or agar dilution tests, and the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations MIC) were used to de®ne antimicrobial resistance. However, it is well rec- ognized now that the MIC have to be taken together with pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic criteria to evaluate their antimicrobial activity appropriately. Consequently, during the last years discussion has fo- cused on the issue of the time at which the concentration of a certain antibiotic within the body ¯uid or tissue is above the MIC of the respective pathogen. It has been shown that, for example, for b-lactams to be eective, the serum concentration must be above the MIC for at least 50% of the dosing interval. Besides these calcula- tions, however, the crucial questions remains what is the impact of all the in vitro analyses for the patient and the clinical eectiveness of an antimicrobial agent. A better MIC indicates a better antimicrobial activity of the drug, but does it necessarily mean a better clinical ecacy? Clinical trials on the ecacy of an antibiotic regimen in a given situation are the golden standard to evaluate the therapeutical quality. Thus, the eectiveness and safety of any antimicrobial agent has to be proven in controlled studies, apart from in vitro data. The group of Vuori et al. [12] describe in this issue of the Journal a randomized prospective clinical study on the eectiveness of two antibiotic regimens in children from the age of 3 months on, with signs and symptoms suggesting an acute invasive bacterial infection, while considering some appropriate exclusion criteria such as urinary tract, central nervous system and skeletal Eur J Pediatr 2000) 159: 875±877 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000 R. Berner &) University Children's Hospital, Mathildenstrasse 1, 79106 Freiburg, Germany

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Page 1: Back to the basics


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